Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of the Non-nasal-nasal

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  • 7/25/2019 Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of the Non-nasal-nasal


    Acoustic and perceptual correlates of the non-nasal-nasal

    distinction for vowels

    Sarah Hawkins

    Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connecticut 06511

    Kenneth N. Stevens

    Departmentof ElectricalEngineering nd Computer cience, nd Research aboratoryof Electronics,

    Massachusettsnstitute of Technology, ambridge,Massachusetts2139

    {Received 9 June 1984;acceptedor publication28 December1984)

    For eachof fivevowels i e o o u] following t],a continuum rom non-nasalo nasalwas

    synthesized. asalizationwas ntroduced y insertinga pole-zeropair in the vicinity of the first

    formant n an all-pole ransfer unction.The frequencies nd spacing f the pole and zero were

    systematicallyaried o change he degreeof nasalization. he selection f stimulusparameters

    was determined rom acoustic heory and the resultsof pilot experiments. he stimuli were

    presentedor identification nddiscriminationo listenerswhoseanguagencluded non-nasal-

    nasalvowel opposition Gujarati,Hindi, and Bengali)and to American isteners. here were no

    significant ifferences etweenanguage roups n the 50% crossover ointsof the identification

    functions.Somevowelsweremore nfluenced y rangeand contexteffects han wereothers.The

    language roups howed omedifferencesn the shapeof the discriminationunctions or some

    vowels.On the basisof the results, t is postulated hat (1) there s a basicacoustic ropertyof

    nasality, ndependent f the vowel, o which the auditory system espondsn a distinctiveway

    regardless f language ackground; nd {2) hereare oneor more additionalacoustic roperties

    that may be used o variousdegreesn different anguageso enhance he contrastbetween nasal

    voweland its non-nasal ongener.A proposed andidate or the basicacousticproperty s a

    measure f the degreeof prominence f the spectralpeak n the vicinityof the first formant.

    Additional secondary ropertiesncludeshifts n the centerof gravityof the low-frequency

    spectralprominence,eading o a change n perceived owelheight,and changesn overall


    PACS numbers:43.71.Es, 43.70.Fq, 43.70.Hs, 43.71.An


    A. Review of the acoustics of nasal vowels

    The phonemicoppositionof oral and nasal vowels s

    widespread mong anguages, ut the acoustic ropertyun-

    derlying his oppositions not well understood. nasalvow-

    el is produced y introducing coustic ouplingbetween he

    oral and nasalcavities t a point that is abouthalfway along

    the vocal ract between he glottisand the lips.The effectof

    this acousticcoupling s to shift the natural frequencies f

    the vocal ract (i.e., he formant requenciesor the non-nasal

    vowel),and to add pole-zeropairs o the vocal-tract ransfer

    function Fant, 1960;Fujimura, 1960, 1961;Fujimura and

    Lindqvist, 1971; House and Stevens,1956; Mrayati, 1976;

    Lonchamp,1979).The principaland mostconsistent onse-

    quenceon the acoustic pectrumof the vowel appears o be

    at low frequencies,n the vicinity of the first ormant. When

    the cross-sectionalrea of the velopharyngeal pening s

    gradually ncreased, here is usually a shift in the first for-

    mant frequency, nd there s an increasen its bandwidth.A

    pole-zeropair is introduced n the vicinity of the first for-

    mant and the spacing etween he poleand zero ncreases s

    the velopharyngeal pening ncreases,with the result that

    the additional pole shows ncreasedspectralprominence

    with largeropenings. heseobservationsrebasedon calcu-

    lation of the transfer unctionof a systemof coupled ubes,

    and are confirmed y data from the acoustic pectraof natu-

    rally spoken asalvowelsand rom studies f thebehaviorof

    articulatory models.

    Sometimes more than one additional resonance in the

    vicinityof the first formant canbe observedn acoustic pec-

    tra of nasal vowels. These additional resonances must arise

    becausehe mpedance f the nasalcavityhasmore han one

    low-frequencyesonance elowabout 1.5kHz. These eson-

    ancesare presumably consequencef the sinuses,which

    are oftenof appreciable olume,and which are coupled nto

    the nasalcavity proper throughrelativelynarrow openings

    (Maeda, 1982a;LindqvistandSundberg, 972). n any event,

    the end esult s that the ntroduction f acoustic oupling o

    the nasalcavity modifies he spectrumof a vowel n the vi-

    cinityof the irst ormant,so hat the narrow spectral romi-

    nence ssociated ith the first ormant s replaced y a pole-

    zero-polecombination possiblywith additional pole-zero

    pairs).The additionalpole-zeropairscan result n a "filling

    in"of the valleys n the spectrum boveor below he frequen-

    cy of the original first formant. Consequently here is a

    broader requency egion n the vicinity of the first formant

    overwhich he spectral nergy s distributedor a nasalvow-

    el, asopposedo a relativelynarrowspectralprominenceor

    a non-nasal owel.This typeof modification f the spectrum

    was irst notedby Hattori et al. (1958).

    1560 J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 77 (4), April 1985 0001-4966/85/041560-16500.80 1985 AcousticalSociety of America 1560

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  • 7/25/2019 Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of the Non-nasal-nasal


    In addition o modification f the spectral hape n the

    vicinity of the first formant, nasalization n natural speech

    can alsogive rise to changesn the spectrumat higher fre-

    quencies. here may be shifts n the frequencies f higher

    formants,modificationsn the amplitudesof the spectral

    peaks,and ntroductionof additionalspectralpeaks.These

    changesn the acoustic pectrum t high frequencies o not

    seem o be asconsistent cross ifferentspeakers nd vowels

    as hose n the vicinity of the first formant.This lack of con-

    sistencyn the effects f nasalization t higher requenciess

    predictable n view of the substantialndividual differences

    in the anatomyof the nasalcavities.

    Spectrograms nd spectracontrastingnasal and non-

    nasalvowelsproducedby a male speakerof Gujarati (a lan-

    guagespoken n India which has a nasal-non-nasal hone-

    mic oppositionor eachof its vowels) re llustrated n Fig. 1.

    The frequency esolutionof the analyzingsystemdoesnot

    alwayspermit clear observation f a zero in the spectrum,

    but at leastone additionalpole and consequent roadening

    of the ow-frequencypectral rominenceanbeseenn each

    of the nasalvowels. n all the nasalspectra he first formant

    peak s rendered essprominentby the filling n of the valley

    in the spectrum ither aboveor below he first formant.

    B. Perception of nasal vowels

    Experiments ndicate that nasal vowels can function

    perceptually s a class n distinction rom oral vowels,even

    for speakersf languagesacking he non-nasal-nasalppo-

    sition sa phonemic ontrastButcher, 976;Wright, 1980).

    Several tudies aveattempted o determineheacoustic nd

    articulatory ttributes hat giverise o listeners' erception

    of nasal vowels as a class and as distinct from their non-nasal

    counterparts.hesestudiesall roughly nto two categories

    depending pon how the stimuli are manipulated: tudies

    searchingor the acoustic rerequisitesor the perception f

    nasality y directmanipulation f thespectrum f thesound,

    and studieswith articulatory ynthesizersn which he per-

    ceptionof differentdegrees f nasalizations examined y

    varying he areaof the velopharyngealort.

    Studiesnvolvingdirectmanipulation f the spectrum

    indicate hat vowels re udged o be nasalwhen he spec-

    trum is modifiedn the ow-frequencyangeand sometimes

    when heamplitude f the hird formant s ncreased. sing

    the Haskinspattern-playbackystem, elattre 1954)pro-

    ducednasalvowelsby addingenergy n the vicinity of the

    fundamentalrequency. akeuchi t al. (1974,1975)added

    pole-zero airs o spectra f naturalspeech t various re-

    quencies nd found hat the greatest umberof nasal udg-

    ments ended o occurwhena pole-zero air was ntroduced

    in the vicinityof the first ormant.Raising he amplitude f

    the hird ormant urther ncreasedudgments fnasality or

    somevowels.For mostvowelsnasal udgmentswere n the

    range40%-60%, although heywerehigher or [u] and [a].

    In studieswith articulatorysynthesizers, ouse and

    Stevens1956)and Maeda (1982a)produced everal teady-

    state owelswith various egrees f opening f thevelophar-

    yngealport.Their results howedhat a greatervelopharyn-

    gealopeningwasneededo produce given evelof nasality

    (as udgedby listeners)or the low vowels han for the high

    --- .


    dB .7.; ?7 ...."-... ...

    o t 2 n 5


    0 '"-.-

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    -,.-z::. .......,,- ;:;:.: .:...

