Appendix A (All Available FIDs) ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTION PROD_PERM PERMISSION 1 NULL INTEGER 5 Product permissions information. RDNDISPLAY DISPLAYTEMPLATE 2 NULL INTEGER 3 Display information for the IDN terminal device. DSPLY_NAME DISPLAY NAME 3 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Expanded name for the instrument. RDN_EXCHID IDN EXCHANGE ID 4 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades. TIMACT TIME OF UPDATE 5 NULL TIME 5 Time when the head-end updated a certain field or fields in the record. Which field depends on the instrument. TRDPRC_1 LAST 6 TRDPRC_2 PRICE 17 Last trade price or value. TRDPRC_2 LAST 1 7 TRDPRC_3 PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values. TRDPRC_3 LAST 2 8 TRDPRC_4 PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values. TRDPRC_4 LAST 3 9 TRDPRC_5 PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values. TRDPRC_5 LAST 4 10 NULL PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values. NETCHNG_1 NET CHANGE 11 NULL PRICE 17 Difference between latest trading price or value and the historic closing value or settlement price. HIGH_1 TODAY'S HIGH 12 NULL PRICE 17 Today's highest transaction value. LOW_1 TODAY'S LOW 13 NULL PRICE 17 Today's lowest transaction value. PRCTCK_1 TICK:UP/DOWN 14 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade. CURRENCY CURRENCY 15 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency in which the instrument is quoted. TRADE_DATE TRADE DATE 16 NULL DATE 11 The date of the value in the field TRDPRC_1. ACTIV_DATE ACTIVE DATE 17 NULL DATE 11 The date when the time in TIMACT was updated. TRDTIM_1 TRADE TIME 18 NULL TIME 5 Time of the value in the TRDPRC_1. OPEN_PRC OPENING PRICE 19 NULL PRICE 17 Today's opening price or value. The source of this field depends upon the market and instrument type. HST_CLOSE HISTORIC CLOSE 21 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent non-zero closing value or settlement price. BID BID 22 BID_1 PRICE 17 Latest bid price.For US Composite stock and equity market maker super records the best bid price. For OM type option markets the block bid price. BID_1 BID 1 23 BID_2 PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent. BID_2 BID 2 24 NULL PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent. ASK ASK 25 ASK_1 PRICE 17 Latest ask price.For US Composite stock and equity market maker super records the best ask price. For OM type option markets the block ask price. ASK_1 ASK 1 26 ASK_2 PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent. ASK_2 ASK 2 27 NULL PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent. NEWS NEWS 28 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 News retrieval page code. NEWS_TIME NEWS TIME 29 NULL TIME 5 Time of generation of news item whose page code is given by NEWS. BIDSIZE BID SIZE 30 NULL INTEGER 15 The quantity bid at the latest bid price - in the case of equity market maker super records the total quantity bid at the best bid price. For Australian futures the number of buying contracts. ASKSIZE ASK SIZE 31 NULL INTEGER 15 The quantity offered at the latest ask price - in the case of equity market maker super records the total quantity offered at the best ask price. For Australian futures the number of selling contracts. ACVOL_1 VOL ACCUMULATED 32 NULL INTEGER 15 Today's total trading volume. EARNINGS EARNINGS 34 NULL PRICE 17 Latest reported earnings per share. YIELD YIELD 35 NULL PRICE 17 For equities the dividend per share expressed as a percentage of the price.For bonds this is the current or simple yield i.e. the interest expressed as a percentage of the price. Page 1 of 87



Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPROD_PERM PERMISSION 1 NULL INTEGER 5 Product permissions information.RDNDISPLAY DISPLAYTEMPLATE 2 NULL INTEGER 3 Display information for the IDN terminal device.DSPLY_NAME DISPLAY NAME 3 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Expanded name for the instrument.RDN_EXCHID IDN EXCHANGE ID 4 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades.TIMACT TIME OF UPDATE 5 NULL TIME 5 Time when the head-end updated a certain field or fields in the record. Which field depends on

the instrument.TRDPRC_1 LAST 6 TRDPRC_2 PRICE 17 Last trade price or value.TRDPRC_2 LAST 1 7 TRDPRC_3 PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values.TRDPRC_3 LAST 2 8 TRDPRC_4 PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values.TRDPRC_4 LAST 3 9 TRDPRC_5 PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values.TRDPRC_5 LAST 4 10 NULL PRICE 17 Previous last trade prices or values.NETCHNG_1 NET CHANGE 11 NULL PRICE 17 Difference between latest trading price or value and the historic closing value or settlement price.

HIGH_1 TODAY'S HIGH 12 NULL PRICE 17 Today's highest transaction value.LOW_1 TODAY'S LOW 13 NULL PRICE 17 Today's lowest transaction value.PRCTCK_1 TICK:UP/DOWN 14 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.CURRENCY CURRENCY 15 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency in which the instrument is quoted.TRADE_DATE TRADE DATE 16 NULL DATE 11 The date of the value in the field TRDPRC_1.ACTIV_DATE ACTIVE DATE 17 NULL DATE 11 The date when the time in TIMACT was updated.TRDTIM_1 TRADE TIME 18 NULL TIME 5 Time of the value in the TRDPRC_1.OPEN_PRC OPENING PRICE 19 NULL PRICE 17 Today's opening price or value. The source of this field depends upon the market and instrument

type.HST_CLOSE HISTORIC CLOSE 21 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent non-zero closing value or settlement price.BID BID 22 BID_1 PRICE 17 Latest bid price.For US Composite stock and equity market maker super records the best bid

price. For OM type option markets the block bid price.BID_1 BID 1 23 BID_2 PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.BID_2 BID 2 24 NULL PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.ASK ASK 25 ASK_1 PRICE 17 Latest ask price.For US Composite stock and equity market maker super records the best ask

price. For OM type option markets the block ask price.ASK_1 ASK 1 26 ASK_2 PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.ASK_2 ASK 2 27 NULL PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.NEWS NEWS 28 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 News retrieval page code.NEWS_TIME NEWS TIME 29 NULL TIME 5 Time of generation of news item whose page code is given by NEWS.BIDSIZE BID SIZE 30 NULL INTEGER 15 The quantity bid at the latest bid price - in the case of equity market maker super records the

total quantity bid at the best bid price. For Australian futures the number of buying contracts.ASKSIZE ASK SIZE 31 NULL INTEGER 15 The quantity offered at the latest ask price - in the case of equity market maker super records

the total quantity offered at the best ask price. For Australian futures the number of selling contracts.

ACVOL_1 VOL ACCUMULATED 32 NULL INTEGER 15 Today's total trading volume.EARNINGS EARNINGS 34 NULL PRICE 17 Latest reported earnings per share.YIELD YIELD 35 NULL PRICE 17 For equities the dividend per share expressed as a percentage of the price.For bonds this is the

current or simple yield i.e. the interest expressed as a percentage of the price.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPERATIO P.E. 36 NULL PRICE 17 Ratio of stock price to earnings per share.DIVIDENDTP DIVIDEND TYPE 37 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) Latest reported dividend type.DIVPAYDATE DIVIDEND DATE 38 NULL DATE 11 Date on which dividend will be paid.EXDIVDATE EX DIV DATE 39 NULL DATE 11 The date on which the issue will trade ex-dividend.CTS_QUAL CTS QUALIFIER 40 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) For US stock the CTS ticker price qualifier.CONTR_MNTH CONTRACT MONTH 41 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 The month in which a contract becomes deliverable if not liquidated or traded out before the date

specified.BLKCOUNT BLOCK COUNT 42 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of block trades today.BLKVOLUM BLOCK VOLUME 43 NULL INTEGER 15 Today's total block trading volume.Updated whenever a trade of over 10 000 shares occurs.TRDXID_1 TRADE EXCH ID 44 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) Exchange identifier of the latest trade.US Composites only.OPEN1 FIRST OPEN 47 NULL PRICE 17 For commodities the first or only opening price in an open range.OPEN2 SECOND OPEN 48 NULL PRICE 17 For commodities the second opening price in an open range.OPNRNGTP OPEN RNG TYPE 49 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) Today's open range price(s) type.CLOSE1 FIRST CLOSE 50 NULL PRICE 17 For commodities today's first or only closing price.CLOSE2 SECOND CLOSE 51 NULL PRICE 17 For commodities today's second closing price.Zero if there is only one closing price.CLSRNGTP CLOSE RNG TYPE 52 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) Today's closing range price(s) type.TRD_UNITS TRADING UNITS 53 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) The price units in which the issue trades.LOTSZUNITS LOT SIZE UNITS 54 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 5 ) Lot size units.Defines physical units in which a contract trades.LOT_SIZE LOTSIZE 55 NULL INTEGER 15 The smallest quantity of a future which may be traded. For options the contract size. For equities

the number of shares traded in a round lot.PCTCHNG PERCENT CHANGE 56 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage change in the latest trade price or value from the historic close.OPEN_BID OPEN BID 57 NULL PRICE 17 First bid price of the day; for US Composites the first best bid price.DJTIME DJ TIME 58 NULL TIME 5 Time of latest Dow Jones news story on the company.OPEN_ASK OPEN ASK 59 NULL PRICE 17 First ask price of the day; for US Composites the the first best ask price.CLOSE_BID CLOSE BID 60 NULL PRICE 17 Last bid price of the day. For US Composites the last best bid price.CLOSE_ASK CLOSE ASK 61 NULL PRICE 17 Last ask price of the day. For US Composites the last best ask price.LOCHIGH CNTR LIFE HIGH 62 NULL PRICE 17 Highest transaction value during the life of the contract.LOCLOW CNTR LIFE LOW 63 NULL PRICE 17 Lowest transaction value during the life of the contract.OPINT_1 OPEN INTEREST 64 NULL INTEGER 15 Open interest.The total number of option or futures contracts that have not been closed or in the

case of commodities liquidated or offset by delivery.OPINTNC OPN INT NETCHG 65 NULL INTEGER 15 Open interest net change.The difference between the current and previous open interest.STRIKE_PRC STRIKE PRICE 66 NULL PRICE 17 Strike price;the price at which an option is exercisable.EXPIR_DATE EXPIRE DATE 67 NULL DATE 11 The date on which the future option or warrant expires.MATUR_DATE MATURITY DATE 68 NULL DATE 11 The date on which a bond matures.COUPN_RATE COUPON RATE 69 NULL PRICE 17 The interest rate assigned to a bond when it is issued.SETTLE SETTLEMENT PRC 70 NULL PRICE 17 Settlement price.The official closing price of a futures or option contract set by the clearing house

at the end of the trading day.DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 71 NULL PRICE 17 The latest reported dividend to be paid per share to shareholders.NAVOLCODE NASD VOL CODE 72 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) NASD volume code.For NASD bid/ask issues this indicates which day's official volume is

contained in today's accumulated volume field.UPLIMIT UPPER TRD LIMIT 75 NULL PRICE 17 Upper trading limit for today's trading.LOLIMIT LOWER TRD LIMIT 76 NULL PRICE 17 Lower limit for today's trading.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONNUM_MOVES NUMBER TRADES 77 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of trades today. For indices the number of times the index has been calculated.OFFCL_CODE OFFICIAL CODE 78 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Unique numeric code assigned to the instrument.HSTCLSDATE HIST CLOSE DATE 79 NULL DATE 11 Date of the most recent non-zero closing price as held in HST_CLOSE FID 20 and

HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.TOT_VOLUME VOL TOTAL 80 NULL INTEGER 15 Today's total market volume.VOLUME_ADV VOL ADVANCING 81 NULL INTEGER 15 Accumulated volume of issues that have advanced today.VOLUME_DEC VOL DECLINING 82 NULL INTEGER 15 Accumulated volume of issues that have declined today.VOLUME_UNC VOL UNCHANGED 83 NULL INTEGER 15 Accumulated volume of issues that are unchanged today.ISSUES_ADV NUM ADVANCING 84 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of issues which have advanced today.ISSUES_DEC NUM DECLINING 85 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of issues which have declined today.ISSUES_UNC NUM UNCHANGED 86 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of issues unchanged today.MOVES_ADV MOVES ADVANCING 87 NULL INTEGER 15 Accumulated moves of issues that have advanced today.MOVES_DEC MOVES DECLINING 88 NULL INTEGER 15 Accumulated moves of issues that have declined today.MOVES_UNC MOVES UNCHANGED 89 NULL INTEGER 15 Accumulated moves of issues that are unchanged today.YRHIGH YEAR'S HIGH 90 NULL PRICE 17 The highest value this year or period. The content of this field is further qualified by FID 1075.

YRLOW YEAR'S LOW 91 NULL PRICE 17 The lowest value this year or period. The content of this field is further qualified by FID 1076.PRV_YRHIGH PREV YEAR HIGH 92 NULL PRICE 17 The highest value during the previous calendar year.PRV_YRLOW PREV YEAR LOW 93 NULL PRICE 17 The lowest value during the previous calendar year.LIFE_HIGH LIFETIME HIGH 94 NULL PRICE 17 The highest value ever achieved by this issue.LIFE_LOW LIFETIME LOW 95 NULL PRICE 17 The lowest value ever achieved by this issue.EPYHSTCLOS PREV YEAR CLOSE 98 NULL PRICE 17 The historic close for the issue at the final trading day in the previous calendar year.LIMIT_IND LIMIT INDICATOR 99 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Indicates if a commodity or commodity option has reached its upper or lower trading limit.TURNOVER TURNOVER 100 NULL PRICE 17 The daily turnover revenue or value of all shares for either a particular instrument or an

exchange. Currently supplied by New Zealand SE Hong Kong SE and Copenhagen SE. Cleared during the pre-market clear. The value is scaled according to the field TN

NEW_LOWS NUM NEW LOWS 101 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of issues making a new yearly low today.COUPN_DATE COUPON DATE 102 NULL DATE 11 The date on which the next bond interest payment is made.RATING BOND RATING 103 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) The rating for a bond. For example for US bonds this could be the Standard and Poors rating.

Where explicity named rating fields are present in the same record this field will hold the lowest rating of them all.

BOND_TYPE BOND TYPE 104 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) The type of instrument - provides further granularity to FID 259 RECORDTYPE where required.

BCKGRNDPAG BACKGROUND PAGE 105 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Page on the international monitor system containing information relevant to the instrument. The code for an individual company is displayed for all exchanges on which the company trades.

TOT_ISSUES TOTAL ISS TRADE 106 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of issues which have traded today.ISSUE_DATE ISSUE DATE 107 NULL DATE 11 The date on which the bond prospectus was issued.NEW_HIGHS NUM NEW HIGHS 108 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of issues which have made a new yearly high today.PUTCALLIND PUT/CALL FLAG 109 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Indicates whether option is a put or a call.YCHIGH_IND YR/CONTR HI IND 110 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Year or contract high indicator.This indicates whether a new year or contract high has been

established today.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONYCLOW_IND YR/CONTR LO IND 111 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Year or contract low indicator.This indicates whether a new year or contract low has been

established today.CALL_DATE BOND CALL DATE 112 NULL DATE 11 When a bond is redeemed prior to its expiry date the call date is the date of redemption.RATING_ID RATING ID 113 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) The identity of the security rating agency whose rating is defined in the field RATING FID103.

BID_NET_CH BID NET CHANGE 114 NULL PRICE 17 The difference between the latest bid and the historic closing bid.BID_TICK_1 TICK:BID 115 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of bidding from the previous bid. Can be calculated from either the bid price or for

forward rates the offset from the bid price.DAYS_MAT DAYS MATURITY 116 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of days to maturity ("countdown") for a debt instrument.CUM_EX_MKR CUM/EX MARKER 117 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Cum/ex security marker.PRC_QL_CD PRICE CODE 118 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) Price qualifier code for equities bonds and options.NASDSTATUS NASD STATUS 119 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) For NASD and SEAQ issues this indicates the market status.NAVALUE NAV:NT ASSET VL 120 NULL PRICE 17 Net asset value for US over the counter mutual funds.NAV_NETCHN NAV NET CHANGE 121 NULL PRICE 17 Difference between last and previous closing net asset value.ASSETS ASSETS 122 NULL PRICE 17 Assets for US over the counter money market funds.AV_MATRTY AVER MATURITY 123 NULL PRICE 17 Average maturity in days of US over the counter money market funds.YLD_7DAY SEVEN DAY YIELD 124 NULL PRICE 17 7 day yield of money market funds.EFF7DYLD SEVEN DAY EFF. 125 NULL PRICE 17 Effective 7 day yield of money market funds.SESSION1HI SESSION1 HIGH 126 NULL PRICE 17 First session high price of Japanese security.SESSION1LO SESSION1 LOW 127 NULL PRICE 17 First session low price of a Japanese security.SESSION2HI SESSION2 HIGH 128 NULL PRICE 17 Second session high price of a Japanese security.SESSION2LO SESSION2 LOW 129 NULL PRICE 17 Second session low price of a Japanese security.DURATION DURATION 130 NULL PRICE 17 The duration of a debt instrument.PRC_QL2 PRICE CODE 2 131 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) Second price qualifier code. Defined for US Government securities.YLDTOMAT YLD MATURITY 132 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the yield to maturity which is the yield taking into account the price discount

or premium over face value.MKT_ST_IND MARKET STAT 133 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Indicates the current futures market status including whether a fast market condition exists.MID_PRICE MID-PRICE 134 NULL PRICE 17 The mid-price between the bid and ask prices supplied by the London ISE. Cleared during the

pre-market clear.MID_NET_CH MID-PRICE NETCH 135 NULL PRICE 17 The difference between the current mid-price held in MID_PRICE and the historic mid- price

HST_MID. Cleared during the pre-market clear.MID_CLOSE MID-PRICE CLOSE 136 NULL PRICE 17 The closing mid-price.TDY_UN_CLS UNOFFICIAL CLS 137 NULL PRICE 17 Today's unofficial closing price as supplied by an exchange such as LIFFE. Cleared during the

pre-market clear.AM_CLOSE AM CLOSE 138 NULL PRICE 17 The closing price of the morning's trading on GAFTA.PM_CLOSE PM CLOSE 139 NULL PRICE 17 The closing price of the afternoon's trading on GAFTA.EUROCLR_NO EUROCLR NUMBER 140 NULL INTEGER 10 Euroclear number.CEDEL_NO CEDEL NUMBER 141 NULL INTEGER 10 CEDEL number.VALOREN_NO VALOREN NUMBER 142 NULL INTEGER 10 Valoren number.TDY_OF_CLS OFFICIAL CLS 143 NULL PRICE 17 Today's official closing price reported for Italian equities.CONTE_CLS CONTANTE CLS 144 NULL PRICE 17 Contante close.Cash price on Italian bond market.TERM_CLS TERMINE CLS 145 NULL PRICE 17 Termine close.Forward closing price on Italian bond market.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCASH_AVGE CASH AVERAGE 146 NULL PRICE 17 Average price input once a month.OFF_BND_NO OFFICIAL BOND # 147 NULL INTEGER 10 Official bond number for Italian bonds.FOOTNOTE1 FOOTNOTE #1 148 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 Footnotes for mutual and money market funds.FOOTNOTE2 FOOTNOTE #2 149 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 Footnotes for mutual and money market funds.NAVDATE NAV DATE 150 NULL DATE 11 Date of net asset value.OFFER OFFER PRICE 151 NULL PRICE 17 Mutual fund offer price.CAPGAIN_1 CAPITAL GAINS 152 NULL PRICE 17 Capital gains.SPLTDIV_1 SPLIT/DIVIDEND 153 NULL PRICE 17 Stock split/dividend.NAVALUE_1 NAV PREV DAY 154 NULL PRICE 17 Previous day net asset value of mutual fund.NAVDAT_1 NAV PREV DATE 155 NULL DATE 11 Date of previous day's net asset value.YTM_BID YTM BID 156 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the yield to maturity of the of bid price.YTM_ASK YTM ASK 157 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the yield to maturity of the ask price.YTM_HIGH YTM HIGH 158 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the daily high of the yield to maturity.YTM_LOW YTM LOW 159 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the daily low of the yield to maturity.YTM_HIFLAG YTM HIGH FLAG 160 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 A flag indicating whether the trade which generated the yield to maturity high field value

YTM_HIGH resulted from one party "hitting" the bid or "taking" the ask.YTM_LOFLAG YTM LOW FLAG 161 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 A flag indicating whether the trade which generated the yield to maturity low field value

YTM_LOW resulted from one party "hitting" the bid or "taking" the ask.BUYER_ID BUYER ID 162 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 A code identifying the broker on the buy side of a trade reported by the Consolidated Canadian

ticker CCN.SELLER_ID SELLER ID 163 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 A code identifying the broker on the sell side of a trade reported by the Consolidated Canadian

ticker CCN.KASS_PRC KASSAKURS PRICE 164 NULL PRICE 17 The Kassakurse price;the cash price established daily.PRTY_PRICE PARITY PRICE 165 NULL PRICE 17 Parity price. Value in local currency of foreign stocks quoted on local exchanges on their own

domestic exchanges. Used in Switzerland and Japan.FPRC_1_MTH FWD PRC 1 MONTH 166 NULL PRICE 17 Forward price of Swiss equities.FPRC_2_MTH FWD PRC 2 MONTH 167 NULL PRICE 17 Forward price of Swiss equities.FPRC_3_MTH FWD PRC 3 MONTH 168 NULL PRICE 17 Forward price of Swiss equities.FPRC_6_MTH FWD PRC 6 MONTH 169 NULL PRICE 17 Forward price of Swiss equities.FPRC_9_MTH FWD PRC 9 MONTH 170 NULL PRICE 17 Forward price of Swiss equities.YIELD_32ND YLD 32ND 171 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the yield value of 1/32nd.YTM_OPEN YTM OPEN 172 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the day's opening yield to maturity.KERB_PRC1 KERB 1st PRICE 173 KERB_PRC2 PRICE 17 Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.The unofficial trading price

when the market has closed.For the London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.

KERB_PRC2 KERB 2nd PRICE 174 KERB_PRC3 PRICE 17 Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.The unofficial trading price when the market has closed.For the London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.

KERB_PRC3 KERB 3rd PRICE 175 KERB_PRC4 PRICE 17 Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.The unofficial trading price when the market has closed.For the London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONKERB_PRC4 KERB 4th PRICE 176 KERB_PRC5 PRICE 17 Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.The unofficial trading price

when the market has closed.For the London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.

KERB_PRC5 KERB 5th PRICE 177 NULL PRICE 17 Kerb price for Italian equities and the London Commodities Exchange.The unofficial trading price when the market has closed.For the London Commodities Exchange only the latest kerb price is held.

TRDVOL_1 TRADE VOL 178 NULL INTEGER 15 Transactional volume of the trade price reported in TRDPRC_1.BASISVALUE BASIS VALUE 179 NULL PRICE 17 For debt instruments the dollar value of a single basis point.ISSUE_PRC ISSUE PRICE 181 NULL PRICE 17 The price at which the issue was initially allocated.YTM_OPFLAG YTM OPEN FLAG 182 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For debt instruments a flag indicating whether the the yield to maturity open field value in

YTM_OPEN resulted from a trade where one party "hit" the bid or "took" the ask.NO_BUYERS NUMBER BUYERS 183 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of buyers.NO_SELLERS NUMBER SELLERS 184 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of sellers.RISKFACTOR RISK FACTOR 185 NULL PRICE 17 The risk factors are calculated daily by LIFFE and indicate the risk of an option relative to that of

the related futures contract.They are used as the basis of the option margining system.SHORTADDON SHORT ADD ON 186 NULL PRICE 17 Additional element of margin required by LIFFE on short options positions reflecting higher risk

than in long positions.TOT_MOVES MOVES TOTAL 187 NULL INTEGER 15 The total number of moves today.STATUS_1 STATUS 1 188 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.STATUS_2 STATUS 2 189 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.STATUS_3 STATUS 3 190 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.STATUS_4 STATUS 4 191 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.STATUS_5 STATUS 5 192 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.STATUS_6 STATUS 6 193 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.STATUS_7 STATUS 7 194 NULL INTEGER 15 Stop codes entered by the operations staff.HIGHTP_1 HIGH PRC TYPE 196 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Indicates today's highest transaction type as held in HIGH_1 FID 12.LOWTP_1 LOW PRC TYPE 197 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Indicates today's lowest transaction type as held in LOW_1 FID 13.LOT_SIZE_A LOT SIZE 198 NULL PRICE 17 The lot size field which defines the number of contracts physicals or equities traded for a

particular instrument.OPENEXID OPEN XID 199 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) For US composite quotes the exchange identifier of the exchange where the opening price was

made.CLSEXID CLSE XID 200 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) For US composite quotes the exchange identifier of the exchange from where the historic close

originates.LF_HGH_DAT LIFE HIGH DATE 201 NULL DATE 11 Date on which the life high was established.LF_LOW_DAT LIFE LOW DATE 202 NULL DATE 11 Date on which the life low was established.BID_HIGH_1 TODAY HIGH BID 203 NULL PRICE 17 Today's highest bid price.BID_LOW_1 TODAY LOW BID 204 NULL PRICE 17 Today's lowest bid price.YRBIDHIGH YEAR HIGH BID 205 NULL PRICE 17 The highest bid this calendar year.YRBIDLOW YEAR LOW BID 206 NULL PRICE 17 The lowest bid this calendar year.HST_CLSBID HIST CLOSE BID 207 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing bid i.e. the last non-zero closing bid.HSTCLBDDAT HIST CLS BID DT 208 NULL DATE 11 The historic closing bid date.YRBDHI_IND YEAR BID HIGH * 209 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Indicator showing whether or not the highest bid this calendar year was made today.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONYRBDLO_IND YEAR BID LOW * 210 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Indicator showing whether or not the lowest bid this calendar year was made today.NUM_BIDS NUMBER OF BIDS 211 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of bids made for a NASDAQ bid ask quoted equity.MKT_MKR_ID MRKT MAKER ID 212 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 A four character market maker identifier.MKT_SOURCE MRKT MAKER SRC 213 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 4 ) The source of the market maker quote e.g. SEAQ. For non-exchange sourced quotes this

indicates the city from which the quote came.MKT_MKR_NM MRKT MAKER NAME 214 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 The name of the market maker.ROW64_1 MONROW 1 215 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_2 MONROW 2 216 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_3 MONROW 3 217 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_4 MONROW 4 218 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_5 MONROW 5 219 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_6 MONROW 6 220 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_7 MONROW 7 221 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_8 MONROW 8 222 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_9 MONROW 9 223 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_10 MONROW 10 224 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_11 MONROW 11 225 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_12 MONROW 12 226 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_13 MONROW 13 227 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.ROW64_14 MONROW 14 228 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 Fields corresponding to the 14 rows of text on the Monitor page for the Monitor Gateway record

template. These are also used as general 64-character text fields in other records.SPECRLDATE SPECRLDATE 229 NULL DATE 11 Date of special release.SP_NAVALUE SPNAVALUE 230 NULL PRICE 17 Special release beginning net asset value.SPNAVALUE1 SPNAVALUE1 231 NULL PRICE 17 Special release closing net asset valueSPEC_CAP SPECCAP 232 NULL PRICE 17 Special release capital gainsSPECDIV SPECDIV 233 NULL PRICE 17 Special release dividendPRV_KASSA PREV KASSA PRC 234 NULL PRICE 17 The previous reported day's cash or kassakurs price.PNAC PNAC 235 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 News access code.PREV_LR PREVIOUS LINK 237 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Previous record pointer.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONNEXT_LR NEXT LINK 238 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Next record pointer.REF_COUNT REFERENCE COUNT 239 NULL INTEGER 3 Count of the number of references in a record.LINK_1 LINK 1 240 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_2 LINK 2 241 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_3 LINK 3 242 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_4 LINK 4 243 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_5 LINK 5 244 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_6 LINK 6 245 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_7 LINK 7 246 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_8 LINK 8 247 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_9 LINK 9 248 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_10 LINK 10 249 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_11 LINK 11 250 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_12 LINK 12 251 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_13 LINK 13 252 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.LINK_14 LINK 14 253 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 References to the Data Records. All references are defined using the Marketstream Alpha

Name (DIF 1). Null references are represented using the null Alpha Name definition.UNIQUE_SN UNIQUE SN 254 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 This field - the unique story number - enables the recipient to link together successive parts of a

news story and provide a unique reference.PROC_DATE PROCDATE 255 NULL DATE 11 Date when NPS or other head-end processed item.PROC_TIME PROCTIME 256 NULL TIME 5 Time when NPS or other head-end processed item.FINAL_LINE FINAL LINE 257 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 64 The final line text of a story.SEG_TEXT TEXT 258 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 255 byte take segment text field.RECORDTYPE RECORDTYPE 259 NULL INTEGER 3 Field which indicates the type of record and also the type of data in that record.SEG_FORW FORWARD TAKE 260 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Forward pointer initially used by PPD to point to the next take of a story.SEG_BACK BACKWARD TAKE 261 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Backward pointer initially used by PPD to point to the previous take of a story.NO_TAKES NUMBER OF TAKES 262 NULL PRICE 17 Count of the number of takes in the story or for chaining the number of link records in a chain.

CUR_TAKE CURRENT TAKE 263 NULL PRICE 17 Current take number or for chaining the number of the current link record in the chain.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONBCAST_TEXT BROADCAST TEXT 264 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 Variable length broadcast text field.TRADE_1 TRADE 1 265 NULL PRICE 17 Redundant field. To be deleted.BID_TIME BID TIME 266 NULL TIME 5 Time of the latest update to the BID field FID 22.ASK_TIME ASK TIME 267 NULL TIME 5 Time of the latest update to the ASK field FID 25.ACT_TP_1 ACT TYPE 1 270 ACT_TP_2 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5 an associated activity

indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.ACT_TP_2 ACT TYPE 2 271 ACT_TP_3 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5 an associated activity

indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.ACT_TP_3 ACT TYPE 3 272 ACT_TP_4 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5 an associated activity

indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.ACT_TP_4 ACT TYPE 4 273 ACT_TP_5 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5 an associated activity

indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.ACT_TP_5 ACT TYPE 5 274 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) For each of the last activity fields defined in PRIMACT_1 to PRIMACT_5 an associated activity

indicator which indicates the nature of the last activity field.SEC_ACT_1 SECOND ACTIVY 1 275 SEC_ACT_2 PRICE 17 The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case these field holds the second

half of the most recent activity. SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.SEC_ACT_2 SECOND ACTIVY 2 276 SEC_ACT_3 PRICE 17 The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case these field holds the second

half of the most recent activity. SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.SEC_ACT_3 SECOND ACTIVY 3 277 SEC_ACT_4 PRICE 17 The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case these field holds the second

half of the most recent activity. SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.SEC_ACT_4 SECOND ACTIVY 4 278 SEC_ACT_5 PRICE 17 The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case these field holds the second

half of the most recent activity. SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.SEC_ACT_5 SECOND ACTIVY 5 279 NULL PRICE 17 The activity type may involve one or two fields. In the latter case these field holds the second

half of the most recent activity. SEC_ACT_n is associated with PRIMACT_n.SC_ACT_TP1 SEC ACT TYPE 1 280 SC_ACT_TP2 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_n.

SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.SC_ACT_TP2 SEC ACT TYPE 2 281 SC_ACT_TP3 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_n.

SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.SC_ACT_TP3 SEC ACT TYPE 3 282 SC_ACT_TP4 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_n.

SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.SC_ACT_TP4 SEC ACT TYPE 4 283 SC_ACT_TP5 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_n.

SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.SC_ACT_TP5 SEC ACT TYPE 5 284 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator which describes the nature of the secondary activity field SEC_ACT_n.

SC_ACT_TPn refers to SEC_ACT_n.OPEN_TIME OPEN TIME 285 NULL TIME 5 Time at which the opening value held in the fields OPEN_PRC/ OPEN_PRC2 was made.HIGH_TIME HIGH TIME 286 NULL TIME 5 Time at which the high value held in the fields HIGH_1/ SEC_HIGH was made.LOW_TIME LOW TIME 287 NULL TIME 5 Time at which the low value held in the fields LOW_1/ SEC_LOW was made.SETTLEDATE SETTLE DATE 288 NULL DATE 11 The date of the settlement price held in the SETTLE field.ASK_VOLUME ASK VOLUME 289 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume of stock available to be sold at the current price held in the TRDPRC_1 field.

Originally but no longer required for the Taiwan SE.NO_BIDMMKR NUM BID MMKR 1 291 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market-makers currently making the best bid for a particular equity.NO_ASKMMKR NUM ASK MMKR 1 292 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market-makers currently making the best ask for a particular equity.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONBID_MMID1 BID MMID 1 293 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Identifiers showing three market-makers on the bid side of a quote. For ISE these represent the

three best-bid market-makers BID_MMID1 representing the market-maker who has made the best bid.

BID_MMID2 BID MMID 2 294 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Identifiers showing three market-makers on the bid side of a quote. For ISE these represent the three best-bid market-makers BID_MMID1 representing the market-maker who has made the best bid.

BID_MMID3 BID MMID 3 295 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Identifiers showing three market-makers on the bid side of a quote. For ISE these represent the three best-bid market-makers BID_MMID1 representing the market-maker who has made the best bid.

ASK_MMID1 ASK MMID 1 296 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Identifiers showing three market-makers on the ask side of a quote. For ISE these represent the three best-ask market-makers ASK_MMID1 representing the market-maker who has made the best ask.

