Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division...

Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications

Transcript of Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division...

Page 1: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Access to CultureAccess to Culture

Bernard SmithBernard Smith

Head of Division Cultural Heritage


Head of Division Cultural Heritage


Page 2: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Cultural heritage in …• European Research Area • FP6 and the IST Vision

What research?• Focus of first calls in FP6• New instruments• New partnerships• Impact

Where are we today?• Ongoing activities• Results of EoI analysis

• Do …. and Don’t ….


Page 3: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Focus on the future generation of technologies in which computers, interfaces and networks will be more integrated into the everyday environment and will render accessible through easy and "natural" interactions, a multitude of services and applications

Actions include:• Integrating research into technological areas of

priority interest for citizens and businesses, and

IST in the 6th FPIST in the 6th FP

"ambient intelligence" systems offering access to the information society for all ...., interactive and

intelligent systems for .... access to and preservation of cultural heritage ....

Page 4: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Extend the scope and efficiency of IST-based solutions,and make them accessible in the most trusted and natural way, anywhere and anytime to citizens, businesses and organisations

Societal challenges: the focus is on "ambient intelligence" ....... for the preservation of cultural heritage ....

"For cultural heritage the effort will focus on intelligent systems for dynamic access to and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural and scientific resources."

Societal and Economic ChallengesSocietal and Economic Challenges

Specific programmeSpecific programme

Page 5: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Culture in the 6th FPCulture in the 6th FP

1.1.7 Citizens and governance in the knowledge-based society• Cultural diversity and identity

1.2.1 Policy support and anticipating scientific and technolgical needs• Initial research priorities: the protection

of cultural heritage and associated conservation strategies

other than ISTother than IST

Page 6: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Why culture in IST?Why culture in IST?

The Treaty provides for research (Art. 163) and culture (Art. 151)• Bring common cultural hertiage to the fore• Encourage cooperation ... Safeguarding of cultural

heritage of European significance• Take cultural aspects into account in other policies

Cultural institutions are guardians of some fundamental societal values

Cultural assets are one of the key riches of European society

Culture is an excellent "reality check" for technology developers

Cultural is an integral part of the knowledge economy and a major owner of digital assets

Page 7: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Instruments:• A limited number of Intergrated Projects and

Networks of Excellence (on average 2 or 3) per strategic objective

• Integrated projects can vary from several €10‘s million

• Networks can go up to several €million per year• Expect that 2/3 of the budget will go to Integrated

Projects and Networks of Excellence• Size is not a criterion for exclusion (quote from

specific programme)

Work Programme 2003-2004Work Programme 2003-2004

Focus, Excellence, Impact and

Return on Investment

Page 8: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Technology-enhanced Learning and Access to Cultural Heritage

Technology-enhanced Learning and Access to Cultural Heritage

Objective: To develop advanced systems and services that help improve access to Europe‘s knowledge and educational resources (including cultural and scientific collections) and generate new forms of cultural and learning experiences

Culture and learning share core values …..

Page 9: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Improving accessibility, visibility and recognition of the commercial value of Europe's cultural and scientific resources, by developing:•advanced digital libraries services, providing high-bandwidth access to distributed and highly interactive repositories of European culture, history and science•environments for intelligent heritage and tourism, re-creating and visualising cultural and scientific objects and sites for enhancing user experience in cultural tourism•advanced tools, platforms and services in support of highly automated digitisation processes and workflows, digital restoration and preservation of film and video material, and digital memory management and exploitation

Improving accessibility, visibility and recognition of the commercial value of Europe's cultural and scientific resources, by developing:•advanced digital libraries services, providing high-bandwidth access to distributed and highly interactive repositories of European culture, history and science•environments for intelligent heritage and tourism, re-creating and visualising cultural and scientific objects and sites for enhancing user experience in cultural tourism•advanced tools, platforms and services in support of highly automated digitisation processes and workflows, digital restoration and preservation of film and video material, and digital memory management and exploitation

Access to Cultural Heritage Access to Cultural Heritage

Page 10: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Policy initiatives on eEurope (e.g. Lund), employment, social inclusion, ....European Council Resolutions, ....Existing national and EU-funded projectsRecent reports, e.g. DigiCultISTAG vision on “ambient intelligence”Institutional and industry roadmaps, e.g.

