Action Plan Implementation Guide | Release 1.0 | April 2014




Transcript of Action Plan Implementation Guide | Release 1.0 | April 2014

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In Pursuit of Better



A successful wellness system isn’t just about spewing out reams of data once or twice a year. It’s about providing tools to encourage participation, deliver actionable information and create significant and quantifiable changes in participants’ behavior.

Put simply, healthy employees are less costly, thanks to lower premiums and reduced health care claims. That’s why for so many companies, making an investment in a wellness program isn’t an unwanted cost center – it’s a welcome source of cost reductions.

That’s why we’ve focused tirelessly on building the industry’s most advanced yet intuitive online dashboard that serves as the heart of your wellness program. It‘s a place for participants to get an easy-to-understand snapshot of their health. A place they’ll find instantly involving and endlessly engaging. A place that encourages then to spend more time on the site, more often – thus increasing the likelihood of a positive change in their overall health.

Best of all, participants can use the dashboard to easily track their health progress.

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In Pursuit of Better


For instance, your company may offer employees a discount on their insurance premiums when they earn a designated number of points by taking proactive steps to improve their health. Participants can complete many of those activities right from the dashboard, and they can keep track of their points too, allowing them to get a complete picture of their progress.

Our dashboard maintains a high level of engagement by providing content customized for participants based on the outcomes of their HRAs and screenings. Our

high-quality content comes from a library of thousands of articles by one of the nation’s largest providers of health and wellness information.

Our actions plans help our employers engage their population to gain a high percentage of healthy employees and dependents within their workforce.

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In Pursuit of Better




Our Action Plans encourage participants and their families to focus on healthy lifestyles at home, at work and at play. We believe that everyone should be engaged in healthy living, and it is our focus to increase the number of workers that engage in healthy behaviors. Education is an important step in the process, and when participants have the resources available, they become engaged in wellness activities to improve health and lifestyle behaviors.

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In Pursuit of Better


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In Pursuit of Better


As an integral component of the

Meliora Platform, these action plans

can be delivered with the portal for

an actionable program or with other

Meliora modules in a comprehensive

wellness program. Configuration

options allow clients to determine action

plan assignment options, incentive

points, and the duration of each action

plan. Our online tools provide reports

on participation, progress, and results.

The Meliora action plans are a suite of personalized plans that promotes behavior change and healthy lifestyle choices. Based on reliable research and national health guidelines, the Meliora action plans have received Health Information Products (HIP 2) Certification from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).


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In Pursuit of Better












Meliora Action Plans Cover the Following Topics:

Participants progress through a plan in sequence:Initial Assessment—provides a picture of the participant’s health behaviors, risks, and readiness to change.

1. Making a Plan—helps the participant to select goals, identify barriers, and begin health improvements.

2. Lessons—through video and interactive texts, show the participant how to reach goals by making gradual lifestyle changes

3. Checking Your Progress—offers suggestions to help the participant meet goals not yet achieved and overcome remaining barriers.

4. Final Assessment—compares participant’s behaviors at end of the action plan with those reported in the initial assessment.

Each goal chosen by the participant generates a lesson, as illustrated below. Each lesson explains the small changes neces-

sary to significantly improve health.

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In Pursuit of Better




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In Pursuit of Better


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In Pursuit of Better


HEALTHYEATINGThis action plan helps participants make healthier choices in the foods they eat. They learn how to shop for healthy options, prepare healthier meals, and make wise selections when eating out. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Fruits and VegetablesFive Tips for Healthy Eating

l What’s in it for you

l How much to add

l How to fit them in

Adding FiberLifestyle Changes to Raise HDL

l Range of fiber-rich foods

l Benefits of adding fiber

l The many ways to add fiber

Choosing Better FatsGood and Bad Fats

l Problems with high fat foods

l Two kinds of fat

l Trading bad fats for good ones

Healthier SweetsHow to read food labels

l Harmful sugary foods

l Curbing Sugar cravings

l Choosing healthier sweets






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In Pursuit of Better


PHYSICAL ACTIVITYThis action plan helps participants to reach and maintain recommended levels of activity and fitness. They learn the benefits of different types of activity and how to fit activity into a busy day. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Adding ActivityGetting Active

l On workdays

l At home

l With others

Adding VarietyFitness: How Active Should You Be?

l To types of activity

l To intensity levels

l In other ways

Adding IntensityMeasuring Your Exercise Intensity

l For lower disease risks

l To aerobic activity

l To strengthening activity

Leisure Time ActivitiesGetting active

l The benefits of leisure activities

l Weekend activities

l Vacation activities





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In Pursuit of Better


WEIGHTMANAGEMENTThis action plan helps participants better manage their weight. They learn how to make healthier choices in eating habits and how to increase the amount and intensity of physical activity. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Adding ActivityGetting Active

l Fitting it into your routine

l Starting safely

l Advancing to moderate activity

Burning More CaloriesMeasuring Your Exercise Intensity

l Why it’s important

l Advancing to vigorous activity

l Fitting it into a busy schedule

Strengthening ActivityHow Active Should You Be?

l For weight control

l Choosing an activity

l Selecting an intensity level

Adding VarietyGetting Active

l Why it’s important

l Tips to stay motivated

l How a buddy can help





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In Pursuit of Better


DIABETES MANAGEMENTThis action plan helps people with diabetes live healthfully and prevent complications through better blood sugar control, lifestyle choices, and support networks. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