    : ....::'] :::: ?,---- ' [':[-.:'

    :'' '0


    0.2 s

    6o. ::t.................'....i.tTpi"........,

    o I 2 3 4 5 kHz


  • 7/25/2019 Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of the Non-nasal-nasal


    vowels. Observationsof the articulators using cineradio-

    graphy Delattre, 1968), iberopticsBenguerel nd Lafar-

    gue,1981), nd iberopticsith lectromyographyHender-

    son, 1984) also show that there are in fact systematic

    differencesn velopharyngeal ort area dependingupon

    vowelheight. n both Houseand Stevens' 1956)and Mae-

    da's 1982b) tudies,he spectra f stimuli hat were udged

    to be nasalwereobservedo be flatter than non-nasal pectra

    in the vicinityof the first ormant.That is, the prominence f

    the spectralpeak or the formantwas reduced,with addi-

    tionalpeaks ometimesresentn thevicinityof the ormant.

    Theseobservationsupport he findings f studies hat ma-

    nipulated he spectrumdirectly.

    Beddorand Strange 1982)examined he identification

    and discriminationof stimuli varying along a continuum

    from [ba] to [bill. These timuliwereproduced y systemati-

    cally varying the velopharyngeal ort area in articulatory

    synthesis.dentification unctionsweresteeperor Hindi lis-

    teners, or whom he non-nasal-nasal owelcontrasts pho-

    nemic, than for American English isteners, or whom it is

    not. The two language roupsalsodifferedslightly n their

    placementof the 50% crossover oundary.Discrimination

    functionswere similar for the two groupsof listenerswhen

    the differencebetween stimuli was small: responseswere

    aroundchance t the endpoints nd peaked round he cate-

    goryboundary. n a simplified iscriminationask,however,

    the American but not the Hindi listenersappearedbetter

    able to distinguishbetweennon-nasal han betweenna_sal

    vowels.These data indicate hat linguisticexperiencemay

    affect he perceptionof vowelnasality n relativelycomplex


    The literature suggests,hen, that vowelswill be per-

    ceivedasnasal f the acoustic pectrumof a non-nasal owel

    is modifiedso hat the prominencen the vicinityof the first

    formant is broadened and flattened. For some vowels, addi-

    tional consequencesf the low:frequency pectralmodifica-

    ion, which s the primary and mostconsistentmodification,

    are changes n the amplitudeof higher-frequency ompo-

    nents,and/or changesn the perceivedheight of the vowel

    due to a shift in the centerof gravity of the low-frequency

    prominence.Beddor and Strange's 1982) results ndicate

    that responseso stimuli varying along a non-nasal-nasal

    continuum renot stronglydependent n whether he isten-

    er'snative anguage istinguisheshonemically etween a-

    sal and non-nasal vowels. There are, however, behavioral

    differenceshat do appear o be dependent pon inguistic


    A possible onclusionrom thesedata s that nasality n

    vowels nvolvessomeacousticproperty hat is common o

    all nasal vowelsand that may be perceivedas nasalityre-

    gardless f linguistic xperience,ogetherwith otherproper-

    ties hat may differ across owelsand acrossanguages. he

    purpose f thispaper s to attempt o identifyandspecifyhe

    parameters f sucha universal asalproperty,using ynthet-

    ic speechn order to minimize he occurrence f the more

    language-or vowel-specific oncomitantproperties.The

    first experimentdescribed ere sought o producegoodex-

    emplarsof nasalvowelsby insertingan additionalpole-zero

    pair n the spectrum f non-nasal owels,n accordance ith

    predictions rom acoustic heory and analysisof natural

    speech.Subsequent xperiments sed he "best" exemplar

    for each nasal vowel as endpoints n acousticcontinua.

    Thesecontinuaweredesignedo testwhether he presence f

    a low-frequency ole-zeropair produces imilar responses

    from listenerswith different inguistic ackgrounds.


    In all heexperimentshestimuli ere onsonant-vow2

    el syllablesbeginningwith a voiceless naspirateddental

    stop, t],and the vowelwas one of [i e a o u] or their nasal

    counterparts, fi fi ill. Parametervalues or thesestimuli

    were selected in accordance with measurements of words

    produced y a malenativespeaker f Gujarati. The syllables

    weregenerated n a Klatt synthesizerKlatt, 1980)with the

    formant resonators connected in cascade. The duration of

    the vowel was 325 ms, and the fundamental requencywas

    givenan appropriate ising-fallingcontour.The initial stop

    burst was identical for all stimuli, and the first 40 ms after

    voicing onset were identical for both non-nasaland nasal

    vowelsof the samevowelquality.

    A spectrogram f a typical nasalstimulus s shown n

    Fig. 2, and trajectories f variousparametersor this stimu-

    lus are displayed n Fig. 3. The time from stop consonant

    releaseo onsetof voicingwas 10ms. mmediately ollowing

    the onsetof voicing, herewere appropriate ormant transi-

    tions from the dental consonant o the steady-state owel

    with whicheachsyllable erminated. The example n Figs.2

    and 3 for the vowel ] is slightlyatypical, n that therewas

    somediphthongization f the vowel, as evidenced y the

    slowly risingF2, in accordancewith measurements n the

    Gujarati okens. herewasno suchdiphthongizationor the

    other vowels.)Detailed characteristics f the initial transi-

    tions and the non-nasal owelsare listed n Table I. Slight

    modifications f the measured ormant frequenciesor the

    natural Gujarati tokenswere made n order to obtain a best

    matchof vowelquality based n nformal istening) etween

    the synthesized owelsand the naturally produced' owels.

    5 , '

    0 '

    I I I I I

    o 0.2 0.4

    TIME (s)

    FIG. 2. Spectrogramf a typical ynthetic onsonant-voweltimulust].

    Introductionof a pole-zeropair to simulatenasalization egins t 40 ms,

    and nasalizations complete t 80 ms. For this vowel,somediphthongiza-

    tion s ntroducedhrough he ising econdormant n the nitialpartof the


    1562 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April1985 S. Hawkins nd K. N. Stevens:Correlatesof vowelnasality 1562

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    o I

    0 I





    ....... FI

    I I

    IOO 200 300

    TIME (ms)

    FIG. 3. Trajectories f the first three ormant requenciesnd of the fre-

    quenciesf headditional ole FNP)andzero FNZ) for hesynthetic asal

    stimulustE], hose pectrogramsshownn Fig. 2. Time smeasuredrom

    the onset of the burst, whose duration was 15 ms.

    For all vowels, he fourth and ifth formant requencies ere

    3500and4500Hz {except 4 = 3700Hz for [i]},andband-

    widthsB3, B4, and B5 for the higher ormantswere 150, 170,

    and 250 Hz, respectively.

    Each syntheticnasalvoweldiffered rom its non-nasal

    congenern either one or two ways:all nasalvowelscon-

    tainedan additionalpole-zeropair, and in somecases he

    frequency f F 1 differed rom that of the equivalentnon-

    nasalvowel.The additionalpole-zeropair for a nasalvowel

    began o separate 0 ms aftervoicingonset, nd during he

    next40 ms he requenciesf thepoleandzerounderwent

    piecewise-linearotions owardvalues ppropriateor the

    intendednasalvowel.The beginning aluesof the frequency

    of the pole{FNP) and the frequency f the zero {FNZ) at 40

    msaftervoicingonsetwerealways 00 Hz. The bandwidths

    of FNP and FNZ were always100 Hz. In addition o intro-

    ducing localperturbation f the spectrumn thevicinityof

    FNP andFNZ, the pole-zero air alsohasa small nfluence

    on the amplitudes f the formantpeaksat higher requen-

    cies.For the vowels n which he frequency f the first for-

    mant {F 1} n the nasalvowelwasdifferent romF 1 for the

    correspondingon-nasal owel,F 1 underwent piecewise-

    linear rajectory rom henon-nasalo thenasal alueduring

    the time interval from 40-80 ms after voicingonset. n the

    TABLE I. Characteristics f the non-nasal owels hat wereusedasstarting

    points n developinghenasal owels nd henon-nasal-nasalontinua. 1

    to F3 representhesteady-stateowel ormant requencies; li to F3i are

    the startingrequenciesf the irst hree ormantsor the ransitionsollow-

    ing the release f the burst or the nitial Itel; ndB 1 andB 2 are the band-

    widthsof the first two formants.All frequenciesre n Hz. Other param-

    eters of the stimuli are described in the text.

    i e o o u

    F 1 270 400 700 430 270

    F 1 200 270 350 270 200

    F2 2300 2025 1150 850 850

    F 2i 1800 1700 1500 1350 1350

    F 3 2900 2915 2500 2500 2500

    F3i 3000 3100 2800 2800 2800

    B 1 60 60 80 80 80

    B2 80 80 100 100 100

    examplen Figs.2 and 3, the non-nasal 1 s 400 Hz and he

    nasal F 1 is 350 Hz.

