According to David Hawkins’ in Power vs Force€¦ · 4/17/14 3 How is it measured? For the...

4/17/14 1 Rise From the Ashes: Raising the level of consciousness to reduce the level of risk of suicide. What follows is informa3on about the development and use of commonly used energy techniques in a specific protocol, for the purpose of increasing one’s level of consciousness. Steps within what I refer to as The Phoenix Protocol, effect a measurable increase in a subject’s level of consciousness or LoC. According to David Hawkins’ in Power vs Force The levels of consciousness below 50 represent an increased risk of selfharm. Hawkins believed that people at these lower levels may never reach a higher level of consciousness without help. 50 The level of Apathy …”Unless external energy is supplied by caregivers, death through passive suicide can result.”. 30 The level of Guilt … “unconscious Guilt results in psychosoma3c disease, accident proneness, and suicidal behaviors.”. 20 The level of Shame … “is perilously close to death which may be chosen out of Shame as conscious suicide or more subtly elected by failure to take steps to prolong life.”.

Transcript of According to David Hawkins’ in Power vs Force€¦ · 4/17/14 3 How is it measured? For the...

Page 1: According to David Hawkins’ in Power vs Force€¦ · 4/17/14 3 How is it measured? For the purposes of this presentation I will use David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness from 1



Rise From the Ashes: Raising the level of consciousness to reduce the level of risk of suicide.

  What  follows  is  informa3on  about  the  development  and  use  of  commonly  used  energy  techniques  in  a  specific  protocol,    for  the  purpose  of  increasing  one’s  level  of  consciousness.      Steps  within  what  I  refer  to  as  The  Phoenix  Protocol,  effect  a  measurable  increase  in  a  subject’s  level  of  consciousness  or  LoC.      

According to David Hawkins’ in Power vs Force

  The  levels  of  consciousness  below  50  represent  an  increased  risk  of  self-­‐harm.  Hawkins  believed  that  people  at  these  lower  levels  may  never  reach  a  higher  level  of  consciousness  without  help.    

  50  -­‐  The  level  of  Apathy  …”Unless  external  energy  is  supplied  by  caregivers,    death  through  passive  suicide  can  result.”.    

  30  -­‐    The  level  of  Guilt  …  “unconscious  Guilt  results  in  psychosoma3c  disease,    accident  proneness,  and  suicidal  behaviors.”.  

  20  -­‐      The  level  of  Shame  …  “is  perilously  close  to  death  which  may  be  chosen    out  of  Shame  as  conscious  suicide  or  more  subtly  elected  by  failure  to    take  steps  to  prolong  life.”.  

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What I have found   While  most  of  the  people  I  see  in  my  prac3ce  may  be  at  these  lower  levels  of  consciousness,  I  have  found  only  a  few  for  whom  hospitaliza3on  was  required.      

  In  1978  I  lost  a  brother  to  suicide.    I  consider  the  risk  of  suicide  as  seriously  as  anyone  in  this  room.    However,  I  have  seen  clients  who  were  at  serious  risk,  who  were  too  savvy  to  admit  they  have  SUICIDAL  IDEATION,  PLAN,  MEANS,  INTENTION,  or  PREVIOUS  ATTEMPTS.      

  When  the  Phoenix  Protocol  is  used,  I  have  also  seen  client’s  like  this  make  a  shib.      When  this  happens  I’ve  seen  the  client  admit  that  they  had  been  feeling  suicidal  and  that  they  are  no  longer  feeling  that  way.      They  may  not  understand  what  happened  but  they  become  willing  to  do  the  work  that  is  needed  to  move  upward.    

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness has been defined loosely as a constellation of attributes of mind such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience (feeling state), and the ability to perceive a relationship between oneself and one's environment.

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How is it measured?

For the purposes of this presentation I will use David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness from 1 to 1000.

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Why increase one’s level of consciousness ?

A quick glance at Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness will illustrate that life seems significantly improved above the level of 200.

So when I begin the process I will share with you today, a client whose LoC is at 50 or lower quickly shifts to an LoC of 310 or higher.


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Phoenix Protocol (an early version)   I  had  struggled  with  the  symptoms  of  PTSD  for  twenty  years  when  I  became  a  therapist.      When  I  was  eventually  treated  for  PTSD  using  Eye  Movement  Desensi3za3on  and  Reprocessing,  (EMDR),  my  symptoms  stopped.    I  quickly  registered  for  the  next  EMDR  training.    

    The  first  Phoenix  Protocol  was  later  developed  by  and  for  myself  as  a  new  and  passionate  trauma  specialist  who  was  recognizing  the  signs  of  burnout.      

