A.C. No. 6697

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Transcript of A.C. No. 6697

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    N BANC





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      A.C. No. 669


    B!" M!##$" No. %&&


    A.M. No. '(-(-%(-SC




  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    DE VERA DATEDMAY %), &''( TO





















    GARCIA and

    $!%ASCO ''.



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    # ! C I S I O N


    Per Curiam:


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    Be0ore Us are t1ree 2onsolidated 2ases re3ol3in* aro)nd Inte*rated Bar o0 t1e

    P1ilippines 4IBP5 Go3ernor and !xe2)ti3e $i2e-President 4!$P5 Att+. %eonard de

    $era. "1e 6rst pertains to a dis7arment 2ase 8)estionin* Att+. de $eras moral 6tness

    to remain as a mem7er o0 t1e P1ilippine Bar, t1e se2ond re0ers to Att+. de $erasletter-re8)est to s21ed)le 1is oat1 ta9in* as IBP National President, and t1e t1ird

    2ase 2on2erns t1e 3alidit+ o0 1is remo3al as Go3ernor and !$P o0 t1e IBP 7+ t1e IBP

    Board. "1e resol)tion o0 t1ese 2ases ill determine t1e national presiden2+ o0 t1e

    IBP 0or t1e term -;.


    A.C. No. 669


     "1e O?@ s)mmaried t1e ante2edents t1ereo0 

    as 0ollos:


    In a Complaint dated ?? April , 2omplainant &oilo Antonio $ele mo3ed 0or t1e

    s)spension andor dis7arment o0 respondent Att+. %eonard de $era 7ased on t1e

    0olloin* *ro)nds:


    ?5 respondents alle*ed misrepresentation in 2on2ealin* t1e s)spension

    order rendered a*ainst 1im 7+ t1e State Bar o0 Cali0ornia and

    5 respondents alle*ed 3iolation o0 t1e so-2alled rotation r)le en)n2iated

    in Administrati3e Matter No. DE? dated / O2to7er ?EFE 4in t1e Matter: ?EFE IBP



    Complainant a3erred t1at t1e respondent, in appropriatin* 0or 1is on 7ene6t 0)ndsd)e 1is 2lient, as 0o)nd to 1a3e per0ormed an a2t 2onstit)tin* moral t)rpit)de 7+

    t1e (earin* Re0eree Bill #oier, (earin* #epartment San ran2is2o, State Bar o0

    Cali0ornia in Administrati3e Case No. F/--?FDE. Complainant alle*ed t1at t1e

    respondent as t1en 0or2ed to resi*n or s)rrender 1is li2ense to pra2ti2e la in t1e

    said state in order to e3ade t1e re2ommended t1ree 4H5 +ear

    s)spension. Complainant asserted t1at t1e respondent la29s t1e moral 2ompeten2e

    ne2essar+ to lead t1e 2o)ntr+s most no7le pro0ession.


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    Complainant, li9eise, 2ontended t1at t1e respondent 3iolated t1e so-2alled

    rotation r)le pro3ided 0or in Administrati3e Matter No. DE? 1en 1e trans0erred to

    IBP A*)san del S)r C1apter. (e 2laimed t1at t1e respondent 0ailed to meet t1e

    re8)irements o)tlined in t1e IBP B+-%as pertainin* to trans0er o0 C1apterMem7ers1ip. (e s)rmised t1at t1e respondents trans0er as intended onl+ 0or t1e

    p)rpose o0 7e2omin* t1e next IBP National President. Complainant pra+ed t1at t1e

    respondent 7e en=oined 0rom ass)min* o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    A.M. No. '(-(-%(-SC


    As earlier ad3erted to, Bar Matter No. ?; re0ers to Att+. de $eras letter-re8)est tot1is Co)rt to s21ed)le 1is oat1 ta9in* as IBP National President. A.M. No. --?-

    SC, on t1e ot1er 1and, is a letter-report dated ?E Ma+ o0 IBP National President

     'ose Anselmo I. Cadi 4IBP President Cadi5 0)rnis1in* t1is Co)rt it1 t1e IBPs

    Resol)tion, dated ?H Ma+ , remo3in* Att+. #e $era as mem7er o0 t1e IBP Board

    and as IBP !$P, 0or 2ommittin* a2ts inimi2al to t1e IBP Board and t1e IBP in *eneral.>@


     "1e 2ontro3ers+ in Bar Matter No. ?; and A.M. No. --?-SC arose 0rom t1e

    re*)lar meetin* o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors 1eld on ?D 'an)ar+ . In saidmeetin*, 7+ H 3ote 4/ 3otin* in 0a3or and a*ainst5, t1e IBP Board appro3ed t1e

    it1draal o0 t1e Petition 6led 7e0ore t1is Co)rt do29eted as Integrated Bar of the

    Philippines, Jose Anselmo I. Cadiz, et al. vs. Senate of the Philippines, et al. Petition

    for Certiorari and Prohiition !ith Pra"er for the Issuance of #emporar" $estraining

    %rder or &rit of Preliminar" Injunction, SC'$()*(+. "1e Petition as intended to

    8)estion t1e le*alit+ andor 2onstit)tionalit+ o0 Rep)7li2 A2t No. E;, a)t1oriin*

    t1e in2rease in t1e salaries o0 =)d*es and =)sti2es, and to in2rease 6lin* 0ees.>H@


     "1e to IBP Go3ernors 1o opposed t1e said Resol)tion appro3in* t1e it1draalo0 t1e a7o3e-des2ri7ed Petition ere 1erein respondent Go3ernor and !$P de $era

    and Go3ernor Carlos %. $alde.>D@


    On ?E 'an)ar+ , IBP President Cadi in0ormed t1is Co)rt o0 t1e de2ision ta9en

    7+ t1e IBP Board to it1dra t1e a0ore-mentioned Petition. Atta21ed to 1is letter

    as a 2op+ o0 t1e IBP Boards ?D 'an)ar+ Resol)tion. >@


    On ? April , Bar Matter No. ?;, pertainin* to Att+. de $eras re8)est 0or

    oat1ta9in* as National President, as 6led. "1e same as s)7se8)entl+

    2onsolidated it1 A.C. No. //E;, t1e dis7arment 2ase 6led a*ainst Att+. de $era. >/@


