WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales ACRBO MAG The Owen Lea Foundation…. Let’s Make A Difference! Featured Member…Alan Seymour… Kaplet Technology Solutions ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012 Page 12 Page 8


Association of Computer Repair Business Owners September Magazine

Transcript of ACRBO Sep Mag

Page 1: ACRBO Sep Mag

WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales


The Owen Lea Foundation….

Let’s Make A Difference!

Featured Member…Alan

Seymour… Kaplet

Technology Solutions

ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012

Page 12 Page 8

Page 2: ACRBO Sep Mag

If you have not checked in awhile

you might want to log into the

Association website to see what

new Preferred Vendors have

joined the team.

We continually are looking for

valued vendors to bring aboard

and your emails are appreciated.

ACRBO contents

Regular Columns

ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012

3 Editor’s Letter

Welcome to the August edition.

2 ACRBO Inbox

Got something to say?

Tell us what you think.

5 Communicating With Your Followers

7 Utilizing Internet Marketing

8 Featured Member

Alan Seymour

12 The Owen Lea Foundation

14 2012 ACRBO Membership Drive

15 Your Business Checkup

21 News

25 E-mail Marketing

Would you like to have an article

published each month in the


If so drop us a line and let us know

what kind of article you can provide

on a monthly basis.

All articles will need to be submitted

the 3rd

week of the month.

Email: [email protected] 2

Have a product or service

you’re interested in selling?

If so drop us a line.

Page 3: ACRBO Sep Mag

ACRBO editor’s letter

Holiday threw off having the magazine published in time and for that I apologize. This month we have some great content on what you can do to improve your business and hopefully become even more successful. A publication like this would not be possible without the support of our valued advertisers who provide relevant products and services for our readership. Please visit our sponsors as they know what you need to help you with all your endeavors. Lastly I’d like to congratulate you for investing your time to educate yourself by reading this magazine. We are proud to be able to help all our readers, and look forward to serving you for many years to come. Dan ACRBO

As you see the layout of the magazine has changed once again. Unfortunately Jon is not going to be able to edit the magazines future issues.

As some of you already know graphics are not my strong suit. But, we will continue to bring outstanding content which to me is what really matters.

[email protected]

Talk to me >> Keep your valuable feedback coming. I try to reply

to every email, I appreciate your input as it helps to

make the ACRBO magazine possible.

Write to me at: [email protected]

ACRBO Magazine

Fredericksburg Virginia

Advertising enquires: Send an email to [email protected]

Contribute articles: If you would like to be a contributing author for the magazine then send an email to [email protected] and let us know what you would like to write about. Copyright 2012 ACRBO. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher

ACRBO Magazine

Director: ACRBO [email protected]

Contributors Various experts in their fields

The instructions and advice in the

Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. The creators, producers, contributors

and distributors of the ACRBO Mag disclaim

any liability for loss or lack of results from following the advice expressed herein

Welcome to the

Association of Computer

Repair Business Owners


ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012 3

Page 4: ACRBO Sep Mag

ACRBO inbox

Work with competitors?

This question comes up a lot

and it's usually a matter of a

business owner not being

able to perform some sort of

repairs i.e. iPhone, DC jacks

etc. My opinion is never to

hand over work to others or

refer to others if you are in

the same location. I have

done quite a few agreements

with other shops for things

like DC jacks that come into

our shop and either we don't

have time to fix them or

whatever. In cases like this

"we" take them to our

competitor and thru an

agreement we have they do

the work and the customer

remains ours. Reason behind

this is simple; if I tell the

customer to go to another

shop then in the future there

is a good chance they will

remain with that shop. So

potentially I could be turning

away quite a lot of money.



Follow us on

Follow us on Linkedin Group is

“Association of Computer Repair





ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012

iPhone repairs?

This has been a very active

topic on weather or not to do

these types of repairs. First

and foremost you have to

remember these are typically

not going to be 5 minute jobs

until you have quite a bit of

experience and even then

they probably won't be quick

jobs. Plus, do you have the

proper tools required to do

these repairs. Lastly, and

most important do you have

the time. In our case right

now we don't have the time.

But, I have an agreement with

someone local who does have

the time and only does these

types of repairs. So we can

still take on the job and also

make a profit.







Page 5: ACRBO Sep Mag


With Your Followers Do your messages tend to be a little self-centered?

