AcuDose-Rx helps improve Compliance and system Utilization in aa hospital pharmacy setting

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  • 8/6/2019 AcuDose-Rx helps improve Compliance and system Utilization in aa hospital pharmacy setting


  • 8/6/2019 AcuDose-Rx helps improve Compliance and system Utilization in aa hospital pharmacy setting


    Controlled Substance DispenseAnalyze dispenses, returns, and waste for narcotics overa requested period of time with the Controlled SubstanceDispense Report.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, medication, DEA class, patient name and ID, begin quantity, end quantity, order number,

    physician ID, user, event date/time, order dose, witness, order comment, instructions, and waste.

    Discrepancy ReportingThere are three core inventory discrepancy reports:Discrepancy by Station, Discrepancy Pocket Activity, and OpenDiscrepancy. Each of these reports compares AcuDose-Rx

    cabinet and pocket activity against system-expected inventory.Should a discrepancy occurfor example, a user mistakenlydispensed two doses instead of one; or, an error was madeduring restockingthese reports can help reveal where,when, and how the mistake occurred, and enable appropriatedocumentation to correct it.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, user name, DEA class,medication, patient, discrepancy, date/time, witness name,

    pocket location, beginning, transaction and end quantities;discrepancy amount, and resolution.

    Expiration AuditThis report tracks medications in a cabinet that are expired orsoon-to-be-expired. Expiration date entry during restockingassists in keeping medications current. As the caregiver selectsa medication for dispensing, the software will alert the user ifthe medication is out of date. The Expiration Audit Report alsoassists technicians as part of the normal medication expirationauditing process.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, medication pocket location,medication description, and expiration date and time for that


    Patient Dispense ProfileThe Patient Dispense Profile report provides additionaldocumentation to compare with, or attach to, the MAR. Thereport displays dispense information for patients in a unitduring a given time period, and can be grouped by dispenses(including substitute doses), returns, and wastes.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, patient, medication description, aliasdrug ID, user name, dispenses, returns, wastes, and date/time.

    Compliance ReportingReports to help you comply with HIPAA, Joint Commission, and other regulatory standards.

    Hospital Wide SummaryThis report benefits users by showing the total doses of amedication. For example, if a medication is on recall or if thereis a shortage of medication, this report quickly can pinpointpotential problem areas. The Hospital Wide Summary Reportalso verifies that all medications have brand names assignedto them, and that aliases (billing codes) or NDC numbers arecorrectly assigned to each medication.

    Key Data: Facility, unit with events, station, medication,medication class, alternate ID, preferred alias (the mnemonic or charge code assigned to the patient), preferred bar code(NDC number assigned), and preferred wholesaler (assigned drug distributor-ROBOT-Rx sites only).

    Medication AlertsWhile most medications have a large margin of safety, a smallnumber of drugs have a high risk of causing great injury whenmisused. These are called high alert medications to warnusers of the dire consequences when these drugs are usedin error. For this reason, alerts can be linked to individualmedications or medication groups and displayed on theAcuDose-Rx cabinet dispense screens. Use this report to viewmedication alerts and the medications they are assigned to,including severity level.

    Key Data: Generic medication name, alert, and

    AcuDose-Rx severity level.


    Additional reports to improve Compliance Reportinginclude:

    Cabinet Anomaly Surveillance Checking Exception Formulary List Emergency Dispense Manually Admitted Patient Profile Medication Expired/Recalled by NarcStation Medications Requiring Count Medication Details Non-Formulary List Ordering Physician Tracking Unreconciled Orders

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    Narcotic SurveillanceThis report reveals standard deviations from normal narcoticactivities. Quickly scanning this report at the beginning andend of each shift will enable you to spot check any abnormal

    narcotics activity. A more in-depth study will reveal potentialuser access issues. Set parameters for specific DEA classes,report date range, and minimum number of transactions.The Narcotics Surveillance Report tracks doses per day andtransactions per day.

    Key Data: Medication name, medication description, number of transactions, user who created the event, and total number of events.

    Medication ClassesMany different custom medication classes can be createdto help achieve organizational medication safety goals.For example, respiratory medications now can bedispensed from cabinets using the Patient Order Profilefeature. Through security features, respiratory therapistsare restricted from accessing any medications exceptthose for respiratory use. The Medication Classes Reportenables uses to view custom medication classes, includingthe drug categories and doses assigned to the class. Or,view users and user groups who can access themedications in that class.

    Key Data: Medication class, medication category, DEA class,assigned users, and groups.

    Override DispenseWhen a cabinet is set to profile dispense, medicationsare pulled based on the orders entered into the system. If amedication needs to be dispensed based on a new order, orbefore the order has been entered into the pharmacy system,the user must use the override function. These overrides can

    be documented and audited as appropriate to organizationalpolicies and procedure. The Override Dispense Report displaysoverrides that occurred on a cabinet, and provides a list ofeach user who used the override function when dispensingmedications.

    Key Data: Medication, user name, patient, transaction date,and quantity of medication indicated, user, and overridedispenses sorted by station.

