ACLI FactBook2011


Transcript of ACLI FactBook2011

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The American Council of Life Insurers is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association. Its member companies offer life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance, reinsurance, annuities, pensions, and other retirement and financial protection products.

© 2010 American Council of Life Insurers

No part of this publication may be reproduced, sorted in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Number 47–27134


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Preface ix

Methodology xi

KeyStatistics xiii

1 Overview 1

Organizational Structure 1 Stock and Mutual Life Insurers 1 Other Life Insurance Providers 1 Employment 2 Foreign Ownership 2

2 Assets 7

Bond Holdings and Acquisitions 7 Types of Bonds 8 Characteristics of Bonds 8 Stock Holdings and Acquisitions 9 Mortgages 9 Real Estate 10 Policy Loans 10 Miscellaneous Assets 10 Foreign-Controlled Assets 10

3 Liabilities 23

Policy Reserves 23 Deposit-Type Contracts 24 Asset Fluctuation Reserves 24 Other Liabilities 24 Surplus Funds and Capital Stock 24 Capital Ratios 25

4 Income 35

Premium Income 35 Investment Income and Rate of Return 36 Net Gain From Operations 36

5 Expenditures 47

Contract Payments 47 From Life Insurance Policies 47 From Annuity Contracts 48 From Health Insurance Policies 48 Operating Expenses 48 Taxes 48 Investment Expenses 49

6 Reinsurance 57

Allocating Risk 57 Managing Risk 58 Underwriting Strength 58 Product Flexibility 58 Financial Positioning 58 Types of Reinsurance 59 Proportional Reinsurance 59 Non-Proportional Reinsurance 59

7 LifeInsurance 63

Individual Life Insurance 63 Types of Policies 64 Characteristics of Individual Policies 64 Group Life Insurance 65 Credit Life Insurance 65 Policy Claims Resisted or Compromised 66

8 Annuities 75

Group and Individual Annuities 75 Supplementary Contracts, Annuities Certain, and Other Annuities 76

9 DisabilityIncome andLong-TermCareInsurance 81

Disability Income Insurance 81 Individual Disability Income Insurance 81 Group Disability Income Insurance 82 Long-Term Care Insurance 83 Individual Long-Term Care Insurance 83 Group Long-Term Care Coverage 84 Accelerated Benefits 84

10 IntheStates 85

11 IndustryRankings 97

12 MortalityandLifeExpectancy 123


A GlossaryofInsuranceRelatedTerms 137B HistoricDates 153

C LifeInsuranceRelatedOrganizations 163

D StateInsuranceOfficials 171


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1.1 U.S. Life Insurers Organizational Structure, by Number of Companies 2

1.2 Size of U.S. Life Insurers by Organizational Structure, 2009 (millions) 3

1.3 Veterans Life Insurance, 2009 3

1.4 Insurance Industry Employment in the United States 3

1.5 Foreign-Owned U.S. Life Insurers, 2005–2009 4

1.6 Foreign-Owned Life Insurers Operating in the United States, by Country of Origin 4

1.7 U.S. Life Insurers Organizational Structure, by Number of Companies and Year 5

1.8 Insurance Industry Employment in the United States, by Year 6


2.1 Distribution of Life Insurer Assets, by Account Type, 2009 (millions) 11

2.2 Distribution of Life Insurer Assets, by Account Type and Year 12

2.3 Distribution of Long-Term General Account Bond Investments 14

2.4 Distribution of General Account Bonds, by Remaining Maturity, 2005–2009 15

2.5 Distribution of General Account Bonds at Time of Purchase, 2009 15

2.6 Distribution of General Account Bonds, by NAIC Quality Class 16

2.7 Quality of Mortgages Held by Life Insurers (millions) 18

2.8 General Account Mortgages for Life Insurers, by Type and Loan-to-Value

Ratios, 2009 (millions) 19

2.9 Real Estate Owned by Life Insurers, by Type 19

2.10 Foreign-Controlled Assets of U.S. Life Insurers, by Country and Year (millions) 20

2.11 Asset Distribution of Life Insurers, by Year (millions) 21


3.1 Liabilities and Surplus Funds of Life Insurers 25

3.2 Policy Reserves of Life Insurers, by Line of Business 27

3.3 Deposit-Type Contracts, 2009 (millions) 29

3.4 Capital Ratios of Life Insurers (percent) 29

3.5 Levels of Risk-Based Capital Held by Life Insurers, 1999–2009 30

3.6 Life Insurers Policy Reserves, by Line of Business and Year (millions) 31

3.7 Life Insurance Policy Reserves, by Type and Year (millions) 32

3.8 Life Insurer Liabilities and Surplus Funds, by Year (millions) 33

3.9 Capital Ratios of Life Insurers, by Year (percent) 34


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6 Illustrations


4.1 Income of Life Insurers 37

4.2 Premium Receipts of Life Insurers 37

4.3 Individual and Group Life Insurance Net Premium Receipts, 2009 (millions) 38

4.4 Individual and Group Annuity Considerations, 2009 (millions) 39

4.5 Individual Life Premiums and Annuity Considerations as Percentage

of Disposable Personal Income 39

4.6 Accident and Health Insurance Net Premium Receipts 39

4.7 Net Investment Income 40

4.8 Rates of Return on Invested Assets of Life Insurers 40

4.9 Net Gain From Operations After Federal Income Taxes 41

4.10 Income of Life Insurers, by Year (millions) 42

4.11 Individual Life Insurance Premium Receipts, by Year (millions) 43

4.12 Individual Annuity Considerations, by Year (millions) 44

4.13 Rates of Return on Invested Assets of Life Insurers, by Year (percent) 45


5.1 Expenditures of Life Insurers 49

5.2 Payments From Life Insurance Policies 50

5.3 Payments From Annuity Contracts 51

5.4 Payments From Health Insurance Policies 51

5.5 Life Insurer Home- and Field-Office Expenses 52

5.6 Taxes, Licenses, and Fees 52

5.7 Investment Expenses of Life Insurers 53

5.8 Payments Under Life Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts,

by Year (millions) 54

5.9 Payments to Life Insurance Beneficiaries, by Year 55

5.10 Health Insurance Benefit Payments by Life Insurers, by Year (millions) 56


6.1 Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded—Premiums 60

6.2 Life Reinsurance Assumed (face amount) 61

Life Insurance

7.1 Life Insurance in the United States 66

7.2 Individual Life Insurance Purchases in the United States, by Plan Type, 2009 68

7.3 Life Insurance Purchases, by Participating Status 68

7.4 Voluntary Termination Rates for Life Insurance Policies, Calculated by Face Amount (percent) 69

7.5 Voluntary Termination Rates for Life Insurance Policies, Calculated by Number

of Policies (percent) 69

7.6 Life Insurance With Disability Provisions, 2009 70

7.7 New Policy Claims Resisted or Compromised (thousands) 71

7.8 Life Insurance Purchases, by Year 72

7.9 Life Insurance in Force in the United States, by Year (millions) 73


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8.1 Annuity Considerations 76

8.2 Reserves for Annuity Contracts 77

8.3 Annuity Benefit Payments 77

8.4 Annuity Considerations, by Year (millions) 78

8.5 Annuity Reserves, by Year 79

In the States

10.1 Life Insurers, by State of Domicile, 2009 86

10.2 Life Insurance Purchases, by State, 2009 (millions) 87

10.3 Life Insurance in Force, by State, 2009 88

10.4 Life Insurance and Annuity Benefit Payments, by State, 2009 (thousands) 90

10.5 Payments to Life Insurance Beneficiaries, by State, 2009 (thousands) 92

10.6 Direct Premium Receipts of Life Insurers, by State, 2009 (millions) 94

10.7 Mortgages Owned by Life Insurers, by Type and State, 2009 (thousands) 95

10.8 Real Estate Owned by Life Insurers, by State, 2009 (thousands) 96

Industry Rankings

11.1 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Assets, 2009 (thousands) 98

11.2 Largest Life Insurers, by General Account Assets, 2009 (thousands) 99

11.3 Largest Life Insurers, by Separate Account Assets, 2009 (thousands) 100

11.4 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Net Life Insurance Premiums, 2009 (thousands) 101

11.5 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Net Life Insurance Premiums, 2009 (thousands) 102

11.6 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Net Life Insurance Premiums, 2009 (thousands) 103

11.7 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Direct Life Insurance Premiums,

2008 (thousands) 104

11.8 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Direct Life Insurance Premiums, 2009 (thousands) 105

11.9 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Direct Life Insurance Premiums, 2009 (thousands) 106

11.10 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Life Insurance Issued, 2009 (thousands) 107

11.11 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Life Insurance Issued, 2009 (thousands) 108

11.12 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Life Insurance Issued, 2009 (thousands) 109

11.13 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Life Insurance in Force, 2009 (thousands) 110

11.14 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Life Insurance in Force, 2009 (thousands) 111

11.15 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Life Insurance in Force, 2009 (thousands) 112

11.16 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Net Annuity Considerations, 2009 (thousands) 113

11.17 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Net Annuity Considerations, 2009 (thousands) 114

11.18 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Net Annuity Considerations, 2009 (thousands) 115

11.19 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Direct Annuity Considerations, 2009

(thousands) 116

11.20 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Direct Annuity Considerations, 2009 (thousands) 117

11.21 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Direct Annuity Considerations, 2009 (thousands) 118

11.22 Largest Life Insurers, by Individual Annuity Reserves, 2009 (millions) 119

11.23 Largest Life Insurers, by Group Annuity Reserves, 2009 (millions) 120

11.24 Largest Life Insurers, by Total Annuity Reserves, 2009 (millions) 121


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8 Illustrations

Mortality and Life Expectancy

12.1 Death Rates in the United States 124

12.2 Life Expectancy, by Age and Gender, 1900–2007 125

12.3 Mortality Tables 131


2.1 Growth of Life Insurers’ Assets 12

2.2 Asset Distribution of Life Insurers, 2009 14

2.3 Mortgages Held by Life Insurers, by Type 17

2.4 Real Estate Owned by Life Insurers, 2009 17

3.1 Growth of Life Insurers’ Policy Reserves 26

3.2 Distribution of Life Insurers’ Policy Reserves, 2009 28

4.1 Distribution of Life Insurers’ Net Premium Receipts, 2009 38

5.1 Distribution of Life Insurers’ Expenditures, 2009 50

7.1 Individual, Group, and Credit Life Insurance in Force in the United States

(face amount) 67

7.2 Average Face Amount of Individual Life Insurance Policies Purchased 67


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The life insurers Fact Book, the annual statistical

report of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI),

provides information on trends and statistics about the

life insurance industry. ACLI represents more than 300

legal reserve life insurer and fraternal benefit society

member companies operating in the United States. These

member companies represent over 90% of the assets and

premiums of the U.S life insurance and annuity industry.

ACLI advocates the interests of life insurers and their

millions of policyholders before federal and state

legislators, state insurance departments, administration

officials, federal regulatory agencies, and the courts. ACLI

expands awareness of how the products offered by life

insurers—life insurance, pensions, annuities, disability

income insurance, and long-term care insurance—help

Americans plan for and achieve financial and retirement


Unless otherwise noted, the data reported in the Life

Insurers Fact Book are ACLI tabulations of the National

Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) 2009

statutory data for the life industry as of June 2010, and

represent U.S. legal reserve life insurance companies

and fraternal benefit societies. NAIC data are used by

permission. The NAIC does not endorse any analysis or

conclusions based on use of its data.

We would like to acknowledge ACLI staff who prepared

the Life Insurers Fact Book 2010: Michele Alexander,

Khari Cook, Jim Bishop, Bill Hart, Alex Olson, Laura

Polutanovich, Ken Shields, Anna Varnavas, and Jiangmei


David Wentworth Andrew Melnyk, Ph.D.

Vice President, Research Managing Director, Research


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The assets of a fleet typically differ slightly from the sum

of the assets of individual companies in the fleet, because

the net value (stockholder equity) of the subsidiary is

counted at both the subsidiary and the parent level. This

same double-counting discrepancy exists for liabilities,

investment income, and surplus. Adjustments have been

made, when possible, to eliminate the double-counting

of assets, liabilities, investment income, and surplus.

Chapter 4 presents calculations of gross and net rates

of return on investment based on formulas traditionally

used in the industry. The net rate of return is calculated


(net investment income)/ 2-year average net invested

assets. The formula for average net invested assets

is (current year net invested assets + current year

investment income due – current year borrowed money

– current year payable for securities – current year capital

notes – current year surplus notes + previous year net

invested assets + previous year investment income due –

previous year borrowed money – previous year payable

for securities – previous year capital notes – previous

year surplus notes – net investment income) / 2.

The gross rate of return on fixed-rate assets is calculated


(Gross investment income on bonds)/ average net

investment in bonds. The denominator is (CY bonds

+ PY Bonds – gross investment income on bonds) /2.

Unless otherwise noted, data in the Life Insurers Fact

Book come from the annual statements of life insurers

filed with the National Association of Insurance

Commissioners (NAIC). These data represent the U.S.

insurance business of companies (or branches of foreign

companies) regulated by state insurance commissioners.

Unless otherwise noted, data for years after 2002 include

information for both life insurance companies and for

fraternal benefit societies that sell life insurance products.

Prior to 2003, data do not include fraternal benefit

insurance sales. Where fraternal data are included, they

are included as individual, rather than group, business.

Data on life insurance sales by savings banks and the U.S.

Department of Veterans Affairs are provided separately

in Chapter 1 only.

Most of the Fact Book data are reported in standardized

tables that summarize information for the current year

(2009 data), last year (2008 data), and 10 years previous

(1999 data), along with the average annual percentage

change over the last year and the last ten years. In

cases where 1999 data are not available, then the oldest

available data are reported.

Company ownership is reflected on a fleet basis. That is,

if a stock company is owned by a mutual parent, both

are now classified as mutual companies. The same is

true for insurance companies owned by non-U.S. parents.

This affects most notably tables in Chapter 1.


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key U.S. Life Insurers Statistics


1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009


Individual $9,172,397 $10,254,379 $10,324,455 1.2 0.7 Credit 213,453 148,443 125,512 -5.2 -15.4 group 6,110,218 8,717,453 7,688,328 2.3 -11.8Total 15,496,069 19,120,276 18,138,295 1.6 -5.1

Annuityconsiderations(millions)2 Individual3 $115,621 $208,965 $128,853 1.1 -38.3 group 154,591 119,169 102,727 -4.0 -13.8Total 270,212 328,135 231,580 -1.5 -29.4

Paymentsunderlifeinsuranceandannuitycontracts(millions) Paymentstobeneficiaries $41,363 $59,949 $59,470 3.7 -0.8 surrendervalues4 231,144 295,283 230,846 0.0 -21.8 Policyholderdividends 19,149 19,053 16,163 -1.7 -15.2 annuitypayments5 62,485 69,648 67,068 0.7 -3.7 Maturedendowments 528 614 573 0.8 -6.7 Otherpayments6 620 555 768 2.2 38.4Total 355,288 445,101 374,888 0.5 -15.8

Incomeoflifeinsurers(millions) lifeinsurancepremiums $120,274 $147,182 $124,564 0.4 -15.4 annuityconsiderations2 270,212 328,135 231,580 -1.5 -29.4 Healthinsurancepremiums 100,049 165,034 166,164 5.2 0.7Total 490,535 640,350 522,308 0.6 -18.4

Investmentincome 186,563 260,123 211,650 1.3 -18.6 Otherincome7 49,830 40,166 47,468 -0.5 18.2 aggregatetotal 726,928 940,638 781,426 0.7 -16.9

LifeinsurersdoingbusinessintheUnitedStates(units) stock 1,064 736 709 -4.0 -3.7 Mutual8 250 137 136 -5.9 -0.7 Fraternal9 Na 95 93 Na -2.1 Other10 33 8 8 -13.2 0.0Total 1,347 976 946 -3.5 -3.1

Source: aClItabulationsofNationalassociationofInsuranceCommissioners(NaIC)data,usedbypermission.Notes: NaICdoesnotendorseanyanalysisorconclusionsbasedonuseofitsdata.Codificationeffectivewith2001annualstatementfilingschangedthereportingofcertainlinesofbusiness,particularlydeposit-typecontracts,asexplainedinnumberedfootnotes.Na:Notavailable.1Datarepresentdirectbusiness.2beginningin2001,excludesdepositsforguaranteedinterestcontractsduetocodification.3For2008and2009,includessupplementarycontractswithlifecontingencies.4beginningin2001,excludespaymentsunderdeposit-typecontracts,andincludesannuitywithdrawalsoffunds,forwhichacomparableamountinprioryearsisnotavailable.5For2008and2009,excludespaymentsunderdeposit-typecontracts.6Includessomedisabilitybenefitsandretainedassets.7Includescommissionsandexpenseallowanceonreinsuranceceded.For2008and2009,includesamortizationofinterestmaintenancereserve.8Includesstockcompaniesownedbymutualholdingcompanies.9Includesstockcompaniesownedbyfraternalbenefitsocieties.10Includesfarmbureau,reciprocal,andriskretentiongroups.

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1U.S. life insurance companies sell the vast majority of life

insurance and annuities purchased in the United States.

Fraternal organizations and federal government agencies

are also in the marketplace, and certain Canadian life

insurers with U.S. legal reserves are allowed to sell

insurance directly from their Canadian offices to U.S.

purchasers. Data from Canadian companies are not

included in this chapter.

At the end of 2009, 946 life insurance companies were

in business in the United States (Table 1.1). The number

of active companies peaked in 1988 (Table 1.7), and has

since fallen steadily, mostly due to company mergers

and consolidations. This streamlining has helped to

reduce operating costs and general overhead, and has

significantly increased efficiency.

OrganizatiOnal Structure

Stock and Mutual Life Insurers

Most life insurers are organized as either stock or

mutual companies. Stock life insurance companies issue

stock and are owned by their stockholders. Mutual

companies are legally owned by their policyholders and

consequently do not issue stock.

Stock life insurers can be owned by other stock life

insurance companies, mutual life insurance companies,

or companies outside the life insurance industry. Only

policyholders own a mutual company, however. If a

stock company is owned by a mutual company, that

stock company is categorized as a mutual company. The

majority of life insurers are stock companies—709, or 75

percent of the industry (Table 1.1). Many life insurers

are affiliated with other life and non-life insurance

companies in fleets with a single owner.

Besides consolidation, another recent trend in the life

insurance industry is demutualization and the formation

of mutual holding companies—a structure that allows

easier and less expensive access to capital. In creating a

mutual holding company, the mutual insurer either starts

a stock insurance company or acquires a stock company.

For data in this chapter, mutual holding companies are

included in the totals for pure mutual companies.

Together, stock and mutual life insurers provide most

of the insurance and annuities underwritten by U.S.

organizations (Table 1.2). Mutual companies had $4.7

trillion of life insurance in force in 2009 and stock life

insurers, $13 trillion. Fraternal societies and other type

companies underwrite the remainder of U.S. insurance.

Other Life Insurance Providers

Fraternal benefit societies provide both social and

insurance benefits to their members. These organizations

are legally required to operate through a lodge system,

allowing only lodge members and their families to own

the fraternal society’s insurance. In 2009, there were 93

fraternal life insurance companies that had $310 billion of

life insurance in force and $107 billion in assets (Tables

1.1 and 1.2).

The Department of Veterans Affairs provides protection

to U.S. veterans under six insurance programs: U.S.

Government Life Insurance, National Service Life

Insurance, Veterans’ Special Life Insurance, Service-

Disabled Veterans Insurance, Veterans’ Reopened


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2 American Council of Life Insurers

Insurance, and Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance.

The federal agency also oversees three life insurance

programs for members of the uniformed services:

Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance, SGLI Family

Coverage, and Veterans’ Group Life Insurance.

Veterans’ life insurance in force totaled $1.3 trillion

in 2009 (Table 1.3). U.S. Government Life Insurance,

covering World War I veterans, had $13 million of

insurance in force in 2009, while National Service Life

Insurance, for veterans of World War II and those covered

by the Insurance Act of 1951, totaled $10 billion. Service-

Disabled Veterans Insurance—for veterans separated

from service after April 1951 who have a service-

connected disability but are otherwise insurable—had

$2 billion of insurance in force in 2009.

The largest life insurance plan, Servicemembers’ Group

Life Insurance, had $901 billion of insurance in force

with 2.4 million policies at year-end 2009 (Table 1.3).

Table 1.1 u.S. life insurers Organizational Structure, by number of companies

In business at year’s end Average annual percent change

2008 2009 2008/2009

Stock 736 709 -3.7

Mutual1 137 136 -0.7

Fraternal2 95 93 -2.1

Other3 8 8 0.0

Total 976 946 -3.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Note: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data.1Includes stock companies owned by mutual parents (life & PC) and mutual holding companies.2Includes stock companies owned by fraternal benefit societies.3Includes farm bureau, reciprocal, and risk retention groups.


The insurance industry plays an important role in the

nation’s economy. In 2009, U.S. insurers employed 2.2

million individuals in all of their branches, remaining

stable from a year earlier (Table 1.4).

Government data on employees of insurance agencies

and home offices in 2009 show 1.4 million insurance

home-office personnel (352,300 in life insurance) and

880,500 insurance agents, brokers, and service personnel.

FOreign OWnerShip

The proportion of life insurance companies operating in

the United States that are foreign-owned was 11 percent

in 2009 (Table 1.5).

Practically, the same countries have fielded the major

foreign players in the U.S. market since the mid-1990s.

Among life insurance companies operating in the United

States during 2009, Canada controlled 23 companies; the

Netherlands, 13; Switzerland, 13; Germany, 12; France,

11; the United Kingdom, 11 (Table 1.6).

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Table 1.2Size of u.S. life insurers, by Organizational Structure, 2009 (millions)

Stock Mutual1 Fraternal Other2 Total

Life insurance in force $12,977,309 $4,706,695 $310,079 $144,212 $18,138,295

Life insurance purchased 2,131,751 782,821 31,209 23,249 2,969,030

Assets 3,713,621 1,110,484 106,801 27,787 4,958,693

Benefit payments3 392,345 104,760 7,314 2,700 507,119

Premium income4 380,956 130,118 8,871 2,362 522,308

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Note: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data.1Includes stock companies owned by mutual holding companies.2Includes farm bureau, reciprocal, and risk retention groups.3Includes payments to beneficiaries, surrender values, policy dividends, annuity payments, matured endowments, and other payments.4Includes life insurance premiums, annuity considerations, and accident and health premiums.

Table 1.3Veterans life insurance, 2009

Policies Face amount in force (millions)

Veterans programs U.S. Government Life Insurance 4,456 $13 National Service Life Insurance 812,931 9,574 Veterans’ Special Life Insurance 173,734 2,269 Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance 204,445 2,080 Veterans’ Reopened Insurance 34,302 341 Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance 2,293 169

Total 1,232,161 14,446Uniformed service member programs Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) 2,395,500 901,317 Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI)* - 230,850 SGLI Family Coverage 3,155,000 128,839

Veterans’ Group Life Insurance 429,502 58,374

Total 5,980,002 1,319,380Aggregate total 7,212,163 1,333,826

Source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.*TSGLI is a rider to the basic SGLI coverage.

Table 1.4insurance industry employment in the united States

Number employed Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Home-office personnel Life insurance 496,100 356,300 352,300 -3.4 -1.1 Health insurance 319,200 441,300 437,500 3.2 -0.9 Other 637,400 599,100 576,400 -1.0 -3.8

Total 1,452,700 1,396,700 1,366,200 -0.6 -2.2

Agents, brokers, and service personnel 783,400 908,500 880,500 1.2 -3.1

Aggregate total 2,236,100 2,305,200 2,246,700 0.0 -2.5

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Current Employment Statistics survey (National).Note: The Bureau of Labor Statistics adjusts annual employment data in April of the year following its survey.

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4 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 1.5Foreign-Owned u.S. life insurers, 2005–2009

Number of companies Average annual percent change

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005/2009 2008/2009

U.S. life insurers 1,119 1,072 1,009 976 946 -4.1 -3.1

Foreign-owned U.S. life insurers 106 102 101 105 103 -0.7 -1.9

Percentage of U.S. life insurers 9.5% 9.5% 10.0% 10.8% 10.9%

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Companies are defined as foreign owned if more than 50 percent of stock is owned by a foreign entity or entities.

Table 1.6Foreign-Owned life insurers Operating in the united States, by country of Origin

Number of companies

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Barbados - 2 2 2 2

Bermuda 2 3 3 4 5

Canada 24 24 26 26 23

Cayman Islands 5 5 6 5 5

France 11 13 13 11 11

Germany 6 4 5 12 12

Italy 1 1 1 1 1

Japan 3 2 3 3 3

Netherlands 17 15 15 13 13

South Africa 1 1 1 1 1

Spain 2 2 2 2 2

Sweden 1 1 1 1 1

Switzerland 16 12 11 13 13

United Kingdom 17 17 12 11 11

Total 106 102 101 105 103

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Companies are defined as foreign owned if more than 50 percent of stock is owned by a foreign entity or entities.

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Table 1.7u.S. life insurers Organizational Structure, by number of companies and year

In business at year’s end

Year Stock Mutual Fraternals Other1 Total

1950 507 142 NA NA 6491955 942 165 NA NA 1,1071960 1,286 155 NA NA 1,4411965 1,475 154 NA NA 1,6291970 1,627 153 NA NA 1,7801975 1,603 143 NA NA 1,7461980 1,823 135 NA NA 1,9581981 1,855 136 NA NA 1,9911982 1,926 134 NA NA 2,0601983 1,985 132 NA NA 2,1171984 2,062 131 NA NA 2,1931985 2,133 128 NA NA 2,2611986 2,128 126 NA NA 2,2541987 2,212 125 NA NA 2,3371988 2,225 118 NA NA 2,3431989 2,153 117 NA NA 2,2701990 2,078 117 NA NA 2,1951991 1,947 117 NA NA 2,0641992 1,835 109 NA NA 1,9441993 1,736 108 NA NA 1,8441994 1,565 115 NA 10 1,6901995* 1,356 259 NA 35 1,6501996* 1,331 240 NA 36 1,6071997* 1,193 238 NA 45 1,4761998* 1,167 248 NA 29 1,4441999* 1,064 250 NA 33 1,3472000* 1,016 223 NA 30 1,2692001* 981 227 117 16 1,3412002* 957 203 114 10 1,2842003* 928 183 105 11 1,2272004* 898 164 108 9 1,1792005* 854 154 102 9 1,1192006* 815 145 103 9 1,0722007* 763 138 99 9 1,0092008* 736 137 95 8 9762009* 709 136 93 8 946

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. After 1993, data include life insurance companies that sell accident and health insurance.NA: Not available.*Beginning with 1995 data, stock companies that are part of fleets headed by non-stock companies are counted by the parent’s ownership type, not as stock companies.1Includes hospital, medical, dental, and indemnity companies.

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6 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 1.8insurance industry employment in the united States, by year

Home-office personnel

Agents, brokers, Life Health and service Aggregate Year insurance insurance Other Total personnel total

1960 452,400 50,200 329,100 831,700 217,300 1,049,000 1965 481,200 54,200 358,000 893,400 250,300 1,143,700 1970 525,600 93,900 410,200 1,029,700 288,000 1,317,700 1975 520,500 122,100 442,700 1,085,300 356,600 1,441,900 1980 531,900 141,900 550,300 1,224,100 463,800 1,687,900 1981 542,200 142,700 552,000 1,236,900 475,800 1,712,700 1982 546,100 142,100 549,100 1,237,300 485,900 1,723,200 1983 539,900 144,800 544,200 1,228,900 498,900 1,727,800 1984 536,700 153,900 549,100 1,239,700 525,000 1,764,700 1985 559,300 170,700 561,600 1,291,600 548,200 1,839,800 1986 578,200 188,100 598,500 1,364,800 579,400 1,944,200 1987 578,000 202,100 634,900 1,415,000 611,800 2,026,800 1988 570,400 216,500 648,500 1,435,400 639,600 2,075,000 1989 550,200 228,100 660,100 1,438,400 651,800 2,090,200 1990 547,500 241,600 673,100 1,462,200 663,300 2,125,500 1991 560,000 258,700 675,900 1,494,600 666,300 2,160,900 1992 550,300 270,100 675,200 1,495,600 656,600 2,152,200 1993 552,500 237,900 608,100 1,398,500 684,000 2,082,500 1994 562,600 249,400 606,500 1,418,500 700,300 2,118,800 1995 547,200 260,100 588,300 1,395,600 712,600 2,108,200 1996 510,000 278,000 593,600 1,381,600 726,400 2,108,000 1997 505,300 292,100 602,000 1,399,400 744,100 2,143,500 1998 510,600 306,200 626,300 1,443,100 766,300 2,209,400 1999 496,100 319,200 637,400 1,452,700 783,400 2,236,100 2000 481,100 327,700 623,900 1,432,700 787,800 2,220,500 2001 470,300 337,500 622,700 1,430,500 803,200 2,233,700 2002 446,000 345,100 621,700 1,412,800 820,400 2,233,200 2003 440,500 348,500 639,600 1,428,600 837,400 2,266,000 2004 392,400 372,000 634,200 1,398,600 860,100 2,258,700 2005 334,500 427,400 623,800 1,385,700 873,600 2,259,300 2006 362,400 425,000 625,400 1,412,800 890,800 2,303,600 2007 352,800 431,200 613,000 1,397,000 909,800 2,306,800 2008 356,300 441,300 599,100 1,396,700 908,500 2,305,2002009 352,300 437,500 576,400 1,366,200 880,500 2,246,700

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Employment Statistics survey (National).Note: Figures comprise only those on the payroll of insurers that participate in the unemployment insurance program.

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2Assets held by life insurers back the companies’

life, annuity, and health liabilities. Accumulating

these assets—via the collection of premiums from

policyholders and earnings on investments—provides

the U.S. economy with an important source of investment

capital. Life insurers held $5.0 trillion in assets in 2009

(Table 2.1). Assets of U.S. life insurers rose 7 percent

during 2009 (Table 2.2).

Financial instruments comprise most life insurance

company assets and can generally be classified into:

n Bonds, both corporate and government

n Stocks

n Mortgage and real estate holdings

n Policy loans

A life insurer divides its assets between two accounts that

differ largely in the nature of the liabilities or obligations

for which the assets are being held and invested. The

general account supports contractual obligations for

guaranteed, fixed-dollar benefit payments, such as

life insurance policies. The separate account supports

liabilities associated with investment risk pass-through

products or lines of business, such as variable annuities,

variable life insurance, and pension products.

State laws allow assets in separate accounts to be

invested without regard to the restrictions usually

placed on the general account. A separate account

portfolio might comprise only common stocks or bonds

or mortgages, or some combination of these and other

investments. Separate account assets totaled $1.6 trillion

at the end of 2009—up 19 percent from the previous year

(Table 2.2). General account assets amounted to $3.3

trillion in 2009, up 2 percent from 2008.

Bond Holdings and acquisitions

Bonds are publicly traded debt securities. Often referred

to as fixed-income securities, bonds generally offer low

risk and a greater certainty of rates of return. Not only

does the borrower (seller of the bond) agree to pay a

fixed amount of interest periodically and repay a fixed

amount of principal at maturity, but the obligation to

make payments on the bond takes precedence over

other claims of lenders and stockholders.

At year-end 2009, 52 percent of life insurer assets were

held in bonds. Total bond holdings of both general and

separate accounts amounted to $2.6 trillion, up $152

billion from 2008 (Tables 2.1–2.2). Holdings of bonds in

separate accounts increased 3 percent in 2009 to $220

billion. Bond holdings in general accounts increased to

$2.4 trillion (Table 2.2).

Bonds are issued by a variety of borrowing organizations,

including domestic and foreign corporations, the U.S.

Treasury, various U.S. government agencies, and state,

local, and foreign governments. Long-term U.S. Treasury

securities in the general account totaled $101 billion,

U.S. government obligations $64 billion, and foreign

government bonds $56 billion (Table 2.3). The largest

portion of long-term bonds was in unaffiliated securities,

with both U.S. and foreign investments totaling $1.5

trillion, or nearly two-thirds of all long-term general

account bonds (63%). Long-term bonds issued by U.S.


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8 American Council of Life Insurers

states, territories, and political subdivisions came to

$24 billion, while bonds issued for revenue, assessment,

and industrial development totaled $47 billion.

Types of Bonds

Corporate Bonds

Life insurers are significant investors in the corporate

bond market, having been the largest institutional holder

of corporate bonds issued in U.S. markets since the

1930s. Private or direct placements—where the financial

institution negotiates directly with the corporation over

the terms of the offering—account for a sizable share

of life insurer investments in corporate bonds. Life

insurance companies are the major lenders in the direct

placement market.

Corporate debt issues in 2009 represented the largest

component of life insurer assets at 32 percent (Table 2.1).

Corporate debt issues totaled $1.6 trillion by year’s end

(Table 2.2). These investments have generally increased

steadily for many years and have grown at a 3 percent

annual rate in the last decade.

Government Bonds

Bonds of the U.S. government include U.S. Treasury

securities and others issued by federal agencies or

sponsored by the federal government, such as the

Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal

Home Loan Banks. Government securities rose to

$331 billion at the end of 2009, up $70 billion from

the previous year (Tables 2.1–2.2). These holdings, in

addition to U.S. Treasury and federal agency holdings,

include guaranteed, special revenue, and other issues

of the 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,

and U.S. territories and possessions and their political


The vast majority of long-term securities were invested

in U.S. government securities ($271 billion) as opposed

to those of foreign governments and international

agencies ($60 billion), such as the International Bank for

Reconstruction and Development.

Characteristics of Bonds


Bonds have limited lives and expire on a given date,

called the issue’s maturity date. Twenty-nine percent

of general account bonds held at year-end 2009 had a

maturity between five and 10 years. Another 29 percent

matured between one and five years, 19 percent had a

maturity over 20 years, 13 percent matured between 10

and 20 years, and 10 percent had a maturity of one year

or less (Table 2.4).

At the time of purchase, 34 percent of bonds had a

maturity date of 20 years or more (Table 2.5), while 28

percent had a maturity date of 10 to 20 years. Bonds

with maturity dates of five to 10 years (30%), and less

than five years (9%) were the remainder.


In purchasing a bond, investors examine its quality. The

higher the quality of the bond, the lower the risk, and

the higher the degree of assurance that investors will get

their money back at maturity. Consequently, high-quality

bonds are ideal for long-term capital accumulation.

Bond holdings can be categorized among six quality

classes established by the National Association of

Insurance Commissioners. At year-end 2009, 93 percent

of total general account bonds were investment grade,

Classes 1 and 2 (Table 2.6). The percentage of total bonds

in or near default (Class 6) was 0.2 percent.

Of the $2.5 trillion in general account bonds held by

insurance companies in 2009, $1.9 trillion was invested

in publicly traded bonds and $617 billion in privately

traded bonds (Table 2.6). Ninety-four percent of the

publicly traded bonds were investment grade (Classes 1

and 2) compared with 87 percent of the privately traded

bonds. Of the publicly traded bonds, 0.2 percent were

in or near default (Class 6), compared with 0.5 percent

of the privately traded bonds.

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stock Holdings and acquisitions

Life insurers’ changing portfolios reflect long-term shifts

in investment demand. Since the early 1990s, the share

of assets held in stocks has been increasing. The average

annual growth in equity holdings was 3 percent between

1999 and 2009 (Table 2.2).

Historically, stocks had been a small percentage of

total assets for reasons rooted in both the investment

philosophy of the industry and the laws regulating life

insurance. Stocks had not been heavily used as a major

investment medium for funds backing life insurance

policies because of the policies’ contractual guarantees

for specified dollar amounts.

Part of the investment shift is due to changes in the

relative yields of various investment types. Other factors

are the introduction of variable life insurance and the

growth in funding pension plans with equity securities of

life insurers and variable annuities. State laws generally

permit certain assets of these and other plans to be

maintained in an account separate from a company’s

other assets, with up to 100 percent invested in stocks

or other equities.

Life insurer holdings of corporate stock rose 22 percent

between 2008 and 2009 to $1.4 trillion, accounting

for more than a quarter of total assets (28%). At year-

end 2009, $1.3 trillion, or 94 percent, of stock held

by life insurance companies was in separate accounts

(Table 2.2).

Common stock accounted for $1.37 trillion, or 99

percent, of all stock held by life insurers in 2009 (Table

2.1). Holdings of common stock increased 29 percent in

2009 while there was a large decrease in preferred-stock

holdings (Tables 2.1–2.2).


Mortgages generally are considered riskier fixed-income

investments than bonds. Over the past decade, life

insurers have slightly reduced the relative size of their

mortgage portfolios in favor of other investments. In

2009, mortgages decreased by 5 percent, falling to $336

billion and accounting for 7 percent of combined account

assets (Tables 2.1–2.2).