Many people fall into a rut of producing content that is

only self-promoting and "salesy." This is the worst

possible way to build an online community. Don't just

drone on about how fantastic you or your company is -

it's not as reliable coming from you as when other

people say it anyways. Instead, try providing your

followers with educational, valuable and engaging

content. People are going to be much more willing to

share educational information than a self-promoting or

"salesy" message. So go ahead and set a goal to start

creating content worth sharing.

Are you a repeat offender?

Nobody wants to be bombarded with the same

message over and over again. Repeatedly posting

similar messages will not only prevent new people from

following you, but you might see a drop in your fan

base. In theory it might seem like a good idea to remind

people of an important message or try to reach new

people who may have missed your first posting, but

really you are just spamming your followers. There are

a few occasions, such as event promotion, when you

need to send similar messages over a couple months

to remind your followers. But this is the exception not

the standard. Don't think you can "sneak repeat"

content by folks - most of us will remember and not be

pleased. Be original each and every day, and for those

days when you can't be original, don't post.

Are your messages a little text heavy?

One of the best attributes of social media networks is

that it provides snap shot views on the latest news.

People tune into your social media channel for quick

updates. For those days when you have content that

won't fit in the 140 character Twitter message, put your

content in a blog post. Once the blog is ready send a

short message through your social media accounts to

check out your blog post. A short and catchy title in

your social media message will help capture the

attention of your followers. To keep your social media

profile pages from getting too text heavy we

recommend posting videos, photos, or links to content

with photos in the headlines. These photos and videos

will help break up the text on your profile pages and

give visitors a quick glance at what you and your

company are about. Keep your messages short and

sweet, and post images to add some personality to

your profile page.

Are you a social media spammer?

We all have that friend who sends 10+ Facebook status

updates a day. Don't become that friend or company that

continuously spams its followers. Since there is no golden

rule for the "appropriate" number of postings on social

media accounts, it is recommended to check different

sources to determine your optimal frequency. Here are a

couple practices to find out what might work best for you.

First, you can take a look at your competition and see

how frequently they post and determine if they are

building a good community with their schedule. Another

idea is to research what people in the industry are saying

about the recommended frequency on each platform.

Recent studies have shown that people on Twitter expect

to receive more updates than people on Facebook and

that 5-10 Tweets a day is expected. Facebook is entirely

different than Twitter when it comes to messaging

frequency. With its current set-up it is pretty easy to tie up

your Friend news feed with messages. So be respectful

and try only posting Facebook updates a couple times a

week up, or up to once a day. Lastly, try asking your loyal

followers what they think about your social media

communications. Do they feel like they could use more

information or less? A blend of all these techniques above

should help you find the right amount of frequency for

sending messages on your social media platforms.

Social media

accounts for

25% of all time

spent online

over 35 minutes

per hour 5

Page 6: ACRBO Sep Mag 5

Page 7: ACRBO Sep Mag

Utilizing Internet Marketing

SEO is by far one of the most effective tools in

the internet marketing scope and can truly

bolster traffic to your company’s site.

The internet is a seemingly endless resource for a company of any

size and, whilst the opportunity to reach out to millions of potential

customers is certainly great, most companies will find they are met

by stiff competition on the web. With so many companies now

online it might be difficult to see how yours could ever stand out

from the crowd. After all, what does your website have that others


The key to it all is an effective internet marketing strategy. You need

to utilise every tool and potential outlet you possibly can. The

beauty of internet marketing is that it does not have to be expensive

and can be accessed by any business of any size. Here are a few

hints to steer your company towards a successful campaign.

Firstly, make the most of cheap internet marketing tools before

spending large amounts of advertising and web hosting. Social

media has already become the ‘go to’ move for many large

companies but it can still be accessed and used by a company of

any size. Offer your potential customers something no one else can

and get people talking about your company. Giving out a number of

free samples is a great way to get people clambering to follow you

on Twitter or Facebook.

Secondly, optimise and optimise well. With so

much written on the internet about Search Engine

Optimisation (SEO), it is easy to believe you are

quite the expert. Sadly, there is a whole science

behind SEO and simply filling your homepage

with keywords will not cut the mustard. Consider

enlisting the help of an SEO company to truly

boost you company’s performance on search

engines or risk wasting valuable time on

achieving very little. SEO is by far one of the most

effective tools in the internet marketing scope and

can truly bolster traffic to your company’s site. A

lucrative relationship with an SEO company will

establish your company’s site at the top of related

searches and keep it there.

