Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and Outflows from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary

1 Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and Outflows from the Disk- Magnetosphere Boundary Marina Romanova Marina Romanova Cornell Cornell University University May 18, 2010 May 18, 2010 Min Long (University of Illinois) Richard Lovelace (Cornell University) Akshay Kulkarni (Harvard University) J.-F. Donati (CNRS, Toulouse France COLLABORATORS:


Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and Outflows from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary. Marina Romanova Cornell University May 18, 2010. COLLABORATORS:. Min Long (University of Illinois) Richard Lovelace (Cornell University) Akshay Kulkarni (Harvard University) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and Outflows from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary

Page 1: Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and  Outflows from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary


Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and Outflows from the Disk-Magnetosphere


Marina RomanovaMarina Romanova

Cornell UniversityCornell University

May 18, 2010May 18, 2010

Min Long (University of Illinois)

Richard Lovelace (Cornell University)

Akshay Kulkarni (Harvard University)

J.-F. Donati (CNRS, Toulouse France


Page 2: Accretion onto Stars with Complex Fields and  Outflows from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary


Disk-magnetosphere Interaction

I. Accretion to stars with complex fields (3D MHD)II. Outflows from disk-magnetosphere boundary (2D)

Uchida & Shibata 1985Camenzind 1990Konigl 1991; Lovelace et al. 1995

Matt & Pudritz 2005

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I. Accretion to Stars with Complex Fields

B=Bdip+Bquad+Boct + …

3D simulations

Cubed sphere grid

N=40,50,60Koldoba, et al. 2002

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3D simulations of accretion to Tilted Dipoles

Romanova, Ustyugova, Koldoba & Lovelace 2003,2004

Different tilts

2 funnel streams

High-latitude spots

Ang. Momentum – inner disk

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The dipole may off-center

Long , Romanova, Lovelace 2008

Both poles are misplaced to the right

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Aligned Quadrupole and Dipole Fields


Long , Romanova, Lovelace 2007

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Misaligned dipole and quadrupole

Long, Romanova, Lovelace 2008

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Octupole Field

Hot spots – 2 rings

Long, Romanova, Lamb, Kulkarni, Donati 2009

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V2129 oph BP Tau

Magnetic field of V2129 Oph & BP Tau

Dipole: 0.35 kG Octupole: 1.2 kG

Dipole: 1.2 kG Octupole: 1.6 kG

Potential (vacuum) extrapolations Donati, Jardine, Gregory et al., 2007, 2008

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Model, Initial field, V2129 Oph

M=1.35 M_Sun R=2.4 R_Sun P=6.35 days Rcor=6.8 R_star M_dot=6.3 10^10

Donati et al., 2007)

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Accretion to V2129 Oph

Romanova, Long et al. 2009

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Comparison with a pure dipole field case

• Dipole field determines the funnel flow and disk-star interaction • Octupole field shapes spots

Observed chromosphericspot in CaII line

Romanova, Long et al. 2009

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Light curves

V2129 Oph BP TauV2129 Oph BP Tau

Romanova et al. 2009 Long et al. 2010

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Magnetic field of V2129 Oph

Romanova et al. 2009

Magnetic field distribution near the star (top) and at larger distances

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Matter flux problem

Dipole field with 350G polar field can not stop the disk at 7 R unless accretion rate is very small

Mdot =3x10^-8 (Eisner 05)

Mdot=4x10^-9 (Mohanty

Mdot=10^-8 (Donati 07)

Mdot=6x10^-10 (Donati 09)

Simulations: 3x10^-11

Theory: 4x10^-11

Romanova et al. 2009

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Matter flux problem

Disk comes closer – octupolar belt spots dominate

Probably, the dipole component is 2-3 times larger

Romanova et al. 2009

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Modeling accretion to BP Tau

Dipole: 1.2 kG Octupole: 1.6 kG

Long et al 2010

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II. Outflows: Different Possibilities

