Acute heart failure in meningococcal disease due to myocarditis and sepsis


Transcript of Acute heart failure in meningococcal disease due to myocarditis and sepsis

Acute heart failure in meningococcal disease due to myocarditis and sepsis


Healthy 26 years-old male comes to the emergency department;

History: sore throat, fever, headache, nausea/vomiting and malaise for 2 days;

Physical exam: stable vital signs, no respiratory distress, warm, nuchal rigidity, normal pupils and

no neurologic deficit. Normal cardiac / pulmonary auscultation.

Exams: Labs (high WBC, creatinine, lactate), CXR, Head CT (diffused edema),

LP (CSF w/ low glucose, high protein, diplococci gram negative -> Neisseria meningitidis)


L. Celia Petersen, TR. Reichert, CVE. Drebes, JS. Jardim, SVG. Wanderley, M. Crecenzio, M. Wiehe, LC. Bodanese, JCVC. Guaragna, LC. Danzmann Hospital São Lucas / PUC-RS, Cardiology, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil


Acute heart failure -> syndrome with different aetiologies

(cardiac vs non-cardiac)

-> context of infection: myocarditis vs sepsis.

=> The patient becomes less responsive with hemodynamic compromise, non-responsive to volume infusion.

=> Intubation - MV, noradrenaline infusion, ceftriaxone, dexametasone.

=> ECG was done and Cardiology (resident) was called at 2:00am:

=> Point of care (bedside) ultrasound was done:

Dx: Acute heart failure – Sepsis

Myocarditis – meningococcal meningoencephalitis (max. troponin 8.660pg/ml)


ICU -> pupura-fulminans / atrial fibrillation

Discharged after 20 days -> sinus rhythm, normal EF, no deficit.


The use of point of care ultrasound to define shock aetiology;

Sepsis induced myocardial dysfunction;

Myocarditis = 50% meningoccocal disease;

DDx: ACS (hyperdynamic + coagulation)

Myocardial dysfunction indicates a higher

Incidence of fatal outcome in meningococcal

disease… not in this case!

REFERENCES: 1- Gore I, Saphir O. Myocarditis; a classification of 1402 cases. Am Heart J 1947; 34: 827. 2- Boucek MM, Boerth RC, Artman M, et al. Myocardial dysfunction in children with acute meningococcemia. J Pediatr 1984; 105:538. 3- Merx MW, Weber C. Sepsis and the heart. Circ 2007; 116: 793-802. 4- Leslie T, Cooper Jr. Myocarditis Review. N Engl J Med 2009;360:1526-38.