Loans on commercial properties, such as office

buildings, shopping centers, manufacturing plants, and

warehouses, were $314 billion at the end of 2009 (Table

2.7). Mortgages for residential properties were $4 billion,

or 1 percent of total mortgages held by life insurers on

U.S. properties. Farm mortgages decreased to $18 billion,

accounting for 5 percent of total mortgages in 2009.

Properties underlying life insurer holdings of non-

farm, nonresidential mortgages cover a broad range of

commercial, industrial, and institutional uses. Among

them are retail stores and shopping centers, office

buildings and factories, hospitals and medical centers,

and apartment buildings. Commercial mortgages have

grown in importance, representing 94 percent of U.S.

mortgages held by life insurers in 2009 vs. 91 percent

in 1989 (Figure 2.3).

Almost all of the mortgages held by life insurers were

in good standing (99.5%) in 2009. Of industry-held

mortgages, only 0.5 percent were either restructured,

overdue, or in foreclosure in 2009.

At year-end 2009, $16 billion (5%) was held in general

account mortgages with a loan-to-value ratio above 95

percent, compared with $227 billion (70%) in mortgages

with a loan-to-value ratio below 71 percent (Table 2.8).

rEal EstatE

U.S. life insurers’ holdings of directly owned real estate

were $28 billion at the end of 2009. This represents a

15 percent decrease from 2008 (Tables 2.9).

By the end of 2009 real estate amounted to 1 percent

of life insurers’ assets (Table 2.1). Real estate holdings

in separate accounts decreased $4 billion during the

year as real estate in general accounts decreased $575

million (Table 2.2).

Real estate held to produce income totaled $21

billion, or 75 percent of all real estate owned, while

real estate held for sale amounted to $510 million

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10 American Council of Life Insurers

(Table 2.9, Figure 2.4). The remainder was in land and

property held for company use, primarily home and

regional offices.

Policy loans

Life insurance companies can loan money to policyholders

up to the cash value of their life insurance. Life insurers

must make these policy loans from funds that otherwise

would be invested. Since premium rates are based in

part on an anticipated investment return, interest must

be charged on the loans. Because the amount of a

policy’s protection is reduced by the amount of the loan,

life insurers advise policyholders that an outstanding

loan can seriously impair a family’s insurance planning.

The policy loan amounts shown in Tables 2.1–2.2 do not

include loans made to policyholders by banks or other

lending institutions holding borrowers’ life insurance

policies as collateral.

Life insurer loans to policyholders against the cash value

of their life insurance amounted to $123 billion by year-

end 2009, up from the loans outstanding a year earlier

(Tables 2.1–2.2). Policy loans accounted for 3 percent

of company assets at the end of 2009.

MiscEllanEous assEts

U.S. life insurers held $504 billion at the end of 2009 in

miscellaneous assets (Table 2.1), which has two major

components. Due and deferred premiums refers to

premiums not yet received at year’s end for which life

insurance companies have established reserves. Due

and accrued investment income is income earned but

not yet received by year’s end, such as interest.

Another main item in this category is cash holdings.

Relatively moderate amounts of cash are held for

providing prompt payments to beneficiaries, policy

loans, and other services.

ForEign-controllEd assEts

Foreign-controlled assets were $1.14 trillion, or 23

percent, of total industry assets in 2009, up from $1.05

trillion in 2008 (Table 2.10). The Netherlands, followed

by Canada, the United Kingdom, and France own the

most foreign-controlled assets of U.S. life insurers.

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Table 2.1distribution of life insurer assets, by account type, 2009 (millions)

General account Separate account Combined accounts

Year’s Percent Year’s Percent Year’s Percent end distribution end distribution end distribution

Bonds Government securities U.S. $236,693 7.1 $34,387 2.1 $271,080 5.5 Foreign 56,167 1.7 3,935 0.2 60,103 1.2 Total government 292,860 8.8 38,323 2.3 331,183 6.7

Corporate securities 1,507,604 45.4 85,130 5.2 1,592,735 32.1

Mortgage-backed securities1 561,136 16.9 96,522 5.9 657,658 13.3

Total long-term bonds 2,361,600 71.0 219,975 13.5 2,581,575 52.1

Stocks Common 65,597 2.0 1,307,460 80.0 1,373,058 27.7 Preferred 12,125 0.4 739 0.0 12,865 0.3

Total 77,723 2.3 1,308,200 80.0 1,385,923 27.9


Farm 17,550 0.5 211 0.0 17,761 0.4 Residential 4,393 0.1 54 0.0 4,447 0.1 Commercial 303,999 9.1 10,109 0.6 314,108 6.3

Total 325,942 9.8 10,374 0.6 336,316 6.8

Real estate 19,772 0.6 7,942 0.5 27,714 0.6

Policy loans 122,707 3.7 576 0.0 123,283 2.5

Short-term investments 89,608 2.7 19,143 1.2 108,751 2.2

Cash & cash equivalents 36,285 1.1 16,156 1.0 52,442 1.1

Other invested assets 130,597 3.9 32,953 2.0 163,550 3.3

Non-invested assets 160,028 4.8 19,114 1.2 179,141 3.6

Aggregate total 3,324,262 100.0 1,634,432 100.0 4,958,693 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data reflect investments held at year’s end. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes Ginnie Mae (GNMA).

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Table 2.2distribution of life insurer assets, by account type and year1

General account (millions) Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Bonds Government $309,611 $222,444 $292,860 -0.6 31.7 Corporate 1,096,452 1,463,701 1,507,604 3.2 3.0 MBS1 NA 529,922 561,136 NA 5.9

Total 1,406,064 2,216,067 2,361,600 5.3 6.6

Stocks Common 80,189 52,510 65,597 -2.0 24.9 Preferred 20,135 65,061 12,125 -4.9 -81.4

Total 100,324 117,571 77,723 -2.5 -33.9

Mortgages 224,607 338,008 325,942 3.8 -3.6

Real estate 25,270 20,347 19,772 -2.4 -2.8

Policy loans 97,510 121,887 122,707 2.3 0.7

Short-term investments NA 86,895 89,608 NA 3.1

Cash & cash equivalents 4,558 63,197 36,285 23.1 -42.6

Other invested assets 40,418 143,789 130,597 12.4 -9.2

Non-invested assets 75,822 162,569 160,028 7.8 -1.6

Aggregate total 1,974,572 3,270,330 3,324,262 5.3 1.6


Figure 2.1growth of life insurer assets

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.








Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers, and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.






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Separate account (millions) Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Bonds Government $52,031 $38,298 $38,323 -3.0 0.1 Corporate 93,523 71,364 85,130 -0.9 19.3 MBS1 NA 103,444 96,522 NA -6.7

Total 145,555 213,106 219,975 4.2 3.2

Stocks Common 888,737 1,015,848 1,307,460 3.9 28.7 Preferred 701 2,378 739 0.5 -68.9

Total 889,438 1,018,226 1,308,200 3.9 28.5

Mortgages 5,190 14,668 10,374 7.2 -29.3

Real estate 12,916 12,150 7,942 -4.7 -34.6

Policy loans 1,246 598 576 -7.4 -3.7

Short-term investments NA 20,618 19,143 NA -7.2

Cash & cash equivalents 639 21,001 16,156 38.1 -23.1

Other invested assets 36,794 43,904 32,953 -1.1 -24.9

Non-invested assets 4,304 33,545 19,114 16.1 -43.0

Aggregate total 1,096,081 1,377,816 1,634,432 4.1 18.6

Combined accounts (millions) Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Bonds Government $361,643 $260,742 $331,183 -0.9 27.0 Corporate 1,189,976 1,535,065 1,592,735 3.0 3.8 MBS1 NA 633,366 657,658 NA 3.8

Total 1,551,618 2,429,173 2,581,575 5.2 6.3

Stocks Common 968,926 1,068,358 1,373,058 3.5 28.5 Preferred 20,836 67,438 12,865 -4.7 -80.9

Total 989,762 1,135,797 1,385,923 3.4 22.0

Mortgages 229,797 352,676 336,316 3.9 -4.6

Real estate 38,186 32,497 27,714 -3.2 -14.7

Policy loans 98,756 122,485 123,283 2.2 0.7

Short-term investments NA 107,513 108,751 NA 1.2

Cash & cash equivalents 5,197 84,198 52,442 26.0 -37.7

Other invested assets 77,212 187,693 163,550 7.8 -12.9

Non-invested assets 80,126 196,114 179,141 8.4 -8.7

Aggregate total 3,070,653 4,648,147 4,958,693 4.9 6.7

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data reflect investments held at year’s end. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Includes Ginnie Mae (GNMA).

Table 2.2 distribution of life insurer assets, by account type and year—continued

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14 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 2.3distribution of long-term general account Bond investments

2008 2009

Amount Percent Amount Percent (millions) distribution (millions) distribution

U.S. Treasury securities $71,576 3.2 $101,114 4.3

U.S. government obligations 62,745 2.8 64,291 2.7

Foreign government 43,902 2.0 56,167 2.4

U.S. states and territories 8,805 0.4 11,638 0.5

U.S. political subdivisions 7,034 0.3 12,712 0.5

Revenue and assessment 26,862 1.2 45,041 1.9

Industrial development 1,518 0.1 1,898 0.1

Mortgage-backed securities 529,922 23.9 561,136 23.8

Pass-through securities

GNMA 14,750 0.7 17,858 0.8

FNMA and FHLMC 83,897 3.8 93,211 3.9

Privately Issued 27,351 1.2 18,395 0.8

CMOs and REMICs GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC or VA 138,223 6.2 128,835 5.5

Privately issued and collateralized by MBS 35,399 1.6 32,801 1.4

All other privately issued 230,301 10.4 270,035 11.4


Unaffiliated securities 1,439,752 65.0 1,490,716 63.1

Affiliated securities 23,950 1.1 16,888 0.7

Total 2,216,067 100.0 2,361,600 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Figure 2.2asset distribution of life insurers, 2009



Miscellaneous assets13%

Policy loans4%

Mortgages and real estate10%


Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.




Miscellaneous assets5%

Mortgages and real estate1%

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Table 2.4distribution of general account Bonds, by remaining Maturity, 2005–2009

Percentage of general account bonds held at year’s end

More than More than More than 1 year 1 year 5 years 10 years More than or less to 5 years to 10 years to 20 years 20 years Total

Government 2005 8.2 21.8 24.7 24.8 20.5 100.0 2006 8.9 21.4 24.3 24.2 21.2 100.0 2007 8.3 19.9 23.1 25.9 22.8 100.0 2008 15.0 19.4 20.6 21.6 23.3 100.0

2009 11.1 22.6 20.2 21.1 25.0 100.0

Corporate 2005 9.0 27.4 35.9 11.0 16.7 100.0 2006 9.5 29.6 34.3 10.9 15.8 100.0 2007 10.0 29.2 32.9 11.0 16.9 100.0 2008 10.5 31.2 32.1 10.3 15.8 100.0

2009 10.1 30.9 31.3 10.0 17.7 100.0

Total 2005 8.8 26.2 33.3 14.1 17.6 100.0 2006 9.3 27.8 32.1 13.8 17.0 100.0 2007 9.7 27.3 30.9 14.1 18.1 100.0 2008 11.5 28.6 29.6 12.8 17.5 100.0

2009 10.3 28.9 28.7 12.6 19.4 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Table 2.5distribution of general account Bonds at time of Purchase, 2009

Maturity Percent distribution

20 years and over 33.510 years to less than 20 years 27.95 years to less than 10 years 30.0Less than 5 years 8.6

Total 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 2.6distribution of general account Bonds, by naic quality class1

PUBLIC BONDS 1999 2008 2009

Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Amount publicly Amount publicly Amount publicly NAIC quality class (millions) traded bonds (millions) traded bonds (millions) traded bonds

High quality Class 1 $741,773 70.5 $1,323,392 74.2 $1,338,884 72.0 Class 2 247,323 23.5 375,042 21.0 414,793 22.3

Medium quality Class 3 34,529 3.3 48,260 2.7 62,550 3.4

Low quality Class 4 25,898 2.5 23,862 1.3 29,666 1.6 Class 5 2,529 0.2 9,873 0.6 10,340 0.6 Class 6 526 0.0 2,260 0.1 2,813 0.2Total 1,052,578 100.0 1,782,690 100.0 1,859,047 100.0

PRIVATE BONDS 1999 2008 2009

Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Amount privately Amount privately Amount privately NAIC quality class (millions) traded bonds (millions) traded bonds (millions) traded bonds

High quality Class 1 $166,224 47.0 $267,293 47.1 $283,974 46.0 Class 2 147,465 41.7 236,206 41.6 252,334 40.9

Medium quality Class 3 23,803 6.7 36,705 6.5 43,380 7.0

Low quality

Class 4 11,632 3.3 16,653 2.9 21,209 3.4 Class 5 3,529 1.0 8,505 1.5 12,516 2.0

Class 6 833 0.2 2,234 0.4 3,284 0.5

Total 353,486 100.0 567,595 100.0 616,697 100.0

TOTAL BONDS 1999 2008 2009

Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Amount general Amount general Amount general NAIC quality class (millions) account bonds (millions) account bonds (millions) account bonds

High quality Class 1 $907,998 64.6 $1,590,685 67.7 $1,622,858 65.6 Class 2 394,787 28.1 611,248 26.0 667,127 26.9

Medium quality

Class 3 58,332 4.1 84,965 3.6 105,929 4.3

Low quality Class 4 37,530 2.7 40,515 1.7 50,875 2.1 Class 5 6,058 0.4 18,378 0.8 22,856 0.9 Class 6 1,359 0.1 4,494 0.2 6,098 0.2

Aggregate total 1,406,064 100.0 2,350,285 100.0 2,475,744 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Figures include both government and corporate bonds held in corporate general accounts of U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NAIC bond classes are: Class 1—highest quality; Class 2—high quality; Class 3—medium quality; Class 4—low quality; Class 5—lower quality; Class 6—in or near default. Class 1 and Class 2 bonds are investment grade. 1Includes long-term bonds, short-term investments, and cash equivalents.

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Figure 2.4real Estate owned by life insurers, 2009

Investment, held for income75%

Investment, held for sale2%

Occupied by company23%

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Figure 2.3Mortgages Held by life insurers, by type


1–4 Family dwelling5%


1989 2009


1–4 Family dwelling1%


Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 2.7quality of Mortgages Held by life insurers (millions)

1999 2008 2009

Percent Percent Percent Amount distribution Amount distribution Amount distribution

Farm In good standing $12,411 97.4 $18,671 100.0 $17,747 99.9 Restructured 219 1.7 1 0.0 10 0.1 Overdue 81 0.6 5 0.0 3 0.0 Foreclosed 25 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0

Total 12,736 100.0 18,678 100.0 17,761 100.0

Residential In good standing 5,613 98.8 5,358 99.3 4,380 98.5 Restructured 1 0.0 0 0.0 30 0.7 Overdue 34 0.6 18 0.3 19 0.4 Foreclosed 34 0.6 21 0.4 18 0.4

Total 5,682 100.0 5,397 100.0 4,447 100.0

Commercial In good standing 206,924 97.9 328,077 99.8 312,493 99.5 Restructured 3,905 1.8 214 0.1 845 0.3 Overdue 299 0.1 124 0.0 473 0.2 Foreclosed 252 0.1 188 0.1 297 0.1

Total 211,380 100.0 328,602 100.0 314,108 100.0

All categories In good standing 224,947 97.9 352,107 99.8 334,620 99.5 Restructured 4,125 1.8 215 0.1 886 0.3 Overdue 413 0.2 146 0.0 495 0.1 Foreclosed 311 0.1 208 0.1 315 0.1

Aggregate total 229,797 100.0 352,676 100.0 336,316 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 2.8general account Mortgages for life insurers, by type and loan-to-Value ratios, 2009 (millions)

Loan-to-value ratio Farm Non-Farm Total

Above 95% $61 $15,487 $15,54991–95% 17 6,017 6,03481–90% 41 24,560 24,60171–80% 382 52,417 52,798Below 71% 17,049 209,911 226,960Total 17,550 308,392 325,942

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Table 2.9real Estate owned by life insurers, by type

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Investment propertyHeld for income NA $26,013 $20,868 NA -19.8Held for sale NA 392 510 NA 30.2

Total1 $31,991 26,405 21,379 -4.0 -19.0

Occupied by company 6,195 6,093 6,335 0.2 4.0

Aggregate total 38,186 32,497 27,714 -3.2 -14.7

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.1Prior to 2001, includes properties acquired in the satisfaction of debt and investment real estate.

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Table 2.10Foreign-controlled assets of u.s. life insurers, by country and year (millions)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Barbados — $516 $564 $569 $716

Bermuda 201 1,554 1,665 2,425 3,343

Canada 281,122 311,861 333,142 294,401 333,777

Cayman Islands 4,625 4,779 4,526 3,112 2,764

France 140,055 155,874 165,796 133,533 148,828

Germany 59,541 69,779 76,323 76,445 86,188

Italy 671 732 801 831 913

Japan 618 617 608 589 593

Netherlands 344,065 354,661 390,678 349,225 359,240

South Africa 37 34 28 23 9

Spain 131 139 154 178 193

Sweden 1 1 1 1 1

Switzerland 55,861 54,875 57,431 56,334 55,345

United Kingdom 94,737 125,531 136,041 135,786 149,075

Total 981,665 1,080,953 1,167,757 1,053,451 1,140,986

Percentage of industry assets 21.9% 22.4% 22.9% 22.7% 23.0%

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Companies are defined as foreign controlled if more than 50 percent of stock is owned by a foreign entity or entities.

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Table 2.11asset distribution of life insurers, by year (millions)

Real Policy MiscellaneousYear Bonds Stocks Mortgages estate loans assets Total

1917 $2,537 $83 $2,021 $179 $810 $311 $5,9411920 3,298 75 2,442 172 859 474 7,3201925 4,333 81 4,808 266 1,446 604 11,5381930 6,431 519 7,598 548 2,807 977 18,8801935 10,041 583 5,357 1,990 3,540 1,705 23,2161940 17,092 605 5,972 2,065 3,091 1,977 30,8021945 32,605 999 6,636 857 1,962 1,738 44,7971950 39,366 2,103 16,102 1,445 2,413 2,591 64,0201955 47,741 3,633 29,445 2,581 3,290 3,742 90,4321960 58,555 4,981 41,771 3,765 5,231 5,273 119,5761965 70,152 9,126 60,013 4,681 7,678 7,234 158,8841970 84,166 15,420 74,375 6,320 16,064 10,909 207,2541975 121,014 28,061 89,167 9,621 24,467 16,974 289,3041980 212,618 47,366 131,080 15,033 41,411 31,702 479,2101981 233,308 47,670 137,747 18,278 48,706 40,094 525,8031982 268,288 55,730 141,989 20,624 52,961 48,571 588,1631983 308,738 64,868 150,999 22,234 54,063 54,046 654,9481984 358,897 63,335 156,699 25,767 54,505 63,776 722,9791985 421,446 77,496 171,797 28,822 54,369 71,971 825,9011986 486,583 90,864 193,842 31,615 54,055 80,592 937,5511987 557,110 96,515 213,450 34,172 53,626 89,586 1,044,4591988 640,094 104,373 232,863 37,371 54,236* 97,933 1,166,8701989 716,204 125,614 254,215 39,908 57,439 106,376 1,299,7561990 793,443 128,484 270,109 43,367 62,603 110,202 1,408,2081991 893,005 164,515 265,258 46,711 66,364 115,348 1,551,2011992 990,315 192,403 246,702 50,595 72,058 112,458 1,664,5311993 1,113,853 251,885 229,061 54,249 77,725 112,354 1,839,1271994 1,186,139 281,816 215,332 53,813 85,499 119,674 1,942,2731995 1,278,416 371,867 211,815 52,437 95,939 133,070 2,143,5441996 1,348,425 477,505 207,779 49,484 100,460 139,894 2,323,5471997 1,451,289 598,358 209,898 46,076 104,549 168,908 2,579,0781998 1,518,998 757,958 216,336 41,313 104,507 187,410 2,826,5221999 1,551,618 989,762 229,797 38,186 98,757 162,533 3,070,6532000 1,605,178 997,329 236,701 36,059 101,978 204,491 3,181,7362001 1,731,792 909,026 243,596 32,368 104,273 247,966 3,269,0192002 1,955,548 791,429 250,531 32,848 105,229 244,414 3,380,0002003 ‡ 2,181,555 1,022,188 268,986 30,673 107,007 276,291 3,886,6992004 ‡ 2,347,322 1,179,858 282,534 31,005 108,658 303,470 4,252,8462005 ‡ 2,440,412 1,285,468 294,876 32,574 109,500 319,165 4,481,9952006 ‡ 2,461,479 1,530,892 313,741 33,096 112,914 370,701 4,822,8242007 ‡ 2,571,525 1,670,338 336,150 34,943 116,633 361,997 5,091,5862008 ‡ 2,429,173 1,135,797 352,676 32,497 122,485 575,518 4,648,1472009 ‡ 2,581,575 1,385,923 336,316 27,714 123,283 503,884 4,958,693

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Beginning with 1962, data include assets in separate accounts. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.*Excludes an estimated $600 million of securitized policy loans.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

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22 American Council of Life Insurers

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The liabilities of U.S. life insurers primarily comprise

the reserves held by each insurer to back its obligations

to policyholders and their beneficiaries. Of the many

different kinds of reserves, policy and asset fluctuation

reserves are the most important. Liabilities also include

small amounts of other funds and obligations.

Based on standard accounting principles applied to all

businesses, total liabilities plus the company’s net value

must equal its total assets. Net value is a company’s surplus

plus its capital stock and is available to support policyholder

claims if necessary.

Policy ReseRves

Policy reserves concern an insurer’s obligation to its

customers arising from its product in force. State law

requires each company to maintain its policy reserves at a

level that will assure payment of all policy obligations as

they fall due. That level is calculated on an actuarial basis,

taking into account funds from future premium payments,

assumed future interest earnings, and expected mortality

experience. At the end of 2009, policy reserves of U.S. life

insurers totaled $3.8 trillion, almost 10 percent higher than

2008 (Table 3.1).

Policy reserves are held and identified for each type of

business conducted by a life insurer:

n Life insurance policies

n Annuities and supplementary contracts

n Health insurance policies

The composition of life insurer policy reserves has changed

over the years, reflecting a shift in the basic types of business

undertaken. Annuity contract reserves now account for a

larger proportion of total policy reserves, while reserves set

aside for life insurance policies have a lesser share.

In 2009, reserves for life insurance comprised 31 percent

of total policy reserves, reaching $1.2 trillion (Figure 3.2,

Table 3.2). This proportion has shrunk from 1980, when life

insurance products commanded 51 percent of total reserves

(Table 3.6). In 2009, these reserves consisted of $1 trillion

for individual life policies, $134 billion for group policies,

and around $1 billion for credit life policies (Table 3.2).

By contrast, reserves for annuities and supplementary

contracts climbed to nearly two-thirds of total reserves in

2009 (64%), or $2.4 trillion, from 44 percent in 1980. Much

of the increase reflects the strong growth in retirement plans

administered by life insurers.

In 2009, annuity reserves consisted of $1.6 trillion for

individual annuities, up 14 percent from 2008, and $798

billion for group annuities, up 12 percent. General account

annuity reserves increased by five percent while separate

account reserves increased by 23 percent (Table 3.2). Group

annuity reserves had fallen significantly in 2001, primarily

due to accounting codification rather than actual fluctuation.

In 2000, liabilities for guaranteed interest contracts (GICs)

and premium and other deposit funds had been reported

as annuity reserves; however, as of 2001 these amounts

were counted as liabilities for deposit-type contracts. Since

most GICs and other deposit-type funds are under group

contracts, this accounting change has had a substantial effect

on group annuity reserves.

3 liABiliTies

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Reserves held under supplementary contracts with life

contingencies in 2009 totaled $16 billion, and for health

insurance policies, $196 billion.

DePosiT-TyPe conTRAcTs

Contracts issued by life insurers that do not incorporate

mortality or morbidity risks are known as deposit-type

contracts. Benefit payments under these contracts are not

contingent upon death or disability as they are in life and

disability insurance contracts, or upon continued survival

as they are in annuity contracts. Categories of deposit-

type contracts, as defined by the National Association

of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), include GICs,

supplementary contracts without life contingencies,

annuities certain, premium and other deposit funds,

dividend and coupon accumulations, lottery payouts,

and structured settlements.

Under codified statutory accounting practices

implemented in 2001, cash inflows and outflows on

deposit-type contracts are no longer reported as income

and expenditure. Instead, they are recorded directly as

increasing or decreasing reserves. During 2009, $139

billion was deposited to these contracts and $209 billion

was withdrawn, with a total reserve of $416 billion at

year’s end (Table 3.3).

In 2009, premium and other deposit funds surpassed GICs

as the largest category of the deposit-type business with

$68 billion in deposits, $84 billion in payments, and $175

billion in reserve at year-end. GICs received $46 billion from

policyholders and paid out $97 billion in 2009, leaving a

reserve of $144 billion at year’s end.

AsseT FlucTuATion ReseRves

Besides policy reserves, insurers are required to establish

two statutory reserves to absorb gains and losses in their

invested assets.

The asset valuation reserve (AVR) absorbs both realized

and unrealized, credit-related capital gains and losses.

The AVR consists of a default component, which provides

for credit-related losses on fixed-income assets, and an

equity component, which provides for all types of equity


The interest maintenance reserve (IMR) captures all

realized, interest-related capital gains and losses on

fixed-income assets. The IMR amortizes these gains

and losses into income over the remaining life of the

investments sold.

In 2009, the industry’s total AVR decreased almost three

percent to $21 billion, and its IMR increased 15 percent to

less than $11 billion (Table 3.1).

oTheR liABiliTies

In addition to reserves, other liability funds of U.S. life

insurers at the end of 2009 included $42 billion in policy

and contract claims; $18 billion set aside for the following

year’s dividend payments to policyholders; and $321 billion

for liabilities not directly allocable to policyholders—incurred

expenses, mandatory reserves for fluctuations in security

values, and insurance premiums paid in advance, for

example (Table 3.1).

suRPlus FunDs AnD cAPiTAl sTock

Surplus and capital amounted to $301 billion for U.S. life

insurers at the end of 2009 (Table 3.1). Surplus funds provide

extra reserve safeguards for such contingencies as an

unexpected rise in death rates among policyholders, unusual

changes in the value of securities, and general protection for

policy obligations. Several factors influence the amount of

surplus that a life insurer retains, including company size,

kinds of insurance written, mortality experience, general

business conditions, and government regulation. Capital

refers to the total par value of shares of the companies’

capital stock.

cAPiTAl RATios

One measure of the adequacy of a life insurer’s surplus is

its capital ratio: surplus funds plus capital stock plus AVR

as a percentage of general account assets. Theoretically,

the higher the capital ratio, the better a company is able

to withstand adverse investment and mortality experience.

However, the type of company and the distribution of its

book of business can make comparisons among companies

and with an industry wide average much less meaningful.

In 2009, the aggregate capital ratio of U.S. life insurers was

10 percent (Table 3.4).

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Life insurance regulators created the risk-based capital (RBC)

ratio to monitor life insurance company solvency.

Risk-based capital, calculated according to an NAIC model

law, is considered the minimum amount of capital an insurer

needs to avoid triggering regulatory action. The RBC ratio

is total adjusted capital divided by risk-based capital, for a

threshold ratio of 100 percent. The ratio provides a means

for evaluating the adequacy of an insurer’s capital relative

to the risks inherent in the insurer’s operations.

From 1993 when life insurers began reporting risk-based

capital, the average RBC ratio rose steadily to a plateau of

290 percent in 1997, which remained unbroken until 2001

(Table 3.5). That year, the ratio jumped to 346 percent,

mainly due to two changes enacted by NAIC: accounting

codification and an adjusted RBC formula that reflects

changed risks for assets. In 2009, the ratio rose 36 percentage

points from 2008 level to 418 percent.

Most companies have an RBC ratio well above the regulatory

minimum level of 100 percent. By year-end 2009, 812

companies, or 90 percent of life insurers, had a ratio of 200

percent or more. These companies carried 99 percent of

the industry’s total assets.

Table 3.1liabilities and surplus Funds of life insurers

Generalaccount(millions) Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

ReservesPolicy reserves1 $1,539,700 $2,280,047 $2,373,867 4.4 4.1Other reserves Liabilities for deposit-type contracts2 40,500 344,098 288,533 21.7 -16.1 Asset valuation reserve (AVR) 40,089 21,243 20,667 -6.4 -2.7 Policy and contract claims 31,096 42,493 42,358 3.1 -0.3 Funds set aside for policyholder dividends 17,356 18,582 17,591 0.1 -5.3 Interest maintenance reserve (IMR) 12,119 9,439 10,789 -1.2 14.3 Miscellaneous reserves3 NA 17,325 16,652 NA -3.9

Total other reserves 141,160 453,182 396,590 10.9 -12.5

Total reserves 1,680,860 2,733,229 2,770,456 5.1 1.4

Non-reserveliabilities 115,772 276,181 255,813 8.3 -7.4Total liabilities 1,796,633 3,009,410 3,026,270 5.4 0.6

Capitalandsurplus 177,939 260,921 297,992 5.3 14.2Total liabilities and surplus funds 1,974,572 3,270,330 3,324,262 5.3 1.6

Separateaccount(millions) Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

ReservesPolicy reserves1 $1,049,364 $1,190,819 $1,438,384 3.2 20.8Other reserves Liabilities for deposit-type contracts2 1,170 109,761 127,945 59.9 16.6 Interest maintenance reserve (IMR) 157 81 119 -2.7 46.0Total other reserves 1,326 109,843 128,064 57.9 16.6Total reserves 1,050,690 1,300,662 1,566,448 4.1 20.4

Non-reserveliabilities 42,082 74,796 64,754 4.4 -13.4Total liabilities 1,092,772 1,375,458 1,631,202 4.1 18.6

Surplus 3,309 2,358 3,229 -0.2 37.0Total liabilities and surplus funds 1,096,081 1,377,816 1,634,432 4.1 18.6


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Table 3.1liabilities and surplus Funds of life insurers—continued

Combinedaccounts(millions) Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

ReservesPolicy reserves1 $2,589,064 $3,470,867 $3,812,251 3.9 9.8Other reserves Liabilities for deposit-type contracts2 41,670 453,860 416,478 NA -8.2 Asset valuation reserve (AVR) 40,089 21,243 20,667 -6.4 -2.7 Policy and contract claims 31,096 42,493 42,358 3.1 -0.3 Funds set aside for policyholder dividends 17,356 18,582 17,591 0.1 -5.3 Interest maintenance reserve (IMR) 12,275 9,521 10,908 -1.2 14.6 Miscellaneous reserves3 NA 17,325 16,652 NA -3.9

Total other reserves 142,487 563,024 524,654 13.9 -6.8

Total reserves 2,731,551 4,033,891 4,336,905 4.7 7.5

Non-reserveliabilities 157,854 350,977 320,568 NA -8.7Total liabilities 2,889,405 4,384,868 4,657,472 4.9 6.2

Capitalandsurplus 181,248 263,278 301,221 5.2 14.4Total liabilities and surplus funds 3,070,653 4,648,147 4,958,693 4.9 6.7

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.1Beginning in 2001, excludes reserves for guaranteed interest contracts (GICs).2Prior to 2001, included supplementary contracts without life contingencies, policyholder dividend accumulations; beginning in 2001, also includes liabilities for GICs, and premium and other deposits.3Includes insurance premiums paid in advance. The amount previously was included in non-reserve liabilities.




Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

Growth of Life Insurers' Policy ReservesFigure 3.1






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Table 3.2Policy Reserves of life insurers, by line of Business

Generalaccount(millions) Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Lifeinsurance Individual $563,033 $874,521 $901,014 4.8 3.0

Group 28,569 53,977 52,018 6.2 -3.6

Credit 3,302 1,189 969 -11.5 -18.5

Total 594,903 929,687 954,001 4.8 2.6


Individual 500,576 850,374 901,716 6.1 6.0 Group 341,629 303,539 308,836 -1.0 1.7

Supplementary contracts with life contingencies 11,476 12,471 15,316 2.9 22.8

Total 853,681 1,166,385 1,225,868 3.7 5.1Healthinsurance Individual 61,011 133,954 142,203 8.8 6.2 Group 27,080 48,454 50,410 6.4 4.0

Credit 3,025 1,568 1,385 -7.5 -11.6

Total 91,116 183,976 193,998 7.9 5.4

Aggregate total 1,539,700 2,280,047 2,373,867 4.4 4.1

Separateaccount(millions) Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009


Individual $82,466 $125,470 $142,479 5.6 13.6

Group 27,857 79,314 81,809 11.4 3.1

Total 110,323 204,784 224,289 7.4 9.5

Annuities1 Individual 372,943 571,223 722,048 6.8 26.4

Group 565,552 412,048 489,152 -1.4 18.7

Supplementary contracts with life contingencies NA 636 761 NA 19.8

Total 938,494 983,907 1,211,962 2.6 23.2


Individual 1 228 276 NA 21.2

Group 545 1,901 1,857 13.0 -2.3

Total 546 2,129 2,133 14.6 0.2

Aggregate total 1,049,364 1,190,819 1,438,384 3.2 20.8


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Figure 3.2Distribution of life insurers’ Policy Reserves, 2009


Health Insurance5%

Life Insurance31%

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

Distribution of Life Insurers’ Policy Reserves, 2009Figure 3.2

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Table 3.2Policy Reserves of life insurers, by line of Business—continued

Combinedaccount(millions) Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009


Individual $645,499 $999,991 $1,043,493 4.9 4.4

Group 56,426 133,291 133,828 9.0 0.4

Credit 3,302 1,189 969 -11.5 -18.5

Total 705,226 1,134,470 1,178,290 5.3 3.9


Individual 873,519 1,421,597 1,623,764 6.4 14.2

Group 907,181 715,587 797,989 -1.3 11.5

Supplementary contracts

with life contingencies 11,476 13,107 16,077 3.4 22.7

Total 1,792,176 2,150,291 2,437,830 3.1 13.4


Individual 61,012 134,182 142,479 8.9 6.2

Group 27,625 50,355 52,267 6.6 3.8

Credit 3,025 1,568 1,385 -7.5 -11.6

Total 91,662 186,105 196,131 7.9 5.4

Aggregate total 2,589,064 3,470,867 3,812,251 3.9 9.8

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit socieites.NA: Not available1As of 2001, excludes reserves for guaranteed interest contracts (GICs). Figures for GICs are presented in Table 3.3.

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Table 3.3Deposit-Type contracts, 2009 (millions)

Deposits Withdrawals Reserves

Generalaccount Guaranteed interest contracts (GICs) $38,543 $88,175 $91,268

Annuities certain 3,728 5,986 38,975

Supplementary contracts without life contingencies 20,304 19,493 34,782

Dividend accumulations or refunds 1,065 2,056 23,074

Premium and other deposit funds 50,498 71,401 100,433

Total 114,137 187,112 288,533

Separateaccount Guaranteed interest contracts (GICs) 7,660 9,046 52,841

Annuities certain 13 159 611

Supplementary contracts without life contingencies 9 29 135

Dividend accumulations or refunds 0 0 1

Premium and other deposit funds 17,010 12,737 74,357

Total 24,692 21,971 127,945

Combinedaccount Guaranteed interest contracts (GICs) 46,203 97,221 144,109

Annuities certain 3,740 6,145 39,586

Supplementary contracts without life contingencies 20,312 19,522 34,918

Dividend accumulations or refunds 1,065 2,056 23,075

Premium and other deposit funds 67,508 84,138 174,790

Total 138,829 209,084 416,478

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Table 3.4capital Ratios of life insurers (percent)

1999 2008 2009

IncludingAVR 11.1 8.7 9.7

ExcludingAVR 9.1 8.1 9.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Capital ratio is equal to capital plus surplus plus the asset valuation reserve (AVR) divided by general account assets. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

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30 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 3.5levels of Risk-Based capital held by life insurers, 1999–2009


Risk-basedcapitalratio1999 2000 20011 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

200 percent or more 1,125 1,061 1,046 1,002 1,051 1,026 997 948 892 830 812 175–199 37 44 37 31 30 18 19 19 23 31 29 150–174 39 28 29 25 24 21 16 22 11 17 20 125–149 32 31 31 30 30 25 15 21 13 19 15 100–124 18 19 14 13 18 13 10 5 5 8 10 Less than 100 percent 27 15 21 25 22 16 14 14 16 36 19

Total 1,278 1,198 1,178 1,126 1,175 1,119 1,071 1,029 960 941 905

Averagerisk-basedcapitalratio 283% 287% 346% 325% 357% 390% 409% 411% 406% 382% 418%


Risk-basedcapitalratio1999 2000 20011 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

200 percent or more 88.0 88.6 88.8 89.0 89.4 91.7 93.1 92.1 92.9 88.2 89.7 175–199 2.9 3.7 3.1 2.8 2.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.4 3.3 3.2 150–174 3.1 2.3 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.5 2.1 1.1 1.8 2.2 125–149 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.2 1.4 2.0 1.4 2.0 1.7 100–124 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.9 1.1 Less than 100 percent 2.1 1.3 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.7 3.8 2.1

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0


Risk-basedcapitalratio1999 2000 20011 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

200 percent or more 91.4 96.6 96.5 96.8 98.3 98.4 98.8 99.0 99.4 97.0 98.7 175–199 3.0 2.2 2.2 1.6 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 2.2 0.2 150–174 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.5 125–149 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 100–124 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Less than 100 percent 4.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Risk-based capital ratio is total adjusted capital divided by total risk-based capital. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Data reflect changes due to accounting codification and revisions in the risk-based capital formula.