    On April , a plenar+ session as 1eld at t1e ?t1 National IBP Con3ention at

    t1e CAP-Camp 'o1n (a+ Con3ention Center, Ba*)io Cit+. It as at t1is 0or)m 1ere


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    Att+. de $era alle*edl+ made some )ntr)t10)l statements, inn)endos and 7latant

    lies in 2onne2tion it1 t1e IBP Boards Resol)tion to it1dra t1e Petition

    8)estionin* t1e le*alit+ o0 Rep)7li2 A2t No. E;.>;@


    On ? Ma+ , t1is Co)rt iss)ed a "emporar+ Restrainin* Order 4"RO5 en=oinin*

    Att+. de $era 0rom ass)min* oF@


    On ? Ma+ , IBP Go3. Rom)lo A. Ri3era rote IBP National President Cadi a

    letter 1erein 1e pra+ed 0or t1e remo3al o0 Att+. de $era as mem7er o0 t1e IBP

    Board 0or 1a3in* 2ommitted a2ts 1i21 ere inimi2al to t1e IBP Board and t1e IBP. >E@


    On ?H Ma+ , in t1e


     Re*)lar Meetin* o0 t1e Board 1eld at t1e ater0ront(otel, Ce7) Cit+, t1e IBP Board, 7+ H 3ote, resol3ed to remo3e Att+. de $era as

    mem7er o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors and as IBP !xe2)ti3e $i2e President.>?@ Q)oted 1ere)nder is t1e dispositi3e portion o0 said Resol)tion:


    NO "(!R!OR!, B! I" R!SO%$!#, AS I" IS (!R!B R!SO%$!#, t1at Go3ernor

    %eonard S. de $era is R!MO$!# as a mem7er o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors and

    !xe2)ti3e $i2e President 0or 2ommittin* a2ts inimi2al to t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors

    and t1e IBP, to it:


    ?. or ma9in* )ntr)t10)l statements, inn)endos and 7latant lies in p)7li2 a7o)t

    t1e S)preme Co)rt and mem7ers o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors, d)rin* t1e Plenar+

    Session o0 t1e IBP ?t1 National Con3ention o0 %a+ers, 1eld at CAP-Camp 'o1n (a+

    Con3ention Center on April , ma9in* it appear t1at t1e de2ision o0 t1e IBP

    Board o0 Go3ernors to it1dra t1e P!"I"ION do29eted as Inte*rated Bar o0 t1e

    P1ilippines, 'ose Anselmo I. Cadi, et al. 3s. "1e Senate o0 t1e P1ilippines, et al.,

    Petition 0or Certiorari and Pro1i7ition it1 Pra+er 0or t1e Iss)an2e o0 A "emporar+

    Restrainin* Order or rit o0 Preliminar+ In=)n2tion, S.C.-R. ?/?F, as d)e to

    inJ)en2e and press)re 0rom t1e S)preme Co)rt o0 t1e P1ilippines


    . or ma9in* said )ntr)t10)l statements, inn)endos and 7latant lies t1at

    7ro)*1t t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors and t1e IBP as a 1ole in p)7li2 2ontempt and




  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    H. or 3iolatin* Canon ?? o0 t1e Code o0 Pro0essional Responsi7ilit+ 0or %a+ers

    1i21 mandates t1at A la+er s1all o7ser3e and maintain t1e respe2t d)e to t1e

    2o)rts and to =)di2ial o??@


    On ?F Ma+ , Att+. de $era aired 1is sentiments to t1is Co)rt 7+ ritin* t1e t1en

    (on. C1ie0 ')sti2e (ilario G. #a3ide, 'r. a letter 2aptioned as Ur*ent Plea to Corre2t a

    Glarin* In=)sti2e o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors $e1ement Protest to t1e BoardResol)tion A7r)ptl+ Remo3in* Att+. %eonard de $era 0rom t1e Board o0 Go3ernors in

    Patent $iolation o0 #)e Pro2ess Petition to #en+#isappro3e t1e Completel+

    Un=)sti6ed and (i*1l+ Ar7itrar+ Resol)tion Pre2ipitatel+ O)stin* Att+. de $era 0rom

    t1e Board o0 Go3ernors in %ess "1an "ent+ o)r 4D5 (o)rs 0rom Noti2e and

     ')d*ment it1o)t ormal In3esti*ation.>?@


    In t1e said letter, Att+. de $era stron*l+ and 2ate*ori2all+ denied 1a3in* 2ommitted

    a2ts inimi2al to t1e IBP and its Board. (e alle*ed t1at on t1e 7asis o0 an )n3eri6ed

    letter-2omplaint 6led 7+ IBP Go3ernor Ri3era, t1e IBP Board 3oted to expel 1impost1aste, it1o)t =)st 2a)se and in 2omplete disre*ard o0 e3en t1e minim)m

    standards o0 d)e pro2ess. Pertinent portions o0 1is letter read:


    It is e3ident t1at t1e Board o0 Go3ernors 1as 2ommitted a *ra3e and serio)s

    in=)sti2e a*ainst me espe2iall+ 1en, as t1e in2)m7ent !xe2)ti3e $i2e President o0


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    t1e IBP, I am s21ed)led to ass)me m+ position as National President o0 t1e IBP

    on ')l+ ?, . x x x


    I as denied t1e 3er+ 7asi2 ri*1ts o0 d)e pro2ess re2o*nied 7+ t1e S)preme Co)rt

    e3en in administrati3e 2ases:


    ?. "1e denial o0 t1e right to answer t1e 21ar*es formally or in

    writing. "1e 2omplaint a*ainst me as in ritin*.


