Action Planning for Your Club… Sports Development Planning

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Action Planning for Your Club… Sports Development Planning. [Date] [Venue] [Tutor]. Workshop Objectives. Explain the principles of sports development and sports performance pathways Explain the principles of the planning process Apply the principles of planning to sports development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Action Planning for Your Club… Sports Development Planning

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Action Planning for Your Club… Sports Development Planning


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Workshop Objectives

Explain the principles of sports development and sports performance pathways

Explain the principles of the planning process

Apply the principles of planning to sports development

Write a sports development plan

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Vision without action is just a dream

Action without vision just passes time

Vision with action can change the world

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Section 2 Objectives

Explain what the term ‘sports performance pathway’ means

Describe the sports development process

Identify key players in your sports development network

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Sports Development is About:

providing opportunities for people to participate in sport, to progress as far as they wish and to achieve their full potential, regardless of age, ability, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality, nationality or social/economic status

building a strong network of organisations to work together to provide these opportunities at every level

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Sports Performance Pathway

Getting Started

Keeping Going

Getting Better

Being the Best

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RaisingStandards in



Improving Quality of Life

and WellBeing

Local Economic Viability














Learn To




Different Agencies and Pathways

400 School Sport Partnerships

49 County Sport Partnerships

Regional Sports Boards

HE Consortia



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Clubmark Criteria

The playing programme

Duty of care and child protection

Sports equity and ethics

Club management

Volunteer management

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What is Planning?

Planning is a process of determining:

where you are now

where you want to be in future

how you are going to get there

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Success Factors

Involve the right peopleHave a clear vision of where you want to go Set a clear starting pointKeep it simpleBreak each step down into ‘bite-sized’ piecesEncourage everyone involved to take ownership of the planUse the plan as a route map on the waySet a realistic timescale

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Six Steps to Successful Planning

Step 1: The 20-year dream Step 2: Where are you now? Step 3: Setting some clear goals Step 4: Goals into objectives Step 5: Into action Step 6: Are you keeping to the plan?

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Step 1: The 20-year Dream

What do you want your club/organisation to look like in 15 or 20 years’ time?If your dream is to be ‘the best’ in your field, what does ‘the best’ look like?Are there clubs/organisations, in the UK or abroad, that you want to be like?

Think WIDE – don’t be too constrained by the realities of today

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Step 2: Where Are You Now?Establish your present position as a clear starting point for the planRelate that to your sport’s performance pathwayWhat does your club/organisation look like (to you and to others) at present? What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats?What are you doing now that you would like to do differently and/or better?What are you doing now that is no longer relevant?

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Step 3: Setting Some Clear Goals

What will you have to achieve to move towards your vision?How far can you reasonably get towards your vision in the next three or five years?What areas of your club/organisation will you have to develop to get there?

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Step 4: Goals Into Objectives

Objectives are how statements

How will you achieve your goals?

What tasks will you need to carry out to achieve each goal?

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Step 5: Into Action

Action plans delegate responsibility for getting the tasks done

Add who to your objectives

Add when to your objectives

Add how much to your objectives

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Step 6: Are You Keeping to the Plan?

Set some distance markers to map your progress along the routeUse the plan to monitor your progressUse the plan to let other people know what you are doingUse the plan to help you reassess prioritiesUse the plan to identify which parts need extra help

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explain the principles of sports development and sports performance pathways

explain the principles of the planning process

apply the principles of planning to sports development

write a sports development plan

Workshop Objectives

By this stage of the workshop, you should be able to:

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