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Table 3.6life insurers Policy Reserves, by line of Business and year (millions)

Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount

1890 $670 1910 $3,226 1925 $9,927 1940 $27,2381900 1,443 1915 4,399 1930 16,231 1945 38,6671905 2,295 1920 6,338 1935 20,404 1950 54,946

Life Health Annuities1 SupplementaryYear insurance insurance Individual Group contracts2 Total

1955 $54,588 $575 * $13,216 $6,980 $75,3591960 70,791 865 $4,327 14,952 7,538 98,4731965 90,795 1,432 5,028 22,187 8,178 127,6201970 115,442 3,474 6,951 34,009 7,903 167,7791975 150,063 6,293 12,442 59,907 8,411 237,1161980 197,865 11,015 31,543 140,417 9,499 390,3391981 206,986 11,931 38,800 160,992 9,322 428,0311982 213,783 13,181 51,002 191,898 9,496 479,3601983 220,968 14,956 64,661 221,724 10,132 532,4411984 225,904 16,552 76,983 254,592 10,162 584,1931985 235,854 18,805 96,969 303,021 10,653 665,3021986 252,035 21,294 121,146 355,756 11,693 761,9241987 276,404 23,994 156,135 392,540 13,060 862,1331988 299,901 26,852 193,820 433,889 14,501 968,9631989 324,178 29,855 239,593 473,934 16,118 1,083,6781990 348,774 33,448 282,129 515,794 16,822 1,196,9671991 372,082 38,225 328,325 548,191 17,955 1,304,7781992 402,413 45,159 380,677 559,774 19,068 1,407,0911993 436,293 51,386 439,390 601,836 20,898 1,549,8031994 468,469 58,019 482,172 612,394 22,989 1,644,0431995 511,021 63,233 594,147 618,666 25,258 1,812,3251996 556,133 69,567 622,012 690,482 27,596 1,965,7901997 606,260 74,902 693,011 761,951 28,435 2,164,5591998 655,983 82,020 763,329 845,164 30,952 2,377,4491999 705,226 91,662 873,519 907,181 32,338 2,609,9262000 741,603 95,704 880,874 960,128 33,542 2,711,8512001 815,544 100,706 944,961 571,451 13,309 2,445,9722002 832,927 110,768 980,065 569,856 13,699 2,507,3142003‡ 921,142 123,451 1,172,623 662,474 15,315 2,895,0032004‡ 987,568 133,641 1,311,552 712,149 15,587 3,160,4972005‡ 1,029,486 140,895 1,415,104 758,484 15,847 3,359,8152006‡ 1,109,868 153,104 1,521,074 806,944 16,753 3,607,7432007‡ 1,148,256 166,148 1,615,276 843,146 17,819 3,790,6452008‡ 1,134,470 186,105 1,421,597 715,587 13,107 3,470,8672009‡ 1,178,290 196,131 1,623,764 797,989 16,077 3,812,251

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Before 1947, the business of health insurance departments of life insurers was not included in this series. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of annuities. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.*Included with group annuities.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes reserves for guaranteed interest contracts (GICs). Figures for GICs are shown in Table 3.3.2Beginning in 2001, includes reserves for supplementary contracts with life contingencies; reserves for supplementary contracts without life contingencies are included in liabilities for deposit-type contracts in Table 3.3.

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32 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 3.7life insurance Policy Reserves, by Type and year (millions)

Year Individual Group Credit Total

1956 $56,875 $787 -- $57,6621960 69,524 1,267 -- 70,7911965 88,784 2,011 -- 90,7951970 112,349 3,093 -- 115,4421975 144,368 4,995 $700 150,0631980 187,872 8,818 1,175 197,8651981 196,407 9,379 1,200 206,9861982 202,789 9,766 1,228 213,7831983 209,466 10,148 1,354 220,9681984 215,309 9,111 1,484 225,9041985 224,204 9,927 1,723 235,8541986 239,295 10,770 1,970 252,0351987 263,515 10,559 2,330 276,4041988 285,853 11,581 2,467 299,9011989 309,168 12,569 2,441 324,1781990 332,808 13,506 2,460 348,7741991 355,719 13,950 2,413 372,0821992 381,323 18,684 2,406 402,4131993 412,542 21,336 2,415 436,2931994 441,894 23,911 2,664 468,4691995 480,967 27,342 2,712 511,0211996 523,901 29,396 2,836 556,1331997 565,601 37,787 2,872 606,2601998 608,283 44,515 3,184 655,9831999 645,499 56,426 3,302 705,2262000 679,546 58,493 3,564 741,6032001 720,583 91,563 3,398 815,5442002 746,383 83,742 2,802 832,9272003‡ 827,892 91,049 2,200 921,1422004‡ 881,817 103,931 1,820 987,5682005‡ 923,429 104,463 1,594 1,029,4862006‡ 988,620 119,841 1,407 1,109,8682007‡ 1,011,179 135,733 1,343 1,148,2562008‡ 999,991 133,291 1,189 1,134,4702009‡ 1,043,493 133,828 969 1,178,290

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Credit life insurance is limited to insurance on loans of 10 years’ or less duration. Prior to 1973, all credit insurance was included in the individual and group categories. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 3.8life insurer liabilities and surplus Funds, by year (millions)

Mandatory Liabilities Funds securities Interest Capital fordeposit- setaside Policyand orasset main- and Policy type forpolicy Other contract valuation tenance surplusYear reserves contracts1 dividends obligations claims2 reserves3 reserve funds Total

1952 $62,579 $1,675 $841 $3,024* -- NA -- $5,256 $73,3751955 75,359 2,239 1,201 3,562 -- $1,063 -- 7,008 90,4321960 98,473 3,381 1,780 4,851 -- 1,417 -- 9,674 119,5761965 127,620 4,326 2,647 7,295 -- 3,160 -- 13,836 158,8841970 167,779 6,068 3,540 10,295 -- 2,249 -- 17,323 207,2541975 237,116 8,814 4,875 16,241 -- 1,695 -- 20,563 289,3041980 390,339 12,727 7,659 27,701 -- 6,426 -- 34,358 479,2101981 428,031 13,261 8,355 33,223 -- 5,511 -- 37,422 525,8031982 479,360 13,706 8,914 38,001 -- 6,731 -- 41,451 588,1631983 532,441 13,939 10,078 44,022 -- 8,084 -- 46,384 654,9481984 584,193 14,395 10,745 55,955 -- 7,344 -- 50,347 722,9791985 665,302 14,638 11,710 66,932 -- 10,539 -- 56,780 825,9011986 761,924 15,174 11,704 69,270 -- 15,330 -- 64,149 937,5511987 862,133 15,837 12,043 71,063 -- 16,013 -- 67,370 1,044,4591988 968,963 16,601 12,478 75,939 -- 17,939 -- 74,950 1,166,8701989 1,083,678 17,278 13,373 82,306 -- 19,438 -- 83,683 1,299,7561990 1,196,967 18,000 13,921 73,164 -- 14,783 -- 91,373 1,408,2081991 1,304,778 18,531 13,196 89,804 -- 18,854 -- 106,038 1,551,2011992 1,407,091 19,189 13,102 85,212 -- 20,801 $3,899 115,237 1,664,5311993 1,549,803 19,619 13,172 72,525 $20,680 25,063 10,245 128,020 1,839,1271994 1,644,043 19,702 13,150 74,646 21,993 25,010 6,988 136,741 1,942,2731995 1,812,325 19,950 13,739 83,923 23,987 29,676 9,000 150,944 2,143,5441996 1,965,790 20,441 14,863 111,629 25,399 33,202 9,360 147,240 2,327,9241997 2,164,559 20,456 16,197 141,042 29,181 36,159 11,398 160,086 2,579,0781998 2,377,449 20,520 16,831 155,266 31,309 37,882 14,567 172,695 2,826,5201999 2,609,920 20,808 17,356 157,860 31,096 40,089 12,275 181,248 3,070,6532000 2,711,851 21,149 18,137 162,300 33,161 37,893 8,746 188,499 3,181,7362001 2,445,972 337,713 18,689 193,263 35,721 30,603 8,507 190,727 3,269,0192002 2,507,314 363,514 18,489 220,160 35,043 22,851 10,310 202,318 3,380,0002003‡ 2,895,003 410,554 18,825 251,209 37,202 29,187 14,890 231,321 3,888,1902004‡ 3,160,497 445,431 18,416 287,628 37,880 35,125 17,764 249,644 4,252,3862005‡ 3,359,815 456,325 18,810 300,912 36,719 37,832 17,011 254,572 4,481,9952006‡ 3,607,743 487,490 19,494 345,648 39,361 43,389 13,827 265,872 4,822,8242007‡ 3,790,645 516,905 20,134 383,090 41,120 45,913 11,948 281,831 5,091,5862008‡ 3,470,867 453,860 18,582 368,303 42,493 21,243 9,521 263,278 4,648,1472009‡ 3,812,251 416,478 17,591 337,219 42,358 20,667 10,908 301,221 4,958,693

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of annuities and deposit-type funds, as explained in footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Prior to 2001, represents policyholder dividend accumulations. Beginning in 2001, includes liabilities for guaranteed interest contracts, supplementary contracts without life contingencies, policyholder dividend accumulations, and premium and other deposits.2Prior to 1993, included with other obligations.3Beginning in 1992, asset valuation reserve replaced mandatory securities valuation reserve.

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34 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 3.9capital Ratios of life insurers, by year (percent)

Including Excluding Including ExcludingYear MSVR/AVR MSVR/AVR Year MSVR/AVR MSVR/AVR

1967 10.7 8.9 1998 11.0 9.01970 9.7 8.6 1999 11.1 9.11975 8.1 7.4 2000 11.1 9.21980 9.2 7.7 2001 10.1 8.71985 9.1 7.7 2002 9.3 8.41990 8.5 7.3 2003‡ 9.6 8.51991 9.3 7.9 2004‡ 9.8 8.61992 9.6 8.1 2005‡ 9.7 8.51993 10.0 8.4 2006‡ 10.0 8.61994 10.2 8.6 2007‡ 10.3 8.9 1995 10.7 9.0 2008‡ 8.7 8.11996 11.9 10.0 2009‡ 9.7 9.11997 10.6 8.7

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Capital ratio is equal to capital plus surplus plus the asset valuation reserve (AVR), or mandatory securities valuation reserve (MSVR) prior to 1992, divided by general account assets. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

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4The gross income of life insurance companies comes

from two main sources: premiums paid by policyholders

and earnings on investments. In 2009, total income

of all U.S. life insurers decreased 17 percent to $781

billion (Table 4.1). Insurance premiums and annuity

considerations contributed 67 percent of total income.

Investment earnings contributed 27 percent. The

remainder of gross income came from amortization of

interest maintenance reserve, commissions and expense

allowance on reinsurance ceded, and miscellaneous


Under statutory accounting rules, net gain from

(insurance) operations is calculated prior to net income.

Net gain from operations equals gross income minus

operating expenditures, policyholder dividends, and

federal income taxes. Capital gains, net of tax, are then

added to net gain from operations to calculate (after

tax) net income.

Premium income

Premium receipts—derived from sales of life insurance,

health insurance, and annuities—increased 18.4 percent

to $522 billion in 2009 (Table 4.2).

The mix of premiums from life insurance and annuity

considerations has changed markedly over time. Prior to

1986, premium receipts from life policies were greater

than annuity considerations, but starting in 1986, annuity

premiums have exceeded life insurance premiums

(Table 4.10). By 2009, life policies accounted for roughly

one-quarter of premium receipts (24%), while annuity

considerations contributed nearly half (44%) (Figure 4.1).

Premiums for life insurance policies totaled $125 billion

in 2009, a 15 percent decrease from the previous year

(Table 4.2). Individual policy premiums accounted for

the largest share at $99 billion, or 79 percent. Most

were renewals, representing $68 billion, or 69 percent,

of individual premiums (Table 4.3). Group insurance

was the second-largest contributor to life insurance

premiums at $25 billion, or 20 percent of the total. Again,

renewals constituted the largest portion at $24 billion, or

96 percent, of all group premiums. Credit life provided

$842 million of all life insurance premiums (Table 4.2).

Americans spent 0.9 percent of total disposable (after-

tax) personal income on individual life insurance in

2009 (Table 4.5).

Annuity considerations decreased 29 percent in 2009 to

$232 billion (Table 4.2). Individual annuities provided

$129 billion in premium receipts, decreasing 38 percent

from 2008. Of individual annuity considerations, single

annuity considerations constitute the largest share of

this category at $94 billion, while group considerations

counted renewals as the largest contributor with $57

billion (Table 4.4). Individual annuity considerations

amounted to 1.2 percent of disposable personal income

in 2009 (Table 4.5).

Premiums for accident and health insurance increased

1 percent to $166 billion in 2009 (Table 4.1) with group

premiums being the largest portion at $90 billion, down

5 percent from 2008 (Table 4.2). Individual accident and

health premiums increased to $75 billion, with the largest

share at $33 billion coming from guaranteed renewable

contracts (Table 4.6).


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36 American Council of Life Insurers

investment income and rate of return

Net investment income of life insurance companies

amounted to $198 billion in 2009 (Table 4.7). The largest

source of investment income was from bonds at $142

billion, followed by common stock ($31 billion) and

mortgage loans ($21 billion). Gross investment income

decreased 19 percent from 2008. Investment expenses,

taxes, and deductions totaling $12 billion were down

12 percent from the previous year.

As a way of tracking investment performance, life

insurers routinely calculate their net rate of return on

invested assets. The net rate of return on invested assets

is determined by dividing net investment income by the

two-year average of the net invested assets. The gross

rate of return on total fixed income assets is calculated

by dividing the gross investment income on bonds by

the average net investment in bonds.

In 2009, life insurers’ net rate of return on total assets

was 4.60 percent, down from 5.70 percent a year earlier

(Table 4.8). This net rate is an annual average based

on aggregates of all U.S. life insurance companies after

investment expenses, but before federal income taxes.

Excluding separate accounts, the portfolio net rate of

return on general account assets was 5.25 percent in

2009, down from 5.63 percent in 2008.

The gross rate of return on fixed-income assets measures

the return on bonds, preferred stocks, and mortgages.

It does not account for depreciation or investment

expenses and excludes equity investments (other than

preferred stocks), avoiding the uneven treatment of gains

in the numerator and denominator of net rate data.

Gross rate data apply to fixed-income assets of both

general and separate accounts. The industry’s gross rate

on total fixed-income assets decreased to 5.91 percent

in 2009 from 5.97 percent a year earlier.

net Gain from oPerations

Statutory accounting calculates net gain from (insurance)

operations as gross income minus operating expenses,

policyholder dividends, and federal income taxes

(not including tax on capital gains, since capital gains

are not included in gain from operations). Net gain

from operations after federal income taxes increased

significantly in 2009 to $52 billion (Table 4.9). Net

gains can be calculated separately for each major line

of business. Net gains from annuities were $27 billion

compared with $22 billion in net losses a year ago.

The net gain from life insurance increased 2 percent to

$10 billion.

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Table 4.1income of Life insurers

Millions Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Netpremiumsandconsiderations Life insurance premiums $120,274 $147,182 $124,564 0.4 -15.4 Annuity considerations1 270,212 328,135 231,580 -1.5 -29.4 Health insurance premiums 100,049 165,034 166,164 5.2 0.7Total 490,535 640,350 522,308 0.6 -18.4

Investmentincome 186,563 260,123 211,650 1.3 -18.6

Otherincome2 49,830 40,166 47,468 -0.5 18.2

Aggregate total 726,928 940,638 781,426 0.7 -16.9

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes certain deposit-type funds from income due to codification. Also excludes resources for supplementary contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain, lottery payments, structured settlements, and income payment options.2Includes commissions and expense allowance on reinsurance ceded. For 2005-2009, includes amortization of interest maintenance reserve.

Table 4.2Premium receipts of Life insurers

Millions Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Lifeinsurancepremiums Individual $93,354 $117,399 $98,579 0.5 -16.0 Group 24,946 28,644 25,143 0.1 -12.2 Credit 1,974 1,138 842 -8.2 -26.0Total 120,274 147,182 124,564 0.4 -15.4


Individual 115,621 208,965 128,853 1.1 -38.3 Group 154,591 119,169 102,727 -4.0 -13.8

Total 270,212 328,135 231,580 -1.5 -29.4

Healthinsurancepremiums Individual 26,954 69,644 75,404 10.8 8.3 Group 71,370 94,454 90,005 2.3 -4.7 Credit 1,724 935 756 -7.9 -19.2Total 100,048 165,034 166,164 5.2 0.7

Aggregate total 490,534 640,350 522,308 0.6 -18.4

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes certain deposit-type funds from income due to codification. Also excludes resources for supplementary contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain, lottery payments, structured settlements, and income payment options.

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38 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 4.3individual and Group Life insurance net Premium receipts, 2009 (millions)

Percent Percent Percent Individual distribution Group distribution Total distribution

First-year $12,395 12.6 -$19 -0.1 $12,376 10.0 Single1 17,930 18.2 919 3.7 18,850 15.2 Renewal 68,253 69.2 24,243 96.4 92,496 74.8

Aggregate total 98,579 100.0 25,143 100.0 123,722 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Credit life premiums on loans of 10 years’ or less duration are excluded. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes dividend additions, excess premiums beyond planned periodic premiums, and single-premium riders.

Figure 4.1distribution of Life insurers’ net Premium receipts, 2009

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Annuity considerations44%

Life insurance premiums32%

Health insurance premiums24%

Distribution of Life Insurers’ Net Premium Receipts, 2009Figure 4.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 4.4individual and Group annuity considerations, 2009 (millions)

Percent Percent Percent Individual1 distribution Group1 distribution Total distribution

First-year $93,919 72.9 $24,027 23.4 $117,947 50.9

Single2 19,331 15.0 21,276 20.7 40,607 17.5

Renewal 15,603 12.1 57,424 55.9 73,026 31.5

Total 128,853 100.0 102,727 100.0 231,580 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective in 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes certain deposit-type funds from income due to codification, and includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies. Also excludes reserves for supplementary contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain, lottery payouts, structured settlements, and income payout options.2Includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies for individual annuity considerations.

Table 4.5individual Life Premiums and annuity considerations as Percentage of disposable Personal income


1999 2008 2009


Life premiums 1.37 1.09 0.90

Annuity considerations1 1.70 1.93 1.18

Total 3.07 3.02 2.08

Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce; ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective in 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes certain deposit-type funds from income due to codification, and includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies. Also excludes reserves for supplementary contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain, lottery payouts, structured settlements, and income payout options.

Table 4.6accident and Health insurance net Premium receipts

Millions Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Group $71,370 $89,558 $90,005 2.3 0.5

Credit 1,724 756 756 -7.9 0.0


Collectively renewable 446 48 34 -22.6 -29.2 Noncancelable 4,422 6,740 6,787 4.4 0.7 Guaranteed renewable 18,044 33,322 33,247 6.3 -0.2 Nonrenewable 1,313 5,238 5,641 15.7 7.7

Other accident 603 8,423 10,872 33.5 29.1 All other 2,127 18,162 18,823 24.4 3.6

Total 26,954 71,934 75,404 10.8 4.8

Aggregate total 100,048 162,249 166,164 5.2 2.4

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Premium receipts are net of reinsurance. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

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40 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 4.7net investment income

Millions Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Grossinvestmentincome Bonds $108,426 $141,050 $141,860 2.7 0.6 Preferred stock 1,047 4,159 790 -2.8 -81.0 Common stock 31,011 68,483 31,251 0.1 -54.4 Mortgage loans 18,750 21,547 20,700 1.0 -3.9 Real estate 7,683 4,647 4,200 -5.9 -9.6 Contract loans 7,723 7,805 8,136 0.5 4.2 Cash/Short-term investments 5,091 4,456 914 -15.8 -79.5 Other invested assets 7,820 9,149 6,095 -2.5 -33.4 Derivative instruments 376 -2,258 -2,640 NC 16.9 Other write-ins 1,422 1,083 344 -13.2 -68.3

Total 189,349 260,123 211,650 1.1 -18.6

Expenses,taxes,anddeductions 12,548 13,839 12,143 -0.3 -12.3

Netinvestmentincome 176,801 246,284 199,506 1.2 -19.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

Table 4.8rates of return on invested assets of Life insurers


1999 2008 2009

NetrateTotal assets 6.71 5.70 4.60General account only 7.49 5.63 5.25

GrossrateTotal fixed-income assets 7.93 5.97 5.91

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 4.9net Gain from operations after federal income taxes

Millions Averageannualpercentchange

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Lifeinsurance Individual $5,876 $7,428 $7,259 2.1 -2.3

Group 898 1,726 2,196 9.4 27.2 Credit 188 245 163 -1.4 -33.7

Total 6,962 9,399 9,618 3.3 2.3


Individual 4,317 -22,093 15,607 NC NC Group 3,711 153 11,716 12.2 7557.3

Total 8,027 -21,940 27,323 NC NC

Accidentandhealth Individual 626 3,836 5,057 23.2 31.8 Group -71 5,952 4,615 NC -22.5 Credit 304 257 223 -3.1 -13.1

Total 859 10,045 9,895 27.7 -1.5

Other2 2,906 5,227 5,115 5.8 -2.2

Aggregate total 18,755 2,731 51,951 10.7 1802.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Net gain is calculated after dividends to policyholders and federal income taxes are deducted and before realized capital gains or (losses) are added. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes certain deposit-type funds from income due to codification, and includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies. Also excludes reserves for supplementary contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain, lottery payouts, structured settlements, and income payout options.2Includes lines of business other than life (e.g. workers compensation, aviation insurance, etc.).

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42 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 4.10income of Life insurers, by Year (millions)


Life Health Total insurance Annuity insurance premium Investment OtherYear premiums considerations premiums receipts income1 income2 Totalincome

1911 $626 $4 — $630 $182 $24 $8361915 776 6 — 782 241 20 1,0431920 1,374 7 — 1,381 341 42 1,7641925 2,340 38 — 2,378 551 89 3,0181930 3,416 101 — 3,517 891 186 4,5941935 3,182 491 — 3,673 1,013 386 5,0721940 3,501 386 — 3,887 1,231 540 5,6581945 4,589 570 — 5,159 1,445 1,070 7,6741950 6,249 939 $1,001 8,189 2,075 1,073 11,3371955 8,903 1,288 2,355 12,546 2,801 1,197 16,5441960 11,998 1,341 4,026 17,365 4,304 1,338 23,0071965 16,083 2,260 6,261 24,604 6,778 1,785 33,1671970 21,679 3,721 11,367 36,767 10,144 2,143 49,0541975 29,336 10,165 19,074 58,575 16,488 2,959 78,0221980 40,829 22,429 29,366 92,624 33,928 4,336 130,8881985 60,127 53,899 41,837 155,863 67,952 10,212 234,0271986 66,213 83,712* 44,153 194,078 75,435 12,744 282,2571987 76,737 88,677 47,549 212,963 82,875 18,460 314,2981988 73,531 103,278 52,306 229,115 92,042 16,983 338,1401989 73,290 114,997 56,079 244,366 103,965 18,987 367,3181990 76,692 129,064 58,254 264,010 111,853 26,337 402,2001991 79,301 123,590 60,900 263,791 118,984 28,247 411,0221992 83,868 132,645 65,545 282,058 121,389 23,469 426,9161993 94,448 156,445 68,658 319,551 124,205 22,594 466,3501994 98,948 153,019 86,184 338,151 125,999 28,478 492,6281995 102,766 158,389 90,038 351,193 143,967 32,894 528,0541996 107,598 178,416 92,183 378,197 152,700 30,190 561,0871997 115,039 197,529 92,737 405,305 170,713 34,628 610,6461998 119,897 229,493 94,881 444,271 176,801 42,311 663,3831999 120,274 270,212 100,049 490,535 186,563 49,830 726,9282000 130,616 306,693 105,619 542,928 220,862 47,679 811,4692001 125,314 251,255^ 103,413 479,982 203,399 41,068 724,4482002 134,483 269,296^ 108,703 512,482 180,855 40,676 734,0132003‡ 127,320 268,558^ 115,827 511,705 179,744 35,558 727,0072004‡ 139,691 276,677^ 125,752 542,120 186,827 27,863 756,8102005‡ 142,261 277,117^ 118,267 537,645 206,859 34,521 779,0242006‡ 149,223 302,727^ 141,198 593,149 239,669 50,779 883,5972007‡ 142,661 314,225^ 151,462 608,348 267,394 74,624 950,3662008‡ 147,182 328,135^ 165,034 640,350 260,123 40,166 940,6382009‡ 124,564 231,580^ 166,164 522,308 211,650 47,468 781,426

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in footnotes. Prior to 1947, the business of health insurance departments of life insurers was not included in this series. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.*Unusually large increase due to NAIC-mandated change in reporting method for group annuity considerations.^Excludes certain deposit-type funds from income due to codification.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2000 represents gross investment income. Prior to 2000, figures are net of investment expenses.2Beginning in 1975, includes commissions and expense allowance on reinsurance ceded. Beginning in 1992, includes amortization of the interest maintenance reserve.

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Table 4.11individual Life insurance Premium receipts, by Year (millions)

Year First-year Single1 Renewal Total

1970 $1,869 $1,114 $14,033 $17,0161975 2,705 1,505 18,125 22,3351980 4,520 2,448 23,818 30,7861981 5,927 2,486 27,283 35,6961982 5,948 3,232 30,675 39,8551983 6,910 4,221 27,913 39,0441984 8,794 4,735 26,204 39,7331985 10,858 6,941 29,202 47,0011986 11,524 9,901 30,980 52,4051987 12,484 15,610 34,584 62,6781988 10,670 11,893 36,150 58,7131989 10,658 8,800 38,716 58,1741990 11,249 8,261 41,055 60,5651991 11,398 8,445 43,521 63,3641992 11,141 9,389 45,739 66,2691993 13,314 11,447 50,570 75,3311994 14,081 8,820 53,153 76,0541995 12,081 9,945 56,453 78,4791996 12,041 10,799 60,001 82,8411997 14,592 11,999 60,846 87,4371998 17,353 15,802 60,396 93,5501999 16,784 13,540 63,029 93,3542000 17,881 16,565 68,047 102,4932001 17,849 19,145 58,432 95,4262002 15,934 21,768 68,454 106,1562003‡ 14,650 20,463 62,795 97,9072004‡ 16,098 23,550 71,207 110,8552005‡ 16,680 25,363 69,873 111,9152006‡ 14,578 29,774 69,612 113,9642007‡ 14,145 40,291 49,044 103,4792008‡ 14,460 34,068 68,871 117,3992009‡ 12,395 17,930 68,253 98,579

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. 1969-72 data include credit life insurance premiums. Beginning with 1973, credit life premiums on loans of 10 years’ or less in duration are excluded. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Includes dividend additions, excess premiums beyond planned periodic premiums, and single-premium riders.

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44 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 4.12individual annuity considerations, by Year (millions)

Deposit-typeYear First-year Single Renewal funds1 Total

1970 $183 $230 $547 — $9601975 728 808 1,128 — 2,6641980 839 3,033 2,424 NA 6,2961981 1,240 6,100 2,950 NA 10,2901982 2,863 8,769 3,564 NA 15,1961983 2,211 7,842 3,950 NA 14,0031984 2,385 8,673 4,648 NA 15,7061985 3,390 11,095 6,406 NA 20,8911986 4,683 13,281 8,153 NA 26,1171987 6,238 18,578 8,948 NA 33,7641988 7,875 28,053 7,856 NA 43,7841989 5,597 20,970 6,437 $16,403 49,4071990 6,080 22,777 6,992 17,817 53,6651991 5,854 21,930 6,732 17,154 51,6701992 6,775 21,964 7,378 25,232 61,3481993 8,793 23,393 6,513 38,288 76,9871994 8,263 22,901 6,448 43,221 80,8321995 7,913 22,898 8,725 37,834 77,3701996 9,727 19,802 6,461 48,077 84,0671997 10,806 22,441 6,781 50,145 90,1741998 11,092 17,129 7,179 60,047 95,4461999 14,599 19,470 6,784 74,767 115,6212000 15,050 27,022 7,480 90,099 139,6512001* 51,576 63,078 27,002 NA 141,6562002* 64,731 75,412 28,291 NA 168,4342003*‡ 61,439 75,410 24,855 NA 161,7042004*‡ 60,568 86,383 25,188 NA 172,1402005*‡ 66,771 78,354 21,907 NA 167,0322006*‡ 81,923 77,193 27,967 NA 187,0832007*‡ 92,395 71,268 28,841 NA 192,5032008*‡ 89,758 94,111 25,097 NA 208,9652009*‡ 93,919 19,331 15,603 NA 128,853

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.*Certain deposit-type funds are excluded from income under codification, making data after 2000 incomparable.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1First included in annual statements for 1978 and divided into first-year, single, and renewal annuity considerations through 1988.

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Table 4.13rates of return on invested assets of Life insurers, by Year (percent)

Netrate Grossrate

Year Totalassets Generalaccountonly Totalfixedincomeassets

1920 4.83 NA NA1925 5.11 NA NA1930 5.05 NA NA1935 3.70 NA NA1940 3.45 NA NA1945 3.11 NA NA1950 3.13 NA NA1955 3.51 NA NA1960 4.11 NA NA1965 4.61 4.61 NA1970 5.30 5.34 5.851975 6.36 6.44 7.371980 8.02 8.06 9.261981 8.57 8.53 9.871982 8.91 8.87 10.351983 8.96 9.08 10.631984 9.45 9.65 11.351985 9.63 9.87 12.231986 9.35 9.64 11.141987 9.10 9.39 10.621988 9.03 9.41 10.511989 9.10 9.47 10.581990 8.89 9.31 10.341991 8.63 9.09 10.051992 8.08 8.58 9.441993 7.52 8.04 8.711994 7.14 7.63 8.221995 7.41 7.90 8.431996 7.25 7.75 8.171997 7.35 7.86 8.081998 6.95 7.58 8.001999 6.71 7.49 7.932000 7.05 7.40 7.912001 6.31 7.13 7.622002 5.38 6.64 7.132003‡ 5.03 6.17 6.442004‡ 4.80 5.93 6.032005‡ 4.90 5.88 5.962006‡ 5.35 5.95 5.992007‡ 5.71 6.01 6.102008‡ 5.70 5.63 6.012009‡ 4.60 5.25 5.91

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Before 1940, some federal income taxes were deducted from net investment income; beginning with 1940, rates are calculated before deducting any federal income taxes. Beginning in 1994, rates include amortization of the interest maintenance reserve. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡ Includes fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.

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46 American Council of Life Insurers

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5Life insurance company expenditures include benefit

payments and other contract payments, operating

expenses, taxes, additions to reserves, and investment

expenses. Contract payments accounted for 74 percent

of expenditures at $507 billion in 2009 (Table 5.1, Figure

5.1). Additions to reserves were $50 billion at 7 percent

in 2009.

Operating expenses comprised 15 percent of 2009 total

expenditures, taxes claimed 2 percent and investment

expenses claimed 2 percent. Each expenditure category

is detailed in this chapter, with the exception of reserves,

which are discussed in Chapter 3.

ContraCt Payments

From Life Insurance Policies

Several factors affect the pattern of life insurance benefit

payments. Primary among them are changes in the

death rate of policyholders and the growth in group life

insurance and other term insurance policies that do not

incorporate a cash value.

These payments have increased steadily for many years,

reflecting greater use of life insurance not only to provide

funds for the family whose breadwinner dies, but also for

family financial needs during the policyholder’s lifetime.

Nationally, increasing life insurance ownership has been

the main reason for the almost uninterrupted rise in

life insurance death payments over the years, despite

a general decline in death rates among policyholders.

To Beneficiaries

During 2009, life insurers paid $59 billion to beneficiaries

of policyholders who died, a slight decrease from 2008

(Table 5.2). Of this total, individual life insurance policies

accounted for nearly two-thirds and provided $38 billion

(64%). Group life insurance payments to beneficiaries

ranked second at $21 billion, or 35 percent of total death

payments. Benefits paid under short-term individual and

group credit life insurance policies (on loans of 10 years’

or less duration) totaled $527 million in 2009.

To Policyholders

Although the basic purpose of life insurance is to protect

against the economic risks of death, it can also generate

value for the individual policyholder. Cash surrender

values paid on life insurance policies terminated

voluntarily during 2009 declined by 18 percent to $48

billion from a year earlier (Table 5.2).

Policyholder dividends represent the return of part of the

payments that policyholders made on policies sold on

a participating basis, and reflect the portion not needed

by the company after payment of claims, additions

to reserves, and administrative expenses. Dividends

accounted for $14 billion, or 11 percent of payments

from life insurance policies in 2009.

Endowment insurance guarantees that the policy’s

face amount will be paid by the insurance company

regardless of whether the insured dies during the policy’s

term, as long as premiums are paid as required. These

policies specify a maturity date. Matured endowment

payments totaled $546 million in 2009.


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48 American Council of Life Insurers

Other payments, including disability payments and

retained assets under life insurance policies, totaled $551

million in 2009.

From Annuity Contracts

Annuity benefit payments decreased by 4 percent to $67

billion in 2009 from 2008 (Table 5.3). Beginning in 2001,

payments and withdrawals from deposit-type contracts

are no longer reported as expenditures but directly as a

deduction from reserves.

Sixty percent of the annuity benefit payments, or $40

billion, was paid to individual annuity owners, while $25

billion, or 37 percent, was paid to group annuity owners.

The remainder was paid under supplementary contracts

with life contingencies—an agreement between an

insurer and a life insurance policyholder or beneficiary

in which the beneficiary chooses to receive the policy’s

proceeds over a lifetime rather than in a lump sum.

Life insurers paid $183 billion on voluntarily terminated

annuities in 2009, $3 billion in dividends to annuity

owners, and small amounts of death benefits, disability

benefits, and matured endowments.

From Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance has become a notable aspect of U.S.

life insurers’ services. Life insurance companies paid

$122 billion in health insurance benefits to Americans

in 2009—$71 billion under group contracts and $51

billion under individual policies (Table 5.4). Life insurers’

total health insurance benefit payments to Americans

increased 3 percent from 2008.

These statistics do not include disability payments under

life insurance policies, health insurance and accidental

death and dismemberment payments by casualty and

other health insurance companies, or administrative-

service-only arrangements.

oPeratIng eXPenses

Operating expenses of life insurance companies include

commissions to agents and home- and field-office

expenses. In 2009, agent commissions comprised 7

percent of expenditures at $50 billion (Table 5.1). Home-

and field-office expenses were $56 billion, or 8 percent

of total expenditures.

Of total office expenses, $36 billion, or 64 percent, was

in salaries and payments to employee and agent benefit

plans (Table 5.5). In 2009, life insurers also spent $7

billion on office equipment and supplies, $3 billion on

office rent, $3 billion on fees associated with policy

issuance and claim settlement, $3 billion on advertising,

and $1 billion on travel.


Life insurance companies incurred $15 billion in taxes

to federal, state, and local governments in 2009 (Table

5.6). The financial market downturn in 2008 created

huge capital losses and tax credits for life insurers,

resulting in more than $650 million in federal income tax

credit. Other types of taxes changed slightly from their

2008 levels. Significant year-to-year variation in federal

income taxes is largely due to changes in capital gain/

loss obligations.

Another large tax obligation of life insurers’ is payment

of taxes on premiums that companies collect in each

state. In 2009, U.S. life insurers incurred $4 billion in

state taxes on premiums collected from life, health, and

annuity business.

As employers of over one-third of a million home-office

personnel, U.S. life insurers also incurred $2 billion

in Social Security taxes in 2009. This figure does not

include Social Security taxes paid by employees or self-

employed agents.

Miscellaneous taxes, licenses, and fees accounted for

more than $1 billion in 2009. These taxes do not include

amounts associated with investment management.