ASK_MMID2 ASK MMID 2 297 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Identifiers showing three market-makers on the ask side of a quote. For ISE these represent the three best-ask market-makers ASK_MMID1 representing the market-maker who has made the best ask.

ASK_MMID3 ASK MMID 3 298 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Identifiers showing three market-makers on the ask side of a quote. For ISE these represent the three best-ask market-makers ASK_MMID1 representing the market-maker who has made the best ask.

P_BUY_Q P BUY Q 299 NULL INTEGER 15 The primary buy-queue length reported by Hong Kong SE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

S_BUY_Q S BUY Q 300 NULL INTEGER 15 The secondary buy-queue length reported by Hong Kong SE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

P_ASK_Q P ASK Q 301 NULL INTEGER 15 The primary ask-queue length reported by Hong Kong SE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

S_ASK_Q S ASK Q 302 NULL INTEGER 15 The secondary ask-queue length reported by Hong Kong SE. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESSION1 SESSION 1 303 NULL PRICE 17 First session price. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry the first morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESSION2 SESSION 2 304 NULL PRICE 17 Second session price. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry the second morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESSION3 SESSION 3 305 NULL PRICE 17 Third session price. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry the third morning session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESSION4 SESSION 4 306 NULL PRICE 17 Fourth session price. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry the first afternoon session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESSION5 SESSION 5 307 NULL PRICE 17 Fifth session price. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry the second afternoon session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESSION6 SESSION 6 308 NULL PRICE 17 Sixth session price. For the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry the third afternoon session price. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

SESS1_FLAG SESSION 1 FLG 309 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.

SESS2_FLAG SESSION 2 FLG 310 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session flags associated with a single session price as defined above in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSESS3_FLAG SESSION 3 FLG 311 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session flags associated with a single

session price as defined above in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.SESS4_FLAG SESSION 4 FLG 312 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session flags associated with a single

session price as defined above in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.SESS5_FLAG SESSION 5 FLG 313 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session flags associated with a single

session price as defined above in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.SESS6_FLAG SESSION 6 FLG 314 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For session trading instruments such as TCEI futures six session flags associated with a single

session price as defined above in the fields SESSION1 through SESSION6.ROW80_1 IRGROW 1 315 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_2 IRGROW 2 316 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_3 IRGROW 3 317 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_4 IRGROW 4 318 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_5 IRGROW 5 319 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_6 IRGROW 6 320 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_7 IRGROW 7 321 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_8 IRGROW 8 322 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_9 IRGROW 9 323 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_10 IRGROW 10 324 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_11 IRGROW 11 325 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_12 IRGROW 12 326 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_13 IRGROW 13 327 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_14 IRGROW 14 328 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_15 IRGROW 15 329 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_16 IRGROW 16 330 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_17 IRGROW 17 331 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_18 IRGROW 18 332 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_19 IRGROW 19 333 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_20 IRGROW 20 334 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_21 IRGROW 21 335 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_22 IRGROW 22 336 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_23 IRGROW 23 337 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_24 IRGROW 24 338 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.ROW80_25 IRGROW 25 339 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Eighty character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record.OPTION_XID OPTION EXCH ID 340 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 An ASCII string holding up to six exchange identifiers of where options on an equity are traded.

OPEN_TONE OPEN TONE 343 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Open price qualifier associated with the OPEN_PRC field supplied for US government securities.

TRADE_TONE LAST TONE 344 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade price qualifier associated with the TRDPRC_1 field supplied for Japanese instruments and US government securities. Cleared during the pre-market clear.

BID_TONE BID TONE 345 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Japanese bid price qualifier associated with the BID field. This is cleared during the pre-market clear.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONASK_TONE ASK TONE 346 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Japanese ask price qualifier associated with the ASK field. This is cleared during the pre-market

clear.CLOSE_TONE CLOSE TONE 347 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Closing price qualifier associated with the HST_CLOSE field. Supplied for Japanese instruments

and US Government securities.STOP_HIGH STOP HIGH 348 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flag indicating that trading has occurred at the upper limit permissible supplied for Japanese

instruments. This is cleared during the pre-market clear.STOP_LOW STOP LOW 349 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flag indicating that trading has occurred at the lower permissible limit supplied for Japanese

instruments. This is cleared during the pre-market clear.YRHIGHDAT YEAR HIGH DATE 350 NULL DATE 11 Date on which the year or contract high as held in the YRHIGH and LOCHIGH fields respectively

was made.YRLOWDAT YEAR LOW DATE 351 NULL DATE 11 Date on which the year or contract low as held in the YRLOW and LOCLOW fields respectively

was made.DOM_EX_MKR DOM/EX MARKER 352 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Security marker for a foreign company trading on a Japanese stock exchange indicating the

status of the company on its own domestic market.DOM_STATUS DOM STATUS 353 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Market status of the domestic market of a foreign company trading on a Japanese stock

exchange.PBR PRICE/BOOK RATIO 354 NULL PRICE 17 For Japanese equities the price to book ratio.VOL_FLAG VOLUME FLAG 355 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trading volume qualifier associated with the ACVOL_1 field and cleared during the pre-market

clear. Used for Japanese instruments and US futures.RT_YIELD_1 RT YIELD 1 356 RT_YIELD_2 PRICE 17 The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money market

instruments.RT_YIELD_2 RT YIELD 2 357 RT_YIELD_3 PRICE 17 The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money market

instruments.RT_YIELD_3 RT YIELD 3 358 RT_YIELD_4 PRICE 17 The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money market

instruments.RT_YIELD_4 RT YIELD 4 359 RT_YIELD_5 PRICE 17 The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money market

instruments.RT_YIELD_5 RT YIELD 5 360 NULL PRICE 17 The five most recent yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money market

instruments.YLD_NETCHG YIELD NET CHANGE 361 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the current real-time yield from the historic closing yield. This field is cleared

during the pre-market clear.BID_YIELD BID YIELD 362 NULL PRICE 17 The bid yield for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.ASK_YIELD ASK YIELD 363 NULL PRICE 17 The ask yield for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.OPEN_YLD OPEN YIELD 364 NULL PRICE 17 The opening yield of the day for Japanese instruments cleared during the pre-market clear.HIGH_YLD HIGH YIELD 365 NULL PRICE 17 The day's highest yield as held in the RT_YIELD_1 field. This is cleared during the pre-market

clear.LOW_YLD LOW YIELD 366 NULL PRICE 17 The day's lowest yield as held in the RT_YIELD_1 field. This is cleared during the pre-market

clear.HST_CLSYLD HIST CLOSE YIELD 367 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing yield i.e. the last non-zero closing yield derived once daily outside market

hours from the RT_YIELD_1 field.OPINT_2 PRV OPEN INT 368 NULL INTEGER 15 Previous day's open interest. This is derived once daily from the OPINT_1 field.OPINT_DATE OPN INT DATE 369 NULL DATE 11 The date of the open interest value held in the OPINT_1 field. This is derived once daily.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONISS_AMOUNT ISSUE AMOUNT 370 NULL PRICE 17 The total number of debt instruments issued under a single issue.YLD_TICK TICK:YIELD 371 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The yield tick - the direction of latest yield from the previous yield. The field is derived from

RT_YIELD_1 and RT_YIELD_2 if the latter is non-zero or from RT_YIELD_1 and HST_CLSYLD otherwise. If HST_CLSYLD is zero then the field is not calculated. It

IRGPRC IRG PRICE 372 NULL PRICE 17 A cancelled inserted retransmitted or irregular price.IRGVOL IRG VOLUME 373 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume associated with the price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).IRGCOND IRG PRICE TYPE 374 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) An indicator of the type of price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).TIMCOR PRC CORRECT TIME 375 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 The time of a price correction - the time of update to either the IRGPRC (FID 372) or INSPRC

(FID 376) fields.INSPRC INSERT PRICE 376 NULL PRICE 17 When an exchange sends a correction report with details of both the cancelled and inserted price

this field holds the inserted price.INSVOL INSERT VOLUME 377 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume associated with the price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).INSCOND INSERT PRC TYPE 378 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) An indication of the type of price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).SALTIM LAST TIME 379 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Time of the last trade with precision in seconds - the time of the last update to the field

TRDPRC_1 (FID 6).TNOVER_SC TURNOVER SCALE 380 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 5 ) The scaling factor for the TURNOVER field FID 100.PARITY99 PARITY >= 100 381 NULL PRICE 17 For Japanese convertible bond indices parity greater than or equal to 100.PARITY100 PARITY < 100 382 NULL PRICE 17 For Japanese convertible bond indices parity less than 100.HST_VOL VOL ACC 2 383 NULL INTEGER 15 The previous day's accumulated volume.SESS_HIFLG SESSION HI FLAG 384 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) For session trading instruments an indication of during which session the daily high price was

made.SESS_LOFLG SESSION LOW FLAG 385 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) For session trading instruments an indication of during which session the daily low price was

made.SSPRNG1 SSP RANGE 1 386 NULL PRICE 17 The first and second halves respectively of the suspension price range.SSPRNG2 SSP RANGE 2 387 NULL PRICE 17 The first and second halves respectively of the suspension price range.SSPRNGTP SUSPENSION TYPE 388 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator showing the type of prices held in the suspension range fields SSPRNG1 and

SSPRNG2.RSMRNG1 RSM RANGE 1 389 NULL PRICE 17 The first and second halves respectively of the resumption price range.RSMRNG2 RSM RANGE 2 390 NULL PRICE 17 The first and second halves respectively of the resumption price range.RSMRNGTP RESUMPTION TYPE 391 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) An indicator showing the type of prices held in the resumption range fields RSMRNG1 and

RSMRNG2.VOL_DATE VOLUME DATE 392 NULL DATE 11 The date when a particular volume occurred at present that held in HST_VOL.PRIMACT_1 PRIM ACT 1 393 PRIMACT_2 PRICE 17 Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.PRIMACT_2 PRIM ACT 2 394 PRIMACT_3 PRICE 17 Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.PRIMACT_3 PRIM ACT 3 395 PRIMACT_4 PRICE 17 Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.PRIMACT_4 PRIM ACT 4 396 PRIMACT_5 PRICE 17 Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.PRIMACT_5 PRIM ACT 5 397 NULL PRICE 17 Primary last activity fields the most recent held in PRIMACT_1.EQUIV_YLD EQUIVALENT YIELD 398 NULL PRICE 17 This is a treasury bill yield calculated according to money market standards using a simple rather

than compound interest formula.SESSION7 SESSION 7 399 NULL PRICE 17 Seventh session price. For Kobe Rubber Exchange the fourth afternoon session price.SESS7_FLAG SESSION 7 FLG 400 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Session flag associated with the 7th session price SESSION7 above.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSESS1_VOL SESSION 1 VOL 401 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SESS2_VOL SESSION 2 VOL 402 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SESS3_VOL SESSION 3 VOL 403 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SESS4_VOL SESSION 4 VOL 404 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SESS5_VOL SESSION 5 VOL 405 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SESS6_VOL SESSION 6 VOL 406 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SESS7_VOL SESSION 7 VOL 407 NULL INTEGER 15 Volumes for the first to seventh trading sessions respectively whose latest price is indicated in

the fields SESSION1 through SESSION7.SELL_FRESH NEW SALES 408 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of new sale transactions (short positions) for the market day. Reported by Kobe

Rubber Exchange.BUY_FRESH NEW BUYS 409 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of new purchase transactions (long positions) for the market day. Reported by Kobe

Rubber Exchange.LIQUIDTN LIQUIDATION 410 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of transactions which closed out a long position during the market day. Reported by

Kobe Rubber Exch.SHORTCOVER SHORT COVER 411 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of transactions which covered a short position during the market day. Reported by

Kobe Rubber Exchange.EXERCISED EXERCISED 412 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of options contracts exercised during the trading day.ORDER_BID ORDER BID 431 NULL PRICE 17 Generic secondary bid field whose content is further described by the bid flag O_BID_TONE (FID

1065). For OM type options markets this is the order-book bid.ORDER_ASK ORDER ASK 432 NULL PRICE 17 Generic secondary ask field whose content is further described by the ask flag O_ASK_TONE

(FID 1066). For OM type options markets this is the order-book ask.BEST_BID1 BEST BID 1 436 NULL PRICE 17 The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these

fields are not rippled.BEST_BID2 BEST BID 2 437 NULL PRICE 17 The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these

fields are not rippled.BEST_BID3 BEST BID 3 438 NULL PRICE 17 The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these

fields are not rippled.BEST_BID4 BEST BID 4 439 NULL PRICE 17 The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these

fields are not rippled.BEST_BID5 BEST BID 5 440 NULL PRICE 17 The five best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these

fields are not rippled.BEST_ASK1 BEST ASK 1 441 NULL PRICE 17 The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that

these fields are not rippled.BEST_ASK2 BEST ASK 2 442 NULL PRICE 17 The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that

these fields are not rippled.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONBEST_ASK3 BEST ASK 3 443 NULL PRICE 17 The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that

these fields are not rippled.BEST_ASK4 BEST ASK 4 444 NULL PRICE 17 The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that

these fields are not rippled.BEST_ASK5 BEST ASK 5 445 NULL PRICE 17 The five best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that

these fields are not rippled.IDN_SERNO 450 NULL BINARY 4 Network termination serial number. If the termination is a keystation this is a physical identifier of

the keystation which is checked by the keystation on retrieval of the permissions record. If the value does not match the serial number encoded in the

REC_COUNT 451 NULL INTEGER 3 Number of permissions records for this network termination.REV_LEVEL 452 NULL INTEGER 3 Revision level of the permissions record.REG_COUNT 453 NULL INTEGER 3 Number of (consecutive) REG_FIELDs in use in this record.FILTER1 454 NULL BINARY 3 This field is used to allow KCDs to filter permissions records identifying the node group to which

a KCD or KCD device belongs.DEVICETYPE 455 NULL BINARY 3 Used to identify the type of device that is being permissioned.REG_ID1 REG ID1 456 NULL BINARY 3 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_FIELD1 REG FIELD1 457 NULL BINARY 43 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_ID2 458 NULL BINARY 3 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_FIELD2 459 NULL BINARY 43 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_ID3 460 NULL BINARY 3 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_FIELD3 461 NULL BINARY 43 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_ID4 462 NULL BINARY 3 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_FIELD4 463 NULL BINARY 43 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_ID5 464 NULL BINARY 3 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.REG_FIELD5 465 NULL BINARY 43 The REG_ID1 field identifies the permissions register whose contents are held in the

corresponding REG_FIELD1.PROG_ID 468 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Contains a reference to the first program record of the associated program.The reference is

formatted using the alphaname character set.This field is updated using a DRS operator command.

EXECUTE_IP 469 NULL BINARY 3 Instruction pointer of the program's initial start address.EXECUTE_CS 470 NULL BINARY 3 Code segment of the program's initial start address.REGISTR_0 471 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_1 472 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONREGISTR_2 473 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_3 474 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_4 475 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_5 476 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_6 477 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_7 478 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_8 479 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_9 480 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_10 481 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_11 482 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_12 483 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_13 484 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_14 485 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.REGISTR_15 486 NULL BINARY 3 Sixteen registers which may optionally be used for component register initialisation.DATREC_CNT 487 NULL BINARY 3 Count of the number of subsequent program data records which comprise the component's

program image.LD_ADD_IP 488 NULL BINARY 3 Instruction pointer of the load address.LD_ADD_CS 489 NULL BINARY 3 Code segment of the load address.BYTE_COUNT 490 NULL BINARY 3 Count of valid program data bytes contained in the following SECTOR fields.CHECKSUM 491 NULL INTEGER 3 Checksum used for verifying the program header record contents.When the checksum is added

to the summation of all other fields in the record the result is zero.SECTOR_1 492 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_2 493 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_3 494 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_4 495 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_5 496 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_6 497 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_7 498 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SECTOR_8 499 NULL BINARY 171 Program data bytes. Unused data bytes are padded with zero.SRCOFDATA SOURCE OF DATA 500 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Source of Data.SRC_REF1 SOURCE REFERENCE 501 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Source Reference. The reference that uniquely identifies the deal. For a dealing conversation it

is the conversation number. For a Matching deal it is the Match-ID.DATEOFDEAL DATE OF DEAL 502 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Date of Deal. The date and time in GMT at which a dealing conversation started or a Matching

ticket was received.TIMEOFDEAL TIME OF DEAL 503 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 Time of Deal. The date and time in GMT at which a dealing conversation started or a Matching

ticket was received.DEALER_ID DEALER ID 504 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Dealer ID. Dealer ID of the user who was logged on to the keystation where the Dealing

conversation was held or the Matching ticket was delivered (cf 549).DATE_CONFM DATE CONFIRMED 505 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Date Confirmed. The date and time in GMT when the deal was confirmed. For a dealing

conversation this is when the [CONFIRM] key is pressed. In the case of matching all tickets are automatically confirmed.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)


conversation this is when the [CONFIRM] key is pressed. In the case of matching all tickets are automatically confirmed.

CONFIRM_ID CONFIRMED-BY ID 507 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Confirmed-by ID. The dealer ID of the user who was logged on to the keystation where the ticket was confirmed (cf 550).

BANK1DCODE BANK 1 DLG CODE 508 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Bank 1 Dealing Code. The tcid of the bank dealt with in an online conversation. In a captured conversation this field may be #### if the tcid is not known. If the conversation contains the text COUNTERPARTY IS ... or BROKER IS ... this a single space.

BANK1DNAME BANK 1 NAME 509 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Bank 1 Name. The anserback of the bank dealt with in an online conversation. In a captured conversation this field contains the command-line counterparty name added between pressing the keys [CAPTURE] and [TRANSMIT/RETURN]. If the conversation contains t

BRKR_DCODE BROKER DLG CODE 510 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Broker Dealing Code. The tcid of a broker. This field is blank unless the conversation contains the text COUNTERPARTY IS... when it contains the tcid of the counterparty to the conversation.

BRKR_NAME BROKER NAME 511 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Broker Name. This field is blank unless the conversation contains the text COUNTERPARTY IS... when it contains the online answerback or the conversation contains the text BROKER IS yyyy.... when the field contains the text yyyy...

CIF_REASON CIF REASON 512 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Reason for sending (CIF).BANK2_NAME BANK 2 NAME 513 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Bank 2 Name. A single space in current implementations of the Ticket Output Feed.DEAL_TYPE DEAL TYPE 514 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Deal Type.PERIOD1 PERIOD 1 515 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Period 1. The period between the date of the deal and when the transaction will take place or

when the first and second legs of the transaction will take place.PERIOD2 PERIOD 2 516 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Period 2. The period between the date of the deal and when the transaction will take place or

when the first and second legs of the transaction will take place.CCY1 CCY 1 517 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Currency 1. The Swift codes of the currencies in the deal.CCY2 CCY 2 518 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Currency 2. The Swift codes of the currencies in the deal.DVOL_CCY1 DEAL VOL CCY1 519 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 Deal Volume Currency 1. The volume of currency quoted in the deal including a decimal point

and cents.DEP_RATE DEPOSIT RATE 520 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Deposit Rate. The interest rate in a deposit deal.SWAP_RATE SWAP RATE 521 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Swap rate. The rate at which a Swap rate was agreed. It may contain plus signs and/or spaces.

EXRATEPER1 EX RATE PERIOD1 522 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Exchange Rate Period 1. The rate for exchange at the first or only period of the deal.EXRATEPER2 EX RATE PERIOD2 523 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Exchange Rate Period 2. The rate for exchange at the second leg of a two-leg deal.RATE_DIR RATE DIRECTION 524 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Rate Direction.VDATE_P1C1 VDATE P1 CCY1 525 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Value Date Period 1 Currency 1. The actual dates in GMT on which each payment is to take

place.VDATE_P1C2 VDATE P1 CCY2 526 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Value Date Period 1 Currency 2. The actual dates in GMT on which each payment is to take

place.VDATE_P2C1 VDATE P2 CCY1 527 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Value Date Period 2 Currency 1. The actual dates in GMT on which each payment is to take

place.VDATE_P2C2 VDATE P2 CCY2 528 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Value Date Period 2 Currency 2. The actual dates in GMT on which each payment is to take


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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONINST_P1_C1 PAYINST P1 CCY1 529 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Payment Instruction Period 1 Currency 1. Instructions specifying how each payment is to be

made.INST_P1_C2 PAYINST P1 CCY2 530 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Payment Instruction Period 1 Currency 2. Instructions specifying how each payment is to be

made.INST_P2_C1 PAYINST P2 CCY1 531 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Payment Instruction Period 2 Currency 1. Instructions specifying how each payment is to be

made.INST_P2_C2 PAYINST P2 CCY2 532 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 56 Payment Instruction Period 2 Currency 2. Instructions specifying how each payment is to be

made.OLDESTID OLDEST DEAL ID 533 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Oldest deal Identifier. The identifier of the oldest deal in the database. If the database is empty

the field contains tcid#0.OLDESTDATE OLDEST DEAL DATE 534 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Oldest deal date. The date and time in GMT of the oldest deal in the database.OLDESTTIME OLDEST DEAL TIME 535 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 Oldest deal Time. If the database is empty each field contains a single space.LATESTID LATEST DEAL ID 536 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Latest Deal Identifier. The data Identifier of the newest deal in the database (see section 4.4.5). If

the database is empty the field contains tcid#0.LATESTDATE LATEST DEAL DATE 537 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Latest Deal Date. The date and time in GMT of the newest deal in the database.LATESTTIME LATEST DEAL TIME 538 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 Latest Deal Time. If the database is empty each field contains a single space.SEC_SRCREF SECNDRY SRC REF 539 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Secondary Source reference. For matching deals the Matching Trade-ID.DEALMETHOD METHOD OF DEAL 540 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Method of deal.RATE_C1USD RATE CCY1 USD 541 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Rate Currency 1 against USD. The spot rate for each currency against the US dollar at the time

the deal was confirmed as supplied by Reuters.RATE_C2USD RATE CCY2 USD 542 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Rate Currency 2 against USD. The rate maybe used by the User Computer for limits calculations.

BRATE_USD BASE RT CCY USD 543 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Rate Base Currency against USD. The base currency rate against the US dollar may be set and fixed by the user.

BASE_CCY BASE CURRENCY 544 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Base Currency. The SWIFT code of the currency chosen to be the bank's local base currency (see 543).

CVOL_P1_C2 CALCVOL P1 CCY2 545 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 Calculated volume Period 1 Currency 2. Currency volumes calculated by Dealing 2000.CVOL_P2_C2 CALCVOL P2 CCY2 546 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 2. Currency volumes calculated by Dealing 2000.CVOL_P2_C1 CALCVOL P2 CCY1 547 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 1. Calculated volume Period 2 Currency 1.CONV_TEXT CONVERSATION TXT 548 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 Conversation text. The full text of the conversation associated with the deal formatted exactly as

the printed conversation.DEALERNAME DEALER NAME 549 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Dealer Name. The user name of the dealer who was logged on to the keysation where the

Dealing conversation was held or the matching ticket was delivered (cf 504).CONFBYNAME CONFIRM-BY NAME 550 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Confirmed-by Name. The user name of the dealer who was logged on to the keystation where

the ticket was confirmed (cf 507).LOCAL_TCID LOCAL TCID 551 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Local TCID. The tcid of the local Dealing 2000 installation.REVIEW_NUM REVIEW REF NUM 552 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Review reference number. The conversation number ie the number that can be used to review

the conversation.COMMENTTXT COMMENT TEXT 553 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 124 Comment text. Up to two lines of comment from a Dealing Conversation or a Match Deal

separated by carriage return line feed characters. If there is no comment text this field will contain a single space.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONFRA_FIXING FRA FIXING 554 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 FRA Fixing date. The date on which the parties to the FRA deal will re-establish contact to

resolve the outcome.FRA_SETTLE FRA SETTLE 555 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 FRA Settlement date. The date on which the balance of an FRA deal is to change hands.FRA_MAT FRA MATURITY 556 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 FRA Maturity Date. The date on which the period of an FRA deal ends.IMM_INDICA IMM INDICATOR 557 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) IMM Indicator.D2000_VNUM D2000 VER NUM 558 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Dealing 2000 Version Number. The overall version number of the Dealing 2000 installation. It

allows User applications to be written to use new fields in advance of Dealing 2000 software releases and decouples releases of such products from Dealing 2000 re

OUT_PPRATE OTRGHT PTS PRATE 559 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Outright Points Premium Rate. In the outright deal the premium above spot at which the deal was struck (maybe negative) see 560. The field may contain a plus sign.

SPOT_BASIS SPOT BASIS RATE 560 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Spot Basis Rate. In an outright deal the spot basis rate used to agree the deal. Spot Basis + Premium=Dealt rate.

USR_DEF_T1 USER DEF TITLE 1 561 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 User-defined Title 1. From release 3.30 the user can define the title and content of three ticket fields. This is the title of the first field.

USR_DEF_D1 USER DEF DATA 1 562 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 40 User-defined data 1. The content of the first user-defined ticket field which is entered via the Graphical Ticket Editor (GTE).

USR_DEF_T2 USER DEF TITLE 2 563 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 User-defined Title 2. From release 3.30 the user can define the title and content of three ticket fields. This is the title of the first field.

USR_DEF_D2 USER DEF DATA 2 564 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 40 User-defined data 2. The content of the first user-defined ticket field which is entered via the Graphical Ticket Editor (GTE).

USR_DEF_T3 USER DEF TITLE 3 565 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 User-defined Title 3. From release 3.30 the user can define the title and content of three ticket fields. This is the title of the first field.

USR_DEF_D3 USER DEF DATA 3 566 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 40 User-defined data 3. The content of the first user-defined ticket field which is entered via the Graphical Ticket Editor (GTE).

CONTRA_ID CONTRA ORIG ID 567 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 ID of the original if this is a Contra. If a user accidentally confirms a deal with incorrect data a contra-entry can be produced by pressing a single key. If this deal is a Contra-entry this field contains the data identifier (see 4.4.5) of the wrongly

CPY_CONVID COPY CONV ID 568 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 ID of previous if this is a next. Users may strike multiple deals in one conversation but Dealing 2000 only extracts one deal from the conversation automatically. The Graphical Ticket Editor allows the conversation to be copied and a second or subsequent

PURE_DTYPE PURE DEAL-TYPE 569 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Pure Deal-type.VOL_OF_INT VOL OF INTEREST 570 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 Volume of Interest. In a deposit deal the difference between the volume given at the start of the

period and received at the end.ELAPSDDAYS ELASPED DAYS 571 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Days elapsed during deal. The number of elapsed days covered by the duration of the deal. May

be used by the User Computer to verify calculations made by Dealing 2000.YEARLENGTH YEAR LENGTH 572 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Year Length. The length of the financial year used in calculations: either 360 or 365.PRICE_CONV PRC CONVENTION 573 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Price convention.CIF_INTMSG CIF INT MESSAGE 574 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Interest message (CIF). The interest message sent out by this keystation on a Contact or

received by this keystation on an incoming call. Used by the Current Interest Feed only.BIC_C1_P1 SWIFTBIC CCY1 P1 575 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 SWIFT-BIC Currency-1 Period-1. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC format.

These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)


These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.BIC_C1_P2 SWIFTBIC CCY1 P2 577 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 SWIFT-BIC Currency-1 Period-2. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC format.

These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.BIC_C2_P2 SWIFTBIC CCY2 P2 578 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 SWIFT-BIC Currency-2 Period-2. Standardised payment instructions in SWIFT_BIC format.

These correspond respectively to free format fields 529-532.CREDIT_RED CREDIT REDUCTION 579 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 D2000-2 Credit Reduction. D2000-2 Credit Reduction is USD attributed to the current deal. Will

only contain data when FID 500 = 2.CREDIT_REM CREDIT REMAINING 580 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 D2000-2 Credit Remaining. D2000-2 Credit Remaining after adjustment following the current

deal. Will only contain data when FID 500 = 2.SBASE_CCY2 SWIFT BASE CCY2 581 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Base Currency 2. SWIFT code of the second base currency chosen by the local bank.SBASE_CCY3 SWIFT BASE CCY3 582 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Base Currency 3. SWIFT code of the third base currency chosen by the local bank.BASE_C2USD RATE BASE C2 USD 583 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Rate Base Currency 2 versus USD. The rate of base currency 2 against the USD at the time of

the deal. (May be set and fixed by the user).BASE_C3USD RATE BASE C3 USD 584 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Rate Base Currency 3 versus USD. The rate of base currency 3 against the USD at the time of

the deal. (May be set and fixed by the user).LOC_ANSBCK LOC SRV ANSWERBACK 603 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 The Answerback of the local server.DLG_STATUS DEALING STATUS 604 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) The latest Dealing 2000 status message.CON_KYSTAT CONNECTED KEYSTATN 605 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of keystations which have connected to the COG.ACT_KYSTAT ACTIVE KEYSTATION 606 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of keystations which have connected to the COG and which have users logged on.

CRRNT_DATE CURRENT DATE(SERV) 607 NULL DATE 11 The current date as reported by the server.CRRNT_TIME CURRENT TIME(SERV) 608 NULL TIME 5 The current time as reported by the server.COG_KPALIV COG KEEPALIVE 609 NULL INTEGER 15 COG keepalive counter which increments every 15 seconds (running from 0 to 9999 and then

starting again).INSRT_LINE INSERT LINE TEXT 611 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 The text of the insert line. This includes the service and function identifiers at the start (e.g. "MON

VIEW").RESPN_LINE RESPONSE LINE TEXT 612 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 The text of the response line (not including the status message)KSTAT_ALIV KEYSTATION ALIVE 613 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) An indication of whether the COG has a connection to the keystation (1 if there is a connection 0

if there is not).CRRNT_CONV CURR CNVRSATN CHAN 614 NULL INTEGER 15 Which of the four conversation channels (1-4) is the current conversation on the keystation (0 if

there is no current conversation).C1_CONVNUM CNVRSATN NUM (CH1) 615 NULL INTEGER 15 Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for conversation channel

1 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).C2_CONVNUM CNVRSATN NUM (CH2) 616 NULL INTEGER 15 Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for conversation channel

2 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).C3_CONVNUM CNVRSATN NUM (CH3) 617 NULL INTEGER 15 Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for conversation channel

3 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).C4_CONVNUM CNVRSATN NUM (CH4) 618 NULL INTEGER 15 Which conversation number (1-4) the keystation is currently displaying for conversation channel

4 (0 if the channel is not currently displayed).COG_VERSN COG VERSION NUMBER 619 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 The version number of the COG. This may be up to 10 alpha numeric characters plus decimal


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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPROT_VERSN PROTOCL VERSION 620 NULL PRICE 17 The version number of the overview datafeed protocol being used by the COG.CALL_NUMBR CALL NUMBER 621 NULL PRICE 17 An arbitrary number to uniquely identify the call.CALLR_TCID CALLERS TCID 622 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 The TCID of the callers's terminal.INTRST_MES INTEREST MESSAGE 623 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 The interest message specified in the call.DEALER_FLG DEALER FLAG 624 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 The dealer flag specified in the call.CALL_LETTR CALL LETTER 625 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 The letter used to specify the call on a keystation.CALL_DELAY CALL DELAY 626 NULL PRICE 17 The number of seconds the call was in the incoming call queue.WITHD_REAS WITHDRAWAL REASON 627 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The reason why the call was withdrawn.BID_SIDE BID SIDE OF QTE 650 NULL PRICE 17 The bid side of the quote. For a spot rate or outright deal this is the actual rate; for a forward deal

it is the forward difference; for a deposit or FRA deal it is the interest rate.OFFER_SIDE OFFER SIDE OF QTE 651 NULL PRICE 17 The offer side of the quote.CONVR_STAT CONVERSATION STATU " 652 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) Conversation status on the keystation.ROW1_TIME MONROW 1 TIME 701 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW2_TIME MONROW 2 TIME 702 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW3_TIME MONROW 3 TIME 703 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW4_TIME MONROW 4 TIME 704 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW5_TIME MONROW 5 TIME 705 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW6_TIME MONROW 6 TIME 706 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW7_TIME MONROW 7 TIME 707 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW8_TIME MONROW 8 TIME 708 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW9_TIME MONROW 9 TIME 709 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW10_TIME MONROW 10 TIME 710 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW11_TIME MONROW 11 TIME 711 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW12_TIME MONROW 12 TIME 712 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW13_TIME MONROW 13 TIME 713 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.ROW14_TIME MONROW 14 TIME 714 NULL TIME 5 Time fields associated with a row of text in a paged data record. ROWn_TIME corresponds to

the field ROW64_n.STORY_ID BCAST ID 715 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 A unique sequential identifier that allows for message loss detection. Used by NPS and KABS.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCOMPANY_ID COMPANY ID 716 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 43 A list of the RICs contained in the take as supplied by editorial to NPS and KABS. Represented

as a string with each RIC separated by a space character with a maximum of four RICs per take.

NW_PRODUCT PRODUCT 717 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 47 A list of market-interest codes supplied by Editorial to NPS and KABS. Represented as a string with each code separated by a space character. There is a maximum of 15 products per take.

NW_TOPIC TOPIC 718 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 27 A list of Topic codes as supplied by Editorial. This is a string with each topic separated by a space. Maximum of four topics per take.

NAMED_ITEM MKT REPORT 719 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 The name of the item or market report supplied by editorial to NPS and KABS.TAKE_SEQNO TAKE SEQNO 720 NULL INTEGER 3 A sequential number designating the take sequence number based on temporal order of receipt.