  The  first  Phoenix  Protocol  used  EMDR  to  clear  much  of  the  trauma  I  had  taken  on  from  my  most  severe  cases.    

Phoenix Protocol   The  Phoenix  Protocol  I  will  present  today  developed  as  I  became  increasingly  involved  in  the  use  of  ENERGY  in  working  with  clients.  

  As  an  EMDR  therapist  I  had  discovered  that  people  are  capable  of  making  rapid  progress  in  resolving  trauma3c  memories.    I’ve  made  it  a  point  to  explore  and  adopt  methods  and  techniques  that  provide  posi3ve  results  faster  than  tradi3onal  talk  therapy  alone.    I  received  training  from  Zivorad  Slavinski  and  Judith  Daniel  in  Prime  Energy  Ac3va3on  and  Transcendence  (PEAT),  and  became  a  cer3fied  prac33oner  and  a  trainer  in  PEAT.    I  con3nue  to  explore  and  apply  other  energy  techniques  in  my  work  with  clients.          

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Phoenix Protocol   Steps:     1.  Test  the  Level  of  Consciousness  (LoC)     2.  Iden;fy  and  correct  psychological  reversals  (Op;onal-­‐retest  LoC)     3.  Quan;fy  &  release  accumulated  emo;ons  

  4.  Clear  and  balance    Chakras     5.  Retest  LoC     6.  Fill  the  void  with  light  

Phoenix Protocol   Methods  for  geOng  informa;on  from  the  body:  

  1. Kinesthetics (muscle testing)   2. Dowsing (pendulum)   3. Sway test

  My preference for this presentation is to use dowsing or sway testing.  

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The Phoenix Protocol form:   Phoenix  Protocol  II  

  (pretest/posiest)     Date:    ___/___/_____  

  By:    Ron  Masters  

  Client:  _______________  

  LoC:  ______/______/______/_______  

  Reversals:    (circle  all  that  apply)  None    Massive      Deep      Specific      Criteria        mini    Recurring  

  Accumulated  Emo;ons    (Quan;fy)  _______  

  Chakras  need  Cleared  &  Balanced:    (circle)  Yes      or    No  

The following is modified from Energy Tapping, by Gallo and Vincenzi

Step  1:  Correct  Psychological  Reversals  

A.    Massive  Reversal:    Gently  rub  the  sore  spot  and  repeat  three  3mes,  “I  completely  love  and  accept  myself.”  

B.    Specific  Reversal:    Tap  the  side  of  hand  and  repeat  three  3mes,  “I  completely  love  and  accept  myself  even  though  I  have  this  problem.”  

C.  Deep  Level  Reversal:    Tap  under  the  nose  and  repeat  three  3mes,  “I  completely  love  and  accept  myself  even  if  I  never  get  over  this  problem.”    

D.  Criteria  Related  Reversal:      Tap  the  side  of  the  hand  and  repeat  three  3mes,  “I  completely  love  and  accept  myself  even  if  ….  

 1.)  I  deserve  to  have  this  problem.”    2.)  It’s  not  safe  to  get  over  this  problem.”    3.)  I’m  scared  to  get  over  this  problem.”    4.)  I  will  feel  deprived  if  I  get  over  this  problem.”    5.)  I  will  not  allow  myself  to  get  over  this  problem.”    6.)  I  will  not  do  what  is  necessary  to  get  over  this  problem.”    

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Phoenix Protocol   People  whose  LoC  is  50  or  lower  tend  to  have  around  70  nega3ve  emo3ons  they  have  accumulated.    They  actually  hold  on  to  them.    It  is  important  to  help  them  understand  the  impact  of  carrying  these  around.    

  A  metaphor  that  works  for  me  in  a  Q  &  A  format:  

  Q  -­‐  If  you  are  swimming  in  water  that  is  well  over  your  head  and  someone  comes  along  in  a  boat  and  gives  you  a  concrete  block,  what  will  happen?        

  A  –  The  typical  response  is,  “I  will  sink!”      

Phoenix Protocol   One  way  to  look  at  emo3on  is  to  recognize  that  when  we  experience  a  nega3ve  event  that  produces  an  emo3onal  response,  electrical  impulses  move  from  our  brain,  down  the  spine  and  out  into  the  body  through  our  nervous  system  to  where  we  feel  them  in  our  body.      It  is  quite  normal  for  we  humans  to  hold  on  to  those  emo3ons  thinking,  “I’ll  be  ready  the  next  3me  someone  does  that  to  me!”.  