    . "1e denial o0 t1e ri*1t to answer  t1e 21ar*es it1in a reasonable

     period of time a0ter re2eipt o0 t1e 2omplaint.


    H. "1e denial o0 t1e right  to a fair hearing.


    D. "1e denial o0 t1e right to confront the accuser  and t1e itnesses

    a*ainst me. I 21allen*ed Go3. Ri3era to testi0+ )nder oat1 so I 2o)ld 8)estion

    1im. (e re0)sed. I oKered to testi0+ )nder oat1 so I 2o)ld 7e 8)estioned. M+ re8)est

    as denied.


    . "1e denial o0 m+ right to present witnesses on my behalf .


    /. "1e denial o0 m+ right to an impartial judge. Go3ernor Ri3era as

    m+ a22)ser, prose2)tor, and =)d*e all  at t1e same time.


    ;. Go3. Ri3eras pre=)d*ment o0 m+ 2ase 7e2omes e3en more e3ident

    7e2a)se 1en 1is motion to expel me as lost in a -H 3otes 4d)e to 1is in1i7itionto 3ote5, Go3. Ri3era as9ed 0or another round of voting so 1e 2an 3ote to s)pport

    1is on 2omplaint and motion to expel me. >?H@ 4!mp1asis and )nders2orin* in




  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    On ; Ma+ , t1e IBP Board responded to t1e ?F Ma+ letter o0 Att+. de

    $era.>?D@ In t1eir Repl+, t1e IBP Board explained to t1is Co)rt t1at t1eir de2ision to

    remo3e Att+. de $era as 7ased on 3alid *ro)nds and as intended to prote2t itsel0

    0rom a re2al2itrant mem7er. Amon* t1e *ro)nds 2ited and el)2idated 7+ t1e IBP

    Board ere t1e 0olloin*:


    4i5 Att+. de $era en*a*ed 1imsel0 in a ne*ati3e media 2ampai*n and

    soli2ited resol)tions 0rom IBP C1apters to 2ondemn t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors 0or

    its de2ision to it1dra t1e P-#I#I%, all !ith the end in vie! of compelling or

    coercing the IBP Board of /overnors to reconsider the decision to !ithdra!

    the P-#I#I%.


    4ii5 Att+. de $era em7arrassed, 1)miliated and mali*ned t1e IBP Board o0

    Go3ernors and t1e IBP National President in p)7li2 or d)rin* t1e Plenar+ Session at

    t1e ?t1 National Con3ention o0 %a+ers.


    4iii5 Rat1er t1an pa2i0+ t1e alread+ a*itated soli2ited spea9ers 4at t1e

    plenar+ session5, Att+. de $era 0anned t1e 6re, so to spea9, and ent to t1e extent

    o0 ma9in* )ntr)t10)l statements, inn)endos and 7latant lies a7o)t t1e S)preme

    Co)rt and some mem7ers o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors. (e deli7eratel+ and

    intentionall+ did so to pro3o9e t1e mem7ers o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors to

    en*a*e 1im in an a2rimonio)s p)7li2 de7ate and expose t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors

    to p)7li2 ridi2)le.


    4i35 Att+. de $era )ttered )ntr)t10)l statements, inn)endos and 7latant lies,

    e.*., t1at some o0 t1e mem7ers o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors 3oted in 0a3or o0 t1e

    it1draal o0 t1e petition 4it1o)t mentionin* names5 7e2a)se na0a0ahi"a 0asi sa

    Supreme Court, na0a0aa!a 0asi ang Supreme Court, 0asi ma" mga 0aiigan ta"o

    sa Court . (e made it appear t1at t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors appro3ed t1e

    resol)tion, it1drain* t1e petition, d)e to inJ)en2e or press)re 0rom t1e S)preme



     "1e IBP Board explained t1at Att+. de $eras a2t)ation d)rin* t1e Plenar+ Session

    as t1e last stra t1at 7ro9e t1e 2amels 7a29. (e 2ommitted a2ts inimi2al to t1e

    interest o0 t1e IBP Board and t1e IBP 1en2e, t1e IBP Board de2ided to remo3e 1im.


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    On H ')ne , Att+. de $era 0)rnis1ed t1e Co)rt it1 2opies o0 resol)tions and a

    position paper 2omin* 0rom 3ario)s IBP C1apters all 2ondemnin* 1is exp)lsion 0rom

    t1e IBP Board and as IBP !$P.>?/@


    On ? ')ne , IBP President Cadi in0ormed C1ie0 ')sti2e #a3ide t1at in a spe2ial

    meetin* o0 t1e IBP Board 1eld at t1e !#SA S1an*ri-la Plaa on ?H ')ne , t1e IBP

    Board too9 note o0 t1e 3a2an2+ in t1e position o0 t1e IBP !$P 7ro)*1t a7o)t 7+ Att+.

    de $eras remo3al. In 1is stead, IBP Go3ernor P)ra An*eli2a . Santia*o as 0ormall+

    ele2ted and de2lared as IBP !$P. >?;@


    On ?; ')ne , Att+. de $era protested a*ainst t1e ele2tion o0 Att+. Santia*o.>?F@

     On ')ne , Att+. Santia*o 3ol)ntaril+ relin8)is1ed t1e !$P position t1ro)*1a letter addressed to t1e IBP Board. >?E@ "1)s, on ')ne , d)rin* its last re*)lar

    meetin*, t1e IBP Board ele2ted a ne !$P in t1e person o0 IBP Go3ernor 'ose

    $i2ente B. Salaar to repla2e Att+. Santia*o.