Contains 0 for alerts 1 for the first take of a story and 2 through 255 for subsequent takes.

NUM_SEGS NUM SEGS 721 NULL INTEGER 3 The number of text messages to follow that relate to the take.STORY_TYPE STORY TYPE 722 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 The type of take as supplied by editorial.TABTEXT TAKE FORMAT 723 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 The format of the take as supplied by Editorial e.g. tabular or text.CROSS_REF CROSS REFERENCE 724 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 9 The name of the original version of the news story required for Kanji news.ATTRIBTN ATTRIBTN 725 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 The source of the story e.g. Reuters AP.BY_LINE BY-LINE 726 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 60 The author of the news story. Field may consist of Kanji.MORE_NEWS MORE NEWS FLAG 727 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Specifies the signoff required at the end of this part of the story.BCAST_REF BROADCAST XREF 728 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 A cross-reference to broadcast news data; for use in quotations records.MON_PAGES MON PAGES 729 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 27 The Monitor page code field of NTM. Required to support alert processing on Monitor when

sourced from a reverse alert terminal with Broadcast News input.BEST_BSIZ1 BEST BID SIZE 1 730 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.BEST_BSIZ2 BEST BID SIZE 2 731 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.BEST_BSIZ3 BEST BID SIZE 3 732 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.BEST_BSIZ4 BEST BID SIZE 4 733 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.BEST_BSIZ5 BEST BID SIZE 5 734 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID1 to BEST_BID5.BEST_ASIZ1 BEST ASK SIZE 1 735 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.BEST_ASIZ2 BEST ASK SIZE 2 736 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.BEST_ASIZ3 BEST ASK SIZE 3 737 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.BEST_ASIZ4 BEST ASK SIZE 4 738 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.BEST_ASIZ5 BEST ASK SIZE 5 739 NULL INTEGER 15 The five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK1 to BEST_ASK5.NO_BIDMKR2 NUM BID MMKR 2 740 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the fields BEST_BID2 to

BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.

NO_BIDMKR3 NUM BID MMKR 3 741 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the fields BEST_BID2 to BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.

NO_BIDMKR4 NUM BID MMKR 4 742 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the fields BEST_BID2 to BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONNO_BIDMKR5 NUM BID MMKR 5 743 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bids held in the fields BEST_BID2 to

BEST_BID5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_BID1 is defined above as FID 291.

NO_ASKMKR2 NUM ASK MMKR 2 744 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.

NO_ASKMKR3 NUM ASK MMKR 3 745 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.

NO_ASKMKR4 NUM ASK MMKR 4 746 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.

NO_ASKMKR5 NUM ASK MMKR 5 747 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best asks held in the fields BEST_ASK2 to BEST_ASK5. The number of market makers associated with the field BEST_ASK1 is defined above as FID 292.

DATE_LINE DATELINE 748 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 40 Date of the news story being issued as well as the location. This field may contain Kanji.PROD_CODE PROD CODE 749 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Contains one or more codes generated by editorial which identify the markets to which the story

is of interest. This field replaces FID 717 NW_PRODUCT.TOPIC_CODE TOPIC CODE 750 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 Provides the main content related coding for the news story. Generated by editorial. This field

replaces FID 718 NW_TOPIC.CO_IDS CO IDS 751 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 Consists of one or more variable length strings which identify companies to which the story

relates. Generated by editorial. This field replaces FID 716 COMPANY_ID.LANG_IND LANG IND 752 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 A two character field designating the language in which all textual fields are written.TEXT_WIDTH TEXT WIDTH 753 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 If the news item is tabulated (i.e. TABTEXT set to T) this field indicates the width of the text

expressed as the maximum number of printable characters across the screen.PRIORITY PRIORITY 754 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Indicates the urgency of an item an alert having top priority of 1.MEDIA_CODE MEDIA CODE 755 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Generated by editorial to convey the ANPA/IPTC type of category code.SLUG SLUG 756 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 50 Used by editorial as the keyword/headline/dateline.SP_QUOTE SP QUOTE 757 NULL PRICE 17 Special quotation data for stock index futures sent by the Tokyo and Osaka SE the day after a

contract has expired to prevent market manipulation on contract expiry.HST_SESVOL HST SESVOL 758 NULL INTEGER 15 Generally the previous session volume. For the Kobe Rubber Exchange the previous day's post-

closing session volume whilst for TIFFE the previous session volume.PRV_HIGH PRV HIGH 759 NULL PRICE 17 The previous trading day's or session's high value. This is currently required for TIFFE.PRV_LOW PRV LOW 760 NULL PRICE 17 The previous trading day's or session's low value. This is currently required for TIFFE.PRV_OPEN PRV OPEN 761 NULL PRICE 17 The previous trading day's or session's open value. This is currently required for TIFFE.PRV_LAST PRV LAST 762 NULL PRICE 17 The previous trading day's or session's last value. This is currently required for TIFFE.SESS1_OPEN SESS1 OPEN 763 NULL PRICE 17 The opening value for the first session reported by the TSE.SESS1_OTIM SESS1 OTIM 764 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESS1_OPEN was set reported by the TSE.SESS1_HTIM SESS1 HTIM 765 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESSION1HI was set reported by the TSE.SESS1_LTIM SESS1 LTIM 766 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESSION1LO was set reported by the TSE.SESS1_CLS SESS1 CLS 767 NULL PRICE 17 The closing value of the first session reported by the TSE.SESS1_CTIM SESS1 CTIM 768 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESS1_CLS was set. Reported by the TSE.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSESS1_VTIM SESS1 VTIM 769 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESS1_VOL was set. Reported by the TSE.SESS2_OPEN SESS2 OPEN 770 NULL PRICE 17 The opening value for the second session. Reported by the TSE.SESS2_OTIM SESS2 OTIM 771 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESS2_OPEN was set. Reported by the TSE.SESS2_HTIM SESS2 HTIM 772 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESSION2HI was set. Reported by the TSE.SESS2_LTIM SESS2 LTIM 773 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in SESSION2LO was set. Reported by the TSE.EXRTS_DATE EXHRTS DATE 774 NULL DATE 11 The date on which a stock goes ex-rights.RTS_TYPE RTS TYPE 775 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 The type of rights for a rights issue. As reported by Tokyo SE this can be "NEW_STCK" (new

stock) "MKT_PRC" (market price offer) "ALLOT" (share holders allotment) "COMBIN" (combination) "SPLITS" (share splits).

RTS_VALUE RTS VALUE 776 NULL PRICE 17 Amount of the capital increase or ratio of the split associated with a rights issue.BUYMARGIN BUYMARGIN 777 NULL INTEGER 15 The margin buy position from Tokyo SE.BUYMAR_NC BUYMAR NC 778 NULL INTEGER 15 The net change of the current buy margin from the previous.SELLMARGIN SELLMARGIN 779 NULL INTEGER 15 The margin sell position from Tokyo SE.SELLMAR_NC SELLMAR NC 780 NULL INTEGER 15 The net change of the current sell margin from the previous.MARGIN_RTO MARGIN RTO 781 NULL PRICE 17 The buy margin position divided by the sell margin position.SESS1_OYLD SESS1 OYLD 782 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session open price yield.SESS1_HYLD SESS1 HYLD 783 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session high price yield.SESS1_LYLD SESS1 LYLD 784 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session low price yield.SESS1_CYLD SESS1 CYLD 785 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the first session close price yield.SESS2_OYLD SESS2 OYLD 786 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the second session open price yield.SESS2_HYLD SESS2 HYLD 787 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the second session high price yield.SESS2_LYLD SESS2 LYLD 788 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the second session low price yield.LOCHI_YLD LOCHI YLD 789 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the life of contract high price yield.LOCLO_YLD LOCLO YLD 790 NULL PRICE 17 Reported by the Tokyo SE for Japanese bond futures the life of contract low price yield.DEALT_VL1 DEALT VL1 791 DEALT_VL2 PRICE 17 The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of DEALT_VLn is scaled

as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is qualified by the field VOL_TPn.DEALT_VL2 DEALT VL2 792 DEALT_VL3 PRICE 17 The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of DEALT_VLn is scaled

as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is qualified by the field VOL_TPn.DEALT_VL3 DEALT VL3 793 DEALT_VL4 PRICE 17 The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of DEALT_VLn is scaled

as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is qualified by the field VOL_TPn.DEALT_VL4 DEALT VL4 794 DEALT_VL5 PRICE 17 The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of DEALT_VLn is scaled

as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is qualified by the field VOL_TPn.DEALT_VL5 DEALT VL5 795 NULL PRICE 17 The five latest volumes the most recent being DEALT_VL1. The value of DEALT_VLn is scaled

as indicated in DVOLn_SC and the meaning is qualified by the field VOL_TPn.LEG1_RIC LEG1 RIC 796 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 The RIC associated with the first and second legs respectively of a spread.LEG2_RIC LEG2 RIC 797 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 The RIC associated with the first and second legs respectively of a spread.LEG1_TYPE LEG1 TYPE 798 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) The underlying contract type of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.LEG2_TYPE LEG2 TYPE 799 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) The underlying contract type of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.LONGLINK1 LONGLINK1 800 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK2 LONGLINK2 801 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK3 LONGLINK3 802 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK4 LONGLINK4 803 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONLONGLINK5 LONGLINK5 804 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK6 LONGLINK6 805 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK7 LONGLINK7 806 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK8 LONGLINK8 807 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK9 LONGLINK9 808 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK10 LONGLINK10 809 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK11 LONGLINK11 810 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK12 LONGLINK12 811 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK13 LONGLINK13 812 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGLINK14 LONGLINK14 813 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalents to LINK_n.LONGPREVLR LONGPREVLR 814 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalent to PREV_LRLONGNEXTLR LONGNEXTLR 815 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 17 character equivalent to NEXT_LR.LEG1_STR LEG1 STR 816 NULL PRICE 17 The strike price of the underlying option of the first and second legs of a spread.LEG2_STR LEG2 STR 817 NULL PRICE 17 The strike price of the underlying option of the first and second legs of a spread.LEG1_EXP LEG1 EXP 818 NULL DATE 11 The expiration date of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.LEG2_EXP LEG2 EXP 819 NULL DATE 11 The expiration date of the first and second legs respectively of a spread.DVOL1_SC DVOL1 SCALE 820 DVOL2_SC ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the true value. DVOLn_SC

corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.DVOL2_SC DVOL2 SCALE 821 DVOL3_SC ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the true value. DVOLn_SC

corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.DVOL3_SC DVOL3 SCALE 822 DVOL4_SC ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the true value. DVOLn_SC

corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.DVOL4_SC DVOL4 SCALE 823 DVOL5_SC ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the true value. DVOLn_SC

corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.DVOL5_SC DVOL5 SCALE 824 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The scaling to be applied to the dealt volume in order to derive the true value. DVOLn_SC

corresponds to DEALT_VLn and SEC_VOLn.CROSS_SC CROSS RATE SCALE 825 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 5 ) The scaling to be applied to prices eg FOREX cross rate in order to derive the true value.DLG_CODE1 DLG CODE1 826 DLG_CODE2 ALPHANUMERIC 6 The five lastest dealing codes DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.DLG_CODE2 DLG CODE2 827 DLG_CODE3 ALPHANUMERIC 6 The five lastest dealing codes DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.DLG_CODE3 DLG CODE3 828 DLG_CODE4 ALPHANUMERIC 6 The five lastest dealing codes DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.DLG_CODE4 DLG CODE4 829 DLG_CODE5 ALPHANUMERIC 6 The five lastest dealing codes DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.DLG_CODE5 DLG CODE5 830 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 The five lastest dealing codes DLG_CODE1 being the most recent.CTBTR_1 CONTRIBUTOR 1 831 CTBTR_2 ALPHANUMERIC 12 The five latest contributor short names CTBTR_1 being the most recent.CTBTR_2 CONTRIBUTOR 2 832 CTBTR_3 ALPHANUMERIC 12 The five latest contributor short names CTBTR_1 being the most recent.CTBTR_3 CONTRIBUTOR 3 833 CTBTR_4 ALPHANUMERIC 12 The five latest contributor short names CTBTR_1 being the most recent.CTBTR_4 CONTRIBUTOR 4 834 CTBTR_5 ALPHANUMERIC 12 The five latest contributor short names CTBTR_1 being the most recent.CTBTR_5 CONTRIBUTOR 5 835 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 The five latest contributor short names CTBTR_1 being the most recent.CTB_LOC1 CTB LOC1 836 CTB_LOC2 ALPHANUMERIC 3 The five latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.CTB_LOC2 CTB LOC2 837 CTB_LOC3 ALPHANUMERIC 3 The five latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.CTB_LOC3 CTB LOC3 838 CTB_LOC4 ALPHANUMERIC 3 The five latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.CTB_LOC4 CTB LOC4 839 CTB_LOC5 ALPHANUMERIC 3 The five latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.CTB_LOC5 CTB LOC5 840 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 The five latest contributor locations CTB_LOC1 being the most recent.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCTB_PAGE1 CTB PAGE1 841 CTB_PAGE2 ALPHANUMERIC 4 The five latest contributor page codes CTB_PAGE1 being the latest.CTB_PAGE2 CTB PAGE2 842 CTB_PAGE3 ALPHANUMERIC 4 The five latest contributor page codes CTB_PAGE1 being the latest.CTB_PAGE3 CTB PAGE3 843 CTB_PAGE4 ALPHANUMERIC 4 The five latest contributor page codes CTB_PAGE1 being the latest.CTB_PAGE4 CTB PAGE4 844 CTB_PAGE5 ALPHANUMERIC 4 The five latest contributor page codes CTB_PAGE1 being the latest.CTB_PAGE5 CTB PAGE5 845 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 The five latest contributor page codes CTB_PAGE1 being the latest.YH_YIELD YR.HI YIELD 846 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the year high.YL_YIELD YR.LO YIELD 847 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the year low.LH_YIELD LF.HI YIELD 848 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the lifetime high.LL_YIELD LF.LO YIELD 849 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the lifetime low.AMT_OS AMOUNT OS 850 NULL PRICE 17 For debt or equity instruments the number outstanding and therefore still tradable.AMT_OS_SC AMOUNT OS SC 851 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The scaling of the amount outstanding field AMT_OS.NRG_TERMS1 NRG TERMS1 852 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 For energy spot records two text fields giving details about the terms of the spot commodity e.g.

FOB CIF. Input by editorial.NRG_TERMS2 NRG TERMS2 853 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 For energy spot records two text fields giving details about the terms of the spot commodity e.g.

FOB CIF. Input by editorial.NRG_SPEC1 NRG SPEC1 854 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 For energy spot records three text fields giving specific details about the spot commodity e.g.

sulphur content specific gravity. These are input by editorial.NRG_SPEC2 NRG SPEC2 855 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 For energy spot records three text fields giving specific details about the spot commodity e.g.

sulphur content specific gravity. These are input by editorial.NRG_SPEC3 NRG SPEC3 856 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 For energy spot records three text fields giving specific details about the spot commodity e.g.

sulphur content specific gravity. These are input by editorial.NRG_CMT NRG COMMENT 857 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 A single character editorially-input field which qualifies spot energy data.PRC_AREA PRC AREA 858 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 The location of a price report for energy spot prices.DATE_RANGE DATE RANGE 859 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 The date range of an instrument eg spread spot commodity to which a quote refers.BENCH_PRC BENCH PRICE 860 NULL PRICE 17 Benchmark price for crude oil.BENCH_DATE BENCH DATE 861 NULL DATE 11 The date of the benchmark price BENCH_PRC FID 1155.NETBACK NETBACK 862 NULL PRICE 17 A netback is a valuation of a crude oil based on the price of its refined products allowing for

freight.COMM_TYPE COMM TYPE 863 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) For spot energy records an indication of whether the quote is for crude oil or a crude oil product.

NRG_UNITS NRG UNITS 864 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 For spot energy quotes an indication of the units in which the prices are being quoted.NRG_SIZE NRG SIZE 865 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 For spot energy quotes an indication of the quantity of the commodity for which the quote is

good.FIXING_1 FIXING 1 866 FIXING_2 PRICE 17 For the Taiwan dollar latest and previous fixing values.FIXING_2 FIXING 2 867 NULL PRICE 17 For the Taiwan dollar latest and previous fixing values.PAY_FREQ PAY FREQ 868 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) The frequency of interest payments on a debt instrument.OFF_CD_IND OFF CD IND 869 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) An indication of the source of the code in the official code field OFFCL_CODE FID 78.MIK_RATING MIK RATING 870 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) The Mikuni rating of a debt instrument.CNV_DATE CNV DATE 871 NULL DATE 11 The date on or from which a convertible bond may be converted into other securities.CNV_PRICE CNV PRICE 872 NULL PRICE 17 The share price at which the principal amount of a convertible bond may be used to acquire

shares in owned by or related to the issuing company.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCNV_PARITY CNV PARITY 873 NULL PRICE 17 The price at which a convertible instrument must sell for it to equal the current shares to be

received upon conversion.PREMIUM PREMIUM 874 NULL PRICE 17 For warrants and convertible securities the premium over or discount to the converted security

price that the current price implies taking into account the conversion rate and the rate of exchange where appropriate.

VALUE_DT1 VALUE DATE 1 875 VALUE_DT2 DATE 11 Five latest date fields which refer to the date of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_DT2 VALUE DATE 2 876 VALUE_DT3 DATE 11 Five latest date fields which refer to the date of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_DT3 VALUE DATE 3 877 VALUE_DT4 DATE 11 Five latest date fields which refer to the date of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_DT4 VALUE DATE 4 878 VALUE_DT5 DATE 11 Five latest date fields which refer to the date of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_DT5 VALUE DATE 5 879 NULL DATE 11 Five latest date fields which refer to the date of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_TM1 VALUE TIME 1 880 VALUE_TM2 TIME 5 Five latest time fields which refer to the time of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_TM2 VALUE TIME 2 881 VALUE_TM3 TIME 5 Five latest time fields which refer to the time of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_TM3 VALUE TIME 3 882 VALUE_TM4 TIME 5 Five latest time fields which refer to the time of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_TM4 VALUE TIME 4 883 VALUE_TM5 TIME 5 Five latest time fields which refer to the time of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.VALUE_TM5 VALUE TIME 5 884 NULL TIME 5 Five latest time fields which refer to the time of latest activity for some arbitrary field or fields.MOD_DURTN MOD DURTN 885 NULL PRICE 17 Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in yield (e.g. if a bond

has a modified duration of 4 and a price of 100 for every 10 basis points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).

PRC_VOLTY PRC VOLTY 886 NULL PRICE 17 Price volatility - an indication of price sensitivity.ANNC_DATE ANNC DATE 887 NULL DATE 11 Date of announcement of a debt issue.WNT_DATE1 WNT DATE1 888 NULL DATE 11 Respectively the start and finish dates of the life of a warrant i.e. the period over which a

warrant can be exercised.WNT_DATE2 WNT DATE2 889 NULL DATE 11 Respectively the start and finish dates of the life of a warrant i.e. the period over which a

warrant can be exercised.THEO_HIGH THEO HIGH 890 NULL PRICE 17 The theoretical high value. For Dow Jones averages this is calculated by DJ and is based on the

end-of-day highs for all components of the average.THEO_LOW THEO LOW 891 NULL PRICE 17 The theoretical low value. For Dow Jones averages this is calculated by DJ and is based on the

end-of-day lows for all components of the average.THEO_YRHI THEO YRHI 892 NULL PRICE 17 The theoretical year high value.THEO_YRLO THEO YRLO 893 NULL PRICE 17 The theoretical year low value.THEO_LFHI THEO LFHI 894 NULL PRICE 17 The theoretical life high value.THEO_LFLO THEO LFLO 895 NULL PRICE 17 The theoretical life low value.THEO_LHDAT THEO LHDAT 896 NULL DATE 11 The date of the theoretical life high value.THEO_LLDAT THEO LLDAT 897 NULL DATE 11 The date of the theoretical life low value.WNT_PARITY WNT PARITY 898 NULL PRICE 17 The parity of a warrant. The intrinsic value of the warrant expressed as a percentage of the

original bond denomination.FLOOR_VOL FLOOR VOL 899 NULL INTEGER 15 For bonds reported via the Oslo Bors feed the floor volume which is the number traded today on

the stock floor as opposed to off-floor and out of hours.IA_DATE IA DATE 900 NULL DATE 11 For bonds reported via the Oslo Bors feed the interest adjustment date. This applies to FRN's

and is the date when the interest rate is fixed usually about 7 working days before the coupon date.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONAMT_OS_DAT AMT OS DAT 901 NULL DATE 11 For bonds reported via the Oslo Bors feed the date when the amount outstanding (FID 965

AMT_OS) was reported. Banks report this information infrequently.ATTN_BID ATTN BID 902 NULL PRICE 17 Bid and ask fields respectively from the TSE 64 kbps feed that only members of the TSE within

Japan are allowed to see.ATTN_ASK ATTN ASK 903 NULL PRICE 17 Bid and ask fields respectively from the TSE 64 kbps feed that only members of the TSE within

Japan are allowed to see.ATTN_BTIME ATTN BTIME 904 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively was reported.ATTN_ATIME ATTN ATIME 905 NULL TIME 5 The time at which the value in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively was reported.ATTN_BFLAG ATTN BFLAG 906 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flags qualifying the values in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively.ATTN_AFLAG ATTN AFLAG 907 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flags qualifying the values in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively.ATTN_BSIZE ATTN BSIZE 908 NULL PRICE 17 The size of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively.ATTN_ASIZE ATTN ASIZE 909 NULL PRICE 17 The size of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively.ATTN_BYLD ATTN BYLD 910 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively.ATTN_AYLD ATTN AYLD 911 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the bid and ask in FIDs 902 and 903 respectively.SLOT_TRADE SLOT TRADE 912 NULL PRICE 17 The latest trade price for small lots reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese government

bonds.SLOT_TTONE SLOT TTONE 913 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Qualifying flag for the value in FID 912.SLOT_TTIME SLOT TTIME 914 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FID 912 was reported.SLOT_TNETC SLOT TNETC 915 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the small lot trade price reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese

government bonds.SLOT_VOL SLOT VOL 916 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume of small lots traded reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese government bonds.

SLOT_VFLAG SLOT VFLAG 917 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Qualifying flag associated with the value in FID 916.SLOT_BID SLOT BID 918 NULL PRICE 17 The bid price for small lots reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese government bonds.SLOT_ASK SLOT ASK 919 NULL PRICE 17 The ask price for small lots reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese government bonds.SLOT_BFLAG SLOT BFLAG 920 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Qualifying flag for the value in FID 918.SLOT_AFLAG SLOT AFLAG 921 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Qualifying flag for the value in FID 919.SLOT_BTIME SLOT BTIME 922 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FID 918 was reported.SLOT_ATIME SLOT ATIME 923 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FID 919 was reported.SPLL_HIGH SPLL HIGH 924 NULL PRICE 17 The daily high value of special large lot trades reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese

government bonds.SPLL_LOW SPLL LOW 925 NULL PRICE 17 The daily low value of special large lot trades reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese

government bonds.SPLL_HYLD SPLL HYLD 926 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the value in FID 924.SPLL_LYLD SPLL LYLD 927 NULL PRICE 17 The yield of the value in FID 925.SPLL_HTIME SPLL HTIME 928 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FID 924 was reported.SPLL_LTIME SPLL LTIME 929 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FID 925 was reported.SPLL_VOL SPLL VOL 930 NULL PRICE 17 The volume of special large lot trades reported by the TSE 64k feed for Japanese government

bonds.SPLL_VFLAG SPLL VFLAG 931 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Qualifying flag for FID 930.SLOT_ATBID SLOT ATBID 932 NULL PRICE 17 For small lot trades of Japanese government bonds reported over the TSE 64k feed the bid and

ask respectively which can only be viewed by members of the TSE within Japan.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSLOT_ATASK SLOT ATASK 933 NULL PRICE 17 For small lot trades of Japanese government bonds reported over the TSE 64k feed the bid and

ask respectively which can only be viewed by members of the TSE within Japan.SLOT_ABFLG SLOT ABFLG 934 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 A flag qualifying the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively.SLOT_AAFLG SLOT AAFLG 935 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 A flag qualifying the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively.SLOT_ABTIM SLOT ABTIM 936 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.SLOT_AATIM SLOT AATIM 937 NULL TIME 5 The time when the value in FIDs 932 and 933 respectively was reported.JCR_RATING JCR RATING 938 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) JCR bond rating agency rating.JBR_RATING JBR RATING 939 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) JBRI bond rating agency rating.NIS_RATING NIS RATING 940 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) NIS bond rating agency rating.COUPN_DAT2 COUPN DAT2 941 NULL DATE 11 Second coupon payment date when more than one is provided.CNV_PCT CNV PCT 942 NULL PRICE 17 The percentage of a convertible debt instrument or warrant issue that has been

converted/exercised.CNV_PDATE CNV PDATE 943 NULL DATE 11 The date when the conversion percentage FID 942 was updated.CNV_PR_DAT CNV PR DATE 944 NULL DATE 11 The date when the conversion price CNV_PRICE FID 872 was updated.AMT_NONCNV AMT NONCNV 945 NULL PRICE 17 The amount of a convertible debt instrument or warrant that has not been converted or exercised

into the underlying instrument.CNV_DATE2 CNV DATE2 946 NULL DATE 11 The date up till when a convertible debt instrument can be converted.WNT_RATIO WNT RATIO 947 NULL PRICE 17 Ratio which represents the warrants per face value usually the value one but occasionally

different.SESS1_HFLG SESS1 HFLG 948 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and low respectively currently

quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values "H" and "L" meaning trading at stop high and stop low limits respe

SESS1_LFLG SESS1 LFLG 949 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values "H" and "L" meaning trading at stop high and stop low limits respe

SESS2_HFLG SESS2 HFLG 950 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values "H" and "L" meaning trading at stop high and stop low limits respe

SESS2_LFLG SESS2 LFLG 951 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flags for the first session high and low and second session high and low respectively currently quoted for Japanese instruments (see FIDs 126 to 129 inclusive). These can take the values "H" and "L" meaning trading at stop high and stop low limits respe

PCT_VOLUME PCT VOLUME 952 NULL PRICE 17 Volume expressed as a percentage. For Instinet this is the percentage of total market volume represented by Instinet.

WTD_AVE1 WTD AVE1 953 NULL PRICE 17 Weighted average fields. For Instinet WTD_AVE1 is the average volume-weighted bid price whilst WTD_AVE2 is the average volume-weighted ask price.

WTD_AVE2 WTD AVE2 954 NULL PRICE 17 Weighted average fields. For Instinet WTD_AVE1 is the average volume-weighted bid price whilst WTD_AVE2 is the average volume-weighted ask price.

QTE_CNT1 QTE CNT1 955 NULL PRICE 17 Two quote count fields. For Instinet QTE_CNT1 is a count of Instinet subscribers currently quoting a stock whilst QTE_CNT2 is a count of subscribers who have quoted the stock in the past.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONQTE_CNT2 QTE CNT2 956 NULL PRICE 17 Two quote count fields. For Instinet QTE_CNT1 is a count of Instinet subscribers currently

quoting a stock whilst QTE_CNT2 is a count of subscribers who have quoted the stock in the past.

SEC_HIGH SEC HIGH 957 NULL PRICE 17 Secondary high value field corresponding to the HIGH_1 field for those quotations involving more than one high field.

SEC_HI_TP SEC HI TP 958 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Indicator identifying the type of high value in the SEC_HIGH field.SEC_LOW SEC LOW 959 NULL PRICE 17 Secondary low value field corresponding to the LOW_1 field for those quotations involving more

than one low field.SEC_LO_TP SEC LO TP 960 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Indicator identifying the type of low value in the SEC_LOW field.OPEN_PRC2 OPEN PRC2 961 NULL PRICE 17 A secondary open field corresponding to OPEN_PRC for those quotation types involving more

than one open field.OPEN_TYPE OPEN TYPE 962 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) Open fields indicator identifying the type of open prices held in the fields

OPEN_PRC/OPEN_PRC2.HST_CLOSE2 HST CLOSE2 963 NULL PRICE 17 A secondary close field corresponding to HST_CLOSE for those quotation types involving more

than one close field.CLOSE_TYPE CLOSE TYPE 964 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) Close fields indicator identifying the type of close prices held in the fields

HST_CLOSE/HST_CLOSE2.RATING_2 RATING 2 965 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) A generic rating field whose source is identified by the field RATING_2.RATING_ID2 RATING ID 2 966 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Rating agency identifier whose ratings are given in the field RATING_2.BKGD_REF BKGD REF 967 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 A pointer to a record holding background information relating to the record in which the pointer

occurs.CTBTR_BKGD CTBTR BKGD 968 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 A pointer to a record holding background contributor information.YIELD_TP YIELD TP 969 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the RT_YIELD_n/SEC_YLD_n stacks.SEC_YLD_1 SEC YLD 1 970 SEC_YLD_2 PRICE 17 Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack RT_YIELD_n for those quotation

types which require more than a single yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.

SEC_YLD_2 SEC YLD 2 971 SEC_YLD_3 PRICE 17 Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.

SEC_YLD_3 SEC YLD 3 972 SEC_YLD_4 PRICE 17 Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.

SEC_YLD_4 SEC YLD 4 973 SEC_YLD_5 PRICE 17 Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.

SEC_YLD_5 SEC YLD 5 974 NULL PRICE 17 Five secondary yield fields corresponding to the yield stack RT_YIELD_n for those quotation types which require more than a single yield field. Their meaning is further described by the YIELD_TP field.

ACT_FLAG1 ACT FLAG1 975 ACT_FLAG2 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the primary activity fields PRIMACT_n.ACT_FLAG2 ACT FLAG2 976 ACT_FLAG3 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the primary activity fields PRIMACT_n.ACT_FLAG3 ACT FLAG3 977 ACT_FLAG4 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the primary activity fields PRIMACT_n.ACT_FLAG4 ACT FLAG4 978 ACT_FLAG5 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the primary activity fields PRIMACT_n.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONACT_FLAG5 ACT FLAG5 979 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the primary activity fields PRIMACT_n.SC_AFLAG1 SC AFLAG1 980 SC_AFLAG2 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the secondary activity fields SEC_ACT_n.SC_AFLAG2 SC AFLAG2 981 SC_AFLAG3 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the secondary activity fields SEC_ACT_n.SC_AFLAG3 SC AFLAG3 982 SC_AFLAG4 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the secondary activity fields SEC_ACT_n.SC_AFLAG4 SC AFLAG4 983 SC_AFLAG5 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the secondary activity fields SEC_ACT_n.SC_AFLAG5 SC AFLAG5 984 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Five flag fields further qualifying the secondary activity fields SEC_ACT_n.SEC_VOL1 SEC VOL1 985 SEC_VOL2 PRICE 17 The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in VOL_TPn. Each field

is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.

SEC_VOL2 SEC VOL2 986 SEC_VOL3 PRICE 17 The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.

SEC_VOL3 SEC VOL3 987 SEC_VOL4 PRICE 17 The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.

SEC_VOL4 SEC VOL4 988 SEC_VOL5 PRICE 17 The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.

SEC_VOL5 SEC VOL5 989 NULL PRICE 17 The five latest secondary volumes whose meaning is explicitly described in VOL_TPn. Each field is an additional volume field for the DEALT_VOLn stack for those transaction types which require more than a single volume field.

VOL_TP1 VOL TP1 990 VOL_TP2 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.

VOL_TP2 VOL TP2 991 VOL_TP3 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.

VOL_TP3 VOL TP3 992 VOL_TP4 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.

VOL_TP4 VOL TP4 993 VOL_TP5 ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.

VOL_TP5 VOL TP5 994 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) The five latest volume types describing the volumes held in each DEALT_VLn/SEC_VOLn pair.