    The selection of 40 ms as the duration of the initial non-

    nasal ime nterval ollowing he obstruent onsonant efore

    the onset of nasalization was based on informal observation

    of this time interval for a number of CV utterances n several s considerableariability n this time in-

    terval,but 40 ms s within the observed ange.The selection

    of 400 Hz as he frequency t which he poleand zerobegin

    to separateepresentsnestimate f thenatural requency f

    the nasalcavitywith a closed elopharyngeal ort. This val-

    ue is consistentwith estimates eported n the literature

    (House nd Stevens, 956;Fant, 1960;Maeda, 1982a;Lind-

    qvistandSundberg, 972)although, gain, here spresuma-

    bly considerablenterspeaker ariability,and there are no

    satisfactory easurementsf this requencyor a numberof



    The aim of the preliminaryexperimentwas o establish

    a configurationof F l, FNP, and FNZ that would lead to

    acceptable ersions f eachof the nasalvowels fi fi] for

    nativespeakers f Gujarati, which hasall thesevowels n its

    phonemicnventory.Our strategywas o generate number

    of possible ersions f eachof thenasalvowels y manipulat-

    ing F l, FNP, and FNZ, and to ask listeners o rate these

    stimuli n termsof their acceptability s nasalvowels.

    A. Procedure

    Informal observations,as well as theoretical consider-

    ations,edus o expect hat thebestversions f nasalvowels

    wouldbe obtainedwhen he frequency f the nasalzero was

    placed pproximately idway etweenheoriginal irst or-

    mant frequency nd the frequency f the nasalpole. The

    absolute ifferencen frequency etween he two poleswas

    in question, owever.We werealsoaware hat nasalization

    of the vowel might causesomeshift in F 1 relative o its

    frequencyn the non-nasal owel,especiallyor nonhigh

    vowels.For eachvowel, then, we generated 2-24 stimuli

    with variousvaluesof FNP and FNZ (with FNZ always

    between NP andF 1) and, n somecases,with more han

    one value of F 1.

    The parameter aluesor theconstellationsf teststim-

    uli for eachvowelareshownas he pointsplotted n Fig. 4. In

    this figurewe plot the valuesof FNP and FNZ for each

    stimulus. igure4 alsodisplaysheF 1 valuesor thestimuli

    (horizontalines} xcept or [], whereF 1 is too high o be

    displayed, nd gives oci of pointscorrespondingo FNZ

    midwaybetween 1 and FNP (diagonalines), .e., FNZ =

    (FNP d- F1)/2.

    There were 86 stimuli n all. Three repetitions f each

    stimuluswere generated, nd the resultingstimuliwere ar-

    rangedn random rderand ecorded n our est apes. he

    test apeswerepresentedo threegroups f listeners:hree

    nativespeakersf Gujarati,sixnativespeakersf American

    English, nd ivenativespeakersf other anguagesf north-

    em India (Punjabi,Hindi, andBengali)whichhavea nasal-

    non-nasal ppositionor vowels. isteners eregiven n an-

    swer sheet on which the intended nasal vowel was indicated

    1563 J. Acoust. oc.Am.,Vol.77, No.4, April1985 S. Hawkins ndK. N. Stevens: orrelates f vowelnasality 1563

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    '"" FN- FNP+ I

    I I I I

    400 800 1200



    400 I I , JO0 800





    OO 6OO


    400 FI

    400 600

    [,] FI820


    400 )0 J

    00 4




    FIG. 4. Stimuli used n the preliminaryexperiment o select goodnasal

    vowel or eachvowelquality.Each stimuluss representedn termsof the

    frequency f theadditional ole FNP) andadditional ero FNZ). Note that

    the axes or [i] are half the scaleof thoseof the othervowels. he frequency

    of F l is representeds a horizontal ine (except or [], where t is given

    numerically). he diagonaline on eachgraph s the requency t which he

    nasal ero s exactlyhalfwaybetweenhe frequenciesf F 1 and he nasal

    pole [FNZ = (FNP + F 1)/2]. The arrowsand the dotted,hatched, nd

    cross-hatchedegionsdentifystimuliwhose esponsesell into particular

    categories s ollows.Stimuli outside he dottedareaswereexcluded rom

    consideration ue o inconsistenciesn the responses,r due o poorvowel

    quality.Stimuli within the hatched reaswere hosewhichsubjectsudged

    most nasal.Stimuli within the cross-hatchedreaswere thosemost pre-

    ferredwithin this ast mostnasal)group. See ext for details.) he arrows

    point to the stimulichosen s he nasalendpointof a non-nasal-nasal on-

    tinuum for eachvowel.Within a givenvowel set,all stimulusparameters

    other han FNP and FNZ remained he same,with theseexceptionsindi-

    catedby opencircles):or [e], of the two stimuliwith FNP -- 750 Hz and

    FNZ ---- 25 Hz, F l was400 Hz in onecase nd430 Hz in the other; or [o]

    withF l ----820 Hz, oftwo stimuli with FNP ----300 Hzand FNZ ---- 70 Hz,

    F 2 was 150Hz (as or all the otherstimulion this graph) n onecase, nd

    uniquely etat 1300Hz in the othercase.

    for each stimulus tem. For each stimulus, the listenerswere

    asked o respond o two questions:1) ndicate f the vowel

    quality s unlike hat of the intended owel; 2) ndicate he

    adequacy f the nasalquality of the vowel on a four-point

    scale anging rom "poor" to "good."

    B. Results

    Analysisf he udgmentsfvowel ualityndicated

    that the American istenersudged he vowel quality to be

    inadequatemore often than did the Indian listeners, nd

    were alsomore consistentn their judgments.For this rea-

    son,a stimuluswasexcluded rom further considerationf it

    accrued total of four or more "poor" udgments rom the

    American isteners. Stimuliexcludedon this criterionwere

    as ollows:13 tokensof [];wo of []; and six of [fi]. These

    numbers eflect he difficultywe had n synthesizing range

    of highnasal owels f goodquality}t wasassumedhat he

    remaining timuliwereall adequaten vowelquality.

    Some of the remaining stimuli elicited inconsistent

    judgmentsof degreeof nasality or certainsubjects. n in-

    consistentudgment' asdefined sonewhere he rangeof

    ratingswasgreater han one{on he four-pointscale}or the

    three epetitions f eachstimulus. or example, ratingby a

    single ubject f 2, 3, 2 for a givenstimuluswasconsidered

    to be a "consistent" esponse;atingsof 2, 3, 1 or 2, 4, 4,

    however,wouldbe considerednconsistentesponses.tim-

    uli eliciting hree or more such nconsistent etsof ratings

    from the American listeners,or four or more from the Indian

    listeners,were excluded rom the analysis. Thesestimuli

    were two tokensof [] and two of [].) In all, a total of 25

    stimuliwereexcluded n the basisof poorqualityor incon-

    sistent esponse. he followingnumbers f stimuliwere eft

    in eachcategory: 1 okens f[i], 12of[], 19of[a], 13of[6],

    andsixof[a]. These re hosestimuliwithin the dottedareas

    of Fig. 4.

    The remainingstimuli were then rankedaccording o

    their nasality atings.The rangeof ratingswassmall or all

    languagegroups,especially or the Indian listeners.The

    maximumpossibleangewas3.0 points.For eachvowelset,

    the ndian isteners' verage angeof ratingswasalways ess

    than one point, whereas he American listeners'average

    rangeof ratingsvaried rom ust less han onepoint {for a])

    to almost wo points for []}. hat is, the Indian listeners

    werenot discriminating etween he stimuli n termsof na-

    sality, as reinforcedby variousstatisticalanalyses. or ex-

    ample,Kendall coefficientsf concordance etween atings

    for eachvowelby the threeGujarati listenersell far shortof

    significance.n contrast,Spearman ank-ordercorrelations

    between he American isteners, andomlydivided nto two

    groups f three,weresignificant t the 0.05 evelof probabil-

    ity or better or all vowels xcept a], for which herewerea

    largeproportionof tied ranks. Spearman orrelations ere

    used with the American listeners since a Kendall coefficient

    of concordance n six ndividuals s clumsy o compute.}

    The fact that the Indian listeners ppeared o differen-

    tiate very little between he stimuli in terms of nasality s

    consistent ith the resultsof discrimination xperimentse-

    ported ater in this paperas well as by Beddorand Strange

    {1982}.t did not helpus o select he "idealnasal owels" or

    our subsequent xperiments,however. t was decided o

    identify he mostacceptable asalvowels rom the rankings

    of the American isteners, s long as thosevowelsselected

    wereamong hosemost avoredby the Gujaratis.That is, he

    wider angeof rankings ivenby the Americanswas akenas

    evidencehat their rankings robably ave he most eliable

    measure f adequacy, hile he validityof the chosenokens

    as acceptable ujarati nasalvowelswasensured y requir-

    ing hese okens o beamong he hreeor fourmostpreferred

    by the Gujaratis.The mostacceptable ole-zero-poleombi-

    nationsas defined n this way are those alling within the

    1564 J. Acoust.Sec. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April 1985 S. Hawkinsand K. N. Stevens:Correlates of vowel nasality 1564

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    hatched reas n Fig. 4. For all the stimuli, he average ating

    by American istenerswasat least2.9 on the four-pointscale

    from 1 (poor} o 4 (good}. or the vowels ], ], and [5],

    certainpole-zero-pole ombinations toodout as mostpre-

    ferredwithina wider rangeof preferred ombinations. hese

    stimuli are identifiedby the crosshatching n Fig. 4.