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Investment eXPenses

Expenses, fees, and taxes associated with investment

management totaled $12 billion in 2009 (Table 5.7).

Depreciation on invested assets is the largest category

at about $2.6 billion followed by interest at $2.1 billion.

Table 5.1expenditures of Life Insurers

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Contract payments Life insurance $90,333 $134,279 $122,353 3.1 -8.9 Annuities1 266,556 310,821 252,536 -0.5 -18.8

Health insurance 75,340 118,922 122,018 4.9 2.6 Other payments2 8,878 13,764 10,212 1.4 -25.8

Total 441,107 577,787 507,119 1.4 -12.2

Additions to policy reserve funds3 60,428 239,847 50,347 -1.8 -79.0

Operating expenses Commissions to agents 38,883 52,525 49,574 2.5 -5.6 Home- and field-office expenses 43,914 55,544 55,776 2.4 0.4

Total 82,798 108,069 105,350 2.4 -2.5

Taxes4 15,894 6,832 14,763 -0.7 116.1

Investment expenses5 11,146 13,839 12,143 0.9 -12.3

Aggregate total 611,373 946,374 689,721 1.2 -27.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes payments under deposit-type contracts (such payments are shown in Table 3.3). Does not include payments from supplementary contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain, lottery payouts, structured settlements, and income payout options.2Includes group conversions and interest on policy or contract funds. Prior to 2001, also includes payments on dividend accumulations and supplementary contracts without life contingencies.3Beginning in 2001, excludes addition to reserves for deposit-type contracts.4Includes foreign and U.S. federal income taxes, including taxes on capital gains; excludes investment taxes. Data for 1999 do not include foreign income taxes.5Includes investment-related taxes and fees.

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50 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 5.2Payments From Life Insurance Policies

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Payments to beneficiaries Individual $25,274 $37,893 $38,306 4.2 1.1 Group 15,260 21,525 20,638 3.1 -4.1

Credit 829 531 527 -4.4 -0.7Total 41,363 59,949 59,470 3.7 -0.8

Surrender values Individual 30,907 57,334 41,118 2.9 -28.3 Group 1,927 1,295 7,023 13.8 442.4Total 32,833 58,629 48,141 3.9 -17.9

Policyholder dividends 15,036 14,568 13,644 -1.0 -6.3

Matured endowments 488 584 546 1.1 -6.6

Other payments1 612 550 551 -1.0 0.3

Aggregate total 90,333 134,279 122,353 3.1 -8.9

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Includes disability benefits and retained assets.

Figure 5.1Distribution of Life Insurers’ expenditures, 2009

Benefit payments74%

Additions to reserves7%


Investment expenses2%

Operating expenses15%

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

Distribution of Life Insurers’ Expenditures, 2009Figure 5.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

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Table 5.3Payments From annuity Contracts

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Annuity benefits1

Individual1 $27,594 $41,194 $40,263 3.9 -2.3 Group1 34,891 26,674 25,036 -3.3 -6.1

Supplementary contracts with life contingencies 1,601 1,780 1,770 1.0 -0.6

Total 64,086 69,648 67,068 0.5 -3.7

Surrender values2

Individual 73,148 139,091 103,058 3.5 -25.9 Group 125,163 97,564 79,647 -4.4 -18.4

Total 198,311 236,654 182,705 -0.8 -22.8

Policyholder dividends 4,112 4,485 2,519 -4.8 -43.8

Matured endowments 39 29 26 -3.9 -9.1

Other payments3 8 5 217 39.4 3972.4

Aggregate total 266,556 310,821 252,536 -0.5 -18.8

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 2001, excludes payments under deposit-type contracts (such payments are shown in Table 3.3). Does not include payments from annuities certain and supplementary contracts without life contingencies, lottery payouts, structured settlements, and income payout options.2Beginning in 2001, excludes surrender benefits and fund withdrawals from deposit-type contracts.3Includes death benefits, disability benefits, and retained assets.

Table 5.4Payments From Health Insurance Policies

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Group $58,203 $71,376 $71,077 2.0 -0.4

Individual 16,261 47,089 50,501 12.0 7.2

Credit 876 457 440 -6.6 -3.6

Total 75,340 118,922 122,018 4.9 2.6

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

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52 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 5.5Life Insurer Home- and Field-office expenses

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Rental $2,566 $3,078 $3,083 1.9 0.2


Salaries 20,474 27,656 28,469 3.4 2.9 Welfare contributions and payments 3,448 5,728 7,031 7.4 22.7Total 23,922 33,385 35,500 4.0 6.3Fees associated with policy issuance/claim settlement 2,843 3,271 3,213 1.2 -1.8

Travel 1,050 1,394 1,050 0.0 -24.6

Advertising 1,732 3,222 2,702 4.5 -16.1

Office equipment/supplies 6,560 7,911 7,094 0.8 -10.3

Miscellaneous 5,241 3,283 3,134 -5.0 -4.5

Aggregate total 43,914 55,544 55,776 2.4 0.4

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Figures exclude investment expenses. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

Table 5.6taxes, Licenses, and Fees

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Income taxes1 $9,969 ($657) $7,416 -2.9 NC

Social Security taxes 1,548 1,894 1,828 1.7 -3.5

State taxes on premiums 3,279 4,255 4,065 2.2 -4.5

Real estate taxes 25 27 31 2.2 15.9

Miscellaneous taxes, licenses, and fees 1,073 1,312 1,422 2.9 8.3

Total 15,894 6,832 14,763 -0.7 116.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Figures exclude investment taxes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NC: Not calculated. 1Includes foreign and U.S. federal income taxes, including taxes on capital gains; excludes non-income, state, and investment taxes. Data for 1999 do not include foreign income taxes.

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Table 5.7Investment expenses of Life Insurers

Millions Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Rental $139 $255 $241 5.7 -5.6


Salaries 1,339 1,517 1,549 1.5 2.1 Welfare contributions/payments 179 260 253 3.5 -2.6

Total 1,518 1,777 1,802 1.7 1.4

Real estate expenses 2,362 1,577 1,544 -4.2 -2.1

Interest 1,680 2,225 2,063 2.1 -7.3

Depreciation on invested assets 1,051 2,110 2,558 9.3 21.2

Investment taxes and fees1

Real estate 776 595 456 -5.2 -23.5 Other 140 109 96 -3.7 -12.3

Total 916 704 551 -5.0 -21.7

Other 3,481 5,191 3,385 -0.3 -34.8

Aggregate total 11,146 13,839 12,143 0.9 -12.3

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Excludes federal income taxes and taxes on capital gains.

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54 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 5.8Payments Under Life Insurance Policies and annuity Contracts, by year (millions)

Payments Policy- Matured to bene- Life Annuity holder Annuity endow- Other Year ficiaries policies contracts2 dividends payments2 ments payments3 Total

1940 $995 $652 NA $468 $176 $269 $104 $2,6641945 1,280 211 NA 466 216 407 88 2,6681950 1,590 592 NA 627 327 495 100 3,7311955 2,241 896 NA 1,021 501 614 110 5,3831960 3,346 1,633 NA 1,512 830 673 124 8,1181965 4,831 1,932 NA 2,259 1,300 931 163 11,4161970 7,017 2,887 NA 3,214 2,120 978 233 16,4491975 9,192 3,763 NA 4,544 3,665 946 426 22,5361980 12,884 6,678 NA 6,785 10,195 908 592 38,0421981 14,154 7,961 NA 7,838 12,021 883 627 43,4841982 15,066 10,779 NA 7,922 12,814 839 574 47,9941983 15,660 12,605 NA 8,641 13,564 824 566 51,8601984 16,752 14,731 NA 9,700 17,912 771 566 60,4321985 18,226 15,589 NA 10,121 21,259 779 536 66,5101986 19,479 14,741 NA 10,122 22,657 766 540 68,3051987 20,530 14,864 NA 10,466 24,316 752 504 71,4321988 21,660 14,456 NA 11,046 25,665 751 513 74,0911989 23,261 14,859 NA 11,417 29,383 727 554 80,2011990 24,567 18,022 NA 11,953 32,575 700 568 88,3851991 25,407 16,282 NA 12,066 36,615 668 547 91,5851992 27,235 16,814 NA 12,203 37,550 649 592 95,0431993 28,819 16,904 NA 12,714 40,325 598 615 99,9751994 32,583 18,014 $92,779 15,915 40,412 647 459 200,8091995 34,545 19,501 105,449 17,816 48,457 1,007 860 227,6351996 36,257 24,454 115,747 18,064 51,069 741 614 246,9461997 37,488 24,016 140,842 17,981 55,080 563 608 276,5781998 40,101 26,816 154,463 18,865 60,410 572 607 301,8341999 41,363 32,833 198,311 19,149 62,485 528 620 355,2882000 44,143 27,173 213,989 20,001 68,668 604 605 375,1812001 46,512 30,653 151,315 19,993 55,197 549 648 304,8672002 48,166 32,909 142,948 21,033 54,950 621 649 301,2762003‡ 51,661 35,943 140,261 20,761 57,110 596 650 306,9822004‡ 51,576 35,485 162,876 18,981 61,162 595 866 331,5412005‡ 52,996 39,157 190,329 17,919 63,935 640 695 365,6722006‡ 55,694 38,463 237,813 18,429 71,087 612 566 422,6642007‡ 57,957 47,670 262,343 19,519 72,332 623 564 461,0082008‡ 59,949 58,629 236,654 19,053 69,648 614 555 445,1012009‡ 59,470 48,141 182,705 16,163 67,068 573 768 374,888

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in footnotes. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Beginning in 1994, includes annuity withdrawals of funds. An amount comparable to prior years is not available.2Beginning in 2001, excludes payments under deposit-type contracts (see Table 3.3).3Includes some disability benefits and retained assets.

Surrender values1

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Table 5.9Payments to Life Insurance Beneficiaries, by year

Policies in thousands/Amounts in millions

Individual Group Credit1 Total

Year Policies Amount Policies Amount Policies Amount Policies Amount

1940 974 $891 50 $104 — — 1,024 $9951945 1,226 1,109 92 171 — — 1,318 1,2801950 1,246 1,307 133 283 — — 1,379 1,5901955 1,418 1,650 243 591 — — 1,661 2,2411960 1,644 2,231 394 1,115 — — 2,038 3,3461965 1,866 3,007 636 1,824 — — 2,502 4,8311970 1,974 3,990 767 3,027 — — 2,741 7,0171975 1,998 4,901 591 3,807 337 $484 2,926 9,1921980 2,045 6,587 637 5,671 285 626 2,967 12,8841981 2,016 7,117 668 6,374 324 663 3,008 14,1541982 1,997 7,457 645 6,953 331 656 2,973 15,0661983 2,004 7,776 663 7,256 252 628 2,919 15,6601984 2,158 8,457 675 7,655 248 640 3,081 16,7521985 2,013 9,264 683 8,275 262 687 2,958 18,2261986 2,039 10,030 686 8,675 246 774 2,971 19,4791987 1,981 10,593 690 9,073 262 864 2,933 20,5301988 2,044 11,416 695 9,346 276 898 3,015 21,6601989 1,988 12,332 763 10,029 240 900 2,991 23,2611990 1,965 13,439 728 10,281 238 847 2,931 24,5671991 1,984 13,949 674 10,582 219 876 2,877 25,4071992 1,926 15,287 643 11,022 186 926 2,755 27,2351993 1,945 16,584 668 11,572 136 663 2,749 28,8191994 2,388 18,792 870 12,914 240 877 2,974 32,5831995 2,405 20,106 767 13,527 224 912 3,396 34,5451996 2,401 21,351 867 14,016 273 890 3,541 36,2571997 2,480 22,695 843 13,898 274 895 3,597 37,4881998 2,435 24,838 819 14,425 391 838 3,644 40,1011999 2,715 25,274 875 15,260 380 829 3,970 41,3632000 2,561 27,267 877 16,055 383 821 3,821 44,1432001 2,688* 28,346 935 17,393 313 773 3,936 46,5122002 2,632 30,117 942 17,308 341 741 3,915 48,1662003‡ 2,673 32,901 1,107 18,064 293 695 4,073 51,6612004‡ 2,786 32,222 826 18,708 241 646 3,853 51,5762005‡ 2,586 32,760 989 19,633 310 603 3,885 52,9962006‡ 2,568 34,525 1,027 20,601 276 568 3,870 55,6942007‡ 2,483 36,272 1,016 21,168 262 516 3,761 57,9572008‡ 2,463 37,893 1,027 21,525 281 531 3,771 59,9492009‡ 2,402 38,306 964 20,638 237 527 3,603 59,470

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.*Corrected to include industrial policies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Prior to 1973, death payments under credit life are included in individual and group categories.

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Table 5.10Health Insurance Benefit Payments by Life Insurers, by year (millions)

Year Group Individual Total

1948 $225 $101 $3261950 375 119 4941955 1,064 326 1,3901960 2,102 531 2,6331965 3,572 841 4,4131970 6,840 1,368 8,2081975 12,410 1,910 14,3201980 19,759 3,279 23,0381981 21,049 3,425 24,4741982 22,288 3,767 26,0551983 22,799 4,113 26,9121984 22,782 4,271 27,0531985 22,830 4,468 27,2981986 24,249 4,717 28,9661987 29,452 5,417 34,8691988 32,063 6,320 38,3831989 32,375 7,057 39,4321990 32,054 7,956 40,0101991 33,933 8,672 42,6051992 35,434 9,516 44,9501993 35,775 10,232 46,0071994 48,218 11,856 60,0741995 51,674 13,040 64,7141996 53,297 13,401 66,6981997 53,393 14,039 67,4321998 55,239 14,791 70,0301999 58,203 16,261 74,4642000 61,098 17,685 78,7842001 58,211 18,093 76,3042002 59,523 19,200 78,7232003‡ 60,317 20,812 81,1292004‡ 65,237 22,551 87,7892005‡ 59,313 19,615 78,9282006‡ 62,407 34,048 96,4552007‡ 66,641 38,982 105,6232008‡ 71,376 47,089 118,4652009‡ 71,077 50,501 121,578

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Figures exclude policy dividends. 1994–96 data have been revised to reflect the addition of life insurers that sell accident and health insurance. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

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6When a primary insurance company transfers or cedes

some insurance risk to another company that accepts or

assumes the risk, reinsurance results. For life insurers, the

risk transferred may be mortality, surrender, investment

risk, or a combination of the three.

Reinsurance has made greater face amounts of life

insurance coverage possible. An applicant who is an

unusual risk—or who needs a life insurance policy with

a face amount larger than a company’s retention limit

(the amount one company can judiciously retain by

itself)—may still be able to obtain the policy if part of

the risk is transferred to a reinsurer. A ceding company

frequently wants to limit its mortality risk on an insured,

and sometimes to limit such risk on a group of policies

to avoid fluctuations in claim levels, or to lower the risk

of claims involving multiple deaths from single events.

Reinsurance also can reduce the risk facing a company

when policies with a high probability of lapse or

surrender are issued, as in policies whose premiums rise

sharply from one year to the next. Similarly, reinsurance

may limit the investment risk inherent in high asset

concentrations from single products, such as annuities.

In 2009, 88 percent of life insurers with life premiums

ceded at least some of those premiums as reinsurance.

Among insurers with accident and health premiums,

85 percent ceded accident and health premiums as

reinsurance. In contrast, only 43 percent of insurers doing

annuity business in 2009 ceded annuity considerations,

excluding deposit-type funds.

AllocAting Risk

Reinsurance spreads the risk of loss between two

companies. The risk can be spread even further if the

ceding company uses more than one reinsurer, or the

reinsurer in turn transfers some of that risk to another

reinsurer, or retrocessionaire.

In the most basic reinsurance arrangement, a single

primary insurer cedes business to a single reinsurer,

usually an independent firm operating in the open

marketplace. The reinsurer also can be an affiliate of

the ceding company, when both companies are owned

by a parent company. This captive reinsurer reinsures

risks exclusively from an affiliated company or group

of companies.

Reinsurance is frequently arranged between a primary

ceding company and a group of reinsurers. Methods for

allocating risk to a group include:

n Quota share Each reinsurer receives a specified

percentage of each risk ceded to the group.

n Layering Risk is ceded in layers of insurance

amounts: One reinsurer receives all reinsurance

up to the limit of the first layer, a second reinsurer

receives all reinsurance beyond the first layer up to

the limit of the second layer, and so on.

n Alphabet split Risk is ceded among several

reinsurers alphabetically based on the insureds’

surnames: Those whose last names begin with

A–F go to the first reinsurer, and so on, until

all reinsurance is allocated. This arrangement is

sometimes used for automatic insurance.

Once risk is ceded from a primary insurer, the reinsurer

in turn may need to cede at least some of that risk,

particularly if it is unusually large or exceeds the

reinsurer’s own retention limit. Transferring risk from one

reinsurer to another, or retroceding, may involve similar


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58 American Council of Life Insurers

arrangements: A reinsurer may retrocede risk to a group

of reinsurers, or retrocessionaires, each of which may

in turn retrocede some of that risk to another group of


Total premiums from reinsurance assumed in 2009 was

$70 billion, a decrease of 4 percent from 2008 (Table

6.1). The average annual growth of premiums from

reinsurance assumed between 1999 and 2009 was 4

percent. In the accident and health market, individual

premiums assumed grew at a 11 percent average annual

rate between 1999 and 2009. Data for all three markets

include retrocessions.

MAnAging Risk

The need to transfer mortality, surrender, or investment

risk is the main reason for ceding companies to engage

in reinsurance. In traditional reinsurance, the company

transferring the risk retains its financial relationship with,

and legal obligation to, the policyholder—to the point

that policyholders may not even be aware that part of

the risk on their policies is covered by an assuming

company, or reinsurer. This type of reinsurance is

sometimes called indemnity reinsurance, because one

company indemnifies another for losses incurred.

Another type of reinsurance involves the total and

permanent transfer of risk from one company to another.

In assumption reinsurance, the reinsurer replaces the

ceding company in transactions on sections of business,

issuing new policyholder certificates. In effect, one

company purchases a section of business from another

company and becomes directly and legally responsible to

the policyholder, while the original company terminates

its future obligations.

References to reinsurance in this chapter signify only

indemnity reinsurance.

Underwriting strength

A closely related motivation for reinsurance is obtaining

the reinsurer’s underwriting assistance and proficiency.

Reinsurers review and maintain policy and claim records

on a large volume of risks from many ceding companies

whose policyholders are diverse and geographically

distributed. The risk pool from which they develop and

provide underwriting knowledge is larger and wider

than is normally available to a single primary insurer.

Underwriting is further strengthened when risk is spread

to more than one reinsurer or retrocessionaire, because

of the exposure to an even broader range of policies and

claims. Confidence that underwriters are competently

and professionally meeting its underwriting needs allows

a ceding company to concentrate on other activities to

expand its business.

Product Flexibility

Another reason to reinsure is the opportunity it gives

a ceding company to exit from some product lines

and enter others. If a company’s name is commonly

associated with a particular product line that it wishes

to discontinue, the company can reinsure most or all of

the risk on the product.

Conversely, if a company wants to enter a particular

product line, reinsurers can help with product

development and assume some of the product’s risk.

Later, as the primary insurer gains more confidence in its

ability to underwrite and develop the product, recapture

provisions in the reinsurance treaty would allow it to

take back some of the risk the reinsurer assumed.

Financial Positioning

Reinsurance also enables a ceding company to manage

its financial position. A reinsurer can provide allowances

based on its anticipation of future profits, which increases

the ceding company’s statutory earnings and surplus

during the year paid.

If the reinsurer establishes a proportionate share of

reserves on its books for policies reinsured, the ceding

company is not limited to using that surplus to set

up legally required reserves—an option especially

valuable when issuing new policies, in which initial

costs (expenses plus reserves) are higher than premiums

received. Similarly, a company can improve its risk-based

capital ratio by reinsuring part of its risk.

Companies further consider tax advantages when

contemplating reinsurance arrangements. When the

ceding company’s primary goal is managing and

improving its financial position, the risk transfers are

known as financial reinsurance.

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The face amount of life reinsurance assumed increased

by 19 percent to $2.4 trillion in 2009 (Table 6.2).

Individual life reinsurance assumed increased by 13

percent and group reinsurance assumed increased by 37

percent. The number of life policies assumed increased

by 20 percent in 2009.

tyPes oF ReinsURAnce

Various reinsurance plans are available based on ceding

companies’ needs and their reasons for reinsuring.

Plans can be broadly classified as either proportional

reinsurance, specifying in advance the amounts or

percentages of risk for which the reinsurer is liable,

or nonproportional, specifying instead the loss limits,

time limits, or conditions beyond which a reinsurer will

assume some or all of the benefit payments.

Proportional Reinsurance

Specified amounts or percentages are shared between

ceding companies and reinsurers in proportional

reinsurance. Excess of retention allocates risk by amount:

The ceding company establishes a dollar amount for

which it is willing to retain risk, and the reinsurer

assumes risk over this amount, up to the reinsurer’s

retention limit. In contrast, quota share allocates by

percentage, where the ceding company and reinsurer

establish the percentage of risk for which each will retain

or assume responsibility.

Proportional plans, commonly used in life insurance,

encompass four categories:

n Yearly renewable term (YRT) reinsurance The

mortality risk, but not the permanent plan reserves,

is transferred to the reinsurer for a premium that

varies each year with the amount at risk and ages

of the insured. While YRT reinsurance allows a

ceding company to transfer mortality risk, it leaves

the company responsible for establishing reserves.

n Coinsurance The ceding company transfers a

proportionate share of all the policy risks and cash

flows except the policy fee. The reinsurer receives

its share of premiums, pays its share of benefits,

sets up its share of reserves, and pays an allowance

to the ceding company. Unlike YRT reinsurance,

coinsurance relieves strain on the ceding company’s


n Coinsurance with funds withheld The ceding

company keeps the premiums normally paid to a

reinsurer, while the reinsurer keeps the allowances

normally paid to the ceding company. This

arrangement limits cash flow between the two

companies, reinforcing the stability of their cash


n Modified coinsurance The reinsurer transfers its

share of reserves back to the ceding company while

the risk remains with the reinsurer. The ceding

company, however, must pay interest to replace

what the reinsurer would have earned had it retained

its share of the reserve.

Both coinsurance with funds withheld and modified

coinsurance enable a ceding company to take statutory

credit in certain circumstances, reduce credit risk, secure

credit, and retain control over investments.

nonproportional reinsurance

Nonproportional plans, commonly used in health

insurance, include four types:

n Stop loss The reinsurer remits some or all of a ceding

company’s aggregate claims above a predetermined

dollar amount (the attachment point), or above a

percentage of premiums during a specified period.

n Spread loss The ceding company pays back the

remitted sum over a period of years, usually through

interest-increased reinsurance premiums.

n Excess of time Most often used for disability or long-

term care reinsurance, this type of plan specifies the

time after which a reinsurer pays some or all of the


n Catastrophe The reinsurer covers claims that

exceed a specified amount or number of insureds

due to a single event resulting in more than one

loss, as in an accident or natural disaster.

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60 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 6.1ReinsuranceAssumedandCeded—Premiums

Millions Average annual percentage change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

PReMiUMs FRoM AssUMed bUsinesslife insurance Individual $15,834 $34,701 $37,011 8.9 6.7 Group 3,629 3,831 4,866 3.0 27.0 Credit 1,037 345 201 -15.2 -41.8

Total 20,500 38,877 42,077 7.5 8.2

Annuity considerations1

Individual 5,834 13,309 6,453 NC -51.5 Group 2,491 604 599 NC -0.8Total 8,326 13,913 7,053 NC -49.3

Accident and health insurance Individual 2,553 7,206 7,262 11.0 0.8 Group 13,288 12,276 13,164 -0.1 7.2 Credit 1,088 307 297 -12.2 -3.5Total 16,928 19,789 20,722 2.0 4.7

Aggregate total 45,754 72,579 69,852 4.3 -3.8

PReMiUMs PAid on ceded bUsinesslife insurance Individual $18,072 $58,455 $63,036 13.3 7.8 Group 4,049 6,163 9,524 8.9 54.5 Credit 1,698 777 607 -9.8 -21.8

Total 23,819 65,395 73,167 11.9 11.9

Annuity considerations1

Individual 5,746 30,010 79,718 NC 165.6 Group 2,364 8,098 6,089 NC -24.8

Total 8,111 38,108 85,807 NC 125.2

Accident and health insurance Individual 4,496 12,557 11,215 9.6 -10.7 Group 14,723 10,930 14,625 -0.1 33.8 Credit 1,766 608 519 -11.5 -14.5

Total 20,985 24,094 26,359 2.3 9.4

Aggregate total 52,914 127,597 185,333 13.4 45.2

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes.NC: Not calculated.1From 2001, excludes deposit-type funds as income due to codification, making data incomparable with previous years.

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Table 6.2LifeReinsuranceAssumed(faceamount)

Millions Average annual percentage change

Assumed business 1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

Face amount (millions) Individual $1,396,913 $1,507,697 $1,704,748 2.0 13.1 Credit 38,273 7,550 6,379 -16.4 -15.5 Group 71,983 506,892 692,009 25.4 36.5

Total 1,507,169 2,022,139 2,403,136 4.8 18.8

Policies (units) Individual 54,178,679 14,255,105 21,576,068 -8.8 51.4 Credit 6,032,379 1,044,496 1,017,799 -16.3 -2.6 Group 2,900,511 10,349,896 8,300,257 11.1 -19.8

Total 63,111,569 25,649,497 30,894,124 -6.9 20.4

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Note: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data.

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62 American Council of Life Insurers

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7People buy life insurance to protect their dependents

against financial hardship when the insured person, the

policyholder, dies. Many life insurance products also

allow policyholders to accumulate savings that can be

used in a time of financial need. Most American families

depend on life insurance to provide this economic

protection: Seventy-eight percent owned some type of

life insurance in 2004, according to LIMRA International.

Americans purchased $3.0 trillion of new life insurance

coverage in 2009, 3 percent less than in 2008 (Table 7.1).

By the end of 2009, total life insurance coverage in the

United States was $18.1 trillion (Figure 7.1), a decrease

of 5 percent from 2008.

Three types of life insurance policies predominate the

market. Individual insurance is underwritten separately

for each individual who seeks insurance protection.

Group insurance is underwritten on a group as a whole,

such as the employees of a company or the members of

an organization. Credit insurance guarantees payment of

some debt, such as a mortgage or other loan, in the event

the insured person dies, and can be bought on either

an individual or a group basis. Insurance on loans of 10

years’ or less duration is classified as credit insurance

in National Association of Insurance Commissioners

accounts; insurance on longer loans is included in

individual or group policy data in this chapter. Life

insurance policies offered by fraternal benefit societies

are considered individual insurance.

IndIvIdual lIfe Insurance

Individual life is the most widely used form of life

insurance protection—57 percent of all life insurance in

force in the United States at year-end 2009 (Table 7.1).

Typically purchased through life insurance agents, this

insurance is issued under individual policies with face

amounts as low as $1,000, although larger minimum

amounts are more typical in today’s market. While

individual life is principally used for family protection, it

also is widely used for business purposes. A business may

purchase life insurance to protect against the economic

loss that would result from the death of the owner or a

key employee.

Individual life insurance protection in the United States

totaled $10.3 trillion at the end of 2009 and has grown

at an average annual rate of 1 percent since 1999, when

$9.2 trillion was in force (Table 7.1).

The size of newly purchased individual life policies

declined in 2009 (Figure 7.2). The average, new individual

life policy decreased since 2007 to $172,024. The number

of individual policies purchased, however, fell 1 percent

in 2009 (Table 7.1).

Individual life policies offer two basic types of protection:

covering a specified term, or permanently covering one’s

whole life.

lIfe Insurance

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64 American Council of Life Insurers

Types of Policies

Term Insurance

Term insurance policies provide life insurance coverage

for a specified period, usually greater than one year. Term

policies provide no further benefits when the term expires,

and no buildup of cash value occurs. If this insurance is

not renewed at the end of its term, coverage lapses and

no payment would be made to the beneficiary in the

event of death.

Of new individual life policies purchased in 2009, 41

percent, or 4 million, were term insurance (Table 7.2),

totaling $1.3 trillion, or 74 percent, of the individual life

face amount issued. The most popular form of term

insurance is level term, which offers a fixed premium.

Permanent Insurance

Unlike term insurance, permanent life (or whole life)

insurance provides protection for as long as the insured

lives. Permanent life policies also have a savings

component, building cash value that can help families

meet financial emergencies, pay for special goals, or

provide income for retirement years.

There are four types of permanent life insurance policies:

traditional whole life, universal life (UL), variable life (VL),

and variable-universal life (VUL). The annual premium for

traditional whole life policies remains constant throughout

the life of the policy. In earlier years, the premium is

higher than the actual cost of the insurance, but in later

years it becomes substantially lower than the actual cost

of protection. The excess amount of each premium in the

early years is held in reserve as the policy’s cash value. This

cash value grows over time from investment earnings and

future premium payments, providing funds for the cost

of coverage as the insured grows older. If a policyholder

decides to give up the insurance protection, he or she

receives the cash value upon surrendering the policy,

less any outstanding policy loans. Universal life allows

varying premium payment amounts subject to a certain

minimum and maximum. For variable life, the death

benefit and cash value vary subject to the performance

of a portfolio of investments chosen by the policyholder.

VUL combines the flexible premium payment options of

UL with the varied investment options of VL.

In 2009, direct purchases of permanent life constituted 59

percent of U.S. individual life insurance policies issued

and 26 percent of the total face amount issued (Table 7.2).

Participating and Nonparticipating Insurance

Traditional whole life and term insurance policies can be

purchased on a participating or nonparticipating basis.

A participating policy allows the policyholder to share

in the insurance company’s surplus. With this type of

life insurance, a policyholder receives annual dividends

representing that portion of the premium not needed

by the company for death payments to beneficiaries,

additions to reserves, or administrative expenses. More

than three-fourths of individual life policies purchased

were nonparticipating at $1.3 trillion (76%) in 2009 (Table


Characteristics of Individual Policies

Lapses and Surrenders

A policy lapses if its premium is not paid by the end

of a specified time, often called the grace period.

Policyholders have different reasons for terminating their

policies, sometimes using cash values to address financial

emergencies or achieve long-term goals. Rates of voluntary

policy termination by policyholders vary considerably

among life insurers. Each company’s rate depends on

many factors, including the types of policies written and

the ratio of new policies to older ones in force with the


The voluntary termination rate of individual life insurance

policies has reached 7.3 percent by 2009 (Table 7.4). Of

the individual life policies that have been voluntarily

terminated, 22% were surrendered.

The life insurance business vigorously seeks to minimize

the lapsing of policies. For example, agent training focuses

on realistic identification of clients’ life insurance needs,

and careful analysis of the use of family income for

protection. Since the voluntary termination rate is higher

for policies on which loans are outstanding, companies

urge that loans be used only in genuine financial

emergencies, and that they be repaid promptly.

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65Life Insurance

Most insurers offer policyholders time after their policy is

delivered to consider whether to keep the policy. These

companies will refund the premium in full if, within the

prescribed time, the policyholder decides not to keep

his or her policy.

Some policies that lapse still have a cash value, entitling

the policyholder to some form of payment under a cash

surrender value non-forfeiture option. All coverage under

the policy terminates at the time of the surrender.

Disability Provisions

Besides the benefit payable upon death of the insured,

many life insurance policies or policy riders provide

disability benefits to cover financial losses that result from

a sickness or injury. The most common supplementary

benefit is waiver of premium. Of individual life policies

in force in 2009, 90 percent, or 37 million, allowed the

premium to be waived during disability (Table 7.6),

representing $3.6 trillion, or 98 percent, of the individual

life face amount in force.

Group lIfe Insurance

Group life insurance is a contract between an insurance

company and some group to insure all of the group’s

members, usually under term coverage. Common

examples are employer-provided life insurance and

insurance offered through unions and professional

associations. Employees or other group members receive

certificates denoting their participation in the group

coverage. In 2009, group insurance represented 39 percent

of all life insurance policies in force.

Group purchases increased 8 percent in 2009 to $1.2

trillion (Table 7.1). At the end of 2009, group life insurance

provided $7.7 trillion of protection, 12 percent less than

a year earlier.

Group insurance contracts can provide benefits beyond

term insurance. Employees often can retain coverage

after retirement by paying premiums directly to the

insurer. Many policies also offer survivor benefits,

usually continuing monthly payments to the spouse of

an employee who dies before retirement; payments may

extend for life or to the age at which Social Security

retirement payments become available, but cease on

remarriage. Contingent benefits to dependent children in

the event of a spouse’s death are available as well. The

initial value of these survivor benefits can range from three

to 10 times an employee’s annual salary.

As with individual life policies, group policies can be

purchased on either a participating or nonparticipating

basis. Most group life policies are nonparticipating (Table

7.3)—96 percent of those purchased in 2009, at $1.1


The voluntary termination rate of group life insurance

policies increased to 7.0 percent from 6.9 percent a year

earlier. The voluntary lapses in 2009 dropped to 6.6 from

6.7 in 2008 (Table 7.4).

Group policies also provide disability benefits (Table 7.6).

Of group life policies in force in 2009, 96 percent, or 43

million, provided for waiver of premium, representing

$4.1 trillion, or 92 percent, of the group life face amount

in force.

credIt lIfe Insurance

Credit life insurance pays the balance on loans of 10 years’

or less duration if the borrower dies before repaying the

amount due. At year-end 2009, $126 billion of credit life

insurance was in force, down 15 percent from the previous

year (Table 7.1).

Credit life, commonly part of consumer credit contracts,

is term insurance, generally decreasing in amount as a

loan is repaid. It protects the borrower’s family, as well as

the lender, against unpaid debt that may be left at death.

Life insurers issue credit insurance through lenders such

as banks, finance companies, credit unions, and retailers,

who in turn make arrangements with borrowers.

As with other life policies, credit policies can be purchased

on either a participating or nonparticipating basis. Of

credit life policies purchased in 2009, 79 percent, or $54

billion, were nonparticipating (Table 7.3).

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66 American Council of Life Insurers

$904 million in other claims were in dispute. Of this

amount, $114 million was paid in 2009 and $579

million still resisted at the end of the year (Table 7.7).

Table 7.1life Insurance in the united states

Life Insurance Average annual percent change

1999 2008 2009 1999/2009 2008/2009

PURCHASESFace amount (millions) Individual1 $1,399,848 $1,869,554 $1,744,357 2.2 -6.7 Group 966,858 1,073,273 1,155,824 1.8 7.7 Credit 141,313 104,482 68,849 -6.9 -34.1

Total 2,508,019 3,047,309 2,969,030 1.7 -2.6

Policies (thousands) Individual 11,673 10,207 10,139 -1.4 -0.7 Group (certificates) 26,912 18,392 19,051 -3.4 3.6 Credit 20,318 13,005 10,944 -6.0 -15.9

Total 58,902 41,604 40,134 -3.8 -3.5

IN FORCEFace amount (millions) Individual $9,172,397 $10,254,379 $10,324,455 1.2 0.7 Group 6,110,218 8,717,453 7,688,328 2.3 -11.8 Credit 213,453 148,443 125,512 -5.2 -15.4

Total 15,496,069 19,120,276 18,138,295 1.6 -5.1

Policies (thousands) Individual 161,630 156,008 153,410 -0.5 -1.7 Group (certificates) 159,269 147,728 112,799 -3.4 -23.6 Credit 45,575 30,949 24,881 -5.9 -19.6Total 366,474 334,685 291,091 -2.3 -13.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Policies issued by fraternal benefits societies are considered individual business.

polIcy claIms resIsted or compromIsed

From time to time, life insurers find it necessary to

delay or deny payment of claims due to material

misrepresentation, suicide within the contestable

period, or no proof of death, among other reasons.

In 2009, $396 million in new claims along with

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67Life Insurance

Figure 7.1Individual, Group, and credit life Insurance in force in the united states (face amount)

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers, and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.



$ Trillions

2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991198919871985

Individual, Group, and Credit Life Insurance in Force in the United States (face amount)Figure 7.1





Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers, and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

Figure 7.2average face amount of Individual life Insurance policies purchased

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers, and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers, and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.


Average Face Amount of Individual Life Insurance Policies PurchasedFigure 7.2




120 114128








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Table 7.2Individual life Insurance purchases in the united states, by plan type, 2009

Policies in thousands/Amounts in millions

Policies Percent Face amount Percent

Term insurance Decreasing 34 0.3 $4,042 0.2 Level 4,006 40.8 1,188,862 69.4

Decreasing other term1 NA NA 3,909 0.2 Level other term2 NA NA 70,368 4.1 Term additions NA NA 1,531 0.1Total 4,039 41.1 1,268,712 74.1

Whole life and endowment 5,783 58.9 444,396 25.9

Aggregate total 9,823 100.0 1,713,108 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Note: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data.NA: Not available.1Includes decreasing term insurance on spouses and children under family policies.2Includes level term insurance on spouses and children under family policies.