GEN_TEXT16 GEN TEXT16 995 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 A general purpose 16 character text field.GEN_VAL1 GEN VAL1 996 NULL PRICE 17 Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market dependent and described

by the following fields GVn_TEXT.GEN_VAL2 GEN VAL2 997 NULL PRICE 17 Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market dependent and described

by the following fields GVn_TEXT.GEN_VAL3 GEN VAL3 998 NULL PRICE 17 Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market dependent and described

by the following fields GVn_TEXT.GEN_VAL4 GEN VAL4 999 NULL PRICE 17 Four general purpose numerical fields. The meaning of these is market dependent and described

by the following fields GVn_TEXT.GV1_TEXT GV1 TEXT 1000 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.GV2_TEXT GV2 TEXT 1001 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONGV3_TEXT GV3 TEXT 1002 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.GV4_TEXT GV4 TEXT 1003 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Four text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field GEN_VALn.QCNT1_IND QCNT1 IND 1004 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 6 ) Two indicator fields flagging the content of the FIDs 955 QTE_CNT1 and 956 QTE_CNT2

respectively.QCNT2_IND QCNT2 IND 1005 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 6 ) Two indicator fields flagging the content of the FIDs 955 QTE_CNT1 and 956 QTE_CNT2

respectively.NM_IND NM IND 1006 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 6 ) Indicator field flagging the content of FID 77 NUM_MOVES.SOURCE_ID SOURCE ID 1007 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Indicates to an IDN component the source of a data record. This field is not part of any record

template definition and is used locally.REC_STATUS REC STATUS 1008 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Indicates to an IDN component the status of a record e.g. a record in the KCD cache may be "up

to date". This field is not part of any record template definition and is used locally.RESP_TYPE RESP TYPE 1009 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Indicates to an IDN component how a record was satisfied e.g. via a snapshot. This field is not

part of any record template definition and is used locally.VALUE_TS1 VALUE TS1 1010 VALUE_TS2 TIME SECONDS 8 Five latest activity times in seconds corresponding to the times in minutes FIDs 880 - 884. The

corresponding dates are held in FIDs 875 - 879 VALUE_DT1 - 5.VALUE_TS2 VALUE TS2 1011 VALUE_TS3 TIME SECONDS 8 Five latest activity times in seconds corresponding to the times in minutes FIDs 880 - 884. The

corresponding dates are held in FIDs 875 - 879 VALUE_DT1 - 5.VALUE_TS3 VALUE TS3 1012 VALUE_TS4 TIME SECONDS 8 Five latest activity times in seconds corresponding to the times in minutes FIDs 880 - 884. The

corresponding dates are held in FIDs 875 - 879 VALUE_DT1 - 5.VALUE_TS4 VALUE TS4 1013 VALUE_TS5 TIME SECONDS 8 Five latest activity times in seconds corresponding to the times in minutes FIDs 880 - 884. The

corresponding dates are held in FIDs 875 - 879 VALUE_DT1 - 5.VALUE_TS5 VALUE TS5 1014 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Five latest activity times in seconds corresponding to the times in minutes FIDs 880 - 884. The

corresponding dates are held in FIDs 875 - 879 VALUE_DT1 - 5.TAKE_TIME TAKE TIME 1015 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Time in seconds required for broadcast news failure recovery.BS_FLAG BS FLAG 1016 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Single character flags further qualifying the bidsize and asksize fields (FIDs 30 31) respectively.

Their meaning is market dependent.AS_FLAG AS FLAG 1017 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Single character flags further qualifying the bidsize and asksize fields (FIDs 30 31) respectively.

Their meaning is market dependent.IRGXID IRGXID 1018 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) This field will be used to transmit the Exchange Identifier of all CTS trades designated as 'not

last' trades.IRGBUY IRGBUY 1019 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Canadian Equity Exchanges 'New Buyer' field for 'not last' trades/cancellation messages.IRGSELL IRGSELL 1020 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Canadian Equity Exchanges 'New Seller' field for 'not last' trades/cancellation messages.SEQNUM SEQNUM 1021 NULL INTEGER 15 This field contains the message sequence number. For NMTS this is a six-digit number.PRNTYP PRNTYP 1022 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Label for SIAC trade reports signifying whether the trade report print contains a single double or

triple trade.PRNTBCK PRNTBCK 1023 NULL INTEGER 15 A field transmitted by RQS on receipt of a correction message from SIAC containing the 'print

back' count. This count is derived by SIAC and directly references the erroneous print received from the participating Exchange.

STORY_TIME STORY TIME 1024 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Broadcast News story time.QUOTIM QUOTIM 1025 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Quote time given in seconds.STOCK_RIC STOCK RIC 1026 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 The RIC of the underlying equity for an option.STORY_DATE STORY DATE 1027 NULL DATE 11 Broadcast News story date.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONGV1_DATE GV1 DATE 1028 NULL DATE 11 Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL1 where appropriate.GEN_VAL5 GEN VAL5 1029 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL6 GEN VAL6 1030 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL7 GEN VAL7 1031 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL8 GEN VAL8 1032 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL9 GEN VAL9 1033 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL10 GEN VAL10 1034 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GV5_TEXT GV5 TEXT 1035 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV6_TEXT GV6 TEXT 1036 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV7_TEXT GV7 TEXT 1037 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV8_TEXT GV8 TEXT 1038 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV9_TEXT GV9 TEXT 1039 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV10_TEXT GV10 TEXT 1040 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV1_FLAG GV1 FLAG 1041 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV2_FLAG GV2 FLAG 1042 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV3_FLAG GV3 FLAG 1043 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV4_FLAG GV4 FLAG 1044 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV5_FLAG GV5 FLAG 1045 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV6_FLAG GV6 FLAG 1046 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV7_FLAG GV7 FLAG 1047 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV8_FLAG GV8 FLAG 1048 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV9_FLAG GV9 FLAG 1049 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV10_FLAG GV10 FLAG 1050 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV2_DATE GV2 DATE 1051 NULL DATE 11 Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL2 where appropriate.GN_TXT16_2 GN TXT16 2 1052 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.GN_TXT16_3 GN TXT16 3 1053 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.GN_TXT16_4 GN TXT16 4 1054 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Three 16 character text fields for flexible representation of data.OFF_CD_IN2 OFF CD IN2 1055 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) 255 byte take segment text field.OFFC_CODE2 OFFC CODE2 1056 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 255 byte take segment text field.NOMINAL NOMINAL 1057 NULL PRICE 17 255 byte take segment text field.CURR_COUPN CURR COUPN 1058 NULL PRICE 17 255 byte take segment text field.SEG_TEXT_2 SEG TEXT 2 1059 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 255 byte take segment text field.SEG_TEXT_3 SEG TEXT 3 1060 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 255 255 byte take segment text field.GV1_TIME GV1 TIME 1061 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Generic time given in seconds.GV2_TIME GV2 TIME 1062 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Second generic time given in seconds.BIDSIZE_2 BIDSIZE 2 1063 NULL INTEGER 15 Second bid size field.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONASKSIZE_2 ASKSIZE 2 1064 NULL INTEGER 15 Second ask size field.O_BID_TONE ORDER BID TONE 1065 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic bid price qualifier associated with the ORDER_BID field.O_ASK_TONE ORDER ASK TONE 1066 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic ask price qualifier associated with the ORDER_ASK field.EXCHTIM EXCHANGE TIME 1067 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 The exchange time with precision in secondsCONDCODE_1 CONDITION CDE 1 1068 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 General two-character condition code field - initially being used to hold trade qualifier codes for

TAS (2 codes one in each character).CONDCODE_2 CONDITION CDE 2 1069 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 General two-character condition code field - initially being used to hold irregular trade qualifier

codes for TAS (2 codes one in each character).COLID_1 COLID 1 1070 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) First colour indicator. Sent from head-end to determine the display colour of any field or group of

fields on a display. The field with which it will be associated is determined by IDN display rules.

COLID_2 COLID 2 1071 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Second colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.COLID_3 COLID 3 1072 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Third colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.COLID_4 COLID 4 1073 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Fourth colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.COLID_5 COLID 5 1074 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Fifth colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.YRHI_IND YEAR HIGH IND 1075 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Indicates to greater detail the content of FID 90 YRHIGH.YRLO_IND YEAR LOW IND 1076 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Indicates to greater detail the content of FID 91 YRLOW.BETA_VAL BETA VALUE 1077 NULL PRICE 17 Beta value - the sensitivity of the instrument based on index returns.CONV_FAC CONVRSION FACTR 1078 NULL PRICE 17 Conversion factor. In the commodities market this is used to convert between weights and

volumes.BYTE_BMAP BIT MAP 1079 NULL INTEGER 3 Single byte bit map field initially used to carry Monitor network A page attributes in 64x14 page

records.PREF_DISP PREF DISP TMPLT 1080 NULL BINARY 3 The 'preferred' display template number.PREF_LINK PREF LINK RECRD 1081 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 RIC field containing pointer to 'preferred' link record.CURRENCY_2 CURRENCY 2 1084 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the original CURRENCY field FID 15.

CURRENCY_3 CURRENCY 3 1085 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the original CURRENCY field FID 15.

CURRENCY_4 CURRENCY 4 1086 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the original CURRENCY field FID 15.

CURRENCY_5 CURRENCY 5 1087 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Additional currency fields with identical enumerations to the original CURRENCY field FID 15.

STK_RIC_17 STOCK RIC (17) 1093 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 Seventeen-character stock RIC field.BASE_PRC BASE PRICE 1262 NULL PRICE 17 Base price of today's tradingLIMIT_FLCT LIM PRCE FLUCTN 1263 NULL PRICE 17 Limit price fluctuationGN_TXT16_5 GN TXT16 5 1269 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Sixteen character generic text fields.GN_TXT16_6 GN TXT16 6 1270 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Sixteen character generic text fields.GN_TXT24_1 GN TXT24 1 1271 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 Twenty-four character generic text fields.GN_TXT24_2 GN TXT24 2 1272 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 Twenty-four character generic text fields.GN_TXT24_3 GN TXT24 3 1273 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 Twenty-four character generic text fields.GN_TXT24_4 GN TXT24 4 1274 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 Twenty-four character generic text fields.GN_TXT32_1 GN TXT32 1 1275 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Thirty-two character generic text fields.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONGN_TXT32_2 GN TXT32 2 1276 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Thirty-two character generic text fields.GN_TXT32_3 GN TXT32 3 1277 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Thirty-two character generic text fields.GN_TXT32_4 GN TXT32 4 1278 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Thirty-two character generic text fields.GV1_TYPE GV1 TYPE 1314 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic

displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV2_TYPE GV2 TYPE 1315 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV3_TYPE GV3 TYPE 1316 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV4_TYPE GV4 TYPE 1317 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV5_TYPE GV5 TYPE 1318 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV6_TYPE GV6 TYPE 1319 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV7_TYPE GV7 TYPE 1320 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV8_TYPE GV8 TYPE 1321 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV9_TYPE GV9 TYPE 1322 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GV10_TYPE GV10 TYPE 1323 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated 'GEN_VALx' generic numeric fields (FIDs 996 to FID 999 and FIDs 1029 to 1034).

GTIM1_TYPE GN TIME 1 TYPE 1324 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic time fields GV1_TIME and GV2_TIME (FIDs 1061 and 1062).

GTIM2_TYPE GN TIME 2 TYPE 1325 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic time fields GV1_TIME and GV2_TIME (FIDs 1061 and 1062).

GDAT1_TYPE GN DATE 1 TYPE 1326 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic date fields GV1_DATE and GV2_DATE (FIDs 1028 and 1051).

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONGDAT2_TYPE GN DATE 2 TYPE 1327 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic

displays to indicate the content of the associated generic date fields GV1_DATE and GV2_DATE (FIDs 1028 and 1051).

GTX1_TYPE GN TEXT 1 TYPE 1328 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2...GN_TXT16_6 (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).

GTX2_TYPE GN TEXT 2 TYPE 1329 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2...GN_TXT16_6 (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).

GTX3_TYPE GN TEXT 3 TYPE 1330 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2...GN_TXT16_6 (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).

GTX4_TYPE GN TEXT 4 TYPE 1331 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2...GN_TXT16_6 (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).

GTX5_TYPE GN TEXT 5 TYPE 1332 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2...GN_TXT16_6 (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).

GTX6_TYPE GN TEXT 6 TYPE 1333 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 4 ) Generic enumerated type flag fields with associated four-character headings for use on generic displays to indicate the content of the associated generic text fields GEN_TEXT16 and GN_TXT16_2...GN_TXT16_6 (FIDs 995 1052 1053 1054 1269 and 1270).

YRHI_FLAG YEAR HIGH FLAG 1334 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields for those quotations involving more than two high field.

YRLO_FLAG YEAR LOW FLAG 1335 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields for those quotations involving more than two high field.

YIELD_FLAG YIELD FLAG 1336 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields for those quotations involving more than two high field.

THRD_HIGH THIRD HGH VALUE 1337 NULL PRICE 17 Third high value field in addition to the HIGH_1 and SEC_HIGH fields for those quotations involving more than two high field.

THRD_HI_TP THIRD HGH TYPE 1338 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Indicator identifying the type of high value in the THRD_HIGH field.THRD_LOW THIRD LOW VALUE 1339 NULL PRICE 17 Third low value field in addition to the LOW_1 and SEC_LOW fields for those quotations

involving more than two low field.THRD_LO_TP THIRD LOW TYPE 1340 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Indicator identifying the type of low value in the THRD_LOW field.CLOSE2_TP SECOND CLS TYPE 1341 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Close fields indicator identifying the type of close price held in the field HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.

HSTCL2_DAT SECOND CLS DATE 1342 NULL DATE 11 Date of the third close price HST_CLOSE2 FID 963.HST_CLOSE3 THIRD CLS VALUE 1343 NULL PRICE 17 A third close field in addition to HST_CLOSE and HST_CLOSE2 for those quotation types

involving more than two close fields.CLOSE3_TP THIRD CLS TYPE 1344 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 1 ) Close fields indicator identifying the type of close price held in the field HST_CLOSE3 FID 1343.

HSTCL3_DAT THIRD CLS DATE 1345 NULL DATE 11 Date of the third close price HST_CLOSE3 FID 1343.SECOND_TS1 SECOND TIME/SCS 1346 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 The second activity time in seconds.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONQTE_CNT3 THIRD QUOTE CNT 1347 NULL PRICE 17 A third quote count field.QCNT3_IND THIRD QCNT IND 1348 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 6 ) Indicator field flagging the content of the FID 1347 QTE_CNT3.SALE_YIELD SALE YIELD 1349 NULL PRICE 17 Rate of return of a security over its life from the date of purchase to redemption.ACCR_INT ACCRUED INTRST 1350 NULL PRICE 17 Interest which has accumulated on a security since payment.PARCL_SIZE PARCEL SIZE 1351 NULL INTEGER 15 Unit size field.DSPLY_NMLL LCL LANG DSP NM 1352 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local language instrument name.MKT_MKR_LL LCL LANG MKTMKR 1353 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language market maker name.CTBTR_1LL LCL LANG CTBTR1 1354 CTBTR_2LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the most recent.CTBTR_2LL LCL LANG CTBTR2 1355 CTBTR_3LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the most recent.CTBTR_3LL LCL LANG CTBTR3 1356 CTBTR_4LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the most recent.CTBTR_4LL LCL LANG CTBTR4 1357 CTBTR_5LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the most recent.CTBTR_5LL LCL LANG CTBTR5 1358 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 The five latest local language contributor names CTBTR_1LL being the most recent.ROW99_1 99byte ROW 1 1359 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_2 99byte ROW 2 1360 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_3 99byte ROW 3 1361 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_4 99byte ROW 4 1362 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_5 99byte ROW 5 1363 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_6 99byte ROW 6 1364 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_7 99byte ROW 7 1365 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_8 99byte ROW 8 1366 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_9 99byte ROW 9 1367 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_10 99byte ROW 10 1368 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_11 99byte ROW 11 1369 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_12 99byte ROW 12 1370 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_13 99byte ROW 13 1371 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_14 99byte ROW 14 1372 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_15 99byte ROW 15 1373 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local


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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONROW99_16 99byte ROW 16 1374 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_17 99byte ROW 17 1375 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_18 99byte ROW 18 1376 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_19 99byte ROW 19 1377 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.ROW99_20 99byte ROW 20 1378 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 99 Ninety nine character text fields corresponding to a row of data in a page-style record in local

language.VOL_X_PRC1 VOLUME1xPRICE1 1379 NULL PRICE 17 Numeric field to contain a value equivalent to the product of latest trade volume and latest trade

price (TRDVOL_1 x TRDPRC_1).OFF_OPNBID OFF OPN BID PRC 1380 NULL PRICE 17 Official open bid price field.OFF_OPNASK OFF OPN ASK PRC 1381 NULL PRICE 17 Official open ask price field.SESSION_TP SESSION TYPE 1382 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Session type enumerated type field.DSO_ID DATA SRCE OWNER 1383 NULL BINARY 3 Data source owner identification field.CALL_PRC CALL PRICE 1384 NULL PRICE 17 Call price field.DH_FEED_ST DATA HLTH F/STT 1385 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 7 ) "Data Health" feed status indicator.DH_MKT_ST DATA HLTH M/STT 1386 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 7 ) "Data Health" market status indicator.DH_MKT_INF DATA HLTH M/INF 1387 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) "Data Health" market information.RB_RTX_IND RBLD/RETRAN IND 1388 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 7 ) Rebuild/Retransmission Indicator.ERROR_DESC ERROR DESCR IND 1389 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Error description indicator.ERROR_DATE DATE LAST ERROR 1390 NULL DATE 11 Date of last errorERROR_TIME TIME LAST ERROR 1391 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Time today of last error.CLOSE_TIME MRKT CLOSE TIME 1392 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Market close time.AVERG_PRC WGHTD AVGE PRCE 1393 NULL PRICE 17 The weighted average price so far of all the trade price fields TRDPRC_n.FLOOR_PRC FLOOR PRICE 1394 NULL PRICE 17 The lowest traded price permitted for the current trading day for a stock before it is halted.CEILG_PRC CEILING PRICE 1395 NULL PRICE 17 The highest traded price permitted for trading the following day for a stock before it is halted.BG_LOT_VAL BIG LOT BRD VAL 1396 NULL INTEGER 15 The threshold turnover a stock can accumulate before it is forced to trade on the big lot boardMN_FRN_DL NO.MAIN/FRN DLS 1397 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.MN_FRN_VOL VOL MN/FRN DLS 1398 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.MN_FRN_VAL VAL MN/FRN DLS 1399 NULL INTEGER 15 The turnover of main and foreign board trade deals done so far.BIG_DEAL NO.BIG LOT DLS 1400 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of big lot trade deals done so far.BIG_VOL VOL BIG LOT DLS 1401 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume of big lot trade deals done so far.BIG_VAL VAL BIG LOT DLS 1402 NULL INTEGER 15 The turnover of big lot trade deals done so far.ODD_DEAL NO.ODD LOT DLS 1403 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of odd lot trade deals done so far.ODD_VOLUME VOL ODD LOT DLS 1404 NULL INTEGER 15 The volume of odd lot trade deals done so far.ODD_VALUE VAL ODD LOT DLS 1405 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of odd lot trade deals done so far.ISS_TP_FLG ISSUE TYPE FLAG 1406 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Issue Type Flag.EXT_NET_CH EXT TRD NET CHN 1407 NULL PRICE 17 External trade - net change.EXT_LAST EXT TRD LAST 1408 NULL PRICE 17 External trade - last.EXT_VOLUME EXT TRD VOLUME 1409 NULL INTEGER 15 External trade - volume.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONEXT_CLSDAT EXT TRD CLS DTE 1410 NULL DATE 11 External trade - close date.EXT_CLOSE EXT TRD CLS PRC 1411 NULL PRICE 17 External trade - close price.AM_HI_BID AM SESS HGH BID 1412 NULL PRICE 17 AM session high bid.AM_HI_ASK AM SESS HGH ASK 1413 NULL PRICE 17 AM session high ask.AM_LO_BID AM SESS LOW BID 1414 NULL PRICE 17 AM session low bid.AM_LO_ASK AM SESS LOW ASK 1415 NULL PRICE 17 AM session low ask.PM_HI_BID PM SESS HGH BID 1416 NULL PRICE 17 PM session high bid.PM_HI_ASK PM SESS HGH ASK 1417 NULL PRICE 17 PM session high ask.PM_LO_BID PM SESS LOW BID 1418 NULL PRICE 17 PM session low bid.PM_LO_ASK PM SESS LOW ASK 1419 NULL PRICE 17 PM session low ask.STOCK_PRC STOCK PRICE 1420 NULL PRICE 17 Stock price.CONV_COST CONVERSION COST 1421 NULL PRICE 17 Conversion cost.COLID_6 COLID 6 1422 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Sixth colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.COLID_7 COLID 7 1423 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seventh colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.SNP_CLSYLD SNAP CLS YIELD 1424 NULL PRICE 17 Snap Closing Yield.UPC71_REST UPC-71 RSTRCTED 1425 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 A flag which indicates whether or not a Nasdaq security is UPC-71 "RESTRICTED".BIDVAL_1 BID PRICE 1 1426 BIDVAL_2 PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.BIDVAL_2 BID PRICE 2 1427 BIDVAL_3 PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.BIDVAL_3 BID PRICE 3 1428 BIDVAL_4 PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.BIDVAL_4 BID PRICE 4 1429 BIDVAL_5 PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.BIDVAL_5 BID PRICE 5 1430 NULL PRICE 17 Previous latest bid prices the first being most recent.BIDSIZ_1 BID SIZE 1 1431 BIDSIZ_2 INTEGER 15 Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.BIDSIZ_2 BID SIZE 2 1432 BIDSIZ_3 INTEGER 15 Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.BIDSIZ_3 BID SIZE 3 1433 BIDSIZ_4 INTEGER 15 Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.BIDSIZ_4 BID SIZE 4 1434 BIDSIZ_5 INTEGER 15 Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.BIDSIZ_5 BID SIZE 5 1435 NULL INTEGER 15 Previous latest bid sizes the first being most recent.ASKVAL_1 ASK PRICE 1 1436 ASKVAL_2 PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.ASKVAL_2 ASK PRICE 2 1437 ASKVAL_3 PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.ASKVAL_3 ASK PRICE 3 1438 ASKVAL_4 PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.ASKVAL_4 ASK PRICE 4 1439 ASKVAL_5 PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.ASKVAL_5 ASK PRICE 5 1440 NULL PRICE 17 Previous latest ask prices the first being most recent.ASKSIZ_1 ASK SIZE 1 1441 ASKSIZ_2 INTEGER 15 Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.ASKSIZ_2 ASK SIZE 2 1442 ASKSIZ_3 INTEGER 15 Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.ASKSIZ_3 ASK SIZE 3 1443 ASKSIZ_4 INTEGER 15 Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.ASKSIZ_4 ASK SIZE 4 1444 ASKSIZ_5 INTEGER 15 Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.ASKSIZ_5 ASK SIZE 5 1445 NULL INTEGER 15 Previous latest ask sizes the first being most recent.CONVEXITY CONVEXITY 1446 NULL PRICE 17 A measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to a change in yield. The calculation is derived from

the difference between a straight line and a convex curve.AUCTN_DATE AUCTION DATE 1447 NULL DATE 11 The date the bond is auctioned.EXDIV_RULE EXDIV DATE RULE 1448 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 The rule for calculating the ex dividend date.SETT_RULE SETTL DATE RULE 1449 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 The rule for calculating the settlement date.VALUE_DATE VALUE DATE 1450 NULL DATE 11 The date to which interest accrues for settlement.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONDAY_COUNT DAY COUNT 1451 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 9 The number of days in the year and month on which interest is calculated for a particular bond.

YLD_TO_CLL YIELD TO CALL 1452 NULL PRICE 17 The yield calculated to the next call date.PUT_PRC PUT OPTION PRCE 1453 NULL PRICE 17 The price at which the next put option will be exercised.PUT_DATE PUT OPTION DATE 1454 NULL DATE 11 The date at which the next put option could be exercised.YLD_TO_PUT YIELD TO PUT 1455 NULL PRICE 17 The yield calculated to the next put date.SINK_DATE SINK DATE 1456 NULL DATE 11 The date at which the next predetermined amount of bonds in the Sinking Fund will be

redeemed.SINK_PRC SINK PRICE 1457 NULL PRICE 17 The price at which the next predetermined amount of bonds in the Sinking Fund will be

redeemed.SINK_AMT SINK AMOUNT 1458 NULL INTEGER 15 The amount of bonds to be redeemed at the next Sinking Fund date on the schedule.YLD_TO_AV YIELD TO AVE LF 1459 NULL PRICE 17 The yield to average life is a calculation which determines the yield to the average life of all

bonds of that issue. The average life is calculated by taking into account the Sinking Fund repayments each year and the final payment at maturity.

STRIKE_EX STRKE EXCH RATE 1460 NULL PRICE 17 The Strike Exchange Rate is a fixed or floating exchange rate applying to the exercise price of the warrant.

NEUTRL_PRC NEUTRAL PRICE 1461 NULL PRICE 17 Neutral price.STRIKE_RAT STRIKE RATIO 1462 NULL PRICE 17 The strike ratio is the number of equity shares per warrant.INC_DIFF INCM DIFFERENTL 1463 NULL PRICE 17 The Income differential shows the difference in income between the bond and the underlying

stock.WNT_GEAR SHR/WNT PRC RAT 1464 NULL PRICE 17 The ratio of share price to warrant price when expressed in the same currency.ADJUST_CLS ADJUSTED CLOSE 1465 NULL PRICE 17 The last value available for close which is stored for Graphics also adjusted for capital changes.

PRVSTR_PRC PRV STRKE PRICE 1466 NULL PRICE 17 Previous strike price.PRVSTR_RAT PRV STRKE RATIO 1467 NULL PRICE 17 Previous strike ratio.SMP_MARGIN SMP MARGIN 1468 NULL PRICE 17 The average cash return per annum on the FRN throughout its life relative to its index.DSC_MARGIN DISCOUNT MARGIN 1469 NULL PRICE 17 The Discount Margin is a measure of return from a FRN relative to that from its index rate eg

LIBOR calculated by discounting future cash flows on a money market basis.IBOR_BASIS IBOR INDEX RIC 1470 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 The RIC of the appropriate IBOR index from which the coupon is calculated.IBOR_SPRD IBOR INDEX SPRD 1471 NULL PRICE 17 Spread +/- Index. The number of basis points above or below the index from the coupon is

calculated.RESET_FREQ RESET FREQUENCY 1472 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Reset frequency. The frequency with which the coupon changes.RESET_DATE RESET DATE 1473 NULL DATE 11 The date on which the coupon is next reset.MIN_COUPN MINIMUM COUPON 1474 NULL PRICE 17 The Minimum Coupon is the lifetime cap on the coupon rate.MAX_COUPN MAXIMUM COUPON 1475 NULL PRICE 17 The Maximum Coupon is the lifetime floor on the coupon rate.DSCMRG_CLL DISC MARGIN CLL 1476 NULL PRICE 17 Discount margin to call. The Discount Margin assuming early call of the bond.DSCMRG_PUT DISC MARGIN PUT 1477 NULL PRICE 17 Discount margin to put. The Discount Margin assuming early put of the bond.PAYBK_YRS PAYBACK YEARS 1478 NULL PRICE 17 The number of years a convertible is held before the additional income of the convertible

compared to the equity compensates for the conversion premium paid.CNVEX_RATE CONV EXCH RATE 1479 NULL PRICE 17 The Conversion Exchange Rate is the fixed (sometimes current) exchange rate for the

conversion.CNV_RATIO CONVRSION RATIO 1480 NULL PRICE 17 The Conversion Ratio is the number of shares per nominal amount of bond.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCNV_CH_DAT CONV CHNG DATE 1481 NULL DATE 11 Conv change date.PRVCNV_PRC PRV CONV PRICE 1482 NULL PRICE 17 Previous conv price.PRVCNV_RAT PRV CONV RATIO 1483 NULL PRICE 17 Previous conv ratio.REDEM_DATE REDEMPTION DATE 1484 NULL DATE 11 Redemption date.ISS_AMT_SC ISS AMT SCL FCT 1485 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Amount issued scaling factor - identical enumeration to AMT_OS_SC FID 965.MATRIX_PRC MATRIX PRICE 1486 NULL PRICE 17 Matrix priceSEG_FORW17 FORWARD TAKE 17 1487 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 Forward pointer used to point to the next take of a story. This is the 17 character equivalent of

the SEG_FORW field (FID 260) which is 10 characters.SEG_BACK17 BCKWARD TAKE 17 1488 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 Backward pointer used to point to the previous take of a story. This is the 17 character equivalent

of the SEG_BACK field (FID 261) which is 10 characters.CNV_PREM CONVERSION PREM 1489 NULL PRICE 17 The conversion premium indicates positive/negative percent if the cost of converting into the

share is above or below the current cost in the marketGEN_YLD_1 GEN YIELD 1 1490 NULL PRICE 17 Three generic yield fields which are qualified by the enumerated type fields GN_YLD1_TP (FID

1493) to GN_YLD3_TP (FID 1495).GEN_YLD_2 GEN YIELD 2 1491 NULL PRICE 17 Three generic yield fields which are qualified by the enumerated type fields GN_YLD1_TP (FID

1493) to GN_YLD3_TP (FID 1495).GEN_YLD_3 GEN YIELD 3 1492 NULL PRICE 17 Three generic yield fields which are qualified by the enumerated type fields GN_YLD1_TP (FID

1493) to GN_YLD3_TP (FID 1495).GN_YLD1_TP GEN YIELD 1 TP 1493 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.GN_YLD2_TP GEN YIELD 2 TP 1494 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.GN_YLD3_TP GEN YIELD 3 TP 1495 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.WEIGHTING WEIGHTING 1496 NULL PRICE 17 The weighting of a stock within an index.LBUY NO.BID PRC LVLS 1497 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of bid price levels existing at any one time in the market.LSELL NO.ASK PRC LVLS 1498 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of ask price levels existing at any one time in the market.QTY_BUY AGG VOL BID LVL 1499 NULL INTEGER 15 Aggregate volume required at a particular bid price level.QTY_SELL AGG VOL ASK LVL 1500 NULL INTEGER 15 Aggregate volume required at a particular sell price level.STOCK_TYPE STOCK TYPE 1501 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 This field details stock class Bearer/registered status and any other security feature affecting

security holder rights.ASX_TC_CD1 ASX COND CODE 1 1502 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.ASX_TC_CD2 ASX COND CODE 2 1503 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.ASX_TC_CD3 ASX COND CODE 3 1504 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.ASX_TC_CD4 ASX COND CODE 4 1505 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.ASX_TC_CD5 ASX COND CODE 5 1506 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.ASX_TC_CD6 ASX COND CODE 6 1507 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.ASX_TC_CD7 ASX COND CODE 7 1508 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Seven Australian Stock Exchange trade condition codes.CONV_FAC2 SECOND CNV FCTR 1509 NULL PRICE 17 (Second) conversion factor. In the commodities market this is used to convert between weights

and volumes.SPEC_GRAV SPECIFIC GRAVTY 1510 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersNRG_NTBACK NRG NETBACK 1511 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersNRG_SWING NRG SWING 1512 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersNRG_TOP NRG TOP 1513 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersNRG_CRACK NRG CRACK 1514 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyers

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONNRG_FRGHT NRG FREIGHT 1515 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersNRG_5DAY NRG 5 DAY 1516 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersNRG_21DAY NRG 21 DAY 1517 NULL PRICE 17 Undisclosed volume for buyersDISQTY_BUY UNDISC VOL BUY 1518 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Undisclosed volume for buyersDISQTY_SLL UNDISC VOL SELL 1519 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Undisclosed volume for sellersSRCE_10_ID SOURCE ID (10) 1520 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Ten character source Id fieldFOR_AVAIL FOREIGN AVLBLTY 1521 NULL PRICE 17 Foreign availabilityFOR_PREM FOREIGN PREMIUM 1522 NULL PRICE 17 Foreign premiumROW66_1 ROW66 1 1523 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_2 ROW66 2 1524 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_3 ROW66 3 1525 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_4 ROW66 4 1526 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_5 ROW66 5 1527 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_6 ROW66 6 1528 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_7 ROW66 7 1529 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_8 ROW66 8 1530 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_9 ROW66 9 1531 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_10 ROW66 10 1532 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_11 ROW66 11 1533 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_12 ROW66 12 1534 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_13 ROW66 13 1535 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_14 ROW66 14 1536 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_15 ROW66 15 1537 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_16 ROW66 16 1538 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_17 ROW66 17 1539 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_18 ROW66 18 1540 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_19 ROW66 19 1541 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_20 ROW66 20 1542 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_21 ROW66 21 1543 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_22 ROW66 22 1544 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_23 ROW66 23 1545 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_24 ROW66 24 1546 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.ROW66_25 ROW66 25 1547 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 66 Sixty-six character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.RW1_TIMSC ROW1 TIME/SECS 1548 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW2_TIMSC ROW2 TIME/SECS 1549 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW3_TIMSC ROW3 TIME/SECS 1550 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW4_TIMSC ROW4 TIME/SECS 1551 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW5_TIMSC ROW5 TIME/SECS 1552 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW6_TIMSC ROW6 TIME/SECS 1553 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW7_TIMSC ROW7 TIME/SECS 1554 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW8_TIMSC ROW8 TIME/SECS 1555 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW9_TIMSC ROW9 TIME/SECS 1556 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pages

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONRW10_TIMSC ROW10 TIME/SECS 1557 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW11_TIMSC ROW11 TIME/SECS 1558 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW12_TIMSC ROW12 TIME/SECS 1559 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW13_TIMSC ROW13 TIME/SECS 1560 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW14_TIMSC ROW14 TIME/SECS 1561 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW15_TIMSC ROW15 TIME/SECS 1562 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW16_TIMSC ROW16 TIME/SECS 1563 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW17_TIMSC ROW17 TIME/SECS 1564 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW18_TIMSC ROW18 TIME/SECS 1565 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW19_TIMSC ROW19 TIME/SECS 1566 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW20_TIMSC ROW20 TIME/SECS 1567 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW21_TIMSC ROW21 TIME/SECS 1568 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW22_TIMSC ROW22 TIME/SECS 1569 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW23_TIMSC ROW23 TIME/SECS 1570 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW24_TIMSC ROW24 TIME/SECS 1571 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW25_TIMSC ROW25 TIME/SECS 1572 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Timestamps for 25x80 pagesRW1_DATE ROW1 DATE 1573 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW2_DATE ROW2 DATE 1574 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW3_DATE ROW3 DATE 1575 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW4_DATE ROW4 DATE 1576 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW5_DATE ROW5 DATE 1577 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW6_DATE ROW6 DATE 1578 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW7_DATE ROW7 DATE 1579 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW8_DATE ROW8 DATE 1580 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW9_DATE ROW9 DATE 1581 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW10_DATE ROW10 DATE 1582 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW11_DATE ROW11 DATE 1583 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW12_DATE ROW12 DATE 1584 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW13_DATE ROW13 DATE 1585 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW14_DATE ROW14 DATE 1586 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW15_DATE ROW15 DATE 1587 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW16_DATE ROW16 DATE 1588 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW17_DATE ROW17 DATE 1589 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW18_DATE ROW18 DATE 1590 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW19_DATE ROW19 DATE 1591 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW20_DATE ROW20 DATE 1592 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW21_DATE ROW21 DATE 1593 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW22_DATE ROW22 DATE 1594 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW23_DATE ROW23 DATE 1595 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW24_DATE ROW24 DATE 1596 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pagesRW25_DATE ROW25 DATE 1597 NULL DATE 11 Datestamps for 25x80 pages

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONROW74_1 ROW74 1 1598 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_2 ROW74 2 1599 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_3 ROW74 3 1600 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_4 ROW74 4 1601 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_5 ROW74 5 1602 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_6 ROW74 6 1603 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_7 ROW74 7 1604 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_8 ROW74 8 1605 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_9 ROW74 9 1606 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_10 ROW74 10 1607 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_11 ROW74 11 1608 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_12 ROW74 12 1609 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_13 ROW74 13 1610 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_14 ROW74 14 1611 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_15 ROW74 15 1612 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_16 ROW74 16 1613 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_17 ROW74 17 1614 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_18 ROW74 18 1615 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_19 ROW74 19 1616 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_20 ROW74 20 1617 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_21 ROW74 21 1618 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONROW74_22 ROW74 22 1619 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_23 ROW74 23 1620 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_24 ROW74 24 1621 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

ROW74_25 ROW74 25 1622 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 74 Seventy-four character text fields corresponding to a partial row of data in a page-style record.