Blogging is another extremely effective internet

marketing tool. A professionally written, well

researched blog can be your company’s way of

letting customers and potential customers see

your ethos and passion for your industry. Over

time, a good blog will build up a subscriber base

as well as clock up a whole host of search engine

traffic. What is more, your company will be able to

share with the world any good news, awards or

accolades it has picked up.

Finally, pay per click advertising also has

potential as part of an internet marketing strategy.

Whilst some experts will swear against it, pay per

click campaigns can be an effective short term

strategy to boost traffic to your site. In the same

breath, it is essential you plan the campaign well

as a poor choice of key words can end up costing

your company a small fortune with very little

returns. As before, enlist the help of professionals

to ensure the best results for your company.

Whatever techniques you decide to incorporate

into your company’s internet marketing plan it is

essential you stand out from the crowd.

Inspiration and imagination will help your

company go far and be the difference between a

very successful and a very expensive internet

marketing campaign. 7

Page 8: ACRBO Sep Mag

ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012

Family: I a married with 4 children, though one passed away as a baby. We miss him greatly.

Education: Ph.D. in Psychology.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be either an ATF agent or a

Detective (Profiler).

Worst job: Worked at McDonald’s for one day.

First job: Mowing lawns around my neighborhood.

How did you end up owning your business? I was teaching in Bangalore, India and became

very sick, to the point they were not sure of my life. It took me one year to recover and while

recovering I wanted to get into business and the opportunity presented itself to me. I love

technology and it was a perfect fit.

What is next for your business? We desire to continue to grow and offer new IT Solutions to

the companies and individuals we serve. We are looking at adding some new social

networking solutions, as well as new programs to be developed.

Who was your hero as a child? My Grandfather.

Featured Member

Name: Alan Seymour

Business: KAPLET Technology


Location: Indiana, PA

Website: 8

Page 9: ACRBO Sep Mag

If you would like your business to be featured in the ACRBO Magazine

then drop us an email and we will get back to you with what details are


--Dan 9

What business book do you recommend the most and why? This is actually a very hard

question, because there are so many good ones out there, but from what I have read

lately, I would say The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive by Patrick Lencioni.

I would recommend all his books.

What advice would you give someone thinking about starting a business right now? If

you have family, make sure they are in agreement with you as it will take a lot of time.

Make sure you enjoy what you are doing and that you always put the customer first, even

when you think you are right. Customers are the key to our success.

What are you most likely to be doing when not working? I can be found counseling

those that cannot afford it, as I still want to use my degree. Otherwise I am with my

family enjoying them. Lastly, I read like crazy.

Where do you want to be five years from now? I want to continue the growth we have

been experiencing currently, by offering more solutions and better service to our

customers. Striving to be the best in our field, working with and learning from other

technology solution companies.

Who would you rather spend time with, Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs or Warren

Buffett ? This is another tough one, because they all have their merits, but I think I would

like to spend time with Warren Buffet because many business men seek out his advice

from a variety of industries and he is very gifted in predicting the future of business


Page 12: ACRBO Sep Mag

Check out Iain Mcdonald’s website:

>> 12

The Association of Computer Repair Business

Owners is pleased to announce that we have

chosen a cause to support. Obviously there are

thousands upon thousands of different causes

that one could select, but due to the purpose of

this one in particular we have chosen it to become

our cause to support.

The name of the cause is “The Owen Lea

Foundation”, it was established to provide

support to families living with Neuroblastoma, a

rare and difficult to treat form of childhood

cancer. As of now, there is no cure.

No matter how business is, either good or bad, as

well as other things in your life, “giving” is

something that has always made people feel good

as well as just the right thing to do. With The

Owen Lea Foundation the Association of

Computer Repair Business Owners is making a

commitment to just that; “giving”.

The Owen Lea Foundation:



Donate: At the bottom of the website you will see

"Help Support The Owen Lea Foundation"...Click

it and make a difference!

The Owen Lea Foundation

Waffie is the official logo and

mascot of the Owen Lea


Owen Scott Lea

Page 13: ACRBO Sep Mag

This months winner will receive the video

series BetterPCTech from Lalo!

We will randomly choose a winner and e-

mail the winner.

