Account Executive Job Description

1 Account Executive Position If interested, please send resume and cover letter to: Chelsea Jubinville Director of Accounts [email protected] Job Description Reports To: Director of Accounts Summary As the liaison between the agency and his/her book of business, the Account Executive (AE) is responsible for building client relationships and identifying marketing opportunities to support Metric’s growth. The AEs have major input into the development of strategic marketing plans for their clients, and work closely with the Director of Accounts to research and develop clients’ plans. AEs are expected to understand their clients’ needs better than anyone in the agency, and to champion the agency’s work to ensure client satisfaction and success. Duties & Responsibilities Development and execution of strategic marketing plans (10% of time) Collaborates with Director of Accounts to develop strategic marketing plans for clients in their portfolio. Understands their clients’ target markets (dealers, distributors, end users) and their competition. Reviews clients’ business plans. Researches their clients’ industries (this may include going to industry trade shows, joining industry associations and reading industry material). Understands their clients’ largest challenges or problems. Maintains a client marketing information folder in the agency CRM that houses: Competitor information End user or customer information Ad spending information Competitors’ ad spending information General industry information and trends Communicates to every client our goal to participate in their marketing planning and demonstrates our value to their process. The AE may spend the time and effort to develop initial plans for/with clients who do not yet conduct formal marketing planning. Ensures traditional/interactive synthesis of marketing efforts. Thoroughly familiarizes his/herself with the way business is done on the front lines and what our clients’ customers think of them.

