Act 1: John 1:35-42 -...

Act 1: John 1:35-42 I. Behind the Scenes • Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and it is likely that John and Peter were as well. Disciples of John the Baptist were being prepared for the coming of the Messiah. • It was customary for disciples to seek out Rabbis and initiate the discipleship relationship, as Andrew and John did here. But Jesus would break this convention by inviting people to be His disciples, as he does with Philip in verse 43. II. Jesus teaches Peter “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Peter.” • Name = identity, destiny, purpose. • Put yourself in Simon’s sandals. How would you have felt when Jesus tells you of your new name? III. Jesus teaches Us Consider that Jesus has promised to give you a new name. Read Revelation 2:17. Ponder the intimate friendship that Jesus desires to share with you, described by this picture of Jesus giving you a white stone with a new name written on it, known only by the two of you. God is always working to prepare people for encounters with Jesus. Acts 8:26-35; 19:1-7; Matt 9:35-38 Jesus is always the initiator of the discipleship relationship. Matt 9:9; Mark 1:16-18

Transcript of Act 1: John 1:35-42 -...

Page 1: Act 1: John 1:35-42 -… · Michael Card, A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter

Act 1: John 1:35-42 I. Behind the Scenes

• Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and it is likely that John and Peter were as well. Disciples of John the Baptist were being prepared for the coming of the Messiah. • It was customary for disciples to seek out Rabbis and initiate the discipleship relationship, as Andrew and John did here. But Jesus would break this convention by inviting people to be His disciples, as he does with Philip in verse 43.

II. Jesus teaches Peter

“You are Simon son of John. You will be called Peter.” • Name = identity, destiny, purpose. • Put yourself in Simon’s sandals. How would you have felt when Jesus tells you of your new name? III. Jesus teaches Us

Consider that Jesus has promised to give you a new name. Read Revelation 2:17. Ponder the intimate friendship that Jesus desires to share with you, described by this picture of Jesus giving you a white stone with a new name written on it, known only by the two of you.

God is always working to prepare people for encounters with Jesus. Acts 8:26-35; 19:1-7; Matt 9:35-38

Jesus is always the initiator of the discipleship relationship. Matt 9:9; Mark 1:16-18

Page 2: Act 1: John 1:35-42 -… · Michael Card, A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter

Act 2: Luke 5:1-11 I. Behind the Scenes

• Peter and the other disciples had already been following Jesus for about a year at this point. This was not their first encounter. They had already seen some impressive miracles (Luke 4:31ff) and believed in Him (John 2:11). They were already disciples, but Jesus wanted to train them for ministry in God’s kingdom. • Jesus teaches from the boat, but Luke does not say a word about what Jesus taught!

II. Jesus teaches Peter

“Put out into deep water. Let down the nets for a catch.” • Peter displays two admirable responses to Jesus in this story (v. 5, 8). What are they? “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” • Why was Peter afraid? • Why did they leave behind the biggest catch of fish that they had ever caught? What was Jesus trying to teach Peter through this HUGE catch of fish? III. Jesus teaches Us What might be your huge catch of fish that Jesus wants you to leave behind to follow Him into something better? What fears might be holding you back? In the space below, write your thoughts down regarding these two questions: My huge catch of fish Fears that prevent me from dropping it

All Christians are disciples, and Jesus wants to teach us all how to minister to others (Eph 4:11-12).

Page 3: Act 1: John 1:35-42 -… · Michael Card, A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter

Conclusion: Matthew 16:13-26 and 1 Peter 2:4-9 The name “Rock” was given to Peter not because he earned it, not because he was especially strong and godly, but because Jesus would display God’s power and grace through this lowly, flawed individual – “on this rock I will build my church” (Matt 16:18). Peter humbly includes us all in bearing the name “Rock” (1 Pet 2:5). But this new name has a high cost. Jesus invites us all to deny ourselves, pick up a cross, lose our lives – in short, to leave everything behind to become living stones with which He builds His beautiful kingdom. Suggested Exercises: • Meditate each day this week on Revelation 2:17. Imagine what your new name will be. What would you want your new name to be? • Trying going a day or a week without some non-essential activity or object that you normally depend on fairly regularly. Whenever the desire for that thing comes up, try praying instead and ask God to teach you how to depend upon Him more for sustenance in your everyday life. For Further Reading: Michael Card, A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2003). (186 pp.) Michael J. Wilkins, In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1997). (208pp.) Bill Hull, Choose the Life: Exploring a Faith that Embraces Discipleship (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004). (231 pp.)