Just send an email to [email protected]

and in the Subject line put: Lalo

Last Months winner is: Deans Computer

Vancouver Island,

British Columbia, Canada

If you own a computer business you can’t afford

not to be kept up to date with the latest news

and techniques being used by others. Check out

all the Podnutz series and see what you’ve been

missing. Visit

ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012 13

Page 14: ACRBO Sep Mag 14

2012 ACRBO Membership Drive

The Association of Computer Repair Business

Owners membership drive for 2012 is now

underway. We just passed our 3rd year as an

Association and it’s our first membership drive

so let’s make it successful.

As we continue to grow, we look forward to

welcoming new Premium Members. We are

having a great year for the Association of

Computer Repair Business Owners, I trust

you’ve been able to participate and take

advantage of the many benefits of membership.

We are continuing to build on our vision to

become the premier Association for computer

repair business owners. With over 3,400

members worldwide, we have tremendous


Preferred Vendors are continually coming

aboard along with other features to enhance the

Association. Right now we have over 40

Preferred Vendors and are continually adding

more. Some of the vendors are also offering

better discounts to Premium Members vice

regular members such as GFIMax who give

Premium Members 20% off monthly billing vice

the normal 10%.

Our goal would be to have all members become

Premium Members; we made the yearly fee so

low that everyone would be able to afford it,

unlike some other associations that charge in

the hundreds. Plus, you can write it off as an

advertising expense.

Our goal would be to have all members become

Premium Members; we made the yearly fee so

low that everyone would be able to afford it,

unlike some other associations that charge in

the hundreds. Plus, you can write it off as an

advertising expense.

Please consider becoming a Premium Member,

all you have to do is login and click on "Upgrade

Account". If you have any questions or require

additional information, please do not hesitate to

contact me. My contact details are below.

Benefits of being a Premium Member

Featured Listing on

ACRBO Membership Card

ACRBO Sticker

ACRBO Certificate

Participation in ACRBO Scholarship Fund

Larger discounts from select Preferred Vendors

Monies collected have been used in the past

year for various things to name a few; Owners

shop broken into, helping an owner with legal

fees, 2 scholarships awarded, gift to owner that

was going on a humanitarian trip to build schools

in a village, filing of 501© paperwork, and

website hosting and maintenance.


[email protected]

Page 15: ACRBO Sep Mag

Whether you’re thinking it’s Spring Cleaning

Time or time for an annual checkup, your

business needs to undergo a checkup each

year. No matter how large or small your

business is, you cannot gauge the

effectiveness of any changes you’ve made

without analyzing the benefits and bottom


Here are 10 questions to get you started:

How do your year-to-date sales compare to

the last couple of years? Don’t be satisfied if

you managed to match them because if sales

stayed the same then you’ve achieved zero

growth. With inflation, this flat growth line is

a warning sign for more trouble down the


What percentage of your business is from

repeat customers? This is important to know

because if it’s too low, then it needs to be

improved. The estimated cost of getting a

new customer versus retaining an existing

one can be as much as five to one in terms of

dollars spent. Keeping customers is more

cost-effective than constantly seeking new


How long has it been since you offered a new

product or service? Loyal customers like to

see you changing and progressing with the

times. If you’re stuck for an idea, ask your

customers what they need.

Do you consider marketing and advertising

expenses or investments? How you look at

the money spent in these areas affects your

willingness to spend money at all. Would you

look at prescriptions as a waste of money?

Marketing is really investing in you, your

vision, and your company. The old adage

that you must spend money to make money

is true, but you must spend it wisely. Spend

it on ads that are pulling responses and

orders, and if they’re not maybe you need to

change publications.

Do you know what PR is and how to use it to

positively position your business in the

media? I’ll bet that at least one of your

competitors does. Nearly every mention of a

company or business in the newspapers and

magazines is a direct result of publicity

efforts. Being quoted or featured in an

article speaks volumes to your clients and

readers who are your potential prospects. A

good PR consultant can do that for you and

show you ways to extend the shelf life of that

article beyond its publication.