    It canbe seen rom Fig. 4 that all of the preferredpole-

    zero combinations of each vowel lie on or close to the line

    labeledFNZ -- (FNP + F 1 /2, and there s at least 100 Hz

    between he zero and each pole. This finding s consistent

    with predictionsrom acoustic heoryand provides syste-

    maticbasis or selecting arametersor a setof"ideal" nasal


    Parameter aluesof the stimulus hat received he high-

    estnasality ating within the preferredgroup or eachof the

    fivevowelsetswereselected s he nasalendpoints f the five

    continua used in the identification and discrimination ex-

    periments hich ollow.The sti muli re dentified ith an

    arrow in Fig. 4. The characteristicsf thesemostpreferred

    nasalvowels re summarizedn Fig. 5. Figure 5 shows gain

    that the bestnasalvowelswereproducedwith a zero that is

    about midway between he first formant and the additional

    resonance. It indicates the shift in the first formant for the

    nasal vowel in relation to that for the corresponding on-

    nasal vowel. It also shows that there is not much variation in

    the locationof the low-frequency ole-zero-poleombina-

    tion from one nasal vowel to another comparedwith the

    variation n F 1 for non-nasal owels.This configuration f

    two polesand a zero s similar o that predictedon the basis

    of acousticheory{Stevenst al., in press}.


    Havingestablishedn appropriate etof synthetic asal

    vowels in a LtV] context) hat wereacceptableo a groupof






    i e a o u


    FIG. 5. Frequencies f poles nd zerocorrespondingo the nasalendpoint

    stimulus or eachvowel set, dentifiedby the arrows n Fig. 4. Also shown

    (/) is the frequency f the first ormant or eachnon-nasal owel.The

    crossesX } representhe shifted}irst-formantrequencyF 1 , solidcircles

    (e} representhe frequency f the additional ole FNP), and opencircles

    (O}representhe frequency f the zero FNZ}.

    listeners,we proceeded ext to produce, or eachof the five

    vowels, series f stimuliranging rom a non-nasalo a nasal

    extreme. Vowels in these series were identified as nasal or

    non-nasal y listenerswhose anguagencludeda non-nasal-

    nasaldistinction or vowelsandby listenerswhose anguage

    did not use hat distinction.The principal aims of theseex-

    perimentswere o determine: 1 whether isteners ield simi-

    lar identification esponseso the stimuli independentof

    their experience ith thenon-nasal-nasal istinction, nd (2}

    whether someacousticproperty or processingmechanism

    can be defined, ndependent f the vowel, hat characterizes

    vowels dentifiedas nasalas opposed o vowels dentifiedas


    A. Stimuli

    For each of the five series of stimuli, the vowel at the

    non-nasal ndof the continuumhad the formant frequencies

    listed n Table , and he pole-zeropair was ocatedat 400 Hz

    (i.e., herewasno effectof the additionalpoleand zero}.For

    the vowel at the nasal end of the continuum, values for F 1,

    FNZ, and FNP defined stimuli that were rated as the most

    acceptable asal vowels n the preliminary experiment,as

    summarized n Fig. 5. Intermediatestimuli on the contin-

    uum were obtainedby interpolating n equalstepsbetween

    values of F 1, FNZ, and FNP for the non-nasal and nasal

    extremes. There were nine items in the continuum for the

    vowels ie a o] andeight or [u]. Figure6 shows alues ff 1,

    FNZ, and FNP for the continua or eachof the vowels.For

    the high vowels i] and [u] there s no shift n F 1 along he

    continuum,whereas here s a change n F 1 for the vowels


    In Fig. 7 we showspectra f threeof the stimuli n each

    continuum: he two endpointstimuli and an intermediate

    stimulus'.While the stimulus escriptionn termsof poleand

    zero ocations n Fig. 6 indicates hat there s a regularpro-

    gressionn the stimulus ropertiesor eachcontinuum, x-

    amination f Fig. 7 suggestshat theremaybe otherwaysof

    describinghe stimuli.Stimulus hangesmight be specified

    in termsof amplitudes f particularspectral omponents r

    the ratio of the amplitude f a spectral eak o the amplitude

    of a valley,or in termsof the center requency r width of a

    gross pectral rominencehat may consist f two or three


    For example,n the caseof the stimulion the [i-i] con-

    tinuum, he spectrums changingn severalways hat could

    potentially be used by a listener either to discriminate

    between timulior to identifynasality.These nclude: 1 the

    frequency f the additionalpole, 2} he relativeamplitudeof

    the spectral eakarising rom this pole,and (3} he relative

    spectral amplitude at high frequencies,which changes

    graduallyover he entirecontinuum.Similar changesn the

    amplitudesof spectralpeaksoccur for stimuli on the other

    continua.For example, here s an increase f 8 to 12 dB in

    the relative amplitudeof the high-frequency eaks ampli-

    tude of F 3 peak and above n relation o F 1 peak} rom the

    non-nasal nd of the continuum o the nasalend for [ie o u],

    for which FNZ FNP, there is a decreaseof about 5 dB in the absolute

    high-frequencyamplitude over the continuum, but the

    1565 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April 1985 S. Hawkinsand K. N. Stevens:Correlatesof vowel nasality 1565

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    I I I

    0 0 0


    O' I

    o o

    o o -

    1 x 1 x x x x x x

    I I I I

    $ 5 7 9






    i i


    0 0

    0 0 0 0


    -d x x x x x x X

    i :5 5 7 9












    I I 1 I I

    x x x x x x x x x_





    i 3 5 7 9

    i i I i 1



    x x x x x x x x


    I 3 5 7 9







    I I I I I

    I 3' 5 7 9


    x FI

    o FNZ

    * FNP

    FIG. 6. Frequenciesf the two poles X andO) andzero 0) for the stimuli

    comprisinghe non-nasal-nasal ontinua or eachvowel.For the non-nasal

    vowel n eachcase stimulus1) the additionalpole and zero wereset at 400

    Hz, and canceled each other.

    [i o u ], the frequency t which he additional ole-zero air

    is ntroduced 400 Hz) early n eachcontinuum s well sepa-

    rated from the original first-formant requency.For these

    three vowels, f the additionalspectralpeak due to FNP

    causes shift in the low-frequency enterof gravity, this

    effect s expected o besmall. t wouldbe n the directionof a

    highereffective 1 or more openvowelquality for the high

    vowels i] and [u], and a lower effectiveF 1 or more close

    quality or the low vowel o]. It shouldbe noted hat, if the

    spacing f the pole-zeropair were ncreased eyondcertain

    critical limits the quality of the vowel is likely to change

    dramatically.For example n the [o-fi] continuum,vowels

    with a wider pole-zero pacinghan that of stimulus begin

    to sound ike [3].

    In summary, hen, there are severalacoustic ttributes

    that change s the pole-zero air is manipulatedn the var-

    iousstimulus ontinua; hesehavepotentialconsequencesn

    the way the stimuli are dentifiedor discriminated y listen-

    ers.The shapeof the low-frequency pectral rominences

    modified y the additionof a subsidiary eak hat s aboveor

    below he requency f theF 1 peakor that splits heF 1peak

    into two nearbypeaksof about the sameamplitude.There

    may be a shift n the perceived owelheight,and theremay

    bea shift n overallspectral alance f high-frequencympli-

    tude in relation to low-frequency mplitude hat could be

    interpretedas a change n voice quality (of the type that

    arises rom laryngealmanipulations). hesechangesn the

    stimuli are automatic consequencesf inserting he addi-

    tional pole-zeropair, and assuch hey cannotbe manipulat-

    ed independentlyn a speech ynthesizer ithout ntroduc-

    ing other sideeffectsnto the stimuluscharacteristics.

    change n relativeamplitude ollows he samepatternas for

    theothervowels, he ncrease eingust 4 dB between timuli

    1 and 9.

    For all of the continua here is a spectralminimum,

    arising rom the zero, and this minimum can be seen n the

    spectrum f the mostnasalstimulus nd sometimesn the

    intermediate timulus. t is probable, owever, hat a change

    in the depthof this minimum contributesittle to a listener's

    identification r discrimination f the stimuli Malme, 1959).

    The interactionof the pole-zero-pole ombinationof

    F 1, FNZ, andFNP gives ise o a broad ow-frequency pec-

    tral prominencewith differentshapes epending n the vow-

    el. In the caseof the back vowels,F 2 alsocontributes oward

    shapinghis ow-frequency rominence. or example,n the

    [o-0] continuum, s he spacing etween NP and FNZ in-

    creases,he amplitudeof the spectral eakcorrespondingo

    F 1 decreases hile the amplitudeof the F 2 peak ncreases.