    On F ')ne , IBP National President Cadi, t1ro)*1 a letter addressed to C1ie0

     ')sti2e #a3ide, reported to t1is Co)rt Att+. Salaars ele2tion.>@ IBP National

    President Cadi also re8)ested, amon* ot1er t1in*s, t1at Att+. Salaars ele2tion 7e

    appro3ed and t1at 1e 7e alloed to ass)me as National President in t1e e3ent t1at

    Att+. de $era is dis7arred or s)spended 0rom t1e pra2ti2e o0 la or s1o)ld 1isremo3al 0rom t1e H- Board o0 Go3ernors and as !$P is appro3ed 7+ t1is

    Co)rt.>?@ Also on F ')ne , Att+. de $era protested t1e ele2tion o0 Att+. Salaar.>@


    In 1is !xtended Comment>H@ dated ')l+ , Att+. de $era maintained t1at t1ere

    as a7sol)tel+ no 0a2t)al or le*al 7asis to s)stain t1e motion to remo3e 1im 0rom

    t1e IBP Board 7e2a)se 1e 3iolated no la. (e ar*)ed t1at i0 t1e 7asis 0or 1is remo3al

    as !$P as 7ased on t1e same *ro)nds as 1is remo3al 0rom t1e IBP Board, t1en 1is

    remo3al as !$P as li9eise exe2)ted it1o)t d)e noti2e and it1o)t t1e least2omplian2e it1 t1e minim)m standards o0 d)e pro2ess o0 la.


    Att+. de $era stron*l+ a3erred t1at, 2ontrar+ to t1e )tterl+ 0alse and mali2io)s

    21ar*es 6led a*ainst 1im, t1e spea9ers at t1e Plenar+ Session o0 t1e Ba*)io

    Con3ention, alt1o)*1 )ndenia7l+ impassioned and arti2)late, ere respe2t0)l in


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    t1eir lan*)a*e and ex1ortations, not on2e )nderminin* t1e stat)re o0 t1e IBP in

    *eneral and t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors in parti2)lar. (e posited t1at spea9in* in

    disa*reement it1 t1e Resol)tion o0 t1e Board d)rin* t1e Con3entions Plenar+

    Session is not a 3alid 2a)se to remo3e or expel a d)l+-ele2ted mem7er o0 t1e IBP

    Board o0 Go3ernors and t1e de2ision to remo3e 1im onl+ s1os t1at t1e ri*1t to

    0reedom o0 spee21 or t1e ri*1t to dissent is not re2o*nied 7+ t1e in2)m7ent IBPBoard.


    Anent t1e 21ar*es t1at 1e a22)sed t1e National President o0 it11oldin* a 2op+ o0

    t1is Co)rts Resol)tion *rantin* t1e it1draal o0 t1e Petition 8)estionin* t1e

    le*alit+ o0 Rep)7li2 A2t No. E;, Att+. de $era a3oed t1at 1e made no s)21

    remar9s. As re*ards t1e ele2tion o0 a ne IBP !$P, Att+. de $era 2ontended t1at t1e

    said ele2tion as ille*al as it as 2ontrar+ to t1e pro3isions o0 t1e IBP B+-%as

    2on2ernin* national o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    made. "1)s, 1en s)21 ele2tion 0or !$P o22)rs, s)21 is 2ontrar+ to t1e express

    pro3ision o0 t1e IBP B+-%as.


    Att+. de $era also ar*)ed t1at e3en i0 1e ere 3alidl+ remo3ed as IBP !$P, 1is

    repla2ement s1o)ld 2ome 0rom !astern Mindanao and not 0rom an+ ot1er re*ion,

    d)e to t1e Rotation R)le em7odied in par. , Se2tion D;, Arti2le $II o0 t1e IBP B+-



    In response to Att+. de $eras a3erments, t1e H- IBP Board, t1ro)*1 its

    2o)nsel, s)7mitted a Repl+ dated ; 'an)ar+ / and 2lari6ed as 0ollos:


    4i5 "1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors is 3ested it1 s)

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    435 Att+. de $era as 3alidl+ remo3ed 7e2a)se t1e re8)ired n)m7er o0

    3otes )nder Se2tion DD o0 t1e IBP B+-%as to remo3e Att+. de $era as a mem7er o0

    t1e IBP Board and as IBP !$P as d)l+ 2omplied it1


    43i5 Att+. de $eras repla2ement as IBP !$P need not 2ome 0rom !astern

    Mindanao Re*ion 7e2a)se: 4a5 t1e rotation r)le )nder Arti2le $II, Se2tion D;, par.

    o0 t1e IBP B+-%as 1ad alread+ 7een 2omplied it1 1en Att+. de $era, 1o 1ails

    0rom !astern Mindanao, as ele2ted IBP !$P and 475 t1e rotation r)le need not 7e

    en0or2ed i0 t1e same ill not 7e pra2ti2a7le, possi7le, 0easi7le, doa7le or 3ia7le

    and, 6nall+, t1at


    43ii5 Att+. Salaar as 3alidl+ ele2ted as IBP !$P and, t1)s, s1o)ld no 7e

    alloed to ta9e 1is oat1 as IBP National President.>@


    T4$ Co5"# R57/8


    AC No. 669


    In 1is Memorand)m>/@ dated ')ne , 2omplainant tendered t1e 0olloin*

    iss)es 0or t1e 2onsideration o0 t1e Co)rt:




    (!"(!R OR NO" R!SPON#!N" A""ORN! %!ONAR# S. #!$!RA 4si25 COMMI"!#

    MA%PRAC"IC! (IC( AMOUN"!# "O MORA% ">U@RPI"U#! IN "(! S"A"! BAR O





  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    (!"(!R OR NO" "(! OA"( O OIC! AS %A!R IS A""AC(!# "O "(! P!RSON

    O A""ORN! %!ONAR# S. #!$!RA 4si25 (!R!$!R (! MA GO AN# NO"





    (!"(!R OR NO" "(!R! IS SUBS"AN"IA% !$I#!NC! "O PRO$! "(! MORA%






    (!"(!R OR NO" R!S 'U#ICA"A APP%I!S IN "(IS CAS!, #U! "O A#MIN. CAS! NO.