Shu et al. 1994Blandford & Payne 1982Konigl & Pudritz 2000

Matt & Pudritz 2005,…

Ferreira, Dougados, Cabrit 2006

Configuration favorable for outflowsConfiguration favorable for outflows

Bunching, v > d

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Disk-Magnetosphere Interaction





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V = VKeplerian

X-type winds (Shu et al. 1994) but:• Star may rotate slowly – no fine-tuning• Matter flows into cones

Magnetic force

Conical Winds

Romanova et al. 2009

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Background – matter flux, arrows – velocity. Young stars: T=2 years

Stars of any spin: Conical Winds

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Rapidly-rotating stars: Propeller regime






Poynting Jet

Slow Conical W

ind Two-component outflow forms Conical winds carry most of matter outwards Poynting jet carries energy and ang. momentum

Romanova et al. 2005; Ustyugova et al. 2006; Romanova et al. 2009

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Outflows at the Propeller Stage: Conical Winds + Axial Jet

A star spins-down due to axial magnetic jet

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Winds from Stars with Complex Fields Different initial configurations of the fieldDifferent initial configurations of the field

Different quadrupole momentsDifferent quadrupole moments

Lovelace et al. 2010

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Wind is Asymmetric:

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Flip-Flop Outflows in Pure Dipole case

Lovelace et al. 2010

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HST HST Observations:Observations:

Cycle of inflation Cycle of inflation

Simulations:Simulations: 7 years

Major outbursts: 2 months


Propeller CasePropeller Case

Ustyugova et al. 2010

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MRI-driven Accretion (large-scale turbulence)

Long simulations: T=2,500 days = 7 years

A star is in the propeller regime turbulent cells and centrifugal

force prevent funnel accretion Spikes of accretion are

observed (few months – one year) Accumulation and penetration of



Another study of episodic outbursts: Caroline D’Angelo & Spruit, H.


Romanova et al. 2010

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If a star with very complex field has a notable dipole component then it determines the disk-star interaction

Complex field determines the shape of spots

Conical outflows may form if magnetic flux is bunched

Propeller-driven outflows carry angular momentum out of the star

Outflows may be episodic

Outflows from star with complex fields are asymmetric


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References:Camenzind, M. 1990, Reviews in Modern Astronomy, v. 3, (1990), p. 234 D’Angelo, C. & Spruit, H. 2010, MNRAS, eprint arXiv:1001.1742Ferreira, J., Dougados, C., Cabrit, S. 2006, A&A, 453, 785Koldoba, A.V., Romanova, M.M., Ustyugova, G.V., Lovelace, R.V.E. 2002, ApJL, 576, L53Konigl, A. 1991, ApJ, 370, L39Konigl, A. & Pudritz, R. 2000, Protostars and Planets IV, p.759Long, M., Romanova, M.M., & Lovelace, R.V.E. 2007, MNRAS, 374, 436“—”—” 2008, MNRAS, 386, 1274Long, M., Romanova, M.M., Lamb, F.K., Kulkarni, A.K., Donati, J.-F. 2009, MNRAS, in press, eprint arXiv:0911.5455Lovelace,R.V.E., Romanova, M.M., & Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S. 1995, MNRAS, 274, 244Lovelace, R.V.E., Romanova, M.M., Ustyugova, G.V., Koldoba, A.V. 2010, MNRAS, in pressMatt, S. & Pudritz, R. 2005, ApJ, 632, L135Romanova, M.M., Ustyugova, G.V., Koldoba, A.V., Lovelace, R.V.E. 2003, ApJ, 595, 1009“—”—” 2004, ApJ, 610, 920“—”—” 2009, MNRAS, 399, 1802Romanova, M.M.,Long, M., Lamb, F.K., Kulkarni, A.K., Donati, J.-f. 2009, in press, eprint arXiv:0912.1681Shu, F.H. et al. 1994, ApJ, 429, 797Uchida, Y. & Shibata, K. 1985, PASJ, 37, 515Ustyugova, G.V., Koldoba, A.V., Romanova, M.M., Lovelace, R.V.E. 2006, ApJ., 646,304