Activity 2 - Literature review sample analysis.pdf

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  • 8/10/2019 Activity 2 - Literature review sample analysis.pdf


    Work with your partner

    1. Decide which is the structure of the literature review (chronological or thematic structure?)2. Find out ways to cite the source of information3. Underline phrases used to show the similarities/differences in previous researchers ideas 4. Find out the authors comments on the literature. What features are chosen by the author to beused in the research?5. What is the gap?

    CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW1. Definition of key concepts1.1 M icrosoft PowerPoin t1.2 Shortcomings2. The use of technology in education2.1. Technological applications used in education2.2 The role of technologies in teaching and learn in g

    3. Using Microsoft PowerPoint in English Language Teaching3.1 The role of M icrosoft PowerPoin t3.2 Using PowerPoin t i n Engl ish L anguage Teaching3.2.1 Usages3.2.2 Benefits4. Frequent shortcomings when using Microsoft PowerPoint for in-class activities4.1 Shor tcomings in showing infor mation on sli de

    In terms of information format on slides, Hebahashim (n.d.) listed out a range of frequent errors as can be seen in the followings:

    Slides are visually poor and/or boring or even over the top this is particularly the case whenreds and greens dominate.

    Too much text is put on a slide detracting from its legibility. Excessive use of graphics just because you can! Irritating noises and slide transitions. Inappropriate use of multimedia options.

    This list points out an error in not taking good advantage of PowerPoint shown through poorly designedslides. It also exhibits inappropriate use of slide animation, graphics, audio effects and multimedia. Inagreement with this point, Catharina (2006) mentioned teachers overuse these features and merelydistr act students with visual overload that has no connection to information presented.

    4.2 Shor tcomings in presenti ng in for mation usin g sli deRegarding shortcomings of presentation skills using slideshow, the most notable one by far is error inchoosing the proper amount of contents to be on slides. Lee (2011) pointed out "One of the mostcommon rookie-mistakes is to have too much content on the slides." Sharing the same ideas with Lee,Hebahashim (n.d.) stated including excessive detail so that students need no t be active (or even

    present if files are made available) during delivery is a shortcoming. This v iewpoint is also shared byCatharina (2006), namely when teachers dump on the slide a big amount of information withoutconsidering what and how to present, it can make PowerPoint a potentially lethal tool.This opinion from Catharina also suggests another error of presentation skills lying in the way theinformation is conveyed by the presenters. There exists a tendency to go too fast is common simply

  • 8/10/2019 Activity 2 - Literature review sample analysis.pdf


    because of the ease of delivery of the material (Hebahashim, n.d.). The Time to Market onlinemagazine also indicates sometimes, "the speaker fails to capture the attention of their audience. Theyfail to make the link between themselves, the material and the images in their presentation." Similarly,Lee (2011) reported the case in which teachers keep reading slides all the time and break theengagement with students while teaching. A survey on highlighted this problem

    by giving statistics that "about 90% of PowerPoint presentations where the lack of PowerPoint presentation skills actually undermines the very presentations PowerPoint is supposed to enhance."

    5. Models to evaluate the Microsoft PowerPoint slidesThere are 3 different possible models to evaluate PowerPoint slides.The first model is suggested by (Table 1)

    Table 1. Evaluation on slides as suggested by ithaca.eduThis is an extract from a bigger rubric to evaluate the whole presentation. The amount of criteria issatisfactory; however there is a lack of clarity in this marking scheme. This can be seen through havingno detailed description for a slide to gain 3 marks. Besides this rubrics only looks at whether the slideshave effects or transitions or not, but overlook checking the appropriate use of those effects.Another one is PowerPoint Evaluation Rubric from Victorian Essential learning standards (Table 2).

    Table 2. PowerPoint Evaluation Rubric from Victorian Essential learning standardsThis marking scheme is developed in more details than the previous one, in which it gives a look at theappropriate use of PowerPoints visual and audio effects. Though covering the majority of main factorsin presenting information on slides, this model has not get approached to the suitable amount of textshould be put on slides, whereas this is reviewed as a frequent shortcoming in making slides withPowerPoint.A deeper and more comprehensive model is Design Considerations for Effective Presentations(Catharina, 2006) (Table 3). This model integrates almost all factors of a slides, also includesevaluating the amount of text on slides. Though it lacks the marking scheme, this model provides theevaluator enough criteria with clear description addressing almost all aspects of a slide. Therefore, aslide can be evaluated thoroughly for further improvement. This paper, therefore, adapts this model toassess the slides of first-year Fast-track students and detect particular shortcomings in the way theyshow information on slides.

    Table 3. Design Considerations for Effective PresentationsIn conclusion, not only in international context but also in Vietnam, Microsoft PowerPoint has becomea necessary tool for education for its various benefits. However, due to the shortcomings of the users interms of slide designing and information presenting using slides, sometimes PowerPoint cannot bringeffectiveness to the presentation. The common limitations when using PowerPoint have already beendiscussed thoroughly by other researchers, together with many criteria to systematically evaluate a slideshow. Specifically regarding to Vietnamese students who are required to use PowerPoint for in-class

    activities; however, there is not much detailed analysis on their weaknesses. In addition, students likethe first year fast-track students in ULIS, who are required to conduct in class activities usingtechnology like PowerPoint from the very first semester, are even more likely to reveal thoseshortcomings without awareness.For those reasons, the researchers decide to investigate deeper into this certain group of studentslimitations when using PowerPoint for their in-class activities. It is believed that thanks to the findingsof this paper, their limitation will be addressed clearly, which can in turns bring about certain valuablerecommendations for them to better their performance when using PowerPoint for those activities.