accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is … · 2020. 8. 28. · 3 RC...

Privacy Notice The parish of St Anne’s sometimes collects personal information about parishioners. All personal information is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is retained only as necessary and used by the Parish/Diocese for the benefit of the Parish and for legitimate reasons such as administrative and religious purposes. You can read our full privacy notice at RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025 St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145

Transcript of accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is … · 2020. 8. 28. · 3 RC...

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Privacy Notice The parish of St Anne’s sometimes collects personal information about parishioners. All personal information is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is retained only as necessary and used by the Parish/Diocese for the benefit of the Parish and for legitimate reasons such as administrative and religious purposes. You can read our full privacy notice at

RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025 St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145

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RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025

St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145


30th August 2020 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A

IN NEED OF A PRIEST Please contact Fr Grace at St Gabriel’s 01270 877736

Prayer and Mass Intentions can be sent by email to us at [email protected]

The wearing of a face covering is compulsory inside church as we are now socially-distancing at 1 metre + in seating

areas. Please provide your own face covering where possible but these are also available in church.


or email the Presbytery. Guidelines are that you need to be under 70.

Diocese of Shrewsbury Liturgy Reflection Sheet


200 club Congratulations to our August winners 1st 1 £100 Mrs Gill, 2 £60 Mrs R McGuire, 3 £40 Mrs C M McKay.

Community Hub Understandably things have been quiet whilst we have been under Covid lockdown however we still need to reach our

target before we can take the next step to approach the council for planning. Please do help by making donations via the Good Exchange

link or directly to the


Last week’s collection


Thank you

We have now sent out all of the boxes of envelopes to the parishioners who have had them in the past and for whom we hold an

address. If you have not received yours, or you would like a box then please contact Teri by email. Online donations

Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Day


Pope Francis’ prayer for August

Saturday 29 6.30pm Mass

The Passion of St John the Baptist

The Parishioners of St Anne’s

May Byrne RIP Recently Deceased

Christine and John Massey - Sick

Sunday 30 9.30am Mass

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dave Leigh RIP Anniversary

Norman Gaughan RIP Recently Deceased and his

wife Ann Gaughan RIP

Monday 31 St Aiden and the Saints of Lindisfarne

Tuesday 1 10.00am Mass

World Day of Prayer for the Care of


Priest’s Intention

Wednesday 2

Thursday 3 10.00am Mass

St Gregory The Great

Frank & Joyce Donnelly 60th Wedding


Key Workers supporting us during the pandemic

Friday 4 St Cuthbert

Saturday 5 6.30pm Mass

The Parishioners of St Anne’s

Eileen Riordan RIP Recently Deceased

Yolanda Rogers RIP Anniversary

Sunday 6 9.30am Mass

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parishioners of St Anne’s


NANTWICH. CW5 5SS Tel: 01270 625494

Email [email protected] Website www. Parish Twitter Feed @stannesnantwich

Parish Priest: Fr. Tony Grace Permanent Deacon: Rev. Peter Mascarenhas Fr Michael Ryan OMI

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RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025

St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145


Missio Thank you to those you continue to support Missio with their Red Boxes. When you return your Box for counting please ensure your name

and address is on the box. Other ways people can donate the contents of their Red Box at this time when it's difficult to have them emptied. This

includes Text Giving and BACS transfers. See

August Community Newsletter for Nantwich and Rural – August 2020

Feast Days

The Passion of St John the Baptist On 29th August, the universal Church marks the beheading of John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus. As an adult, he lived as a hermit in the wilderness. After the Spirit inspired him, he went about preaching that the people should repent of their sins and be baptized in order to prepare for the Messiah.

Herod imprisoned John because he had condemned Herod for committing adultery by living with his brother's wife, Herodias.

At the celebration for Herod on his birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced for him, and Herod was so impressed that he said he would offer her anything she liked. She consulted with Herodias who told her to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Herod did not want to kill John for fear or what his followers might do, but because of his promise to the girl he could not refuse, and so John was beheaded.

