
By: Hayley Talancha ACNE


Acne. By: Hayley Talancha. What is acne?. Acne is a disease that involves the oil of the skin Skin has pores or tiny holes which is connected to oil glands underneath the skin An oily liquid produced by an oil gland is Sebum Sebum carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Acne

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By: Hayley TalanchaACNE

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What is acne?

• Acne is a disease that involves the oil of the skin• Skin has pores or tiny holes which is connected to oil glands

underneath the skin• An oily liquid produced by an oil gland is Sebum• Sebum carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin• Acne usually appears on a person’s face, back, chest,

shoulders, and neck• Acne develops when follicles get blocked and infected

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• No one knows for sure what causes acne• Experts say it has to do with a rise in androgen levels(a type of

hormone)• Androgen levels increase when kids become adolescents• This makes our oil glands glow; the larger the gland, the more

oil it produces• Hormones signal the body to produce more sebum

What Causes Acne?

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What causes acne?• Acne can be heredity; some studies have shown that it can be genetic• Cosmetics are also known to cause acne; they clog up your pores• Pressure on your skin, such as, helmets, chin straps and collars• Certain drugs and medication; those that contain iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids

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Types of Acne• There are many types of acne/pimples:• Whiteheads: Remain under the skin and are very small• Blackheads: Are noticeable and appear on surface of skin• Papules: Small, pink bumps on the surface of skin• Pustules: Clearly visible; red at base and have pus at the top• Nobules: Large solid pimples; painful and embedded deep in

the skin• Cysts: Clearly visible and are filled with pus

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How common is Acne?• Acne is a result of puberty so basically everyone gets acne in one stage of their life• Girls begin puberty usually before boys but end earlier then them too• Studies shown that 17 million Americans will have acne at any one time

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Treatment of Acne•One of the most important things to do in order to prevent acne is to wash your face at least 2 times a day•Using mild cleaners; bars, liquids, or antibacterial soaps•Over the counter medicines with a doctor’s prescription• Can go to a dermatologist(doctor for the skin) and can prescribe a cream or oral medicine•DO NOT SQUEEZE OR SCRATCH PIMPLES!

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Bibliography• "Acne (Pimples) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What Can You

do about Acne on Your Own? on MedicineNet." Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.• "What Is Acne? What Causes Acne? How to Get Rid of Acne."

Medical News Today: Health News. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.• "Why Puberty Causes Acne | LIVESTRONG.COM."

LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.