COLID_8 COLID 8 1623 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Eighth colour indicator. Similar to COLID_1.BID_TONE_2 BID PRC QUAL 2 1624 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Second bid price qualifierASK_TONE_2 ASK PRT QUAL 2 1625 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Second ask price qualifierAQ_BID AUTO-QUOTE BID 1626 NULL PRICE 17 Auto-quote bidAQ_ASK AUTO-QUOTE ASK 1627 NULL PRICE 17 Auto-quote askBID_TICK_2 BID TICK 2 1628 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Direction of bidASK_TICK_1 ASK TICK 1 1629 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Direction of askASK_TICK_2 ASK TICK 2 1630 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Direction of askTRDTONEA_1 TRADE TONE A 1 1631 TRDTONEA_2 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEA_2 TRADE TONE A 2 1632 TRDTONEA_3 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEA_3 TRADE TONE A 3 1633 TRDTONEA_4 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEA_4 TRADE TONE A 4 1634 TRDTONEA_5 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEA_5 TRADE TONE A 5 1635 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEB_1 TRADE TONE B 1 1636 TRDTONEB_2 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEB_2 TRADE TONE B 2 1637 TRDTONEB_3 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEB_3 TRADE TONE B 3 1638 TRDTONEB_4 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEB_4 TRADE TONE B 4 1639 TRDTONEB_5 ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTRDTONEB_5 TRADE TONE B 5 1640 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Trade Price QualifiersTHEO_VALUE THEORETCL VALUE 1641 NULL PRICE 17 Theoretical ValueIMP_VOLT IMPLIED VOLTLTY 1642 NULL PRICE 17 Implied VolatilityPUT_CALL PUT/CALL 1643 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 4 ) Indicates whether option is a put or a call.TRANVOL_1 TRANSACTL VOL 1 1644 TRANVOL_2 INTEGER 15 Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.TRANVOL_2 TRANSACTL VOL 2 1645 TRANVOL_3 INTEGER 15 Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.TRANVOL_3 TRANSACTL VOL 3 1646 TRANVOL_4 INTEGER 15 Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.TRANVOL_4 TRANSACTL VOL 4 1647 TRANVOL_5 INTEGER 15 Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.TRANVOL_5 TRANSACTL VOL 5 1648 NULL INTEGER 15 Transactional volumes corresponding to latest price fields.LOWER_SPRD LOWER SPRD VALU 1649 NULL PRICE 17 Lower spread value.UPPER_SPRD UPPER SPRD VALU 1650 NULL PRICE 17 Upper spread value.HEADLINE HEADLINE 1651 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Headline.CTRY_ISSUE CNTRY OF ISSUE 1652 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Country in which a bond is officially issued.CTRY_ISSR CNTRY OF ISSUER 1653 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Country of Issuer.RATING_3 RATING 3 1654 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) A generic rating field whose source is identified by the field RATING_ID3.RATING_ID3 RATING ID 3 1655 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Rating agency identifier whose ratings are given in the field RATING_3.FST_COUPON FIRST COUPN AMT 1656 NULL PRICE 17 The amount paid on the first coupon date.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONFST_CPNDAT FIRST COUPN DTE 1657 NULL DATE 11 The date on which the first coupon is paid.ACCR_DAYS DAYS ACCRUED 1658 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of days that interest has accrued towards the next coupon payment.THRD_BUY_Q BUY QUEUE 3 1659 NULL INTEGER 15 The third fourth and fifth buy-queue lengths reported by HKSE. Cleared during the pre-market

clear.FRTH_BUY_Q BUY QUEUE 4 1660 NULL INTEGER 15 The third fourth and fifth buy-queue lengths reported by HKSE. Cleared during the pre-market

clear.FFTH_BUY_Q BUY QUEUE 5 1661 NULL INTEGER 15 The third fourth and fifth buy-queue lengths reported by HKSE. Cleared during the pre-market

clear.THRD_ASK_Q ASK QUEUE 3 1662 NULL INTEGER 15 The third fourth and fifth ask-queue lengths reported by HKSE. Cleared during the pre-market

clear.FRTH_ASK_Q ASK QUEUE 4 1663 NULL INTEGER 15 The third fourth and fifth ask-queue lengths reported by HKSE. Cleared during the pre-market

clear.FFTH_ASK_Q ASK QUEUE 5 1664 NULL INTEGER 15 The third fourth and fifth ask-queue lengths reported by HKSE. Cleared during the pre-market

clear.GN_TX20_1 GN TXT20 1 1665 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_2 GN TXT20 2 1666 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_3 GN TXT20 3 1667 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_4 GN TXT20 4 1668 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_5 GN TXT20 5 1669 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_6 GN TXT20 6 1670 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_7 GN TXT20 7 1671 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_8 GN TXT20 8 1672 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_9 GN TXT20 9 1673 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_10 GN TXT20 10 1674 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_11 GN TXT20 11 1675 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_12 GN TXT20 12 1676 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_13 GN TXT20 13 1677 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_14 GN TXT20 14 1678 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_15 GN TXT20 15 1679 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_16 GN TXT20 16 1680 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_17 GN TXT20 17 1681 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_18 GN TXT20 18 1682 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_19 GN TXT20 19 1683 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.GN_TX20_20 GN TXT20 20 1684 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Twenty-character generic text fields.AREA_ID AREA ID 1685 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Creator of MS message.SF_NAME SOURCE FEED NME 1686 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Source feed name.SPARE_NM1 SPARE NUMERIC 1 1687 NULL PRICE 17 Spare general numeric fields.SPARE_NM2 SPARE NUMERIC 2 1688 NULL PRICE 17 Spare general numeric fields.SPARE_NM3 SPARE NUMERIC 3 1689 NULL PRICE 17 Spare general numeric fields.SPARE_NM4 SPARE NUMERIC 4 1690 NULL PRICE 17 Spare general numeric fields.SPARE_VL1 SPARE VOLUME 1 1691 NULL INTEGER 15 Spare general volume fields.SPARE_VL2 SPARE VOLUME 2 1692 NULL INTEGER 15 Spare general volume fields.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSPARE_DT1 SPARE DATE 1 1693 NULL DATE 11 Spare general date fields.SPARE_DT2 SPARE DATE 2 1694 NULL DATE 11 Spare general date fields.SPARE_TM1 SPARE TIME 1 1695 NULL TIME 5 Spare general time fields.SPARE_TM2 SPARE TIME 2 1696 NULL TIME 5 Spare general time fields.SPARE_TS1 SPARE TIMESEC 1 1697 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Spare general time in seconds fields.SPARE_TS2 SPARE TIMESEC 2 1698 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Spare general time in seconds fields.SPARE_ET1 SPARE ETYPE 1 1699 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Spare general single-byte enumerated type fields.SPARE_ET2 SPARE ETYPE 2 1700 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Spare general single-byte enumerated type fields.SL_PRIMACT SL PRIM ACT 1701 NULL PRICE 17 Small lots primary latest activity.SL_YTM SL YLD MATURITY 1702 NULL PRICE 17 Small lots yield to maturity.SL_PRIMFLG SL PRIM FLAG 1703 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Small lots primary latest activity flag.ACVOL_TIM ACCUM VOL TIME 1704 NULL TIME 5 Accumulated volume time.SL_ACTTIME SL ACC VOL TIME 1705 NULL TIME 5 Small lots latest activity time.SL_HSTCLS SL HIST CLOSE 1706 NULL PRICE 17 Small lots closing value.SL_HCLSFLG SL HST CLS FLAG 1707 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Small lots closing value flag.SL_HCLSDAT SL HST CLS DATE 1708 NULL DATE 11 Small lots closing date.RDN_EXCHD2 EXCHANGE ID 2 1709 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 3 ) Identifier for the exchange on which the instrument trades. This field is a two-byte replacement

for FID 4 RDN_EXCHID and contains a super-set of this field's range of values.QF_STATUS QUICK/FIN STATUS 1710 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 5 ) Quick or Final status.CONT_DATE CONTRACT DATE 1712 NULL DATE 11 Contract date.SHRNEW SHARES NEW 1713 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of new shares.SHRSETL SHARES SETTLED 1714 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of settlement shares.SHROUTG SHRS OUTSDING 1715 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of outstanding shares.SHR_NC SHRS NET CHNG 1716 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of total value of outstanding shares.FNDNEW FUNDS NEW 1717 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of new funds.FNDSETL FUNDS SETTLED 1718 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of settlement funds.FNDOUTG FUNDS OUTSDING 1719 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of outstanding funds.FND_NC FUNDS NET CHNG 1720 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of total value of outstanding funds.NETBLNC NET BALANCE 1721 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of net balance.NETBLNCH NET BAL CHANGE 1722 NULL PRICE 17 Total value of net balance change.SHRNEW3M SHRS NEW 3M 1723 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of new shares.SHRSETL3M SHRS SETTLD 3M 1724 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of settlement shares.SHROUTG3M SHRS OUTSTG 3M 1725 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of outstanding shares.SHR_NC3M SHRS NET CH 3M 1726 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of 3 month value of outstanding shares.FNDNEW3M FUNDS NEW 3M 1727 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of new funds.FNDSETL3M FUNDS SETTLD 3M 1728 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of settlement funds.FNDOUTG3M FUNDS OUTSTG 3M 1729 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of outstanding funds.FND_NC3M FUNDS NET CH 3M 1730 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of 3 month value of outstanding funds.NETBLNC3M NET BALANCE 3M 1731 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of net balance.NETBLNCH3M NET BAL CHNG 3M 1732 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of net balance change.TURNOVER3M TURNOVER 3M 1733 NULL PRICE 17 3 month value of turnover.SHRNEW6M SHRS NEW 6M 1734 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of new shares.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSHRSETL6M SHRS SETTLD 6M 1735 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of settlement shares.SHROUTG6M SHRS OUTSTG 6M 1736 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of outstanding shares.SHR_NC6M SHRS NET CH 6M 1737 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of 6 month value of outstanding shares.FNDNEW6M FUNDS NEW 6M 1738 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of new funds.FNDSETL6M FUNDS SETTLD 6M 1739 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of settlement funds.FNDOUTG6M FUNDS OUTSTG 6M 1740 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of outstanding funds.FND_NC6M FUNDS NET CH 6M 1741 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of 6 month value of outstanding funds.NETBLNC6M NET BALANCE 6M 1742 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of net balance.NETBLNCH6M NET BAL CHNG 6M 1743 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of net balance change.TURNOVER6M TURNOVER 6M 1744 NULL PRICE 17 6 month value of turnover.MGN_PRICE MARGIN PRICE 1745 NULL PRICE 17 Margin price.SHTSLRTO SHT SALE RATIO 1746 NULL PRICE 17 Short Sale Ratio.INTRST_DAY NO.INTRST DAYS 1747 NULL PRICE 17 Number of interest days.BKWD_ST BKWDN STATUS 1748 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 4 ) Backwardation status.BKWDATION BACKWARDATION 1750 NULL PRICE 17 Backwardation.STOCKSHTGE STOCK SHORTAGE 1751 NULL PRICE 17 Stock shortage.APPLICSELL APPLICABLE SELL 1752 NULL PRICE 17 Sell Applicable Order.APPLICBUY APPLICABLE BUY 1753 NULL PRICE 17 Buy applicable Order.RENEW_PRC RENEWAL PRICE 1754 NULL PRICE 17 Renewal priceCONTDATE_1 CONTRACT DATE 1 1755 CONTDATE_2 DATE 11 The date of the latest 5 contract dates.CONTDATE_2 CONTRACT DATE 2 1756 CONTDATE_3 DATE 11 The date of the latest 5 contract dates.CONTDATE_3 CONTRACT DATE 3 1757 CONTDATE_4 DATE 11 The date of the latest 5 contract dates.CONTDATE_4 CONTRACT DATE 4 1758 CONTDATE_5 DATE 11 The date of the latest 5 contract dates.CONTDATE_5 CONTRACT DATE 5 1759 NULL DATE 11 The date of the latest 5 contract dates.SHROUTG_1 SHRS OUTSTG 1 1760 SHROUTG_2 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.SHROUTG_2 SHRS OUTSTG 2 1761 SHROUTG_3 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.SHROUTG_3 SHRS OUTSTG 3 1762 SHROUTG_4 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.SHROUTG_4 SHRS OUTSTG 4 1763 SHROUTG_5 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.SHROUTG_5 SHRS OUTSTG 5 1764 NULL PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding shares.FNDOUTG_1 FUNDS OUTSTG 1 1765 FNDOUTG_2 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.FNDOUTG_2 FUNDS OUTSTG 2 1766 FNDOUTG_3 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.FNDOUTG_3 FUNDS OUTSTG 3 1767 FNDOUTG_4 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.FNDOUTG_4 FUNDS OUTSTG 4 1768 FNDOUTG_5 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.FNDOUTG_5 FUNDS OUTSTG 5 1769 NULL PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of outstanding funds.NETBLNC_1 NET BAL 1 1770 NETBLNC_2 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.NETBLNC_2 NET BAL 2 1771 NETBLNC_3 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.NETBLNC_3 NET BAL 3 1772 NETBLNC_4 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.NETBLNC_4 NET BAL 4 1773 NETBLNC_5 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.NETBLNC_5 NET BAL 5 1774 NULL PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of net balance.MGNRTO_1 MARGIN RATE 1 1775 MGNRTO_2 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.MGNRTO_2 MARGIN RATE 2 1776 MGNRTO_3 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.MGNRTO_3 MARGIN RATE 3 1777 MGNRTO_4 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONMGNRTO_4 MARGIN RATE 4 1778 MGNRTO_5 PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.MGNRTO_5 MARGIN RATE 5 1779 NULL PRICE 17 The latest 5 days' total value of margin ratio.VOLUME_1 VOLUME 1 1780 VOLUME_2 INTEGER 15 The latest 5 days' total value of volume.VOLUME_2 VOLUME 2 1781 VOLUME_3 INTEGER 15 The latest 5 days' total value of volume.VOLUME_3 VOLUME 3 1782 VOLUME_4 INTEGER 15 The latest 5 days' total value of volume.VOLUME_4 VOLUME 4 1783 VOLUME_5 INTEGER 15 The latest 5 days' total value of volume.VOLUME_5 VOLUME 5 1784 NULL INTEGER 15 The latest 5 days' total value of volume.OPEN_DATE OPEN DATE 1785 NULL DATE 11 Open date.CNV_PTY_NO CNV PARITY NO 1786 NULL INTEGER 15 Conversion parity number.CP_ADJ_FCT CAP ADJUST FCTR 1787 NULL PRICE 17 Capital adjustment factor.CP_ADJ_DAT CAP ADJUST DATE 1788 NULL DATE 11 Capital adjustment date.GV3_DATE GV3 DATE 1789 NULL DATE 11 Generic date field - applies to GEN_VAL3 where appropriate.MAN_AUTO MAN/AUTO 1790 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 7 ) Manual/automatic trading indicator.LST_PRCTCK LAST PRC TICK 1791 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Last price tick.CALL_PRC2 CALL PRICE 2 1792 NULL PRICE 17 Second call price.GN_TXT2_1 GN TXT2 1 1793 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Two-character generic text fields.GN_TXT2_2 GN TXT2 2 1794 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Two-character generic text fields.GN_TXT2_3 GN TXT2 3 1795 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Two-character generic text fields.GN_TXT10_1 GN TXT10 1 1796 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Ten-character generic text fields.GN_TXT10_2 GN TXT10 2 1797 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Ten-character generic text fields.GN_TXT10_3 GN TXT10 3 1798 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Ten-character generic text fields.GN_TXT10_4 GN TXT10 4 1799 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Ten-character generic text fields.CALL_DATE2 CALL DATE 2 1800 NULL DATE 11 Second call date.LSTBID_IND LAST BID IND 1801 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Last bid indicator.LSTASK_IND LAST ASK IND 1802 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Last ask indicator.PR_VAL1_1 PR VAL1 1 1803 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest yearPR_VAL1_2 PR VAL1 2 1804 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 1PR_VAL1_3 PR VAL1 3 1805 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 2PR_VAL1_4 PR VAL1 4 1806 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 3PR_VAL1_5 PR VAL1 5 1807 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 4PR_VAL2_1 PR VAL2 1 1808 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 1PR_VAL2_2 PR VAL2 2 1809 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 2PR_VAL3_1 PR VAL3 1 1810 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest yearPR_VAL3_2 PR VAL3 2 1811 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest but 1PR_VAL3_3 PR VAL3 3 1812 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent interim the latest but 2PR_VAL4_1 PR VAL4 1 1813 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest yearPR_VAL4_2 PR VAL4 2 1814 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest but 1PR_VAL4_3 PR VAL4 3 1815 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest but 2PR_VAL4_4 PR VAL4 4 1816 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item consolidated the latest but 3PR_VAL5_1 PR VAL5 1 1817 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item consolidated forecast 1PR_PCH1_1 PR PCH1 1 1818 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest yearPR_PCH1_2 PR PCH1 2 1819 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 1

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPR_PCH1_3 PR PCH1 3 1820 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 2PR_PCH1_4 PR PCH1 4 1821 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 3PR_PCH1_5 PR PCH1 5 1822 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term the latest but 4PR_PCH2_1 PR PCH2 1 1823 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 1PR_PCH2_2 PR PCH2 2 1824 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent full-term forecast 2PR_PCH3_1 PR PCH3 1 1825 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent interim the latest yearPR_PCH3_2 PR PCH3 2 1826 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent interim the latest but 1PR_PCH3_3 PR PCH3 3 1827 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item parent interim the latest but 2PR_PCH4_1 PR PCH4 1 1828 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item consolidated the latest yearPR_PCH4_2 PR PCH4 2 1829 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item consolidated the latest but 1PR_PCH4_3 PR PCH4 3 1830 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item consolidated the latest but 2PR_PCH4_4 PR PCH4 4 1831 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item consolidated the latest but 3PR_PCH5_1 PR PCH5 1 1832 NULL PRICE 17 % change of prime settlement item consolidated forecast 1SC_VAL1_1 SC VAL1 1 1833 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest yearSC_VAL1_2 SC VAL1 2 1834 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest but 1SC_VAL1_3 SC VAL1 3 1835 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest but 2SC_VAL1_4 SC VAL1 4 1836 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest but 3SC_VAL1_5 SC VAL1 5 1837 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term the latest but 4SC_VAL2_1 SC VAL2 1 1838 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term forecast 1SC_VAL2_2 SC VAL2 2 1839 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent full-term forecast 2SC_VAL3_1 SC VAL3 1 1840 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent interim the latest yearSC_VAL3_2 SC VAL3 2 1841 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent interim the latest but 1SC_VAL3_3 SC VAL3 3 1842 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent interim the latest but 2SC_VAL4_1 SC VAL4 1 1843 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest yearSC_VAL4_2 SC VAL4 2 1844 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest but 1SC_VAL4_3 SC VAL4 3 1845 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest but 2SC_VAL4_4 SC VAL4 4 1846 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item consolidated the latest but 3SC_VAL5_1 SC VAL5 1 1847 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item consolidated forecast 1ORDICM1_1 ORDICM1 1 1848 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest yearORDICM1_2 ORDICM1 2 1849 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest but 1ORDICM1_3 ORDICM1 3 1850 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest but 2ORDICM1_4 ORDICM1 4 1851 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest but 3ORDICM1_5 ORDICM1 5 1852 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term the latest but 4ORDICM2_1 ORDICM2 1 1853 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term forecast 1ORDICM2_2 ORDICM2 2 1854 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent full-term forecast 2ORDICM3_1 ORDICM3 1 1855 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent interim the latest yearORDICM3_2 ORDICM3 2 1856 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent interim the latest but 1ORDICM3_3 ORDICM3 3 1857 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent interim the latest but 2ORDICM4_1 ORDICM4 1 1858 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit consolidated the latest yearORDICM4_2 ORDICM4 2 1859 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit consolidated the latest but 1ORDICM4_3 ORDICM4 3 1860 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit consolidated the latest but 2ORDICM4_4 ORDICM4 4 1861 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit consolidated the latest but 3

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONORDICM5_1 ORDICM5 1 1862 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit consolidated forecast 1ORDPCH1_1 ORDPCH1 1 1863 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest yearORDPCH1_2 ORDPCH1 2 1864 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest but 1ORDPCH1_3 ORDPCH1 3 1865 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest but 2ORDPCH1_4 ORDPCH1 4 1866 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest but 3ORDPCH1_5 ORDPCH1 5 1867 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term the latest but 4ORDPCH2_1 ORDPCH2 1 1868 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term forecast 1ORDPCH2_2 ORDPCH2 2 1869 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent full-term forecast 2ORDPCH3_1 ORDPCH3 1 1870 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest yearORDPCH3_2 ORDPCH3 2 1871 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest but 1ORDPCH3_3 ORDPCH3 3 1872 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent interim the latest but 2ORDPCH4_1 ORDPCH4 1 1873 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest yearORDPCH4_2 ORDPCH4 2 1874 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest but 1ORDPCH4_3 ORDPCH4 3 1875 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest but 2ORDPCH4_4 ORDPCH4 4 1876 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change consolidated the latest but 3ORDPCH5_1 ORDPCH5 1 1877 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change consolidated forecast 1NETICM1_1 NETICM1 1 1878 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term the latest yearNETICM1_2 NETICM1 2 1879 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term the latest but 1NETICM1_3 NETICM1 3 1880 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term the latest but 2NETICM1_4 NETICM1 4 1881 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term the latest but 3NETICM1_5 NETICM1 5 1882 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term the latest but 4NETICM2_1 NETICM2 1 1883 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term forecast 1NETICM2_2 NETICM2 2 1884 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent full-term forecast 2NETICM3_1 NETICM3 1 1885 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent interim the latest yearNETICM3_2 NETICM3 2 1886 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent interim the latest but 1NETICM3_3 NETICM3 3 1887 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent interim the latest but 2NETICM4_1 NETICM4 1 1888 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income consolidated the latest yearNETICM4_2 NETICM4 2 1889 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income consolidated the latest but 1NETICM4_3 NETICM4 3 1890 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income consolidated the latest but 2NETICM4_4 NETICM4 4 1891 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income consolidated the latest but 3NETICM5_1 NETICM5 1 1892 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income consolidated forecast 1EPS1_1 EPS1 1 1893 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term the latest yearEPS1_2 EPS1 2 1894 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term the latest but 1EPS1_3 EPS1 3 1895 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term the latest but 2EPS1_4 EPS1 4 1896 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term the latest but 3EPS1_5 EPS1 5 1897 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term the latest but 4EPS2_1 EPS2 1 1898 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term forecast 1EPS2_2 EPS2 2 1899 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent full-term forecast 2EPS3_1 EPS3 1 1900 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent interim the latest yearEPS3_2 EPS3 2 1901 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent interim the latest but 1EPS3_3 EPS3 3 1902 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent interim the latest but 2EPS4_1 EPS4 1 1903 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share consolidated the latest year

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONEPS4_2 EPS4 2 1904 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share consolidated the latest but 1EPS4_3 EPS4 3 1905 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share consolidated the latest but 2EPS4_4 EPS4 4 1906 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share consolidated the latest but 3EPS5_1 EPS5 1 1907 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share consolidated forecast 1DPS1_1 DPS1 1 1908 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term the latest yearDPS1_2 DPS1 2 1909 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term the latest but 1DPS1_3 DPS1 3 1910 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term the latest but 2DPS1_4 DPS1 4 1911 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term the latest but 3DPS1_5 DPS1 5 1912 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term the latest but 4DPS2_1 DPS2 1 1913 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term forecast 1DPS2_2 DPS2 2 1914 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent full-term forecast 2DPS3_1 DPS3 1 1915 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim the latest yearDPS3_2 DPS3 2 1916 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim the latest but 1DPS3_3 DPS3 3 1917 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim the latest but 2BPS4_1 BPS4 1 1918 NULL INTEGER 15 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest yearBPS4_2 BPS4 2 1919 NULL INTEGER 15 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest but 1BPS4_3 BPS4 3 1920 NULL INTEGER 15 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest but 2BPS4_4 BPS4 4 1921 NULL INTEGER 15 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest but 3BPS5_1 BPS5 1 1922 NULL INTEGER 15 Bookvalue per share consolidated forecast 1GNTXT24_LL GN TXT24 LL 1923 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 MLSI field for GN_TXT24_1SELTRM1_1 SELTRM1 1 1924 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term the latest yearSELTRM1_2 SELTRM1 2 1925 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term the latest but 1SELTRM1_3 SELTRM1 3 1926 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term the latest but 2SELTRM1_4 SELTRM1 4 1927 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term the latest but 3SELTRM1_5 SELTRM1 5 1928 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term the latest but 4SELTRM2_1 SELTRM2 1 1929 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term forecast 1SELTRM2_2 SELTRM2 2 1930 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent full term forecast 2SELTRM3_1 SELTRM3 1 1931 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent interim the latest yearSELTRM3_2 SELTRM3 2 1932 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent interim the latest but 1SELTRM3_3 SELTRM3 3 1933 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent interim the latest but 2SELTRM4_1 SELTRM4 1 1934 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date consolidated full term the latest yearSELTRM4_2 SELTRM4 2 1935 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date consolidated full term the latest but 1SELTRM4_3 SELTRM4 3 1936 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date consolidated full term the latest but 2SELTRM4_4 SELTRM4 4 1937 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date consolidated full term the latest but 3SELTRM5_1 SELTRM5 1 1938 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date consolidated full term forecast 1PR_TXT PRIM SETTL NAME 1939 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Primary settlement item nameSC_TXT SEC SETTL NAME 1940 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 8 ) Secondary settlement item nameSTLVAL1_1 STLVAL1 1 1941 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 1st settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_2 STLVAL1 2 1942 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 2nd settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_3 STLVAL1 3 1943 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 3rd settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_4 STLVAL1 4 1944 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 4th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_5 STLVAL1 5 1945 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 5th settlement item the latest year

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSTLVAL1_6 STLVAL1 6 1946 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 6th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_7 STLVAL1 7 1947 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 7th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_8 STLVAL1 8 1948 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 8th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_9 STLVAL1 9 1949 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 9th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_10 STLVAL1 10 1950 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 10th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_11 STLVAL1 11 1951 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 11th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_12 STLVAL1 12 1952 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 12th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_13 STLVAL1 13 1953 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 13th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_14 STLVAL1 14 1954 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 14th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_15 STLVAL1 15 1955 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 15th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_16 STLVAL1 16 1956 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 16th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL1_17 STLVAL1 17 1957 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 17th settlement item the latest yearSTLVAL2_1 STLVAL2 1 1958 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 1st settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_2 STLVAL2 2 1959 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 2nd settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_3 STLVAL2 3 1960 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 3rd settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_4 STLVAL2 4 1961 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 4th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_5 STLVAL2 5 1962 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 5th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_6 STLVAL2 6 1963 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 6th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_7 STLVAL2 7 1964 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 7th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_8 STLVAL2 8 1965 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 8th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_9 STLVAL2 9 1966 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 9th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_10 STLVAL2 10 1967 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 10th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_11 STLVAL2 11 1968 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 11th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_12 STLVAL2 12 1969 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 12th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_13 STLVAL2 13 1970 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 13th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_14 STLVAL2 14 1971 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 14th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_15 STLVAL2 15 1972 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 15th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_16 STLVAL2 16 1973 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 16th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL2_17 STLVAL2 17 1974 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 17th settlement item the latest but oneSTLVAL3_1 STLVAL3 1 1975 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 1st settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_2 STLVAL3 2 1976 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 2nd settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_3 STLVAL3 3 1977 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 3rd settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_4 STLVAL3 4 1978 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 4th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_5 STLVAL3 5 1979 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 5th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_6 STLVAL3 6 1980 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 6th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_7 STLVAL3 7 1981 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 7th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_8 STLVAL3 8 1982 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 8th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_9 STLVAL3 9 1983 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 9th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_10 STLVAL3 10 1984 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 10th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_11 STLVAL3 11 1985 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 11th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_12 STLVAL3 12 1986 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 12th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_13 STLVAL3 13 1987 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 13th settlement item the latest but two

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSTLVAL3_14 STLVAL3 14 1988 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 14th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_15 STLVAL3 15 1989 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 15th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_16 STLVAL3 16 1990 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 16th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL3_17 STLVAL3 17 1991 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 17th settlement item the latest but twoSTLVAL4_1 STLVAL4 1 1992 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 1st settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_2 STLVAL4 2 1993 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 2nd settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_3 STLVAL4 3 1994 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 3rd settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_4 STLVAL4 4 1995 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 4th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_5 STLVAL4 5 1996 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 5th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_6 STLVAL4 6 1997 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 6th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_7 STLVAL4 7 1998 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 7th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_8 STLVAL4 8 1999 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 8th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_9 STLVAL4 9 2000 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 9th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_10 STLVAL4 10 2001 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 10th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_11 STLVAL4 11 2002 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 11th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_12 STLVAL4 12 2003 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 12th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_13 STLVAL4 13 2004 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 13th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_14 STLVAL4 14 2005 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 14th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_15 STLVAL4 15 2006 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 15th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_16 STLVAL4 16 2007 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 16th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL4_17 STLVAL4 17 2008 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 17th settlement item the latest but threeSTLVAL5_1 STLVAL5 1 2009 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 1st settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_2 STLVAL5 2 2010 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 2nd settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_3 STLVAL5 3 2011 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 3rd settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_4 STLVAL5 4 2012 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 4th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_5 STLVAL5 5 2013 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 5th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_6 STLVAL5 6 2014 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 6th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_7 STLVAL5 7 2015 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 7th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_8 STLVAL5 8 2016 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 8th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_9 STLVAL5 9 2017 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 9th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_10 STLVAL5 10 2018 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 10th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_11 STLVAL5 11 2019 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 11th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_12 STLVAL5 12 2020 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 12th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_13 STLVAL5 13 2021 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 13th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_14 STLVAL5 14 2022 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 14th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_15 STLVAL5 15 2023 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 15th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_16 STLVAL5 16 2024 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 16th settlement item the latest but fourSTLVAL5_17 STLVAL5 17 2025 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the 17th settlement item the latest but fourSTLITEM_1 STLITEM 1 2026 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_2 STLITEM 2 2027 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_3 STLITEM 3 2028 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_4 STLITEM 4 2029 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item names

