Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015


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Transcript of Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Page 1: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

Acumen Accountants

Page 2: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

Acumen Accountants

Offers a wide range of accountancy and consulting services to businesses around UK and

overseas. Whether you are small, medium or listed business, we are committed to give you our

best possible services and contribute towards your business success.

We offer following services, however, if you need any services which are not listed below please

feel free to contact us and we are confident to provide you a solution.

Our team of Accountants works to deliver consistent, cost-effective services, backed by the

resources of some excellent professionals.

We are dedicated to helping our clients succeed and are passionate about providing

comprehensive, financial and commercial advice in the field of accountancy and taxation.


Using our cutting edge knowledge of accountancy and global economy we help our clients stay

competitive and marketwise confident. We offer seamless solution of accounting matters to our

clients so they can focus on core operations of their organisation.

-: Our Services:-

Book-Keeping & Annual Accounts

Whether you are a sole trader or small or medium size business, our bookkeeping services is

designed to give you flawless accounts and information on timely basis. We take a bespoke

approach for every client depending on the nature of your business. Our qualified accountants

are veterans in this sector and we are assuring you about high quality of the job we undertake.

Page 3: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:


If your organisation is VAT Registered, you are required to submit VAT Return every quarter

even if you do not owe any money or not entitled to any refund from HMRC.

We can ensure you always pay the right and fair amount of VAT on your operating activities and

work out a rate that is appropriate of your circumstances and you do not end up paying more

than you should.


Payslips, P60 and P45

PAYE (RTI) Return

National Insurance


Page 4: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

Corporation Tax Return

Self-Assessment, Self Employed, Partnership Assessment

Capital gain tax

Our tax return services can assist you in reducing your tax bill at the same time being fully

compliant with HMRC taxation rules.

Our Taxation team will provide you with comprehensive tax planning including any tax relief

scheme and tax efficient expenditure to give your business competitive advantage over your



Import and Export Advisory

Tax Investigation, Appeals and penalties

Pension schemes

Page 5: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

If you are involved in import and export activities across the national border, you expose yourself to

a high regulatory compliance risk particularly if you start dealing with a new jurisdiction that you

haven’t dealt before.

It is always good idea to seek an expert advice on all regulations you have to be compliant with, the

cultural trading differences you may face and how it is going to affect your VAT Return in UK and in


We also provide Tax Investigation service. If you or your firm have received notice of tax

investigation or considering appeal against any tax charges, you are likely to need a qualified tax

advisor (preferably a Chartered Tax Adviser) to represent your full tax affair to HMRC.

Dealing with a tax investigation is always an exhausting and expensive procedure. Last thing you

want is to be levied with a hefty tax penalty.

Our tax advisors are qualified with experience to deal with tax investigation and appeal to HMRC.

Contact us immediately if you received any tax investigation notice or have been charged with a tax



Business Plan

Cash flow projections


A business plan is a comprehensive plan to help you develop, grow and manage your business

going forward.

Page 6: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

A detail business plan includes your existing and future business performance in a current and

projected economic environment. A plan also envisaged which strategic direction your company

will move going forward.

Having a structured set of objectives will help you develop your business as you will know

exactly where you want your business to be.

Business plans are also important to secure any prospective funding. Any prospective lender

would love to see what your strategies for the future and if they are investing in a strong


Having a cutting edge business plan will demonstrate them that your business is worth

considering for investment.

At Acumen Group, we can assist you with preparing a comprehensive business plan that will

allow you to benchmark your business performance and can serve other purposes.

Cash flow statement gives information about your company’s cash position. There are two types

of cash flow statement.

1. Historical Cash flow statement.

2. Prospective cash flow statement.

If your company is stock exchange listed then it is mandatory to submit an audited historical

cash flow statement along with other sets of account. It shows how the cash position of your

firm has changed in the past. It allows stakeholder to make informed decision.

On the other hand, a prospective cash flow statement gives indication of your firm’s cash

position in future. It is crucial for management of a firm to produce PCF to run financing

function efficiently. Prospective investors often require cash flow statement as part of their

investment appraisal.

At Acumen Group, we can assist you preparing a cash flow statement or perform an

independent review (but not audit) of the cash flow statement.

Preparing a budget whether it is for a firm’s projected performance or for any special project

requires information of changing economic conditions along with other analysis report.

Our firms conduct various types of analysis report on a regular basis and knowledge from these

reports gives us advantage to prepare a realistic budget that could be feasible. And last but not

least, you can avoid most of the hassle of preparing a budget and focus on your core activities..

Page 7: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:


Annual Return

Director Appointment & Termination

Registered office Address support


If you are required to submit a self-assessment return we can prepare and submit it on your

behalf. We understand the self-assessment return could be cause of high concern for some

people and you may wish to pass the responsibility of submitting the Return on us and you can

concentrate on other works which may be more important to you. We will ensure we file

accurate information about your income and expenses within given time frame and you are only

liable for right and fair amount of tax.

Self Employed

Page 8: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

Our self-Employment service covers all your accounting needs from bookkeeping, payroll, VAT

return, tax payment to business advice based on your performance. We have dedicated

accountant to your service to make you comfortable and to solve any issue that concerns you at

very competitive price.

Please give us a call to go forward with your self –employment accounting package.

Partnership Assessment

If you are in a partnership business, you may be able to take advantage of some tax relief

scheme which may bring down your tax burden significantly. Our expert tax advisors have years

of experience in dealing with tax calculation in a partnership business and ready to look at your

partnership tax.

We also provide guidance on how you can protect your interest in a partnership in foreseeable


Capital Gains Tax

If you are involved in a disposals or transfer of any assets such as shares, property and high

value items you are obliged to pay tax on any gains you make. Capital gains tax can sometimes

be very hefty and it may discourage people to dispose of the assets.

Page 9: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W:

However, we reduce or mitigate your capital gain tax through careful tax planning.

Inheritance Tax

It is devastating when your loved one passed away. And it could come as further blow to you

when you receive a tax bill on the estate you inherited. The rule says if an estate worth more

than £325,000 the additional assets should be taxed at 40%.

There are complex rules regulating this tax stream and we can help you to reduce your tax

burden with careful tax planning.

Tax Credit

Tax credit is designed to top up your earnings by an amount required to meet living standard

based on your circumstances. There are few elements that make your complete package of Tax

credit. For instance, working tax credit, Child tax credit etc. The tax credit system will be phased

out gradually and will be replaced by Universal Credit.

Please contact us if you need to discuss your tax credit.

Page 10: Acumen Accountants Prospectus_2015

Acumen Office: O’Leary Square, 216 Jubilee Street, London E1 3BS

Contact Info: T: 0207 790 1259, E: [email protected], W: