
SEO tips from Las Vegas Conference SEO tips from Las Vegas Conference 2010, March 2010, March


SEO tips from Lonnie Hodge, A.R.T. Seminar follow-up links and information

Transcript of active-release-technique-seo

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SEO tips from Las Vegas ConferenceSEO tips from Las Vegas Conference2010, March2010, March

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By Lonnie B Hodge, CEO of CFMBy Lonnie B Hodge, CEO of CFM

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Important factors to make your website Important factors to make your website rank high in Google and other search rank high in Google and other search engine results!engine results!

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Use relevant keywords in all links in your site, in the meta tags on your sites and in your URL (see below) to bring you the most amount of traffic for the services you want to offer

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To help select keywords and URL names and to see the approximate of people who visit the internet for a particular keyword go to and click on the free services tag—then go to the keyword suggestion (make sure you pick the menu item that allows multiple keyword checks), select at least 3 keywords that you hope to rank high in and check the results.

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Another good source is Google’s keyword suggestion tool.

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Also think about purchasing a keyword specific URL for a site or an information page that has a valuable keyword in it. For example, http://active-release-technique-denver. com or

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A. Make sure you use anchor links relate to the traffic you want to drive to your site and will stay there because your site has relevant content to keep them there. Google and others dun you for bogus relevance.

Use at least 3 different anchor links (the words that are visible to the person clicking on the link-for example, American professor which leads to Lonnie) and use them in rotation when including your link in correspondence or news releases etc…

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B. The more anchor links coming to your site for a specific keyword, the more authority for that particular word in the higher rank for the search of the word. To build the maximum power of your site, you should have at least three anchor tags to drive people to your site. As an example, for Paul Surniak’s experimental golf site ), we used “china golf”, “Omega golf tour ”, “ golf tours in China, “Golf Course Guide China” (and many others) for our anchor text keywords.

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C. The way to check how many anchor links your website has (or how many your competitor has) is by going to a Google search bar and typing in allinanchor: whatever the keyword is. For example, go to Google and type in allinanchor: American professor, and Lonnie’s site should be #1. Doing this will tell you who your competition is and give you an idea of how difficult it will be to beat them

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One of the biggest factors of an overall power of the website is the total number of incoming links. The more powerful the site is the better, sites with similar or relevant content is always better, but note: all incoming l inks--that are not spam-- count.

To check overall links to your site, you can go to several sites:

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1. Visit and click on the link popularity tool.

And be sure to check your site in two ways: type in and http://www.nameof and you might notice that the number is different. If there is a large difference, ask your web master to do a 301 to redirect from the URL with the lowest links to the one with the higher number of links.

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2. For traffic rankings (the amount of visitor to your site), you can use or . The former has much more creditability than the latter which is an ad tool for Amazon

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use a keyword sensitive URL open an account in LinkedIn join the LinkedIn ART group create a fan page on Facebook join the exiting ART groups and fan pages on Facebook create a twitter account and try to use a keyword related

name, one for business use and one for personal use use a good free management tool for multiple twitter

accounts ( )

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create an account on and be sure to include yourself in the Active Release Techniques category

use press release services to announce any changes in your business that are in the least bit news worthy

Use press release services such as and be sure to include anchor link to your site do not link more than once in a single release, but always include the link to the main ART site; There are others but these are two preferred, and we are building our own CFM PR platform in addition to Pitchengine.

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NOTE: Dr. Leahy and CFM are working on a low-cost certified provider solution that will allow ART and individual providers to dominate search engines for designated keywords, by doing a group solution that will include iPhone apps, FB applications, hand coding of custom sites, custom URLs, a dedicated PR platform, custom and ongoing hand coded SEO and more only for current ART providers and for a very small fee.

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Lonnie B Hodge [email protected] Phone: 0086-18602021570 Skype: lonniehodge Facebook: Lonnie B. Hodge Twitter: