Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss

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Transcript of Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss


  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    dents mathe

    ant articles will also btant.

    broadend professionaon their way

    The specific capabilities within the detailedssessed at one

    e levels:

    relate to theowledge

    onal le

    ide, ormarked

    nch an ar. Howe

    nowledgeule and

    the Professional level, some lower levelue to be assessed as the studentgh each module and level. This

    re will be a

    casionallysed a


    The ACCA qualification does not prescribe orrecommend any particular number of learning hoursfor examinations because study and learningpatterns and styles vary greatly between people andorganisations. This also recognises the widediversity of personal, professional and educationalcircumstances in which ACCA students find


    23 and 35 mainon the nature of

    the subject and how these areas have been broken



    The Fundamentals level examinations contain100% compulsory questions to encourage

    readth of each

    d by equivalentputer based

    re all paper based-hour papers. The structure of papers varies

    from ten questions in the Corporate and Businessrk questions in

    ividual questionsbetween

    10 and 30 marks.

    all three-hour

    paper based examinations, all containing twoy, but there will be

    apers, ACCA hasd planning time.

    t the beginning ofallow candidates to

    lanning theirefore they start writing in their answer

    books. This time should be used to ensure that allthe information and exam requirements are properlyread and understood.

    During reading and planning time candidates mayonly annotate their question paper. They may notwrite anything in their answer booklets until told todo so by the invigilator.

    text books where appropriate, which stu y Each syllabus contains betweenread in order to widen their reading beyondapproved study texts. Relev epublished in student accoun


    The syllabus is designed to progressivelyand deepen the knowledge, skills an l between modules and levevalues demonstrated by the studentthrough the qualification.

    syllabuses and study guides are a of syllabus.three intellectual or cognitiv

    Level 1: Knowledge and comprehension

    Level 2: Application and analysisLevel 3: Synthesis and evaluation

    Very broadly, these intellectual levels threethree cognitive levels at which the Knmodule, the Skills module and the Professi vel Law (F4) paper to four 25 maare assessed.

    Each subject area in the detailed study guincluded in this document is given a 1, 23 superscript, denoting intellectual level, at The Professional level papers are

    the end of each relevant line. This gives aindication of the intellectual depth at whiation


    sections. Section A is compulsorsome choice offered in Section B.

    For all three hour examination pintroduced 15 minutes reading an

    could be assessed within the examinwhile level 1 broadly equates with the Kmodule, level 2 equates to the Skills modlevel 3 toskills can continprogresses throureflects that at each stage of study the

    This additional time is allowed aeach three-hour examination toread the questions and to begin panswers b

    requirement to broaden, as well as deepencapabilities. It is also possible that ocsome higher level capabilities may be asses tlower levels.


    subject area headings depending


    GUIDE TO EXAM STRUCTUR The structure of examinations varies within and


    candidates to study across the b

    The Knowledge module is assessetwo-hour paper based and com


    The Skills module examinations a

    Financial Management (F9). Indodule papers will attractwithin all Skills m

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    Sectionwith all

    thisnts a choice of two fro

    nsns, ea

    Section B woffer a choice of two from three questions totallin




    xaminat ntechniques,s specified.



    ntially be


    ulation issued oth ber

    st of thest fter. Please

    per(where relevant) for further information.

    examinable even if the effective date is in the

    henly approved.

    The term effective relates to when regulation orlegislation must be applied to an entity transactionsand business practices.

    The study guide offers more detailed guidance onthe depth and level at which the examinabledocuments will be examined. The study guide

    should therefore be read in conjunction with theexaminable documents list.

    Computer based examinations

    nable for the Junele for correspondingetween the start of

    ginning ofare examinable for

    the corresponding computer based examinationsbetween the start of the December examinationsession and the beginning of June.

    The Essentials module papers all have a Acontaining a major case study question



    Documents listed as being examiexaminations are also examinabcomputer based examinations bthe June examination session and the beDecember. Documents whichthe December examinations are also examinable for

    requirements totalling 50 marks relating tocase. Section B gives studethree 25 mark questions.

    Section A of each of the Options papers contai50-70 compulsory marks from two questioattracting between 25 and 40 marks.

    g30-50 marks, with each questionbetween 15 and 25 m

    The pass mark for all ACCA Qualificexamination papers is 50%.


    ACCA reserves the right to examine anything

    any econtained within the study guide atsession. This includes knowledge,


    principles, theories, and concepts a For the financial accounting, audit and a ,law and tax papers except where indicateotherwise, ACCA will publish examinabdocuments once a year to indicate exawhat regulations and legislation could pote

    assessed within identified examination s For paper based examinations reglegislation passed on or before 30 Septemannually, will be assessed from June 1


    following year to May 31 of the year arefer to the examinable documents for the pa

    Regulation issued or legislation passed inaccordance with the above dates may be

    future.The term issued or passed relates to wregulation or legislation has been formal

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss




    unfinause of double-entry accounting techniques includingthe preparation of basic financial statements


    uccessful completion of this paper, candidates

    A. Explain the context and purpose of financial

    ve characteristics ofd the fundamental


    e use of double-entry and

    D. Record transactions and events

    including identifyingand correcting errors)

    pare basic financial statements forincorporated and unincorporated entities.



    To develop knowledge and understanding of thederlying principles and concepts relating to

    ncial accounting and technical proficiency in the F. Pre

    On sshould be able to:

    CR (P2)


    B. Define the qualitatiFR (F7)

    financial information anbases of

    C. Demonstrate thaccounting systems

    E. Prepare a trial balance (

    The context and purposeof financial reporting


    The qualitative characteristicsof financial information andthe fundamental bases of

    accounting (B)

    The use of double-entry and accounting systems (C)

    Preparing a trial balance (E)


    and events (D)

    Preparing basic financial statements (F)

    FA (F3)AB (F1)

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss




    counting ,

    s context andteristics

    syllabus thouble

    ing, and. The

    e use of the trial balance ahow to identify and correct errors, and then the

    ncial statements for incorporatn

    ncial reporting

    of, financialreporting


    lements of financial reports

    nciales of


    itative characteristics of financial

    2. used in the preparation offinancial information

    of double-entry and accounting

    1. Double-entry book-keeping principles includ gthe maintenance of accounting records andsources of information

    2. Ledger accounts, books of prime entry, andjournals

    3. Accounting systems and the impact ofinformation technology on financial reporting

    D Recording transactions and events

    1. Sales and purchases

    . Cash

    Tangible non-current assets

    5. Depreciation

    6. Intangible non-current assets and amortisation



    nd contingencies

    10. Capital structure and finance costs

    E Preparing a trial balance


    ion of errors




    financial statements

    1. Statements of financial position

    Income statements and statements ofcomprehensive income

    3. Events after the reporting period

    4. Accounting for partnerships

    5. Statements of cash flows (excludingpartnerships)

    6. Incomplete records

    The syllabus for Paper F3, Financial Acintroduces the candidate to the fundamentals offinancial accounting, explaining itpurpose with reference to qualitative characof useful financial information and to thefundamental bases of accounting. Theconcentrates in depth on the basics of the dentry system and on recording, processreporting business transactions and eventssyllabus then covers th



    preparation of fina eda d unincorporated entities.


    A The context and purpose of fina 1. The reasons for, and objectives

    Users and stakeholders needs

    3. The main e

    4. The regulatory framework

    B The qualitative characteristics of finainformation and the fundamental bas

    1. The qual


    Alternative bases

    C The usesystems



    3. Inventory

    7. Accruals and

    8. Receivables and p

    9. Provisions a

    1. Trial ba

    2. Correct

    3. Control accounts and 4. Bank reconciliation 5. Suspense

    F Preparing basic


  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    er-basedons will

    ill include bothtional elements.

    The examination will consist of 40 two markquestions, and 10 one mark questions.


    The syllabus is assessed by a two hour papor computer-based examination. Questiassess all parts of the syllabus and wcomputational and non-computa

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    Study GuideA PURPOSE OF

    1. The reasons for and objectives of financial

    ) g,ncial data. [1]

    b) Identify and define types of business entity


    ) een a so


    d antages and disadvantages ooperating as a limited liability company, sole

    ) d scope

    ) ts and

    3. The main elements of financial reports

    ) of each of

    b ilities, equity,


    ) systems of the International

    Accounting Standards Committee Foundation(IASCF), the International AccountingStandards Board (IASB), the StandardsAdvisory Council (SAC) and the InternationalFinancial Reporting Interpretations Committee(IFRIC). [1]

    b) Understand the role of International FinancialReporting Standards. [1]



    1. The qualitative characteristics of financial

    understand and apply accountingts and qualitative characteristics: [1]

    ir presentationoing concernccruals



    thful representation

    stance over form



    een qualitative

    ternative bases used in the preparation of

    a) Identify and explain the main characteristics ofses e.g. historical cost,ealisable value,

    nd disadvantagesting. [1]

    c) Understand the provision of InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards governingfinancial statements regarding changes inaccounting policies. [1]

    d) Identify the appropriate accounting treatment ifa company changes a material accountingpolicy. [1]



    a Define financial reporting recordinanalysing and summarising fina ii) G

    iv) Consistensole trader, partnership, limited liabilicompany. [1]

    c Recognise the legal differences betw

    trader, partnership and a limited liabcompany. [1]

    le viii)Fai

    ) Identify the adv f

    xiii)Comparabilityxivtrader or partnership.


    e Understand the nature, principles anfinancial reporting. [1]

    ofxv) Business entity concept

    2. Users and stakeholders needs

    a Identify the users of financial statemenstate and differentiate between theirinformation needs. [1]

    a Understand and identify the purposethe main financial statements. [1]

    ) Define and identify assets, liabrevenue and expenses. [1]

    The regulatory framework

    a Understand the role of the regulatoryincluding the role



    a) Define,cepcon

    i) Fa

    iii) A

    v) Materialityvi) Relevancvii)

    ix) Subx) Neutralityxi) Prudence

    b) Understand the balance betwcharacteristics. [1]

    2. Alfinancial information

    alternative valuation bareplacement cost, net reconomic value. [1]

    b) Understand the advantages aof historical cost accoun

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss




    1 iplesincluding the maintenance of accounting

    the mainm. [1]

    b ifferenluding:


    emittanceadvice, receipt.

    c) tand and apply the concept of double-concept. [1]

    d) g


    nisationaes and deadlines. [1]

    nsactionseceipts. [1]

    ry and

    nd their

    b) Understand and illustrate the uses of journalss into ledger

    c) ven narrative d) Illustrate how to balance and close a ledger

    account. [1]

    3. Accounting systems and the impact ofinformation technology on financial reporting

    a) Understand the basic function and form of

    accounting records in a typical manualsystem. [1]

    tion and form ofaccounting records in a typical computerised


    c) Compare manual and computerised accounting

    dvantages of[1]

    rated accountingsoftware packages. [1]


    1. Sales and purchases

    Record sale and purchase transactions inday books. [1]

    b) Understand and record sales and purchase

    d) Calculate sales tax on transactions and recordthe consequent accounting entries. [1]

    ed and discounts


    b) Understand the need for a record of petty cash

    Describe the features and operation of a pettycash imprest system. [1]

    using imprest and non-

    e) Understand the importance of, and identify

    controls and security over the petty cashsystem. [1]

    3. Inventory

    a) Recognise the need for adjustments forinventory in preparing financial statements. [1]


    . Double-entry book-keeping princ

    records and sources of information

    a) Identify and explain the function ofdata sources in an accounting syste

    ) Outline the contents and purpose of dtypes of business documentation, incquotation, sales order, purchase order, go

    t e) Understand the uses of integ

    sreceived note, goods despatched note, invstatement, credit note, debit note, r



    Undersentry accounting and the duality

    Understand and apply the accountinequation. [1]

    e Understand how the accounting systemcontributes to providing useful accountiinformation and complies with orgapolici


    f) Identify the main types of business trae.g. sales, purchases, payments, r

    2. Ledger accounts, books of prime ent journals

    a) Identify the main types of ledger accounts andbooks of prime entry, and understanature and function. [1]

    and the posting of journal entrieaccounts. [1]

    Identify correct journals from gi . [1] d) Account for petty cashimprest methods. [1]

    b) Understand the basic func


    systems. [1]

    d) Identify advantages and disacomputerised accounting systems.

    a)ledger accounts and in

    returns. [1]

    c) Understand the general principles of theoperation of a sales tax. [1]

    e) Account for discounts allowreceived. [1]

    2. Cash

    a) Record cash transactions in ledger accounts.

    transactions. [1]


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    b) Record opening and closing inventory. [1]

    c) y the alternative methods of valuing

    d) Understand and apply the IASB requirement

    ) ded in


    d perio

    ) y usin

    nd AVCO (averagecost). [1]

    h ng conceptsentory. [1]

    inventory valuationmethods on profit and on assets. [1]

    4. current assets

    a) urrent assets. [1]

    current andent assets. [1]

    c) n capital andrevenue items. [1]

    d enue

    ) uisitiont assets. [1]

    f) d ecord profits or losses one income

    cluding part exchangetransactions. [1]

    g) Record the revaluation of a non-current asset inledger accounts, the statement ofcomprehensive income and in the statement offinancial position. [1]

    h) Calculate the profit or loss on disposal of a

    revalued asset.[1]

    urrent asset balances andmovements are disclosed in financial


    j) Explain the purpose and function of an assetgister. [1]

    he purpose of

    preciation usingeducing balance methods. [1]

    ces where differentwould be

    ropriate. [1]

    expense andare recorded in

    counts. [1]

    evalued non-ansfer of excess

    epreciation between the revaluation reserveand retained earnings. [1]

    ments to depreciation

    g) Record depreciation in the income statementfinancial position. [1]

    ets and amortisation

    se the difference between tangible andintangible non-current assets. [1]

    e assets. [1]

    and treatment ofresearch costs and development costs inaccordance with International FinancialReporting Standards. [1]

    d) Calculate amounts to be capitalised asdevelopment expenditure or to be expensedfrom given information. [1]

    e) Explain the purpose of amortisation. [1]

    Identifinventory. [1]

    s refor valuing inventories. [1]

    e Recognise which costs should be incluvaluing inventories [1]

    f) Understand the use of continuous anend inventory records. [1]


    g Calculate the value of closing inventorFIFO (first in, first out) a


    ) Understand the impact of accountion the valuation of inv

    i) Identify the impact of

    Tangible non-

    Define non-c

    b) Recognise the difference betweennon-curr

    Explain the difference betwee

    ) Classify expenditure as capital or rev

    expenditure. [1]

    e Prepare ledger entries to record the acqand disposal of non-curren

    Calculate an rdisposal of non-current assets in thstatement in

    i) Illustrate how non-c


    5. Depreciation

    a) Understand and explain tdepreciation. [1]

    b) Calculate the charge for destraight line and r

    c) Identify the circumstan

    methods of depreciation

    app d) Illustrate how depreciation

    accumulated depreciationledger ac

    e) Calculate depreciation on a rcurrent asset including the trd

    f) Calculate the adjustnecessary if changes are made in the estimateduseful life and/or residual value of a non-current asset. [2]

    and statement of 6. Intangible non-current ass a) Recogni

    b) Identify types of intangibl

    c) Identify the definition

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    f) nd account for the charge for[1]

    a) Understand how the matching concept applies

    b) Identify and calculate the adjustments neededaring



    d entriesl or prepayment. [1]

    ) on profitets of accruals and prepayments. ]

    ) ablesyables. [1]

    offering credit[1]

    c) Understand the purpose of an aged receivab

    its. [1]]

    e) Prepare the bookkeeping entries to write off an

    f) Record an irrecoverable debt recovered. [1]

    g) ebts onatement of

    on. [1]

    h) Prepare the bookkeeping entries to create andadjust an allowance for receivables. [1]

    i) Illustrate how to include movements in theallowance for receivables in the incomestatement and how the closing balance of the

    allowance should appear in the statement offinancial position. [1]

    n trade receivables[1]

    k) Prepare, reconcile and understand the purpose. [1]

    Classify items as current or non-currentstatement of financial



    f provision,tingent asset. [1]

    ssify items as

    ties or contingent

    Identify and illustrate the different methods ofaccounting for provisions, contingent liabilities

    d changes in

    in provisions. [1]

    inal accounts. [1]

    apital structure and finance costs

    ucture of a limitedmpany including: [1]

    edeemable andredeemable)

    iii) Loan notes.

    ents in the share capital and[1]

    c) Identify and record the other reserves whichmay appear in the company statement offinancial position. [1]

    d) Define a bonus (capitalisation) issue and itsadvantages and disadvantages. [1]

    e) Define a rights issue and its advantages and


    Calculate aamortisation.

    7. Accruals and prepayments

    to accruals and prepayments. [1]

    for accruals and prepayments in prepfinancial statements. [1]

    c) Illustrate the process of adjusting forand prepayments in preparing financi


    ls a) Understand the definition ocontingent liability and con

    ) Prepare the journal entries and ledgerfor the creation of an accrua

    e Understand and identify the impact

    and net ass [1

    8. Receivables and payables

    a Explain and identify examples of receivand pa

    b) Identify the benefits and costs offacilities to customers.

    les 10. Canalysis. [1]

    d) Understand the purpose of credit lim

    irrecoverable debt. [1]

    Identify the impact of irrecoverable dthe income statement and on the stfinancial positi

    share premium accounts.

    j) Account for contras betweeand payables.

    of supplier statements l)

    liabilities in the[1]

    9. Provisions and contingenci

    b) Distinguish between and cla

    provisions, contingent liabiliassets. [1]


    and contingent assets. [1]

    d) Calculate provisions anprovisions. [1]

    e) Account for the movement

    f) Report provisions in the f

    a) Understand the capital strliability coi) Ordinary sharesii) Preference shares (r


    b) Record movem

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    f) bonus) issue in the statement of


    g) Record and show the effects of a rights issue in]

    h) nd the

    in ledger


    the statement ofequity. [1]


    a) Identify the purpose of a trial balance. [1]

    b er balances into a trial balance. [1

    ng trial balance. [1]

    d) stand the limitations of atrial balance. [1]


    a) may occur in


    c) ationalverning

    ents regarding material errorsstment. [1]

    s. [1]

    e) Calculate and understand the impact of errorson the income statement, statement ofcomprehensive income and statement offinancial position. [1]

    3. Control accounts and reconciliations

    a) Understand the purpose of control accounts foraccounts receivable and accounts payable. [1]

    s relate to thedouble-entry system. [1]

    Prepare ledger control accounts from given

    d) Perform control account reconciliations forcounts payable. [1]

    be highlighted bying a control account reconciliation. [1]

    and correct errors in control accounts[1]

    4. Bank reconciliations

    ose of bankreconciliations. [1]

    b) Identify the main reasons for differencesand the bank

    statement. [1]

    ook errors and/or omissions. [1]

    bank reconciliation statements. [1]

    bank statement and cash book balances. [1]

    f) Identify the bank balance to be reported in the

    e of a suspenseaccount. [1]

    b) Identify errors leading to the creation of asuspense account. [1]

    c) Record entries in a suspense account. [1]

    d) Make journal entries to clear a suspenseaccount. [1]

    Record and show the effects of a(capitalisationfinancial position.

    the statement of financial position. [1

    Record dividends in ledger accounts afinancial statements. [1]

    accounts receivable and ac

    i) Calculate and record finance costsaccounts and the financial statements.

    j) Identify the components ofchanges in


    1. Trial balance

    ) Extract ledg ]

    c) Prepare extracts of an openi

    Identify and under

    Correction of errors

    Identify the types of error whichbookkeeping systems. [1]

    b) Identify errors which would be highlighted bythe extraction of a trial balance.

    Understand the provision of InternFinancial Reporting Standards gofinancial statemwhich result in prior period adju

    d) Prepare journal entries to correct error

    b) Understand how control account

    c)information. [1]

    e) Identify errors which wouldperform

    f) Identifyand ledger accounts.

    a) Understand the purp

    between the cash book

    c) Correct cash b d) Prepare

    e) Derivefrom given information

    final accounts. [1]

    5. Suspense accounts

    a) Understand the purpos

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss




    a) nting equation andbusiness entity convention underlie the

    ion. [1]

    b reserves. [1]

    ) mpanytion. [1]

    ncialfrom given information.

    tained earnin sany statement of financia

    2 atements and statements of

    comprehensive income

    a) an income statement andfrom given

    b) Understand how accounting concepts apply to

    ) profitcomprehensive

    . [1]

    d diture in

    e) Record income tax in the income statement of

    ior year. [1]

    f) Understand the interrelationship between thstatement of financial position, incomestatement and statement of comprehensiveincome. [1]

    g) Identify items requiring separate disclosure onthe face of the income statement. [1]

    3. Events after the reporting period

    he reporting period ince with International Financial

    g or non-adjusting. [1]

    Distinguish between how adjusting and non-nts are reported in the financial

    statements. [1]


    and identify the typical content ofhip agreement, including profit-rms. [1]


    ii) Current accounts

    shares of

    d) Account for guaranteed minimum profit

    partners drawings. [1]

    f) Calculate and record interest on drawings. [1]

    g) Calculate and record interest on capital. [1]

    er salaries. [1]

    current account. [1]

    j) Prepare an extract of a capital account. [1]

    it, and statement ofinancial position of a partnership. [1]

    l) Define goodwill, in relation to partnershipaccounts. [1]

    m) Identify the factors leading to the creation ofgoodwill in relation to partnership accounts. [1]

    n) Calculate the value of goodwill from giveninformation. [1]


    1. Statements of financial position

    Recognise how the accou

    statement of financial posit

    ) Understand the nature of

    c Identify and report reserves in a costatement of financial posi

    d) Prepare extracts of a statement of fina

    position [1]

    e) Understand why the heading reappears in a comp


    position. [1]

    . Income st

    Prepare extracts ofstatement of comprehensive incomeinformation. [1]

    revenue and expenses. [1]

    c Calculate revenue, cost of sales, grossprofit for the year, and totalincome from given information


    ) Disclose items of income and expenthe income statement. [1]

    a company including the under andoverprovision of tax in the pr

    e including division of proff

    a) Define an event after t

    accordanReporting Standards. [1]

    b) Classify events as adjustin c)

    adjusting eve

    4. Accounting for partners a) Understand

    a partnerssharing te

    b) Understand the nature of:i) Capital accounts

    iii) Division of profits

    c) Calculate and record the partnersprofit/losses. [1]

    shares. [1]

    e) Calculate and record

    h) Calculate and record partn

    i) Prepare an extract of a

    k) Prepare extracts of the income statement,

  • 8/9/2019 Acca Financial Accounting Syllabuss



    ips may include the

    5. Statements of cash flows (excluding

    a) tween profit and cash flow. [1


    c) Recognise the benefits and drawbacks to usersatement of

    h flows. [1]

    d f transactions on cash

    e) r the stateme

    activitiesh flows from investing activities

    iii) Cash flows from financing activities


    from statements of cash flows[1]

    h given transactions in a

    6 a) Understand and apply techniques used in

    incomplete record situations: [1] i) Use of accounting equationii) Use of ledger accounts to calculate missing

    figuresiii) Use of cash and/or bank summariesiv) Use of profit percentages to calculate

    missing figures.


    official publishers:

    ing MediaContact number: +44(0)20 8740 2222

    Note: Questions on partnersheffect of admission of new partners


    Differentiate be ] Websitb) Understand the need for management

    control cash flow. [1]

    of the financial statements of a stcas

    ) Classify the effect oflows. [1]

    Calculate the figures needed fo ntof cash flows including: [1] i) Cash flows from operatingii) Cas

    Calculate the cash flow from operatingactivities using the indirect and directmethod. [1]

    g) Prepare extractsfrom given information.

    ) Identify the treatment ofcompanys statement of cash flows. [1]

    . Incomplete records


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