    This changen balance etween he two peaks an ead o an

    increasen the frequencyof the centerof gravityof the low-

    frequency pectralprominenceelative o that for the nor/-

    nasal stimulus Chistovichand Lublinskaya, 979; Chisto-

    vich et al., 1979).A possible onsequences a shift to a more

    openvowel quality, as will be discussedater when we exa-

    mine the results.A similarbut smallereffectcanbe expected

    for the [e-] continuum, or which there s alsoa symmetri-

    callyspaced ole-zero-poleombinationn theF 1 region. n

    the case of the non-nasal-nasal continua for the vowels

    B. Procedure

    An identificationestwasprepared or eachvowelcon-

    tinuum.Each stimuluswasrepeated ine times eight imes

    for ([u-fi]) and orderof presentation ascounterbalancedo

    that a givenstimulustem ollowed achotherstimulustem

    (includingtself)exactlyonce.Otherwise,he ordering f the

    stimuli was random. With this construction of the tests, we

    wereable o counterbalanceny effect he previous timulus

    mighthaveon the identification f any particularstimulus

    item. An item consisted f heating a particular stimulus

    twice, ollowedby a 4-s-pause uringwhich hesubjectdefa-

    titled he vowel n the syllable seithernasalor non-nasal y

    marking he appropriate olumnon a sheet f paper.A prac-

    tice estconsisting f six tems rom eachcontinuum includ-

    ing the extreme timuliand some ntermediate timuli)was

    heardbefore he test proper;Restswere givenas requested

    between eparate owel ests,but not within a test. Stimuli

    were presentedree field n a sound-treatedistening oom.

    The subjects, ho were ested n groupsof from one o five,

    had no difficultyunderstanding hat was requiredof them

    after non-nasal and nasal vowels were demonstrated for

    them by the experimenter--inminimal pairs n their own

    languageor Indian subjects,nd as solated owels r pre-

    cededby Lt] or Americansubjects.

    Table II lists the native anguages nd the numberof

    subjectsor this experiment nd the later discrimination x-

    periment.There were native speakers f Gujarati, Hindi,

    1566 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April 1985 S. Hawkinsand K. N. Stevens:Correlatesof vowel nasality 1566

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    "::60[ i ; i ]

    40 .H IAIiJ I

    i i i i i

    ' : : I ] I I I i I J ' I i s , , ,

    I i Io,, ,,, ,, u, , I i j i I"

    ' ' .... ' '-'' I io9,

    i i i . :,;,. , i i : i I :

    i i i i i I i i i i i i i i I


    FIG. 7. Spectra f a numberof the stimuli rom the continuaused n identificationests.Each row gives xamples f spectra rom oneof the fivevowels s

    shown.The left panel n a row representshe stimulus t the non-nasal nd of the continuum,and the right panelrepresentshe mostnasalstimulus.The

    middlepanel s the spectrum f the ntermediate timulus hat s closesto the average 0% crossover oint n the dentificationunction or that vowel.The

    stimulusnumber s indicated n eachpanel.Spectraare discreteFourier transforms alculated rom the waveformweightedwith a Hamming window of

    duration 26 ms.

    Bengali,and English.The Indian subjectswere faculty and

    students t universitiesn the Bostonarea, or their spouses,

    all of whomwerehighly educated ndheld or werequalified

    to hold positions n the professions. he "naive English

    speakers"werestudents t MIT who wereuntrained n pho-

    netics,unused o heatingsynthetic peech, nd knewno lan-

    guageother han English.Except or their monolingualism,

    thesesubjectswere similar to the Indian subjects n their

    linguisticsophistication. he "non-naiveEnglishspeakers"

    were rainedphoneticiansnd/or members f the Speech

    CommunicationGroup at MIT, whosenative anguagewas

    English.They were included o help assesshe effectof ex-

    perienceor training on perception f nasalvowels.

    English s considered ot to possess non-nasal-nasal

    opposition or vowels, although contextually determined

    vowel nasalization s strong n somedialectsof American

    English. Indeed, speakers rom the southeasternUnited

    Statesmay produce sequence f voweland nasalconsonant

    as a nasalvowel withouta nasalmurmur)as n ['m:ki] or

    monkey.Ma16cot 1960)hasargued hat all American isten-

    ersneed o distinguish asal rom non-nasal owels n some

    phoneticenvironments, s n the pair cat versus an't. The

    occurrence f such minimal pairs s much lesssystematic

    and widespreadn AmericanEnglish han n the Indian lan-

    guagesnvolved n theseexperiments, owever.None of our

    "naive Englishspeakers" pokea dialect employingstrong

    vowel nasalization, but two of our "non-naive English

    speakers" id; their experimental esponsesell solidly n the

    middle of thoseof the rest of their group.

    Hindi and Bengali, like Gujarati, possesshe nasal-

    non-nasalopposition or vowels.Hindi vowelsare relatively

    similar to those of Gujarati in quality and distributional

    characteristics.he Hindi speakers'esponses ere husex-

    pected o be similar o thoseof the Gujarati speakers. ow-

    ever, here s somequestion s o the statusof the non-nasal-

    nasaldistinction n Bengali see, or example,Ferguson nd

    Chowdhury, 1960). Although usually cited as having an

    equalnumber seven) f oral and nasalvowels, he oral vow-

    els are much more frequent n standardcolloquialBengali

    than are the nasalvowels.Fergusonand Chowdhury state

    that the degreeof nasality"is relativelyweak and at times

    may evenbe a kind of breathinessather than nasality n the

    strict sense" 1960,p. 37). n addition o these actorscloud-

    ing the statusof distinctivelynasalvowels n Bengali, here

    appear o be many dialects hat are even essconsistenthan

    standardcolloquialBengali n their separationof oral and

    nasalvowels.These actorscouldcause he Bengalispeakers

    to respond o identificationand discrimination estsdiffer-

    ently from Gujarati and Hindi speakers, lthoughnot neces-

    sarily in the sameway as American listeners.

    1567 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April 1985 S. Hawkins and K. N. Stevens: Correlates of vowel nasality 1567

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    TABLE II. Native languages f subjects sed n identification nd discrimi-

    nationexperiments, nd numberof subjectsested n eachgroup.

    Language roup Number

    Gujarati 10

    Hindi 5

    Bengali 5

    Naive American English 10

    Non-naiveAmericanEnglish 10

    The characteristicsf the fivegroupsof subjectsmade t

    reasonableo analyze he data of this and subsequentxperi-

    ments n two ways'comparing oth Americangroupswith

    the Gujarati andHindi groups excludinghe Bengalis ue o

    the questionable tatusof vowel nasality n their language),

    and comparing ll five anguage roupsseparately.

    C. Results

    Figure 8 shows identification functions for all five

    groups of listeners or all the vowels. All of the listener

    groups dentified he nasalend of the continuumwith essen-

    tially unanimousesponses,xcept or [i], for which he Ben-

    gali and Hindi listenersgave less than 90% "nasal" re-


    Regression ines were calculated on the two points

    above and the two points below the 50% crossover f the

    identification unction or eachsubject, hat is, on the most

    linearportionsof the functions.Slopes f the regressionines

    were calculated on these same portions and were used to

    determineprecise 0% crossover oints. n this and all sub-

    sequentstatisticalanalyses, he data for [u-a] were trans-

    formed o make them comparableo the other (ninestimu-

    lus) continua.Figuresare plotted with the untransformed


    The 50% response oints or eachsubjectweresubject-

    ed to a repeated-measuresnalysisof variancewith two lan-

    guage amilies AmericanEnglishversusGujarati and Hin-

    di)X 5 vowelsX20 and 15 subjectsper group. The only

    significant effect was for vowels [F(4,132)--31.82,

    p0.0001], with the difference etween he American and

    Indian listeners falling far short of significance

    [F (1,33) 0.28,p < 0.6]. The difference cross owelsn the

    50% crossover oint was expected, ince he effectof the

    additionalpole-zero air began o be perceptible t different

    points n eachstimulus ontinuum,dependingargelyupon

    the stepsizebetweenstimuli.

    We carried out a secondanalysisof variance hat was

    identical to the first except that the two-level contrast

    between ndians and Americanswasreplacedby a five-level

    contrastbetweeneach anguagegroup separately. Hence

    there were 5 languagesX 5 vowels X 10 and 5 subjects er

    group.)The vowelX languagegroup nteractionwas signifi-

    cant F (16,140) = 2.32,p < 0.005].Although herewereno

    consistentrends hat characterized ne groupas beingdif-

    ferent rom anotheramongvowels, he Bengalisended o be

    more variableamongvowels n their crossover oints ela-

    tive to the other anguagegroups.This observations borne

    out in other testsnot reportedhere. The main effectof vow-

    els was again highly significant [F(4,140)=33.15,


    iz 80





    i $ 5 7 9 i $ 5 7

    _1 I I I I I ._

    [.-] ,'-

    - J'?

    i $ ,5 3' 9








    / to-] ....

    BO // ' -


    -'o'....-.NAIVENGLISH 0 ' -


    -t---- HINDI


    i 3 5 7 9


    FIG. 8. Average dentification unctions or eachof the stimulus ontinua

    for the fivegroups f listeners s ndicated. he numberof subjectsn each

    group s given n Table I.

    p0.0001 ], and herewasagainno significantmaineffectof

    language roup F(4,35} = 1.01,p

  • 7/25/2019 Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of the Non-nasal-nasal


    < 0.4] nor did the slopes f the vowelsdifferamong hem-

    selves F(4,140)= 1.80,< 0.1]. The language roupsdid

    differamong hemselvesoweverF(4,35)= 3.09,p 0.03].