     "1e disposition o0 t1e 6rst t1ree related iss)es 1in*es on t1e resol)tion o0 t1e 0o)rt1

    iss)e. Conse8)entl+, e ill start it1 t1e last iss)e.


     A.C. No. 6052 is not a bar to the ling of the present administrative case.


    In disposin* o0 t1e 8)estion o0 res judicata, t1e Bar Con6dant opined:


     "o reiterate, t1e instant 2ase 0or s)spension andor dis7arment a*ainst respondent

    %eonard #e $era is *ro)nded on t1e 0olloin*:



  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    ?5 respondents alle*ed misrepresentation in 2on2ealin* t1e s)spension

    order rendered a*ainst 1im 7+ t1e State Bar in Cali0ornia and

    5 respondents alle*ed 3iolation o0 t1e so-2alled rotation r)le en)n2iated

    in Administrati3e Matter No. DE? dated / O2to7er ?EFE 4In t1e Matter: ?EFE IBP



    It appears t1at t1e 2omplainant alread+ raised t1e said iss)es in an earlier

    administrati3e 2ase a*ainst t1e respondent. $eril+, t1ese iss)es ere alread+

    ar*)ed )pon 7+ t1e parties in t1eir respe2ti3e pleadin*s, and dis2)ssed and r)led

    )pon 7+ t1is Co)rt in its #e2ision dated ?? #e2em7er H in Administrati3e Matter

    No. / 4In Re: Petition to #is8)ali0+ Att+. %eonard de $era5.


    As s)21, it1 respe2t to t1e 6rst iss)e, t1is Co)rt 1eld t1at:


     As for the administrative complaint 1led against him " one of his clients !hen he

    !as practicing la! in California, !hich in turn compelled him to surrender his

    California license to practice la!, he maintains that it cannot serve as asis for

    determining his moral 2uali1cation 3or lac0 of it4 to run for the position he is

    aspiring for. 5e e6plains that there is as "et no 1nal judgment 1nding him guilt" of

    the administrative charge, as the records relied upon " the petitioners are mere

     preliminar" 1ndings of a hearing referee !hich are recommendator" 1ndings of an

    IBP Commissioner on Bar 7iscipline !hich are suject to the revie! of and the 1naldecision of the Supreme Court. 5e also stresses that the complainant in

    the California administrative case has retracted the accusation that he

    misappropriated the complainants mone", ut unfortunatel" the retraction !as not

    considered " the investigating o8cer. 666 


    %n the administrative complaint that !as 1led against respondent 7e 9era !hile he

    !as still practicing la! in California, he e6plained that no 1nal judgment !as

    rendered " the California Supreme Court 1nding him guilt" of the charge. 5e

    surrendered his license to protest the discrimination he suered at the hands of theinvestigator and he found it impractical to pursue the case to the end. &e 1nd

    these e6planations satisfactor" in the asence of contrar" proof. It is a asic rule on

    evidence that he !ho alleges a fact has the urden to prove the same. In this case,

    the petitioners have not sho!n ho! the administrative complaint aects

    respondent 7e 9era;s moral 1tness to run for governor.


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    On t1e ot1er 1and, as re*ards t1e se2ond iss)e:


    Petitioners contend that respondent de 9era is dis2uali1ed for the post ecause he

    is not reall" from -astern nder the last paragraph of Section (?, Article II, a

    la!"er included in the $oll of Attorne"s of the Supreme Court can register !ith the

     particular IBP Chapter of his preference or choice, thus:




    It is clearl" stated in the afore2uoted section of the B"'=a!s that it is not automatic

    that a la!"er !ill ecome a memer of the chapter !here his place of residence or

    !or0 is located. 5e has the discretion to choose the particular chapter !here he

    !ishes to gain memership. %nl" !hen he does not register his preference that he

    !ill ecome a memer of the Chapter of the place !here he resides or maintains

    o8ce. #he onl" proscription in registering one;s preference is that a la!"er cannote a memer of more than one chapter at the same time.


    #he same is provided in Section @?'@ of the IBP B"'=a!s. In fact, under this Section,

    transfer of IBP memership is allo!ed as long as the la!"er complies !ith the

    conditions set forth therein, thus:




    #he onl" condition re2uired under the foregoing rule is that the transfer must e

    made not less than three months prior to the election of o8cers in the chapter to

    !hich the la!"er !ishes to transfer.


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    In the case at ar, respondent 7e 9era re2uested the transfer of his IBP

    memership to Agusan del Sur on ( August @++(. %ne month thereafter, IBP

    ational Secretar" Jaime

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


     Judge &illiam =a"ague 3Administrastive

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    2ase. "1e 2omplainants 2ontention t1at t1e prin2iple o0 res judicata o)ld not appl+

    in t1e 2ase at 7ar as t1e 6rst administrati3e 2ase as one 0or dis8)ali62ation 1ile

    t1e instant administrati3e 2omplaint is one 0or s)spension andor dis7arment s1o)ld

    7e *i3en least 2reden2e. It is ort1+ to note t1at 1ile t1e instant administrati3e

    2omplaint is denominated as one 0or s)spension andor dis7arment, it pra+ed

    neit1er t1e s)spension nor t1e dis7arment o0 t1e respondent 7)t instead merel+so)*1t to en=oin t1e respondent 0rom ass)min* oF@


    Contrar+ to t1e 6ndin*s o0 t1e Bar Con6dant, Adm. Case No. / entitled, In $e:

    Petition to 7is2ualif" Att". =eonard de 9era, on =egal and

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    1is Memorand)m, 1at is 7ein* prin2ipall+ so)*1t is Att+. de $eras s)spension or



     "1e distin2tions 7eteen t1e to 2ases are 0ar 0rom tri3ial. "1e pre3io)s 2ase as

    resol3ed on t1e 7asis o0 t1e parties ri*1ts and o7li*ations )nder t1e IBP B+-las. e

