Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy...


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Transcript of Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy...

Page 1: Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society.

Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political causeSegregation-The practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority groupNon Violent-The policy of not using violence when protesting oppression, injustice, discrimination etc.

Discrimination-The treatment in favor or against a person or thing based on group, class or category (religion, color, ethnic group)

Page 2: Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society.

Integration-combining a whole group

Prejudice- an opinion or feeling formed without knowledge, thought or reason

Boycott-to refuse to buy, use or participate

Sit-In-An organized, passive protest in which the people occupy seats prohibited to them. (restaurants or other public places)

Page 3: Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society.

Freedom Riders-Buses of black and white volunteers visited cities across the South to protest segregation.

Plessy vs Ferguson- Supreme Court decision that found “separate but equal” accommodations for different races on trains were constitutional.(legal segregation)

Brown vs Board of Education Topeka-Supreme Court decision that found separate white and black schools “inherently unequal” and led to desegregation.

“Separate but Equal”-Legal doctrine that stated: separate facilities are ok as long as they are equal.

Page 4: Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society.

JFK-1st president to force integration of public areas with national guard, initiate the civil rights and voting rights acts. Assassinated.

MLK Jr-Civil rights leader, led Montgomery bus boycott, and many other non violent protests to further black citizens rights. Assassinated.

Civil Rights Movement-Began in 1960s, led by mostly black activist, to establish individual rights to all citizens. Thurgood Marshall- Lawyer who argued the Brown vs Board of education case before the Supreme Court. 1St African American Supreme Court Justice.

Page 5: Activist- Takes an active role in fighting for a political cause Segregation-The practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society.

Civil Rights Act-Banned discrimination in employment and in places such as movie theaters, restaurants or hotels.

Voting Rights Act- Outlawed discriminatory practices that made it impossible for many southern blacks to vote.

KKK- White supremacy group who used terrorist tactics to prohibit black citizens from excising their rights.Black Panther Party-Black militant political party who used harsh tactics to end white political dominance by whites.