Table 7.3life Insurance purchases, by participating status

Individual Group Credit Total

Face Face Face Face amount amount amount amount (millions) Percent (millions) Percent (millions) Percent (millions) Percent

1999 Nonparticipating $1,058,829 75.6 $705,329 73.0 $116,626 82.5 $1,880,785 75.0 Participating 341,019 24.4 261,528 27.0 24,687 17.5 627,234 25.0

Total 1,399,848 100.0 966,858 100.0 141,313 100.0 2,508,019 100.0

2008 Nonparticipating $1,478,971 79.1 $1,027,759 95.8 $86,879 83.2 $2,593,610 85.1 Participating 390,583 20.9 45,514 4.2 17,603 16.8 453,700 14.9

Total 1,869,554 100.0 1,073,273 100.0 104,482 100.0 3,047,309 100.0

2009 Nonparticipating $1,330,605 76.3 $1,106,421 95.7 $54,422 79.0 $2,491,448 83.9 Participating 413,752 23.7 49,403 4.3 14,426 21.0 477,582 16.1Total 1,744,357 100.0 1,155,824 100.0 68,849 100.0 2,969,030 100.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.

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69Life Insurance

Table 7.4voluntary termination rates for life Insurance policies, calculated by face amount (percent)

1999 2000 2001‡ 2002‡ 2003‡ 2004‡ 2005‡ 2006‡ 2007‡ 2008‡ 2009‡

Lapse rate

Individual 6.2 7.1 5.9 6.6 5.7 5.4 4.9 4.9 5.1 6.1 5.7

Group 8.2 9.0 11.2 8.7 8.4 9.5 8.4 8.1 6.7 6.7 6.6

Credit 4.6 3.9 6.8 5.6 5.3 5.3 6.9 7.4 6.9 6.1 9.9

Surrender rate

Individual 2.1 2.2 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.6

Group 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3

Credit 12.2 10.7 12.6 13.7 11.8 10.9 10.0 9.4 7.9 8.3 7.0

Combined termination rate

Individual 8.2 9.4 7.7 8.6 7.6 7.0 6.6 6.3 6.4 7.6 7.3

Group 8.6 9.3 11.7 9.2 9.0 9.7 8.6 8.6 6.8 6.9 7.0

Credit 16.8 14.5 19.4 19.3 17.1 16.2 16.9 16.8 14.8 14.4 16.9

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

Table 7.5voluntary termination rates for life Insurance policies, calculated by number of policies (percent)

1999 2000 2001‡ 2002‡ 2003‡ 2004‡ 2005‡ 2006‡ 2007‡ 2008‡ 2009‡

Lapse rate

Individual 5.6 5.7 6.0 8.3 5.7 5.9 5.6 5.8 5.5 6.8 5.7

Group 9.3 10.0 11.3 8.9 8.6 9.1 8.4 7.9 6.6 6.6 10.0

Credit 6.8 8.2 5.9 8.2 6.0 4.5 5.9 5.5 5.4 5.4 10.1

Surrender rate

Individual 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2

Group 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2

Credit 12.7 12.7 13.6 14.1 11.3 10.8 10.4 18.7 9.3 18.0 10.0

Combined termination rate

Individual 7.1 7.1 7.6 9.6 6.9 7.0 6.9 6.9 6.6 7.9 6.9

Group 9.9 10.3 11.6 9.3 9.2 9.3 8.6 8.0 6.7 6.8 10.2

Credit 19.6 20.9 19.4 22.2 17.4 15.4 16.2 24.1 14.6 23.4 20.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

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70 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 7.6life Insurance With disability provisions, 2009

Policies and certificates in thousands/Amounts in millions

Percent Percent of policies of amount Policies in force Face amount in force

Individual1, 2

Waiver of premium 37,401 24.4 $3,634,754 35.2 Disability income 395 0.3 21,933 0.2 Extended benefits 1 0.0 0 0.0 Other 3,958 2.6 40,413 0.4

Total 41,755 27.2 3,697,101 35.8


Waiver of premium 43,368 38.4 4,127,509 53.7 Disability income 492 0.4 23,089 0.3 Extended benefits 910 0.8 108,500 1.4 Other 333 0.3 247,642 3.2

Total 45,102 40.0 4,506,740 58.6


Waiver of premium 58 0.2 5,883 4.7 Disability income 1,091 4.4 5,579 4.4 Extended benefits 20 0.1 141 0.1Total 1,169 4.7 11,604 9.2

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Does not include fraternal benefit societies.2Policies in force totaled 153 million, with a face amount of $10.3 trillion.3Certificates in force totaled 113 million, with a face amount of $7.7 trillion.4Policies in force totaled 25 million, with a face amount of $125 billion.

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Table 7.7new policy claims resisted or compromised (thousands)

20001 2008 2009

Face Face Face amount Percent amount Percent amount Percent

New claims in dispute $172,714 28.8 $373,024 34.4 $396,053 30.5All other claims in dispute 427,952 71.2 712,443 65.6 903,736 69.5

Total claims in dispute 600,665 100.0 1,085,467 100.0 1,299,790 100.0

Amount paid for new claims 11,387 14.8 21,867 24.3 28,587 25.0 Amount paid for claims previously resisted 65,445 85.2 68,143 75.7 85,834 75.0

Total amount paid 76,831 100.0 90,011 100.0 114,422 100.0

Amount resisted at year’s end2 278,885 482,539 578,604

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Data for 1999 is not available.2Not equal to subtracting total amount paid from total claims in dispute. The amount paid for claims disposed of usually varies from the amount claimed.

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Table 7.8life Insurance purchases, by year

Policies and certificates in thousands/Amounts in millions

Individual Group Total

Policies/ Year Policies Face amount Certificates Face amount Certificates Face amount

1940 17,872 $10,039 285 $691 18,157 $10,7301945 16,212 13,289 681 1,265 16,893 14,5541950 20,203 22,728 2,631 6,068 22,834 28,7961955 21,928 37,169 2,217 11,258* 24,145 48,427*1960 21,021 59,763 3,734 14,645 24,755 74,4081965 20,429 90,781 7,007 51,385+ 27,436 142,166+1970 18,550 129,432 5,219 63,690+ 23,769 193,122+1975 18,946 194,732 8,146 95,190+ 27,092 289,922+1980 17,628 389,184 11,379 183,418 29,007 572,6021985 17,637 911,666 16,243 319,503* 33,880 1,231,169*1986 17,116 934,010 17,507 374,741+ 34,623 1,308,751+1987 16,455 986,984 16,698 365,529 33,153 1,352,5131988 15,796 996,006 15,793 410,848 31,589 1,406,8541989 14,850 1,020,971 15,110 420,707 29,960 1,441,6781990 14,199 1,069,880 14,592 459,271 28,791 1,529,1511991 13,583 1,041,706 16,230 573,953+ 29,813 1,615,659+1992 13,452 1,048,357 14,930 440,143 28,382 1,488,5001993 13,664 1,101,476 17,574 576,823 31,238 1,678,2991994 13,835 1,057,233 18,390 560,232 32,225 1,617,4651995 12,595 1,039,258 19,404 537,828 31,999 1,577,0861996 12,022 1,089,268 18,761 614,565 30,783 1,703,8331997 11,734 1,203,681 19,973 688,589 31,707 1,892,2701998 11,559 1,324,671 20,332 739,508 31,891 2,064,1791999 11,673 1,399,848 26,912 966,858 38,584 2,366,7062000 13,345 1,593,907 21,537 921,001 34,882 2,514,9082001 14,059 1,600,471 26,036 1,172,080 40,095 2,772,5512002 14,692 1,752,941 24,020 1,013,728 38,713 2,766,6692003‡ 13,821 1,772,673 21,946 1,050,318 35,767 2,822,9922004‡ 12,581 1,846,384 25,872 1,101,599 38,453 2,947,9832005‡ 11,407 1,796,384 23,112 1,039,878 34,519 2,836,2622006‡ 10,908 1,813,100 18,378 1,022,080 29,287 2,835,1802007‡ 10,826 1,890,989 19,962 1,102,654 30,788 2,993,6432008‡ 10,207 1,869,554 18,392 1,073,273 28,599 2,942,8272009‡ 10,139 1,744,357 19,051 1,155,824 29,190 2,900,181

Sources: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission; LIMRA International.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent direct business and exclude revivals, increases, dividend additions, and reinsurance acquired. 1940–73 data exclude credit life insurance. Beginning with 1974, data include long-term credit insurance (life insurance on loans of more than 10 years’ duration). Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.*Includes Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance of $1.9 billion in 1955, $84.4 billion in 1981, and $10.8 billion in 1985.+Includes Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance of $27.8 billion in 1965, $17.1 billion in 1970, $1.7 billion in 1975, $45.6 billion in 1981, $51 billion in 1986, and $166.7 billion in 1991.‡Includes fraternal benefit societies.

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73Life Insurance

Table 7.9life Insurance in force in the united states, by year (millions)

Individual Group Credit Total

Policies/ Year Policies Face amount Certificates Face amount Policies1 Face amount Certificates Face amount

1900 14 $7,573 — — — — 14 $7,5731905 22 11,863 — — — — 22 11,8631910 29 14,908 — — — — 29 14,9081915 41 20,929 * $100 — — 41 21,0291920 64 38,966 2 1,570 * $4 66 40,5401925 94 65,210 3 4,247 * 18 97 69,4751930 118 96,539 6 9,801 * 73 124 106,4131935 114 88,155 6 10,208 1 101 121 98,4641940 122 100,212 9 14,938 3 380 134 115,5301945 149 129,225 12 22,172 2 365 163 151,7621950 172 182,531 19 47,793 11 3,844 202 234,1681955 192 256,494 32 101,345 28 14,493 252 372,3321960 195 381,444 44 175,903 43 29,101 282 586,4481965 196 539,456 61 308,078 63 53,020 320 900,5541970 197 773,374 80 551,357 78 77,392 355 1,402,1231975 204 1,122,844 96 904,695 80 112,032 380 2,139,5711980 206 1,796,468 118 1,579,355 78 165,215 402 3,541,0381985 186 3,275,539 130 2,561,595 70 215,973 386 6,053,1071990 177 5,391,053 141 3,753,506 71 248,038 389 9,392,5971991 170 5,700,252 141 4,057,606 64 228,478 375 9,986,3361992 168 5,962,783 142 4,240,919 56 202,090 366 10,405,7921993 169 6,448,885 142 4,456,338 52 199,518 363 11,104,7411994 169 6,448,758 145 4,443,179 52 189,398 366 11,081,3351995 166 6,890,386 147 4,604,856 57 201,083 370 11,696,3251996 166 7,425,746 139 5,067,804 50 210,746 355 12,704,2961997 162 7,872,561 142 5,279,042 47 212,255 351 13,363,8581998 160 8,523,258 152 5,735,273 46 212,917 359 14,471,4481999 162 9,172,397 159 6,110,218 46 213,453 367 15,496,0692000 163 9,376,370 156 6,376,127 50 200,770 369 15,953,2672001 166 9,345,723 163 6,765,074 48 178,851 377 16,289,6482002 169 9,311,729 164 6,876,075 42 158,534 375 16,346,3382003‡ 176 9,654,731 163 7,236,191 40 152,739 379 17,043,6612004‡ 168 9,717,377 165 7,630,503 39 160,371 373 17,508,2522005‡ 166 9,969,899 167 8,263,019 40 165,605 373 18,398,5232006‡ 161 10,056,501 177 8,905,646 37 150,289 375 19,112,4362007‡ 158 10,231,765 180 9,157,919 36 149,536 374 19,539,2192008‡ 156 10,254,379 148 8,717,453 31 148,443 335 19,120,2762009‡ 153 10,324,455 113 7,688,328 25 125,512 291 18,138,295

Sources: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission; Spectator Year Book.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent direct business and, beginning with 1959, include Alaska and Hawaii. 1994-97 data for individual amount and group certificates were revised. Individual and group categories include credit life insurance on loans of more than 10 years’ duration; credit category is limited to life insurance on loans of 10 years’ or less duration. Totals represent all life insurance (net of reinsurance) on residents of the United States, whether issued by U.S. or foreign companies.* Fewer than 500,000 ‡ Includes fraternal benefit societies.1Includes group credit certificates.

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74 American Council of Life Insurers

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8Annuities are financial contracts that pay a steady stream

of income for either a fixed period of time or for the

lifetime of the annuity owner (the annuitant). Most

pension and retirement plan assets held by life insurers

are annuity contracts. Because they can guarantee a

stream of income for life, annuities protect annuity

owners against the possibility of outliving their financial


Annuities are sold as either immediate annuities or

deferred annuities. Immediate annuities begin making

annuity payments immediately, while deferred annuities

defer the onset of annuity payments until some later date

(typically when the annuity owner retires). During the

deferral or accumulation phase, the annuity owner makes

premium payments into the annuity and the savings

inside the annuity grows to maximize the later annuity

payments back to the annuity owner.

Codification of annual statements, effective for 2001

filings, changed the way certain lines of business are

categorized and reported. This is particularly true of

annuities and deposit-type contracts (e.g., guaranteed

interest contracts or GICs). Prior to 2001, deposit-type

funds were included with annuities; now they are

reported separately. As a result, annuity data prior to

2001 is not comparable with 2001 or later data. For this

reason some of the tables in this chapter only report

data for 2008 and 2009.

During 2009, payments into annuities, known as

considerations (Table 8.1), decreased 28 percent to $256

billion, while annuity reserves (Table 8.2) increased 13

percent to $2.5 trillion.

Annuities provide a variety of features designed to

meet different needs. Depending on risk tolerance, an

annuitant can choose a fixed annuity, which provides

stable returns, or a variable annuity which is backed

by equity investments for potentially greater, but

uncertain, returns. A joint and survivor annuity ensures

an income stream as long as either spouse is alive. Under

some options, payouts will continue to a designated

beneficiary after the annuitant’s death.

Group and IndIvIdual annuItIes

Contributions to group annuities, which are sold through

employer-sponsored retirement plans, decreased to $103

billion in 2009, down 14 percent from 2008 (Table 8.1).

Reserves for this type of annuity accounted for one-third

of all annuity reserves by the end of 2009 (32%), or $797

billion (Table 8.2). Benefit payments to group annuitants

decreased by 6 percent to $25 billion in 2009 (Table 8.3).

Employer-sponsored retirement plans are divided

between two types that differ according to their benefits

structure. Defined benefit plans provide a specified

monthly benefit during retirement. The benefit amount

is usually based on an employee’s salary and length of

service. The employer funds such plans and bears the

entire investment risk.


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76 American Council of Life Insurers

$208,965 $128,853 -38.3

119,169 102,727 -13.8

26,842 24,053 -10.4

354,976 255,633 -28.0

Profit-sharing, 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans are defined

contribution plans. Rather than specifying benefits

and retirement income, this type of plan specifies

contributions, usually as a fixed amount or a percentage

of income, where the employee bears the investment

risk. The benefit received under defined contribution

plans is determined by contributions, investment returns,

and expenses. Annuitization of the balance at retirement

is not mandatory, and lump sums have been the most

popular distribution method.

A person also can buy an annuity directly from a life

insurer. During 2009, Americans deposited $129 billion

in individual annuities, down more than 38 percent from

2008 (Table 8.1). Individual annuity owners received

$42 billion in benefit payments, leaving $1.6 trillion in

individual annuity reserves at year-end 2009 (Tables


supplementary ContraCts, annuItIes CertaIn, and other annuItIes

A supplementary contract is an agreement between an

insurer and a life insurance policyholder or beneficiary

in which the beneficiary chooses to receive the policy’s

proceeds over a period of time instead of as a lump

sum. If this period is the lifetime of the beneficiary,

the contract is a supplementary contract with life

contingencies, essentially a life annuity; if the payments

continue for a specific period, the contract is called a

supplementary contract without life contingencies, or

an annuity certain.

During 2009, $24 billion was deposited into supplementary

contracts without life contingencies and annuities certain,

10 percent less than in 2008 (Table 8.1), and $26 billion

was paid to policyholders or beneficiaries (Table 8.3),

leaving a total reserve of $75 billion at the end of 2009

to back future claims (Table 8.2).

Table 8.1annuity Considerations

Millions Percentchange

2008 2009 2008/2009

Individualannuities1 $208,965 $128,853 -38.3

Groupannuities 119,169 102,727 -13.8

Annuitiescertainandsupplementarycontractswithoutlifecontingencies 26,842 24,053 -10.4

Total 354,976 255,633 -28.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies.

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Table 8.2reserves for annuity Contracts

Millions Percentchange

2008 2009 2008/2009

Individualannuities1 $1,434,704 $1,639,841 14.3

Groupannuities 715,587 797,989 11.5

Annuitiescertainandsupplementarycontractswithoutlifecontingencies 73,149 74,504 1.9

Total 2,223,441 2,512,334 13.0

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies.

Table 8.3annuity Benefit payments

Millions Percentchange

2008 2009 2008/2009

Individualannuities1 $42,973 $42,032 2.2

Groupannuities 26,674 25,036 -6.1

Annuitiescertainandsupplementarycontractswithoutlifecontingencies 30,225 25,668 -15.1

Total 99,873 92,736 -7.1

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies.

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78 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 8.4annuity Considerations, by year (millions)

Year Individual1 Group2 Other3 Total

1977 $4,552 $10,422 NA $14,9741978 4,454 11,885 NA 16,3391979 4,976 12,963 NA 17,9391980 6,296 16,133 NA 22,4291981 10,290 17,289 NA 27,5791982 15,196 19,448 NA 34,6441983 14,003 16,541 NA 30,5441984 15,706 27,153 NA 42,8591985 20,891 33,008 NA 53,8991986 26,117 57,595 NA 83,7121987 33,764 54,913 NA 88,6771988 43,784 59,494 NA 103,2781989 49,407 65,590 NA 114,9971990 53,665 75,399 NA 129,0641991 51,671 71,919 NA 123,5901992 61,348 71,297 NA 132,6451993 76,987 79,458 NA 156,4451994 80,832 73,017 NA 153,8491995 77,370 82,565 NA 159,9351996 84,067 92,228 NA 176,2951997 90,192 107,355 NA 197,5471998 95,446 134,047 NA 229,4931999 115,621 154,591 NA 270,2122000 143,071 163,622 NA 306,69320014 141,656 109,599 $22,675 273,93020024 168,428 100,861 22,608 291,89720034 165,943 102,614 21,811 290,36920044 172,140 104,537 24,352 301,02920054 167,032 110,084 25,479 302,59620064 187,083 115,645 26,344 329,07120074 192,503 121,722 27,119 341,34420084 208,965 119,169 26,842 354,97620094 128,853 102,727 24,053 255,633

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.NA: Not available.1For 2000 and 2001, includes supplementary contracts with life contingencies.2Beginning in 1986, data reflect a change in statutory reporting methods mandated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.3Includes supplementary contracts without life contingencies, annuities certain, lottery payouts, structured settlements, and income payment options.4Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the way certain lines of business are categorized and reported, particularly deposit-type contracts. Since most guaranteed interest contracts (GICs) and other deposit-type funds are under group contracts, this accounting change has had a substantial effect on group annuities.

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Table 8.5annuity reserves, by year

Year Reserves(millions) Year Reserves(millions)

1950 $5,6001960 18,8501965 27,3501970 41,1751975 72,2101980 166,8501981 193,2101982 233,7901983 269,4251984 313,2151985 373,4751986 441,3901987 495,4201988 562,1551989 624,2901990 695,700 1991 745,9501992 768,215

1993 $825,3751994 878,4601995 972,5601996 1,312,4941997 1,454,9621998 1,608,4941999 1,780,6992000 1,819,68020011 1,585,00820021 1,619,07520031 1,899,99420041 2,105,88220051 2,258,24020061 2,415,15820071 2,548,49020081 2,223,44120091 2,512,334

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and, as of 2003, fraternal benefit societies.1Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the way certain lines of business are categorized and reported, particularly deposit-type contracts. Since most guaranteed interest contracts (GICs) and other deposit-type funds are under group contracts, this accounting change has had a substantial effect on group annuities.

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80 American Council of Life Insurers

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9Disability income insurance and long-term care insurance

provide important financial protection for American

families. Disability income insurance serves as paycheck

protection for workers by replacing a portion of earnings

if an insured employee is unable to work due to accident

or illness. Long-term care insurance protects retirement

savings and alleviates financial hardships that might

otherwise impoverish a family paying for long-term

care needs.

Disability income insurance

Prolonged unemployment due to disability can jeopardize

a worker’s lifestyle and savings for retirement. The risk

of becoming disabled is significant: Eight percent of

working-age Americans reported a chronic condition

that interfered with their ability to work in 2005. Among

Americans disabled as adults, 62 percent are unable to

work, while 38 percent are limited in the amount or type

of work they can perform.

Disability income policies commonly provide 50 to 70

percent of an insured’s pre-disability income while an

insured employee is unable to work due to accident or

illness. In addition to choices in benefits and elimination

periods, some policies provide comprehensive protection

while others define disability more narrowly, covering

only accidental injury or illness. Policies may also include

coverage for partial disability, residual benefits, cost-

of-living adjustments, survivor benefits, and pension

supplements. Many also include benefits to help people

return to work following a disability.

Often insurers will reduce benefits if an employee

is receiving disability payments from other sources.

Workers compensation pays cash benefits to workers

disabled by an on-the-job accident or illness. Because

workers compensation is a state-administered program,

rules governing payment, benefit levels, and length of

coverage vary considerably from state to state. Workers

whose illness or injury is not caused on the job may

be eligible for paid sick leave or state-mandated short-

term disability benefits. The federal disability insurance

program under the Social Security Administration, known

as SSDI, provides cash assistance to people with long-

term disabilities who are unable to work. SSDI’s modest

income support is limited to those who meet a very strict

test of work disability.

Both individual and group disability income insurance

pay benefits as an indemnity—usually weekly or

monthly. Disability income insurance may be offered by

employers, purchased individually, or used to protect a

business. Employers may offer insurance for either short-

or long-term disabilities, or provide comprehensive

disability protection. Some policies reimburse businesses

for expenses associated with disability. Each of these

types of policies is described below.

Individual Disability Income Insurance

Individual disability income policies are sold to the

self-employed, professionals, and to a market of diverse

needs. Some people prefer individual coverage rather

than group coverage because the former is portable.

Workers, whose employers provide only basic coverage,

may buy additional disability insurance through an

Disability income anD lonG-term care insurance

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82 American Council of Life Insurers

individual policy. Companies also purchase disability

income insurance to protect or dispose of the business

if a key employee or the owner becomes disabled.

Personal Coverage

Most people buy individual disability income insurance

to protect against long-term disability. Individual policies

typically cover both occupational and non-occupational

accidents and sickness for a selected term. Individual

long-term disability benefits are not subject to income

tax if the policyholder pays the premiums in full. Since

benefits are designed to replace earned income, most

people do not purchase coverage beyond their working


Disability income insurance for individuals is offered

primarily in two forms. Non-cancellable policies give

policyholders the right to continue coverage as long

as premiums are paid on time. The insurer cannot

change the premiums or benefits prior to an age stated

in the policy, usually 65. Insurers also offer guaranteed

renewable policies that can be automatically renewed

with the same benefits. The premium for this type of

policy may be increased only if it is changed for the

entire class of policyholders.

Business Coverage

A small proportion of individual disability income

policies is bought by business owners.

Key-person disability insurance replaces income lost

when an essential employee or owner is unable to

work. Some policies pay benefits directly to the insured

as salary continuation, while others pay benefits to the

business to protect the company from sudden loss of

income, credit, or profits. Another form of protection is

disability buy-sell insurance, which pays benefits to the

business to enable owners to purchase interest in the

company from a disabled partner or owner.

Businesses frequently obtain a disability income policy

to cover business overhead expenses, including wages,

in case the owner becomes disabled. A business also

can purchase reducing term disability insurance to

help cover loan repayments, purchase agreements, or

salary contracts if the owner or key employee becomes

disabled. This type of insurance is in effect for the

length of the loan or other commitment, and coverage

is reduced as the amount due is paid off.

Group Disability Income Insurance

Many disability income policies are offered as part of an

employee group benefit package. Employers purchase

disability coverage from an insurance company or self-

insure the benefits. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor

Statistics, 38 percent of all workers in private industry

were covered by short-term disability income insurance

in 2009; 31 percent were covered by long-term disability

income insurance.

Short-Term Coverage

Short-term coverage helps protect against loss of income

for employees unable to work because of a temporary

illness or injury. Such sickness and accident plans replace

a portion of earnings for a fixed period of time. Benefits

commonly last 24 weeks, although coverage can range

from 13 to 104 weeks. Short-term disability income

insurance also can offer protection during the waiting

period before a worker becomes eligible for SSDI or

long-term disability coverage.

Disability income insurance pays short-term benefits as

either a percentage of employee earnings or a flat dollar

amount. The most common plans pay a percentage of

earnings, typically replacing from one-half to two-thirds

of pre-disability income. A majority of these plans places

a dollar limit on the weekly or monthly benefit. Benefits

also can vary depending on length of service and other

factors. Most short-term coverage requires a waiting

period, usually one to seven days, before benefits begin.

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83Long-Term Care and Disability Income Insurance

Long-Term Coverage

Long-term disability income plans cover both occupational

and non-occupational sickness and accidents. Benefits

typically start when short-term benefits are exhausted

after a waiting period of three to six months following

the onset of disability. These policies generally provide

benefits for persons up to age 65 or Social Security

retirement age. In certain cases, long-term coverage may

provide benefits for life.

Almost all group long-term disability plans coordinate

with Social Security and typically require claimants to

apply for SSDI benefits. Disability insurers frequently

offset benefits payable under private insurance dollar-

for-dollar with SSDI payments. Benefits also are subject

to income tax if the employer pays the premiums; they

are not taxable if the employee pays the premiums.

lonG-term care insurance

Long-term care insurance pays for services to help

policyholders who are unable to perform certain

activities of daily living without assistance—such as

bathing, eating, dressing, using the toilet, and transferring

from bed to chair. This insurance also pays benefits

when the insured person requires supervision due to a

cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Since the likelihood of chronic illness or disability

increases with age, long-term care insurance traditionally

has been sold to older Americans. However, the younger

the purchaser, the lower the premiums, and within the

last 10 years, group insurance plans have begun covering

working-age people. In 2009, life insurers collected $10.5

billion in net long-term care insurance premiums.

The market for private long-term care insurance is closely

linked to federal and state government policy. Public

funding for long-term care comes from two main sources.

Medicaid—a joint federal-state program that targets low

income people—is the primary government funding

source for long-term care. To qualify, beneficiaries must

deplete most of their assets and meet a strict income test.

Medicare primarily pays for medically related recovery

and rehabilitation services at home or in a nursing home.

There are two basic types of long-term care insurance:

individual insurance and group. The latter is employer-

sponsored or offered through an association. These

products are considered long-term if the benefit is one

year or longer. Long-term care protection also is available

through life insurance policies that accelerate the death

benefits for individuals with chronic conditions.

Long-term care insurance has evolved in response to

changes in the long-term care delivery system and

consumer preferences. When first sold in 1972, policies

covered only skilled care in a nursing home after a period

of hospitalization. Since the mid-1980s, consumers have

demanded greater choice and more help in maintaining

their quality of life. Insurers now offer policies covering

services that promote independent living including

personal care, assisted living, care management, support

for family caregivers, home modifications, homemaker

services, and hospice, in addition to institutional care.

Coverage for long-term care also varies by how benefits

are paid. Traditional indemnity policies offer a fixed

daily payment to eligible beneficiaries, usually in a

nursing home. Other policies reimburse the insured

for expenses, up to the policy’s daily maximum—for

example, $150 per day for nursing home care or $100

per day for home care. Most reimbursement policies

now pool benefit dollars under more flexible spending

limits, so that a beneficiary can receive payment for either

nursing-home care or home- and community-based

care. A third payment method uses a disability model,

providing a cash benefit when eligibility requirements

are met, regardless of whether the insured actually uses

any long-term care services.

Individual Long-Term Care Coverage

Individual long-term care insurance can be tailored

to meet financial and lifestyle goals. The policyholder

selects the length of benefit term (one to five years or

a lifetime) and other options such as the amount of

maximum daily benefit, length of elimination period,

level of care, inflation protection, and nonforfeiture


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84 American Council of Life Insurers

Most individual long-term care insurance is offered as

a guaranteed renewable policy—renewable with the

same benefits as long as premiums are paid on time.

Premiums cannot be increased unless they are changed

for the entire class of policyholders. Since long-term care

policies do not build cash value, buying a nonforfeiture

benefit or selecting a policy with contingent nonforfeiture

protection allows the insured to receive benefits upon

surrendering the policy. Some policies offer riders that

return premiums upon the death of the insured.

Group Long-Term Care Coverage

Businesses, some state governments, unions, and

fraternal and other associations such as AARP sponsor

group long-term care insurance. Groups can either

purchase long-term care coverage from an insurance

company or self-insure. Under self-insured plans, the

members of the group, usually employees, assume all

risks and expenses of providing long-term care coverage.

Most employers offering this benefit purchase group

insurance coverage.

Group long-term care insurance typically is offered as a

voluntary benefit for which the employee pays some or

all of the premium. Long-term care insurance purchased

through the workplace also is portable: Employees can

retain coverage in retirement or if they change employers

by paying the entire premium directly to the insurer.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 14

percent of all workers in private industry had access to

long-term care insurance at work in 2009.

accelerateD benefits

To help pay long-term care costs, certain life insurance

policies allow the policyholder to access benefits prior

to death. Circumstances that can trigger these accelerated

benefits include diagnosis of a terminal illness or a

medical condition that would drastically shorten the

policyholder’s life span, the need for long-term care, or

permanent confinement in a nursing home. Accelerated

benefit provisions may be integrated in the policy or

more typically attached as a rider.

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10The life insurance industry is integral to the economies

of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In 2009,

927 life insurers were domiciled in the United States,

and another 19 were domiciled in U.S. territories (Table

10.1). The companies’ investments contribute to state

economies as Americans and their families achieve

financial security through life insurance products.

Billions of dollars of life insurance coverage is purchased

in each state every year. Californians bought the most

in 2009, $350 billion worth, while Vermont residents

acquired $4 billion (Table 10.2). Total life insurance in

force ranged from $3 trillion in California to $36 billion

in Wyoming (Table 10.3).

Payments from life insurers are a mainstay of financial

security for residents in every state. Death payments

under life insurance policies were greatest in California

($6.9 billion) and Texas ($5.2 billion) during 2009

(Table 10.4). Life insurance beneficiaries in 10 other

states received payments totaling over $2 billion, and

14 states had death payments between $1 billion and $2

billion. Table 10.5 breaks down death payments among

individual, group, and credit policies.

Annuity payments are another source of financial security

provided by life insurers nationwide. In 2009, payments

from annuities totaled $7.9 billion in California followed

by $5.7 billion in New York (Table 10.4). Residents of

24 other states received annuity payments totaling more

than $1 billion.

Table 10.6 reports the distribution of premium receipts by

state in 2009 across the various product lines offered by

life insurers—life insurance, annuities, health insurance,

and deposit-type funds. The greatest premium amounts

for life insurance, health insurance, and annuities were

collected in California ($58 billion) and New York ($44


Life insurers are a significant source of investment

capital in each state, particularly through real estate

loans. U.S. life insurers held $325 billion in domestic

mortgages in 2009. Mortgage holdings ranged from

$102 million in Alaska to $67 billion in California (Table

10.7). Life insurers also directly own real estate across

the country—$27 billion worth in 2009 (Table 10.8).

California and Texas had the most real estate owned

by life insurers, with $4.2 billion and $2.5 billion,



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86 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 10.1LifeInsurers,byStateofDomicile,2009

Alabama 10 Nebraska 33Alaska - Nevada 1Arizona 42 New Hampshire 1Arkansas 28 New Jersey 6California 18 New Mexico 1Colorado 9 New York 88Connecticut 26 North Carolina 2Delaware 24 North Dakota 3District of Columbia 3 Ohio 43Florida 12 Oklahoma 23Georgia 15 Oregon 2Hawaii 4 Pennsylvania 42Idaho 1 Rhode Island 3Illinois 64 South Carolina 14Indiana 28 South Dakota 1Iowa 26 Tennessee 12Kansas 10 Texas 127Kentucky 7 Utah 14Louisiana 32 Vermont 3Maine 2 Virginia 5Maryland 4 Washington 10Massachusetts 18 West Virginia - Michigan 28 Wisconsin 27Minnesota 15 Wyoming - Mississippi 12 Missouri 26Montana 2 Total U.S. 927

Guam 4

Puerto Rico 15

Aggregate total 946

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.

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87In the States

Table 10.2LifeInsurancePurchases,byState,2009(millions)

Individual Group Credit Total

Alabama $25,487 $13,267 $1,245 $40,000Alaska 3,004 2,901 92 5,998Arizona 29,313 18,445 315 48,072Arkansas 11,320 9,098 507 20,925California 212,738 134,477 2,344 349,558Colorado 32,128 22,698 288 55,114Connecticut 29,903 22,584 305 52,792Delaware 7,256 2,987 109 10,351District of Columbia 4,796 6,831 129 11,756Florida 100,269 58,378 2,754 161,401Georgia 57,264 42,064 3,847 103,174Hawaii 7,210 1,656 382 9,248Idaho 8,592 3,276 238 12,106Illinois 76,682 61,017 1,793 139,493Indiana 26,757 28,978 766 56,501Iowa 17,722 10,340 790 28,852Kansas 15,805 8,828 501 25,135Kentucky 15,365 10,762 1,481 27,608Louisiana 26,746 16,244 3,150 46,141Maine 4,240 3,079 504 7,823Maryland 34,264 19,193 759 54,216Massachusetts 43,043 31,461 449 74,953Michigan 39,088 33,520 1,519 74,127Minnesota 34,004 24,530 713 59,247Mississippi 14,494 12,129 1,084 27,707Missouri 29,879 27,014 1,014 57,906Montana 4,071 1,166 179 5,416Nebraska 12,204 5,552 684 18,440Nevada 13,527 6,940 232 20,699New Hampshire 6,461 3,829 430 10,721New Jersey 69,292 40,749 530 110,570New Mexico 6,625 4,887 568 12,080New York 136,304 75,356 2,186 213,846North Carolina 48,568 67,853 3,601 120,023North Dakota 3,557 1,354 292 5,203Ohio 48,845 36,780 1,312 86,937Oklahoma 15,346 9,306 781 25,433Oregon 16,146 9,200 430 25,775Pennsylvania 60,821 50,817 4,508 116,146Rhode Island 5,054 17,009 49 22,112South Carolina 22,353 15,630 2,056 40,039South Dakota 5,905 1,649 202 7,757Tennessee 32,883 28,452 1,994 63,329Texas 128,554 90,167 7,320 226,041Utah 21,137 12,345 867 34,349Vermont 2,256 1,208 192 3,655Virginia 41,844 32,336 1,509 75,689Washington 31,688 14,796 420 46,904West Virginia 4,593 3,124 488 8,205Wisconsin 28,263 20,276 969 49,508Wyoming 2,933 1,286 153 4,372Total U.S. 1,676,600 1,177,824 59,028 2,913,451

Other1 59,898 14,311 9,073 83,282

Aggregate total 1,736,498 1,192,135 68,100 2,996,733

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent direct business of US life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, N. Mariana Islands and other aggregates.