    Protected -tests Winer, 1971,.199)between airsof indi-

    vidual languagegroups ndicated hat the only significant

    differencewasbetween he two extremes, he Gujarati and

    the naive American groups [t(35)= 1.94, p

  • 7/25/2019 Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of the Non-nasal-nasal






    o 40







    i e a o u


    FIG. 10. nfluence f the nasalityof an mmediately receding owelon the

    identification f a vowelasnasalor non-nasal.O: "nasal" esponseso stim-

    uli which immediately ollowed either of the two most oral stimuli in the

    identificationexperimentstimuli1 or 2). O: "nasal" esponseso stimuli

    which mmediately ollowedeither of the two mostnasalstimuli n the ex-

    periment stimuli8 and 9, or 7 and 8 for [u-ill). The interactionbetween

    vowels nd nasalityof the preceding timuluswassignificantn an analysis

    of variance see ext). Subjects ere 10 Gujaratisand 10 naiveAmericans.

    The presence nd sizeof a rangeeffectwasassessedy

    repeating he identification xperimentwith all instances f

    the two mostnasalstimuliexcisedrom the tape. f stimulus

    range nfluenced he subjects'udgments, he identification

    boundary should shift one stimulus towards the non-nasal

    end in this truncated continuum. Five of the naive American

    subjects nd iveof the Gujaratisservedn bothexperiments.

    Figure 11 shows he crossover oints or each vowel,

    with two anguage roups ooled.The shiftwasgenerallyn

    the expected irection--towards he lower numbered timu-

    lirebut its sizevariedamongvowels.The boundaryshifted

    by ess hanonestep or all continua xcept o-G].A repeat-

    ed-measuresnalysis f variance 2 anguage roups 2 con-

    tinua (truncated r complete) 5 vowelsX 5 subjectsn each

    group]confirmed heseobservations,ince he nteractionof

    vowelswith continuum, hown n Fig. 11, was significant

    [F(4,32) = 6.03,p < 0.001], while the main effectof contin-

    uum wasnot [F(1,8) = 2.86,p < 0.1]. One-tailed rotected

    tests proved only the shift for [o-G] to be significant

    [t (8) = 2.53,p 0.025],althoughhat for [o-U]wasalso ela-

    tively large.

    There was no overall difference between the two lan-

    guage roupsn the extentof the rangeeffect F(1,8) = 0.36,

    p0.57], but there were differences etween anguage

    groups ependent pon hevowel F(4,32) = 3.09,p 0.03].

    No interpretation s placedon the significance f this nter-


    I I I i i




    i e a o u


    FIG. 11.Effectof therangeof the stimulus ontinua n udgments fnasal-

    ity. Fifty-percent rossoveroints n the dentificationunctions re shown

    for hecompleteontinuaO),withnine timuli ervowel ontinuumeight

    for [u-ill), and orcontinuaruncated y removinghe womost asal tim-

    uli (O).The nteraction f vowelwith complete r truncated ontinuum as

    significantn ananalysisf varianceseeext).Subjects ere5 Gujaratis nd

    5 naive Americans.

    action,since t depends n a difference mongvowels n the

    Gujaratis' and Americans' esponseso the two continua,

    and this difference id not itself achievesignificance.

    In summary, he data were subject o both immediate

    contextand rangeeffects, ut the effects ended o be small,

    and differences etween anguagegroupswere not statisti-

    callysignificant. he two effects ppear o be ndependent f

    eachother in that the nasalityof the immediatelypreceding

    stimulus affected identification of front vowels but not back

    vowels,while the rangeof the stimulus ontinuumonly sig-

    nificantlyaffected o-G], and did not affect ront vowelsat

    all. Conclusions oncerninghe rangeeffectare necessarily

    tentative,since here were only five subjectsn eachgroup.


    Having established hat listeners rom different an-

    guagebackgrounds pparentlybase heir identification f

    the non-nasal-nasal distinction on similar criteria, we

    turned next to an examination of the behavior of the listeners

    when hey are asked o discriminate etweenstimulion the

    continua. n particular,we sought nswerso two questions.

    (1) Given that the items on any one of thesestimuluscon-

    tinua are equallyspaced, t leaston onesetof physicalmea-

    sures, do listeners discriminate between stimuli better over

    onepart of a continuum han another?More specifically, re

    the stimuli hat are dentifiedconsistently sbeingwithin the

    non-nasalor the nasal region esswell discriminated han

    those ocatednear he dentification oundary?Sucha result

    could ndicatea nonlinear elationbetween he simplephys-

    ical parameters escribinghe stimulus nd he auditory ep-

    resentation f thestimulus. 2) s thediscrimination ehavior

    different for the different languagegroups?A difference

    between anguagegroupswould suggesthat linguisticex-

    perience nfluenceshoseattributesof the stimuli the listen-

    ers are able to attend to when they make a discrimination.

    Resultsof Beddorand Strange 1982)suggesthat this could

    be the case.

    1570 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April 1985

    S. Hawkinsand K. N. Stevens:Correlatesof vowel nasality 1570

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    To answer hesequestions, e prepared or eachvowel

    series 4IAX discriminationest or pairsconsistingf stim-

    uli that are oneand two steps part on the continuum.Pairs

    were andomized, ndeachpair was epeated total of eight

    times.The intervalbetween timuli n a pair was0.26 s, and

    between airs t was0.42 s. The responseime between rials

    was 2.3 s. The subjectswere the sameas thoseused n the

    identificationests.The discriminationestwasalwaysdone

    after the identification test, with at least one week between

    the two. Stimuli were presented ver high quality head-

    phonesn the samesound-treatedistening oom as for the

    identification xperiment. ubjects ere ested n groupsof

    from one o four, with restsgivenasnecessary, ut not with-

    in individual vowel tests.

    The resultsor two-step iscrimination resummarized

    in Fig. 12. For clarity of presentation, nd consistentwith

    the analysis n terms of two language amilies, he figure

    shows discrimination functions for the two American

    groups ogether, nd for the Gujarati and Hindi groups o-

    gether.The Bengalidata are omitted rom Fig. 12, but they

    were roughly similar to those of the Gujarati and Hindi

    groups, lthougha little morenoisy.The tickson the curves

    representmean identificationboundaries or thesegroups

    from 50% crossover ointsdeterminedrom the data n Fig.


    tO0 I00




    I-- 60


    I I I I 50 I I I I

    i $ 5 7 9 i $ 5 7

    I--I00 I00 ' ,



    90 90

    i1. 80 80

    70 70

    50 I I I I I I I I I 50

    I ? 9 i 3 $ ? 9





    o -




    50 I

    I $ 5 7 9


    FIG. 12. Average wo-stepdiscriminationunctions or two groupsof lis-

    teners.Data from the Gujarati and Hindi listenerswere combined o form

    one setof functions O), and data from the naiveand non-naiveAmerican

    groupswerecombined o form the otherset ). The shortvertical ines n

    each unction ndicate he 50% crossoveroundaries f the corresponding

    identification functions.

    A repeated-measuresnalysis f variancewasconduct-

    ed on thesedata, with 2 language amilies X 5 vowels X 7

    pairsof stimuliand 20 and 15 subjects ithin groups. The

    analyses f varianceusing iveand our language roups, .e.,

    with and without the Bengalis, aveessentiallyhe same e-

    sultsas he analysisn termsof two language amilies. nclu-

    sion of the Bengalis ended o increase he significance f

    terms,but did not change erms rom significanto nonsigni-

    ficant, or vice versa.The only major difference etween he

    analyses n terms of separate anguagegroups compared

    with two languageamilieswas hat the pair X group nter-

    actionwasnot significantn the former,whereas he (equiva-

    lent} pair X language amily interactionwas significant n

    the latter.]

    In the analysis sing wo languageamilies, herewere

    significantmain effects f language amily [F(1,33} = 4.05,


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    particularvowel and upon whether heir native anguage

    includes he non-nasal-nasal ppositionor vowels.


    A. An acoustic correlate of the feature [ + nasal]?

    Our experimentsonfirm hat reliablepercepts f nasal

    vowels anresultwhena pole-zero air is added o the spec-

    trum of an oral vowel in the vicinity of the first formant.

    Informal comments y speakers f Gujarati and by Ameri-

    canresearchersn speechndicated hat the majorityof our

    vowelssounded ery natural. The nasalvowelswhosenatu-

    ralness as east atisfactoryen,ledo be hehighvowels]

    and fil. It ispossiblehat hequalityof thesynthesizedasal

    vowels ouldbe mproved urtherby otherchanges, uchas

    shiftsn the requenciesr amplitudes f thehigher ormants

    or the introductionof additionalpole-zeropairs at higher

    frequencies r in the vicinity of F 1.

