Activity Rate Calculation Cycle

Planed Activity Quantity Calculation BOM Explosion ( 4 Level) CS02 Routing Rout 2

Transcript of Activity Rate Calculation Cycle

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Planed Activity Quantity Calculation BOM Explosion ( 4 Level)

CS02 Routing

Rout 2

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Rout 4

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Now Plan in MD61 (This is version independent i.e data from all the version flows while running MD02)

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Check the plan order

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We had SFG stock of 90 units so planed order was created for 1910

Here planed order has been created based on requirement at upper level of the BOM

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System care for stock & QM stock Both other than requirement at higher level.(1895) KSPP

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Now Run KPSI

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Result in KP26

After this Run KSPI to calculate the Planed activity rate Now you have to delete the MD 61 Planning data

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Now repeat the cycle with planning in MD61

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Challenges to get planed activity based on activity time in routing

1) NO stock of FG/SFG should be there in the system because system considers the existing stock (all FG & SFG) in the system at the time of creating planed order based on budgeted quantity in MD61.In case of any existing stock the planed production order quantity calculated by MRP run gets adjusted to that extent.

2) Once the activity is calculated take out the details of activity

consumtion out of system (KPSI) & reverse the process 3) Planed order creation by above process automatically

generates PR . In prodction environment repeating this would remove the required PR from previous MRP run also.

4) It would be adviceable to do this exercise in quality environment & update the results of the same in production server

5) Routing Data may change based on production plan (Capacity utilisation). This process should be executed with latest routing data to minimise the variance of activity quantity at cost center

6) In Production environment Cost Controller must check Production order completion details & COGI details to confirm that all the activity quantity has be properly recorded.

7) MD61 is being used by PP to do three weeks planning and all other activity are attached to this.This is the reason we need to reverse the budgeted data once activity quantity is calculated

1) Quality server to be available each year ( Feb) 2) IT to transfer live data from production to quality server 3) Mass Teco of existing production order 4) Make stock all FG & SFG to zero 5) Upload the Annual Monthly budget quantity in MD61 6) Run MD02 to calculate for MRP Run, Planed order based on BOM & routing 7) KSPP to calculate the plan activity per cost center 8) KSPI/ KP26 to update the planed price RM price to be update for cost calculation in quality environment