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSTLITEM_5 STLITEM 5 2030 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_6 STLITEM 6 2031 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_7 STLITEM 7 2032 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_8 STLITEM 8 2033 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_9 STLITEM 9 2034 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_10 STLITEM 10 2035 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_11 STLITEM 11 2036 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_12 STLITEM 12 2037 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_13 STLITEM 13 2038 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_14 STLITEM 14 2039 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_15 STLITEM 15 2040 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_16 STLITEM 16 2041 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_17 STLITEM 17 2042 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLDATE1 STLDATE1 2043 NULL DATE 11 The settlement date of the latest yearSTLDATE2 STLDATE2 2044 NULL DATE 11 The settlement date of the last but oneSTLDATE3 STLDATE3 2045 NULL DATE 11 The settlement date of the last but twoSTLDATE4 STLDATE4 2046 NULL DATE 11 The settlement date of the last but threeSTLDATE5 STLDATE5 2047 NULL DATE 11 The settlement date of the last but fourALLOT1_1 ALLOT1 1 2048 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest oneALLOT1_2 ALLOT1 2 2049 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest but oneALLOT1_3 ALLOT1 3 2050 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest but twoALLOT1_4 ALLOT1 4 2051 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest but threeALLOT1_5 ALLOT1 5 2052 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest but fourALLOT1_6 ALLOT1 6 2053 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change allotment ratio (denominator) the latest but fiveALLOT2_1 ALLOT2 1 2054 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest oneALLOT2_2 ALLOT2 2 2055 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest but oneALLOT2_3 ALLOT2 3 2056 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest but twoALLOT2_4 ALLOT2 4 2057 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest but threeALLOT2_5 ALLOT2 5 2058 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest but fourALLOT2_6 ALLOT2 6 2059 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change allotment ratio (numerator) the latest but fiveINCSHR_1 INCSHR 1 2060 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change increased shares the latest oneINCSHR_2 INCSHR 2 2061 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change increased shares the latest but oneINCSHR_3 INCSHR 3 2062 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change increased shares the latest but twoINCSHR_4 INCSHR 4 2063 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change increased shares the latest but threeINCSHR_5 INCSHR 5 2064 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change increased shares the latest but fourINCSHR_6 INCSHR 6 2065 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change increased shares the latest but fiveSUBSCR_1 SUBSCR 1 2066 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change subscription per share the latest oneSUBSCR_2 SUBSCR 2 2067 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change subscription per share the latest but oneSUBSCR_3 SUBSCR 3 2068 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change subscription per share the latest but twoSUBSCR_4 SUBSCR 4 2069 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change subscription per share the latest but threeSUBSCR_5 SUBSCR 5 2070 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change subscription per share the latest but fourSUBSCR_6 SUBSCR 6 2071 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change subscription per share the latest but five

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONADJFCT_1 ADJFCT 1 2072 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change adjustment factor the latest oneADJFCT_2 ADJFCT 2 2073 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change adjustment factor the latest but oneADJFCT_3 ADJFCT 3 2074 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change adjustment factor the latest but twoADJFCT_4 ADJFCT 4 2075 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change adjustment factor the latest but threeADJFCT_5 ADJFCT 5 2076 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change adjustment factor the latest but fourADJFCT_6 ADJFCT 6 2077 NULL PRICE 17 Capital change adjustment factor the latest but fiveNEWSHR_1 NEWSHR 1 2078 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest oneNEWSHR_2 NEWSHR 2 2079 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest but oneNEWSHR_3 NEWSHR 3 2080 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest but twoNEWSHR_4 NEWSHR 4 2081 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest but threeNEWSHR_5 NEWSHR 5 2082 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest but fourNEWSHR_6 NEWSHR 6 2083 NULL INTEGER 15 Capital change new amount of issued shares the latest but fiveISSAMNT_1 ISSAMNT 1 2084 NULL INTEGER 15 Bond issue issue amount the latest oneISSAMNT_2 ISSAMNT 2 2085 NULL INTEGER 15 Bond issue issue amount the latest but oneISSAMNT_3 ISSAMNT 3 2086 NULL INTEGER 15 Bond issue issue amount the latest but twoISSAMNT_4 ISSAMNT 4 2087 NULL INTEGER 15 Bond issue issue amount the latest but threeISSAMNT_5 ISSAMNT 5 2088 NULL INTEGER 15 Bond issue issue amount the latest but fourCNVPRC_1 CNVPRC 1 2089 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue convertion or excercise price the latest oneCNVPRC_2 CNVPRC 2 2090 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue convertion or excercise price the latest but oneCNVPRC_3 CNVPRC 3 2091 NULL PRICE 17 |Bond issue convertion or excercise price the latest but twoCNVPRC_4 CNVPRC 4 2092 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue convertion or excercise price the latest but threeCNVPRC_5 CNVPRC 5 2093 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue convertion or excercise price the latest but fourCOUPON_1 COUPON 1 2094 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue coupon the latest oneCOUPON_2 COUPON 2 2095 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue coupon the latest but oneCOUPON_3 COUPON 3 2096 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue coupon the latest but twoCOUPON_4 COUPON 4 2097 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue coupon the latest but threeCOUPON_5 COUPON 5 2098 NULL PRICE 17 Bond issue coupon the latest but fourDPS_1 DPS 1 2099 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share for the latest commemorative or special dividendDPS_2 DPS 2 2100 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share for the latest but 1 commemorative or special dividendCCHTYPE_1 CCHTYPE 1 2101 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Capital change type enumerated fieldsCCHTYPE_2 CCHTYPE 2 2102 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Capital change type enumerated fieldsCCHTYPE_3 CCHTYPE 3 2103 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Capital change type enumerated fieldsCCHTYPE_4 CCHTYPE 4 2104 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Capital change type enumerated fieldsCCHTYPE_5 CCHTYPE 5 2105 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Capital change type enumerated fieldsCCHTYPE_6 CCHTYPE 6 2106 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 8 ) Capital change type enumerated fieldsDIVTYPE_1 DIVTYPE 1 2107 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 4 ) Dividend type enumerated fieldsDIVTYPE_2 DIVTYPE 2 2108 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 4 ) Dividend type enumerated fieldsCCHDATE_1 CCHDATE 1 2109 NULL DATE 11 Capital change date the latest oneCCHDATE_2 CCHDATE 2 2110 NULL DATE 11 Capital change date the latest but oneCCHDATE_3 CCHDATE 3 2111 NULL DATE 11 Capital change date the latest but twoCCHDATE_4 CCHDATE 4 2112 NULL DATE 11 Capital change date the latest but threeCCHDATE_5 CCHDATE 5 2113 NULL DATE 11 Capital change date the latest but four

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCCHDATE_6 CCHDATE 6 2114 NULL DATE 11 Capital change date the latest but fiveISSDATE_1 ISSDATE 1 2115 NULL DATE 11 Bond issue date the latest oneISSDATE_2 ISSDATE 2 2116 NULL DATE 11 Bond issue date the latest but oneISSDATE_3 ISSDATE 3 2117 NULL DATE 11 Bond issue date the latest but twoISSDATE_4 ISSDATE 4 2118 NULL DATE 11 Bond issue date the latest but threeISSDATE_5 ISSDATE 5 2119 NULL DATE 11 Bond issue date the latest but fourDIVDATE_1 DIVDATE 1 2120 NULL DATE 11 Dividend date the latest oneDIVDATE_2 DIVDATE 2 2121 NULL DATE 11 Dividend date the latest but oneBNDTYPE_1 BNDTYPE 1 2122 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) Bond type enumerated fields.BNDTYPE_2 BNDTYPE 2 2123 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) Bond type enumerated fields.BNDTYPE_3 BNDTYPE 3 2124 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) Bond type enumerated fields.BNDTYPE_4 BNDTYPE 4 2125 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) Bond type enumerated fields.BNDTYPE_5 BNDTYPE 5 2126 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 2 ) Bond type enumerated fields.YR_PCTCH YR PCT CHANGE 2127 NULL PRICE 17 Year percentage change. The percentage change of the instrument computed on the "end of

previous year historical close" (EPYHSTCLS).EPYR_PCTCH PRV YR PCT CHNG 2128 NULL PRICE 17 Value of YR_PCTCH for the previous year.RIC_DESC RIC DESCRIPTION 2129 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of the RIC.INSTU_NAME INSTRUMENT NAME 2130 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 5 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of futures instrument name.INDEX_NAME INDEX NAME 2131 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 7 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of index name.TILE_DESC TILE DESC 2132 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 6 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Tile/Futures Chain name.CTBTR_ID1 CONTRIB ID1 2133 CTBTR_ID2 ENUMERATED 3 ( 4 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Contributor name.CTBTR_ID2 CONTRIB ID2 2134 CTBTR_ID3 ENUMERATED 3 ( 4 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Contributor name.CTBTR_ID3 CONTRIB ID3 2135 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 4 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Contributor name.CTBLOC_ID1 CONTRIB LOC1 2136 CTBLOC_ID2 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Contributor Location code.CTBLOC_ID2 CONTRIB LOC2 2137 CTBLOC_ID3 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Contributor Location code.CTBLOC_ID3 CONTRIB LOC3 2138 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) This FID holds the Enumerated type value which is associated with the Local Language

description of Money Contributor Location code.ISSUES_NOQ ISSUES NOT QUOT 2139 NULL PRICE 17 Number of issues not quoted today.DIV_FREQ DIVIDEND FREQ 2140 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Dividend frequency.AMT_ISSUE AMNT SHRS ISSUED 2142 NULL INTEGER 15 Total amount of issued share.ACVO_X_PR1 ACVOL X PRICE 1 2143 NULL PRICE 17 ACVOL_1 x TRDPRC_1.IMP_VOLTA IMPLIED VOLT ASK 2144 NULL PRICE 17 Implied volatility of ASK price.IMP_VOLTB IMPLIED VOLT BID 2145 NULL PRICE 17 Implied volatility of BID price.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONHST_VOLT HST VOLATILITY 2146 NULL PRICE 17 Historical volatility.WEEKLY_NC WKLY NET CH 2147 NULL PRICE 17 Weekly net change.WEEKLY_PC WKLY PCT CH 2148 NULL PRICE 17 Weekly percent change.WEEKLY_VOL WKLY ACC VOL 2149 NULL INTEGER 15 Sum of Accumulated Volume for a week.MKT_VALUE MKT VALUE 2150 NULL PRICE 17 Issue amount x Last Price.MN30_NC MN30 NC 2151 NULL PRICE 17 Difference between Last and TRDPRC_1 30 minutes ago.MN30_PC MN30 PC 2152 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage change in Last and TRDPRC_1 30 minutes ago.FACE_VAL FACE VALUE 2153 NULL INTEGER 15 Face value.SL_HCYLD SL HCYLD 2154 NULL PRICE 17 Historical Closing Yield to Maturity for JSB Small Lots.INDX_ID INDEX ID 2155 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Indicator to clarify Nikkei 225/300 Index equity.SECT_ID SECTIONS ID 2156 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Indicator to clarify sections in Japanese SE or JASDAQ.TRAD_ID TRADE ID 2157 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Indicator to clarify System/Post traded equities in Japanese SE.MRGN_ID MARGIN ID 2158 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Indicator to clarify margin type.BOND_NO ISSUE NO BOND 2159 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Issue Number of Bond.LIST_DATE LISTING DATE 2160 NULL DATE 11 Date of listing in Exchange or starting of trade.TRDTIM_2 TRADE TIME 2 2161 NULL TIME 5 Time of TRDPRC_2.TRDTIM_3 TRADE TIME 3 2162 NULL TIME 5 Time of TRDPRC_3.TRDTIM_4 TRADE TIME 4 2163 NULL TIME 5 Time of TRDPRC_4.TRDTIM_5 TRADE TIME 5 2164 NULL TIME 5 Time of TRDPRC_5.GNTXT52_LL GN TXT52 LL 2165 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 52 52 character text field.HST_CLSASK HIST CLOSE ASK 2166 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing ask i.e. the last non-zero closing ask.HSTCLAKDAT HIST CLS ASK DT 2167 NULL DATE 11 The historic closing ask date.MID_PCT_CH MID PRC PCT CH 2169 NULL PRICE 17 Mid price percent changeTRD_VALUE TRADED VALUE 2170 NULL PRICE 17 Traded valueBASE_PRC1 TODAYS BASE PRC 2171 NULL PRICE 17 Todays base priceBASE_PRC2 TOMRWS BASE PRC 2172 NULL PRICE 17 Tomorrow's base priceBASE_NETC BASE PRC NET CH 2173 NULL PRICE 17 Net change of today's and tomorrow's base priceBASE_PCTC BASE PRC PCT CH 2174 NULL PRICE 17 Percent change of today's and tomorrow's base priceLIMIT_FL1 TODAYS LIM FLUC 2175 NULL PRICE 17 Today's limit fluctuationLIMIT_FL2 TOMRWS LIM FLUC 2176 NULL PRICE 17 Tomorrow's limit fluctuationPOOL_NUMBR POOL NUMBER 2177 NULL PRICE 17 Assigned number designating the particular group of mortgages. underlying the security.CUSIP CUSIP 2178 NULL PRICE 17 Nine character identification number assigned to U.S. securities.GROSS_CPN GROSS COUPON 2179 NULL PRICE 17 Gross Coupon. Weighted average mortgage note rate.SERV_FEE SERVICING FEE 2180 NULL PRICE 17 Servicing fee provided to the mortgage servicer to service the loan.NET_CPN NET COUPON 2181 NULL PRICE 17 Net Coupon. Gross Coupon minus the servicing fee.AGE AGE OF LOAN 2182 NULL PRICE 17 Age of the loan in months.ORIG_WAM ORIGINAL WAM 2183 NULL PRICE 17 Original Weighted Average Maturity. The weighted average of the original terms to maturity of

the mortgage underlying the pool.CURR_WAM CURRENT WAM 2184 NULL PRICE 17 Current Weighted Average Maturity. The weighted average of the remaining terms to maturity.

DELAY DELAY 2185 NULL PRICE 17 The number of days from when the mortgage payment is made by the borrower to when the holder of the security receives the coupon payment.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPOOL_FACTR POOL FACTOR 2186 NULL PRICE 17 Pool Factor. The ratio of the current principal balance to its original principal balance expressed

as a decimal.BALN_AMORT BALLOON AMORT 2187 NULL PRICE 17 Balloon Amortization. Period over which amortization is calculated.MORT_YLD MORTGAGE YIELD 2188 NULL PRICE 17 Bid-side Mortgage yield based on monthly cash flows.MORT_YLD1 MORTGAGE YIELD1 2189 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent mortgage yield.MORT_YLD2 MORTGAGE YIELD2 2190 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent but one mortgage yield.MTYLD_OPN MORT YLD OPEN 2191 NULL PRICE 17 Today's opening bid-side mortgage yield.CLOS3_MYLD MORT YLD CLS 3 2192 NULL PRICE 17 The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 3:00 p.m.CLOS4_MYLD MORT YLD CLS 4 2193 NULL PRICE 17 The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 4:00 p.m.CLOS5_MYLD MORT YLD CLS 5 2194 NULL PRICE 17 The closing bid-side mortgage yield at 5:00 p.m.BEY BOND EQUIV YLD 2195 NULL PRICE 17 Bid-side Bond-equivalent yield.BEY1 BOND EQUIV YLD1 2196 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent bond-equivalent yield.BEY2 BOND EQUIV YLD2 2197 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent but one bond-equivalent yield.BEY_OPEN BEY OPEN 2198 NULL PRICE 17 Today's opening bid-side bond-equivalent yield.CLOSE3_BEY BEY CLOSE 3 2199 NULL PRICE 17 The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 3:00 p.m.CLOSE4_BEY BEY CLOSE 4 2200 NULL PRICE 17 The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 4:00 p.m.CLOSE5_BEY BEY CLOSE 5 2201 NULL PRICE 17 The closing bid-side bond-equivalent yield at 5:00 p.m.OAS OPT ADJUST SPRD 2202 NULL PRICE 17 Option-adjusted spread.OAS1 OPT ADJUST SPRD1 2203 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent option-adjusted spreads.OAS2 OPT ADJUST SPRD2 2204 NULL PRICE 17 Most recent but one option-adjusted spreads.OAS_OPEN OAS OPEN 2205 NULL PRICE 17 Today's opening option-adjusted spread.CLOSE3_OAS OAS CLOSE 3 2206 NULL PRICE 17 The closing option-adjusted spread at 3:00 p.m.CLOSE4_OAS OAS CLOSE 4 2207 NULL PRICE 17 The closing option-adjusted spread at 4:00 p.m.CLOSE5_OAS OAS CLOSE 5 2208 NULL PRICE 17 The closing option-adjusted spread at 5:00 p.m.AVG_LIFE AVERAGE LIFE 2209 NULL PRICE 17 Average Life. The average number of years to repayment of principal.EFF_DURTN EFF DURATION 2210 NULL PRICE 17 Effective Duration. Simulated measure of duration which measures change in price given

change in rates.EFF_CONVX EFF CONVEXITY 2211 NULL PRICE 17 Effective Convexity. Simulated measure of convexity.ESPRD_TSRY SPRD TO TREASURY 2212 NULL PRICE 17 Spread-to-Treasury. Basis point difference between yield of MBS and U.S. Treasury.TSRY_BENCH TREASURY BENCHMK 2213 NULL PRICE 17 The U.S. Treasury Benchmark. Comparable average life Treasury.PRC_DURTN PRICE DURATION 2214 NULL PRICE 17 Price Duration.PRC_CONVX PRICE CONVEXITY 2215 NULL PRICE 17 Price Convexity.CLOSE3_BID CLOSE BID 3 2216 NULL PRICE 17 Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be used as the official close.

CLOSE3_ASK CLOSE ASK 3 2217 NULL PRICE 17 Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be used as the official close.

CLOSE4_BID CLOSE BID 4 2218 NULL PRICE 17 Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be used as the official close.

CLOSE4_ASK CLOSE ASK 4 2219 NULL PRICE 17 Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be used as the official close.

CLOSE5_BID CLOSE BID 5 2220 NULL PRICE 17 Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be used as the official close.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONCLOSE5_ASK CLOSE ASK 5 2221 NULL PRICE 17 Closing Bid/Ask prices at 3:00 4:00 or 5:00 pm any of which may be used as the official close.

FWD1_DROP FORWARD DROP 1 2222 NULL PRICE 17 Forward Month Drop. The difference in security prices between the current month and the forward month.

FWD2_DROP FORWARD DROP 2 2223 NULL PRICE 17 The difference in security prices between the one-month forward and the two-month forward issues.

FWD3_DROP FORWARD DROP 3 2224 NULL PRICE 17 The difference in security prices between the two-month forward and the three-month forward issues.

FWD1_PRICE FORWARD PRC 1 2225 NULL PRICE 17 The security price one month forward from the current month.FWD2_PRICE FORWARD PRC 2 2226 NULL PRICE 17 The security price two months forward from the current month.FWD3_PRICE FORWARD PRC 3 2227 NULL PRICE 17 The security price three months forward from the current month.BALN_PRICE BALLOON PRICE 2228 NULL PRICE 17 Balloon Price. Price at which borrower pays back principal on balloon date.ACIN_FACTR ACC INT FACTOR 2229 NULL PRICE 17 Accrued Interest per dollar of principal times 100.OVN_REPO OVERNIGHT REPO 2230 NULL PRICE 17 Overnight Repurchase Agreement rate.WK1_REPO 1 WEEK REPO 2231 NULL PRICE 17 One week Repurchase Agreement rate.WK2_REPO 2 WEEK REPO 2232 NULL PRICE 17 Two week Repurchase Agreement rate.WK3_REPO 3 WEEK REPO 2233 NULL PRICE 17 Three week Repurchase agreement rate.MO1_REPO 1 MONTH REPO 2234 NULL PRICE 17 One month Repurchase Agreement rate.MO2_REPO 2 MONTH REPO 2235 NULL PRICE 17 Two month Repurchase Agreement rate.MO3_REPO 3 MONTH REPO 2236 NULL PRICE 17 Three month Repurchase Agreement rate.NET_MARGN NET MARGIN 2237 NULL PRICE 17 Net Margin. Basis point difference between net coupon and index.PD_PM_CAP PRDC PAYMNT CAP 2238 NULL PRICE 17 Periodic Payment Cap. Maximum periodic percent increase/ decrease in payment.PR_CPN_CAP PRDC COUPON CAP 2239 NULL PRICE 17 Periodic Coupon Cap. Maximum periodic increase/decrease in amortizing rate expressed in

basis points.LIFE_CEIL LIFETIME CEILING 2240 NULL PRICE 17 Lifetime Ceiling. Maximum amortizing rate.PAYRST_FRQ PAYMNT RESET FRQ 2241 NULL PRICE 17 Payment Reset Frequency. Frequency at which payments are reset.CPNRST_FRQ COUPON RESET FRQ 2242 NULL PRICE 17 Coupon Reset Frequency. Frequency at which coupon is reset.BAL_RESET PCT BALNCE RESET 2243 NULL PRICE 17 Pct Balance Reset. Percent of pool balance with coupon resetting in stated month.NEGAM_LIM NEG AM LIMIT 2244 NULL PRICE 17 Negative Amortization Limit Pct. Maximum percent increase in pool balance due to negative

amortization.PAY_RECFRQ PAYMENT REC FRQ 2245 NULL PRICE 17 Payment Recast Frequency. Frequency at which payment is adjusted without regard to payment

cap.INDEXRT_PR PROJTD INDEX RAT 2246 NULL PRICE 17 Projected Index Rate. Projected change in reference rate used to reset ARM coupon.TTLM_PMNT TOT MTG PAYMENT 2247 NULL PRICE 17 Total Mortgage Payment.INTRST_CAN INTEREST PAYMENT 2248 NULL PRICE 17 Interest Payment.INTRST_RTE INTEREST RATE 2249 NULL PRICE 17 Interest Rate.INT_PENLTY PENALTY INTEREST 2250 NULL PRICE 17 Penalty Interest.PRINC_CAN PRINCIPAL PAYMNT 2251 NULL PRICE 17 Principal payment.PR_SCHEDLD SCHED PRIN PYMNT 2252 NULL PRICE 17 Scheduled principal payment.PR_PREPAY PREPAID PR PYMNT 2253 NULL PRICE 17 Prepaid principal payment.MTG_LIQUID MTG LIQUIDATION 2254 NULL PRICE 17 Liquidation.PR_ADJUST ADJUSTMENT 2255 NULL PRICE 17 Adjustment.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONMTGS_REMNG MORT REMAINING 2256 NULL PRICE 17 Total mortgage remaining.MTGS_LQDTD LIQUIDATED 2257 NULL PRICE 17 Liquidated.MTGS_SUBST SUBSTITUTED 2258 NULL PRICE 17 Substituted.TIERPRD_MO TIERED PERIOD M 2259 NULL PRICE 17 Tiered Period in months.GRADT_PRD GRADUATION PRD 2260 NULL PRICE 17 Graduation Period.INCRSE_AN ANNUAL INC 2261 NULL PRICE 17 Annual Increase.I_AMRT_RTE AMORT INTR RATE 2262 NULL PRICE 17 Amortizing Interest Rate.INTLPRD_MO INITIAL PERIOD 2263 NULL PRICE 17 Initial Period in months.PSA PSA 2264 NULL PRICE 17 PSA mortgage prepayment speed.CPR CPR 2265 NULL PRICE 17 Constant Prepayment Rate. The percentage of the mortgage balance outstanding for the

previous month.SMM SMM 2266 NULL PRICE 17 Single Monthly Mortality. The % of outstanding principal balance prepaid each month.SECUR_NAME SECURITY NAME 2267 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 78 The complete name of the security.ISSR_NAME SECURITY ISSUER 2268 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 60 Issuer of the security.DROP_TW DROP TW 2269 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Indicates whether drops from current to forward months have tightened or widened from the

previous trading day.REPO_ISSUE REPO SECURITY 2270 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 26 The type of security supporting the repurchase agreement.INDX_NAME ARM INDEX NAME 2271 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 The name of the index that determines the rate of the ARM security.MONTH_PRC CURR SETTLE MTH 2272 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 9 The current settlement month.MONTH1_PRC CURR SETTLE MTH1 2273 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 9 The next month after the current month.MONTH2_PRC CURR SETTLE MTH2 2274 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 9 Two months after the current month.MONTH3_PRC CURR SETTLE MTH3 2275 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 9 Three months after the current month.INTCALC_PD INTRST CALC PRD 2276 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Interest calculation period (daily/monthly).BAL_DATE BALLOON DUE DATE 2278 NULL DATE 11 Date when balloon payment is due.CPN_NXTAJ NXT ARM CPN DATE 2279 NULL DATE 11 Next ARM coupon adjustment date.PAY_NXTAJ NXT ARM PAY DATE 2280 NULL DATE 11 Next ARM payment adjustment date.PAY_NXTREC NXT ARM PAY RCST 2281 NULL DATE 11 Next ARM payment recast.CONV_FROM STRT OF CONV PRD 2282 NULL DATE 11 Beginning of convertible period.CONV_TO END OF CONV PRD 2283 NULL DATE 11 End of convertible period.FACTR_DATE FACTOR DATE 2284 NULL DATE 11 Factor Date.AVG_PRC UNDLYING MKT PRC 2285 NULL PRICE 17 The underlying market price. This is the average of the first best bid/ask prices of the future

instrument. It is used for volatility calculations.ASK_NET_CH LT ASK-HIS CL ASK 2286 NULL PRICE 17 The difference between the latest ask and the historic closing ask.TIME_MATUR DEBT TIME TO MAT 2287 NULL INTEGER 15 The to maturity for a debt instrument qualified by the field MATUR_FLAG (2364) which indicates

whether the units of time involved are years months weeks or days.GEN_VAL11 GEN VAL11 2288 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL12 GEN VAL12 2289 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL13 GEN VAL13 2290 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL14 GEN VAL14 2291 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL15 GEN VAL15 2292 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GEN_VAL16 GEN VAL16 2293 NULL PRICE 17 Generic value fields whose use is dependent on the context in which they occur.GNTXT18_LL GN TXT18 LL 2294 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 18 18 character text field.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONREF_YIELD REF BOND YIELD 2295 NULL PRICE 17 Simple yield of reference bond.BID_IMPVLT BID IMP VOLATILTY 2296 NULL PRICE 17 Bid side of implied volatility.ASK_IMPVLT ASK IMP VOLATILTY 2297 NULL PRICE 17 Ask side of implied volatility.BID_TCKVLT BID TCKR VOLATLTY 2298 NULL PRICE 17 Bid side of ticker volatility.ASK_TCKVLT ASK TCKR VOLATLTY 2299 NULL PRICE 17 Ask side of ticker volatility.BID_MCHVLT BID MTCH VOLATLTY 2300 NULL PRICE 17 Bid side of match volatility.ASK_MCHVLT ASK MTCH VOLATLTY 2301 NULL PRICE 17 Ask side of match volatility.PFRJGB_NO REF JGB ISSUE NUM 2302 NULL INTEGER 15 Issue number of reference JGB.RJGB_PRICE REF JGB PRICE 2303 NULL PRICE 17 Price of reference JGB.CRT_YIELD CURRENT YIELD 2304 NULL PRICE 17 Current yield.DELTA DELTA 2305 NULL PRICE 17 Delta.GAMMA GAMMA 2306 NULL PRICE 17 Gamma.THETA THETA 2307 NULL PRICE 17 Theta.VEGA VEGA 2308 NULL PRICE 17 Vega.RHO RHO 2309 NULL PRICE 17 Rho.CLT_FNCTON CUMUL DNSITY FUNC 2310 NULL PRICE 17 Cumulative density function.INTR_VAL INTRINSIC VALUE 2311 NULL PRICE 17 Intrinsic value.TIME_VAL TIME VALUE 2312 NULL PRICE 17 Time value.STRPR_IND STRIKE PRC INDN 2313 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 Strike price indication.BID_IVTONE DIRN BID IV TRADN 2314 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.ASK_IVTONE DIRN ASK IV TRADN 2315 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.BID_TVTONE DIRN BID TV TRADN 2316 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.ASK_TVTONE DIRN ASK TV TRADN 2317 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.BID_MVTONE DIRN BID MV TRADN 2318 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.ASK_MVTONE DIRN ASK MV TRADN 2319 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of trading from the previous trade.ALIAS RIC ALIAS NAME 2320 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 18 Alias name (short name) of the RIC.SPEC_TRADE TERMS TRADN FLAG 2321 NULL INTEGER 15 Special terms trading flag (maps to Quotron Cash-All-Day flag).ODD_LOT TRANSACTION MODE 2322 NULL PRICE 17 Transaction mode (size of trading).FCAST_EARN FORCASTED EARNGS 2323 NULL PRICE 17 Forecasted earnings.EARANK_RAT EARNGS RANK RATIO 2324 NULL PRICE 17 Earnings rank ratio.FCAST_DATE FORECAST DATE 2325 NULL DATE 11 Date of the Forecast.YEAR_FCAST FORECAST YEAR 2326 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Year forecast.MKT_STRN MARKET STRENGTH 2327 NULL PRICE 17 Market strength.MKT_WEAK MARKET WEAKNESS 2328 NULL PRICE 17 Market weakness.MKT_CHNG MARKET CHANGE 2329 NULL PRICE 17 Market change.MKT_VOLT MARKET VOLATILITY 2330 NULL PRICE 17 Market volatility.TRADE_CNT1 NON BLK TRAD CNT1 2331 NULL INTEGER 15 Non-block trade count first session.TRADE_CNT2 NON BLK TRAD CNT2 2332 NULL INTEGER 15 Non-block trade count second session.BLKCNT_2 BLOCK TRADE CNT 2 2333 NULL INTEGER 15 Block trade count second session.BLKUNIT NUM SHRS PER BLK 2334 NULL INTEGER 15 Block unit - number of shares per block.THEO_OPEN THEORETICAL OPEN 2335 NULL PRICE 17 Theoretical open. Initially used for Dow Jones Indices.GV11_FLAG GV11 FLAG 2336 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONGV12_FLAG GV12 FLAG 2337 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV13_FLAG GV13 FLAG 2338 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV14_FLAG GV14 FLAG 2339 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV15_FLAG GV15 FLAG 2340 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV16_FLAG GV16 FLAG 2341 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Generic flags applicable to GEN_VALn.GV11_TEXT GV11 TEXT 2342 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV12_TEXT GV12 TEXT 2343 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV13_TEXT GV13 TEXT 2344 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV14_TEXT GV14 TEXT 2345 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV15_TEXT GV15 TEXT 2346 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.GV16_TEXT GV16 TEXT 2347 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Generic six character text fields each describing the value in the corresponding generic field

GEN_VALn.HST_CLSYL2 2ND HIS CL YIELD 2348 NULL PRICE 17 The second historic closing yield i.e. the last non-zero closing yield derived once daily outside

market hours from the SEC_YLD_1 field.YLD_NETCH2 2ND YIELD NET CHG 2349 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the current second yield SEC_YLD_1 from second historic closing yield. This

field is cleared during pre-market clear.YCR_BID_1 CUR BID YIELD 1 2350 YCR_BID_2 PRICE 17 The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_BID_2 CUR BID YIELD 2 2351 YCR_BID_3 PRICE 17 The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_BID_3 CUR BID YIELD 3 2352 YCR_BID_4 PRICE 17 The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_BID_4 CUR BID YIELD 4 2353 YCR_BID_5 PRICE 17 The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_BID_5 CUR BID YIELD 5 2354 NULL PRICE 17 The five most recent current bid yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.HST_YCRBID HISCL CUR BID YLD 2355 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing current bid yield i.e. the last non-zero closing bid yield derived once daily

outside market hours from the YCR_BID_1 field.YCR_BIDNCH NETCH CUR BID YLD 2356 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the current bid yield YCR_BID_1 from the historic closing current bid yield.

This field is cleared during pre-market clear.YCR_ASK_1 CUR ASK YIELD 1 2357 YCR_ASK_2 PRICE 17 The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_ASK_2 CUR ASK YIELD 2 2358 YCR_ASK_3 PRICE 17 The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_ASK_3 CUR ASK YIELD 3 2359 YCR_ASK_4 PRICE 17 The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONYCR_ASK_4 CUR ASK YIELD 4 2360 YCR_ASK_5 PRICE 17 The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YCR_ASK_5 CUR ASK YIELD 5 2361 NULL PRICE 17 The five most recent current ask yields received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.HST_YCRASK HISCL CUR ASK YLD 2362 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing current ask yield i.e. the last non-zero closing ask yield derived once daily

outside market hours from the YCR_ASK_1 field.YCR_ASKNCH NETCH CUR ASK YLD 2363 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the current ask yield YCR_ASK_1 from the historic closing current ask yield.

This field is cleared during pre-market clear.YTM_BID_1 MAT BID YIELD 1 2364 YTM_BID_2 PRICE 17 The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_BID_2 MAT BID YIELD 2 2365 YTM_BID_3 PRICE 17 The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_BID_3 MAT BID YIELD 3 2366 YTM_BID_4 PRICE 17 The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_BID_4 MAT BID YIELD 4 2367 YTM_BID_5 PRICE 17 The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_BID_5 MAT BID YIELD 5 2368 NULL PRICE 17 The five most recent bid yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.HST_YTMBID HISCL MAT BID YLD 2369 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing bid yield to maturity i.e. the last non-zero closing bid yield to maturity derived

once daily outside market hours from the YTM_BID_1 field.YTM_BIDNCH NETCH MAT BID YLD 2370 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the bid yield to maturity YTM_BID_1 from the historic closing bid yield to

maturity. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.YTM_ASK_1 MAT ASK YIELD 1 2371 YTM_ASK_2 PRICE 17 The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_ASK_2 MAT ASK YIELD 2 2372 YTM_ASK_3 PRICE 17 The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_ASK_3 MAT ASK YIELD 3 2373 YTM_ASK_4 PRICE 17 The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_ASK_4 MAT ASK YIELD 4 2374 YTM_ASK_5 PRICE 17 The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.YTM_ASK_5 MAT ASK YIELD 5 2375 NULL PRICE 17 The five most recent ask yields to maturity received for Japanese bonds and futures and money

market instruments.HST_YTMASK HISCL MAT ASK YLD 2376 NULL PRICE 17 The historic closing ask yield to maturity i.e. the last non-zero closing ask yield derived once

daily outside market hours from the YTM_ASK_1 field.YTM_ASKNCH NETCH MAT ASK YLD 2377 NULL PRICE 17 The net change of the ask yield to maturity YTM_ASK_1 from the historic closing ask yield to

maturity. This field is cleared during pre-market clear.MATUR_UNIT TIM TO MAT QUALFR 2378 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) This field qualifies the time to maturity field (TIME_MATUR) and indicates whether the units of

time involved are years months weeks or days.BID_CURRCY BID CURRENCY 2379 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the BID field.ASK_CURRCY ASK CURRENCY 2380 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the ASK field.GV1_CURRCY GEN VAL1 CURRENCY 2381 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the price within the GEN_VAL1 field.GV2_CURRCY GEN VAL2 CURRENCY 2382 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the price within the GEN_VAL1 field.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONGV3_CURRCY GEN VAL3 CURRENCY 2383 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the price within the GEN_VAL1 field.GV4_CURRCY GEN VAL4 CURRENCY 2384 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the price within the GEN_VAL1 field.GV5_CURRCY GEN VAL5 CURRENCY 2385 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) The currency for the price within the GEN_VAL1 field.IBEX35_IND IBEX 35 INDICATOR 2386 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Indicator to show whether the instrument is included in the IBEX 35 Index or not. Will contain Y or

N.BUYSELL_ID BUY SELL ID REF 2387 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Reference pages where Buyer/Seller ID codes are fully explainedWEIGHT_SPR WGHTD AVGE SPREAD 2388 NULL PRICE 17 The difference between the weighted average bid price and the weighted average ask price

divided by the mid value of these two prices. ie (B - A) ------- (B + A)/2 where B is the weighted average bid price and A is the weighted average ask price.