•DELOS EU-US working groups•AIIM industry white papers•...

Topic workshops, conferences, e.g.•PRESTO•TEL•EVA conferences (Florence, Berlin, Moscow, ...)

Policy initiatives on eEurope (e.g. Lund), employment, social inclusion, ....European Council Resolutions, ....Existing national and EU-funded projectsRecent reports, e.g. DigiCultISTAG vision on “ambient intelligence”Institutional and industry roadmaps, e.g.

•DELOS EU-US working groups•AIIM industry white papers•...

Topic workshops, conferences, e.g.•PRESTO•TEL•EVA conferences (Florence, Berlin, Moscow, ...)

Building on ….. Building on …..

Page 11: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Council Resolution on film heritageCouncil Resolution on the “Role of Culture in the European Union”Council Resolution on “Culture and Knowledge Society”Council Resolution on “Digital Preservation: preserving tomorrow’s memory”eEurope 2002 and the Lund Principles for digitisationeEurope 2005 and culture and tourism

Council Resolution on film heritageCouncil Resolution on the “Role of Culture in the European Union”Council Resolution on “Culture and Knowledge Society”Council Resolution on “Digital Preservation: preserving tomorrow’s memory”eEurope 2002 and the Lund Principles for digitisationeEurope 2005 and culture and tourism

Policy basis: Policy basis:

New eCulture Landscapes New eCulture Landscapes

Page 12: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.


eEurope initiative• Helsinki summit December 1999• Lisbon special summit March 2000 ( summit)

eEurope initiative• Helsinki summit December 1999• Lisbon special summit March 2000 ( summit)

eEurope action plan• Feira summit June 2000

eEurope action plan• Feira summit June 2000

eEurope progress report• Stockholm summit March 2001

eEurope progress report• Stockholm summit March 2001

eEurope+ (accession countries)• Göteborg summit June 2001

eEurope+ (accession countries)• Göteborg summit June 2001

eEurope 2005• Barcelona Council May 2002

eEurope 2005• Barcelona Council May 2002

Page 13: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

•Focus 1500 man-years of research effort on digital culture•Fund 110 projects since 1999•688 participants•506 different organisations from museums, libraries, archives, industry, government and research (40% cultural actors, 30% industry, 30% research)•Partners from 35 countries•>90 M€ funding in cost-shared projects

•Av. funding 1.6 M€ for RTD (75% of budget)•Av. funding 0.55 M€ for AM (12%)•Av. funding 0.75 M€ for TN (8%)•Av. funding 0.172 M€ for take-up (5%)

•Focus 1500 man-years of research effort on digital culture•Fund 110 projects since 1999•688 participants•506 different organisations from museums, libraries, archives, industry, government and research (40% cultural actors, 30% industry, 30% research)•Partners from 35 countries•>90 M€ funding in cost-shared projects

•Av. funding 1.6 M€ for RTD (75% of budget)•Av. funding 0.55 M€ for AM (12%)•Av. funding 0.75 M€ for TN (8%)•Av. funding 0.172 M€ for take-up (5%)

What we do: What we do:

New eCulture Landscapes New eCulture Landscapes

Page 14: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of learning, through the development of open systems and services in support of ubiquitous, experiential and contextualised learning and virtual collaborative learning communities. Work combines advanced cognitive and knowledge-based approaches with new media, including virtual and augmented reality, virtual presence and simulation, and aims at demonstrating next-generation learning solutions in sizable field experiments.

Improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of learning, through the development of open systems and services in support of ubiquitous, experiential and contextualised learning and virtual collaborative learning communities. Work combines advanced cognitive and knowledge-based approaches with new media, including virtual and augmented reality, virtual presence and simulation, and aims at demonstrating next-generation learning solutions in sizable field experiments.

