ACURIL Flickr Commons

Proyecto de ACURIL/EGCTI-UPR con el co-auspicio de la UNESCO, Región del Caribe y la América Latina ACURIL XLI TAMPA, FLORIDA, 30 MAYO – 3 JUNIO, 2011 La Magia de los Flickr Commons para Documentar y Preservar Material Grafico y Promover áreas de contenido en Bibliotecas y Archivos The Magic of Flickr Commons to Document and Preserve Graphic Materials and Promote Special Content Areas at the Library & Archives


ACURIL Flickr Commons, English versions

Transcript of ACURIL Flickr Commons

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Proyecto de ACURIL/EGCTI-UPR con el co-auspicio de la UNESCO, Región del Caribe y la América Latina


La Magia de los Flickr Commons para Documentar y Preservar Material Grafico y Promover áreas de contenido en Bibliotecas y Archivos

The Magic of Flickr Commons to Document and Preserve Graphic Materials and Promote Special Content Areas at the Library & Archives

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Content 1)  Introduction 2)  Organization and Management of Documents 3)  Archives and Libraries 4)  Conservation and Preservation of Patrimonial Documents 5)  Conservation and Preservation Strategies 6)  Viable Technological Tools 7)  Flickr Workshop 8)  Conclusions 9)  Questions

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Introduction  The development of Information and Communication

Technologies (TIC’s) have had a significant progress and open new opportunities for the provision of services and for access to information.

 Processes of modernization and computerization of organizations are identified primarily by both the use of technology for the creation and management of information and the appearance of new types and document formats.

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 This influences how to access and preserve the documents impacting records management and archiving.

 Questions then arise of how to store and preserve

information and also whether it will be always accessible information generated in the digital realm.

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Organization and Management of Documents

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 Document: Etymologically comes from the Latin documentum, derived from the verb docere: to teach, instruct. “Recorded information, that is, data or information fixed or inherent to a support”. (Vázquez Murillo, 2008) “The combination of a support and information recorded on it, which can be used as evidence or for consultation”. (Diccionario de terminología archivística, 1988)

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Characters of Documents

 Externals: 1.  Class 2.  Type 3.  Format 4.  Amount 5.  Form

 Internals: 1.  Producing Entity 2.  Functional Origins 3.  Date and Place of

production 4.  Substantive content

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Document Values  Primary or Administrative : Its principal objective is

to capture the management of a particular activity, the development of a function that manifests reliably by the written redaction. (Vázquez Murillo, 2008)


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Document Values (continuation)

 Secondary or Historical: Its main objective is to serve as a source for historical research and cultural action. (Vázquez Murillo, 2008)


Budgets / Fiscal Years

Incidence on Quality of Life

Economic Model of Development


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Life Cycle of Documents

First Age



Second Age


Precautionary term

Third Age

Documental Selection

Permanent or Historical


(Vázquez Murillo, 2008)

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Classification of Documents

•  Original •  Copy •  Draft •  Minute

•  Sustantives or Characteristical

•  Facilitative or Common

•  Disposition or imperatives

•  Testimonials •  Probatories

•  Mandatory Broadcast

•  Open Access •  Confidential •  Secrets

Level of Accessibilit



l Type

Documental Tradition

Type of Function

(Vázquez Murillo, 2008)

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Classification of Documents

• Previous to the fact

• Simultaneous

• Posteriors

•  Old •  Current

•  Public •  Private

•  Visual or Visible

•  Sound Audibles

•  Audiovisuals •  Virtuals

Human meaning

Legal Area

Temporal Relation

Text Support

(Vázquez Murillo, 2008)

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Archives and Libraries

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“One or more sets of documents, whatever their date, form and material support, accumulated in a natural process by a person or public or private institution in the course of their management, conserves, respecting that order, to serve as testimony and information for the person or institution that produces it, for the citizens or to serve as sources of history”. (Heredia, 1987)

“Institution responsible for receiving, processing, inventory, maintenance and service of documents”.