St Aidan and the Saints of Lindisfarne c 651 Born in Ireland, Aidan died in Bamburgh. A monk of Iona, he was sent to Northumbria when King Oswald asked for help in converting his kingdom and established his monastery on Lindisfarne . Aidan preached, founded churches and monasteries and liberated slaves. Since the testimony of Bede, he has been venerated for his simplicity, poverty, love of prayer and the scriptures and his care of the sick and poor. Also remembered are the abbots, bishops, teachers and missionaries who made Lindisfarne a cradle for English Christianity.

St. Gregory the Great, a central figure of the medieval western Church and one of the most

admired Popes in history, is commemorated in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Catholic liturgy

today, September 3.

Born near the middle of the sixth century into a noble Roman family, Gregory received a classical education in liberal arts and the law. He also had strong religious formation from his devout family,

particularly from his mother, Silvia, also a canonized saint. By around age 30, Gregory had

advanced to high political office in Rome, during what was nevertheless a period of marked decline

for the city.

Sometime after becoming the prefect of the former imperial capital, Gregory chose to leave the civil administration to become a

monk during the rise of the Benedictine order. In reality, however, the new monk's great career in public life was yet to come.

After three years of strict monastic life, he was called personally by the Pope to assume the office of a deacon in Rome. From Rome,

he was dispatched to Constantinople, to seek aid from the emperor for Rome's civic troubles, and to aid in resolving the Eastern

church's theological controversies. He returned to Rome in 586, after six years of service as the Papal representative to the eastern

Church and empire.

Rome faced a series of disasters caused by flooding in 589, followed by the death of Pope Pelagius II the next year. Gregory, then

serving as abbot in a monastery, reluctantly accepted his election to replace him as the Bishop of Rome.

Despite this initial reluctance, however, Pope Gregory began working tirelessly to reform and solidify the Roman liturgy, the

disciplines of the Church, the military and economic security of Rome, and the Church's spreading influence in western Europe.

As Pope, Gregory brought his political experience at Rome and Constantinople to bear, in the task of preventing the Catholic Church

from becoming subservient to any of the various groups struggling for control of the former imperial capital. As the former abbot of a

monastery, he strongly supported the Benedictine movement as a bedrock of the western Church. He sent missionaries to England

and is given much of the credit for the nation's conversion.

In undertaking these works, Pope Gregory saw himself as the “servant of the servants of God.” He was the first of the Bishops of

Rome to popularize the now-traditional Papal title, which referred to Christ's command that those in the highest position of

leadership should be “the last of all and the servant of all.”

Even as he undertook to consolidate Papal power and shore up the crumbling Roman west, St. Gregory the Great maintained a

humble sense of his mission as a servant and pastor of souls, from the time of his election until his death in 604. Source: Catholic News Agency

St Cuthbert (634-687) This ‘child of God’, as St Bede describes him, was a monk at Melrose before becoming bishop of Lindisfarne.

He devoted himself to his flock; helping with alms and advice and visiting all parts of his large diocese. His need for solitude and his

love of nature drew him to the desolated island of Farne, where he died.

Sanctuaries, shrines Catholics can 'visit' virtually in Europe, Mideast.

Entertainment/Article/Sanctuaries-shrines-Catholics-can-visit-virtually-in-Europe-Mideast/6/31/40431 Journeying Together

Shrewsbury Youth Mission.

The National Shrine for Our Lady of Walsingham Laudato Tree

Watch a Mass from home. Live-streaming of Masses Shrewsbury Diocese: Church Services TV:

Prayer resources at:

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RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025

St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145


Catholic Bishops Conference and latest news

Prayer for times of Flu or Illness

Stream Father Denis McBride’s Mass for the Dead

Life Helplines and Information can be found at

Prayer Resource for August: month of the Immaculate

Heart of Mary

Prayer: taken from the Roman Missal O God, who prepared a fit dwelling place for the Holy Spirit in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, graciously grant that through her intercession we may be a worthy temple of your glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity

of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

A Short Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy, Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.

God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.