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88 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 10.3LifeInsuranceinForce,byState,2009


Individual Group1 Credit Total

Policies Faceamount Faceamount Policies2 Faceamount Faceamount

Alabama 5,481 $234,422 $111,722 342 $1,739 $347,883Alaska 177 33,927 17,607 47 325 51,859Arizona 1,764 276,539 137,482 153 1,338 415,359Arkansas 1,706 105,690 60,426 166 877 166,993California 10,246 2,054,873 958,029 654 2,585 3,015,487Colorado 1,908 308,660 156,350 178 1,017 466,027Connecticut 1,672 322,962 172,389 115 793 496,144Delaware 482 90,563 96,399 36 269 187,231District of Columbia 440 35,522 77,785 28 182 113,489Florida 7,473 946,789 546,385 847 5,390 1,498,564Georgia 5,347 536,022 333,465 1,008 3,593 873,081Hawaii 563 75,157 28,959 139 808 104,924Idaho 510 70,316 29,066 70 540 99,922Illinois 7,159 796,290 467,781 659 3,884 1,267,955Indiana 3,400 286,014 177,256 379 1,989 465,259Iowa 1,961 182,091 81,986 201 1,606 265,683Kansas 1,564 159,138 90,770 146 1,051 250,959Kentucky 2,401 162,398 109,150 437 1,770 273,319Louisiana 4,084 224,049 134,789 677 3,197 362,035Maine 527 54,043 45,176 98 793 100,013Maryland 3,646 359,261 213,842 302 1,661 574,763Massachusetts 2,777 470,636 316,595 183 1,170 788,401Michigan 4,407 436,064 323,358 474 3,195 762,618Minnesota 2,692 366,011 244,949 199 2,445 613,405Mississippi 2,061 123,469 65,972 360 1,878 191,319Missouri 3,249 298,714 208,302 327 2,064 509,080Montana 360 41,164 15,767 60 429 57,360


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89In the States

Table 10.3LifeInsuranceinForce,byState,2009—Continued


Individual Group1 Credit Total

Policies Faceamount Faceamount Policies2 Faceamount Faceamount

Nebraska 1,118 117,258 58,854 170 933 177,046Nevada 664 116,245 53,536 131 561 170,342New Hampshire 576 78,554 40,437 104 872 119,862New Jersey 4,076 726,065 525,827 230 1,734 1,253,627New Mexico 650 67,732 65,908 158 1,215 134,855New York 8,384 1,312,596 651,671 814 5,246 1,969,512North Carolina 6,167 493,187 306,354 629 3,415 802,957North Dakota 400 38,211 13,527 64 600 52,338Ohio 6,502 562,420 360,424 443 3,494 926,338Oklahoma 1,545 141,683 80,018 223 1,682 223,383Oregon 1,133 166,208 116,980 167 1,102 284,290Pennsylvania 7,639 699,760 454,990 811 5,951 1,160,701Rhode Island 445 61,325 56,772 25 165 118,262South Carolina 3,292 207,130 100,636 787 2,231 309,997South Dakota 504 57,896 13,864 54 438 72,198Tennessee 4,000 316,730 216,750 508 3,053 536,533Texas 10,505 1,128,891 802,610 2,094 16,268 1,947,769Utah 785 160,722 71,135 253 1,468 233,325Vermont 295 29,875 17,218 43 315 47,409Virginia 4,344 438,513 419,109 443 2,937 860,559Washington 1,922 312,491 206,016 202 1,356 519,862West Virginia 993 51,293 89,553 108 761 141,607Wisconsin 3,175 314,898 168,761 324 2,188 485,847Wyoming 230 26,461 9,352 31 300 36,113Total U.S. 147,398 16,676,929 10,122,058 17,102 104,874 26,903,861

Other3 5,930 481,876 154,747 7,788 51,927 688,550

Aggregate total 153,329 17,158,805 10,276,805 24,890 156,801 27,592,411

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Credit category is limited to life insurance on loans of 10 years or less duration. Individual and group categories include credit life insurance on loans of more than 10 years duration. Data represent direct business of U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Omits policies due to double counting.2Includes group credit certificates.3 Includes Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, N. Mariana Islands and other aggregates.

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90 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 10.4LifeInsuranceandAnnuityBenefitPayments,byState,2009(thousands)

Policyand contract Death Annuity Surrender Other dividends payments payments1 values payments2 Total

Alabama $206,525 $1,228,678 $1,045,111 $2,695,996 $33,671 $5,209,981Alaska 25,400 126,177 91,925 390,478 17,126 651,106Arizona 267,707 1,251,871 1,387,942 4,136,580 45,950 7,090,050Arkansas 110,754 593,587 388,466 1,200,188 60,230 2,353,225California 1,527,062 6,952,428 7,882,482 26,487,589 703,441 43,553,002Colorado 277,806 1,160,222 1,019,106 3,899,408 288,868 6,645,411Connecticut 388,158 1,167,116 2,279,530 12,538,359 30,963 16,404,127Delaware 62,193 497,256 2,514,790 6,205,706 1,063,232 10,343,178District of Columbia 53,877 362,494 170,140 1,020,004 155,082 1,761,597Florida 1,025,560 4,919,287 4,757,721 15,153,356 548,420 26,404,344Georgia 475,618 2,369,706 1,194,171 4,901,580 88,053 9,029,127Hawaii 89,680 297,966 359,553 1,295,664 7,149 2,050,012Idaho 78,848 295,810 325,785 820,915 36,791 1,558,149Illinois 1,094,875 3,320,204 3,315,214 9,608,495 298,178 17,636,966Indiana 420,684 1,595,057 1,343,389 4,157,081 44,356 7,560,566Iowa 342,296 915,842 831,496 2,457,833 2,017,626 6,565,093Kansas 203,948 707,171 565,468 2,161,624 53,100 3,691,312Kentucky 201,485 932,843 710,443 1,791,525 58,287 3,694,583Louisiana 213,126 1,116,436 716,183 2,470,166 71,708 4,587,619Maine 93,001 285,432 281,318 845,123 82,865 1,587,739Maryland 390,842 1,521,166 1,466,343 3,938,352 3,198,658 10,515,360Massachusetts 679,293 1,615,643 2,147,393 7,049,635 1,547,236 13,039,200Michigan 629,346 2,318,803 2,455,766 8,354,786 47,209 13,805,911Minnesota 459,129 1,472,652 1,255,300 4,708,540 34,225 7,929,846Mississippi 95,143 706,499 284,201 1,261,549 88,156 2,435,548Missouri 357,488 1,466,473 1,184,249 4,271,014 190,562 7,469,785Montana 60,091 173,197 190,376 450,649 4,975 879,288


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91In the States

Table 10.4LifeInsuranceandAnnuityBenefitPayments,byState,2009(thousands)—Continued

Policyand contract Death Annuity Surrender Other dividends payments payments1 values payments2 Total

Nebraska 166,161 520,870 665,636 1,327,764 14,718 2,695,150Nevada 96,337 485,796 433,508 1,513,153 16,038 2,544,832New Hampshire 117,089 301,052 357,835 1,166,335 9,818 1,952,129New Jersey 833,148 2,763,816 2,568,969 11,045,893 586,419 17,798,246New Mexico 87,144 429,086 671,550 882,528 107,931 2,178,239New York 2,024,057 4,772,263 5,701,771 20,386,286 303,976 33,188,352North Carolina 598,089 2,260,582 1,471,308 6,892,630 793,672 12,016,280North Dakota 55,548 165,117 121,126 409,841 3,597 755,229Ohio 732,870 3,048,344 2,965,380 8,485,900 664,279 15,896,772Oklahoma 162,663 853,955 627,350 1,597,464 131,039 3,372,471Oregon 178,946 673,911 1,036,085 2,497,788 19,144 4,405,875Pennsylvania 1,080,906 3,452,171 3,503,612 10,929,248 505,249 19,471,186Rhode Island 84,128 323,464 348,366 790,626 10,309 1,556,893South Carolina 225,505 1,143,647 627,059 2,672,903 34,274 4,703,389South Dakota 69,203 226,162 168,095 531,696 3,639 998,795Tennessee 291,184 1,669,342 1,077,297 3,990,629 173,540 7,201,992Texas 893,974 5,210,502 4,058,269 13,187,008 220,190 23,569,942Utah 113,874 571,881 473,970 1,568,844 16,739 2,745,307Vermont 67,866 143,819 158,275 433,877 47,955 851,792Virginia 498,939 2,060,105 1,324,406 4,740,291 112,929 8,736,669Washington 327,775 1,137,650 1,698,454 4,486,648 34,417 7,684,944West Virginia 109,319 399,731 362,090 958,955 32,704 1,862,800Wisconsin 582,604 1,279,088 1,509,300 4,485,807 47,594 7,904,393Wyoming 32,066 123,507 90,478 294,338 2,313 542,701Total U.S. 19,259,332 73,385,878 72,184,047 239,548,648 14,708,600 419,086,505

Other3 992,183 1,664,532 1,867,489 11,935,324 2,889,868 19,349,395

Aggregate total 20,251,514 75,050,410 74,051,536 251,483,972 17,598,468 438,435,900

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data.Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts, as explained in numbered footnotes. Data represent direct business of U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Excludes payments from deposit-type contracts due to codification.2Includes matured endowments, disability payments, and payments on guaranteed interest contracts (GICs).3Includes Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, N. Mariana Islands and other aggregates.

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92 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 10.5PaymentstoLifeInsuranceBeneficiaries,byState,2009(thousands)

Individual Group Credit Total

Alabama $830,148 $387,759 $10,771 $1,228,678Alaska 68,532 56,017 1,628 126,177Arizona 833,122 414,344 4,405 1,251,871Arkansas 373,433 213,824 6,330 593,587California 4,960,498 1,980,361 11,569 6,952,428Colorada 786,650 369,294 4,277 1,160,222Connecticut 838,067 326,392 2,656 1,167,116Delaware 312,811 182,933 1,512 497,256District of Columbia 88,505 273,394 594 362,494Florida 3,551,463 1,336,319 31,505 4,919,287Georgia 1,535,851 812,659 21,195 2,369,706Hawaii 197,759 97,593 2,614 297,966Idaho 202,239 90,886 2,686 295,810Illinois 2,257,001 1,047,676 15,527 3,320,204Indiana 1,016,563 566,587 11,907 1,595,057Iowa 684,220 224,040 7,581 915,842Kansas 477,884 223,678 5,608 707,171Kentucky 610,509 311,474 10,860 932,843Louisiana 754,596 347,889 13,951 1,116,436Maine 156,065 125,882 3,485 285,432Maryland 926,183 587,167 7,817 1,521,166Massachusetts 1,082,539 529,716 3,388 1,615,643Michigan 1,365,974 933,165 19,664 2,318,803Minnesota 1,091,260 372,545 8,847 1,472,652Mississippi 485,420 213,015 8,064 706,499Missouri 929,390 523,296 13,788 1,466,473Montana 116,669 54,462 2,066 173,197


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93In the States

Table 10.5PaymentstoLifeInsuranceBeneficiaries,byState,2009(thousands)—Continued

Individual Group Credit Total

Nebraska 398,474 118,870 3,526 520,870Nevada 325,471 158,019 2,306 485,796New Hampshire 208,286 90,456 2,311 301,052New Jersey 1,796,028 962,209 5,578 2,763,816New Mexico 250,135 173,977 4,974 429,086New York 3,401,269 1,346,438 24,556 4,772,263North Carolina 1,546,010 692,493 22,079 2,260,582North Dakota 114,340 48,228 2,550 165,117Ohio 2,089,326 938,273 20,745 3,048,344Oklahoma 541,808 303,349 8,798 853,955Oregon 464,011 203,056 6,844 673,911Pennsylvania 2,358,869 1,062,158 31,144 3,452,171Rhode Island 238,815 83,886 762 323,464South Carolina 754,370 375,418 13,858 1,143,647South Dakota 184,068 40,014 2,080 226,162Tennessee 1,070,815 580,414 18,113 1,669,342Texas 3,346,514 1,817,751 46,237 5,210,502Utah 383,463 184,014 4,404 571,881Vermont 98,310 44,147 1,362 143,819Virginia 1,127,984 917,149 14,972 2,060,105Washington 707,421 422,792 7,438 1,137,650West Virginia 234,344 159,710 5,677 399,731Wisconsin 898,974 370,116 9,998 1,279,088Wyoming 84,209 37,764 1,534 123,507Total U.S. 49,156,667 23,733,068 496,143 73,385,878

Other1 1,280,018 231,704 152,810 1,664,532

Aggregate total 50,436,686 23,964,772 648,953 75,050,410

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent direct business of U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, N. Mariana Islands and other aggregates.

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94 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 10.6DirectPremiumReceiptsofLifeInsurers,byState,2009(millions)

Life Annuity Health Deposit-type funds1 Total

Alabama $1,887 $3,276 $1,556 $228 $6,947Alaska 303 575 285 33 1,196Arizona 1,911 5,862 3,459 224 11,455Arkansas 932 1,776 1,460 89 4,256California 13,232 31,937 12,649 2,036 59,853Colorado 1,973 5,304 3,141 728 11,147Connecticut 2,346 6,543 2,228 10,520 21,637Delaware 856 1,612 430 26,787 29,685District of Columbia 378 1,432 581 168 2,560Florida 7,384 20,461 10,888 1,043 39,777Georgia 4,022 5,946 5,045 615 15,628Hawaii 616 1,665 633 58 2,972Idaho 469 1,131 589 257 2,446Illinois 6,037 12,770 6,711 1,127 26,646Indiana 2,422 5,674 4,134 544 12,774Iowa 1,510 3,430 1,602 2,096 8,638Kansas 1,229 2,535 3,112 2,320 9,197Kentucky 1,407 2,977 2,125 169 6,678Louisiana 1,968 4,001 1,890 173 8,032Maine 451 1,184 873 195 2,703Maryland 2,542 6,465 2,614 744 12,366Massachusetts 3,126 9,147 2,650 627 15,550Michigan 3,761 11,601 4,081 861 20,305Minnesota 3,117 8,134 2,045 549 13,845Mississippi 1,088 1,521 1,672 99 4,380Missouri 2,574 6,320 5,327 530 14,751Montana 305 608 519 32 1,464Nebraska 939 1,934 1,244 487 4,604Nevada 812 1,702 1,146 245 3,906New Hampshire 533 1,739 644 1,800 4,717New Jersey 5,656 13,052 4,503 1,730 24,941New Mexico 572 1,213 795 77 2,656New York 10,348 26,673 7,010 25,826 69,857North Carolina 4,040 9,187 5,217 2,960 21,404North Dakota 321 667 329 28 1,345Ohio 4,636 12,203 7,111 1,710 25,660Oklahoma 1,221 2,304 1,777 189 5,490Oregon 1,073 3,386 1,611 212 6,283Pennsylvania 5,772 15,723 5,572 1,240 28,308Rhode Island 447 1,176 513 107 2,244South Carolina 1,730 3,445 2,191 180 7,546South Dakota 551 634 404 49 1,639Tennessee 2,634 5,108 3,110 490 11,342Texas 8,875 17,929 13,906 1,111 41,821Utah 1,022 2,147 1,123 143 4,435Vermont 228 636 374 41 1,279Virginia 3,594 6,911 4,077 646 15,228Washington 1,929 5,491 2,549 299 10,268West Virginia 598 1,331 825 94 2,848Wisconsin 2,443 6,517 4,946 637 14,543Wyoming 232 395 320 29 976Total U.S. 128,052 305,393 153,597 93,182 680,224 Other2 9,335 3,173 17,132 237 29,877 Aggregate total 137,387 308,566 170,729 93,419 710,101

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Codification effective with 2001 Annual Statement filings changed the reporting of certain lines of business, particularly deposit-type contracts. Data represent direct business of U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes guaranteed interest contracts, supplemental contracts and annuities certain, dividend accumulations or refunds, and other deposit funds.2Includes Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, N. Mariana Islands and other aggregates.

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95In the States

Table 10.7MortgagesOwnedbyLifeInsurers,byTypeandState,2009(thousands)

Farm Non-farm Total

Alabama $481,767 $1,407,261 $1,889,028Alaska 5,960 95,958 101,918Arizona 126,621 7,283,373 7,409,994Arkansas 691,185 304,087 995,272California 4,496,390 62,605,403 67,101,793Colorado 120,692 6,599,462 6,720,154Connecticut 4,563 2,489,947 2,494,511Delaware 15,537 935,646 951,183District of Columbia - 6,267,718 6,267,718Florida 1,182,682 19,158,253 20,340,935Georgia 242,717 11,628,818 11,871,535Hawaii 3,932 1,263,749 1,267,682Idaho 762,785 661,907 1,424,692Illinois 701,036 13,739,168 14,440,205Indiana 447,810 3,270,055 3,717,865Iowa 618,641 1,055,501 1,674,143Kansas 147,741 1,674,242 1,821,983Kentucky 74,197 1,871,051 1,945,248Louisiana 232,868 872,221 1,105,089Maine 257,733 536,285 794,018Maryland 10,061 9,617,838 9,627,899Massachusetts - 8,178,660 8,178,660Michigan 91,759 4,748,537 4,840,295Minnesota 349,547 6,091,363 6,440,910Mississippi 739,047 576,222 1,315,269Missouri 242,681 3,651,420 3,894,101Montana 331,759 182,896 514,655Nebraska 449,081 1,534,785 1,983,866Nevada 29,579 3,539,396 3,568,975New Hampshire 59,527 624,257 683,784New Jersey 83,656 14,751,730 14,835,386New Mexico 118,227 942,332 1,060,559New York 75,281 21,182,450 21,257,731North Carolina 127,560 6,666,796 6,794,356North Dakota 37,383 166,741 204,124Ohio 257,316 7,540,900 7,798,215Oklahoma 249,455 977,822 1,227,276Oregon 523,281 5,077,421 5,600,702Pennsylvania 127,372 8,885,478 9,012,850Rhode Island - 447,451 447,451South Carolina 189,357 2,110,001 2,299,359South Dakota 251,034 148,620 399,654Tennessee 113,595 4,073,020 4,186,615Texas 473,024 25,324,760 25,797,785Utah 35,842 3,303,235 3,339,078Vermont - 114,162 114,162Virginia 97,466 10,451,558 10,549,024Washington 1,192,351 10,553,379 11,745,729West Virginia 142,811 157,589 300,400Wisconsin 216,320 2,282,964 2,499,284Wyoming 139,801 46,793 186,594Total U.S. 17,369,030 307,670,682 325,039,713

Other1 391,753 10,884,151 11,275,904

Aggregate total 17,760,783 318,554,834 336,315,617

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes U.S. territories and possessions, various, and multistate categories and foreign countries.

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96 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 10.8RealEstateOwnedbyLifeInsurers,byState,2009(thousands)

Alabama $219,236 Nebraska $261,945Alaska 16,672 Nevada 236,367Arizona 919,225 New Hampshire 57,298Arkansas 21,198 New Jersey 882,521California 4,165,097 New Mexico 9,488Colorado 530,933 New York 996,093Connecticut 921,028 North Carolina 522,351Delaware 29,581 North Dakota 52,314District of Columbia 1,060,864 Ohio 302,488Florida 1,993,330 Oklahoma 53,889Georgia 1,084,826 Oregon 236,927Hawaii 67,524 Pennsylvania 431,609Idaho 22,155 Rhode Island 67,504Illinois 1,547,957 South Carolina 84,344Indiana 224,410 South Dakota 20,144Iowa 444,007 Tennessee 433,947Kansas 159,514 Texas 2,520,241Kentucky 62,506 Utah 48,393Louisiana 134,956 Vermont 43,330Maine 80,607 Virginia 1,086,293Maryland 141,300 Washington 1,452,305Massachusetts 1,523,892 West Virginia 2,396Michigan 259,578 Wisconsin 490,551Minnesota 690,876 Wyoming 14,142Mississippi 83,955 Missouri 111,386 Total U.S. 26,823,492Montana - Other1 890,610 Aggregate total 27,714,102

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Data represent U.S. life insurers and fraternal benefit societies.1Includes U.S. territories and possessions, various, and multistate categories and foreign countries.

Page 114: ACLI FactBook2011

11The U.S. life insurance industry is made up of almost a

thousand companies with sales and operations across

the country. Many of these companies are stand-alone

entities, with no life insurer affiliate or subsidiary

operating in the United States. Others are organized into

groups or fleets of affiliates and subsidiaries. This chapter

presents rankings of the 25 largest life insurance groups

(counting stand-alone companies as a group of one)

based on assets, premiums and annuity considerations,

and life insurance coverage.


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98 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.1LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalAssets,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $436,251,736

Prudential Financial 366,937,506

American International Group 312,843,868

Hartford Life, Inc. 219,495,435

Manulife Financial 217,242,055

TIAA-CREF 204,694,966

New York Life 201,809,229

AEGON USA, Inc. 179,855,819

ING North America 178,863,036

Northwestern Mutual 167,203,452

Lincoln Financial 153,758,885

AXA Financial 142,447,580

Massachusetts Mutual 132,969,358

Principal Financial 118,798,952

Pacific Life 97,906,637

Nationwide 94,044,555

RiverSource Insurance 86,077,178

Jackson National 81,377,616

Allianz 76,534,675

AFLAC 76,043,956

Allstate 74,067,262

Genworth Financial 66,866,587

Sun Life Assurance 60,784,728

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 57,407,141

State Farm 49,752,472

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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99Industry Rankings

Table 11.2LargestLifeInsurers,byGeneralAccountAssets,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $288,042,363

American International Group 244,105,666

TIAA-CREF 194,653,268

Prudential Financial 179,457,528

New York Life 176,566,255

Northwestern Mutual 150,859,453

AEGON USA, Inc. 108,676,937

Manulife Financial 93,911,435

Massachusetts Mutual 89,327,522

ING North America 85,192,088

Lincoln Financial 78,416,813

AFLAC 75,843,776

Allstate 64,710,783

Principal Financial 60,748,838

Allianz 60,083,491

Hartford Life, Inc. 56,344,434

AXA Financial 55,125,541

Genworth Financial 55,078,027

State Farm 48,510,328

Jackson National 48,048,205

Pacific Life 45,225,866

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 45,124,694

Aviva Group 40,480,414

Guardian 35,732,832

Sammons Financial 35,292,486

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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100 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.3LargestLifeInsurers,bySeparateAccountAssets,2009(thousands)

Prudential Financial $187,479,978

Hartford Life, Inc. 163,151,001

MetLife, Inc. 148,209,373

Manulife Financial 123,330,620

ING North America 93,670,948

AXA Financial 87,322,039

Lincoln Financial 75,342,072

AEGON USA, Inc. 71,178,882

American International Group 68,738,202

Nationwide 59,208,088

Principal Financial 58,050,113

RiverSource Insurance 54,524,589

Pacific Life 52,680,771

Massachusetts Mutual 43,641,836

Jackson National 33,329,412

Sun Life Assurance 29,719,925

New York Life 25,242,974

Great West 19,267,376

Allianz 16,451,184

Northwestern Mutual 16,343,999

Fidelity Investments 15,126,558

Kemper Investors 13,113,608

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 12,282,446

Minnesota Mutual 12,082,732

Genworth Financial 11,788,559

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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101Industry Rankings

Table 11.4LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualNetLifeInsurancePremiums,2009(thousands)

Northwestern Mutual $10,425,806

New York Life 7,081,620

American International Group 6,307,142

MetLife, Inc. 4,284,027

Massachusetts Mutual 3,979,589

Prudential Financial 3,851,750

State Farm 3,684,878

Guardian 2,975,669

AXA Financial 2,873,285

Berkshire Hathaway 2,845,238

AEGON USA, Inc. 2,838,496

Manulife Financial 2,406,275

Lincoln Financial 2,337,316

AFLAC 1,891,797

RGA Group 1,663,217

Allstate 1,651,055

Goldman Sachs Group 1,403,629

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 1,336,895

Primerica 1,281,450

Pacific Life 1,278,226

Torchmark 1,181,000

Principal Financial 1,112,019

Nationwide 1,098,073

Great West 1,045,561

Hartford Life, Inc. 991,310

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Figures are net of reinsurance.

Page 119: ACLI FactBook2011

102 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.5LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupNetLifeInsurancePremiums,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $5,325,477

Prudential Financial 3,657,584

New York Life 1,632,116

Minnesota Mutual 1,458,285

CIGNA 1,454,664

StanCorp Financial 736,862

Hartford Life, Inc. 704,662

UnumProvident 686,845

ING North America 575,375

Aetna 568,089

Lincoln Financial 532,733

HCSC 511,431

Sun Life Assurance 498,068

Assurant, Inc. 414,210

American International Group 414,037

Reliance Standard 377,772

AEGON USA, Inc. 339,810

Homesteaders Life Company 339,604

Principal Financial 335,244

Forethought Financial 313,647

Guardian 296,203

Torchmark 293,793

Nationwide 292,702

Wellpoint, Inc. 288,131

Mutual of Omaha 287,870

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Figures are net of reinsurance.

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103Industry Rankings

Table 11.6LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalNetLifeInsurancePremiums,2009(thousands)

Northwestern Mutual $10,425,806

MetLife, Inc. 9,610,453

New York Life 8,713,736

Prudential Financial 7,509,329

American International Group 6,861,273

Massachusetts Mutual 4,083,229

State Farm 3,749,103

Guardian 3,271,872

AEGON USA, Inc. 3,210,975

AXA Financial 2,882,071

Lincoln Financial 2,870,050

Berkshire Hathaway 2,865,988

Manulife Financial 2,453,499

Minnesota Mutual 2,233,053

AFLAC 1,894,900

Hartford Life, Inc. 1,695,973

Allstate 1,691,342

RGA Group 1,689,628

CIGNA 1,546,610

Torchmark 1,474,793

Principal Financial 1,447,263

Goldman Sachs Group 1,404,030

Sun Life Assurance 1,399,016

Nationwide 1,390,774

Primerica 1,380,861

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Figures are net of reinsurance.

Page 121: ACLI FactBook2011

104 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.7LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualDirectLifeInsurancePremiums,2009(thousands)

Northwestern Mutual $11,191,070

American International Group 8,609,033

MetLife, Inc. 7,605,775

New York Life 7,595,914

Prudential Financial 6,158,388

Manulife Financial 5,961,488

Lincoln Financial 4,564,783

Massachusetts Mutual 4,478,301

AEGON USA, Inc. 3,889,352

State Farm 3,685,820

AXA Financial 3,379,320

Guardian 3,165,308

Pacific Life 2,301,405

Protective Life 2,238,356

Allstate 2,235,602

ING North America 2,172,058

AFLAC 1,904,223

Primerica 1,881,141

Genworth Financial 1,773,176

Hartford Life, Inc. 1,685,156

Sun Life Assurance 1,512,944

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 1,405,481

Torchmark 1,371,031

Principal Financial 1,361,324

Nationwide 1,270,056

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

Page 122: ACLI FactBook2011

105Industry Rankings

Table 11.8LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupDirectLifeInsurancePremiums,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $7,949,200

Prudential Financial 4,399,043

Hartford Life, Inc. 1,532,196

New York Life 1,362,170

CIGNA 1,251,805

Minnesota Mutual 1,242,460

UnumProvident 1,093,021

Aetna 1,000,078

StanCorp Financial 739,540

ING North America 579,988

Lincoln Financial 531,662

Sun Life Assurance 501,168

American International Group 499,793

Assurant, Inc. 420,436

Reliance Standard 412,119

HCSC 381,322

Homesteaders Life Company 342,697

Principal Financial 337,787

AEGON USA, Inc. 335,049

Torchmark 314,787

Forethought Financial 312,413

Nationwide 307,068

Wellpoint, Inc. 297,805

Guardian 297,513

Mutual of Omaha 286,836

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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106 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.9LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalDirectLifeInsurancePremiums,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $15,556,382

Northwestern Mutual 11,191,070

Prudential Financial 10,557,425

American International Group 9,373,976

New York Life 8,958,084

Manulife Financial 5,993,343

Lincoln Financial 5,096,445

Massachusetts Mutual 4,638,813

AEGON USA, Inc. 4,259,336

State Farm 3,750,045

Guardian 3,462,822

AXA Financial 3,388,201

Hartford Life, Inc. 3,217,352

ING North America 2,752,046

Allstate 2,335,265

Pacific Life 2,301,405

Protective Life 2,269,693

Minnesota Mutual 2,114,444

Sun Life Assurance 2,014,112

Primerica 1,975,193

AFLAC 1,907,360

Genworth Financial 1,793,239

Principal Financial 1,699,111

Torchmark 1,685,818

UnumProvident 1,654,783

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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107Industry Rankings

Table 11.10LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualLifeInsuranceIssued,2009(thousands)

Northwestern Mutual $113,132,701

ING North America 104,212,272

Prudential Financial 94,424,971

MetLife, Inc. 88,874,072

State Farm 86,304,297

New York Life 85,609,841

American International Group 73,396,682

Primerica 71,747,019

AEGON USA, Inc. 64,474,144

Manulife Financial 64,144,316

Lincoln Financial 50,833,555

Allstate 48,063,977

AXA Financial 47,751,129

Protective Life 45,521,378

Legal & General 39,838,996

Genworth Financial 37,507,627

Massachusetts Mutual 37,498,047

USAA 34,091,583

Guardian 28,569,557

Kemper Investors 26,075,725

AFLAC 26,026,324

Torchmark 24,011,035

Hartford Life, Inc. 21,467,499

Pacific Life 18,765,219

Ohio National 17,680,642

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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108 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.11LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupLifeInsuranceIssued,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $175,246,802

Prudential Financial 110,695,401

Aetna 87,033,186

Hartford Life, Inc. 85,252,612

UnumProvident 77,858,232

Minnesota Mutual 76,698,006

CIGNA 74,441,041

UnitedHealth 54,851,324

Lincoln Financial 52,607,600

Sun Life Assurance 45,941,569

StanCorp Financial 44,517,614

Reliance Standard 30,115,639

ING North America 26,262,991

Mutual of Omaha 23,457,753

Torchmark 21,443,103

New York Life 19,896,391

Guardian 14,534,953

American International Group 13,321,563

Principal Financial 12,895,399

HCSC 12,742,190

Assurant, Inc. 10,370,281

Liberty Mutual 9,570,609

Wellpoint, Inc. 8,031,638

OneAmerica Financial 6,330,041

Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield 5,424,331

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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109Industry Rankings

Table 11.12LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalLifeInsuranceIssued,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $264,098,764

Prudential Financial 205,122,357

ING North America 130,475,263

Northwestern Mutual 113,132,701

Hartford Life, Inc. 106,720,111

New York Life 105,506,232

Lincoln Financial 103,441,155

Minnesota Mutual 97,045,284

American International Group 91,130,128

UnumProvident 91,036,054

Aetna 87,089,368

State Farm 86,397,276

Primerica 78,629,660

CIGNA 74,678,829

AEGON USA, Inc. 71,281,137

Manulife Financial 64,144,316

UnitedHealth 55,024,158

Sun Life Assurance 52,949,590

Protective Life 51,997,691

Allstate 49,156,679

AXA Financial 47,753,728

Torchmark 45,454,138

StanCorp Financial 44,532,040

Guardian 43,104,510

Legal & General 39,846,975

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009.

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110 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.13LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualLifeInsuranceinForce,2009(thousands)

Northwestern Mutual $700,846,055

State Farm 693,822,214

RGA Group 559,606,401

New York Life 497,706,578

Berkshire Hathaway 492,951,560

Swiss Re America 438,500,203

American International Group 410,003,503

AEGON USA, Inc. 387,999,277

MetLife, Inc. 342,692,904

AXA Financial 317,080,829

Munich American Holding 294,957,479

Prudential Financial 286,617,896

Protective Life 227,975,739

Genworth Financial 211,792,142

Allstate 199,593,203

Manulife Financial 169,620,858

Lincoln Financial 169,496,331

Primerica 166,782,864

Guardian 149,622,180

Massachusetts Mutual 149,516,947

Hartford Life, Inc. 135,311,226

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 133,794,184

AFLAC 123,482,696

Generali Group 121,956,831

GE Financial 117,937,917

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude reinsurance ceded.

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111Industry Rankings

Table 11.14LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupLifeInsuranceinForce,2009(thousands)

Prudential Financial $1,649,196,110

MetLife, Inc. 1,539,852,879

Minnesota Mutual 442,162,017

CIGNA 420,468,223

New York Life 317,162,356

StanCorp Financial 299,542,921

Sun Life Assurance 264,617,336

UnumProvident 255,406,250

Lincoln Financial 242,336,564

Aetna 235,672,154

Hartford Life, Inc. 179,937,046

American International Group 161,586,565

HCSC 161,328,328

UnitedHealth 160,429,053

Guardian 118,236,402

Mutual of Omaha 117,429,579

Principal Financial 109,772,227

Wellpoint, Inc. 83,933,907

Liberty Mutual 78,806,106

Assurant, Inc. 73,271,098

ING North America 64,898,557

Reliance Standard 36,434,103

Massachusetts Mutual 34,896,386

5 Star Life Insurance Company 34,139,539

Great West 33,594,814

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude reinsurance ceded.

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112 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.15LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalLifeInsuranceinForce,2009(thousands)

Prudential Financial $1,935,817,805

MetLife, Inc. 1,882,623,204

New York Life 814,868,934

State Farm 707,324,845

Northwestern Mutual 701,947,055

American International Group 602,835,689

RGA Group 576,106,952

Berkshire Hathaway 499,934,419

Minnesota Mutual 495,672,054

Swiss Re America 451,633,727

CIGNA 440,782,491

AEGON USA, Inc. 423,798,727

Lincoln Financial 411,832,895

AXA Financial 319,124,644

Munich American Holding 317,944,217

Hartford Life, Inc. 315,248,272

UnumProvident 304,280,505

StanCorp Financial 299,578,635

Sun Life Assurance 289,141,109

Guardian 267,858,597

Aetna 236,061,003

Protective Life 229,470,545

Genworth Financial 213,117,717

Allstate 204,229,922

Mutual of Omaha 192,071,468

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude reinsurance ceded.