(Dictionary of archival terminology, 1988)

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“Institution whose purpose is the acquisition, preservation, study and exhibition of books and documents”. (Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, 2001)

“The organized collection of printed books, magazines and other graphic materials (audiovisuals, etc.) with appropriate personnel to provide services to users based on their information needs, research, education and recreation”. (UNESCO, 1994)

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Difference Archive - Library  The primary function of libraries is to make information

resources available to users.  It is also true of the archives, with one fundamental

difference: the documents, as a result of the administration, have probative value of legal and administrative character in a given period of its life, during which there are not freely accessible.

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Archival Document

“Information object that records acts or transactions of the society and thus, has a functional nature that gives administrative and patrimonial value”. (Amoroso, 2009)

“Information created, received and kept as evidence and information by an organization or individual in compliance with legal obligations or in the development of their transactions and business activities”. (Norm ISO 15489, 2001)

Its definition is not determined by its support or by type of

registry, but for the role of the information they provide.

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Classification of the archives Ty

pe o

f Ins


ion •  Native

•  Foreign •  State •  Non- State •  Nationals • 

Provincials • 

Municipals •  For profit •  Non-Profit



of I




•  Singulars •  Multiples



in S



•  Administrative • Historical



of U


•  Actives •  Semi

actives •  Inactive

(Vázquez Murillo, 2008)

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Classification of the archives

(Vázquez Murillo, 2008)



n w

ith F



tiny •  Provisional

•  Permanent




s •  Especials •  Specialized





•  Free Access • Confidentials

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TIC and Archives   The effect that technology has had on the archives

has been of consolidation, because to know them and identify the advantages they offer gives us the possibility to automate many processes: storage and substitution of supports, transfer, control of disposal, description, distribution , etc.

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Electronic Management of Documents

  Conceived for the development of all admin is t ra t ive act iv i t ies in an of f ice environment that will allow from the automatic entry of documents, the processing through the network, recovery and accessibility systems. (Cruz, 1987)

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Electronic Document

“Archival document that is created in electronic form”. (Duranti,


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Conservation and Preservation of the Patrimonial Documents

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Conservation “Comprises specific plans and practices relating to the protection of library and archival materials from deterioration, damage and neglect, includes the methods and techniques developed by qualified personnel” . (Dereau, 1988) “Measures to adequately protect the documents, in order to prolong its use in optimal conditions for as long as possible”. (Carpallo, n.d.)

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“Organization and programming of all aspects and activities related to conservation of collections”. (Brandt, 1994)

“Group of procedures and measures aimed at permanent safeguarding and securing physical integrity of the documents regardless of their support”. (ICAI, 2006)

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Digital Preservation

“Processes that are used in order to preserve information and any other patrimonial document available in digital format and to ensure permanent access to them”. (National Library of Australia, 2003)

“Group of activities necessary to ensure that digital objects may be located, accessed and used in future”. (Gallart, 2009)

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“Legacy of the past, our current assets and what we bequeath to future generations”. (UNESCO, 2003)

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Patrimonial Documents

“Documents that have two characteristics: they are considered archival documents, and in turn bear witness to an event or circumstance”. (UNESCO, 2003)

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Digital Patrimony  The Constitution of the UNESCO on article I,

subsection c) reads: “Assuring the conservation and protection of the world’s inheritance of books, works of art and monuments of history and science, and recommending to the nations concerned the necessary international conventions;

By encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity… initiating methods of international cooperation calculated to give the people of all countries access to the printed and published materials produced by any of them”.

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Digital Patrimony  The Guidelines for the Preservation of Digital Heritage

of the UNESCO (2003) reads:

“Resources of human knowledge or expression, whether cultural, educational, scientific and administrative, or embracing technical, legal, medical and other kinds of information, are increasingly created digitally, or converted into digital form from existing analogue resources. Where resources are “born digital”, there is no other format but the digital original.”