Technology-enhanced LearningTechnology-enhanced Learning

With a focus on: With a focus on:

Page 15: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Interaction between and among humans and the virtual and physical environment, through intuitive multimodal interfaces that are autonomous and capable of learning and adapting to the user environment in dynamically changing contextsMultilingual systems facilitating translation for unrestricted domains, especially for spontaneous or ill-formed (speech) inputs, in task-oriented settings

Interaction between and among humans and the virtual and physical environment, through intuitive multimodal interfaces that are autonomous and capable of learning and adapting to the user environment in dynamically changing contextsMultilingual systems facilitating translation for unrestricted domains, especially for spontaneous or ill-formed (speech) inputs, in task-oriented settings

Multimodal InterfacesMultimodal Interfaces

With a focus on: With a focus on:

Page 16: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Semantic-enabled systems and services facilitating multimedia content mining on the Web and across distributed computing platforms

Knowledge-based adaptive systems, combining semantically enriched content with "anytime-anywhere inferencing" in support of knowledge-intensive, time-critical tasks, especially for modelling and optimisation, automated diagnosis and decision-support

Semantic-enabled systems and services facilitating multimedia content mining on the Web and across distributed computing platforms

Knowledge-based adaptive systems, combining semantically enriched content with "anytime-anywhere inferencing" in support of knowledge-intensive, time-critical tasks, especially for modelling and optimisation, automated diagnosis and decision-support

Semantic-based Knowledge SystemsSemantic-based Knowledge Systems

With a focus on: With a focus on:

Page 17: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Towards a global dependability and security frameworkwill focus on the development, testing and verification of technolgies for protecting, securing and trustable distribution of digital assets

Networked businesses and governments will look at eGovernment platforms, applications and multi-modal services and one-stop eGovernment services for all

Towards a global dependability and security frameworkwill focus on the development, testing and verification of technolgies for protecting, securing and trustable distribution of digital assets

Networked businesses and governments will look at eGovernment platforms, applications and multi-modal services and one-stop eGovernment services for all

and remember also ....and remember also ....

Page 18: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Advanced digital libraries services, providing high-bandwidth access to distributed and highly interactive repositories of European culture, history and science

•Focus on shared test-beds and incresed cultural-research cooperation•Building on existing portfolio of projects•Including digital memory management•Remember broadband objectives of eEurope 2005

Advanced digital libraries services, providing high-bandwidth access to distributed and highly interactive repositories of European culture, history and science

•Focus on shared test-beds and incresed cultural-research cooperation•Building on existing portfolio of projects•Including digital memory management•Remember broadband objectives of eEurope 2005

Digital library services Digital library services


Highly recommended Highly recommended Not recommended

Page 19: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Environments for intelligent heritage and tourism, re-creating and visualising cultural and scientific objects and sites for enhancing user experience in cultural tourism

•Focus on enhancing user experience•Addressing the common needs of Europe’s museums, monuments, sites, etc., and not a specific museum, monument, site, ....•eLearning, tourism, eCommerce can support the core focus on culture•An effective network should include take-up in networks and/or “demo” projects under STRP

Environments for intelligent heritage and tourism, re-creating and visualising cultural and scientific objects and sites for enhancing user experience in cultural tourism

•Focus on enhancing user experience•Addressing the common needs of Europe’s museums, monuments, sites, etc., and not a specific museum, monument, site, ....•eLearning, tourism, eCommerce can support the core focus on culture•An effective network should include take-up in networks and/or “demo” projects under STRP

Intelligent heritage and tourism Intelligent heritage and tourism


Not recommended Highly recommended Possible

Page 20: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Advanced tools, platforms and services in support of highly automated digitisation processes and workflows, digital restoration and preservation of film and video material, and digital memory management and exploitation

•Focus on structuring new research communities around preservation•Substantially reduce the cost of digitisation•Lower barriers for institutional investment in long-term digital preservation•Provide an industrial platform for film and video restoration and preservation

Advanced tools, platforms and services in support of highly automated digitisation processes and workflows, digital restoration and preservation of film and video material, and digital memory management and exploitation

