ACE Newsletter

"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." - Aristotle Newsletter:26 t May 2011 Volume 3 Issue 5 ACE News Dear parents and guardians, Another busy week at ACE. We have had the local press in again, along with governors, PC Bishop, Roger Purdom, a local minister, and the manager of the Hilton Avisford Hotel. We have taken part in Walk to School Week, children in Year 5 have visited places from Littlehampton sea front as part of a project on myths and legends and our little friends in Rainbow Class have visited the grand and majestic HMS Victory. I hope everybody enjoys their half term and please remember we do not return until Tuesday 7 th June. School Sunday - 5 th June 2011 Also please remember SCHOOL SUNDAY at St. Nicholas’ Church, London Road, on Sunday 5 th June at 10 am. All children who attend in their school uniform will get 4 housepoints! An interesting quote "Children now love luxury. They had bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in the place of exercise; children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households". Can anybody guess when this was written? It is very interesting considering how people think nowadays. In the paper again! I hope everybody liked the article in the Littlehampton Gazette. It is lovely to see our children in the paper. The amphitheatre is a project the children have asked for and hopefully it will look like the image below. But we need you! We need you to come to our Summer Fayre. The Summer Fayre is a great opportunity for the whole family to have a day out. You even can have a free swim too. So please, please ask all your family members: uncles, aunties, grandads, grandmothers, brothers, sisters and even your next door neighbour to come to our Summer Fayre at the the Hilton Avisford Hotel on the 26th June. 1.15-4.00pm. At this point I would like to thank all those people who continue to support us and ensure that as a community we continue to move forward.


Arundel CofE Newsletter

Transcript of ACE Newsletter

"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." - Aristotle

Newsletter:26t May


Volume 3 Issue 5 ACE News Dear parents and guardians, Another busy week at ACE. We have had the local press in again, along with governors, PC Bishop, Roger Purdom, a local minister, and the manager of the Hilton Avisford Hotel. We have taken part in Walk to School Week, children in Year 5 have visited places from Littlehampton sea front as part of a project on myths and legends and our little friends in Rainbow Class have visited the grand and majestic HMS Victory. I hope everybody enjoys their half term and please remember we do not return until Tuesday 7


June. School Sunday - 5

th June 2011

Also please remember SCHOOL SUNDAY at St. Nicholas’ Church, London Road, on Sunday 5th

June at 10 am. All children who attend in their school uniform will get 4 housepoints! An interesting quote "Children now love luxury. They had bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in the place of exercise; children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households". Can anybody guess when this was written? It is very interesting considering how people think nowadays. In the paper again! I hope everybody liked the article in the Littlehampton Gazette. It is lovely to see our children in the paper. The amphitheatre is a project the children have asked for and hopefully it will look like the image below. But we need you! We need you to come to our Summer Fayre. The Summer Fayre is a great opportunity for the whole family to have a day out. You even can have a free swim too. So please, please ask all your family members: uncles, aunties, grandads, grandmothers, brothers, sisters and even your next door neighbour to come to our Summer Fayre at the the Hilton Avisford Hotel on the 26th June. 1.15-4.00pm.

At this point I would like to thank all those people who continue to support us and ensure that as a community we continue to move forward.

ACE News

“We pray for Father We pray for Father We pray for Father We pray for Father David and the David and the David and the David and the

congregation of St. congregation of St. congregation of St. congregation of St. Nicholas’ ChurchNicholas’ ChurchNicholas’ ChurchNicholas’ Church.”

HMS Victory have some new sailors! It was a marvellous trip and it was magical to see the children’s faces when we set our eyes upon the magnificent ship. I must admit I was like a little boy at Christmas myself getting up extremely early that morning. It was a great experience and we were also on Meridian News if you looked really closely that day too! The children were impeccably behaved and both members of the general public and officials at HMS Victory commented how well behaved our children were. I would like to thank Mrs Grimwood, Mrs Thatcher, Mrs Woods and Mr Bloxam for helping on the trip. Please look on the moodle for further images of the visit.

Phoenix in LA Meanwhile in Year 5, children in Phoenix Class were inspired by the wooden sculptures located at the Oyster Pond on Littlehampton seafront. The children produced some wonderful work and Mrs Jagger and Mrs Plummer were really pleased with their attitude towards their work. Again it is great that our staff are willing to take our children out on trips to inspire their learning. The fish and chips weren’t that bad either! Well done to Isabelle and James All readers please remember if you complete the wordsearch or family activity on this newsletter you get housepoints.

Walk to School Week 2011 We really do have some wonderful parents in our school. It was great to see how our school bus got bigger and bigger as the week went on. I would like to thank all those parents who took part and all those who encouraged their children to walk to school this week. By encouraging families to ditch the car keys and get to school on foot, we aim to show that it’s not just PE lessons that are needed to give children the healthiest start – it’s how active they are in their daily life that really matters. I know for some families this was impossible due to the distance that they are from the school but, like me, hopefully it will make those in this situation consider the need to ensure we fit exercise of some description into our busy lifestyles. I would also like to thank Mrs Thatcher, Mrs Meyer and Mrs Rees for helping out on the walks. A special well done to Mrs Meyer and all the parents and children who completed every day of the stroll to school exercise.

ACE News

From this to this and then this!! Year 3 and their AWESOME homework Sometimes it takes a lot to blow me away and I have to say I was; not only by the quality of the homework that was produced in Unicorn Class but also the enthusiasm of the children towards their learning outside of the classroom. To be honest I believe learning should take place in every minute of a child’s life and it is our responsibility as parents to ensure that this happens. “Learning All the Time” advances the idea that children are not passive beings, waiting to be taught basic skills by adults. Much rather these skills emerge as a function of adaptation to their world, where they pick up the ability to communicate and solve myriad problems. As such, children are natural speakers, scientists, writers, and problem solvers, absorbing information from their surroundings at an alarming rate. Thank you to all the children in Unicorn for producing such wonderful homework and thanks to all the families who have supported them in this.