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Digital Patrimony(continuation)

“Digital materials include texts, databases, still and moving images, audio, graphics, software, and web pages, among a wide and growing range of formats. They are frequently ephemeral, and require purposeful production, maintenance and management to be retained.”

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Why Preserve?  The documents are no longer mostly on paper, to

become electronic documents.   Applications to create electronic documents change

frequently and in a short period of time.

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Why Preserve?(continuation)

 We must preserve and make available to any person the digital heritage of all regions, nations and communities to promote over time, a presentation of all peoples, nations, cultures and languages. (UNESCO, 2003)

 The objective of preserving the digital heritage is that it

is accessible to the public.

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Why Preserve? (continuation)

 It is necessary then: 1)  Guarantee permanent access, and 2)  Guarantee the protection of private information.

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How to Preserve?

  The modes of preservation are different, as are many resources to protect, the important thing is to create a conservation and preservation program that corresponds with the principles of :

1.  Continuity, and 2.  Selection of information.

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Principle of Continuity


of Continuity




M e a s u r e s t o b e t a k e n f r o m i t s creation to usage.

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Principle of Selection

 Through policies, standards and procedures must respond to the following :

1) What to preserve?

a)  Identify those documents for its functionality, testimony, evidence or proof of the acts of the society are documental heritage.

b)  Document the origin and history of the document. c)  Identify and document: method of storage, backups, security


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Principle of Selection (continuation)

2)  Who is responsible for the program?

3)  For how long?

a)  Establish term retention and accessibility of the document in the current technical infrastructure.

a)  Assign tasks and responsibilities to the responsible(s) of the conservation program.

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Preservation Program

  The key objectives of digital preservation programs are:

1) Norms 2) Organizational Structure 3) Preservation policies and planning 4) Services Providers

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Norm ISO 15489

  Emerged to standardize international best practices in document management.

  Proposes to establish a framework for the management of documents in any format or media and in any type of organization.

  Its aim is to standardize policies, procedures and practices of archival documents management to ensure adequate care and protection, and allow the evidence and the information they contain may recovered in a more efficient and effective manner.

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Norm ISO 15489 (continuation)

  Use the fo l l ow ing me thodo logy fo r t he implementation of the management system:

1)  Preliminary investigation; 2)  Analysis of activities; 3)  Identification of requirements for documents; 4)  Evaluation of existing systems; 5)  Identification of strategies to satisfy the requirements (risk

levels); 6)  Redesign of processes (management system); 7)  System implementation; and, 8)  Post-implementation review.

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Internal Regulations

  The organization creates an internal regulation of conservation and preservation of documents, which may contain the following structure:

1)  General dispositions; 2)  Description of the information unit; 3)  Document management (processing, management,

concentration, historical archive, etc.); 4)  Conservation of documents; 5)  Availability of documents; 6)  Preservation of documents; 7)  Others (sanctions, transients, etc.)

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Policy and/or Disaster Plan

  The essential points are, to diagnose the current state of collections, establish priorities for preservation and conservation, in addition to estimating the value of collections.

  Raise awareness of the importance of collections

and resources, and how through the implementation of the plan can improve and maintain them better, reflecting in an economic benefit for the institution.

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Content of the Policy

I.  Introduction II.  Context (information unit, users, colections and services). III.  Goals, objectives and priorities of the plan IV.  Conservation, Preservation and Restoration Program (value

of collections or resources to maintain, description and condition, maintenance activities, preservation and conservation)

V.  Disaster Plan (training of staff, identification of resources to save, supporting documents, links to agencies, recovery area, potential sources of hazards and risks, actions to take)

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List of Descriptors

  It is a controlled and structured list of terms used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents.

  For Spanish link to: Centro Regional de Información sobre

Desastres América Latina y el Caribe: []

  For English link to: Controlled Vocabulary on Disaster

Information by Caribbean Disaster Information Network. (CARDIN). []

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Strategies of Conservation

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  To ensure the eligibility and intelligibility of the documents to be preserved.