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113Industry Rankings

Table 11.16LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualNetAnnuityConsiderations,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $19,968,514

American International Group 12,930,960

Jackson National 12,288,440

New York Life 10,960,954

Lincoln Financial 10,595,267

RiverSource Insurance 8,989,547

Allianz 8,465,485

Prudential Financial 7,871,578

Pacific Life 6,952,447

TIAA-CREF 6,210,044

ING North America 5,037,779

Nationwide 4,801,521

AEGON USA, Inc. 4,610,016

Manulife Financial 3,544,899

AXA Financial 3,202,384

Massachusetts Mutual 3,027,537

American Equity Investment Group 2,852,666

Ohio National 2,544,705

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 2,507,961

Western and Southern Financial 2,434,299

Symetra Financial 2,433,783

Sammons Financial 2,360,904

Principal Financial 1,996,163

Protective Life 1,833,312

USAA 1,785,709

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Figures are net of reinsurance and exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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114 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.17LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupNetAnnuityConsiderations,2009(thousands)

Prudential Financial $17,639,929

ING North America 10,607,059

MetLife, Inc. 8,631,666

Manulife Financial 7,142,607

AEGON USA, Inc. 6,207,747

Massachusetts Mutual 5,725,988

Great West 5,046,767

AXA Financial 4,831,484

American International Group 3,936,795

Hartford Life, Inc. 3,817,186

TIAA-CREF 3,387,294

Sun Life Assurance 3,086,245

New York Life 3,061,206

Nationwide 2,984,925

Lincoln Financial 2,438,455

OneAmerica Financial 1,655,174

Jackson National 1,501,316

Minnesota Mutual 1,279,119

Pacific Life 1,153,366

Mutual of America Life Insurance Company 1,077,497

StanCorp Financial 998,485

American National 909,450

CUNA Mutual 761,634

UNIFI 670,134

Sammons Financial 527,107

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Figures are net of reinsurance and exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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115Industry Rankings

Table 11.18LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalNetAnnuityConsiderations,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $28,600,180

Prudential Financial 25,511,507

American International Group 16,867,755

ING North America 15,644,838

New York Life 14,022,160

Jackson National 13,789,756

Lincoln Financial 13,033,721

AEGON USA, Inc. 10,817,763

Manulife Financial 10,687,506

TIAA-CREF 9,597,338

RiverSource Insurance 9,136,642

Massachusetts Mutual 8,753,525

Allianz 8,465,485

Pacific Life 8,105,813

AXA Financial 8,033,868

Nationwide 7,786,445

Great West 5,102,535

Sun Life Assurance 4,838,679

Sammons Financial 2,888,011

American Equity Investment Group 2,852,666

Ohio National 2,682,038

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 2,507,961

Symetra Financial 2,491,215

Western and Southern Financial 2,448,929

American National 2,183,321

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Figures are net of reinsurance and exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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116 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.19LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualDirectAnnuityConsiderations,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $20,393,111

Jackson National 12,352,896

New York Life 10,960,954

Lincoln Financial 10,887,909

American International Group 10,648,728

RiverSource Insurance 8,989,546

Allianz 8,471,199

Manulife Financial 7,997,307

Prudential Financial 7,994,404

AEGON USA, Inc. 7,867,729

Pacific Life 7,249,916

TIAA-CREF 6,210,044

Aviva Group 5,682,791

ING North America 5,039,988

Nationwide 4,818,304

Hartford Life, Inc. 4,025,596

American Equity Investment Group 3,677,501

AXA Financial 3,215,370

Massachusetts Mutual 3,027,220

Sammons Financial 2,636,061

Ohio National 2,605,880

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 2,507,961

Western and Southern Financial 2,435,504

Symetra Financial 2,434,657

Principal Financial 1,996,163

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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117Industry Rankings

Table 11.20LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupDirectAnnuityConsiderations,2009(thousands)

Prudential Financial $17,638,762

Manulife Financial 12,265,365

ING North America 10,611,410

MetLife, Inc. 8,656,012

AEGON USA, Inc. 6,225,857

Massachusetts Mutual 5,725,988

AXA Financial 5,144,189

Great West 5,021,798

American International Group 3,939,084

Hartford Life, Inc. 3,816,673

TIAA-CREF 3,387,294

Sun Life Assurance 3,089,246

New York Life 3,061,206

Nationwide 2,984,974

Lincoln Financial 2,437,439

OneAmerica Financial 1,636,050

Jackson National 1,501,316

Minnesota Mutual 1,277,830

Pacific Life 1,150,312

Mutual of America Life Insurance Company 1,077,497

StanCorp Financial 998,485

American National 909,450

CUNA Mutual 761,634

UNIFI 670,134

Sammons Financial 571,635

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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118 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.21LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalDirectAnnuityConsiderations,2009(thousands)

MetLife, Inc. $29,049,123

Prudential Financial 25,633,166

Manulife Financial 20,262,672

ING North America 15,651,398

American International Group 14,587,812

AEGON USA, Inc. 14,093,587

New York Life 14,022,160

Jackson National 13,854,211

Lincoln Financial 13,325,348

TIAA-CREF 9,597,338

RiverSource Insurance 9,134,513

Massachusetts Mutual 8,753,208

Allianz 8,471,199

Pacific Life 8,400,228

AXA Financial 8,359,559

Hartford Life, Inc. 7,842,269

Nationwide 7,803,279

Aviva Group 5,742,644

Great West 5,077,410

Sun Life Assurance 4,835,087

American Equity Investment Group 3,677,501

Sammons Financial 3,207,696

Ohio National 2,743,214

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 2,507,961

Symetra Financial 2,492,089

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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119Industry Rankings

Table 11.22LargestLifeInsurers,byIndividualAnnuityReserves,2009(millions)

TIAA-CREF $147,291

American International Group 138,641

MetLife, Inc. 122,306

Hartford Life, Inc. 97,814

Lincoln Financial 83,776

RiverSource Insurance 66,389

Manulife Financial 65,139

Allianz 65,051

New York Life 57,724

Jackson National 57,059

Pacific Life 56,546

AEGON USA, Inc. 53,133

ING North America 44,432

Prudential Financial 39,222

Allstate 35,202

Nationwide 34,751

Genworth Financial 26,693

AXA Financial 25,455

Aviva Group 24,062

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 23,400

Massachusetts Mutual 17,361

Western and Southern Financial 16,643

Principal Financial 16,450

Fidelity Investments 15,131

American Equity Investment Group 14,139

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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120 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 11.23LargestLifeInsurers,byGroupAnnuityReserves,2009(millions)

Prudential Financial $98,636

ING North America 86,001

MetLife, Inc. 82,831

Manulife Financial 68,692

AXA Financial 66,752

American International Group 49,314

AEGON USA, Inc. 35,342

Massachusetts Mutual 34,191

Hartford Life, Inc. 32,079

Nationwide 31,936

TIAA-CREF 23,227

Great West 21,503

New York Life 16,497

Lincoln Financial 15,309

Sun Life Assurance 14,866

Allstate 12,621

OneAmerica Financial 9,682

Minnesota Mutual 9,680

Principal Financial 7,069

Sammons Financial 6,685

Jackson National 5,979

StanCorp Financial 5,712

Aetna 4,709

Pacific Life 4,369

American National 3,999

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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121Industry Rankings

Table 11.24LargestLifeInsurers,byTotalAnnuityReserves,2009(millions)

MetLife, Inc. $205,137

American International Group 187,955

TIAA-CREF 170,518

Prudential Financial 137,858

Manulife Financial 133,831

ING North America 130,434

Hartford Life, Inc. 129,893

Lincoln Financial 99,085

AXA Financial 92,207

AEGON USA, Inc. 88,475

New York Life 74,221

RiverSource Insurance 68,583

Nationwide 66,687

Allianz 65,078

Jackson National 63,038

Pacific Life 60,915

Massachusetts Mutual 51,552

Allstate 47,823

Genworth Financial 28,719

Aviva Group 28,039

Sun Life Assurance 26,712

Great West 23,776

Principal Financial 23,519

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 23,400

Sammons Financial 17,989

Source: ACLI tabulations of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, used by permission.Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based on use of its data. Group totals represent a collection of life insurers based on organizational structure. Data are as of December 31, 2009. Amounts exclude deposit-type funds and supplementary contracts.

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122 American Council of Life Insurers

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U.S. mortality rates and life expectancies have improved

dramatically over the long term. The aggregate, age-

adjusted death rate (per 1,000 population) has fallen

from 17.9 in 1940 to 7.6 in 2007 (Table 12.1). The death

rate among males dropped from 19.8 to 9.1 over this

period, and among females, from 16 to 6.4.

Life expectancy at age 25 is currently 51.8 years for

males and 56.3 years for females (Table 12.2). A man

who retired in 2007 at age 65 could expect to live 17.2

years more on average, while a 65-year-old woman could

expect to live another 19.9 years.

Examining trend data for life expectancy over the past

century yields startling contrasts. A 25-year-old during

1900–02 could expect to live 39.1 years more vs. 54.1

additional years for a 25-year-old in 2007.

Because of increased longevity, the last ten years

shown in Table 12.2 have been extended to include

life expectancy for men and women at age 100. This

is consistent with the 2001 Commissioners Standard

Ordinary (CSO) Mortality Table. The 2001 CSO mortality

table was introduced by the Society of Actuaries and

adopted by the National Association of Insurance

Commissioners for life insurers to use in underwriting

insurance (Table 12.3). It is the prevailing mortality table

and has been adopted by most states.

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124 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 12.1DeathRatesintheUnitedStates


Year Male Female Total

1940 19.8 16.0 17.91950 16.7 12.4 14.51960 16.1 11.1 13.41970 15.4 9.7 12.21975 14.2 8.6 10.91980 13.5 8.2 10.41985 12.8 7.8 9.91986 12.6 7.8 9.81987 12.5 7.7 9.71988 12.5 7.8 9.81989 12.2 7.6 9.51990 12.0 7.5 9.41991 11.8 7.4 9.31992 11.6 7.3 9.11993 11.8 7.5 9.31994 11.6 7.5 9.21995 11.5 7.5 9.21996 11.2 7.4 9.01997 10.9 7.4 8.91998 10.6 7.3 8.81999 10.6 7.4 8.82000 10.5 7.3 8.72001 10.3 7.2 8.62002 10.1 7.2 8.52003 9.9 7.1 8.32004 9.6 6.8 8.02005 9.5 6.8 8.02006 9.2 6.6 7.82007 9.1 6.4 7.6

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Reports.1Based on population estimates from the 2000 census, which were modified for consistency with Office of Management and Budget racial categories as of 1977. All death rates have been revised, and may differ from previously published rates that were based on 1990 population estimates.

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Table 12.2LifeExpectancy,byAgeandGender,1900–2007

Age Male Female Total

1900–02 Newborn 47.9 50.7 49.2 1 54.4 56.1 55.2 5 54.2 55.8 55.0 15 46.1 47.6 46.8 25 38.4 39.9 39.1 35 31.2 32.7 31.9 45 24.1 25.4 24.8 55 17.4 18.4 17.9 65 11.5 12.2 11.9 75 6.8 7.3 7.1 85 3.8 4.1 4.0

Age Male Female Total

1909–11 Newborn 49.9 53.2 51.5 1 56.0 58.4 57.1 5 55.1 57.4 56.2 15 46.7 48.9 47.7 25 38.6 40.7 39.6 35 30.9 33.0 31.9 45 23.8 25.4 24.5 55 17.0 18.1 17.6 65 11.2 12.0 11.6 75 6.8 7.2 7.0 85 3.9 4.1 4.0

Age Male Female Total

1919–21 Newborn 55.5 57.4 56.4 1 59.5 60.5 59.9 5 57.6 58.4 58.0 15 49.1 49.7 49.4 25 41.1 41.9 41.5 35 33.4 34.4 33.9 45 25.8 26.7 26.3 55 18.5 19.3 18.9 65 12.2 12.7 12.5 75 7.3 7.7 7.5 85 4.1 4.3 4.2

Age Male Female Total

1929–31 Newborn 57.7 60.9 59.2 1 60.8 65.4 61.9 5 58.1 60.7 59.3 15 49.2 51.5 50.3 25 40.8 43.1 41.9 35 32.7 34.9 33.7 45 24.9 26.9 25.8 55 17.8 19.4 18.5 65 11.7 12.8 12.2 75 7.0 7.6 7.3 85 4.0 4.3 4.2


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126 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 12.2LifeExpectancy,byAgeandGender,1900–2007—Continued

Age Male Female Total

1939–41 Newborn 61.6 65.9 63.6 1 64.0 67.7 65.8 5 60.8 64.4 62.5 15 51.4 55.0 53.1 25 42.5 45.9 44.1 35 33.8 37.0 35.3 45 25.5 28.5 26.9 55 18.2 20.5 19.3 65 12.1 13.6 12.8 75 7.2 8.0 7.6 85 4.1 4.5 4.3

Age Male Female Total

1949–51 Newborn 65.5 71.0 68.1 1 66.7 71.8 69.2 5 63.1 68.2 65.5 15 53.6 58.5 55.9 25 44.4 49.0 46.6 35 35.2 39.6 37.3 45 26.6 30.6 28.5 55 19.0 22.3 20.6 65 12.7 15.0 13.8 75 7.8 8.9 8.4 85 4.4 4.9 4.7

Age Male Female Total

1959–61 Newborn 66.8 73.2 69.9 1 67.8 73.9 70.8 5 64.1 70.2 67.0 15 54.4 60.5 57.3 25 45.2 50.8 47.9 35 35.9 41.3 38.5 45 27.1 32.1 29.5 55 19.3 23.5 21.4 65 13.0 15.8 14.4 75 8.0 9.3 8.7 85 4.4 4.7 4.6

Age Male Female Total

1969–71 Newborn 67.0 74.6 70.8 1 67.6 75.0 71.2 5 63.8 71.2 67.4 15 54.1 61.4 57.7 25 45.1 51.8 48.4 35 36.0 42.3 39.1 45 27.2 33.1 30.1 55 19.4 24.6 22.0 65 13.0 16.8 15.0 75 8.1 10.3 9.3 85 4.7 5.6 5.3


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Table 12.2LifeExpectancy,byAgeandGender,1900–2007—Continued

Age Male Female Total

1979–81 Newborn 70.1 77.6 73.9 1 70.1 77.5 73.8 5 66.3 73.7 70.0 15 56.5 63.8 60.2 25 47.4 54.2 50.8 35 38.2 44.5 41.4 45 29.2 35.2 32.3 55 21.1 26.4 23.9 65 14.2 18.4 16.5 75 8.9 11.6 10.5 85 5.1 6.4 6.0

Age Male Female Total

1989–91 Newborn 71.8 78.8 75.4 1 71.6 78.5 75.1 5 67.7 74.6 71.2 15 57.9 64.7 61.4 25 48.7 55.0 51.9 35 39.6 45.4 42.6 45 30.7 36.0 33.4 55 22.3 27.1 24.8 65 15.1 19.0 17.3 75 9.4 12.1 11.0 85 5.3 6.7 6.2

Age Male Female Total

1998 Newborn 73.8 79.5 76.7 1 73.4 79.0 76.3 5 69.5 75.1 72.4 15 59.7 65.2 62.5 25 50.3 55.5 53.0 35 41.0 45.8 43.5 45 31.9 36.4 34.3 55 23.5 27.4 25.5 65 16.0 19.2 17.8 75 10.0 12.2 11.3 85 5.5 6.7 6.3 100 2.3 2.7 2.6

Age Male Female Total

1999 Newborn 73.9 79.4 76.7 1 73.5 78.9 76.3 5 69.6 75.0 72.4 15 59.8 65.1 62.5 25 50.4 55.4 53.0 35 41.1 45.7 43.5 45 32.0 36.3 34.3 55 23.5 27.3 25.5 65 16.1 19.1 17.7 75 10.0 12.1 11.2 85 5.5 6.6 6.3 100 2.4 2.7 2.6


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128 American Council of Life Insurers

Table 12.2LifeExpectancy,byAgeandGender,1900–2007—Continued

Age Male Female Total

2000 Newborn 74.1 79.5 76.9 1 73.7 79.0 76.4 5 69.8 75.1 72.5 15 59.9 65.2 62.6 25 50.6 55.4 53.1 35 41.3 45.8 43.6 45 32.2 36.3 34.4 55 23.8 27.4 25.7 65 16.3 19.2 17.9 75 10.1 12.1 11.3 85 5.6 6.7 6.3 100 2.4 2.7 2.6

Age Male Female Total

2001 Newborn 74.4 79.8 77.2 1 74.0 79.3 76.7 5 70.1 75.4 72.8 15 60.2 65.5 62.9 25 50.9 55.7 53.4 35 41.5 46.0 43.9 45 32.5 36.6 34.7 55 24.0 27.7 26.0 65 16.4 19.4 18.1 75 10.2 12.4 11.5 85 5.7 6.9 6.5 100 2.5 2.8 2.7

Age Male Female Total

2002 Newborn 74.5 79.9 77.3 1 74.1 79.4 76.8 5 70.2 75.4 72.9 15 60.3 65.5 63.0 25 51.0 55.8 53.5 35 41.6 46.1 44.0 45 32.6 36.7 34.8 55 24.1 27.7 26.1 65 16.6 19.5 18.2 75 10.3 12.4 11.5 85 5.7 6.9 6.5 100 2.5 2.8 2.7


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Table 12.2LifeExpectancy,byAgeandGender,1900–2007—Continued

Age Male Female Total

2003 Newborn 74.8 80.1 77.5 1 74.3 79.6 77.0 5 70.4 75.7 73.1 15 60.6 65.8 63.2 25 51.2 56.0 53.7 35 41.9 46.4 44.2 45 32.8 37.0 35.0 55 24.4 28.0 26.3 65 16.8 19.8 18.4 75 10.5 12.6 11.8 85 6.0 7.2 6.8 100 2.3 2.6 2.6

Age Male Female Total

2004 Newborn 75.2 80.4 77.8 1 74.7 79.9 77.4 5 70.8 76.0 73.5 15 61.0 66.1 63.6 25 51.6 56.3 54.0 35 42.2 46.6 44.5 45 33.1 37.2 35.3 55 24.7 28.3 26.6 65 17.1 20.0 18.7 75 10.7 12.8 11.9 85 6.1 7.2 6.8 100 2.3 2.6 2.6

Age Male Female Total

2005 Newborn 75.2 80.4 77.8 1 74.7 79.9 77.4 5 70.8 76.0 73.5 15 61.0 66.1 63.6 25 51.6 56.4 54.1 35 42.3 46.3 44.6 45 33.2 37.2 35.3 55 24.8 28.3 26.7 65 17.2 20.0 18.7 75 10.8 12.8 12.0 85 6.1 7.2 6.8 100 2.3 2.6 2.6

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Table 12.2LifeExpectancy,byAgeandGender,1900–2007—Continued

Age Male Female Total

2006 Newborn 75.1 80.2 77.7 1 74.7 79.7 77.2 5 70.8 75.8 73.3 15 60.9 65.9 63.4 25 51.5 56.1 53.9 35 42.2 46.4 44.4 45 33.1 37.0 35.2 55 24.7 28.0 26.5 65 17.0 19.7 18.5 75 10.5 12.3 11.6 85 5.7 6.8 6.4 100 2.0 2.3 2.3

Age Male Female Total

2007 Newborn 75.4 80.4 77.9 1 74.9 79.9 77.5 5 71.0 76.0 73.6 15 61.1 66.1 63.7 25 51.8 56.3 54.1 35 42.5 46.7 44.6 45 33.3 37.2 35.4 55 24.9 28.2 26.7 65 17.2 19.9 18.6 75 10.6 12.5 11.7 85 5.8 6.8 6.5 100 2.1 2.3 2.3

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics ReportsNotes: Alaska and Hawaii are included as of 1959. For decennial periods prior to 1929-31, data represent death registration states only: 1900-02 and 1909-11, 10 states and the District of Columbia; 1919-21, 34 states and the District of Columbia. Beginning with 1970, data exclude deaths of nonresidents of the United States.

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Table 12.3MortalityTables

2001CSOTable IndividualAnnuity2000Table1

Male Female Male Female

Life Life Life Life Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years)

Newborn 1.0 76.6 0.5 80.8 — — — —1 0.6 75.7 0.4 79.9 — — — —2 0.4 74.7 0.3 78.9 — — — —3 0.3 73.8 0.2 77.9 — — — —4 0.2 72.8 0.2 76.9 — — — —5 0.2 71.8 0.2 76.0 0.3 76.6 0.2 80.76 0.2 70.8 0.2 75.0 0.3 75.6 0.1 79.77 0.2 69.8 0.2 74.0 0.3 74.7 0.1 78.78 0.2 68.8 0.2 73.0 0.3 73.7 0.1 77.79 0.2 67.9 0.2 72.0 0.3 72.7 0.1 76.710 0.2 66.9 0.2 71.0 0.4 71.7 0.1 75.711 0.3 65.9 0.2 70.0 0.4 70.8 0.1 74.712 0.3 64.9 0.3 69.1 0.4 69.8 0.1 73.713 0.4 63.9 0.3 68.1 0.4 68.8 0.2 72.814 0.5 63.0 0.3 67.1 0.4 67.8 0.2 71.815 0.6 62.0 0.4 66.1 0.4 66.9 0.2 70.816 0.7 61.0 0.4 65.1 0.4 65.9 0.2 69.817 0.9 60.1 0.4 64.2 0.4 64.9 0.2 68.818 0.9 59.1 0.4 63.2 0.5 63.9 0.2 67.819 1.0 58.2 0.5 62.2 0.5 63.0 0.2 66.820 1.0 57.2 0.5 61.3 0.5 62.0 0.3 65.921 1.0 56.3 0.5 60.3 0.5 61.0 0.3 64.922 1.0 55.3 0.5 59.3 0.5 60.1 0.3 63.923 1.0 54.4 0.5 58.3 0.6 59.1 0.3 62.924 1.1 53.5 0.5 57.4 0.6 58.1 0.3 61.925 1.1 52.5 0.5 56.4 0.6 57.2 0.3 60.926 1.1 51.6 0.6 55.4 0.6 56.2 0.3 60.027 1.2 50.6 0.6 54.5 0.7 55.2 0.4 59.028 1.2 49.7 0.6 53.5 0.7 54.3 0.4 58.029 1.2 48.7 0.7 52.5 0.7 53.3 0.4 57.030 1.1 47.8 0.7 51.6 0.7 52.3 0.4 56.031 1.1 46.8 0.7 50.6 0.7 51.4 0.4 55.132 1.1 45.9 0.8 49.6 0.7 50.4 0.4 54.133 1.2 45.0 0.8 48.7 0.7 49.5 0.4 53.134 1.2 44.0 0.9 47.7 0.7 48.5 0.4 52.135 1.2 43.1 1.0 46.8 0.7 47.5 0.5 51.236 1.3 42.1 1.0 45.8 0.7 46.6 0.5 50.237 1.3 41.2 1.1 44.8 0.7 45.6 0.5 49.238 1.4 40.2 1.2 43.9 0.8 44.6 0.5 48.239 1.5 39.3 1.2 42.9 0.9 43.7 0.6 47.340 1.7 38.3 1.3 42.0 1.0 42.7 0.6 46.341 1.8 37.4 1.4 41.1 1.1 41.7 0.7 45.342 2.0 36.5 1.5 40.1 1.2 40.8 0.7 44.343 2.2 35.5 1.6 39.2 1.4 39.8 0.8 43.444 2.4 34.6 1.7 38.2 1.5 38.9 0.9 42.445 2.7 33.7 1.9 37.3 1.8 37.9 0.9 41.446 2.9 32.8 2.1 36.4 2.0 37.0 1.0 40.547 3.2 31.9 2.3 35.4 2.2 36.1 1.1 39.5


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Table 12.3MortalityTables—Continued

2001CSOTable IndividualAnnuity2000Table1

Male Female Male Female

Life Life Life Life Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years)

48 3.3 31.0 2.5 34.5 2.5 35.2 1.3 38.649 3.5 30.1 2.8 33.6 2.7 34.2 1.4 37.650 3.8 29.2 3.1 32.7 3.0 33.3 1.5 36.751 4.1 28.3 3.4 31.8 3.3 32.4 1.7 35.752 4.5 27.4 3.8 30.9 3.6 31.5 1.9 34.853 4.9 26.5 4.2 30.0 3.9 30.7 2.0 33.854 5.5 25.6 4.6 29.1 4.2 29.8 2.2 32.955 6.2 24.8 5.1 28.3 4.5 28.9 2.5 32.056 6.9 23.9 5.6 27.4 4.9 28.0 2.7 31.157 7.6 23.1 6.2 26.6 5.2 27.2 2.9 30.158 8.3 22.3 6.8 25.7 5.6 26.3 3.2 29.259 9.0 21.5 7.4 24.9 6.0 25.4 3.5 28.360 9.9 20.6 8.0 24.1 6.4 24.6 3.9 27.461 10.9 19.8 8.7 23.3 6.9 23.7 4.2 26.562 12.3 19.1 9.4 22.5 7.5 22.9 4.7 25.663 13.7 18.3 10.1 21.7 8.2 22.1 5.1 24.864 15.2 17.5 11.0 20.9 9.0 21.3 5.7 23.965 16.9 16.8 11.9 20.1 9.9 20.4 6.3 23.066 18.5 16.1 12.8 19.4 11.0 19.6 6.9 22.267 20.1 15.4 13.9 18.6 12.3 18.9 7.6 21.368 21.9 14.7 15.1 17.9 13.7 18.1 8.3 20.569 23.6 14.0 16.4 17.1 15.2 17.3 9.1 19.670 25.8 13.3 17.8 16.4 17.0 16.6 10.0 18.871 28.2 12.7 19.5 15.7 18.9 15.9 11.1 18.072 31.3 12.0 21.3 15.0 21.0 15.2 12.4 17.273 34.6 11.4 23.3 14.3 23.2 14.5 13.9 16.474 38.1 10.8 25.5 13.6 25.6 13.8 15.6 15.675 41.9 10.2 27.9 13.0 28.3 13.2 17.6 14.976 46.1 9.6 30.5 12.3 31.2 12.5 19.8 14.177 50.9 9.0 33.4 11.7 34.4 11.9 22.3 13.478 56.6 8.5 36.6 11.1 37.9 11.3 25.2 12.779 63.1 8.0 40.1 10.5 41.8 10.8 28.3 12.080 70.1 7.5 43.9 9.9 46.0 10.2 31.9 11.381 78.2 7.0 49.1 9.3 50.6 9.7 36.0 10.782 86.5 6.6 55.0 8.8 55.7 9.2 40.6 10.183 95.5 6.1 60.8 8.3 61.1 8.7 45.7 9.584 105.4 5.7 67.3 7.8 66.9 8.2 51.5 8.985 116.6 5.4 74.5 7.3 73.3 7.8 57.9 8.486 128.9 5.0 81.0 6.9 80.1 7.3 65.1 7.987 142.4 4.7 90.8 6.4 87.4 6.9 73.1 7.488 156.7 4.4 101.1 6.0 95.2 6.5 82.0 6.989 171.9 4.1 112.0 5.6 103.5 6.2 91.6 6.590 187.7 3.8 121.9 5.3 112.2 5.8 101.8 6.191 202.4 3.6 126.9 5.0 121.4 5.5 112.4 5.792 217.8 3.4 136.9 4.6 131.0 5.2 123.3 5.493 234.0 3.1 151.6 4.3 141.0 4.9 134.5 5.194 251.1 3.0 170.3 3.9 151.4 4.6 145.7 4.895 269.2 2.8 193.7 3.6 162.2 4.3 156.8 4.5

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Table 12.3MortalityTables—Continued

2001CSOTable IndividualAnnuity2000Table1

Male Female Male Female

Life Life Life Life Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy Deaths expectancy per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years) per1,000 (years)

96 285.6 2.6 215.7 3.4 173.3 4.1 167.8 4.297 303.2 2.5 238.5 3.2 184.7 3.8 178.6 4.098 321.9 2.3 242.2 3.0 196.9 3.6 189.6 3.899 341.9 2.2 255.2 2.8 210.5 3.4 201.6 3.5100 363.2 2.1 275.7 2.6 225.8 3.1 215.0 3.3101 380.1 2.0 297.8 2.4 243.4 2.9 230.6 3.0102 398.1 1.9 322.2 2.2 263.7 2.7 248.8 2.8103 417.2 1.8 349.1 2.1 287.3 2.4 270.3 2.6104 437.6 1.7 378.6 1.9 314.6 2.2 295.7 2.3105 459.2 1.6 410.6 1.7 346.2 2.0 325.6 2.1106 482.2 1.5 443.3 1.6 382.4 1.8 360.5 1.9107 506.7 1.4 476.9 1.5 423.8 1.6 401.1 1.7108 532.7 1.3 510.7 1.4 470.9 1.4 447.9 1.5109 560.3 1.2 545.8 1.3 524.1 1.3 501.5 1.3110 589.6 1.1 581.8 1.2 584.0 1.1 562.6 1.2111 620.8 1.1 616.3 1.1 651.0 1.0 631.6 1.0112 653.8 1.0 649.9 1.0 725.6 0.8 709.3 0.9113 688.9 0.9 680.4 0.9 808.3 0.7 796.2 0.7114 726.2 0.9 723.4 0.9 899.6 0.6 892.9 0.6115 765.7 0.8 763.4 0.8 1000.0 0.5 1000.0 0.5116 807.6 0.7 804.9 0.7117 852.1 0.7 850.4 0.7118 899.2 0.6 892.4 0.6119 949.2 0.6 935.1 0.6120 1000.0 0.5 1000.0 0.5

Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners.1Projected to 2000. Mortality rates are conservative in relation to the actual and projected experience on which they are based.

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A Accelerated death benefit Benefitpaid,underclearlydefinedhealth-relatedcircumstances,


living benefits.

Accidental death benefit Aprovisionaddedtoalifeinsurancepolicyforpaymentofan

additionalbenefitifdeathiscausedbyanaccident.Alsoknownasdouble indemnity.

Actuary Apersonprofessionallytrainedinthetechnicalaspectsofinsuranceandrelated

fields, particularly in themathematics of insurance such as the calculationof premiums,


Adjustable life insurance Atypeoflifeinsurancethatallowsthepolicyholdertochange

theplanof insurance, raise or lower thepolicy’s face amount, increase or decrease the


Adjuster Aperson,usuallyemployedbyaproperty/casualtyinsurer,whoevaluateslosses



Agent A representativeof an insurance companywho is authorized to sell and service

insurancecontracts.Lifeinsuranceagentsarealsoknownaslife underwriters or producers.

Annuitant Thepersonwhoselifeexpectancyisusedtodeterminethepayoutofanannuity.

Annuity Afinancialcontractissuedbyalifeinsurancecompanythatofferstax-deferred



Annuity certain A contract that provides an income for a specified number of years,


A GLOSSARYOfInSuRAnce-ReLAtedteRmS (AS OF SepTeMBeR 2010)

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138 American Council of Life Insurers

Annuity consideration Thepayment,oroneofregularperiodicpayments,thatapolicyholder


Application Astatementofinformationmadebyaprospectivepurchaserthathelpstheinsurer


Assets Propertyownedbyaninsurancecompany—includingstocks,bondsandrealestate.Insurance




Asset valuation reserve (AVR) Areservethatmakesprovisionsforcredit-relatedlossesonfixed-


Assignment Thelegaltransferofoneperson’sinterestinaninsurancepolicytoanotherperson.

Assume Toaccepttheriskofpotentiallossfromanotherinsurer.

Assumption reinsurance Areinsuranceagreementinwhichonecompanypermanentlytransfers



Automatic premium loan Aloanprovisioninalife insurancepolicyallowinganypremium



B Balance sheet Informationonacompany’sfinancialconditionatasinglepointintimeshowing



Bank holding company A company that owns or controls one ormore banks. The Federal




Beneficiary Thepersonorfinancialentity(forinstance,atrustfund)namedinalifeinsurance


Benefit Theamountpayablebytheinsurancecompanytoaclaimant,assignee,orbeneficiary


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Bond Asecurityobligatingtheissuertopayinterestatspecifiedintervalsandtorepaytheprincipal



Bond rating Anevaluationofabond’sfinancialstrengthbyanestablishedratingagencysuchas


Broker Asalesandservicerepresentativewhohandlesinsuranceforclientsandgenerallysells


Business disability insurance Disability insurancepurchasedbyabusinessonamemberof



Business life insurance Insurancepurchasedbyabusinessonthelifeofamemberofthefirm.



C Capacity Theamountofinsuranceavailabletomeetdemand.Availabilitydependsontheindustry’s




Captive agent Apersonwhorepresentsonlyoneinsurancecompanyandisrestrictedbyagreement


Capital stock Theinitialbookvalueofstocksoldbyacompanytostartitsoperations.

Cash balance plan Adefinedbenefitplanthatstronglyresemblesadefinedcontributionplan.



Cash value Theamountavailableincashuponsurrenderofapermanentlifeinsurancepolicy.


Cede Totransfertheriskofpotentiallosstoanotherinsurer.

Certificate Astatementissuedtopersonsinsuredunderagrouppolicythatdefinestheessential


Claim Notificationtoaninsurancecompanythatpaymentofanamountisdueunderthetermsof


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COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) Afederallawunderwhich




Codification AprocessundertakenbyNAIC to redefine life company statutory accounting to




Convertible term insurance Term insurance that can be exchanged, at the option of the


Credit disability insurance Disabilityinsuranceissuedthroughalenderorlendingagencyto


Credit life insurance Termlifeinsuranceissuedthroughalenderorlendingagencytocover


d Declination Rejectionofanapplicationforinsurancecoveragebyaninsurancecompany,usually


Deductible The amount of loss paid by thepolicyholder. Either a specifieddollar amount, a



Deferred annuity Acontractinwhichannuitypayoutsbeginatafuturedate.

Deferred group annuity Atypeofgroupannuityprovidingforthepurchaseeachyearofapaid-



Defined benefit plan Apensionplanthatspecifiesthebenefitsanemployeewillreceiveafter



Defined contribution plan Apensionplanthatspecifiesthecontributionsmadebyemployees,




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Deposit administration group annuity Atypeofgroupannuitythatallowscontributionsto



Deposit term insurance Aformofterminsuranceinwhichthefirst-yearpremiumislargerthan



Deposit-type contracts Contractsthatdonotincludemortalityormorbidityrisks.

Disability Aphysicalormentalconditionthatmakesaninsuredpersonincapableofworking.

Disability benefit Thebenefitpaidunderadisability income insurancepolicy;alsoa feature



Disability income insurance Insurance thatprovidesperiodicpayments,or insomecasesa



Dividend Anamountofmoneyreturnedtotheholderofaparticipatinglifeinsurancepolicy.The




Dividend addition Anamountofpaid-upinsurancepurchasedwithapolicydividendandadded


e Earned premium Theportionofpremiumthatappliestotheexpiredpartofthepolicyperiod.



Endowment Life insurancepayable to thepolicyholderon thepolicy’smaturitydate,or to a


Equity in investments Theownershipinterestofshareholders.Inacorporation,stocksasopposed


Evidence of insurabilityThecommonrequirementbylifeinsurancecompaniesthatpotential



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142 American Council of Life Insurers

Extended term insurance Aformofinsuranceavailableasanon-forfeitureoptionproviding


Extra risk Apersonpossessingagreater-than-averagelikelihoodofloss.

F Face amount Theamountstatedonthefaceofalifeinsurancepolicythatwillbepaidupon



Family policy Alifeinsurancepolicyprovidinginsuranceonallorseveralfamilymembersinone



Fiduciary Apersonororganizationauthorizedtocontrolormanagepensionassetstoadministera




Fixed annuity Adeferredannuitycontractinwhichthelifeinsurancecompanycreditsafixed


Flexible premium policy or annuity Alifeinsurancepolicyorannuitycontractthatallowsthe


401(k) plan Anemployment-basedretirementsavingsplanthatallowsemployeestomaketax-


403(b) plan A retirement savings plan, similar to a 401(k), for employees of charitable and


457 plan A retirement savingsplan, similar toa401(k), foremployeesof stateandmunicipal


Fraternal life insurance Lifeinsuranceprovidedbyfraternalordersorsocietiestotheirmembers.

Fraud Intentionallyingorconcealmentbypolicyholderstoobtainpaymentofaninsuranceclaim



G General account Anundividedaccountinwhichlifeinsurersrecordallincomingfunds.Ageneral



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Grace period Aperiodofusuallyanumberofdaysfollowingeachinsurancepremiumduedate



Group annuity Apensionplanprovidingannuitiesatretirementtoagroupofpeopleundera



Group life insurance Lifeinsuranceonagroupofpeople,usuallyissuedtoanemployerforthe


Guaranteed interest contract (GIC) Acontractofferedbyaninsurancecompanyguaranteeing




i Immediate annuity Anannuitycontractinwhichperiodicpaymentsbeginimmediatelyorwithin


Indemnity reinsurance Aformofreinsuranceinwhichtheriskispassedtoareinsurer,which



Individual life insurance Life insurance on a person with premiums payable annually,


Individual policy pension trust Atypeofpensionplanfrequentlyusedforsmallgroupsand



Individual retirement account (IRA) An account to which a person can make annual




Insolvency Insurer’slegalinabilitytopayitsfuturepolicyholderobligations.Insuranceinsolvency



Institutional investor Anorganizationsuchasabankorinsurancecompanythatbuysandsells


Insurable risk Risksforwhichitisrelativelyeasytogetinsurance.Suchrisksmeetcertaincriteria




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144 American Council of Life Insurers

Insurance Asystemtomakecoverageoflargefinanciallossesaffordablebypoolingtherisksof



Insurance examiner The state insurance department representative assigned to conduct the


Insured Thepersononwhoselifeaninsurancepolicyisissued.Alsoknownasinsuredlife.

Interest maintenance reserve (IMR) Areservethatcapturesallrealized,interest-relatedcapital



J Joint and survivor annuity Anannuityinwhichpaymentsaremadetotheownerforlifeand,


K Keogh (H.R. 10) account Aretirementsavingsaccounttowhichaself-employedpersoncan


L Lapsed policy Aninsurancepolicyterminatedattheendofthegraceperiodbecauseofnonpayment


Legal reserve life insurance company Alifeinsureroperatingunderstateinsurancelawsthat


Level premium life insurance Lifeinsuranceforwhichthepremiumremainsthesamefromyear




Life annuity Anannuitycontractthatprovidesperiodicincomepaymentsforlife.

Life expectancy The average years of life remaining for a groupof persons of a given age,


Life insurance in force Thesumoffaceamountsanddividendadditionsoflifeinsurancepolicies



Limited payment life insurance Wholelifeinsuranceonwhichpremiumsarepayablefora


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Long-term care insurance Insurancethatprovidesfinancialprotectionforpersonswhobecome



Lump-sum distribution Thenon-periodicwithdrawalofmoneyinvestedinanannuity.

M Malpractice insurance Professionalliabilitycoverageforphysicians,lawyers,andotherspecialists


Managed care Anarrangementbetweenanemployerorinsurerandselectedproviderstoprovide

comprehensive health care at a discount tomembers of the insured group and coordinate the


onbythemedicalprofessiontobecosteffective.Theseprotocolsarealsoknownasmedical practice


Master policy Apolicyissuedtoanemployerortrusteeestablishingagroupinsuranceplanfor


Mediation Legalprocedureinwhichathirdpartyorpartiesattemptstoresolveaconflictbetween


Medicaid Afederalandstatepublicassistanceprogramcreatedin1965andadministeredbythe


Medicare Federalprogramforpeoplesixty-fiveyearsorolderthatpayspartofthecostsassociated


Mortality and expense charge Thefeeforaguaranteethatannuitypaymentswillcontinuefor


Mortality table A statistical table showing thedeath rate at each age, usually expressedper


Mutual life insurance company A life insurance company without stockholders whose



n Non-forfeiture value Thevalueofaninsurancepolicyifitiscancelledorrequiredpremium



Non-medical limit Themaximumfacevalueofapolicythatagivencompanywillissuewithout


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146 American Council of Life Insurers

Nonparticipating policy Alifeinsurancepolicyunderwhichthecompanydoesnotdistributeto





belongs.Seeparticipating policy.

