Actividad Writing Text

Activity 5 of writing text By: Gustavo Adolfo Marun Suarez Cod : 13541402 Alejandra Ortiz Natalia Cardona Naranjo Universidad Nacional Abierta y a distancia School of basic sciences, technology and engineering-ecbti El Socorro (Santander) May 2015


writing text

Transcript of Actividad Writing Text

  • Activity 5 of writing text


    Gustavo Adolfo Marun Suarez

    Cod : 13541402

    Alejandra Ortiz

    Natalia Cardona Naranjo

    Universidad Nacional Abierta y a distancia

    School of basic sciences, technology and engineering-ecbti

    El Socorro (Santander)

    May 2015

  • Presentacin personal de Gustavo Marun:

    About me:

    My name is Gustavo Marun, I am living in Socorro Santander, i have 35 years old,

    I study systems engineering, I am married and I am Working in the Sena in

    Socorro, I am Systems of analytic, and I was born in Bucaramanga City.

    Descripcion actividades en el trabajo:

    About my work:

    I always get up 6:30 o clock, then i take a shower and after that i have a

    breakfast, arount 7: 00 o clock. i leave home, i go to work in motorcicle, the

    officce is near my home. i take only 10 minutes in arrival.

    I start work to 8:00 o clock, First I pick a tickets of support of systems of problems

    of the computers, for the best service of the laboratories, after the mail date the

    agenda for instructors in the lab. Then I make a report to the leader of systems

    of use lab for statistics of center everyday. I stop about 12:00 o clock and then I

    go to lunch out of the center, I return 2:00 o clock i receive calls to prepare for

    meetings the next day.

    I Exit office at 6:30 o clock and I go to my home in my motorcycle.

    Ventajas del ingles en mi trabajo:

    Well I dont travel much, but i use the English all the time for read manuals of

    software for developed problems in the lab.

  • Presentacin personal de Alejandra Ortiz:

    About me:

    My name is Alejandra Ortiz Rivera, I have twenty four years old, I live in the town

    Carmen de Atrato Choc, fifth semester psychology program, work in the St.

    Roch hospital in my town as a radiologist.

    Activities in my work.

    I am working in the San Roque hospital in the town Carmen de Atrato Choc as

    a radiologist at a time where I come in at 7:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 to

    6:00 pm There is a very good time, it is a premier hospital have some excellent

    working partners where conviviality, camaraderie and above all patient care is

    done with the utmost taste.

    He is not working easy to have to know a lot about the human body, know

    much because patients have contextures different ages and all this varies, it is

    a job where risks are taken if there is not adequate protection as radiology

    radiates much body organs especially.

    Am I working available to 24 hours a day because if something happens after

    6:00 pm I have to climb respond to emergencies that occur in radiology, I also

    work on weekends available and every 6 months I have my holiday to be a job

    where you can not rest and be at high risk from radiation?

    Las ventajas de manejar un nuevo idioma en mi lugar de trabajo.

    In my working it is important to speak English because I have daily contact with

    many people and I have had patients who only speak English and is very

    important to communicate, explain the power he has, what these patients.

    The knowledge allows me to speak English better communication, learning,

    knowledge, to aspire to a better working either here in Colombia or in another

    country; the English language is a prerequisite for any working.

  • Presentacin personal de Natalia Cardona:

    About me:

    My name is Natalia Cardona Naranjo, i have thirty four years old, i live in the City

    of Antioquia bello, bussiness administration study and work as administrative

    assistant to the Regional Health Department of Antioquia.