  Preserve their authenticity.   Provide security for confidential documents.

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Most Discussed Strategies:

  Preservation of Technology   Conversion   Emulation   Migration

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“The periodic transfer of digital materials from one configuration to another or from one generation to another”. (Rothenberg, 1995)

  Objective: That the documents may be accessible by the existing technological systems, and that people can present, retrieve and use the same regardless of the constant changes in technology.

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  Advantages: 1)  It promotes the upgrade of the media; 2)  Solves the obsolescence of storage in which documents

are created; 3)  Promotes the optimal use of physical space.   Disadvantages: 1)  It can be expensive, slow and routine. 2)  Involves loss of information.

Migration (continuation)

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What is Flickr?

•  Flickr is a tool which you can store, sort, search and share your photos online

Holzner, S. (2009)

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Documents Videos

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Characteristics •  Flickr (free)

– Uploads limits are 300MB monthly (15MB) – 2 video uploads( 90 seconds maximum,

150 MB per video) – 200 galleries. – Can publish on 10 walls

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•  Option “pro” off Flickr ($25/annual) –  Unlimited video uploads(90 seconds, 500MB per

video) –  HD video playback –  Unlimited storage –  Unlimited bandwidth –  Original saved in high quality –  No adds –  Statistics

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The Flickr Commons

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•  Flickr Commons – Begins on January 16, 2008 – Pilot Proyect with the help of The Library of

Congress – The library made a selection of 1,500

photos from their most popular collections •  Streets of Puerto Rico •  What King Goerge Wore

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•  Objectives – To increase access to publicly-held

photography collections – To provide a way for the general public to

contribute information and knowledge.

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•  Goals – To show you hidden treasures in the

world's public photography archives –  to show how your input and knowledge can

help make these collections even richer

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Thank you very much for your attention.

We invite you to explore


As an alternatuve tool,

To preserve patrimonial documents

in your information unit,

Within the community of practice of ACURIL ©2011. ACURIL/GSIST-UPR/UNESCO

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•  Participating Institutions

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•  Most common descriptors used by the institutions

Fotografías Título / Title Fecha / Date Colección / Collection Creador / Creator Resumén / Summary Derechos / Right Info Temas / Subjects Notas / Notes

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•  Paul Bourget (LOC) •  Bain News Service,, publisher. •  Paul Bourget •  [between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915] •  1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. •  Notes:

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

•  Format: Glass negatives. •  Rights Info: No known restrictions on

publication. •  Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and

Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,

•  General information about the Bain Collection is available at

•  Persistent URL:

•  Call Number: LC-B2- 3155-8

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•  In the coca region of the Yungas, Bolivia.

•  Creator: A.S. Hitchcock •  Type: black-and-white photograph,

5.5 x 4.5 inches •  Date: c.1923-1924 •  Local number: SIA2011-0571 •  Summary: The fields on the

hillsides are mainly coca plantations. The fields are carefully terraced and planted to the shrub. The seedlings are raised in beds and protected like tobacco, and later planted in the trenches in the terraced fields.

•  Cite as: SIA RU 000229 - Smithsonian Institution Archives

•  Repository:Smithsonian Institution Archives

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•  Laser Geodynamics Satellite I •  Collection: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Collection Name of Image: Laser Geodynamics Satellite I

•  Full Description: The LAGEOS I (Laser Geodynamics Satellite) was developed and launched by the Marshall Space Flight Center on May 4, 1976 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California . The two-foot diameter satellite orbited the Earth from pole to pole and measured the movements of the Earth's surface.

•  Reference Number: MSFC-75-SA-4105-2C MIX #: 7667283 NIX #: MSFC-7667283 MSFC Negative Number: 7667283 UID: SPD-MARSH-7667283 original url:


•  Visit for the most comprehensive compilation of NASA stills, film and video, created in partnership with Internet Archive.