Are you listed in the yellow pages? If you

only have a line listing, consider including a

small ad in the yellow pages. If you can

afford it, it will pay dividends throughout the


Do you treat your regular customers better

than your drop-ins? You should. If your

customers don’t feel special when coming to

you for products of services, why should they

remain loyal to you? Have a customer

appreciation day or a special invitation only

sale for your regulars. Create a mailing list of

your regulars. Send occasional post cards or

greeting cards for special events or just to

keep in touch. Learn to recognize them on

sight and greet them by name when they visit


How long has it been since you really talked

to one of your customers? Just as you

appreciate when your Doctor takes time to

talk to you, your customers will appreciate

you if you take an interest in their needs. If

you have a service business, have lunch or

coffee periodically with some regulars – even

if they only contact you once or twice a year.

The personal touch in an impersonal world

will be remembered. 15

Your Business Checkup

Page 16: ACRBO Sep Mag

How is your business doing compared to your

competition? Every company, no matter

what the size, has competition – even home-

based businesses. Is their business growing

or downsizing? Is their pricing or service

better than yours? If so, what can you tell

potential customers about the price

difference? Think about how you can

improve your service to meet or exceed your

customer’s expectations.

Are your employees happy? Don’t ask them

directly, but observe them throughout the

day. Watch, listen and learn. Employees

who like their jobs don’t watch the clock for

quitting time, aren’t habitually late, don’t

have poor body language, don’t spend time

on personal phone calls, and don’t look like

they never smiled. Observe how they

interact with customers. Not everyone is a

match for direct contact with the public, so

make sure you don’t have an employee who

is driving business away.

I can remember when I was working at my

very first job out of school. It was a service

business with just the owner and me at work.

There was direct contact with the clients, and

there was never a problem with smiling when

talking face to face with them. I was given

the best business tip of my life by that

employer, when he pointed out to me that

when talking to clients on the telephone I

should smile too. For some unexplainable

reason, when you smile as you talk on the

phone, the exchange with the client becomes

more pleasant and more productive. It’s as if

that smile went right through the phone

wires to the person to whom you’re talking. 16

Our Newest Preferred


Servosity Become a Certified Partner & Reseller with


White Label Branding ($6,000 annual value)

Competitive Upgrade Special (painless data


XZ Backup The XZ Backup product was already geared

for IT Consultants / VARs / MSPs to monitor

and manage thousands of user's backup jobs

providing ACRBO members with a perfect

solution that can easily fit in, and adapt to

their current workflows and backup/restore


Gillware Gillware, Inc. is now expanding our offerings

in providing a cutting edge offsite backup

solution with many options for you as a

partner.Gillware, Inc. is now expanding our

offerings in providing a cutting edge offsite

backup solution with many options for you as

a partner.

Visit the “Vendor Specials” page for

full details and for all other Vendor


Page 17: ACRBO Sep Mag


offer. Read it, edit it, and re-write it for a

shorter, money saving effective ad.

"Think small".


your classified ad. Use these ideas.

Attention Interest Desire Action

DO USE A NAME with each classified ad

including your envelopes.

DO NOT CHARGE for sales letters or


DO BE HONEST with all your classified ad


DO IDENTIFY your product.


clear and direct.


everyone will understand what you are


DO USE A WORD that will benefit a


DO NOT OVERPRICE your product.


exposure creates a familiar offer with

better response.


your classified ad, salesletter or circular if

possible. An excellent sales technique!

DO TEST YOUR AD in 2 or 3 smaller, low

cost publications.

Record results. Code each ad.


your product. Write for ad rates, paid

circulation, discounts and closing dates.

Keep records.


PRODUCTS ready for mailing when our ad

appears in the publication of your choice.

Do not delay in responding.


other successful advertisers are doing,

only with a slight twist, idea or offer.


differently. Keep records of results.


expensive. If you want to, do it gradually.


ANSWERS. Because you don't. Take time

to find out what you need to know.


will leave you as quickly as it came.

Always write down a good idea!

DON'T PLACE YOUR AD in the wrong

classification. 17


Page 18: ACRBO Sep Mag


to amuse or entertain, but use words to

persuade, inform and sell your product.


it easy to pronounce and remember.


Motivation. Enthusiasm. Desire. Image.

Creativity. Success!

DON'T GIVE UP. If your ad doesn't pull

after a fair exposure, try re-writing it.

One or two different words may do the



money in more continuous advertising.

DON'T FORGET, an ad that offers "FREE

DETAILS" means writing a sales letter or




Getting your price lists, brochures,

catalogs or newsletters typeset does not

necessarily have to be a costly procedure.

