Action For Change: Empowering Women Victim Of Intimate ...

Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research Action For Change: Empowering Women Victim Of Intimate Partner Violence To Build Healthier And Safer Lives New Brunswick Association of Social Workers

Transcript of Action For Change: Empowering Women Victim Of Intimate ...

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Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research

Action For Change:

Empowering Women Victim Of Intimate Partner

Violence To Build Healthier And Safer Lives

New Brunswick Association of Social Workers

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Agenda Welcome & Introduction Goal & Objectives of the project The Team Project Manual Summary of the two 3-day workshop for women

survivors of IPV What we learn from the women who participated in the

workshop International Presentations Conclusion and Discussion

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Goal & Objectives of the Project

• Goal: To help women victims of Intimate Partner Violence to build healthier and safer lives

This project has two objectives: Objective 1: To create a process by which women

victims/survivors of IPV will be empowered to lead healthier and safer lives.

Objective 2: To help to develop a strategy, via a gender lens

and from the input received by women victims/survivors of IPV that would evaluate how the formal helping system is conveying their care

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Project Structure Chart

Presentation Notes
Miguel LeBlanc, Executive Director, NBASW Rina Arseneault, MMFC, UNB Martine Paquet, Social Work Consultant, NBASW Luc Thériault, Consultant, Professor, UNB Reni Han, Evaluator, Han Martin Associates Tara Thibeault, Social Worker at DSD Jenny Mason, Project Assistant Rebecca Kaley, Social Work Student, STU Elizabeth Aikens, Social Work Student, STU Caitlin Elliot, Work Study Program, UNB
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Summary of the two 3-day workshop for women survivors of IPV

Achieving our Potential

A workshop for Women Survivors of IPV

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DAY 1… Module 1: Introduction to Intimate Partner Violence Defining IPV Types of IPV Prevalence of IPV Severity of IPV Causes Cycle of Violence Beliefs and Assumptions Effects Risk Factors Barriers to leaving an abusive relationship and leaving


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Achieving our Potential A workshop for Women Survivors of IPV

Agenda Day 2: Module 2: Healthy Me Who Am I? Knowing and Uncovering your inner self Codependency A relationship of Trust Communication Regrets and Guilt What is stress, and tools to deal with it What do I want in a loving relationship?

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Day 2 … Module 3 : Developing Leadership Skills What is Leadership? Acknowledge leaders in your life Seeing Leadership Through a Gendered Lens Learning how to become an effective Leader Recognizing and pursuing your passion What is a Community Leader? Qualities of Successful leaders Learning how to help women in our Communities

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Achieving our Potential A workshop for Women Survivors of IPV

Day 3: Module 4: Women’s political engagement Challenging Gender Stereotypes Reflecting on the Importance of women in decision-

making positions Discovering your Voice

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Women History in Canada

201020001900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

1875- Grace Annie Lockhart est la première femme de l’Empire britannique à obtenir un diplôme d’une université. Son diplôme lui a été décerné par l’Université Mount Allison, au N-B.

1929- Les femmes sont considérées comme des personnes au regard de l’Acte de l’Amérique du Nord britannique, 1867.

1916- les femmes du Manitoba deviennent les premières Canadiennes à obtenir le droit de vote. Le Québec a été la dernière province à emboîter le pas en 1940.

1993- Kim Campbell est la première femme à occuper le poste de premier ministre du Canada.

1921- Agnus MacPhail est la première femme à être élue à la Chambre des communes.

1966- Les Nations Unies adoptent la Déclaration sur l’élimination de la discrimination à l’égard des femmes (DEDEF).

1969- Les méthodes de contraception sont légalisées.

1974- Les femmes sont admises à l’École de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada.

1977- Le 8 mars est déclaré Journée internationale de la femme.

1983- Le projet de loi C-127, déclarant que le viol d’une femme par son conjoint est une infraction criminelle, est adopté.

1982- Bertha Wilson est la première femme à être nommée à la Cour suprême du Canada.

1988- Ethel Blondin-Andrew est la première femme autochtone élue à la Chambre des communes.

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Achieving our Potential A workshop for Women Survivors of IPV

Day 3… Module 5: The Importance of Evaluation Evaluating my Life Finding Program/Services that meets your needs Resources Evaluating Programs/Services

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What are some helpful questions that professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers) can ask someone who they suspect is in a situation of IPV?


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What we learned from the women that participated in the workshop

I almost walked out at first because I found it

overwhelming and I felt physically sick but

because of the instructors and myself

I stayed

I would like to see this workshop to

be presented in my first nation community because I feel the more

we share and learn the more we can move on and allow our self to heal. I

liked that we were of all ages, cultures, challenges, stages of

healing, educational background and economic status.

I have learned more about women’s rights and how we still have a long way to go

The activities helped us take a better look at

our lives and our success despite the

hard situations that we lived


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Many of the participants indicated that the workshop: Intense & emotional experience for them, they were very grateful that they attended as

they felt it was a beneficial experience for them.

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Why the Information Session?

Distribution of both Manuel (facilitator and participant): Contains information, questions and activities that

may be helpful in various ways. The overall goal: To provide a workshop for women survivors of IPV

in your community To learn and inform others about IPV


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International Presentations

Melbourne 2014

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Questions? Comments?


Presentation Notes
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Thank You

Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research

& The New Brunswick Association of Social Workers

For more information: Rina Arseneault Martine Paquet 506-458-7137 506-444-9196 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]