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Acerca de la declaración de derechos •  Participating institutions may have various reasons for

determining that "no known copyright restrictions" exist, such as:

–  The copyright is in the public domain because it has expired;; –  The copyright was injected into the public domain for other reasons,

such as failure to adhere to required formalities or conditions; –  The institution owns the copyright but is not interested in exercising

control; or –  The institution has legal rights sufficient to authorize others to use

the work without restrictions.

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RegThings to consider before registering – There must be "no known copyright

restrictions" on the content you publish. – You will also be expected to have a page

hosted on your website that outlines your organization's understanding of "no known copyright restrictions”Examples

– Your institution will need sign an additional Terms of Service agreement with Yahoo! Inc. related to your participation in The Commons.

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Things to consider before registering – You'll need to tend to your account and

love it like it's a newborn lamb. – We welcome institutions from all around

the world, but ask that you please fill out the form in English only, as the team that handles the program is based in the U.S.

– Please note: we require institutions to have a dedicated account for participation in The Commons.

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Things to consider before registering

– To register your institution go to the following address:

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•  Registration Form Name of the


Email Address on the Institution


Information about the Institution

Organization’s Flickr Account

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Last name

Job Tittle

Email Address

Your Own Flickr Account

Press Submit to complete the process

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Will recived a similar email

Press this link to confirm the account

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•  Practice exercise: describe this picture

Photographs Título / Title Fecha / Date Colección / Collection Creador / Creator Resumén / Summary Derechos / Right Info Temas / Subjects Notas / Notes

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Post Test

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Part II

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•  Flickr Creative Commons

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•  Attribution means: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

•  Noncommercial means: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only.

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•  No Derivative Works means: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.

•  Share Alike means: You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

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Creative Commons license Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons

license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license.

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Searching on Flckr

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Searching on Flickr

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References •  Beatty, S. and White, P. (2005). Information commons: Models

for eLiteracy and the integration of learning. Journal of eLiteracy 2(1). Diponible en:

•  Booth, A. & Brice, A., (Eds.). (2004). Evidence-based practice for information professionals: A handbook. London: Facet.

•  Bradley, Fiona. (21-24 September 2004). Enabling the information commons, 2004. In ALIA Biennial Conference (2004 : Queensland),Queensland (Australia). Australian Library and Information Association. Disponible en:

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References •  Amoroso, Y. (2009). Gobierno electrónico: el reto de la gestión y

conservación permanente de la información digital. XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de derecho e informática, Universidad de Lima, Perú (10-14 noviembre)

•  Archivo General de la Región de Murcia. (2009). Manual de organización de documentos en archivos de oficina. Murcia, España: Imprenta Regional

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References •  Caribbean Disaster Information Network. (2000). Controlled

vocabulary on disaster information. Vocabulario contralado sobre desastres. Edited by Beverley Lashley and Houple Henry. Sponsored by the European Community Humanitarian Office. Mona, Kingston, Jamaica: CARDIN

•  Conway, P., Preservation in the digital World. Washington, D.C.: The Commission on Preservation and Access, 1996, p.24.

•  Crumley, E. & Koufogiannakis, D. (2002). Developing

evidence-based librarianship: practical steps for implementation. Health Information and Libraries Journal, Vol. 19, Issue e.Digital learning commons. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. .

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•  UNESCO. The strategy for reducing disaster risks at World Heritage Properties, contained in Document WHC-07/31.COM/7.2, Accesible on line from:

•  Wenger, E. , McDermott, R.A., Snyder, W. ( ). Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Harvard Business School Press.

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CREDITS Project of the Program of Continuing Education and Professional Development of the Asociation of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) and the Graduate School of Sciences and Technologies of Information, University of Puerto Rico, co-sponsored by UNESCO, Caribbean and Latin America Region. ; [email protected] Tutors: Antonio Tardí Galarza([email protected])

Luis E. Mendez Marquez ([email protected]) With the collaboration of the ACURIL WebTeam

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