Transcript of Account Executive Job Description

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ALs are expecLed Lo undersLand Lhelr cllenLs' needs beLLer Lhan anyone ln Lhe agency, and Lo champlon Lhe agency's work Lo ensure cllenL saLlsfacLlon and success. 8$&+*. 9 /*.0#%.+:+;+&+*. uevelopmenL and execuLlon of sLraLeglc markeLlng plans (10 of Llme) CollaboraLes wlLh ulrecLor of AccounLs Lo develop sLraLeglc markeLlng plans for cllenLs ln Lhelr porLfollo. undersLands Lhelr cllenLs' LargeL markeLs (dealers, dlsLrlbuLors, end users) and Lhelr compeLlLlon. 8evlews cllenLs' buslness plans.8esearches Lhelr cllenLs' lndusLrles (Lhls may lnclude golng Lo lndusLry Lrade shows, [olnlng lndusLry assoclaLlons and readlng lndusLry maLerlal). undersLands Lhelr cllenLs' largesL challenges or problems. MalnLalns a cllenL markeLlng lnformaLlon folder ln Lhe agency C8M LhaL houses: CompeLlLor lnformaLlon Lnd user or cusLomer lnformaLlon Ad spendlng lnformaLlon CompeLlLors' ad spendlng lnformaLlon Ceneral lndusLry lnformaLlon and Lrends CommunlcaLes Lo every cllenL our goal Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhelr markeLlng plannlng and demonsLraLes our value Lo Lhelr process. 1he AL may spend Lhe Llme and efforL Lo develop lnlLlal plans for/wlLh cllenLs who do noL yeL conducL formal markeLlng plannlng. Lnsures LradlLlonal/lnLeracLlve synLhesls of markeLlng efforLs.1horoughly famlllarlzes hls/herself wlLh Lhe way buslness ls done on Lhe fronL llnes and whaL our cllenLs' cusLomers Lhlnk of Lhem. 2 Works wlLh Lhe varlous agency deparLmenLs Lo apply prlclng Lo Lhe LacLlcal recommendaLlons ln sLraLeglc markeLlng plans. AsslsLs wlLh Lhe developmenL of sllde decks for cllenL presenLaLlons. arLlclpaLes ln Lhe closlng process afLer plans have been presenLed Lo cllenLs. upon slgn-off by cllenLs, Lhe AL seLs up new pro[ecLs for each of Lhe markeLlng plan LacLlcs ln Lhe pro[ecL managemenL sofLware.roposes any addlLlons or changes Lo Lhe plan Lo Lhe ulrecLor of AccounLs for approval. AcLs as llalson beLween agency and cllenL porLfollo (43 of Llme) 1o ensure work ls carrled ouL as effecLlvely as posslble. keeps apprlsed of cllenLs' brands/producLs/servlces/markeLlng developmenLs. uevelops annual accounL plans and ls responslble for quarLerly goals and mllesLones. uevelops quarLerly markeLlng plans for reLalner cllenLs. Pandles day-Lo-day acLlvlLles and requesLs for asslgned cllenLs. lnpuLs pro[ecL schedules lnLo MeLrlc's pro[ecL managemenL sofLware and malnLalns schedules. 8egularly checks for, and responds prompLly Lo, all cllenL communlcaLlons. 8egularly lnforms ulrecLor of AccounLs of accounL progress for all asslgned cllenLs and lmmedlaLely flags any poLenLlal problems, l.e., lssues wlLh cllenL/agency relaLlons, budgeL overruns, eLc. Selzes lnlLlaLlve by dlrecLlng a cllenL's buslness as Lhough lL were hls/her own. Larns Lhelr cllenLs' LrusL by developlng honesL, frulLful buslness relaLlonshlps. undersLands Lhelr cllenLs' selllng processes. ConslsLenLly sLays ln fronL of cllenLs vla phone, emall, soclal medla, LexL and by belng presenL ln Lhelr offlces. AlerLs cllenLs of pro[ecL sLaLuses and re-seLs expecLaLlons when pro[ecL componenLs change. Comes Lo cllenL meeLlngs wlLh golden pleces of lnformaLlon such as lnslghLs lnLo cusLomer behavlour, lndusLry news, producL lnformaLlon and compeLlLor noL [usL an order-Laker, asks cllenLs why" Lo geL Lo Lhe boLLom of requesLs and deLermlne Lhe besL soluLlons. Lnsures cllenLs feel Lhey are Lop-of-mlnd aL Lhe agency. lollows up afLer each cllenL meeLlng wlLh a ConLacL 8eporL LhaL ouLllnes key noLes and nexL sLeps. repares pro[ecL proposals and esLlmaLes. 8evlews bllllng prlor Lo release Lo cllenLs, ensures prompL collecLlon of accounLs recelvable. rovldes an ouLslde agency" polnL of vlew on polnLs of conLacL" a cllenL has wlLh lLs cusLomers (such as Lhe reLall envlronmenL, webslLe experlence, soclal medla pages, eLc.).rovldes professlonal lnpuL on sald polnLs of conLacL and guldes cllenLs Lo make lmprovemenLs. MonlLors campalgn performance and generaLes regular reporLlng for cllenLs. 8ullds Lhe relaLlonshlp dynamlc by Laklng cllenLs Lo lunch, for drlnks, Lo selecL evenLs, eLc. CeLs Lo know cllenLs beyond Lhelr professlonal roles. 8uslness uevelopmenL: CeneraLes buslness wlLhln porLfollo and grows book wlLh new cllenLs (30 of Llme) LffecLlvely presenLs, sells and endorses all agency work/proposals Lo cllenLs and supporLs oLher cllenL servlce Leam members ln Lhese funcLlons. ConsLanLly revlews Lhe crlLerla of a good cllenL: belleves adverLlslng ls lmporLanL Lo Lhelr buslness, ls wllllng Lo share, ls wllllng Lo seL markeLlng ob[ecLlves, has poLenLlal Lo grow, shares values wlLh Lhe agency, has mlnlmal polnLs of approval (ldeally one), respecLs Lhe agency's work and falr play, malnLalns reasonable Agency Cross lncome (ACl) and we generally work well wlLh Lhem. Looks for ways Lo sell wlLhouL selllng". 8ullds cusLomer LrusL and undersLands relaLlonshlps are 3 long-Lerm endeavours LhaL need Lo be nurLured. lLches value-added servlces Lo cllenLs. 8esearches Lhe cllenLs' lndusLrles and buslnesses Lo uncover ldeas for new pro[ecLs. 1hls may lnclude: oCnllne search/alerLs for news abouL Lhe company. o8evlew of Lrade publlcaLlons for Lhe lndusLry.oCommunlcaLlons wlLh medla reps abouL lndusLry players, compeLlLlon and Lrade shows. oMembershlp ln Lrade assoclaLlons of whlch Lhe cllenL ls a member. oundersLand Lhe deLalls of Lhe sales process. o1alk Lo dealers and dlsLrlbuLors (where appllcable). ouun and 8radsLreeL reporL. ls proacLlve wlLh ldeas - regularly presenL unsollclLed ldeas Lo cllenLs. Leverages agency 8uslness uevelopmenL assoclaLes Lo grow Lhe book of buslness. ALLends Lhe occaslonal plLch meeLlng wlLh Lhe 8uslness uevelopmenL Leam and new prospecLs. AsslsLs wlLh Lhe developmenL of 8equesL for roposal (8l) responses for Lendered work. lnLerfaces wlLh varlous agency deparLmenLs Lo move cllenL pro[ecLs (13 of Llme) 1hls lncludes meeLlng wlLh Lhe CreaLlve ulrecLor concernlng creaLlve lssues and ouLpuL, onllne markeLlng lead concernlng onllne markeLlng pro[ecLs, Web roducer concernlng web developmenL pro[ecLs, Medla lanner for medla plans for sLraLeglc markeLlng plans and Lhe roducLlon Manager concernlng schedullng and Llmlng. Cversees execuLlon of approved pro[ecLs and campalgns. keeps apprlsed of progress of cllenLs' pro[ecLs Lhrough roducLlon and 1rafflc Managers or oLher relevanL personnel. MalnLalns pro[ecL requlremenLs ln Lhe agency sofLware and meeLs weekly wlLh Lhe 1rafflc Manager Lo ensure work ls scheduled and deadllnes are meL. WrlLes CllenL and CreaLlve 8rlefs and conducLs brleflng meeLlngs wlLh Lhe relevanL servlce personnel. Culckly and accuraLely capLures change requlremenLs ln MeLrlc's pro[ecL managemenL sofLware. Checks and approves creaLlve/producLlon maLerlals, copy, layouLs, and producLlon arL, and coordlnaLes cllenL approval of same. ConducLs a debrlef sesslon aL Lhe end of every pro[ecL Lo ensure cllenL saLlsfacLlon, ldenLlfy successes and learnlng opporLunlLles, and offlclally close ouL Lhe [ob. /*