    Patient Dispense ProfileThe Patient Dispense Profile report is important when it is

    necessary to have additional documentation to comparewith, or attach to, the MAR. The report displays dispenseinformation for patients in a unit during a given time period.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, patient, medication description, aliasdrug ID, user name, dispenses, returns, wastes, and date/time.

    Station EventsWhether tracking usage of a medication, the usage of acabinet to compare load factors, or the activity of a user toreveal dispensing, returning or wasting of medicationseithernarcotic or non-narcotic there is a report to provide the

    required detail. Use this report also to track additions andmodifications of Temp Users and their privileges, includingFastEntry biometric enrollments. There are four differentstation reports: Station Events by Medication; Station Eventsby Patient; Station Events by Station; and Station Events byUser. Each of these reports enables a review of all cabinetactivity associated with a medication, patient, station, anduser.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, medication, DEA class,alternate ID, location, begin quantity, end quantity, date, time,

    patient, and physician.


    (Continued on page 4)

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    Irregular Activity By StationThis report is invaluable in early detection of drug diversionsand of potential staff training issues. The report detects allirregular user activity on a cabinet; for instance, unauthorizedopens, incorrect pocket access, communication failures,password failures, and excessive cancel event episodes.Critical user, location, and date and time stamps help trackthe unusual activity.

    Key Data: Facility, station, event, time and medication and pocket location.

    AcuDose-Rx Dispensed Over/UnderDoses MedicationsThis report provides support for substitute dosing, andhas sections for Missing Dose Conversions, Over DoseTransactions, and Under Dose Transactions.

    Key Data: Facility, user, medication, DEA class, event date/ time, location, patient, ordered dose, dispensed dose, returned dose, wasted amount, and, where applicable, the amount that needs to be wasted.

    Compliance Reporting(Continued from page 3)

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    Activity by CabinetExamine a summary of events performed at a station. Key Data: Facility, unit, station, transaction type, dose count,and transaction count.

    AcuDose-Rx Temporary User DetailsGet a list of temporary users, both active and inactive, so youcan track them. Temporary users are defined as users thathave a currently configured expiration date.

    Key Data: Facility, temporary users, total inactive temporary users; and users that added or edited temporary user identifying data; users who granted or removed temporary user unit access; and users who added or removed security


    Cabinet InformationGet a total view of each cabinet with these four detailedreports:

    Medications assigned to a specific AcuDose-Rx cabinet withmedication detail options.

    Overridden medications assigned to a specific AcuDose-Rxcabinet with medication details.

    After-hours overridden medications assigned to a specificAcuDose-Rx cabinet with medication details. Remote stock medications assigned to a specific AcuDose-

    Rx cabinet with medication details.

    Invalid Bed ListTroubleshoot invalid bed assignments, for which the bed orfacility assignments do not match an entry in the bed table.This report can be helpful during startup or when new nursingunits or delivery units are added.

    Key Data: Facility, patient, patient ID, bed ID.

    (Connect-Rx allows patients to be admitted or transferred intoan invalid bed location because that information is comingover the interface, and the hospital information systemconsiders the admission or transfer to be valid. For example,

    some hospitals may have holding or phantom bedsfor which they would never order medications but need atemporary location for the admitted patient, and the patient islater transferred to a valid bed.)

    Pharmacy Operations Overview andPerformance Detail ReportsThe Pharmacy Operations Overview and the PerformanceDetail are two different reports. Use them to review andcompare pharmacy accuracy rates for filling and checkingorders. Plus, they are useful in comparing totals for ordersfilled, checked, verified, and the associated accuracy rates fora specified time period.

    Key Data: Workstation totals for orders filled, checked and verified; user ID; totals for orders filled, checked and verified;accuracy rates; total time to pick, check, and verify; and theaverage time to pick, check and verify.

    AcuDose-Rx User ListFastEntry biometrics introduces new opportunities to verifyand monitor user activities. Optional report fields include:individual user privileges, user groups, user units, user groupunits, and an Appendix to list all available group units andgroup privileges.

    Key Data: Facility, user, user initials, expiration date, and fingerprint enrollment data.

    System UtilizationReports to help you get the most out of your system assetsboth people and technology.

    Additional reports to maximize System Utilization include:

    Changed Checking Configuration Check Option Configuration Settings Connect-Rx User List Labels (for AcuDose-Rx cabinet pockets) Medications Without an Alias Patient Census Valid Bed List

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    Billing ReportsThere are three billing reports: Debits, Returns & Credits, andReturns Only. Show the patient identification number to viewthe medications used and returned on specified dates. Viewcredits for medications returned and credited to a patientsaccount. Returned drugs are credited to the patients accountin the hospital information system via an interface transaction.(Connect-Rx software collects returned medication informationthrough the Return option in the Patients/Orders tab.)

    Key Data: Facility, location, patient ID, patient name, order number, medication description, quantity dispensed, quantity returned/credited, quantity credited, and quantity net/total.