    1eld t1erein t1at Att+. de $era 2annot 7e dis8)ali6ed 0rom r)nnin* as Re*ional

    Go3ernor as t1ere is not1in* in t1e present IBP B+-las t1at san2tions t1e

    dis8)ali62ation o0 2andidates 0or IBP *o3ernors. Conse8)entl+, e stressed t1at t1e

    petition 1ad no 6rm *ro)nd to stand on. %i9eise, e 1eld t1at t1e 2omplainants

    t1erein ere not t1e proper parties to 7rin* t1e s)it as t1e IBP B+-las pres2ri7es

    t1at onl+ nominees - 1i21 t1e 2omplainants ere not - 2an 6le it1 t1e IBP

    President a ritten protest a*ainst t1e 2andidate. "1e Co)rts statement, t1ere0ore,

    t1at Att+. de $era 2annot 7e dis8)ali6ed on t1e *ro)nd t1at 1e as not morall+ 6t

    as mereoiter dictum. Pre2isel+, t1e IBP B+-las do not allo 0or pre-ele2tion

    dis8)ali62ation pro2eedin*s 1en2e, Att+. de $era 2annot 7e dis8)ali6ed on t1e 7asiso0 t1e administrati3e 6ndin*s o0 a 1earin* o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    R)le ?HF o0 t1e R)les o0 Co)rt. And, 2onsiderin* t1at t1is 2ase is not 7arred 7+ t1e

    prior =)d*ment in Adm. Case No. /, t1e onl+ iss)e le0t 0or 2onsideration is

    1et1er or not Att+. de $era 2an 7e s)spended or dis7arred )nder t1e 0a2ts o0 t1e

    2ase and t1e e3iden2e s)7mitted 7+ 2omplainant.


    !he recommendation of the hearing o"cer of the #tate $ar of California%

    standing alone% is not proof of malpractice.


    In t1e 2ase o0 t1e Suspension Drom #he Practice of =a! In #he #erritor" of /uam of

     Att". =eon /. H?@

     e ere 2on0ronted it1 t1e 8)estion o0 1et1er or not amem7er o0 t1e P1ilippine Bar, 1o is 2on2omitantl+ an attorne+ in a 0orei*n

     =)risdi2tion and 1o as s)spended 0rom t1e pra2ti2e o0 la in said 0orei*n

     =)risdi2tion, 2an 7e san2tioned as mem7er o0 t1e P1ilippine Bar 0or t1e same

    in0ra2tion 2ommitted in t1e 0orei*n =)risdi2tion.


    e ta9e t1e iss)e in Att".

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    Se2tion ; o0 R)le ?HF o0 o)r R)les o0 Co)rt states:


    S!C. ;. 7isarment or suspension of attorne"s " Supreme CourtH grounds

    therefor. A mem7er o0 t1e 7ar ma+ 7e dis7arred or s)spended 0rom 1is o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    >H/@ "1at meanin* is in 2onsonan2e it1 t1e elementar+ notion t1at t1e pra2ti2e o0

    la is a pro0ession, not a 7)siness. >H;@


    Unpro0essional 2ond)2t in an attorne+ is t1at 1i21 3iolates t1e r)les on et1i2al

    2ode o0 1is pro0ession or 1i21 is )n7e2omin* a mem7er o0 t1at pro0ession. >HF@


    No, t1e )ndisp)ted 0a2ts:


    ?. An administrati3e 2ase a*ainst Att+. de $era as 6led 7e0ore t1e State

    Bar o0 Cali0ornia, do29eted t1en as Adm. Case No. F/--?FDE. It arose 0rom an

    ins)ran2e 2ase Att+. de $era 1andled in3ol3in* ')li)s illis, III 1o 6*)red in an

    a)tomo7ile a22ident in ?EF/. Att+. de $era as a)t1oried 7+ t1e elder illis 40at1ero0 ')li)s 1o as *i3en a)t1orit+ 7+ t1e son to 2ontrol t1e 2ase 7e2a)se t1e latter

    as t1en st)d+in* in San #ie*o Cali0ornia5 0or t1e release o0 t1e 0)nds in settlement

    o0 t1e 2ase. Att+. de $era re2ei3ed a 21e29 in settlement o0 t1e 2ase 1i21 1e t1en

    deposited to 1is personal a22o)nt>HE@


    . "1e (earin* re0eree in t1e said administrati3e 2ase re2ommended t1at

    Att+. de $era 7e s)spended 0rom t1e pra2ti2e o0 la 0or t1ree +ears >D@ and


    H. Att+. de $era resi*ned 0rom t1e Cali0ornia Bar 1i21 resi*nation as

    a22epted 7+ t1e S)preme Co)rt o0 Cali0ornia. >D?@


    Att+. de $era 3e1ementl+ insists t1at t1e 0ore*oin* 0a2ts do not pro3e t1at 1e

    misappropriated 1is 2lients 0)nds as t1e latters 0at1er 4t1e elder illis5 *a3e 1im

    a)t1orit+ to )se t1e same and t1at, )n0ort)natel+, t1e 1earin* o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    t1at 1e deposited said amo)nt in 1is personal a22o)nt and not in a separate tr)st

    a22o)nt and t1at, 6nall+, 1e spent t1e amo)nt 0or personal p)rposes.>D@


    At t1is point, it 7ears stressin* t1at in 2ases 6led 7e0ore administrati3e and 8)asi-

     =)di2ial 7odies, a 0a2t ma+ 7e deemed esta7lis1ed i0 it is s)pported 7+ s)7stantial

    e3iden2e or t1at amo)nt o0 rele3ant e3iden2e 1i21 a reasona7le mind mi*1t

    a22ept as ade8)ate to =)sti0+ a 2on2l)sion. >DH@ It means s)21 e3iden2e 1i21 aKords

    a s)7stantial 7asis 0rom 1i21 t1e 0a2t in iss)e 2an 7e reasona7l+ in0erred. >DD@


    Be+ond do)7t, t1e )na)t1oried )se 7+ a la+er o0 1is 2lients 0)nds is 1i*1l+

    )net1i2al. Canon ?/ o0 t1e Code o0 Pro0essional Responsi7ilit+ is emp1ati2 a7o)t

    t1is, t1)s:


    CANON ?/. A %A!R S(A%% (O%# IN "RUS" A%% MON!S AN# PROP!R"I!S O (IS

    C%I!N" "(A" MA COM! "O (IS POSS!SSION.


