Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by...

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum CS U480: Systems & Networks 1. Introduction Donghui Zhang

Transcript of Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by...

Page 1: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 1

CS U480: Systems & Networks

1. Introduction

Donghui Zhang

Page 2: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 2


Instructor: Donghui Zhang

Class page linked from my home page:

Page 3: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 3

Your Background

CSU380: Computer organization System architecture: Processors, memory, I/O devices Processor architecture: ALU, instruction execution Assembly-level programming

C/C++ programming Familiarity with the C language and the standard C library

Please consult with me if you are unsure your background is sufficient

Page 4: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 4

Why Programming

For CS: must. A pilot must know how to fly an airplane.

For IS: also important. A project manager needs to have technical

background. Bill Gates used to be a superb programmer. Guest speaker: Prof. Hafner.

Page 5: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 5

Why C (and not Java)

Talked with Mr. Feuer and Prof. Hafner. We provide guidance to what you should learn.

(If you say “give us A without any exam or project”…)

Most OS are implemented in C. Java hides many low-level details. This is a place to strengthen your C skills.

Page 6: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 6

What is an Operating System?

An operating system is a program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.

Goals: Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier. Make the computer system convenient to use.

Performance measures: Throughput: The total amount of work done over a period of time. Turnaround: The total time it takes to complete a job.

Page 7: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 7

Concept Map

CPU ALU Registers

Peripherals Disks Keyboard Mouse Display

Applications GUI Console



Page 8: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 8

Software Layers


Applicationc = getc()


Operating System kb_driver_read(…)

Device driverread_device(…)

Page 9: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 9

Compilation vs. Execution During compilation, statements in higher-level

languages are converted into machine code During execution, machine code is interpreted by a




High-level language program

Assembly language


Machine code

Link editor

Libraries ofMachine code





Page 10: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 10

Evolution of the OS

In the beginning Whirlwind at MIT PDP-1 from DEC Altair from MITS

Program stored in a hardware patch board or toggled in using switches

Program can access all of memory Program starts at location zero

Loading programs by hand is slow and error-prone and painful, so . . .





Page 11: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 11

Create a very short program to load longer programs Toggle in bootstrap loader Primitive loader may load in

program or a more complex loader to read from cards or tape

Loading from cards is very slow, often took longer to load than to run, wasting (expensive) processor cycles, so . . .






Evolution of the OS: The Loader

Page 12: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 12

Jobs are spooled on tape While one batch of jobs is

running, card reader writes next batch of jobs on tape

Jobs are read sequentially from tape into memory

Tape is still relatively slow compared to processing


Batch Loader




Evolution of the OS: Batch Processing

Page 13: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 13

With the introduction of programming languages, a translator is needed to convert a program into machine code• When a program is stored on cards in the

programming language, e.g., assembler or Fortran, it must be translated before it can be run

• Example: To run a program written in Fortran

1. Load (machine code for) Fortran compiler

2. Run compiler:

Compiler reads program, writes machine code

3. Load (machine code for) program

4. Run program

The Concept of a Job

Page 14: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 14

Load next program while previous program is running

But now both programs can’t begin at address zero (in fact, starting address isn’t known in advance)

Solutions? Programs that perform lots of I/O

waste (expensive) processor cycles



Program 1

Program 2



Evolution of the OS: Multiprogramming

Page 15: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 15

Share execution time among programs

When one program starts I/O, let the other run.

What is needed to switch from one program to another?

A program bug in one program can overwrite another program, or the system programs and data, so . . .


Loader + scheduler

Program 1

Program 2

System data



Evolution of the OS: Multitasking

Page 16: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 16

Run programs in separate address spaces

System programs need to cross address spaces.

System runs in privileged mode. The more programs in memory,

the less memory available for each program, so . . .