SLOT_YNETC SLOT YNETC 2389 NULL PRICE 17 Small lots yield net change.BVPS4_1 BK VAL PER SHR 2390 NULL PRICE 17 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest yearBVPS4_2 BK VAL PER SHR 2 2391 NULL PRICE 17 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest but 1BVPS4_3 BK VAL PER SHR 3 2392 NULL PRICE 17 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest but 2BVPS4_4 BK VAL PER SHR 4 2393 NULL PRICE 17 Bookvalue per share consolidated the latest but 3BVPS5_1 BKVAL PR SHR FCST 2394 NULL PRICE 17 Bookvalue per share consolidated forecast 1SECTR_CODE INDUST SECTR CODE 2395 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Industrial sector code.IRGMOD IRGCOND MODIFIER 2396 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) A modifier to the enumerated type field IRGCOND (FID 374) which is in turn an indicator of the

type of price held in the field IRGPRC (FID 372).INSMOD INSCOND MODIFIER 2397 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 2 ) A modifier to the enumerated type field INSCOND (FID 378) which is in turn an indicator of the

type of price held in the field INSPRC (FID 376).PRCTIM_1 PRICE TIME 1 2400 NULL TIME 5 One of a stack of five rippled trade-price time fields.PRCTIM_2 PRICE TIME 2 2401 NULL TIME 5 One of a stack of five rippled trade-price time fields.PRCTIM_3 PRICE TIME 3 2402 NULL TIME 5 One of a stack of five rippled trade-price time fields.PRCTIM_4 PRICE TIME 4 2403 NULL TIME 5 One of a stack of five rippled trade-price time fields.PRCTIM_5 PRICE TIME 5 2404 NULL TIME 5 One of a stack of five rippled trade-price time fields.WEIGHTING2 WEIGHTING 2 2405 NULL PRICE 17 The weighting of a stock within an index.WEIGHTING3 WEIGHTING 3 2406 NULL PRICE 17 The weighting of a stock within an index.BEST_BID6 BEST BID 6 2407 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to collectively cover the ten best bids as

contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_BID7 BEST BID 7 2408 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_BID8 BEST BID 8 2409 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_BID9 BEST BID 9 2410 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_BID10 BEST BID 10 2411 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (436-440 BESTBID1..5) to collectively cover the ten best bids as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_BID1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONBEST_ASK6 BEST ASK 6 2412 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to collectively cover the ten best asks

as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_ASK7 BEST ASK 7 2413 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_ASK8 BEST ASK 8 2414 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_ASK9 BEST ASK 9 2415 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_ASK10 BEST ASK 10 2416 NULL PRICE 17 Extension to the group of fields (441-445 BEST_ASK1..5) to collectively cover the ten best asks as contributed by market-makers with the best in BEST_ASK1. Note that these fields are not rippled.

BEST_BSIZ6 BEST BID SIZE 6 2417 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.BEST_BSIZ7 BEST BID SIZE 7 2418 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.BEST_BSIZ8 BEST BID SIZE 8 2419 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.BEST_BSIZ9 BEST BID SIZE 9 2420 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.BEST_BSZ10 BEST BID SIZE 10 2421 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best bid sizes associated with the fields BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.BEST_ASIZ6 BEST ASK SIZE 6 2422 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.BEST_ASIZ7 BEST ASK SIZE 7 2423 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.BEST_ASIZ8 BEST ASK SIZE 8 2424 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.BEST_ASIZ9 BEST ASK SIZE 9 2425 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.BEST_ASZ10 BEST ASK SIZE 10 2426 NULL INTEGER 15 One of five best ask sizes associated with the fields BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.NO_BIDMKR6 NUM BID MMKR 6 2427 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.NO_BIDMKR7 NUM BID MMKR 7 2428 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.NO_BIDMKR8 NUM BID MMKR 8 2429 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.NO_BIDMKR9 NUM BID MMKR 9 2430 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.NO_BIDMK10 NUM BID MMKR 10 2431 NULL PRICE 17 The number of market makers associated with the best bid held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_BID6 to BEST_BID10.NO_ASKMKR6 NUM ASK MMKR 6 2432 NULL PRICE 17 The number of marklet makers associated with the best ask held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.NO_ASKMKR7 NUM ASK MMKR 7 2433 NULL PRICE 17 The number of marklet makers associated with the best ask held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.NO_ASKMKR8 NUM ASK MMKR 8 2434 NULL PRICE 17 The number of marklet makers associated with the best ask held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONNO_ASKMKR9 NUM ASK MMKR 9 2435 NULL PRICE 17 The number of marklet makers associated with the best ask held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.NO_ASKMK10 NUM ASK MMKR 10 2436 NULL PRICE 17 The number of marklet makers associated with the best ask held in the appropriate field in the

range BEST_ASK6 to BEST_ASK10.CTB_2A_1 SEC ACT CTBTR1 A 2437 CTB_2A_2 ALPHANUMERIC 12 Contributor name for second activity.CTB_2A_2 SEC ACT CTBTR2 A 2438 CTB_2A_3 ALPHANUMERIC 12 Contributor name for second activity.CTB_2A_3 SEC ACT CTBTR3 A 2439 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Contributor name for second activity.CTB_2B_1 SEC ACT CTBTR1 B 2440 CTB_2B_2 ALPHANUMERIC 12 Contributor name for second activity.CTB_2B_2 SEC ACT CTBTR2 B 2441 CTB_2B_3 ALPHANUMERIC 12 Contributor name for second activity.CTB_2B_3 SEC ACT CTBTR3 B 2442 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Contributor name for second activity.CTB_2A_1LL SEC ACT CTB1A LL 2443 CTB_2A_2LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language contributor name for second activity.CTB_2A_2LL SEC ACT CTB2A LL 2444 CTB_2A_3LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language contributor name for second activity.CTB_2A_3LL SEC ACT CTB3A LL 2445 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language contributor name for second activity.CTB_2B_1LL SEC ACT CTB1B LL 2446 CTB_2B_2LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language contributor name for second activity.CTB_2B_2LL SEC ACT CTB2B LL 2447 CTB_2B_3LL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language contributor name for second activity.CTB_2B_3LL SEC ACT CTB3B LL 2448 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Local language contributor name for second activity.GV2A_RTIM1 GV2A TIME 1 2449 GV2A_RTIM2 TIME SECONDS 8 One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.GV2A_RTIM2 GV2A TIME 2 2450 GV2A_RTIM3 TIME SECONDS 8 One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.GV2A_RTIM3 GV2A TIME 3 2451 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.GV2B_RTIM1 GV2B TIME 1 2452 GV2B_RTIM2 TIME SECONDS 8 One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.GV2B_RTIM2 GV2B TIME 2 2453 GV2B_RTIM3 TIME SECONDS 8 One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.GV2B_RTIM3 GV2B TIME 3 2454 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 One of a stack of three rippled generic time fields.SLOT_CMPND SL COMP YIELD 2455 NULL PRICE 17 Compound yield for TSE JGB small lot.SLOT_CMPNC SL COMP YLD NCH 2456 NULL PRICE 17 Compound yield net change for TSE JGB small lot.SL_HCCMP SL COMP YLD HCL 2457 NULL PRICE 17 Compound yield historical close. for TSE JGB small lot.SL_CRTYLD SL CURR YIELD 2458 NULL PRICE 17 Current yield for TSE JGB small lot.SL_CRTYNC SL CURR YLD NCH 2459 NULL PRICE 17 Current yield net change for TSE JGB small lot.SL_HCCRTY SL CURR YLD HCL 2460 NULL PRICE 17 Current yield historical close for TSE JGB small lot.CMP_YIELD COMPOUND YIELD 2461 NULL PRICE 17 Compound yield.CMP_YLDNC COMP YLD NET CH 2462 NULL PRICE 17 Compound yield net change.CMP_YLDHC COMP YLD HIS CL 2463 NULL PRICE 17 Compound yield historical close.CRT_YLDNC CURR YLD NET CH 2464 NULL PRICE 17 Current yield net change.CRT_YLDHC CURR YLD HIS CL 2465 NULL PRICE 17 Current yield historical close.TIM_TO_MAT TIME TO MATURITY 2466 NULL PRICE 17 Time to maturityBS_PNT_VAL BASED PNT VALUE 2467 NULL PRICE 17 Based Point Value.SL_CMPTCK SL CMP YLD TICK 2468 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of compound yield for TSE JGB small lot.SL_CRTYTCK SL CUR YLD TICK 2469 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of current yield for TSE JGB small lot.CMP_YLDTCK COMP YIELD TICK 2470 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of compound yield.CRT_YLDTCK CURR YIELD TICK 2471 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) The direction of current yield.A_PRICE_1 ASK PRC LEVEL 1 2472 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_2 ASK PRC LEVEL 2 2473 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_3 ASK PRC LEVEL 3 2474 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONA_PRICE_4 ASK PRC LEVEL 4 2475 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_5 ASK PRC LEVEL 5 2476 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_6 ASK PRC LEVEL 6 2477 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_7 ASK PRC LEVEL 7 2478 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_8 ASK PRC LEVEL 8 2479 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_9 ASK PRC LEVEL 9 2480 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_10 ASK PRC LEVEL 10 2481 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_11 ASK PRC LEVEL 11 2482 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_12 ASK PRC LEVEL 12 2483 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_13 ASK PRC LEVEL 13 2484 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_14 ASK PRC LEVEL 14 2485 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_15 ASK PRC LEVEL 15 2486 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_16 ASK PRC LEVEL 16 2487 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_17 ASK PRC LEVEL 17 2488 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_18 ASK PRC LEVEL 18 2489 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_19 ASK PRC LEVEL 19 2490 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_20 ASK PRC LEVEL 20 2491 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_21 ASK PRC LEVEL 21 2492 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_22 ASK PRC LEVEL 22 2493 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_23 ASK PRC LEVEL 23 2494 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_24 ASK PRC LEVEL 24 2495 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_PRICE_25 ASK PRC LEVEL 25 2496 NULL PRICE 17 The Ask Price of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_1 BID PRC LEVEL 1 2497 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_2 BID PRC LEVEL 2 2498 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_3 BID PRC LEVEL 3 2499 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_4 BID PRC LEVEL 4 2500 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_5 BID PRC LEVEL 5 2501 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_6 BID PRC LEVEL 6 2502 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_7 BID PRC LEVEL 7 2503 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_8 BID PRC LEVEL 8 2504 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_9 BID PRC LEVEL 9 2505 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_10 BID PRC LEVEL 10 2506 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_11 BID PRC LEVEL 11 2507 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_12 BID PRC LEVEL 12 2508 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_13 BID PRC LEVEL 13 2509 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_14 BID PRC LEVEL 14 2510 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_15 BID PRC LEVEL 15 2511 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_16 BID PRC LEVEL 16 2512 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_17 BID PRC LEVEL 17 2513 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_18 BID PRC LEVEL 18 2514 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_19 BID PRC LEVEL 19 2515 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_20 BID PRC LEVEL 20 2516 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONB_PRICE_21 BID PRC LEVEL 21 2517 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_22 BID PRC LEVEL 22 2518 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_23 BID PRC LEVEL 23 2519 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_24 BID PRC LEVEL 24 2520 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_PRICE_25 BID PRC LEVEL 25 2521 NULL PRICE 17 The Bid Price for the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_1 ASK QTY LEVEL 1 2522 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_2 ASK QTY LEVEL 2 2523 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_3 ASK QTY LEVEL 3 2524 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_4 ASK QTY LEVEL 4 2525 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_5 ASK QTY LEVEL 5 2526 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_6 ASK QTY LEVEL 6 2527 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_7 ASK QTY LEVEL 7 2528 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_8 ASK QTY LEVEL 8 2529 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_9 ASK QTY LEVEL 9 2530 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_10 ASK QTY LEVEL 10 2531 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_11 ASK QTY LEVEL 11 2532 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_12 ASK QTY LEVEL 12 2533 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_13 ASK QTY LEVEL 13 2534 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_14 ASK QTY LEVEL 14 2535 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_15 ASK QTY LEVEL 15 2536 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_16 ASK QTY LEVEL 16 2537 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_17 ASK QTY LEVEL 17 2538 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_18 ASK QTY LEVEL 18 2539 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_19 ASK QTY LEVEL 19 2540 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_20 ASK QTY LEVEL 20 2541 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_21 ASK QTY LEVEL 21 2542 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_22 ASK QTY LEVEL 22 2543 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_23 ASK QTY LEVEL 23 2544 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_24 ASK QTY LEVEL 24 2545 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_QTY_25 ASK QTY LEVEL 25 2546 NULL INTEGER 15 The Ask Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_1 BID QTY LEVEL 1 2547 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_2 BID QTY LEVEL 2 2548 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_3 BID QTY LEVEL 3 2549 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_4 BID QTY LEVEL 4 2550 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_5 BID QTY LEVEL 5 2551 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_6 BID QTY LEVEL 6 2552 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_7 BID QTY LEVEL 7 2553 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_8 BID QTY LEVEL 8 2554 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_9 BID QTY LEVEL 9 2555 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_10 BID QTY LEVEL 10 2556 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_11 BID QTY LEVEL 11 2557 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_12 BID QTY LEVEL 12 2558 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONB_QTY_13 BID QTY LEVEL 13 2559 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_14 BID QTY LEVEL 14 2560 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_15 BID QTY LEVEL 15 2561 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_16 BID QTY LEVEL 16 2562 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_17 BID QTY LEVEL 17 2563 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_18 BID QTY LEVEL 18 2564 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_19 BID QTY LEVEL 19 2565 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_20 BID QTY LEVEL 20 2566 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_21 BID QTY LEVEL 21 2567 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_22 BID QTY LEVEL 22 2568 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_23 BID QTY LEVEL 23 2569 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_24 BID QTY LEVEL 24 2570 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).B_QTY_25 BID QTY LEVEL 25 2571 NULL INTEGER 15 The Bid Quantity of the nth Level (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_1 ASK PLAYERS LEV 1 2572 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_2 ASK PLAYERS LEV 2 2573 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_3 ASK PLAYERS LEV 3 2574 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_4 ASK PLAYERS LEV 4 2575 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_5 ASK PLAYERS LEV 5 2576 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_6 ASK PLAYERS LEV 6 2577 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_7 ASK PLAYERS LEV 7 2578 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_8 ASK PLAYERS LEV 8 2579 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_9 ASK PLAYERS LEV 9 2580 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_10 ASK PLAYERS LEV 10 2581 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_11 ASK PLAYERS LEV 11 2582 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_12 ASK PLAYERS LEV 12 2583 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_13 ASK PLAYERS LEV 13 2584 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_14 ASK PLAYERS LEV 14 2585 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_15 ASK PLAYERS LEV 15 2586 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_16 ASK PLAYERS LEV 16 2587 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_17 ASK PLAYERS LEV 17 2588 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_18 ASK PLAYERS LEV 18 2589 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_19 ASK PLAYERS LEV 19 2590 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_20 ASK PLAYERS LEV 20 2591 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_21 ASK PLAYERS LEV 21 2592 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_22 ASK PLAYERS LEV 22 2593 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_23 ASK PLAYERS LEV 23 2594 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_24 ASK PLAYERS LEV 24 2595 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).A_NPLRS_25 ASK PLAYERS LEV 25 2596 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Ask Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_1 BID PLAYERS LEV 1 2597 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_2 BID PLAYERS LEV 2 2598 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_3 BID PLAYERS LEV 3 2599 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_4 BID PLAYERS LEV 4 2600 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONB_NPLRS_5 BID PLAYERS LEV 5 2601 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_6 BID PLAYERS LEV 6 2602 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_7 BID PLAYERS LEV 7 2603 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_8 BID PLAYERS LEV 8 2604 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_9 BID PLAYERS LEV 9 2605 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_10 BID PLAYERS LEV 10 2606 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_11 BID PLAYERS LEV 11 2607 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_12 BID PLAYERS LEV 12 2608 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_13 BID PLAYERS LEV 13 2609 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_14 BID PLAYERS LEV 14 2610 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_15 BID PLAYERS LEV 15 2611 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_16 BID PLAYERS LEV 16 2612 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_17 BID PLAYERS LEV 17 2613 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_18 BID PLAYERS LEV 18 2614 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_19 BID PLAYERS LEV 19 2615 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_20 BID PLAYERS LEV 20 2616 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_21 BID PLAYERS LEV 21 2617 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_22 BID PLAYERS LEV 22 2618 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_23 BID PLAYERS LEV 23 2619 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_24 BID PLAYERS LEV 24 2620 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).B_NPLRS_25 BID PLAYERS LEV 25 2621 NULL INTEGER 15 The number of players making at the nth level Bid Price (where n = 1..25).A_DISQY_1 A DISQY 1 2622 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_2 A DISQY 2 2623 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_3 A DISQY 3 2624 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_4 A DISQY 4 2625 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_5 A DISQY 5 2626 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_6 A DISQY 6 2627 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_7 A DISQY 7 2628 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_8 A DISQY 8 2629 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_9 A DISQY 9 2630 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_10 A DISQY 10 2631 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_11 A DISQY 11 2632 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_12 A DISQY 12 2633 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_13 A DISQY 13 2634 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_14 A DISQY 14 2635 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_15 A DISQY 15 2636 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_16 A DISQY 16 2637 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_17 A DISQY 17 2638 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_18 A DISQY 18 2639 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_19 A DISQY 19 2640 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_20 A DISQY 20 2641 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_21 A DISQY 21 2642 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONA_DISQY_22 A DISQY 22 2643 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_23 A DISQY 23 2644 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_24 A DISQY 24 2645 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_DISQY_25 A DISQY 25 2646 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_1 B DISQY 1 2647 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_2 B DISQY 2 2648 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_3 B DISQY 3 2649 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_4 B DISQY 4 2650 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_5 B DISQY 5 2651 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_6 B DISQY 6 2652 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_7 B DISQY 7 2653 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_8 B DISQY 8 2654 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_9 B DISQY 9 2655 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_10 B DISQY 10 2656 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_11 B DISQY 11 2657 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_12 B DISQY 12 2658 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_13 B DISQY 13 2659 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_14 B DISQY 14 2660 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_15 B DISQY 15 2661 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_16 B DISQY 16 2662 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_17 B DISQY 17 2663 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_18 B DISQY 18 2664 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_19 B DISQY 19 2665 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_20 B DISQY 20 2666 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_21 B DISQY 21 2667 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_22 B DISQY 22 2668 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_23 B DISQY 23 2669 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_24 B DISQY 24 2670 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000B_DISQY_25 B DISQY 25 2671 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) 000A_LEVEL_1 ASK LEVEL 1 2672 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_2 ASK LEVEL 2 2673 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_3 ASK LEVEL 3 2674 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_4 ASK LEVEL 4 2675 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_5 ASK LEVEL 5 2676 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_6 ASK LEVEL 6 2677 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_7 ASK LEVEL 7 2678 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_8 ASK LEVEL 8 2679 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_9 ASK LEVEL 9 2680 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_10 ASK LEVEL 10 2681 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_11 ASK LEVEL 11 2682 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_12 ASK LEVEL 12 2683 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_13 ASK LEVEL 13 2684 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONA_LEVEL_14 ASK LEVEL 14 2685 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_15 ASK LEVEL 15 2686 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_16 ASK LEVEL 16 2687 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_17 ASK LEVEL 17 2688 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_18 ASK LEVEL 18 2689 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_19 ASK LEVEL 19 2690 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_20 ASK LEVEL 20 2691 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_21 ASK LEVEL 21 2692 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_22 ASK LEVEL 22 2693 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_23 ASK LEVEL 23 2694 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_24 ASK LEVEL 24 2695 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.A_LEVEL_25 ASK LEVEL 25 2696 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Ask price.B_LEVEL_1 BID LEVEL 1 2697 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_2 BID LEVEL 2 2698 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_3 BID LEVEL 3 2699 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_4 BID LEVEL 4 2700 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_5 BID LEVEL 5 2701 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_6 BID LEVEL 6 2702 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_7 BID LEVEL 7 2703 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_8 BID LEVEL 8 2704 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_9 BID LEVEL 9 2705 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_10 BID LEVEL 10 2706 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_11 BID LEVEL 11 2707 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_12 BID LEVEL 12 2708 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_13 BID LEVEL 13 2709 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_14 BID LEVEL 14 2710 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_15 BID LEVEL 15 2711 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_16 BID LEVEL 16 2712 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_17 BID LEVEL 17 2713 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_18 BID LEVEL 18 2714 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_19 BID LEVEL 19 2715 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_20 BID LEVEL 20 2716 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_21 BID LEVEL 21 2717 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_22 BID LEVEL 22 2718 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_23 BID LEVEL 23 2719 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_24 BID LEVEL 24 2720 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.B_LEVEL_25 BID LEVEL 25 2721 NULL INTEGER 3 The relative level of the Bid price.S_STRIKE SIGNED STRIKE PR 2722 NULL PRICE 17 Signed Strike Price accurate to 8 decimal digits.MM_LOC MKT MAKER LOCATN 2723 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 2 Character NASDAQ Market maker location.MM_DESK MM TRDG DESK LOC 2724 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Market maker satelite Trading Desk location.LSTTRDDATE LST TR.DT CNTRCT 2725 NULL DATE 11 Last trading date for contract.ATM_FLAG AT THE MONEY FLG 2726 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 At the Money Flag.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONAM_RANGE PRC RNG AM SESSN 2727 NULL PRICE 17 Price range in AM Session.PM_RANGE PRC RNG PM SESSN 2728 NULL PRICE 17 Price range in PM Session.DAY_RANGE PRC RNG DAY SESSN 2729 NULL PRICE 17 Price range in Day Session.CARRY_COST CARRY COST 2730 NULL PRICE 17 Carry cost.GEN_YLD_4 GENERIC YIELD(4) 2731 NULL PRICE 17 General purpose numeric field.GEN_YLD_5 GENERIC YIELD(5) 2732 NULL PRICE 17 General purpose numeric field.GN_YLD4_TP GEN YLD TYPE(4) 2733 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.GN_YLD5_TP GEN YLD TYPE(5) 2734 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Generic type fields used to qualify the generic yields shown directly above.SQ_DATE SPEC QUOTATN DTE 2735 NULL DATE 11 Special Quotation date.GV4_DATE GENERIC DATE (4) 2736 NULL DATE 11 Generic date field.GV5_DATE GENERIC DATE (5) 2737 NULL DATE 11 Generic Date field.GV3_TIME GENERIC TIME (3) 2738 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Generic time field in Seconds.GV4_TIME GENERIC TIME (4) 2739 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Generic time field in Seconds.GV5_TIME GENERIC TIME (5) 2740 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Generic time field in Seconds.SESS2_VTIM SESS2_VOL TIME 2741 NULL TIME SECONDS 8 Time at which the value in SESS2_VOL was set.NETT_ASSET NET ASSETS 2742 NULL PRICE 17 net assets owned by shareholders at balance dateFRANKING FRANKING 2743 NULL PRICE 17 Portion of dividend which tax has been paid.MKT_CAP MKT CAPITALISATN 2744 NULL INTEGER 15 Market Capitalisation of a security.WEIGHT1 PCTG WEIGHTNG(1) 2745 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT2 PCTG WEIGHTNG(2) 2746 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT3 PCTG WEIGHTNG(3) 2747 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT4 PCTG WEIGHTNG(4) 2748 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT5 PCTG WEIGHTNG(5) 2749 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT6 PCTG WEIGHTNG(6) 2750 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT7 PCTG WEIGHTNG(7) 2751 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT8 PCTG WEIGHTNG(8) 2752 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT9 PCTG WEIGHTNG(9) 2753 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT10 PCTG WEIGHTNG(10) 2754 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT11 PCTG WEIGHTNG(11) 2755 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT12 PCTG WEIGHTNG(12) 2756 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT13 PCTG WEIGHTNG(13) 2757 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT14 PCTG WEIGHTNG(14) 2758 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorWEIGHT15 PCTG WEIGHTNG(15) 2759 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage weighting within a particular index sectorD_COUNT_1 PCTG MKT CAPT(1) 2760 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_2 PCTG MKT CAPT(2) 2761 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_3 PCTG MKT CAPT(3) 2762 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_4 PCTG MKT CAPT(4) 2763 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_5 PCTG MKT CAPT(5) 2764 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_6 PCTG MKT CAPT(6) 2765 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_7 PCTG MKT CAPT(7) 2766 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_8 PCTG MKT CAPT(8) 2767 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_9 PCTG MKT CAPT(9) 2768 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIOND_COUNT_10 PCTG MKT CAPT(10) 2769 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_11 PCTG MKT CAPT(11) 2770 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_12 PCTG MKT CAPT(12) 2771 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_13 PCTG MKT CAPT(13) 2772 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_14 PCTG MKT CAPT(14) 2773 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_15 PCTG MKT CAPT(15) 2774 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.D_COUNT_16 PCTG MKT CAPT(16) 2775 NULL PRICE 17 Percentage ot market capatalisation included in sector weightings.BOOKS_CLS DT CLS SHARE REG 2776 NULL DATE 11 date issuing body close share registerBPS1_1 BK VAL/SHR (1_1) 2779 NULL INTEGER 15 Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4)BPS1_2 BK VAL/SHR (1_2) 2780 NULL INTEGER 15 Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4)BPS1_3 BK VAL/SHR (1_3) 2781 NULL INTEGER 15 Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4)BPS1_4 BK VAL/SHR (1_4) 2782 NULL INTEGER 15 Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4)BPS1_5 BK VAL/SHR (1_5) 2783 NULL INTEGER 15 Book Value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 0..4)BPS2_1 BK VAL/SHR (2_1) 2784 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent full-term forecast 1BPS2_2 BK VAL/SHR (2_2) 2785 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent full-term forecast 2.BPS3_1 BK VAL/SHR (3_1) 2786 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3)BPS3_2 BK VAL/SHR (3_2) 2787 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3)BPS3_3 BK VAL/SHR (3_3) 2788 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3)BPS5_2 BK VAL/SHR (5_2) 2789 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share consolidated forecast 2BPS6_1 BK VAL/SHR (6_1) 2790 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent interim forecast (large)BPS6_2 BK VAL/SHR (6_2) 2791 NULL INTEGER 15 Book value per share parent interim forecast (large)DPS2_3 DIVDND/SHR (2_3) 2792 NULL PRICE 17 000DPS2_4 DIVDND/SHR (2_4) 2793 NULL PRICE 17 000DPS6_1 DIVDND/SHR (6_1) 2794 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small)DPS6_2 DIVDND/SHR (6_2) 2795 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small)DPS6_3 DIVDND/SHR (6_3) 2796 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small)DPS6_4 DIVDND/SHR (6_4) 2797 NULL PRICE 17 Dividend per share parent interim forecast (small)EPS5_2 EARNGS/SHR (5_2) 2798 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share consolidated forecastEPS6_1 EARNGS/SHR (6_1) 2799 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent interim forecastEPS6_2 EARNGS/SHR (6_2) 2800 NULL PRICE 17 Earning per share parent interim forecastNETICM5_2 NET INCOME (5_2) 2801 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income consolidated forecast 2NETICM6_1 NET INCOME (6_1) 2802 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent interim forecastNETICM6_2 NET INCOME (6_2) 2803 NULL INTEGER 15 Net income parent interim forecastORDICM5_2 ORD PROFIT (5_2) 2804 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit consolidated forecastORDICM6_1 ORD PROFIT (6_1) 2805 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent interim forecastORDICM6_2 ORD PROFIT (6_2) 2806 NULL INTEGER 15 Ordinary profit parent interim forecastORDPCH5_2 ORD PCTCHN (5_2) 2807 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change consolidated forecast 2ORDPCH6_1 ORD PCTCHN (6_1) 2808 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent interim forecastORDPCH6_2 ORD PCTCHN (6_2) 2809 NULL PRICE 17 Ordinary profit % change parent interim forecastPR_PCH5_2 PRM PCTCHN (5_2) 2810 NULL PRICE 17 % Change of prime settlementitem consolidated forecast 2PR_PCH6_1 PRM PCTCHN (6_1) 2811 NULL PRICE 17 % Change of prime settlement item parent interim forecastPR_PCH6_2 PRM PCTCHN (6_2) 2812 NULL PRICE 17 % Change of prime settlement item parent interim forecast

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPR_VAL5_2 PRM VALUE (5_2) 2813 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of price settlement item consolidated forecast 2PR_VAL6_1 PRM VALUE (6_1) 2814 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent interim forecastPR_VAL6_2 PRM VALUE (6_2) 2815 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of prime settlement item parent interim forecastSC_VAL5_2 SEC VALUE (5_2) 2816 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item consolidated forecast 2.SC_VAL6_1 SEC VALUE (6_1) 2817 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent interim forecast.SC_VAL6_2 SEC VALUE (6_2) 2818 NULL INTEGER 15 The value of secondary settlement item parent interim forecast.STLVAL1_18 STL VALUE (1_18) 2819 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_19 STL VALUE (1_19) 2820 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_20 STL VALUE (1_20) 2821 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_21 STL VALUE (1_21) 2822 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_22 STL VALUE (1_22) 2823 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_23 STL VALUE (1_23) 2824 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_24 STL VALUE (1_24) 2825 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_25 STL VALUE (1_25) 2826 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_26 STL VALUE (1_26) 2827 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_27 STL VALUE (1_27) 2828 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_28 STL VALUE (1_28) 2829 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_29 STL VALUE (1_29) 2830 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL1_30 STL VALUE (1_30) 2831 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest year. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_18 STL VALUE (2_18) 2832 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_19 STL VALUE (2_19) 2833 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_20 STL VALUE (2_20) 2834 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_21 STL VALUE (2_21) 2835 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_22 STL VALUE (2_22) 2836 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_23 STL VALUE (2_23) 2837 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_24 STL VALUE (2_24) 2838 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_25 STL VALUE (2_25) 2839 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_26 STL VALUE (2_26) 2840 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_27 STL VALUE (2_27) 2841 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_28 STL VALUE (2_28) 2842 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_29 STL VALUE (2_29) 2843 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL2_30 STL VALUE (2_30) 2844 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement value the latest but one (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_18 STL VALUE (3_18) 2845 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_19 STL VALUE (3_19) 2846 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_20 STL VALUE (3_20) 2847 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_21 STL VALUE (3_21) 2848 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_22 STL VALUE (3_22) 2849 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_23 STL VALUE (3_23) 2850 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_24 STL VALUE (3_24) 2851 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_25 STL VALUE (3_25) 2852 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_26 STL VALUE (3_26) 2853 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_27 STL VALUE (3_27) 2854 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSTLVAL3_28 STL VALUE (3_28) 2855 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_29 STL VALUE (3_29) 2856 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL3_30 STL VALUE (3_30) 2857 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but 2. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_18 STL VALUE (4_18) 2858 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_19 STL VALUE (4_19) 2859 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_20 STL VALUE (4_20) 2860 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_21 STL VALUE (4_21) 2861 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_22 STL VALUE (4_22) 2862 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_23 STL VALUE (4_23) 2863 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_24 STL VALUE (4_24) 2864 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_25 STL VALUE (4_25) 2865 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_26 STL VALUE (4_26) 2866 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_27 STL VALUE (4_27) 2867 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_28 STL VALUE (4_28) 2868 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_29 STL VALUE (4_29) 2869 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL4_30 STL VALUE (4_30) 2870 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but three. (where n = 18..30)STLVAL5_18 STL VALUE (5_18) 2871 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_19 STL VALUE (5_19) 2872 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_20 STL VALUE (5_20) 2873 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_21 STL VALUE (5_21) 2874 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_22 STL VALUE (5_22) 2875 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_23 STL VALUE (5_23) 2876 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_24 STL VALUE (5_24) 2877 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_25 STL VALUE (5_25) 2878 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_26 STL VALUE (5_26) 2879 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_27 STL VALUE (5_27) 2880 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_28 STL VALUE (5_28) 2881 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_29 STL VALUE (5_29) 2882 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.STLVAL5_30 STL VALUE (5_30) 2883 NULL PRICE 17 The value of the nth settlement item the latest but four.DEPS1_1 DIL EARN/SH(1_1) 2884 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest butn (where n = 1..5)DEPS1_2 DIL EARN/SH(1_2) 2885 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest butn (where n = 1..5)DEPS1_3 DIL EARN/SH(1_3) 2886 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest butn (where n = 1..5)DEPS1_4 DIL EARN/SH(1_4) 2887 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest butn (where n = 1..5)DEPS1_5 DIL EARN/SH(1_5) 2888 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share patent full-term the latest butn (where n = 1..5)DEPS2_1 DIL EARN/SH(2_1) 2889 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent full-term forecast.DEPS2_2 DIL EARN/SH(2_2) 2890 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent full-term forecast.DEPS3_1 DIL EARN/SH(3_1) 2891 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3)DEPS3_2 DIL EARN/SH(3_2) 2892 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3)DEPS3_3 DIL EARN/SH(3_3) 2893 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent interim the latest but n(where n = 1..3)DEPS4_1 DIL EARN/SH(4_1) 2894 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..4)DEPS4_2 DIL EARN/SH(4_2) 2895 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..4)DEPS4_3 DIL EARN/SH(4_3) 2896 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..4)