    R)le ?/.?. A la+er s1all a22o)nt 0or all mone+ or propert+ 2olle2ted or re2ei3ed

    0or or 0rom t1e 2lient.


    R)le ?/.. A la+er s1all 9eep t1e 0)nds o0 ea21 2lient separate and apart 0rom 1ison and t1ose o0 ot1ers 9ept 7+ 1im.


    In -spiritu v. >lep>D@ e 1eld t1at


     "1e relation 7eteen attorne+ and 2lient is 1i*1l+ 6d)2iar+ in nat)re. Bein* s)21, it

    re8)ires )tmost *ood 0ait1, lo+alt+, 6delit+ and disinterestedness on t1e part o0 t1eattorne+. Its 6d)2iar+ nat)re is intended 0or t1e prote2tion o0 t1e 2lient.


     "1e Code o0 Pro0essional Responsi7ilit+ mandates e3er+ la+er to 1old in tr)st all

    mone+ and properties o0 1is 2lient t1at ma+ 2ome into 1is possession. A22ordin*l+,


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    1e s1all a22o)nt 0or all mone+ or propert+ 2olle2ted or re2ei3ed 0or or 0rom t1e

    2lient. !3en more spe2i62 is t1e Canon o0 Pro0essional !t1i2s:


     "1e la+er s1o)ld re0rain 0rom an+ a2tion 1ere7+ 0or 1is personal 7ene6t or *ain

    1e a7)ses or ta9es ad3anta*e o0 t1e 2on6den2e reposed in 1im 7+ 1is 2lient.


    Mone+ o0 t1e 2lient or 2olle2ted 0or t1e 2lient or ot1er tr)st propert+ 2omin* into t1e

    possession o0 t1e la+er s1o)ld 7e reported and a22o)nted 0or "o1#7 and

    s1o)ld not )nder !/ 2ir2)mstan2es 7e 2ommin*led it1 1is on or 7e )sed 7+



    Conse8)entl+, a la+erLs 0ail)re to ret)rn )pon demand t1e 0)nds or propert+ 1eld7+ 1im on 7e1al0 o0 1is 2lient *i3es rise to t1e pres)mption t1at 1e 1as appropriated

    t1e same 0or 1is on )se to t1e pre=)di2e o0, and in 3iolation o0 t1e tr)st reposed in

    1im 7+, 1is 2lient. It is a *ross 3iolation o0 *eneral moralit+ as ell as o0 pro0essional

    et1i2s it impairs t1e p)7li2 2on6den2e in t1e le*al pro0ession and deser3es



    %a+ers 1o misappropriate t1e 0)nds entr)sted to t1em are in *ross 3iolation o0

    pro0essional et1i2s and are *)ilt+ o0 7etra+al o0 p)7li2 2on6den2e in t1e le*al

    pro0ession. "1ose 1o are *)ilt+ o0 s)21 in0ra2tion ma+ 7e dis7arred or s)spendedinde6nitel+ 0rom t1e pra2ti2e o0 la. 4!mp1ases s)pplied.5


    In 1erein 2ase, as it is admitted 7+ Att+. de $era 1imsel0 t1at 1e )sed 1is 2lients

    mone+ 0or personal )se, 1e 1as )nittin*l+ sealed 1is on 0ate sin2e t1is admission

    2onstit)tes more t1an s)7stantial e3iden2e o0 malpra2ti2e. Conse8)entl+, Att+. de

    $era no 1as t1e 7)rden o0 re7)ttin* t1e e3iden2e 1i21 1e 1imsel0 s)pplied.


    In 1is de0ense, Att+. de $era 2laims t1at 1e as d)l+ a)t1oried 7+ t1e elder illis to

    )se t1e 0)nds intended 0or t1e latters son. Att+. de $era also points o)t t1at 1e 1ad

    restit)ted t1e 0)ll amo)nt o0 US?,. e3en 7e0ore t1e 6lin* o0 t1e

    administrati3e 2ase a*ainst 1im in t1e State Bar o0 Cali0ornia.>D/@


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    Aside 0rom t1ese sel0-ser3in* statements, 1oe3er, e 2annot 6nd an+1ere in t1e

    re2ords o0 t1is 2ase proo0 t1at indeed Att+. de $era as d)l+ a)t1oried to )se t1e

    0)nds o0 1is 2lient. In $adjaie v. Att". Alovera>D;@ e de2lared t1at


    1en t1e inte*rit+ o0 a mem7er o0 t1e 7ar is 21allen*ed, it is not eno)*1 t1at 1e

    denies t1e 21ar*es a*ainst 1im 1e m)st meet t1e iss)e and o3er2ome t1e e3iden2e

    a*ainst 1im. (e m)st s1o proo0 t1at 1e still maintains t1at de*ree o0 moralit+ and

    inte*rit+ 1i21 at all times is expe2ted o0 1im.


    Att+. de $era 2annot rel+ on t1e statement made 7+ t1e 1earin* oDF@ Respondent 3iolated 1is oat1 to

    2ond)2t 1imsel0 it1 all *ood 6delit+ to 1is 2lient.


    Ne3ert1eless, e do not a*ree it1 2omplainants plea to dis7ar respondent 0rom

    t1e pra2ti2e o0 la. "1e poer to dis7ar m)st 7e exer2ised it1 *reat 2a)tion.>DE@1ere an+ lesser penalt+ 2an a22omplis1 t1e end desired, dis7arment s1o)ld not

    7e de2reed.