•Focus on structuring new research communities around preservation•Substantially reduce the cost of digitisation•Lower barriers for institutional investment in long-term digital preservation•Provide an industrial platform for film and video restoration and preservation

Preservation and digitisation Preservation and digitisation


Highly recommended Highly recommended Not recommended

Page 21: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Advanced Digital Library Services

I ntelligent Heritage and


Preservation (including

digitisation and film restoration)

I P Highly

recommended Not

recommended Highly


NoE Highly

recommended Highly

recommended Highly



recommended Possible, if

well justified Not



Shared test-beds and increased

cultural-research cooperation

Take-up in networks

Structuring new research


What kind of Project? What kind of Project?

Page 22: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Working on topics such as:•Middleware and distributed systems•Knowledge management and information handling•Content authoring•Trust and security•Internet-based technologies•Mobile technologies•Multimodal interfaces•Language technologies•Visualisation and virtual/augmented/mixed reality

Always focusing on integration into systems that can be tested in the real-world and can solve real-world problems

Working on topics such as:•Middleware and distributed systems•Knowledge management and information handling•Content authoring•Trust and security•Internet-based technologies•Mobile technologies•Multimodal interfaces•Language technologies•Visualisation and virtual/augmented/mixed reality

Always focusing on integration into systems that can be tested in the real-world and can solve real-world problems

Applied research implies … Applied research implies …

Page 23: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.















t H


tage a

















Fundamental research

* * * * *

Component-level research

* * * * * *

System integration

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Where is the research focus? Where is the research focus?

Page 24: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Publication: 17th Dec. 2002

Closing deadline: 24th April 2003

Evaluation: 12-24 May 2003

Hearings: 9-14 June 2003

Negotiations: starting July until Sept. 2003

Commission decision: from Oct. 2003

Projects start: Dec. 2003 or Jan. 2004

Highly competitive & demanding process …

Schedule of the 1st Call Schedule of the 1st Call

Page 25: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Protection and conservation of physical objects, monuments, sites, etc., except where they direct link to digitally enhanced user experiences Generic technology development without any context or relevance to the problems of Europe’s cultural institutionsProjects addressing a particular object, monument, site, or dealing with dealing with specific thematic collectionsProjects trying to cover everything – eLearning, tourism, eCommerce, etc. Projects lacking strategy/policy impact

Protection and conservation of physical objects, monuments, sites, etc., except where they direct link to digitally enhanced user experiences Generic technology development without any context or relevance to the problems of Europe’s cultural institutionsProjects addressing a particular object, monument, site, or dealing with dealing with specific thematic collectionsProjects trying to cover everything – eLearning, tourism, eCommerce, etc. Projects lacking strategy/policy impact

Out of Scope Out of Scope

Page 26: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Work programme 2005-2006

NoE’s and STRP’s are incubators for new ideas

Issues not fully included in present work programme:

• New forms of community memory

• Culture and tourism, learning, etc.

• Long-term preservation of collections of highly dynamic objects and collections

• and …..

Possible topics for future calls Possible topics for future calls

Page 27: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

A Core Application in Europe’s Knowledge Society and Economy:


A Core Application in Europe’s Knowledge Society and Economy:


Future ResearchFuture Research

ensure leadership in the generic and applied technologies and the development of a knowledge society for all

ensure leadership in the generic and applied technologies and the development of a knowledge society for all

Page 28: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Emergence of large-scale, inclusive cutural landscapes where Europe’s digital heritage is globally visible, interacts intelligently with users, and persists over time

Emergence of large-scale, inclusive cutural landscapes where Europe’s digital heritage is globally visible, interacts intelligently with users, and persists over time

Prevent loss and restore access to Europe’s essential cultural and scientific resources that are in obsolete formats or are too rare or fragile for regular physical access

Prevent loss and restore access to Europe’s essential cultural and scientific resources that are in obsolete formats or are too rare or fragile for regular physical access

eCulture: Objectives for 2010 eCulture: Objectives for 2010

Page 29: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Access to Cultural Heritage Access to Cultural Heritage