New to DiabetesInsulin’s Role

l What having diabetes means

l First steps toward managing it

l Tools for managing it

Improving Eating HabitsDiabetes: How to Build Your Plate

l Adding fiber

l Choosing better fats

l Eating mindfully

Losing WeightBMI, Waist Size, and Your Health

l Lose a little weight

l Adding activity to your day

l Developing better eating habits

Active With a ConditionKeeping Moving

l Benefits of activity

l Planning your moves

l Getting started





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In Pursuit of Better


DIABETESPREVENTIONThis action plan helps participants lower their risk for developing diabetes. They learn about risk factors for diabetes and how to lower them through healthy lifestyle choices. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Lowering Blood SugarDiabetes: A1c Test

l Testing blood sugar

l Making lifestyle changes

l Getting Support

Adding FiberHealthy Eating for Your Heart

l Best foods for health

l What fiber can do for you

l The many ways to add fiber

Losing WeightGetting Active

l The benefits of weight loss

l Increasing your physical activity

l Eating healthier

Choosing Better FatsGood and Bad Fats

l Problems with high fat foods

l Two kinds of fats

l Trading bad fats for good ones





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In Pursuit of Better


HEART DISEASEPREVENTIONThis action plan helps participants lower their risk for developing heart disease. They learn about risk factors for heart disease and how to lower them through heart-healthy lifestyle choices. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Quitting SmokingMedicines to Help With Cravings

l How to quit

l How to overcome urges

l How to attack triggers to smoke

Adding ActivityPreventing Heart Disease

l Adding light movement

l Adding moderate activity

l Adding vigorous activity

Using MedicationMedicine for High Blood Pressure

l What to ask

l Medications for blood pressure

l Medications for cholesterol

Strengthening ActivityHow to Do the Wall Sit Exercise

l How it improves health

l How to perform exercise

l How to select a level





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In Pursuit of Better


SMOKING CESSATIONThis action plan helps participants stop smoking for good. They learn the critical skills they will need to prepare to quit, to survive quit day, and to stay smoke-free. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Quitting for GoodSee Yourself as a Non-smoker

l Thinking about quitting

l Make a commitment to quitting

l Plan to quit

Reasons You SmokeNicotine and the Brian

l Effects on the body

l Effects on the mind

l Effects on daily life

Reasons to QuitHave Your Own Reason

l Immediate benefits

l Long-term benefits

l Social benefits

Preparing to QuitMedicines to Help With Cravings

l A good day to quit

l Supporters for your efforts

l Challenges to quitting





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In Pursuit of Better


RISKYDRINKINGThis action plan helps participants reach and maintain healthy drinking habits. They learn about risky drinking behaviors and skills to moderate their drinking patterns. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Reducing Drink SizePositive Thinking

l What counts as one drink

l How reducing drink size can help

l Practical tips

Stopping Binge DrinkingA Good Support System Is Important

l Tracking frequency

l Avoiding triggers

l Other steps that might help

Reducing Weekly DrinkingBuilding Resilience

l Keeping a drinking journal

l Setting your goal

l Taking steps to curb risky drinking

Social DrinkingBuilding Resilience

l Recognizing pressure

l Saying no politely, but effectively

l Other strategies that work





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In Pursuit of Better



This action plan helps participants understand, identify, and manage depression. They learn mood management, signs of depression, and sources of support. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Depression TriggersStories About Recurring Depression

l Genes and brain chemicals

l Seasonal changes

l Relationships and life events

Dealing With StressRelaxing Your Muscles

l Benefits

l Quick ways to ease tension

l How to check your stress level

Managing Your AttitudeUsing Your Inner Strengths

l Why attitude matters

l Which attitudes to alter

l How to change your attitude

Managing Your TimeStories About Depression Recovery

l Making a doable to-do

l Setting realistic deadlines

l How to change your attitude





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In Pursuit of Better


STRESSMANAGEMENTThis action plan helps participants understand how to better manage stress. They learn how to identify stressors and take control of stressful situations and feelings. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Finding Your StressorsChanging Negative Thoughts

l The source of stress

l How you respond

l Tracking your responses

Managing Your TimeA Good Support System Is Important

l Making new priorities

l Setting easier deadlines

l Asking for support

Avoiding StressorsHow Your Body Reacts to Stress

l Situations

l People

l Tasks

Coping With SurroundingsRelaxation Exercise: Deep Breathing

l The benefits of coping

l How to cope better externally

l How to cope better internally





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In Pursuit of Better


FINANCIALWELLNESSThis action plan is designed to improve participants’ financial health through awareness, education, and behavior change. They learn the skills they need to spend, save, and borrow wisely, while reducing stress about household finances. Each week, participants work through a lesson that is tied to a goal. Four of the eight week topics and guidance for specific behavior changes are included below. To review the full 8-week program please reach out to program support at Meliora Technology.

Improving Cash Flowl Calculate where money goes

l Plan how to spend less, earn more

l Check progress

Reducing Healthcare Debtl Making new priorities

l Ask insurer to increase payments

l Plan payments

Lowering Loan Paymentsl Access credit records

l Bargain for better terms

l Change loans

Applying for a Credit Card

l Check records

l Establish or improve credit

l Apply for appropriate card





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In Pursuit of Better


CORPORATE OFFICE600 West 6th Street Suite 150Fort Worth, Tx 76102Phone 877 282 3044Fax 877 667 2994

email: [email protected].

Meliora Technology is the industry’s premier provider of technology so-lutions for workplace health man-agement programs, including the development and implementation of customized, web based health management software. We also offer a wide range of tools and ser-vices that streamline the benefits administration process, including an online benefits enrollment and administration system, EDI data ex-change, error resolution and more.

CONTACTMeliora Technology

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