  By  guarding  ourselves  in  this  way  we  accumulate  a  number  of  emo3ons,  over  3me,  that  tend  to  trigger  us  in  our  daily  interac3ons.    So,  we  are  oben  reac3ng  to  what  others  say  or  do  that  reminds  us  of  something  in  our  distant  past.    

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  1.    Abandoned  

  2.  Afraid  

  3.  Alone  

  4.  Angry  

  5.  Annoyed  

  6.  Anxious  

  7.  Ashamed  

  8.  Bad  

  9.  Betrayed  

  10.  Cheated  

  11.    Concerned  

  12.  Confused  

  13.  Deceived  

  14.  Defeated  

  15.  Deprived    

  16.  Deserving  

  17.  Disappointed  

  18.  Discouraged  

  19.  Disgusted  

  20.  Disliked  

  21.  Drained  

  22.  Dread  

  23.  Embarrassed  

  24.  Empty  

  25.  Exhausted  

  26.  Fa3gue  

  27.  Fearful  

  28.  Frightened  

  29.  Frustrated  

  30.  Grief  

  31.  Guilt  

  32.  Heartbroken  

  33.  Helpless  

  34.  Hopeless  

  35.  Humiliated  

  36.  Hurt  

  37.  Impa3ent  

  38.  Immutable  

  39.  Inadequate  

  40.  Insecure  

  41.  In3midated  

  42.  Irritated  

  43.  Lonely  

  44.  Loss  

  45.  Manipulated  

  46.  Nagged  

  47.  Neglected  

  48.  Perfec3onism  

  49.  Pressure  

  50.  Procras3na3on  

  51.  Rage  

  52.  Rejected  

  53.  Resentment  

  54.  Rumina;on  

  55.  Sad  

  56.  Scared  

  57.  Shame  

  58.  Timid  

  59.  Trapped  

  60.  Troubled  

  61.  Uncertain  

  62.  Unappreciated  

  63.  Unloved  

  64.  Unmo3vated  

  65.  Unsuccessful  

  66.  Unsure  

  67.  Unworthy  

  68.  Used  

  69.  Vic3mized  

  70.  Vulnerable  

  71.  Worried  

  72.  Worthless  

  73.  Worn  Out  

Phoenix Protocol   At  some  point  the  following  opportunity  will  come:  

1.  Either  with  or  without  help  the  person  will  recognize  that  they  have  accumulated  a  lot  of  emo3ons  that  they  did  not  want  simply  because  someone  handed  them  a  metaphorical  brick.      

2.  They  will  at  some  point  in  this  discussion  begin  to  wish  they  had  made  other  choices.    

3.  The  ques3on  may  come  up….  “What  can  we  do  about  this?”      

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Phoenix Protocol

Step  2:    We  release  accumulated  emo3ons  using  a  magnet  

Phoenix Protocol   Step  2  (cont):    In most cases, 25 passes with a magnet down the spine, while the subject holds the intention to release accumulated emotions, is sufficient for releasing them. In some cases it may be necessary to use more than 25 passes.

After completing the 25 passes, retest to see if the emotions have been released. It is helpful to introduce the client to the use of the sway test at this point to allow them to feel for themselves the response in their own body when they state, ….   “ I released all the accumulated emotions.”.   If the client does not have a reversal, they will be drawn to truth (sway forward) and repelled by false (sway backward).

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Phoenix Protocol   Step  3:  Clear and balance Chakras:

The method described by Donna Eden in her book, Energy Medicine, involves the use of energy from the hands, first in a counterclockwise rotation, to open each chakra, followed by a clockwise rotation to clear and balance.

The process can be viewed online at

I have also noticed that there are other sessions within this conference specifically on the clearing and balancing of the chakras.

Phoenix Protocol

  In  exploring  this  process  I  have  found  many  varia;ons.    I  have  become  comfortable  with  this  basic  approach  because  it  is  simple.      

  I  do  however  use  either  the  pendulum  or  the  sway  test  to  check  chakras.  

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  Eden,  D.  (2008).    Energy  medicine.  New  York:  Tarcher/Penguin  

  Gallo,  F.  P.  &  Vincenzi,  H.  (2000).    Energy  tapping.  Oakland,  CA.:  New  Harbinger  Publica;ons,  Inc.  

  Hawkins,  D.  R.  (2012).    Power  vs  force.  Carlsbad,  CA:  Hay  House     Shapiro,  F.  (1995).  Eye  movement  desensi6za6on  and  reprocessing.  New  York:  Guilford  Press  


Phoenix Protocol 2

  Q&A  /  Demonstra3on