Keep in mind that the main cost in type

setting is the time involved in setting

type. By minimizing the time needed to

create a typeset piece you can effectively

keep your cost down.

The following suggestions can help

reduce your typesetting expense.

Know what you want the FIRST time

around. Have a picture in your mind.

Trial and error can be costly. Don't have

a typesetter set it one way, then decide a

different format would look better.

Reduce and eliminate author's

corrections by thorough proofing and re-


Avoid minimum charges by combining

small jobs and having them set at the

same time.

Try to use one family of type to save time

and money by avoiding font changes.

The consistent look is better.

Give explicit instructions on marking up

copy: type styles, column


With a large job, such as a brochure or

annual report, request a style setting

proof sheet to get approvals before the

entire job is done.

Avoid super rush jobs, especially if you

don't really need them.

Avoid lengthy corrections on the phone.

You might end up paying for corrections

later that could have been avoided if you

had done your editing on proof sheets.

Get the layout finished and approved

before having type set...the same goes

for copy, of course.

Don't depend on the typesetter to read

your mind. Be specific. 18

Page 19: ACRBO Sep Mag


Laptop Repair Videos

Some of you may have already heard

but Steve Cherubino has disclosed

that he is going to be coming out

with the NEW Computer Repair Tech

Website Builder.

Years ago Steve developed an easy

to build/edit website for computer

businesses and was greeted with

great success and praise from

business owners.

Realizing the market has changed

Steve has done a total revamp to the

Tech Website Builder and it should

be released very soon…

Below is a picture of the old format

that was used with great success.

Really looking forward to this new



Computer Repair

Tech Website


Instant Housecall

Thinking about

working on

Laptops? Then

you need this


View and control remote PCs

from anywhere without

preinstalled software. Full

featured, up to 10 concurrent

sessions, branded with your

company logo. Subscription or

one-time prurchase. Easy for

your customers. Powerful for

your business

“Going into business for yourself, becoming an entrepreneur, is the

modern-day equivalent of pioneering on the old frontier.” Paula Nelson

Free Trial:

More Information:

Contact: 1-888-838-4050/

[email protected]


ACRBO Preferred


ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012

ACRBO Preferred


Page 21: ACRBO Sep Mag

News 21

Ads on Tablets: 47%

Engage, Says IAB

Nearly half, 47 percent, of tablet users say they engage with advertisements more than once a week. That's according to a recent report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau and its Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence.

On the smartphone side, 25 percent of users said they have the same weekly engagement. Following ad engagement, 80 percent of smartphone users and 89 percent of tablet users take action, said the report.

The "Mobile's Role in the Consumer's Media Day" report studied behaviors on both types of devices, finding each used devices in different ways.

"The key for marketers is looking at how consumers use these devices in different ways, and tailoring brand messages and strategies accordingly," noted Anna Bager VP and GM for the Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence, in a press release.

Nearly one-third of mobile device owners said they were likely to respond to ads that were related to their current location. Almost half- 48 percent - of smartphone users and 59 percent of tablet users said that they regularly conduct local searches on mobile devices while home watching TV.

Smartphone users indicated devices are a crucial part of their everyday life with 70 percent of users stating they don't leave home without it. On the other side of the spectrum are tablets: 70 percent of tablet users stated that these devices only serve them as entertainment and media hubs.

Sixty percent of study participants who have both types of devices said they prefer using their smartphones to look up info on-the-go, compared to just 22 percent who would use tablets for quick mobile information. Seventy percent said they prefer to consume print and video via a tablet.

Time of day also has a direct impact on how consumers use mobile devices. Among smartphone users, 20 percent access social media when they first wake up, and 28 percent said they have free time to access mobile media during midday hours. In addition, the report said primetime television viewing hours cause a spike in both general and social media consumption.

Facebook Now Replacing

Ads on Static Pages

Facebook appears to be taking a new approach to the way it serves ads that could bring in more revenue. Attentive Facebook ad observers may have noticed ads shown in the right sidebar on Facebook pages suddenly transforming. It turns out Facebook is now rotating ads while users remain on a single page.

"We recently made a change to some pages that show ads on Facebook that allows ads to be replaced with others after an extended period of time," a Facebook spokesperson told ClickZ. "This change was implemented a few weeks ago and we think this will help people see more relevant ads."