Nonproportional reinsurance Aformofreinsuranceinwhichthereinsurer’sliabilitydepends


O Operating expenses Thecostofmaintainingabusiness,includingproperty,insurance,taxes,


Options Contractsthatallow,butdonotoblige,thebuyingorsellingofassetsatacertaindateat


Ordinary life insurance Alifeinsurancepolicythatremainsinforcefortheinsured’slifetime,



p Paid-up insurance Insuranceonwhichallrequiredpremiumshavebeenpaid;frequentlyrefers


Partial disability benefit A benefit sometimes found in disability incomepolicies providing



Participating policy Alifeinsurancepolicyunderwhichthecompanydistributestopolicyholders




Pensions Programstoprovideemployeeswithretirementincomeaftertheymeetminimumageand





Permanent life insurance Generally,insurancethatcanstayinforceforthelifeoftheinsured



Policy Theprinteddocumentthatacompanyissuestothepolicyholder,whichstatesthetermsof


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Policy dividend Arefundofpartofthepremiumonaparticipatinglifeinsurancepolicy,reflecting


Policyholder/Policy owner Theownerofaninsurancepolicy,whomaybetheinsured,arelative


Policy illustration Adepictionofhowalifeinsurancepolicywillwork,showingpremiums,death


Policy loan Theamountapolicyholdercanborrowataspecifiedrateofinterestfromtheissuing

company,usingthe insurancepolicy’svalueascollateral. If thepolicyholderdieswiththedebt



Policy reserves Thefundsthatalifeinsurancecompanyholdsspecificallyforfulfillingitspolicy



Preferred risk Apersonconsideredlessofariskthanthestandardrisk.

Premium Thepayment,oroneoftheperiodicpayments,thatapolicyholdermakestoownan


Premium loan Apolicyloanforpayingpremiums.

Proportional reinsurance Aformofreinsuranceinwhichtheamountcededisdefinedatthe



Q Qualified plan AnemployeebenefitplanthatmeetsInternalRevenueCoderequirements.Employer




R Rated policy Aninsurancepolicyissuedatahigher-than-standardpremiumratetocoverextra



Reduced paid-up insurance Aformofinsuranceavailableasanonforfeitureoptionproviding


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148 American Council of Life Insurers

Reinstatement Therestorationofalapsedinsurancepolicy.Thecompanyrequiresevidenceof


Reinsurance Thetransferofsomeoralloftheinsurancerisktoanotherinsurer.Thecompany

transferring the risk iscalled thecedingcompany; thecompany receiving the risk iscalled the


Reinsure Totransfertheriskofpotentiallossfromoneinsurertoanotherinsurer.

Renewable term insurance Terminsurancethatcanberenewedattheendoftheterm,atthe



Reserve Theamountrequiredtobecarriedasaliabilityonaninsurer’sfinancialstatementto


Retrocede Tocedeinsuranceriskfromonereinsurertoanotherreinsurer.

Retrocessionaire Areinsurerthatcontractuallyacceptsfromanotherreinsureraportionofthe


Return-to-work program Aprogramthathelpspersonswithactivitylimitationsreturntowork.




Rider Anamendmenttoaninsurancepolicythatexpandsorrestrictsthepolicy’sbenefitsorexcludes

certainconditionsfromcoverage.Seeaccelerated deathbenefitandaccidental death benefit.

Risk-based capital (RBC) Method developed by the National Association of Insurance





Assetrisk Determinesanasset’sdefaultofprincipalorinterest,orfluctuationinmarketvalue,


Creditrisk Measuresthedefaultriskonamountsduefrompolicyholders,reinsurers,orcreditors.

Underwritingrisk Calculatestheriskfromunderestimatingliabilitiesfrombusinessalreadywritten,


Off-balance-sheetrisk Measurestheriskfromexcessivegrowthrates,contingentliabilities,or


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Risk classification Theprocessbywhichacompanydecideshowitspremiumratesforlifeinsurance




Roth IRA Anindividualretirementaccount(IRA)inwhichearningsoncontributionsarenottaxed



S Self-insured plan Aretirementplanfundedthroughafiduciary—generallyabankbutsometimes



Separate account Anassetaccountmaintainedindependentlyfromtheinsurer’sgeneralinvestment



Settlement options Theseveralways,otherthanimmediatepaymentincash,thatapolicyholder

orbeneficiarymaychoosetohavepolicybenefitspaid.Seesupplementary contract.

Standard risk Apersonpossessinganaveragelikelihoodofloss.

Stock life insurance company A life insurancecompanyownedby stockholderswhoelect

aboard todirect thecompany’smanagement.Stockcompaniesgenerally issuenonparticipating


Straight life annuity Anannuitywhoseperiodicpayoutsstopwhentheannuitantdies.

Straight life insurance Wholelifeinsuranceonwhichpremiumsarepayableforlife.

Structured settlement Anagreementallowingapersonwhoisresponsibleformakingpayments



Substandard risk A personwho cannotmeet the normal health requirements of a standard



Supplementary contract Anagreementbetweenalifeinsurancecompanyandapolicyholder



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150 American Council of Life Insurers

Surplus Theremainderafteraninsurer’s liabilitiesaresubtractedfromit’sassets.Thefinancial


T Term-certain annuity Anannuitywhichmakesperiodicpaymentsoverafixednumberofyears.

Seeannuity certain.

Terminal funded group plans Thereservesunderanannuitycontractforbenefitsaccumulated


Term insurance Insurancethatcoverstheinsuredforacertainperiodoftime,knownastheterm.



Third-party administrator Outsidegroupthatperformsadministrativefunctionsforaninsurance


Title insurance Insurance that indemnifies real estateowners in caseclearownershipof the


Tort Alegaltermdenotingawrongfulactresultingininjuryordamageonwhichacivilcourt


Total disability Theinabilityofapersontoperformallessentialfunctionsofhisorheroccupation,


U Umbrella policy Coverage for losses beyond the limits of underlying property-casualty,




Unallocated contract Acontractunderwhichpremiumsandcontributionsaredepositedtoa


Underwriting Theprocessofclassifyingapplicantsforinsurancebyidentifyingsuchcharacteristics



Uninsurable risk Risksforwhichinsurancecoveragemaynotbeavailable.

Universal life insurance Atypeofpermanentlifeinsurancethatallowstheinsured,aftertheinitial



tofurnishsatisfactoryevidenceofcontinuedgoodhealth.Alsoknownasadjustable life insurance.

Page 168: ACLI FactBook2011


V Variable annuity Acontractinwhichthepremiumspaidareinvestedinseparateaccountswhich




Variable life insurance Atypeofpermanentinsuranceprovidingdeathbenefitsandcashvalues




Variable-universal life insurance Atypeofpermanentinsurancethatcombinesthepremium





Vesting Therightofanemployeetoalloraportionofthebenefitsheorshehasaccrued,even

ifemployment terminates.Employeecontributions,as ina401(k)plan,alwaysare fullyvested.



Viatical settlement companies Lifeinsurancecompaniesthatpurchaselifeinsurancepolicies

atadiscountedvalue fromapolicyholderwho iselderlyor terminally ill.Thecompanies then



Void Whenaninsurancepolicyisfreedfromlegalobligationsforreasonsspecifiedinthepolicy



W Waiver of premium Aprovisionthatsetsconditionsunderwhichaninsurancecompanywould



Whole life insurance Themostcommontypeofpermanentlifeinsurance,inwhichpremiums



Workers compensation Insurancethatpaysformedicalcarerelatedtoon-the-jobinjuriesand



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153Historic Dates

HIStORIcdAteS (ASOfSePtemBeR2010)

1759 The first life insurance company in theUnited States—TheCorporation for Relief of Poor and



1789 Professor Edward Wigglesworth of Harvard prepares a modified table of mortality based



1794 TheInsuranceCompanyofNorthAmericaischarteredasthefirstgeneralinsurancecompanytosell



1812 ThePennsylvaniaCompanyforInsuranceonLivesandGrantingAnnuitiesisincorporated,thefirst



1830 NewYorkLifeInsuranceandTrustCompany,thefirstAmericanlifeinsurancecompanytoemploy



1835 AcharterisgrantedtoNewEnglandMutualLifeInsuranceCompanyofBoston—thefirsttoamutual


1836 TheGirardLifeInsurance,AnnuityandTrustCompanyofPhiladelphiaisestablishedonthenew




1840 TheNewYorkLegislaturepassesabillprovidingthattheproceedsofapolicymadeouttoawidow



1842 TheMutualLifeInsuranceCompanyofNewYorkischartered.Thecompany’sfirstpolicyisissued


1848 Thefirstpolicyloansaregranted.


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154 American Council of Life Insurers

1849 NewYorkpassesthefirstgeneralinsurancelaw.

1851 NewHampshireestablishesthefirstregulatorybodytoexaminetheaffairsofinsurancecompanies.

1853 Policyvaluationtables,whichElizurWrightdevelopedovernineyears,arepublished.

1857 NewYorkCityestablishesapensionfundforitspolicemen,thefirstpensionplancoveringstateor


1859 NewYorkestablishesthefirststateinsurancedepartment.

1861 Massachusettsisthefirststatetorequirenonforfeiturevaluesaspartoflifepolicies.


1864 TheManhattanLifeInsuranceCompanyisthefirstU.S.companytowriteanincontestableclause


1868 TheAmerican Experience Table ofMortality is published as part of aNewYork law. Covering

experience from1843 to 1858, it remains the tablemostwidelyusedbyAmerican companiesuntil


1869 TheU.S.SupremeCourtholdsinsurancenottobeatransactionincommerce,andaffirmsthevalidity



1871 ThefirstconventionofstateinsurancecommissionersisheldinNewYorkCity.

1873 ThefirstweeklypremiumpolicyisissuedintheUnitedStates.

1875 TheindustrialinsuranceagencysystemisintroducedintheUnitedStates.



1880 Thefirstformalpensionplansupportedjointlybyemployerandemployeecontributionsisestablished



1892 ColumbiaUniversityadoptsapensionplanforitsprofessors,thefirstprivatecollegeretirementplan,


1893 ThefirstpensionplanforpublicschoolteachersisestablishedinChicago.

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155Historic Dates

1901 CarnegieSteelCompanyestablishesthefirstenduringpensionplaninamanufacturingcompany.


1905 ThefirstfunctioningtradeunionpensionplanisestablishedbytheGraniteCutters.Earliertrade





1911 Thefirstgrouplifeinsuranceforemployeesisintroduced.

1917 Government-sponsoredlife insuranceforWorldWarIservicemenisofferedundertheWarRisk


1920 CongresscreatestheFederalCivilServiceRetirementandDisabilityFund.

1921 MetropolitanLifeInsuranceCompanyissuesthefirstgroupannuitycontractintheUnitedStates.



1928 Thefirstexaminationsareheldforcharteredlifeunderwriters.

1935 TheSocialSecurityActisenacted.



1939 ThetemporaryNationalEconomicCommitteebeginsaninvestigationofthelifeinsurancebusiness.

1940 CongressadoptstheNationalServiceLifeInsuranceAct,providinginsuranceformenandwomen


1941 NewYorkformsthefirststateguarantyassociationmechanismforlifeandhealthinsurancecompanies.

1944 TheU.S.SupremeCourtholdsthatinsuranceiscommerce,andthatwhenconductedacrossstate


1945 TheMcCarran-FergusonActdeclaresthatstateregulationofinsuranceisinthepublicinterestand


1949 TheU.S.SupremeCourtrulesthatemployersarerequiredtobargainonpensions.

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156 American Council of Life Insurers

1952 TheCollegeRetirementEquitiesFundisestablishedasthefirstvariableannuityfund.

1954 TheParticipatingAnnuityLifeInsuranceCompanyoffersthefirstvariableannuitycontractstothe


TheFederalEmployees’GroupLife InsuranceAct is introduced,providinggroup life insurance



1959 Arkansasisthefirststatetopasslawspermittinglifeinsurancecompaniestoissuevariableannuities


Early 1960s Most states now have laws specifically allowing life insurance companies to maintain separate

accounts, freeingpension fund investments fromsomeof the limitationsapplied tocompanies’


1962 H.R.10(KeoghAct),officiallyknownastheSelf-EmployedIndividualRetirementAct,isadopted.

1963–64 TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommissionrulesthatseparateaccountacquisitionsareanissuance



1965 TheServicemen’sGroupLifeInsuranceActisintroduced,providingmembersonactivedutyinthe



1974 TheEmployeeRetirementIncomeSecurityAct(ERISA)issignedintolaw.ERISAprimarilyprotects




1976 ThefirstindividualvariablelifeinsurancepolicyisissuedintheUnitedStates.

1977 ThefirstuniversallifeinsurancepolicyisissuedintheUnitedStates.

1978 TheAgeDiscriminationinEmploymentActAmendmentsraisethemandatoryretirementagefrom65



1981 TheEconomicRecoveryTaxActissignedintolaw.Itallowsallworkerstoclaimtaxdeductions,



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157Historic Dates

1982 TheTaxEquityandFiscalResponsibilityActrevisesthelifeinsurancecompanytaxationformula




1983 The U.S. Supreme Court decides in Arizona Governing Committee for Tax-Deferred Annuity and

Deferred Compensation Plans v. Norris that employee retirement benefits based on contributions






1984 TheRetirementEquityActlowerstheminimumageforvestingandparticipationinretirementplans;

requires the spouse’swritten consentbefore joint and survivor coveragemaybewaivedunder






1985 Montanabecomesthefirststatetoforbidgenderdiscriminationinthesettingofpremiumratesfor


1986 TheTaxReformActeliminatesthetaxdeductibilityofindividualretirementaccount(IRA)contributions

forhighlypaidpersonscoveredbypensionplans; reduces themaximumcontribution tosalary



1987 TheRevenueActestablishesfasterfundingrequirementsforunderfundedpensionplans,avariable-


1988 TheTechnicalandMiscellaneousRevenueActcreatesanewclassoflifeinsurancecontract—inwhich



1990 Asignificantfederaltaxisimposedonlifeinsurers’deferredacquisitioncosts.Itbecomesknown


1991 All50statesandPuertoRiconowhavelifeandhealth insurancecompanyguarantyassociation


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158 American Council of Life Insurers

1993 TheOmnibusBudgetReconciliationActreducestheamountofannualcompensationforcalculating


InJohn Hancock v. Harris Trust and Savings Bank,theU.S.SupremeCourtrulesthatcertainassetsinJohn



1995 InNationsBank v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company,theU.S.SupremeCourtrulesthatannuities





1996 TheSmallBusinessJobProtectionAct(SBA)amendsERISAtoclarifytheU.S.SupremeCourt’sdecision





termcareandaccelerateddeathbenefits.HIPAApermitsqualifiedlong-termcare insuranceand




1997 TheFinancialServicesAgreementoftheGeneralAgreementonTradeinServiceslocksinliberalization








The mutual insurance holding company becomes an increasingly popular option to total




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159Historic Dates

1998 TheInsuranceMarketplaceStandardsAssociation(IMSA)islaunched.Thevoluntarymembership



1999 TheGramm-Leach-BlileyFinancialServicesModernizationActeliminateslawsenactedduringtheDepression







The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) amends life risk-based capital









2000 TheLong-TermCareSecurityActissignedintolaw,allowingcurrentandretiredfederalemployees








2001 TheEconomicGrowthandTaxReliefReconciliationAct,containingpensionreformmeasuresand










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160 American Council of Life Insurers

2002 TheVictimsofTerrorismTaxReliefAct is enacted,protecting life insurers that issue structured






Congressapproves tradepromotionauthority for thepresident,helping toexpand international






2003 NAICrevises theStandardNonforfeitureLawfor IndividualDeferredAnnuities topermituseof











andaccess and correction.Thebill also containsmeasuresprotecting insurance-relatedusesof


2004 IRSissuesNotice2004-15,whichprovidesguidanceregardingdistributionsfromnonqualifiedannuities.




a two-year temporary replacement for the 30-year Treasury interest rate andbecomes effective



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161Historic Dates

2005 Commissioners’ 2001 Standard Ordinary Mortality Tables, (2001 CSO Tables), which had been



2006 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact Commission was created to develop uniform





The legislationmakes permanent increased contribution limits to 401(k)s and IRAS; establishes






2007 NationalInsuranceActof2007wasreintroducedintheSenateandHR3200,acompanionbillwas


2008 TheUnitedStatesTreasuryDepartmentrecommendscreatinganoptionalfederalcharterforinsurance






(STOLI) in which financial speculators misuse life insurance in order to profit from seniors’











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162 American Council of Life Insurers

2009 Sixteenmorestatesapprovelegislationtoprotectseniorcitizensfromstranger-originatedlifeinsurance









Sixmore states establish Long-TermCarePartnerships,with 31 in all participating in thepublic-











2010 TheWallStreetReformandConsumerProtectionAct(Dodd-FrankAct)issignedintolawcreatinga




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LIfeInSuRAnceReLAtedORGAnIZAtIOnS (ASOfSePtemBeR2010)

nAmerica’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 601PennsylvaniaAvenue,NW SouthBuilding,Suite500 Washington,DC20004 (202)778–3200 Chairman:VickyB.Gregg President&CEO:KarenIgnagni

AHIPisatradeassociationrepresentingcompaniesthatfinanceanddeliverhealthcareand provideotherhealthinsuranceproductsandservices.

n American Academy of Actuaries 1850MStreet,NW,Suite300 Washington,DC20036 (202)223–8196 President:MaryFrancesMiller ExecutiveDirector:MaryDowns


n The American College270S.BrynMawrAvenue

BrynMawr,PA19010 (610)526–1000 PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer:LaurenceBarton

TheCollegeoffersprofessionalcertificationandgraduatedegreedistance-educationtothose seekingcareergrowthinfinancialservices.OffersstudiesthroughtheS.S.HuebnerSchool leadingtotheawardofCharteredLifeUnderwriter(CLU),CharteredFinancialConsultant (ChFC),RegisteredHealthUnderwriter(RHU),andRegisteredEmployeeBenefitsConsultant (REBC)diplomasandprofessionaldesignations.GrantsaMasterofScienceinFinancial ServicesdegreethroughtheGraduateSchoolofFinancialSciences,andaMasterof ManagementdegreethroughtheRichardD.IrwinGraduateSchoolofManagement.Accredited bytheMiddleStatesAssociationofCollegesandSchools’CommissiononHigherEducation.


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164 American Council of Life Insurers

nAmerican Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) 101ConstitutionAvenue,NW,Suite700 Washington,DC20001–2133 (202)624–2000 Chairman:MichaelD.Fraizer(GenworthFinancial)(thruOctober2011) Chairman-Elect:TheodoreMathas(NewYorkLifeIns.Co.) PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer:DirkA.Kempthorne

ACLIrepresentsthelifeinsuranceindustryinlegislativeandregulatoryareasatthefederaland statelevelsofgovernment.Providesinformationaboutthepurposeandusesoflifeinsurance, maintainsresearchfacilitiestorecordtheperformanceofthebusiness,andmeasuresattitudes onissuesrelevanttotheindustry.

n American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) 716ProvidenceRoad Malvern,PA19355–3402 (610)640–1997 President:GeneLai President-Elect:DavidSommer

ARIAisasocietyofinsuranceeducatorsandothersinterestedinriskandinsuranceeducation andresearch.

n American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA) 4245N.FairfaxDrive,Suite750 Arlington,VA22203 (703)516–9300 President:SheldonH.Smith President-Elect:ThomasJ.Finnegan

ASPAeducatespensionactuaries,consultants,administrators,andotherbenefitsprofessionals, andpreservesandenhancestheprivatepensionsystemindevelopingacohesiveandcoherent nationalretirementincomepolicy.Offersanexaminationprogramforemployeebenefits professionalsandrepresentstheinterestsofitsmembersbeforeappropriateforums.

n Association of Home Office Underwriters (AHOU) 2300WindyRidgeParkway,Suite600 Atlanta,GA30339 (770)984–3715



ThemissionoftheAHOUistoadvancetheknowledgeofsoundunderwritingoflifeand disabilityinsurancerisks,towardwhichenditholdsmeetings,publishespapersand discussions,andpromoteseducationalprograms.Theassociationalsoprovidesvaluable informationsharingandnetworkingopportunitiestoitsmembers.

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n Conference of Consulting Actuaries 3880SalemLakeDrive,SuiteH LongGrove,IL60047–5292 (847)719–6500 President:LawrenceJ.Sher President-Elect:AdamJ.Reese

The conference advances the quality of consulting practice, supports the needs of consultingactuaries,andrepresentstheirinterests.Comprisesconsultingactuariesinalldisciplines.

n Consumer Credit Industry Association (CCIA) 6300PowersFerryRoad,Suite600-286 Atlanta,GA30339 (312)939–2242 Chair:ReedGass President:MichaelJones

CCIAisanational tradeorganizationfor insurers thatunderwriteconsumercredit insurance intheareasof life,accidentandhealth,property,andinvoluntaryunemployment insurance.Actstopreserve,promoteandenhancetheavailability,utility,andintegrityofinsuranceandrelatedproductsandservicesdeliveredinconnectionwithfinancialtransactions.

n Financial Services Roundtable 1001PennsylvaniaAvenue,NW,Suite500South Washington,DC20004 (202)289–4322 PresidentandCEO:SteveBartlett

Theroundtableisaforumforfinancialindustryleaderstoshareinformationandinformpublic policywithmattersrelatingtothefinancialservicesindustry.

n The Griffith Insurance Education Foundation 623HighStreet Worthington,Ohio43085 (614)880–9870 Chairman:JohnJ.Bishop President:DonaldJ.Rebele

Thefoundationwasfoundedatamajormid-westernuniversitytodevelopandsupport aninsuranceandriskmanagementprogram.Itpromotestheteachingofriskmanagement andinsurancebycolleges,universities,andotherinstitutionsofhigherlearning,andstudent participationintheseprograms,andofferseducationprogramsforpublicpolicy-makerson


n Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA)SeeAmerica’sHealthInsurancePlans(AHIP).

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166 American Council of Life Insurers

n Insurance and Financial Communicators Association (IFCA) P.O.Box27018 75DundasStreet Cambridge,Ontario,CNN1R8H1 (519)629-3540 President:NormanQuesnel VicePresident:ThomasZimmermann


n Insurance Accounting and Systems Association (IASA) IASAInternationalOffice 3511ShannonRoad,Suite160 Durham,NC27707 (919)489–0991 President:CraigLowenthal


n Insurance Information Institute (III) 110WilliamStreet NewYork,NY10038 (212)346–5500 President:RobertP.Hartwig


n Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) 1101NewYorkAvenue,NW,Suite825 Washington,DC20005 (202)469-3000 PresidentandCEO:CatherineJ.Weatherford

Withover350members,IRIrepresentsallsegmentsoftheannuityandvariablelifeindustry. Itservesasaforumfortheexchangeofinformation,andprovidesthepublic,media,and


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n International Claim Association (ICA) 115515thStreet,NW,Suite500 Washington,DC20005 Phone:(202)452–0143 President:MarlonD.Nettleton President-Elect:AntoinetteMortensen


n Life Communicators AssociationSeeInsuranceandFinancialCommunicatorsAssociation(IFCA).

n Life Insurers Council (LIC) 2300WindyRidgeParkway,Suite600 Atlanta,GA30339 (770)984–3724 ExecutiveDirector:JeffreyS.Shaw


n LIMRA International, Inc. 300DayHillRoad Windsor,CT06095–4761 Headquarters:(860)688–3358 CustomerService:(800)235–4672(NorthAmerica) PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer:RobertA.Kerzner

LIMRAisamember-ownedorganizationdedicatedtomeetingthemarketinginformationneedsofcompaniesinvolvedinmarketingannuity,disability,health,life,mutualfund,andretirementsavingsproducts.LIMRAworkstoimprovetheefficiencyoflifeinsurancedistributionthroughscientificmanagementmethods,servesas theprincipalsourceof industrysalesandmarketingstatistics,conductsresearch,providesconsultingandmanagementeducationalservices,andpreparesawiderangeofpublications.

n LOMA (Life Office Management Association) 2300WindyRidgeParkway,Suite600 Atlanta,GA30339–8443 (770)951–1770 PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer:RobertA.Kerzner


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168 American Council of Life Insurers

n MIB Group, Inc. 50BraintreeHillPark,Suite400 Braintree,MA02184–8734 (781)751-6000 Chairman:SusanD.Waring CEO:JamesF.Cook


n MDRT 325W.TouhyAvenue ParkRidge,IL60068–4265 (847)692–6378 President:JulianH.Good,Jr FirstVicePresident:JenniferA.Borislow


n National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) 2301McGeeStreet,Suite800 KansasCity,MO64108–2662 (816)842–3600 President:JaneL.Cline


n National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) 2901TelestarCourt FallsChurch,VA22042–1205 (877)866–2432 President:TerryK.Headley,LUTCF,LIC,FSS ChiefExecutiveOfficer:SusanD.Waters,DM,CAE


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n National Association for Variable Annuities (NAVA) SeeInsuredRetirementInstitute(IRI)

n National Fraternal Congress of America (NFCA) 1301West22ndStreet,Suite700 OakBrook,IL60523 (630)522–6322 Chairman:MarkD.Theisen Vice-Chair:StuartB.Buchanan



n National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA) 13873ParkCenterRoad,Suite329 Herndon,VA20171 (703)481–5206 Chairman:StevenS.Lobell Vice-Chair:JohnR.Mathews

NOLHGAisavoluntaryassociationcomprisedofthelifeandhealthinsuranceguaranty associationsofall50states,theDistrictofColumbia,andPuertoRico.Thisnonprofit organizationassistsitsmembersinhandlingmulti-stateinsolvencies,coordinatestheirresolution, andprovidesaforumforresolvingissuesandproblemsrelatedtotheoperationofstatelifeand healthinsuranceguarantyassociations.

n Society of Actuaries (SOA) 475N.MartingaleRoad,Suite600 Schaumburg,IL60173 (847)706–3500


SOAisanorganizationofskilledprofessionalsapplyingmathematicalandeconomic probabilitiestofinancialsecurityprograms.Educatesandqualifiescandidatestobecome members,providescontinuingeducationandprofessionaldevelopmentprograms,promotes andpublishesactuarialresearch,andmaintainsandenforcesaprofessionalconductcodeforits members.Determinesmembershipbysuccessfulcompletionofarigoroussetofexaminations leadingtothedesignationofAssociateorFellowinthesociety.

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170 American Council of Life Insurers

n Society of Financial Service Professionals (SFSP) 19CampusBoulevard,Suite100 NewtownSquare,PA19073–3230 (610)526–2500 President:R.CliffordBerg,Jr.


SFSPisanorganizationofprofessionalswhohaveearneddesignationsinthefieldsofinsurance andfinancialservices.Comprisesagents,companyexecutives,insuranceregulators,educators, attorneys,certifiedpublicaccountants,andbanktrustofficers,whoparticipateinlocalchapters.

n S.S. Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education WhartonSchooloftheUniversityofPennsylvania 3000Steinberg-DietrichHall 3620LocustWalk Philadelphia,PA19104–6302 (215)898–9631


Thefoundation’smissionistostrengtheninsuranceeducationattheuniversitylevelby increasingthenumberofprofessorsspecializingininsurance.Thefoundationmakesfellowship grantsfordoctoralstudyandpublishesresearchstudiesinthefieldofinsurance.

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171State Insurance Officials

StAteInSuRAnceOffIcIALS (ASOfSePtemBeR2010)

n Alabama JimL.Ridling CommissionerofInsurance AlabamaDepartmentofInsurance P.O.Box303351 Montgomery,AL36130–3551 (334)269–3550

nAlaska LindaS.Hall DirectorInsurance DepartmentofCommunityandEconomic Development AlaskaDivisionofInsurance 9thFloorStateOfficeBuilding 333WilloughbyAvenue Juneau,AK99811 (907)465–2515

nArizona ChristinaUrias DirectorofInsurance ArizonaDepartmentofInsurance 2910N.44thStreet,Suite210 Phoenix,AZ85018–7256 (602)364–3100

nArkansas JayBradford InsuranceCommissioner ArkansasInsuranceDepartment 1200WestThirdStreet LittleRock,AR72201-1904 (501)371–2600

nCalifornia StevePoizner InsuranceCommissioner CaliforniaDepartmentofInsurance ConsumerServicesDivision 300CapitolMall,Suite1600 Sacramento,CA95814 (916)492–3545

nColorado MarcyMorrison InsuranceCommissioner ColoradoDivisionofInsurance 1560Broadway,Suite850 Denver,CO80202 (303)894–7499

nConnecticut ThomasR.Sullivan InsuranceCommissioner StateofConnecticutInsuranceDepartment 153MarketStreet,7thFloor Hartford,CT06103 (860)297–3800

nDelaware KarenWeldinStewart InsuranceCommissioner StateofDelawareDepartmentofInsurance 841SilverLakeBoulevard Dover,DE19904 (302)674–7300


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172 American Council of Life Insurers

n District of Columbia GennetPurcell Commissioner GovernmentoftheDistrictofColumbia DepartmentofInsurance,SecuritiesandBanking 810FirstStreet,NE,Suite701 Washington,DC,20002 (202)727–8000

nFlorida KevinM.McCarty Commissioner FloridaOfficeofInsuranceRegulation TheLarsonBuilding 200EastGainesStreet Tallahassee,FL32399 (850)413–3140

nGeorgia JohnW.Oxendine InsuranceCommissioner InsuranceandSafetyFireCommissioner’sOffice TwoMartinLutherKing,Jr.Drive WestTower,Suite704 Atlanta,GA30334 (404)656–2070

nHawaii GordonI.Ito InsuranceCommissioner HawaiiInsuranceDivision KingKalakauaBuilding 335MerchantStreet,Room213 Honolulu,HI96813 (808)586–2790

n Idaho WilliamW.Deal DirectorofInsurance IdahoDepartmentofInsurance 700WestStateStreet P.O.Box83720 Boise,ID83720 (208)334–4250

n Illinois MichaelT.McRaith DirectorofInsurance IllinoisDepartmentofFinancialandProfessional Regulation DepartmentofInsurance 320W.WashingtonStreet

Springfield,IL62767 (217)782–4515

n Indiana StephenW.Robertson ActingCommissionerofInsurance IndianaDepartmentofInsurance 311W.WashingtonStreet,Suite300 Indianapolis,IN46204–2787 (317)232–2385

n Iowa SusanE.Voss InsuranceCommissioner IowaInsuranceDivision 330MapleStreet DesMoines,IA50319–0065 (515)281–5705

nKansas SandyPraeger InsuranceCommissioner KansasInsuranceDepartment 420SW9thStreet Topeka,KS66612–1678 (785)296–3071

nKentucky SharonP.Clark InsuranceCommissioner KentuckyDepartmentofInsurance 215W.MainStreet Frankfort,KY40601 (502)564–3630

nLouisiana JamesJ.Donelon CommissionerofInsurance LouisianaDepartmentofInsurance 1702N.3rdStreet BatonRouge,LA70802 (225)342–5900

nMaine MilaKofman SuperintendentofInsurance MaineBureauofInsurance 34StateHouseStation Augusta,ME04333-0034 (207)624–8475

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173State Insurance Officials

n Maryland ElizabethSammis ActingInsuranceCommissioner MarylandInsuranceAdministration 200St.PaulPlace,Suite2700 Baltimore,MD21202 (410)468–2000

nMassachusetts JosephG.Murphy CommissionerofInsurance MassachusettsDivisionofInsurance 1000WashingtonStreet,Suite810 Boston,MA02118-6200 (617)521–7794

nMichigan KenRoss Commissioner MichiganOfficeofFinancialandInsurance Regulation OttawaBuilding,3rdFloor 611W.OttawaStreet Lansing,MI48933–1070 (517)373–0220

nMinnesota GlennWilson Commissioner MinnesotaDepartmentofCommerce 857thPlaceEast,Suite500 St.Paul,MN55101-2198 (651)296–2488

nMississippi MikeChaney CommissionerofInsuranceandStateFireMarshal MississippiInsuranceDepartment 1001WoolfolkStateOfficeBuilding 501N.WestStreet Jackson,MS39201 (601)359–3569

nMissouri JohnM.Huff Director MissouriDepartmentofInsurance,Financial Institutions&ProfessionalRegistration 301WestHighStreet,Room530 JeffersonCity,MO65101 (573)751–4126

n Montana MonicaJ.Lindeen CommissionerofSecuritiesandInsurance MontanaStateAuditor’sOffice 840HelenaAvenue Helena,MT59601 (406)444–2040

nNebraska AnnM.Frohman DirectorofInsurance NebraskaDepartmentofInsurance TerminalBuilding 941OStreet,Suite400 Lincoln,NE68508-3639 (402)471–2201

nNevada BrettBarratt CommissionerofInsurance NevadaDivisionofInsurance 788FairviewDrive,Suite300 CarsonCity,NV89701 (775)687–4270

nNew Hampshire RogerA.Sevigny InsuranceCommissioner NewHampshireInsuranceDepartment 21SouthFruitStreet,Suite14 Concord,NH03301 (603)271–2261

nNew Jersey ThomasB.Considine CommissionerofInsurance NewJerseyDepartmentofBankingand Insurance,InsuranceDivision 20WestStateStreet P.O.Box325 Trenton,NJ08625 (609)292–7272

nNew Mexico JohnFranchini SuperintendentofInsurance NewMexicoPublicRegulationCommission, InsuranceDivision P.E.R.A.Building,4thFloor 1120PaseodePeralta SantaFe,NM87501 (505)827–4601

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174 American Council of Life Insurers

n New York JamesJ.Wrynn SuperintendentofInsurance NewYorkStateInsuranceDepartment 25BeaverStreet NewYork,NY10004 (212)480–2301

nNorth Carolina WayneGoodman CommissionerofInsurance NorthCarolinaDepartmentofInsurance 1201MailServiceCenter Raleigh,NC27699–1201 (919)733-2032

nNorth Dakota AdamW.Hamm InsuranceCommissioner NorthDakotaInsuranceDepartment StateCapitol,FifthFloor 600EastBoulevardAvenue Bismarck,ND58505–0320 (701)328–2440

nOhio MaryJoHudson DirectorofInsurance OhioDepartmentofInsurance 50W.TownStreet ThirdFloor,Suite300 Columbus,OH43215 (614)644–2658

nOklahoma KimHolland InsuranceCommissioner OklahomaInsuranceDepartment 5CorporatePlaza 3625N.W.56thStreet,Suite100 OklahomaCity,OK73112 (405)521–2828

nOregon TeresaMiller InsuranceAdministrator OregonInsuranceDivision 350WinterStreet,NE,Room440 Salem,OR97301-3883 (503)947–7980

n Pennsylvania RobertPratter ActingInsuranceCommissioner PennsylvaniaInsuranceDepartment 1326StrawberrySquare Harrisburg,PA17120 (717)787-7000

nRhode Island A.MichaelMarques DirectorofInsurance RhodeIslandDepartmentofBusinessRegulation 1511PontiacAvenue,Bldg.69-2 Cranston,RI02920 (401)462–9500

nSouth Carolina ScottRichardson DirectorofInsurance SouthCarolinaDepartmentofInsurance CapitolCenter,10thFloor 1201MainStreet,Suite1000 Columbia,SC29201 (803)737–6160

nSouth Dakota MerleD.Scheiber DirectorofInsurance SouthDakotaDivisionofInsurance 445EastCapitolAvenue Pierre,SD57501 (605)773–3563

nTennessee LeslieA.Newman Commissioner TennesseeDepartmentofCommerceand Insurance 500JamesRobertsonParkway DavyCrockettTower Nashville,TN37243-0565 (615)741–2241

nTexas MikeGeeslin CommissionerofInsurance TexasDepartmentofInsurance 333Guadalupe Austin,TX78701 (512)463–6169

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175State Insurance Officials

n Utah NealGooch CommissionerofInsurance UtahInsuranceDepartment StateOfficeBuilding,Room3110 SaltLakeCity,UT84114–6901 (801)538–3800

nVermont MichaelBertrand Commissioner(BISHCA) StateofVermontDepartmentofBanking, Insurance,SecuritiesandHealthCare Administration 89MainStreet,Drawer20 Montpelier,VT05620–3101 (802)828–3301

nVirginia AlfredW.Gross CommissionerofInsurance VirginiaStateCorporationCommission BureauofInsurance TylerBuilding,1300E.MainStreet Richmond,VA23219 (804)371–9741or877-310-6560

nWashington MikeKreidler InsuranceCommissioner WashingtonStateOfficeoftheInsurance Commissioner 5000CapitolBoulevard Tumwater,WA98501 (360)725–7000

nWest Virginia JaneL.Cline InsuranceCommissioner WestVirginiaOfficesoftheInsurance Commissioner 1124SmithStreet Charleston,WV25301 (304)558–3386

nWisconsin SeanDilweg CommissionerofInsurance WisconsinOfficeoftheCommissionerof Insurance 125SouthWebsterStreet Madison,WI53703-3474 (608)266–3585

n Wyoming KenVines InsuranceCommissioner WyomingInsuranceDepartment 106East6thAvenue Cheyenne,WY82002 (307)777–7401

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