    Closed Loop RestockingPharmacy can track the status of doses allocated for restockinto specific AcuDose-Rx cabinets. The system allows formedication doses intended for restock but not placed intocabinet pockets to be identified and returned to pharmacy. Amedication dose broken or unusable can be defined as wastedin the system. These practices ensure that all medicationsare accounted for across all intended destinations. Usethe Closed Loop Restocking Report to reveal unaccountedfor medications, and to view the documented discrepancyreasons.

    Key Data: Medication, station, number requested, number filled, filled by, number restocked, restocked by, number returned, and waste. Optimization by Station

    View system recommendations to change par/max levels andthe number of pockets assigned to a medication in order tomaintain correct inventory levels based on actual usage. Key Data: Facility, station, medication description, location,

    pocket type, inventory, restock trigger, DEA code, maximumquantity, par, average use, and a recommendation for modifications to bring the pocket in line with the default parameters: three times the averagedaily use for pocket maximum, and a minimum of one over

    the average daily use for par.

    Inventory VerificationThe Inventory Verification Report confirms that inventory wasconducted and by what user on a particular cabinet. Thisreport also lists discrepancies associated with the inventorycount, and whether discrepancies are resolved. Key Data: Facility, station, user, medication, DEA class,location, begin quantity, end quantity, and event date/time.

    Inventory ManagementReports to help you improve charge capture and medication inventory management.

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    Last Pocket AccessView when the last time a pocket was accessed, regardless ofwhether a medication was assigned.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, medication name, location, pocket type, and late date/time of access.

    Ordered Medications Not StockedTroubleshoot patient orders versus cabinet stock to ensurethat AcuDose-Rx is being used as efficiently as possible.Medications appear on this list when medications not stockedin the specific AcuDose-Rx cabinet are added to patientprofiles.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, patient order description, patient name, patient ID, room and bed, order number,frequency, start date, and end date.

    Return Bin ActivitiesReceive a verification list of medication and their expectedquantities verified to have been returned to the Return Binsince it was last emptied. Also verify that all medicationsthat have been credited to patients are available for restock.Displays the expected contents of the return bin as well as thedate and time that the bin was last emptied, and verified by(user who witnessed).

    Key Data: Facility, station, date/time bin was emptied, verified by.

    Returns and WastesIdentify returns and wastes associated with an AcuDose-Rxcabinet.

    Key Data: Facility, unit, station, medication name, DEA class,location, beginning quantity, end quantity, date and time,total (returned or wasted), user, patient, patient ID, physician,waste methods, waste reason, and witness (if required).

    Station InventoryUse these checklists to inventory each cabinet and pocketlocation. Highlights medication that have an average daily useless than or equal to 2.

    Key Data: Facility, station, location, pocket type, medication

    description, DEA class, par, maximum, expected quantity,alternate ID, a space to enter actual quantity, a line to put a user signature and date when the inventory is done, and witness (if required).

    Scanned Medication StatisticsThis reports aids supervisors in implementing and tracking theuse of the new Scan on Restock and Scan on Dispensecapabilities in AcuDose-Rx. Compare summaries of actualscans versus required scans. Key Data: Facility, user, DEA class, patient, event date/time,and scan details.

    Additional reports to optimize InventoryManagement include:

    Cabinet Fill Exception Loading and Unloading Orders by Unit Out-of-Stock Pockets Refill Activities Refill Delivery Refill Pick Start-up Station Restocking (Dynamic) Unassigned Pockets (by Station)

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    McKesson Automation Solutions500 Cranberry Woods DriveCranberry Township, PA 741.8000

    Copyright 2008 McKesson Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries. McKessonCorporation product and service names listed herein which bear the and symbols areregistered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product and service namesare protected by non-registered trademarks or service marks, respectively.


    Make Better-Informed Decisions Faster with Automation Decision Support

    Automation Decision Support is a business intelligence

    solution that drives clinical, financial, and organizationalperformance of your McKesson automation medicationmanagement and supply management solutions.

    Automation Decision Support consolidates data frommultiple automation systems to focus attention on the mostcritical data. Graphical viewssuch as tables, graphs, andthree-dimensional pie chartsenable managers to get acomprehensive overview of system performance. Click on afield, and drill down to more detailed information, such asgranular views of individual AcuDose-Rx cabinet transactiondata. This allows users to quickly identify performance trendsand make faster, better-informed strategic decisions.

    Powered by McKessons Horizon Business Insight (HBI),Automation Decision Support delivers the most advancedfeatures available, including:

    Data alerts, bringing critical information to your attentionimmediately via e-mail or visual cues.

    Scorecards, helping you quickly identify your mostimportant business information.

    Statistical process controls, allowing you to easily identify ameasure outside of acceptable control limits.

    Pre-built reports, ensuring rapid usability and convenienceright out of the box.

    With Automation Decision Support you can:

    Optimize the performance of your McKesson automatedsystems.

    Increase productivity through informed decision making. Identify and rapidly respond to performance trends. Improve monitoring of operational performance in

    alignment with strategic goals.

    Controlled Drug Dispenses

    Oxycontin Alert