Indeed, most likely Facebook is altering ads displayed on an otherwise-static page in the hopes of generating higher click-through rates. If a user is not clicking the ads originally served when he visits a page, Facebook may replace those with ads its system determines to be more relevant.

Traditionally on Facebook and across the web, targeted display ads are served when a page is loaded and remain constant until a user leaves the page or refreshes the page.

Since the firm's botched IPO, Facebook has dodged criticism about its ability to bring in the amount of ad revenue investors originally expected. Following a quiet period, the company has been vocal about its plans to create more ad revenue. For instance, the firm recently announced plans to launch a real-time ad exchange, opening its site up to a large pool of data for display ad targeting.

The ad rotation change appears to be a less-public way for Facebook to optimize its current approach to ad sales and services.

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ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012 24

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Marketing Effectively with E-mail Marketing

Like any type of marketing, email marketing

involves a great deal of time and effort to

ensure the marketing campaign is effective.

This is important because an ineffective

marketing campaign of any type is a waste of

money and resources. Spending a great deal of

time, energy and money into an email

marketing campaign which is not reaching the

members of the target audience and is not

convincing recipients of the email to make a

purchase or visit your website is not

worthwhile. This article will discuss how to

implement an effective email marketing

strategy to ensure your business, financial and

personal goals are being met.

One of the most important aspects of

marketing effectively with email is to ensure

your marketing efforts are reaching the

members of your target audience. One way to

do this is to ask former customers as well as

potential customers to join your email

distribution list. This will help to ensure the

majority of members on your email

distribution list have an actual interest in your

products or services. This is important because

you are much more likely to generate sales

when you are marketing to this type of an

audience than you would if you were

marketing to a much larger audience without

an interest in your products.

Another aspect of marketing effectively is to

hire an experienced professional writer to

draft the content for your emails, e-

newsletters, email courses or any other

methods you are using to email your message

to potential customers. Having your content

written can give you a significant edge over the

competition if they are drafting their content

themselves. The quality of your content is a

reflection on your business and poorly written

content with no substance will reflect poorly

on your business.

Effective email marketing should also be

written in a manner which will appeal to the

target audience. If necessary you should

conduct market research to determine

demographical information for your target

audience. This research may also determine

preferences the target audience may have for

receiving marketing information. This may

include the type of language used, the format

of the emails, the layout of the emails and

even aesthetic appearance of the emails.

Paying attention to these details can make the

email marketing campaign significantly more


Finally, effective email marketing should not

be viewed as spam. This is a difficult situation.

In many cases an email marketing campaign

will involve distributing mass emails but care

should be taken in these endeavors to avoid

having these emails construed as spam. This is

important because many Internet service

providers include spam filters which apply

algorithms to each email account to determine

which messages are spam and which ones are

legitimate. Emails which are deemed to be

spam may never reach the intended recipients.

Emails which may it through the spam filters

may also be automatically deleted if the

Internet user believes it looks like spam. For

this reason care should be taken to ensure all

marketing emails provide quality content,

advertise only subtly and ideally are only sent

to email recipients who have specifically

requested information about your products or

services. This will give you the best opportunity

possible to reach your target audience and

have a positive impression on them and

hopefully entice them to make a purchase or

visit your website. 25

Page 26: ACRBO Sep Mag


Who Is Technibble For?

Technibble is a free resource for Computer

Technicians and Computer Business Owners.

Technibble helps computer technicians with

information and how-to-articles published a few

times a week and has a strong community of

Computer Technicians to help one another.

Technibble helps you by covering topics such as:

- How to start a Computer Business

- Advertising, how to get clients and keep them

- Business and legal issues

- Streamline your computer repair work

- Technician related product reviews and discounts

- New opportunities to look out for

- Stories from “the trenches” from your fellow

Computer Techs

Technibble also has a large database of Computer

Repair tools and adds a new on to its database

every week.

Be sure to check out the Archives, Computer

Repair Tools section and the Computer

Technician forum. .

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What is The Force Field?

The Force Field is the name of a podcast for IT Service Professionals, IT consultants, VARs, computer shops and anyone else in the technology field, particularly those who offer products and services to end users.

The half hour show is produced by Savoia Media and hosted by Rick Savoia, an IT Service Professional who is also a veteran in the broadcast industry.

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ISSUE 009 | Sep 2012 26

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Contact Dennis Drew [email protected] for more information

Business Apps 27