    The identification functions for the different non-na-

    sal-nasalcontinuashowa substantial egreeof agreement

    for the groupsof listenerswith different anguage ack-

    grounds. he agreementsparticularly otablen viewof the

    fact that some istenergroups particularly he Americans}

    are not normallyconsideredo use he nasal eaturedistinc-

    tively for vowels n their language,whereas thersdo have

    phonemic asalvowels.One is led to concludehat, what-

    everacoustic ropertyor properties ive ise o the identifi-

    cation esponses,ll listeners se oughly thesameproper-

    ties rrespective f whether heir native anguagencludes

    phonemicnon-nasal-nasal owel distinction cf. Wright,


    The questionof whether there is a commonacoustic

    property, ndependent f the vowel, hat gives ise o identifi-

    cation of the feature [ q- nasal] s more difficult to answer.

    The fact that listenerswith different languageexperience

    show similar crossoverpoints in their identification unc-

    tions or eachvowelcould ead one o conclude hat they are

    respondingo the sameacoustic roperty or eachvowel.A

    strongerhypothesis ould be that there s a commonacous-

    tic property for all nasal vowels,and hencea commonat-

    tribute in the pattern of auditory response.f a different

    propertywere o signal he presence f the feature q- nasal]

    for eachvowel, t is unlikely that listenerswould respond n

    essentiallyhe sameway to the differentvowels ndependent

    of whether their languagecontained the non-nasal-nasal


    Can we identify sucha commonproperty or all nasal

    vowels?Or, equivalently, an we postulate n auditorypro-

    cessingechanismhtathowspatternf esponseith

    commonattribute or any vowel hat is identifiedas [ q- na-

    sal]?Oneway of describinghe vowelsn thepresent tudy s

    in termsof the spacing etweenhe additionalpoleand zero.

    In Fig. 9 we have shown hat the pole-zerospacingcorre-

    spondingo the 50% crossover ointsdoesnot showa great

    deal of variation rom onevowel o another 75 to 110 Hz).

    Associatedwith a givenpole-zerospacing here s a particu-

    lar maximum deviation in dB) of the spectrum rom the

    shape or the non-nasalvowel. It is to be expected hat a

    givenmaximumdeviation elative o the non-nasal pectrum

    wouldbe perceptuallymore salient f it occurredn a fre-

    quency egionneara spectral eak. n fact, thereare percep-

    tual data hat support hisexpectationKlatt, 1982}. igures

    6 and 7 show hat at the crossover oint the pole-zero air is

    in a frequencyegion hat ssomewhatemovedroma spec-

    tral peak or the vowel i], and, o some xtent, or [a], but s

    closer o the F 1 spectralpeak for the remainingvowels.

    Consequently ne might expect hat the pole-zero pacing

    required o elicit a [ q- nasal] esponse ouldbe greater or

    [i] (andpossiblyor [a]} han or theothervowels. his rend

    can be seen n the data in Fig. 9, both for the stimuliat the

    crossovernd, morestrongly, or the endpoint timuli.Thus

    at leastonemeasure hat seems o relateclosely o the listen-

    ers' responsess the maximum deviationof the spectrum

    from the originalnon-nasal pectrumn theF 1 region,with

    someweighting pplieddepending n the requencyocation

    of thisdeviation n relation o the originalspectral eaks nd


    Although a measure f this type may describehe data

    well, we do not consider t particularlysatisfactory s a hy-

    pothesis bout the perceptionof nasalvowels.A major ob-

    jection s that it requires he listener o compare he heard

    spectrum f a potentialnasalvowelwith the memoryof the

    spectrumof a non-nasalvowel. Even though nasal vowels

    are linguisticallymarked, t seems nlikely hat the listener

    uses ucha cumbersome rocedure o identifynasality.We

    therefore search for alternatives.

    Anotherway of describinghe stimuli s n termsof the

    degree of low-frequency prominence in the spectrum.

    (Maeda, 1982b,hasattempted o definesucha measure.) s

    we introduce he pole-zeropair with an increased pacing,

    we are reducing he degreeof prominence f the F 1 peak n

    the spectrum, o hat a singlenarrowspectral eakno onger

    dominates he low-frequency ange. This reducedpromi-

    nence s achievedby creatingan additional spectralpeak

    nearF 1 or by splittingor broadening he F 1 peak.

    We do not know how the patternof auditory esponse

    changes s the degree f prominence f a spectral eak s

    manipulated.t is ikely hat the physiologicalrocessesn-

    volved n makinga phoneticdistinction ccuroverseveral

    stagesn the auditorypathway.Somethings known,how-

    ever,aboutresponsesf the auditorynerve o vowel-like

    stimuli.We mightaskwhether he patternof auditory-nerve

    responsesouldbegin o reflecta groupingnto two classes

    correspondingo nasal ndnon-nasal owels. uch tenden-

    cy wouldbe provocative, ut clearlycouldnot provide he

    entirebasis nwhich hephonetic istinctionsmade. n this

    spirit, we consider possible attern of auditory-nervee-

    sponsesor the feature q- nasal].Specifically,t maybe ap-

    propriateo interpret heconcept f prominence ith refer-

    ence o the synchrony f firingsof primary auditoryneurons

    rather han to attributes f the spectruman approach on-

    sistentwith some heories f pitch perceptioncf. Srulovicz

    and Goldstein, 1983).

    It is known that a stimuluswith a prominent ow-fre-

    quency pectral eak eads o responsesf auditoryneurons

    that tend to be synchronouso the frequencyof this peak

    (Sachs nd Young, 1980;Delgutteand Kiang, 1984}.This

    synchrony xtends verauditoryneurons hat covera range

    1572 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April1985 S. Hawkinsand K. N. Stevens:Correlatesof vowelnasality 1572

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    of characteristicrequenciesn the vicinity of the stimulus

    frequencyf the spectralprominences sufficiently arrow

    and well separatedrom otherprominences.f this ow-fre-

    quency pectral eak s broadened, r if an additional pec-

    tral peak s introducednearby, here will be a reduction n

    the rangeof characteristicrequencies verwhich he audi-

    tory neurons ire synchronously ith the F 1 prominence.

    Introductionof a pole-zeropair with a gradual ncreasen

    spacingwill monotonicallyncreasehe amplitudeof the ad-

    ditional spectralpeak. t is to be expected, hen, that at a

    particularspacing he additionalpeak will be of sufficient

    amplitude hat it will extinguishhe synchrony f firings o

    F 1 or auditoryneuronsn its requencyange.That is, here

    will be an abrupt reduction n the rangeof neurons hat re-

    spondsynchronouslyo F 1.

    As we haveseen, he pole-zero pacing ecessaryo ac-

    complishhechangen identificationesponsehat may ol-

    low a changen auditory esponses n therange75-110 Hz.

    This criticalspacings somewhat reater or the vowel i]

    than for the other vowelspresumably ecause,or a given

    pole-zero pacing,heFNP peakdue o theadditional ole s

    weaker for this vowel than for the others, as discussed bove.

    Consequentlygreater ole-zero pacings neededor [i] if

    the FNP peak s to eliminate he synchronyo F 1.

    An alternativeway of achieving reductionof the F 1

    prominenceimilar o that produced y theadditional ole-

    zero pair would be to broaden he bandwidthof the first

    formant,without addinga pole-zeropair. There are indeed

    data to indicate hat broadening 1 leads o the perception

    of nasality Delattre,1968;Hawkinsand Stevens, 983}. n

    naturalspeech,he bandwidthof F 1 is almostcertainly n-

    creased y the additionalacousticossesntroduced y cou-

    pling o the nasalcavity; his wouldcontribute dditional

    reduction f prominence ver hat resulting rom the pole-

    zero pair.

    In summary, hen, heremay be somebasis or suppos-

    ing that the patternof responset the levelof the auditory

    nerve s such hat a rathersimpledetection rocedure ould

    be used o identifya vowelas a memberof the class + na-

    sal].Further studies f auditory esponseso these ypesof

    sounds reclearlyneeded, owever, o support hisassertion

    and to provide a more quantitativespecification f the

    acoustic correlate of this feature.

    B. Language- and vowel-dependent effects

    While there s some videncehat listenersespondn a

    distinctiveway to a simpleacousticpropertyof nasality n

    the dentificationests, hereare aspects f the identification

    and discrimination atasuggestinghat other actorsare n-

    fiuencing he responses.We turn now to an examinationof

    these factors.

    A consistent ifference etween anguagegroupswas

    that both Americangroups howed patternof discrimina-

    tion that differed rom that of the Indian groups. hat is, the

    Americans discriminated better between stimuli at the non-

    nasalendof the continua or [o u] {andpossiblyor [i]} than

    at the nasalend. There were also differencesn the way lis-

    teners espondedo particularvowelcontinua.For example,

    thereappeared o be somedifferences etweenvowels n the

    extent o which hey weresubjecto rangeeffects:he place-

    ment of the identification oundarywasparticularlydepen-

    denton herangeofnasality or the vowel o-], and, articu-

    larly insensitiveo the rangeof nasality or [u-fi]. Also, the

    effectof immediate ontextwasgreatestor the front vowels

    and was small or nonexistent for the back vowels.