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONDEPS4_4 DIL EARN/SH(4_4) 2897 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..4)DEPS5_1 DIL EARN/SH(5_1) 2898 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term forecastn (where n = 1..2)DEPS5_2 DIL EARN/SH(5_2) 2899 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share consolidated full-term forecastn (where n = 1..2)DEPS6_1 DIL EARN/SH(6_1) 2900 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2)DEPS6_2 DIL EARN/SH(6_2) 2901 NULL PRICE 17 Diluted earnings per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2)DBPS1_1 DIL BKVL/SH(1_1) 2902 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..5)DBPS1_2 DIL BKVL/SH(1_2) 2903 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..5)DBPS1_3 DIL BKVL/SH(1_3) 2904 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..5)DBPS1_4 DIL BKVL/SH(1_4) 2905 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..5)DBPS1_5 DIL BKVL/SH(1_5) 2906 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term the latest but n (where n = 1..5)DBPS2_1 DIL BKVL/SH(2_1) 2907 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2)DBPS2_2 DIL BKVL/SH(2_2) 2908 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2)DBPS3_1 DIL BKVL/SH(3_1) 2909 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3)DBPS3_2 DIL BKVL/SH(3_2) 2910 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3)DBPS3_3 DIL BKVL/SH(3_3) 2911 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent interim the latest but n (where n = 1..3)DBPS4_1 DIL BKVL/SH(4_1) 2912 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n =1..4)DBPS4_2 DIL BKVL/SH(4_2) 2913 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n =1..4)DBPS4_3 DIL BKVL/SH(4_3) 2914 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n =1..4)DBPS4_4 DIL BKVL/SH(4_4) 2915 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share consolidated full-term the latest but n (where n =1..4)DBPS5_1 DIL BKVL/SH(5_1) 2916 NULL INTEGER 15 The diluted book value per share consolidated full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2)DBPS5_2 DIL BKVL/SH(5_2) 2917 NULL INTEGER 15 The diluted book value per share consolidated full-term forecast n (where n = 1..2)DBPS6_1 DIL BKVL/SH(6_1) 2918 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2)DBPS6_2 DIL BKVL/SH(6_2) 2919 NULL INTEGER 15 Diluted book value per share parent interim forecast n (where n = 1..2)PS_OST OUTSTAND POT SHR 2920 NULL PRICE 17 Outstanding of potential shares.DS_OST OUTSTAND DIL SHR 2921 NULL PRICE 17 Outstanding of diluted shares.PS_RATIO POTENT SHR RATIO 2922 NULL PRICE 17 Potential shares ratio.STLITEM_18 STL ITEM NAME 18 2923 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_19 STL ITEM NAME 19 2924 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_20 STL ITEM NAME 20 2925 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_21 STL ITEM NAME 21 2926 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_22 STL ITEM NAME 22 2927 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_23 STL ITEM NAME 23 2928 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_24 STL ITEM NAME 24 2929 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_25 STL ITEM NAME 25 2930 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_26 STL ITEM NAME 26 2931 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_27 STL ITEM NAME 27 2932 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_28 STL ITEM NAME 28 2933 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_29 STL ITEM NAME 29 2934 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesSTLITEM_30 STL ITEM NAME 30 2935 NULL ENUMERATED 3 ( 8 ) Settlement item namesRENEW_DATE RENEWAL DATE 2936 NULL DATE 11 Renewal date.SELTRM5_2 SETTLE DATE(5_2) 2937 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date consolidated full term forecast 2.SELTRM6_1 SETTLE DATE(6_1) 2938 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent interim forecast 1.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONSELTRM6_2 SETTLE DATE(6_2) 2939 NULL DATE 11 Settlement date parent interim forecast 2.PS_DATE POT SHR RATIO DT 2940 NULL DATE 11 Potential shares ratio.ST_FRAG AC STANDARDS FLG 2941 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) The Flag of accounting standards.ACVOL_DATE ACVOL_1 DATE 2942 NULL DATE 11 The date when volume held in the ACVOL_1 field occured.OPINT_DAT2 OPINT_2 DATE 2943 NULL DATE 11 The date of the previous open interest held in the OPINT_2 field.OR_SALE_PR ORIG SALE PRICE 2944 NULL PRICE 17 Original sale price.MIN_DESC MINIMUM DESCRPTN 2945 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Minimum Description - very short item description.ORIG_CONC ORIG CONC 2946 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Original Take down - Original sale take down.SHORT_DESC SHORT DESCRIPTN 2947 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 30 Short Description - short item description.ORIG_TAKDN ORIG TAKE DOWN 2948 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Original Take down - Original sale take down.INSTRUCTNS INSTRUCTIONS 2949 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 80 Instructions - Item instructions that become part of Bid Wanted descriptions.ORIG_SALSZ ORIG SALE SIZE 2950 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 original Sale Size.BW_COMMENT BID WANTED COMMT 2951 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Bid Wanted comment - Time limit status for bid wanted.ORIG_MGR ORIGINAL MANAGER 2952 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Original Manager.ORIG_SETDT ORIG SETTLE DATE 2953 NULL DATE 11 Original Settlement Date.ORIG_SALDT ORIG SALE DATE 2954 NULL DATE 11 Original Sale Date.MOD_DURTN1 MODIFD DURATN(1) 2955 MOD_DURTN2 PRICE 17 Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in yield (e.g. if a bond

has a modified duration of 4 and a price of 100 for every 10 basis points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).

MOD_DURTN2 MODIFD DURATN(2) 2956 MOD_DURTN3 PRICE 17 Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in yield (e.g. if a bond has a modified duration of 4 and a price of 100 for every 10 basis points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).

MOD_DURTN3 MODIFD DURATN(3) 2957 NULL PRICE 17 Modified duration a measure of the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in yield (e.g. if a bond has a modified duration of 4 and a price of 100 for every 10 basis points change in yield the price would change inversely by 0.4).

ISS_NAME24 24CHAR ISSUER NM 2958 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 Issuer name for a bond (24 characters)ADMIN_COM ADMIN COMPANY 2959 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 An instrument which manages corporate bonds. A company which is trusted by the issuer and

manages the bonds for the creditors on issue of bearer bonds.AMT_USE AMT FUNDS PROCDS 2960 NULL PRICE 17 Amount of fund proceeds.ARRANGER ARRANGER 2961 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Arranger. An instrument arranges to issue bonds smoothly when issuers conclude contracts with

buyers directly.BEARER BEARER FLAG 2962 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Flag for Bearered or non-Bearered bonds.BULLET BULLET FLAG 2963 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 Flag indicating whether the bonds are redeemed once or not.CO_MANAGER CO LEAD MANAGER 2964 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Co Lead Manager. A manager who participates in some of the functions of the lead manager

usually takes a share of the praecipuum but does not run the books of an issue.COL_AGENCY COLLATERAL AGENCY 2965 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Collateral Agency. An institution appointed by the borrower to hold securities or other property

pledged by the borrower to secure repayment of a loan or bond issue in the event of default.

COLLA_TYPE COLLATERAL TYPE 2966 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 The type of collateral. There are Non-collateral/Collateral/General Security/Company Security/etc.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONDENOM_INC DENOM INCREMENT 2967 NULL INTEGER 15 Denomination Increment. The minimum incremental amount of the bond's face value that can be

purchased (when the amount purchased is restricted to be a minimum denomination plus any multiple of the denomination increment).

EXCH_RATE FLOAT EXCH RATE 2968 NULL PRICE 17 Float Exchange Rate.FIN_COVEN FINANCIAL COVENANT 2969 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Financial covenant.FITTING1 FITTING(INT EXP) 2970 NULL PRICE 17 Fitting (Interest expenses).FITTING2 FITTING(INT COV) 2971 NULL PRICE 17 Fitting (Interest coverage).FITTING3 FITTING(INT EXC) 2972 NULL PRICE 17 Fitting (Interest on borrowing).FIX_RATE FIXED EXCH RATE 2973 NULL PRICE 17 Fixed Exchange Rate.GUARA_TYPE GUARANTEE TYPE 2974 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 The type of guarantee. There is Government Guarantee/Parent Guarantee/Bank

Guarantee/Parent Inferior Guarantee/Bank Inferior Guarantee.GUARANTOR GUARANTOR 2975 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Guarantor. The company guaranteeing the credit for buyers.ISS_MARKET ISSUE MARKET 2976 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Issue Market.ISSUER ISSUER NAME 2977 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Issuer Name.JGB_ISSUE JGB ISSUE NUMBER 2978 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 7 JGB Issue Number.LD_MANAGER LEAD MANAGER 2979 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Lead Manager. The leader of a new issue responsible for theoverall coordination distribution

and documentation of a primary market issue.LL_ADMIN L_LAN ADMIN_COM 2980 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local language equivalent of ADMIN_COM.LL_ARRANGR L_LAN ARRANGER 2981 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local language equivalent of ARRANGER.LL_CO_MGR L_LAN CO_MANAGER 2982 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local language equivalent of CO_MANAGER.LL_COL_CMY L_LAN COLL_CMPNY 2983 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of COLL_CMPNY.LL_FINCOV L_LAN FIN_COVEN 2984 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 24 Local Language equivalent of FIN_COVEN.LL_GUARNT L_LAN GUARANTOR 2985 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of GUARANTOR.LL_ISSUER L_LAN ISSUER 2986 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of ISSUER.LL_LD_MGR L_LAN LD_MANAGER 2987 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of LD_MANAGER.LL_RG_AGE L_LAN REG_AGENCY 2988 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of REG_AGENCY.LL_TRUSTEE L_LAN TRUSTEE 2989 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of TRUSTEE.LST_CPN_DT LAST COUPN DATE 2990 NULL DATE 11 Final coupon date before redemption.MIN_DENOM MINIMUM DENOMNTN 2991 NULL INTEGER 15 Minimum Denomination. The minimum face value of a bond that can be purchased in units of

issuing currency.NXT_CPNDAT NEXT COUPON DATE 2992 NULL DATE 11 Next Coupon Date.PRV_COUPON PREV COUPON RATE 2993 NULL PRICE 17 Previous Coupon Rate.PRV_CPNDAT PREV COUPON DATE 2994 NULL DATE 11 Previous Coupon Date.RATING_4 CREDIT RATING 4 2995 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Credit Rating 4.RATING_5 CREDIT RATING 5 2996 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Credit Rating 5.RATING_ID4 CRD RAT AGENCY 4 2997 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Credit Rating Agency 4.RATING_ID5 CRD RAT AGENCY 5 2998 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 3 ) Credit Rating Agency 5.RDM_AMT REDEMPTION AMNT 2999 NULL PRICE 17 Redemption Amount.RDM_CUR REDEMPTION CURR 3000 NULL ENUMERATED 4 ( 3 ) Redemption Currency.RDM_METHOD REDEMPTION METHD 3001 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 7 Redemption Method.REDEM_PRC REDEMPTION PRICE 3002 NULL PRICE 17 Redemption Price. Indicates the percentage of par value of principal paid to redeem the bond or

any portion of the bond.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONREG_AGENCY REGISTRAR 3003 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Registrar. An institution appointed by the borrower who records the ownership of registered

securities. The registrar works with the transfer agent and keeps files of the owners of a bond issue.

SINK_SCHD1 SINK SCHED START 3004 NULL DATE 11 Sinking Fund Schedule (Start Date).SINK_SCHD2 SINK SCHED END 3005 NULL DATE 11 Sinking Fund Schedule (End Date).TRUSTEE TRUSTEE 3006 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Trustee. An institution appointed by the issuer who represents the interests of the investors in a

particular issue of securities. The trustee is responsible for the security of the cash flows and their timely payment to investors.

TYPE_USE METHOD FUND PROCDS 3007 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Method of fund proceeds.VAL_DT_RUL VALUE DATE RULE 3008 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Rule indicating the convention used to determine the value date.FIN_CPN_DT FINAL COUPON DAT 3009 NULL DATE 11 The final coupon date before redemption.TAX_RATE LOCAL TAX RATE 3010 NULL PRICE 17 The local tax rate withheld on income streams (such as interest payments).ACT_REPO ACTUAL REPO DATE 3011 NULL PRICE 17 Actual Repo Date.BASISVAL2 BASIS VALUE 2 3012 NULL PRICE 17 Basis Value 2 with another instrument.BASVAL1REF BASISVAL1 NAME 3013 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Compared instrument name of BASISVALUE.BASVAL2REF BASISVAL2 NAME 3014 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Compared instrument name of BASISVAL2.BORRW_COST BORROWING COST 3015 NULL PRICE 17 Borrowing cost.CHEAP_TD1 CHEAPEST DELIV 1 3016 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Cheapest to deliver 1.CHEAP_TD2 CHEAPEST DELIV 2 3017 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Cheapest to deliver 2.CNT_MNTH1 CONTRACT MONTH 1 3018 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Contract month 1.CNT_MNTH2 CONTRACT MONTH 2 3019 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Contract month 2.CNV_FCTR1 CONVRSN FACTOR 1 3020 NULL PRICE 17 Conversion Factor 1.CNV_FCTR2 CONVRSN FACTOR 2 3021 NULL PRICE 17 Conversion Factor 2.CPN_TYPE TYP COUPN PAYMNT 3022 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 The type of coupon payment.DCNT_BASIS DAY COUNT BASIS 3023 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 8 Day Count Basis.DELIV_PRC1 DELIVERY PRICE 1 3024 NULL PRICE 17 Delivery Price 1DELIV_PRC2 DELIVERY PRICE 2 3025 NULL PRICE 17 Delivery Price 2.FUT_PRC1 FUTURE PRICE 1 3026 NULL PRICE 17 Future Price 1.FUT_PRC2 FUTURE PRICE 2 3027 NULL PRICE 17 Future Price 2.GV_DATE3 THIRD GENERIC DATE 3028 NULL DATE 11 Third Generic Date.IMP_REPO IMPLIED REPO DTE 3029 NULL PRICE 17 Implied Repo Date.IRR INTERNL RATE RTN 3030 NULL PRICE 17 Internal Rate of Return.ISSUE_SYLD ISSUE SIMPLE YLD 3031 NULL PRICE 17 Issue Simple Yield.NC_CURYLD NET CHNG CUR YLD 3032 NULL PRICE 17 Net Change for Current Yield.NC_COMYLD NET CHNG CMP YLD 3033 NULL PRICE 17 Net change for Compound Yield.NC_SIMYLD NET CHNG SMP YLD 3034 NULL PRICE 17 Net change for Simple Yield.SETTLE1 SETTLE PRICE 1 3035 NULL PRICE 17 Settlement price 1.SETTLE2 SETTLE PRICE 2 3036 NULL PRICE 17 Settlement price 2.SHORT_RATE SHORT RATE INTERST 3037 NULL PRICE 17 Short Rate of Interest.SPREAD1 SPREAD 1 3038 NULL PRICE 17 Spread 1 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF1.SPREAD2 SPREAD 2 3039 NULL PRICE 17 Spread 2 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF2.SPREADREF1 SPREAD 1 NAME 3040 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Instrument name of SPREAD1.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)


Bonds/Repackage Bonds/Samurai Bonds/Shogun Bonds/Daimyo Bonds/etc....

COLLATE1 COLLATERAL CO 1 3057 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Collateral Company 1.COLLATE2 COLLATERAL CO 2 3058 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Collateral Company 2.COLLATE3 COLLATERAL CO 3 3059 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Collateral Company 3.CP_AMT LIMIT AMT CP ISS 3060 NULL PRICE 17 The limitation amount for CP issue.CP_BCLINE CP BACKLINE 3061 NULL PRICE 17 CP Backline. Non/Expansion/Reduction.CP_FCHNG1 LIMIT CHNG FLG 1 3062 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Flag for changing the limiation of amounts for issue CP. Possible values include

No/Expansion/Reduction.CP_FCHNG2 LIMIT CHNG FLG 2 3063 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 6 Flag for changing the limiation of amounts for issue CP. Possible values include

No/Expansion/Reduction.INT_TYPE TYPE OF INTEREST 3064 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Type of Interest.KEEPWELL KEEPWELL 3065 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Keepwell.LL_COLLA1 L_LAN COLLATE1 3066 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of COLLATE1.LL_COLLA2 L_LAN COLLATE2 3067 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of COLLATE2.LL_COLLA3 L_LAN COLLATE3 3068 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of COLLATE3.LL_KEEPWLL L_LAN KEEPWELL 3069 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of KEEPWELL.LL_SWGUAR L_LAN SW_GURANTR 3070 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of SW_GURANTR.LL_SWPROV L_LAN SW_PROVIDR 3071 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 32 Local Language equivalent of swap provider.MTN_DATE MTN PROGRAMMD DT 3072 NULL DATE 11 MTN Programmed Date.MTN_LIMIT MTN LIMIT IS AMT 3073 NULL PRICE 17 The limitation of issue amount for issue MTN.NUM_COLLA NUM COLLATRL COs 3074 NULL INTEGER 15 Number of collateral companies.NUM_RATING NUMBER OF RATING 3075 NULL PRICE 17 Number of rating.OUTLOOK1 OUTLOOK 1 3076 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.OUTLOOK2 OUTLOOK 2 3077 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.OUTLOOK3 OUTLOOK 3 3078 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONOUTLOOK4 OUTLOOK 4 3079 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.OUTLOOK5 OUTLOOK 5 3080 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Outlook. In the long term Outlook shows the direction of credit rating.PR_RATING1 PRE RATING 1 3081 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.PR_RATING2 PRE RATING 2 3082 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.PR_RATING3 PRE RATING 3 3083 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.PR_RATING4 PRE RATING 4 3084 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.PR_RATING5 PRE RATING 5 3085 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 4 ) Pre Rating. Rating for Registered Bonds.PRE_CW1 FORMER CRD WATCH 1 3086 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Former Credit Watch.PRE_CW2 FORMER CRD WATCH 2 3087 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Former Credit Watch.PRE_CW3 FORMER CRD WATCH 3 3088 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Former Credit Watch.PRE_CW4 FORMER CRD WATCH 4 3089 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Former Credit Watch.PRE_CW5 FORMER CRD WATCH 5 3090 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Former Credit Watch.PRINC_CUR PRINCIPAL CURRENCY 3091 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 5 Principal Currency.PRINC_TYPE PRINCIPAL TYPE 3092 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Principal Type. There are Dual Currency/Reverse Dual Currency Bonds/Foreign Exchange Rate

Link Bonds/Long Term Prime Rate Link Bonds/etc.RAT_FCHNG RATING CHNGE FLG 3093 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Flag for rating change.RATING_CW1 CREDIT WATCH 1 3094 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in Credit Watch list will be

changed within 3 months. There are Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.RATING_CW2 CREDIT WATCH 2 3095 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in Credit Watch list will be

changed within 3 months. There are Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.RATING_CW3 CREDIT WATCH 3 3096 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in Credit Watch list will be

changed within 3 months. There are Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.RATING_CW4 CREDIT WATCH 4 3097 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in Credit Watch list will be

changed within 3 months. There are Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.RATING_CW5 CREDIT WATCH 5 3098 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 3 Credit Watch for Credit Rating. Credit rating for issues included in Credit Watch list will be

changed within 3 months. There are Positive/Negative/Stable/Developing.RATING_TYP RATING TYPE 3099 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Rating Type. Actual/PreREG_LIMIT ISSUE AMOUNT LIMIT 3100 NULL PRICE 17 The limitation of issue amount for registered bonds.REG_PRD1 REGISTRTN PERIOD 1 3101 NULL DATE 11 Registration Period 1. The start date effective for registered bonds.REG_PRD2 REGISTRTN PERIOD 2 3102 NULL DATE 11 Registration Period 2. The end date effective for Registered bonds.REG_PRD3 REGISTRTN PERIOD 3 3103 NULL DATE 11 Registration Period 3. The start date effective for Registered CP.REG_PRD4 REGISTRTN PERIOD 4 3104 NULL DATE 11 Registration Period 4. The end date effective for Registered CP.SECTR_AVE SECTOR AVERAGE 3105 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 4 Sector Average.SUB_METHOD SUBSCRIPTION METHD 3106 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Subscription Method. There are Public Offering/Private placement/Preferred to stockholders.SW_GURANTR SWAP GUARANTOR 3107 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Swap Guarantor.SW_PROVIDR SWAP PROVIDER 3108 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Swap provider.TC_DATE BOND BKGR CHNG DTE 3109 NULL DATE 11 Date of change backgrounds of bonds about the above.TC_FCHNG BOND BKGR CHNG FLG 3110 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Flag for change backgrounds of bonds. There are Call/Complete convertible for CB/Merger/etc.

TICK_1 CRED RATING TICK 1 3111 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Tick for Credit Rating.TICK_2 CRED RATING TICK 2 3112 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Tick for Credit Rating.TICK_3 CRED RATING TICK 3 3113 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Tick for Credit Rating.

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONTICK_4 CRED RATING TICK 4 3114 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Tick for Credit Rating.TICK_5 CRED RATING TICK 5 3115 NULL ENUMERATED 1 ( 1 ) Tick for Credit Rating.BASISVAL3 BASIS VALUE 3 3116 NULL PRICE 17 Basis value 3 with another instrument.BASVAL3REF BASISVAL3 NAME 3117 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 17 Reference instrument name for BASISVAL3.BEST_YASK BEST ASK YIELD 3118 NULL PRICE 17 Best ask yield.BEST_YBID BEST BID YIELD 3119 NULL PRICE 17 Best bid yield.ISMA_YLDAN ISMA YIELD(ANNUAL) 3120 NULL PRICE 17 ISMA yield (annual).ISMA_YLDSA ISMA YIELD(SM-ANN) 3121 NULL PRICE 17 ISMA yield (Semi-annual).JGB_MAT_DT MATUR DTE JGB ISSU 3122 NULL DATE 11 Maturity date of compared JGB issue.JGB_SPREAD SPREAD JGB ISSUE 3123 NULL PRICE 17 Spread value of compared JGB issue.JGB_YLD YLD JGB ISSUE 3124 NULL PRICE 17 Compared JGB yield.LIBOR LIBOR RATE 3125 NULL PRICE 17 Libor rate.SMP_YIELD SIMPLE YIELD 3126 NULL PRICE 17 Simple yield.SPREAD3 SPREAD 3 3127 NULL PRICE 17 Spread 3 with another instrument defined in SPREADREF3.SPREADREF3 SPREAD3 NAME 3128 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Instrument name of SPREAD3.US_YIELD COMPOUND YIELD(US) 3129 NULL PRICE 17 Compound Yield ( REC CLASS FOR APPS 3130 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Record classification for terminal/end-user applicationsIRGFID IRGVAL DATA FID NO 3131 NULL INTEGER 15 Fid number of data in IRGVAL.IRGVAL IRGFID CRRECTN VAL 3132 NULL INTEGER 15 Correction value for FID defined by IRGFID.RT_YLD_TP RT_YIELD_n YLD TYP 3136 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the RT_YIELD_n stack.SEC_YLD_TP SEC_YIELD_n YLD TP 3137 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) Yield type field describing the type of yields held in the SEC_YIELD_n stack.RTYLD_ATP1 RT_YIELD_1 INDICTR 3138 RTYLD_ATP2 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360)

an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).

RTYLD_ATP2 RT_YIELD_2 INDICTR 3139 RTYLD_ATP3 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).

RTYLD_ATP3 RT_YIELD_3 INDICTR 3140 RTYLD_ATP4 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).

RTYLD_ATP4 RT_YIELD_4 INDICTR 3141 RTYLD_ATP5 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).

RTYLD_ATP5 RT_YIELD_5 INDICTR 3142 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_ATP1 refers to RT_YIELD_1).

RTYLD_FLG1 RT_YIELD_1 FLAG 3143 RTYLD_FLG2 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1)

RTYLD_FLG2 RT_YIELD_2 FLAG 3144 RTYLD_FLG3 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1)

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)


flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1)

RTYLD_FLG4 RT_YIELD_4 FLAG 3146 RTYLD_FLG5 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1)

RTYLD_FLG5 RT_YIELD_5 FLAG 3147 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in RT_YIELD_1 to RT_YIELD_5 (FIDs 356-360) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field (e.g. RTYLD_FLG1)

SCYLD_ATP1 SEC_YLD_1 INDICATR 3148 SCYLD_ATP2 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_ATP2 SEC_YLD_2 INDICATR 3149 SCYLD_ATP3 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_ATP3 SEC_YLD_3 INDICATR 3150 SCYLD_ATP4 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_ATP4 SEC_YLD_4 INDICATR 3151 SCYLD_ATP5 ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_ATP5 SEC_YLD_5 INDICATR 3152 NULL ENUMERATED 2 ( 3 ) For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) an associated activity indicator describing the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_FLG1 SEC_YLD_1 FLAG 3153 SCYLD_FLG2 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_FLG2 SEC_YLD_2 FLAG 3154 SCYLD_FLG3 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_FLG3 SEC_YLD_3 FLAG 3155 SCYLD_FLG4 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_FLG4 SEC_YLD_4 FLAG 3156 SCYLD_FLG5 ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field.

SCYLD_FLG5 SEC_YLD_5 FLAG 3157 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 For each of the last yield activity fields defined in SEC_YLD_1 to SEC_YLD_5 (FIDs 970-974) a flag field to allow further qualification of the content of the last yield activity field.

ROE ROE 3162 NULL PRICE 17 ROER2 R2 3163 NULL PRICE 17 R2IDX_POINT INDEX POINT 3164 NULL PRICE 17 Index PointSTK_YLD PER DIVIDED BY 1 3165 NULL PRICE 17 PER divided by1PSYCOL_IDX PSYCOLOGICAL INDEX 3166 NULL PRICE 17 Psycollgical IndexPERATIO2 PRC EARNINGS RAT 2 3169 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 2BPS BOOK VAL PER SHARE 3170 NULL PRICE 17 Book Value Per ShareEPS_1 EARNINGS PER SHR 1 3171 NULL PRICE 17 Earning Per Share 1 (IBES)EPS_2 EARNINGS PER SHR 2 3172 NULL PRICE 17 Earning Per Share 2 (IBES)EPS_3 EARNINGS PER SHR 3 3173 NULL PRICE 17 Earning Per Share 3 (IBES)EPS_4 EARNINGS PER SHR 4 3174 NULL PRICE 17 Earning Per Share 4EPS_5 EARNINGS PER SHR 5 3175 NULL PRICE 17 Earning Per Share 5EPS_6 EARNINGS PER SHR 6 3176 NULL PRICE 17 Earning Per Share 6

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPER_1 PRICE/EARN RATIO 1 3177 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 1 (IBES)PER_2 PRICE/EARN RATIO 2 3178 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 2 (IBES)PER_3 PRICE/EARN RATIO 3 3179 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 3 (IBES)PER_4 PRICE/EARN RATIO 4 3180 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 4PER_5 PRICE/EARN RATIO 5 3181 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 5PER_6 PRICE/EARN RATIO 6 3182 NULL PRICE 17 Price Earning Ratio 6LIST_MKT LISTING MARKET 3183 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 11 Listing MarketHI_ASK_3RD THIRD SESS HGH ASK 3184 NULL PRICE 17 Highest Ask of 3rd sessionLO_ASK_3RD THIRD SESS LOW ASK 3185 NULL PRICE 17 Lowest Ask of 3rd sessionHI_BID_3RD THIRD SESS HGH BID 3186 NULL PRICE 17 Highest Bid of 3rd SessionLO_BID_3RD THIRD SESS LOW BID 3187 NULL PRICE 17 Lowest Bid of 3rd sessionWNT_PGR WARR PREM GEAR RAT 3188 NULL PRICE 17 Warrant Premium Gearing RatioSHTNAME_LL L_LAN SHORT CO NME 3193 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 10 Short Company Name for Local LanguageGNTXT14_1 GN TXT14 1 3194 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 12 Generic Text Field (14 Characters) 1GNTXT14_2 GN TXT14 2 3195 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 13 Generic Text Field (14 Characters) 2GNTXT14_3 GN TXT14 3 3196 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 14 Generic Text Field (14 Characters) 3GNTXT14_4 GN TXT14 4 3197 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 15 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 4GNTXT14_5 GN TXT14 5 3198 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 16 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 5GNTXT14_6 GN TXT14 6 3199 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 17 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 6GNTXT14_7 GN TXT14 7 3200 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 18 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 7GNTXT14_8 GN TXT14 8 3201 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 19 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 8GNTXT14_9 GN TXT14 9 3202 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 20 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 9GNTXT14_10 GN TXT14 10 3203 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 21 Generic Text Field (14 characters) 10GNTX14_LL1 GN TXT14 LL 1 3204 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL2 GN TXT14 LL 2 3205 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL3 GN TXT14 LL 3 3206 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL4 GN TXT14 LL 4 3207 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL5 GN TXT14 LL 5 3208 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL6 GN TXT14 LL 6 3209 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL7 GN TXT14 LL 7 3210 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL8 GN TXT14 LL 8 3211 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGNTX14_LL9 GN TXT14 LL 9 3212 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageGTX14_LL10 GN TXT14 LL 10 3213 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 22 Generic Text Field (14 characters)10 for Local LanguageBPRC_DAT1 BASE_PRC1 DATE 3218 NULL DATE 11 Date of BASE_PRC1BPRC_DAT2 BASE_PRC2 DATE 3219 NULL DATE 11 Date of BASE_PRC2EPSDAT_1 EPS_1 DATE 3220 NULL DATE 11 Date of EPS_1EPSDAT_2 EPS_2 DATE 3221 NULL DATE 11 Date of EPS_2EPSDAT_3 EPS_3 DATE 3222 NULL DATE 11 Date of EPS_3EPSDAT_4 EPS_4 DATE 3223 NULL DATE 11 Date of EPS_4EPSDAT_5 EPS_5 DATE 3224 NULL DATE 11 Date of EPS_5EPSDAT_6 EPS_6 DATE 3225 NULL DATE 11 Date of EPS_6PERDAT_1 PER_1 DATE 3226 NULL DATE 11 Date of PER_1

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Appendix A (All Available FIDs)

ACRONYM DDE ACRONYM FID RIPPLES TO FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTIONPERDAT_2 PER_2 DATE 3227 NULL DATE 11 Date of PER_1PERDAT_3 PER_3 DATE 3228 NULL DATE 11 Date of PER_1PERDAT_4 PER_4 DATE 3229 NULL DATE 11 Date of PER_1PERDAT_5 PER_5 DATE 3230 NULL DATE 11 Date of PER_1PERDAT_6 PER_6 DATE 3231 NULL DATE 11 Date of PER_1DELIST_DAT DATE OF DELISTING 3232 NULL DATE 11 Date of DelistingCUSTDTDAT1 START WR CSTDY PER 3233 NULL DATE 11 Warrant Custody period (start)CUSTDYDAT2 END WARR CSTDY PER 3234 NULL DATE 11 Warrant Custody period (end)FACE_VAL2 FACE VALUE 2 3235 NULL INTEGER 15 Face Value 2FACE_VAL3 FACE VALUE 3 3236 NULL INTEGER 15 Face Value 3PCFR_1 PRC CSH FLOW RAT 1 3237 NULL PRICE 17 Price Cash Flow Ratio parent full-term forecast 1PCFR_2 PRC CSH FLOW RAT 2 3238 NULL PRICE 17 Price Cash Flow Ratio parent full-term forecast 2TNOVRRATIO TURNOVER RATIO 3239 NULL PRICE 17 Turnover Ratio for securities tradingDPS_FLG1 DIVIDENDS FLAG 1 3240 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 1 Flag of Interim/Full-term Dividends 1DPS_FLG2 DIVIDENDS FLAG 2 3241 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 2 Flag of Interim/Full-term Dividends 2DPS_PDAT1 DIVIDEND PAY DTE 1 3242 NULL DATE 11 Dividend Pay Date 1DPS_PDAT2 DIVIDEND PAY DTE 2 3243 NULL DATE 11 Dividend Pay Date 2DPS_EXDAT1 DIV PAY EXCH DTE 1 3244 NULL DATE 11 Dividend Pay Exchange Date 1DPS_EXDAT2 DIV PAY EXCH DTE 2 3245 NULL DATE 11 Dividend Pay Exchange Date 2

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