Measurable impact: •For digital collections the aim is a Europe-wide approach to depositing new digital content and to Web archiving, resulting in a stable distributed repository of Europe’s digital content and community memory within 5 to 10 years

•Reduce by 50% the cost of digitsation and modelling of cultural objects, monuments, sites, etc. within 5 years

•Improve the accessibility and preservation of significant cultural digital resources, leading to assured protection from loss in the timeframe 5-10 years

Measurable impact: •For digital collections the aim is a Europe-wide approach to depositing new digital content and to Web archiving, resulting in a stable distributed repository of Europe’s digital content and community memory within 5 to 10 years

•Reduce by 50% the cost of digitsation and modelling of cultural objects, monuments, sites, etc. within 5 years

•Improve the accessibility and preservation of significant cultural digital resources, leading to assured protection from loss in the timeframe 5-10 years

Page 30: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Instruments – not business as usual

Instruments – not business as usual

From “project”-thinking to “initiative”-thinking• new instruments: “Integrated Projects” &

“Networks of Excellence”• more strategic thinking

Develop Europe-wide approaches• making sure that Community funding helps

aggregate EU, Member State & private funded effort(s)

it is not just supporting a particular RTD project… Different way of describing content and calls

• a lighter work programme, different sequencing of calls, ...

Page 31: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Integrated projects Integrated projects

Generate knowledge and critical maGenerate knowledge and critical mass ss needed to achieve ambitious clearly defined needed to achieve ambitious clearly defined scientific and technological objectivesscientific and technological objectives

Generate knowledge and critical maGenerate knowledge and critical mass ss needed to achieve ambitious clearly defined needed to achieve ambitious clearly defined scientific and technological objectivesscientific and technological objectives

Increase competitiveness and/or addrIncrease competitiveness and/or address a ess a societal challengesocietal challenge

Increase competitiveness and/or addrIncrease competitiveness and/or address a ess a societal challengesocietal challenge

Support object-driven research, where Support object-driven research, where the the primary deliverable is new knowledge primary deliverable is new knowledge

Support object-driven research, where Support object-driven research, where the the primary deliverable is new knowledge primary deliverable is new knowledge

Expected to also have a structuring effectExpected to also have a structuring effect Expected to also have a structuring effectExpected to also have a structuring effect

Judged on impact, scientific excellence and quality of consortium

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Critical mass for integrated projects Critical mass for integrated projects

Up to several <tens> M€Up to several <tens> M€/year/year Up to several <tens> M€Up to several <tens> M€/year/year

AmbitAmbitious objectives, research effort, ious objectives, research effort, sscale and expected impactcale and expected impact

AmbitAmbitious objectives, research effort, ious objectives, research effort, sscale and expected impactcale and expected impact

Coherent set of components, often in Coherent set of components, often in the form of sub-projects the form of sub-projects

Coherent set of components, often in Coherent set of components, often in the form of sub-projects the form of sub-projects

3-5 years, or longer3-5 years, or longer 3-5 years, or longer3-5 years, or longer

No less than 3 independent entities No less than 3 independent entities from 3 different from 3 different StatesStates

No less than 3 independent entities No less than 3 independent entities from 3 different from 3 different StatesStates

No minimum

More than 9

No maximum

SME’s are importantSME’s are important SME’s are importantSME’s are important Take-up

Page 33: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Integrated projects Integrated projects

Integrate technology developers, Integrate technology developers, stakeholders, and users stakeholders, and users

Integrate technology developers, Integrate technology developers, stakeholders, and users stakeholders, and users

MultidisciplinaryMultidisciplinary MultidisciplinaryMultidisciplinary

Integrate different funding Integrate different funding agenciesagencies Integrate different funding Integrate different funding agenciesagencies

Integrate Integrate research, take-up, research, take-up, dissemination, and trainingdissemination, and training

Integrate Integrate research, take-up, research, take-up, dissemination, and trainingdissemination, and training

Building a community into a coherent whole

Page 34: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Key messages:

• No lower threshold on size, just ambition

• Ambition: tangible significant impact on a wide spectrum of core stakeholders

• Generate knowledge, and new collaborations

• Integration for DL: value-chain, existing “national” collections, public-private funding, training, end-user involvement

• Integration for preservation: public institution-private company, multidisciplinary, demonstration, international cooperation, institutional buy-in, building a research community

Should be THE project in the field

Integrated projectsIntegrated projects

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Networks of excellenceNetworks of excellence

Multidisciplinary and oriented to long-term Multidisciplinary and oriented to long-term objectives objectives which are not which are not prepredefined in defined in terms of products, processes or servicesterms of products, processes or services

Multidisciplinary and oriented to long-term Multidisciplinary and oriented to long-term objectives objectives which are not which are not prepredefined in defined in terms of products, processes or servicesterms of products, processes or services

Strengthen scientific and technological Strengthen scientific and technological excellenceexcellence

Strengthen scientific and technological Strengthen scientific and technological excellenceexcellence

ProgressiveProgressive, , lasting integrationlasting integration, addresses , addresses fragmentation of fragmentation of European researchEuropean research

ProgressiveProgressive, , lasting integrationlasting integration, addresses , addresses fragmentation of fragmentation of European researchEuropean research

Must iMust includes spreading of excellencencludes spreading of excellence Must iMust includes spreading of excellencencludes spreading of excellence

Judged on impact, quality of participants and degree of integration

Page 36: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

AmbitAmbitious goals for the whole networkious goals for the whole network AmbitAmbitious goals for the whole networkious goals for the whole network

May involve 100’s of researchers e.g. 2May involve 100’s of researchers e.g. 2 M€M€/year for 100 researchers/year for 100 researchers

May involve 100’s of researchers e.g. 2May involve 100’s of researchers e.g. 2 M€M€/year for 100 researchers/year for 100 researchers

No less than 3 independent entities No less than 3 independent entities from 3 different from 3 different StatesStates

No less than 3 independent entities No less than 3 independent entities from 3 different from 3 different StatesStates

Joint programme of activitiJoint programme of activitieses Joint programme of activitiJoint programme of activitieses

“Virtual” centres of excellence“Virtual” centres of excellence

At least 6

Integrated management of IPIntegrated management of IP Integrated management of IPIntegrated management of IP


Durable integration of researchDurable integration of research Durable integration of researchDurable integration of research

max. 25%

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Key messages:

• Clear, well-defined topic, and performance indicators for durable integration

• Funding is an incentive to help overcome barriers to durable integration

• Integrates existing national activities and programmes, and be seen to modify the organisation of research

• Joint programme of activities – MUST include integration, re-orientation of activities, joint executed research, spreading of excellence, unified management structure

• Joint programme of activities – exclusively of additional activities, that would not have been undertaken in the absence of the network

World leadership is THE objective

Networks of excellence Networks of excellence

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Key messages:

• Integration for DL: joint training, interactive working, shared use of infrastructure, national programme commitment, includes national funders, create pan-European platform, common approaches, interoperability, open standards, exchange of expertise

• Integration for intelligent heritage: create pan-European platform, common approaches, interoperability, open standards, demo’s and take-up, develop technology roadmaps, institutional buy-in

• Integration for preservation: joint management of knowledge portfolio, staff exchange, common legal structures, long-term objectives, new research opportunities, concentration of resources, common approaches, develop policy roadmaps

• Integration for digitisation: joint training, includes national funders, Ministerial commitment, create pan-European platform, common approaches, interoperability, open standards, “good” and “best” practice guidelines

Networks of excellence Networks of excellence

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It’s all about overcoming fragmentation

Playing to strengths and avoid duplication

Technical, policy and professional activities

Institutional and academic research

National, regional and local efforts

Different research disciplines

Industrial development, academic research and market evolution

Public-private funding

Research, policy preparation and decision making

What is integration? What is integration?