Sam and Victoria tell West Sussex County Council how it should be! These two presented their ideas to West Sussex about the importance of having the Travelwise quiz. Unfortunately, due to cut backs, initiatives such as these might be lost in the future. Thanks to Mr Wallis for taking the children to this conference and well done to Sam and Victoria for presenting their speeches to the adults. A Report by Sam and Victoria We went to English Martyrs School on the 16

th May to talk about the Travelwise road round of the quiz; best bits and

how it could be improved. The Connaught girls said that they enjoyed it because it gave you independence on how to revise. We thought it also engaged you in the safety of being on the road. We talked about the second round and how we could improve it with not spending any more money! Some of us thought instead of putting the video of the third round on a DVD we could put it on school tube. We thought we should try to persuade Halfords and Peglers to sponsor us to get the money we need to fund it. We also talked about the possibility of holding it somewhere else that does not cost as much money. We had a great time at the meeting and we are thankful for the opportunity of going to the meeting. By Vicky and Sam

“If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down..”

ACE News

Butterfly finds some Owl bits and pieces! A Report by the boys - Owl Pellets. Today in Butterfly class we opened a big surprise! An OWL PELLET. We have been learning about nocturnal animals and today we learnt about owls. Mrs Metcalfe opened the owl pellet and inside we found a skull, 3 jaw bones, lots and lots of ribs, fibia and tibia joined together, vertebrae and lots of brown fur. We think this owl swallowed 2 mice for his supper. We really enjoyed this and thought it was quite yucky at first but it was fantastic. We are going to put it on our topic book. By Tommy, Kos, Leo and Jack.

Veggie Club is still at it! Well done to the Veggie Club and Mr Hillman for continuing to grow their ACE produce ready for our Summer Fayre. I cannot wait to taste the produce.

First Place in the Drag Race at the Goblin Car Festival Well done to all the children, Andrew and Clive for coming first in the drag race. All the drivers and pushers performed really well and the car looked great out on the circuit. The fancy dress outfits and our mobile shower unit was also pretty impressive!

ACE Animation Competition I would like to challenge all ACE pupils, their families and members of St Nicholas, Church to create a short film relating to some of these values: forgiveness; compassion; trust and respect; friendship; hope; thankfulness; peace; beyond justice; humility; wisdom and endurance.

ACE News

French Wordsearch for the whole family

Extra housepoints will go to those people who also translate the words too!

ACE News

Diary Dates


Thursday 26th May Butterfly class visit Arundel WWT

Friday 27th May Second hand uniform sale after school

30th May-6th June Half Term

5th June Family Service at St. Nicholas’ Church

6th June INSET DAY

7th June Back to school

7th-10th June National Smile Week

Weds 8th June 1st of 6 week flying start sessions

Fri 10th June Junior Youth Council meeting at St Phillips

Weds 15th June Yellow school photographs

Thurs 23rd June Citizenship Day for Yr5

Sunday 26th June Summer Fair 1.00-4.00pm Hilton Avisford Park Hotel

Friday 1st July Sports Day. Please note this is a date change

Mon 4th July Whole school swimming gala at Arundel Lido

Thurs 7th July Wider Opps presentation to the parents of children in Eagle class

Tues 12th July KS2 Musical Robin Hood 1.45pm

Thurs 14th July KS2 Musical Robin Hood 7.00pm

Saturday 16th July Summer Ball at the Hilton Avisford Park Hotel

Weds 20th July Prize Giving – Reception – Yr5 at 2.00pm. Yr6 at 7.00pm

Fri 22nd July Yr6 assembly to parents 9.15am

ACE News

Please note: No story telling club Thursday 26th May Please may you collect your collect your children promptly from clubs. Vegetable Sale After school Wednesday 2th May.

Second hand uniform sale After school Friday 27th May. Please bring in your outgrown pieces of uniform to school on Friday 27th May. Pleasew avoid bringing it into school prior to this date as we are unable to store it. Thank you.

Downs Walk for St Nicholas Fabric Fund Last year a group of us enjoyed a beautiful September day walking from Petersfield back to St Nick's, 26 miles in total with a supper to finish. We are planning a similar walk on Saturday 17th September and this time sponsorship raised will go to our own Church fabric repairs. Would anyone interested or requiring more information talk to Terry Tunmore or [email protected]

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Art Portsmouth

Football Football Badminton

Spanish Dance Krafty Kids

Basketball Recorders Sing Up Maths Club Karate Happy Hour Rounders


If I was a bird what would it be? A lonely bird flies the winds Majestic... soaring...gliding wings A single screech sounds from the sky Come fly with me... come here and fly My spirit floats to be a part I feel the beating of its heart My soul, one with this bird of sea Now knows the meaning to fly free I feel the winds caress my soul And soar the streams without a goal My being trembles of delight A treasure I received tonight The bird's flight of soaring high But what bird am I talking about that can fly? Yours sincerely,


Andrew Simpson Headteacher

SUSSEX CRICKET BOARD HOLIDAY CAMPS CALLING ALL 8—13 YEAR OLDS! Weeks of cricketing fun in the sun sun sun!!! Cricketers of all abilities are welcome to show off, have fun and improve their skills, with the help of Sussex Cricket Coaches. Week beginning 22nd August Arundel CC, Mon—Thur, 10am—3pm Price - 4 day camp £45

Arundel Church of

England Primary School


01903 883149 FAX:

01903 883075

E-MAIL: [email protected]

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