    In order o interpret hese indings,we proposehat the

    basicnasalityproperty s accompanied y oneor moreaddi-

    tional acousticproperties,perhapsdifferent for different

    vowels, hat changewithin the variousstimuluscontinua,

    and can influence he reponses f the listeners.Among the

    most mportant of theseadditionalproperties,we suggest,

    arechangesn vowelquality,caused y shifts n the centerof

    gravityof low-frequency pectral rominences,nd changes

    in overallspectral alance aused y the presence f the pole-

    zeropair (asdiscussedn connectionwith Fig. 7).

    We consider irst a possible xplanation or the influ-

    enceof the preceding timuluson the identification f nasal-

    ity for the front vowels Fig. 10). The principal acousticat-

    tribute distinguishingront vowels rom back vowels s the

    relatively arge amplitudeof the spectrum t high frequen-

    cies, n the rangeoff 2 andF 3. Thus or the front vowels,we

    might expect hat the changesn high-frequency pectral

    amplitude hat occur hrough he continuaare perceptually

    more salient han they are for the back vowels.This change

    in spectral alance ould ead o the perception f a change

    in voicequality that listenersmight associate ith a change

    in nasality,particularly or ambiguous timuli.Perhaps is-

    teners'assessmentf theseaspects f voicequality is more

    prone to contextualeffects han is their assessmentf the

    primary propertyof nasality.

    Another exampleof the influenceof changesn vowel

    quality on the perception f nasality s in the rangeeffect,

    whichwas argestor thecontinuumo-6] for bothgroups f

    subjects. everalphoneticiansudged that there was a dis-

    tinct change n quality of the vowel at or near stimulus4,

    where [o] became a] (a finding hat is consistentwith the

    description f this stimuluscontinuum n connectionwith

    Fig. 7). Apparently, n the absence f any unambiguously

    nasal owelsn the runcated ontinuum,ubjectsistening

    to stimuli n this setadjusted heir criterion o one of vowel

    quality. That is, the listeners eemedo be willing to make

    judgmentsof vowelnasalitybased argelyupondifferences

    in perceived owelheight. n the nine-stimulus ontinuum,

    which ncludedunambiguously asalstimuli, hey presuma-

    blyheardheshift n vowel eight, utplaced oreweight

    on the percept ssociated ith the widerpole-zero-pole epa-

    ration aroundstimuli 5 and 6. Further support or the idea

    that vowel height can influence udgmentsof nasality is

    found n the data of Lonchamp 1978) or French.

    The performance f listenersn the discrimination x-

    periment s alsoconsistent ith the hypothesishat listeners'


    as well asby a primarypropertyof nasality. n general, he

    Indian and American listenersgive similar discrimination

    functions or the vowels e] and [o]. Both groupsshowre-

    duced discrimination at the two ends of the continuum, with

    a rathernarrowpeak or [o] anda broaderplateauor peak n

    the middle range for [e]. For thesemidheightvowels, he

    1573 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 77, No. 4, April 1985

    S. Hawkins and K. N. Stevens: Correlates of vowel nasality


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    introductionof the pole-zeropair results n a splittingof the

    F 1 prominence.When the two componentpeaksare close

    together or the first three or four stimuli n the continuum,

    discriminationbetweenstimuli is relativelypoor. Discrimi-

    nation approaches maximum when the spacingbetween

    thesepeaks s about 100Hz for [e] (stimulus -4}and about

    80 Hz for [o] (stimulus -5}. Thesestimulus angesdo not,

    however,correspondo the boundaries f the untruncated

    non-nasal-nasaldentification unctions.Apparently he lis-

    tenersaredistinguishing erea changen vowelqualityrath-

    er than a change n nasality.We note, however, hat the

    identification oundariesor the truncated o-] continuum

    are in the rangeof the discrimination eak (nearstimulus ,

    from Fig. 12}. This correspondencerovidessomesupport

    for our hypothesishat, with the truncated o-] continuum,

    the listenersare basing heir identificationudgmentsmore

    on vowel quality than on a nasalityproperty.

    For the high vowels i u] and the low vowel [a], the

    introductionof the pole-zeropair is at a frequency hat is

    well separatedrom F 1: aboveF 1 for [i] and [u] and below

    F 1 for [a]. The discrimination unctions or thesevowels

    havedifferentshapesor the American and Indian listeners.

    Both groupsshowa decreasen accuracyof discrimination

    as the nasalend of the continuum s approached although

    this trend doesnot apply to [i-] or the Americans}. his

    decreasen discriminabilitymay bea consequencef the fact

    that, for a two-stepchange, he change n the maximumam-

    plitudedeviation n the spectrum, elative o that for a non-

    nasalvowel,becomes malleras he pole-zeroseparation e-

    comes arger. The Indian listeners, ut not the Americans,

    alsoshowa decreasen accuracyof discrimination or stimu-

    li at the non-nasal end of the continuum for these three vow-

    els,with a peak n the middle ange.One cansurmise hat the

    experience f the Indian listenerswith the non-nasal-nasal

    distinction orients them to focus on the primary nasality

    property.This conclusions supported y the fact that their

    discrimination eaks end to be close o their identification

    boundaries for these vowels. The American listeners,on the

    other hand, tend not to show reduced discrimination for the

    stimuli at the non-nasal end of the continuum for these three

    vowels.The Americans,not possessingready way of cate-

    gorizing hese owelsn their anguage,maybemoreanalyti-

    cal in their judgmentsof the stimuli, and may focuson de-

    tailed attributes such as a change n amplitude at high

    frequencies, r shifts n the frequencies r amplitudes f par-

    ticularspectral eaks. his strategy ould esult n improved

    discrimination at the lower end of the continuum.

    C. Implications and further questions

    The hypothesishat there sa primarynasalityproperty

    and accompanying econdary roperties aisessomeaddi-

    tionalquestions. or example, he shift n vowelheightwith

    nasalization, bservedor some owelsn thisexperiment,s

    a secondary roperty hat is found n some anguages. his

    change n vowel height occurs n only a minority of lan-

    guages, ut when t doesoccur he tendencys for highvow-

    els o lowerand ow vowels o raise Beddor, 983}.Shifts n

    height or the midheight owels re ess onsistent, ut there

    is a tendency or these owels o lowerwhennasalized.Why

    is t that some anguageseem o introduce dditionalprop-

    erties,suchas changesn vowel quality, to complement r

    enhance he basicpropertyof nasality?We have noted n

    Fig. 5 that the spectralmodifications ssociatedwith the

    additionof a pole-zeropair n the vicinityof the first ormant

    tend o produce low-frequency ole-zero-pole ombination

    that varies ery ittle fromonevowel o another. he percep-

    tual result s a lossof discriminabilitybetweennasalvowels

    along he high-low dimension, situation avoring he de-

    velopmentof additionalenhancing roperties. his lossof

    discriminability or nasalvowelshas been verifiedexperi-

    mentallyby Wright (1980}.

    Languages ary in how they dealwith this reduction n

    discriminability.Some anguages ave the samenumberof

    nasalas non-nasal owels,with no reporteddifferencesn

    quality between he two sets. n a substantialminority of

    languageshat contrastnasaland non-nasal owels, here s

    a reducednumber of nasalvowels Ferguson, 963, 1975;

    Ruhlen, 1975}.Most commonly t is the midvowelshat are

    missing n these mbalancedsystems Wright, 1980). The

    problem of reduced discriminability s thereby avoided n

    that only thosevowelswith the mostdistinctive aluesoff I

    are retained.

    A finalquestionsconcerned ith the physiologicalnd

    psychophysicalasis or the perception f the primarynasal

    property tself.On the basisof physiological ata, we have

    speculatedhat there s a distinctive hangen the auditory

    responseesulting rom modification f the spectralpromi-

    nence n the vicinityof the first ormant.Furtherphysiologi-

    caldataareneeded, owever, or stimuliwith spectral rom-

    inences f the type found n nasalvowels.Of relevancen the

    psychophysical omain is the work of Chistovichet al.,

    (1979}. n a task n whichone-formant owelswerematched

    against two-formant vowels with various spacings, hey

    found center-of-gravityffect henhe ormantpacing

    was3-3.5 Bark or less.Beddorand Hawkins 1984} ounda

    similar effect or the pole-zero-pole ombinations f nasal

    vowels,although the center of gravity of the prominence

    couldnot be simplydescribedn termsof spectralmeasures.

    PsYchophysicaltudiesre learlyeedednorderounder-

    stand further the perceptionof soundscharacterizedby

    spectralpeakswith variousdegrees nd shapesof promi-



    We would ike to thank our subjectsor their coopera-

    tion, and Patrice Beddor, Gunnar Fant, Len Katz, Christo-

    pher Darwin, Rena Krakow, and SuzanneBoyce or helpful

    discussions.his work wassupportedn part by NIH grants

    NS-04332 (to the Massachusettsnstitute of Technology}

    and NS-07237and RR-05596 (to HaskinsLaboratories}, nd

    by grant MCS-87-12899 rom the National Science ounda-


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