Page 40: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

No. of


Funding levels (M€)

No. of partners

Timescale (years)

Time window (years)

I P 3-4 5-12 >9 up to 4 5-10

NoE 3-4 3-6 10 “core” up to 5 5-15

STRP 3-5 1-2

“demo” 3-4 up to 2 2-5

SSA 1 1-2 up to 3 0-3

2/3 of budget earmarked for new instruments some 8-10 proposals likely to be retained for funding … highly

selective process!

Using the instruments Using the instruments

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Finding a way to extend an existing project

Having lots of “sleeping” partners

Covering the map of Europe with nodes, etc.

A loose group of like minded individuals

Re-submitting a rejected proposal from past/other programmes and asking for 3-times as much funding

Trying to “federate” different groups without any coherence, just because the “Commission wants it”

Making a good small research project look like an IP by tripling everything

Ambition is not ….Ambition is not ….

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118 received, 97 analysed • 64% IPs, 36% NoEs (IST average)

Focusing on: • Digitisation and digital preservation (19 IP’s

and 11 NoE’s)• Advanced digital libraries and content

infrastructures (16 IP’s and 15 NoE’s)• Intelligent heritage and artistic expression (11

IP’s and 13 NoE’s)• Building community memories (3 IP’s and 9


Strong academic focus (41% for IST)

Expressions of Interest Expressions of Interest

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Lots of interesting ideas Shift to longer-term research Partnership building in key constituencies

stimulated Indication of constituency readiness Good mix of “traditional” and new actors Large industry interested (again) in some

areas SME’s still present Interesting new topics such as Web

archival, automated preservation, collective memory

On the positive side ... On the positive side ...

Page 44: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Only 15-30% of ideas really took seriously the new instruments, even if they did not understand them fully

Lack of ambition with very few big “visionary” ideas

Some very big (unrealistic) project budgets Lack of integration, with just inflated

“traditional” project ideas proposed European Research Area still misunderstood No EU added-value and impact indicators Many sub-critical ideas could be integrated

to achieve critical mass Lots of overlap in Networks, and joint

programme of activities missing

On the other hand ... On the other hand ...

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Focus on describing the problem and breakthroughs expected and ensure that the key innovations are clearly described

Make explicit the state-of-the-art and the institutional buy-in

Keep ideas modular in scope, content and timeGive realistic cost/resource estimatesUse the full range of activities allowable in the

new instruments Remember to factor in post-project sustainability

Focus on return on investment

Do ... Do ...

Page 46: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

Artificially inflate IP’s or artificially adapt your ideas to inappropriate objectives

Try to everything with everyone Mirror the work programme text

Underestimate the project management expertise needed

Participate in a multitude of competing proposals (remember a researcher can only be in one network)

Forget to contextualise your objectives and put yourself in the place of the evaluator

Forget the rational for EU intervention

Don’t ... Don’t ...

Page 47: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

An open Information event in Luxembourg, 27th Jan. 2003

Information briefings planned for Belgium, the Netherlands, UK, Greece, …

Open day on Technology-enhanced Learning in Luxembourg, 5th Dec. 2002

Other events … Other events …

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Check relevance of your ideas with us, as quickly as possible

Use the national contact points and partner finding services (intelligently)

Constantly check CORDIS for progress and updates on instruments and schedules

Build publically accessible agendas:

• Clarify your ideas, share your problems and ideas with others and subject them to public inspection

• Mobilise your constituencies, involve the stakeholders and listen to them

Become an expert evaluator

What to do next?What to do next?

Page 49: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

This is a game of quality not numbers (ambition)

Preserve your credibility - select one proposal and make it work (focus)

Remember your credibility also depends on the quality and credibility of your partnerships (excellence)

Today our constituencies are present but are still dispersed (integrate)

Remember the new programme involves a change in mind-set:

• An Integrated Project should be THE project in the field

• A Network of Excellence should integrate ongoing research in Member States


Page 50: Access to Culture Bernard Smith Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications Head of Division Cultural Heritage Applications.

For more informationFor more information

[email protected]



IST in the Framework Programme


Cultural Heritage in IST


• Culture in the EU