Loader, scheduler, memory mgr

Program 1

Program 2

System data

Program 3



Evolution of the OS: Protection

Page 17: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 17

Address space implemented in both main and secondary memory

Broken into pages A program’s address space is

a set of pages. The address space for a program

may be larger than main memory! Pages are swapped in and out of

main memory as needed.


Loader, scheduler, memory mgr, resource mgr



Evolution of the OS: Virtual Memory

Page 18: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 18

OS Diversity

Great diversity of programmable hardware Super computers: simulation, scene generation, data mining Servers: database, web, video Personal: desktop, laptop Embedded: PDA, phone, media device

Nature of the OS depends on Application mix Hardware capability Real-time requirements

With the proliferation of embedded systems, most processors do not run a general purpose OS

Page 19: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 19

OSes are complex programs developed over many years by many people

They confront common problems that reappear in other contexts The problems have been formalized A variety of solutions have been proposed and implemented Choosing a solution requires evaluating tradeoffs of space,

time, and complexity OSes are a rich source of well-designed sample programs

We will study OSes by exploring common components Understand the motivation for each component Understand the tradeoffs for each implementation

Page 20: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 20

Common System Components

Process Management Main-Memory Management File System I/O System Network Management

Let’s take a high-level tour of these components

Page 21: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 21

Process Management

A process is a program in execution To accomplish its task, a process needs certain resources:

CPU time Memory Files I/O devices.

The OS is responsible for the following activities in connection with processes:

Process creation and deletion Process suspension and resumption Mechanisms for:

Process synchronization Inter-process communication

Page 22: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 22

From Program to Process



High-level language program

Assembly language


Machine code

Link editor

Libraries ofMachine code






Page 23: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 23

Memory Management

Main memory is a large array of words Each word (or, often byte) has its own address Data in memory is shared by the CPU and I/O devices

Main memory is (usually) volatile It loses its contents in the case of system failure.

The OS is responsible for the following activities in connection with memory management:

Keep track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom.

Decide which processes to load when memory space becomes available.

Allocate and deallocate memory space as needed.

Page 24: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 24

Memory Management (cont.)


Loader, scheduler, memory mgr

Program 1

Program 2

System data

Program 3



Page 25: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 25

Secondary-Storage Management

Secondary storage is (usually) a large array of blocks Each block has its own address Data is moved between main memory and secondary storage in

units of blocks

Secondary storage is non-volatile and can be very large Disks are the most common in general purpose systems Memory cards and stick are common on portable devices

The OS is responsible for the following activities in connection with secondary storage management:

Free space management Storage allocation For disks, scheduling of block transfers

Page 26: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 26

Secondary-Storage Management (cont.)


Loader, scheduler, memory mgr, resource mgr



Page 27: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 27

File Management

A file is a collection of related information Files are stored within a file system From the view of most systems, a file is an array of bytes

The OS is responsible for the following activities in connections with file management:

File creation and deletion Directory creation and deletion Support of primitives for manipulating files and directories Mapping files onto secondary storage. File backup on stable (nonvolatile) storage media

Page 28: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 28

I/O System Management

Input/Output refers to the movement of data between main memory and peripheral devices

Devices vary widely in their operation and behavior Devices are partitioned into classes to factor common

behavior A device driver translates between general OS operations

and device-specific commands

I/O managements consists of A buffer-caching system A general device-driver interface Drivers for specific hardware devices

Page 29: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 29

I/O System Management (cont.)

Page 30: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 30

Network Management

Networking allows distinct computer systems to exchange data

Communication takes place using a protocol Networked computers vary widely in their degree of coupling:

They may share a common OS and processes may be visible across systems

They may share nothing except a communication port

Networking allows users to access to non-local resources, allowing:

Computation speed-up, through special purpose hardware or parallel processing

Availability of data from other systems Enhanced reliability through redundancy

Page 31: Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan Feuer Some material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum.

Adapted from the slides prepared by Alan FeuerSome material from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz et. al. and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum 31

Network Management (cont.)