Accident Report

ACCIDENT REPORT When an accident occurs at a construction site, the persons in charge would want to know what happened and why. These persons in charge they would be looking at it from a compliance standpoint – whether there were any hazards or violations of rules and a never-want-it-to-happen-again standpoint.” Conducting an Accident Investigation: Regardless of how minor the accident is, emphasis and importance must be put in place to conduct a full accident investigation. You are also strongly encouraged to investigate what is called “near hits” – accidents that are narrowly avoid. Accident investigators must gather useful information, analyze the facts surrounding the accident and write an accident report. Writing an accident report: A six-step accident investigation sequence is recommend that includes securing the accident scene, collecting facts about what happened, developing the sequence of events, determining the causes, recommending improvements and writing a report. A successful investigation can be centred on how well the investigator interviews witnesses. The investigator needs to discover what was the direct cause of the injury, what hazardous conditions or unsafe employee/management behaviours produced the accident and what were the root causes of the accident. Establishing the sequences of events is important in starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together,” is recommended. Determining the actual cause is the next step. If a worker is hit by falling material from a suspended load, for example, it’s critical to get to the root cause. 1. Why was that employee in the danger zone? 2. Was there a lack of supervision?


Mechanical Engineer Technology

Transcript of Accident Report


When an accident occurs at a construction site, the persons in charge would want to know what happened and why.

These persons in charge they would be looking at it from a compliance standpoint whether there were any hazards or violations of rules and a never-want-it-to-happen-again standpoint.

Conducting an Accident Investigation:Regardless of how minor the accident is, emphasis and importance must be put in place to conduct a full accident investigation. You are also strongly encouraged to investigate what is called near hits accidents that are narrowly avoid.

Accident investigators must gather useful information, analyze the facts surrounding the accident and write an accident report.

Writing an accident report:A six-step accident investigation sequence is recommend that includes securing the accident scene, collecting facts about what happened, developing the sequence of events, determining the causes, recommending improvements and writing a report.

A successful investigation can be centred on how well the investigator interviews witnesses. The investigator needs to discover what was the direct cause of the injury, what hazardous conditions or unsafe employee/management behaviours produced the accident and what were the root causes of the accident.

Establishing the sequences of events is important in starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together, is recommended. Determining the actual cause is the next step. If a worker is hit by falling material from a suspended load, for example, its critical to get to the root cause.1. Why was that employee in the danger zone?2. Was there a lack of supervision?3. For each injury; what is the direct cause of the injury, such as a cut or burn; 4. What is the surface cause; such as a broken tool or untrained worker; 5. What is the root cause, such as inadequate safety training, 6. Was there lack of inspections or no discipline procedures?

After determining the root cause, the next step involves going through scenarios to recommend improvements. The final stage is writing the report; this is taking the information down to see what happened and making sure it doesnt happen again.

Steps to follow: When: (date, Time)Where, Who involved, What happen, Why and how, what steps where taken. Recommendations