God the Son, redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Response to the following: Pray for us. Heart of Mary Heart of Mary, after God's own Heart Heart of Mary, in union with the Heart of Jesus Heart of Mary, the vessel of the Holy Spirit Heart of Mary, shrine of the Trinity Heart of Mary, home of the Word Heart of Mary, immaculate in your creation Heart of Mary, flooded with grace Heart of Mary, blessed of all hearts Heart of Mary, Throne of glory Heart of Mary, Abyss of humbleness, Heart of Mary, Victim of love Heart of Mary, nailed to the cross Heart of Mary, comfort of the sad

Heart of Mary, refuge of the sinner Heart of Mary, hope of the dying Heart of Mary, seat of mercy

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Immaculate Mary, meek and humble of heart. Conform our hearts to the heart of Jesus.

Let us pray: O most merciful God, who for the salvation of sinners and the

refuge of the wretched, has made the Immaculate Heart of Mary most like in tenderness and pity to the Heart of Jesus, grant that we, who now commemorate

her most sweet and loving heart, may by her

merits and intercession, ever live in the fellowship of the hearts of both Mother and Son, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially...

(add your own special intention/s). We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help all of us, Holy Mother, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever. Amen.

more prayer resources are

available here:


At Missio, we are committed to supporting our sisters and brothers around

the world, through any challenges, struggles and hardships. We will

continue to work as best we can during this coronavirus pandemic.

We recently held ‘Mission Under the Shadow of Covid-19’ online sessions

and have put together a brief summary of the sessions, together with edited

videos of the contributions of our guest speakers, which can be viewed on

this page of Missio’s website:

Faith in Action Reflection



Mary, the mother of God, was a loving mother and a model for missionaries. That’s why we’ve created this series of Marian resources.

Each resource helps children to deepen their appreciation of Mary and

learn how she can help us to become missionaries of God’s love too.

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RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025

St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145


New Guidelines for attending Mass at St Anne’s during Covid 19 Restrictions

The Masses will be celebrated at the following times:

Saturday 6.30 pm

Sunday 9.30 am

Tuesday 10.00 am

Thursday 10.00 am

Numbers inside the church will be limited to approximately 52 people or maybe a few more depending on “household” attendees who can sit

together. We urge you to please come to a weekday Mass, if you can, so that those who are working during the week can attend on Saturday or

Sunday. Once the capacity of the church has been reached, people will be invited to stand outside or sit outside on chairs which they have brought

with them. The doors and windows will be open. Please maintain 2 m apart wherever possible.

The wearing of a face covering is compulsory inside church as we are now socially-distancing at 1 metre plus in seating areas.

Please provide your own face covering where possible but these are also available in church.

Please sanitise your hands on entry - bring your own if you can but hand sanitiser is available in church..

The church doors will not open until 15 minutes before Mass is due to start. Mass may start a little late if entry to church takes

longer than we anticipate. Please do not enter the sacristy for any reason.

Toilets are closed

There is a one-way system inside church and not all benches and chairs are in use so please follow the signs and instructions from

the stewards.

Signed Mass cards are available near the entrance. Votive candles will not be in use at weekend Masses. Please do not bring food

or drink to church. If necessary, a non-twist top bottle of water may be used. All Newsletters and other items collected in church

must be taken away and not left behind.

Please make your weekly offering as you enter church, collection points will be signposted. There will also be collection points at

the exits.

Holy Communion will be distributed by one minister: either the celebrant or an extraordinary minister of Communion from a

single point. This will be after the Dismissal. Instructions for receiving Holy Communion will be given and the stewards will

direct you. Although the celebration of Mass will be slightly shorter than usual, it will take longer to exit the church so please be

patient. Those who have been outside will be invited to receive Holy Communion after those in church. Anybody with mobility

difficulties should remain in their seats and Holy Communion will be brought to them once the church is empty. Please also

sanitise your hands as you leave.

At the conclusion of the Eucharist Prayer the priest recites the doxology, Per Ipsum, “Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty

Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours, for ever and ever" words we can look forward to inspiring us once more before

joining in responding the great Amen. Deo gratias.

Page 6: accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is … · 2020. 8. 28. · 3 RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025 St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer

RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025

St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145