Across Five Aprils

ross Five Apri Ch. 10 - 12 Vocabul ary


Across Five Aprils. Ch. 10 - 12 Vocabulary. throes. A hard or painful struggle. amnesty. A decision that a group of people will not be punished or that a group of prisoners will be allowed to go free. Across Five Aprils , p.165 In December Abraham Lincoln - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Across Five Aprils

Page 1: Across Five Aprils

Across Five Aprils

Ch. 10 - 12 Vocabulary

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amnestyA decision that a group of people will not be punished or that a group of prisoners will be allowed to go free Across Five Aprils, p.165

In December Abraham Lincolnissued a proclamation of amnesty, in which hepromised pardon and full rights to any individual Confederate who would swear to protect the Constitution and the Union of the states, to abide by the government’s pronouncements against slavery

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siegeAn attack in which an army surrounds a castle or city in order to take control of it

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13th AmendmentForbids slavery and forced labor

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egotismThe practice of talking about oneself too much; an overly high opinion of one’s importance

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clemencyA decision not to punish someone severely Across Five Aprils, p.165

This vindictiveness was urged on by men in high places who resented the President’s spirit of clemency as violently as they resented the tenacity of the South.

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gauntVery thin, usually because you are sick, tired, or worried

What we know best of Abraham Lincoln is his face. Gaunt and furrowed, with hollow cheeks, dark, shadowed eyes and a cowlick in his hair, as if he didn’t quite know what to do with a comb.

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