  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    In @ e imposed )pon Att+. Pa*atpatan to +ears

    s)spension 0rom 1is pra2ti2e o0 la 0or depositin* t1e 0)nds meant 0or 1is 2lient to

    1is personal a22o)nt it1o)t t1e latters 9noled*e. In $e"es v. H@ t1e respondents ere meted one +ear

    s)spension ea21 0or 0ailin* to remit to t1eir 2lients monies in t1e amo)nts

    o0 P?,. P., and P?,?/?., respe2ti3el+, re2ei3ed 7+ t1em 0or t1eir2lients it1o)t t1e latters permission. In 7umadag v. Att". =uma"a, '5)( e

    inde6nitel+ s)spended respondent 0or 0ail)re to remit to 1is 2lient t1e amo)nt o0 t1e

    measl+ s)m o0PD,HDD. representin* t1e amo)nt re2ei3ed p)rs)ant to a rit o0

    exe2)tion. Considerin* t1e amo)nt in3ol3ed 1ere US?,., e 7elie3e t1at t1e

    penalt+ o0 s)spension 0or to 45 +ears is appropriate.


    !ransferring *$+ membership to a chapter where the lawyer is not a

    resident of is not a ground for his suspension or disbarment 


    Complainant insists t1at Att+. de $eras trans0er o0 mem7ers1ip 0rom t1e Pasa+,

    Paraa8)e, %as Pias and M)ntinl)pa 4PP%M5 C1apter to t1e A*)san del S)r IBP

    C1apter is a 2ir2)m3ention o0 t1e rotation r)le as it as made 0or t1e sole p)rpose

    o0 7e2omin* IBP National President. Complainant stresses t1at Att+. de $era is not a

    resident o0 A*)san del S)r nor does 1e 1old o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    B!" M!##$" No. %&&


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    7e2ome )na7le to per0orm 1is d)ties, t1e Board, 7+ resol)tion o0 t1e Ma=orit+ o0 t1e

    remainin* mem7ers, ma+ de2lare 1is position 3a2ant, s)7=e2t to t1e appro3al o0 t1e

    S)preme Co)rt.


    A/ 1$1=$" o2 #4$ Bo!";, $7$#$, 1! =$ "$1o 

    In 2ase o0 an+ 3a2an2+ in t1e o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    on ?H Ma+ 1erein t1e letter-2omplaint a*ainst 1im as part o0 t1e

    a*enda. "1erein, 1e as *i3en t1e opport)nit+ to 7e 1eard and t1at, in 0a2t, Att+. de

    $era did ar*)e 1is 2ase.


    e are in a*reement it1 t1e IBP Board.


    irst, it needs stressin* t1at t1e 2onstit)tional pro3ision on d)e pro2ess sa0e*)ards

    li0e, li7ert+ and propert+.>@ It 2annot 7e said t1at t1e position o0 !$P o0 t1e IBP is

    propert+ it1in t1e 2onstit)tional sense espe2iall+ sin2e t1ere is no ri*1t to se2)rit+

    o0 ten)re o3er said position as, in 0a2t, all t1at is re8)ired to remo3e an+ mem7er o0

    t1e 7oard o0 *o3ernors 0or 2a)se is a resol)tion adopted 7+ H o0 t1e remainin*

    mem7ers o0 t1e 7oard.


    Se2ondl+, e3en i0 t1e ri*1t o0 d)e pro2ess 2o)ld 7e ri*1t0)ll+ in3o9ed, still, in

    administrati3e pro2eedin*s, t1e essen2e o0 d)e pro2ess is simpl+ t1e opport)nit+ to

    explain ones side.>/@ At t1e o)tset, it is 1ere emp1asied t1at t1e term d)e pro2ess

    o0 la as )sed in t1e Constit)tion 1as no 6xed meanin* 0or all p)rposes d)e to t1e

    3er+ nat)re o0 t1e do2trine 1i21, assertin* a 0)ndamental prin2iple o0 =)sti2e rat1er

    t1an a spe2i62 r)le o0 la, is not s)s2epti7le o0 more t1an one *eneral statement.>;@ "1e p1rase is so el)si3e o0 exa2t appre1ension,>F@ 7e2a)se it depends on

    2ir2)mstan2es and 3aries it1 t1e s)7=e2t matter and t1e ne2essities o0 t1e



    #)e pro2ess o0 la in administrati3e 2ases is not identi2al it1 =)di2ial pro2ess 0or a

    trial in 2o)rt is not ala+s essential to d)e pro2ess. 1ile a da+ in 2o)rt is a matter

    o0 ri*1t in =)di2ial pro2eedin*s, it is ot1erise in administrati3e pro2eedin*s sin2e

    t1e+ rest )pon diKerent prin2iples. "1e d)e pro2ess 2la)se *)arantees no parti2)lar

    0orm o0 pro2ed)re and its re8)irements are not te21ni2al. "1)s, in 2ertain

    pro2eedin*s o0 administrati3e 21ara2ter, t1e ri*1t to a noti2e or 1earin* are not

    essential to d)e pro2ess o0 la. "1e 2onstit)tional re8)irement o0 d)e pro2ess is

    met 7+ a 0air 1earin* 7e0ore a re*)larl+ esta7lis1ed administrati3e a*en2+ or

    tri7)nal. It is not essential t1at 1earin*s 7e 1ad 7e0ore t1e ma9in* o0 adetermination i0 t1erea0ter, t1ere is a3aila7le trial and tri7)nal 7e0ore 1i21 all

    o7=e2tions and de0enses to t1e ma9in* o0 s)21 determination ma+ 7e raised and

    2onsidered. One ade8)ate 1earin* is all t1at d)e pro2ess re8)ires. 1at is re8)ired

    0or 1earin* ma+ diKer as t1e 0)n2tions o0 t1e administrati3e 7odies diKer.>/@



  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


     "1e ri*1t to 2ross-examine is not an indispensa7le aspe2t o0 d)e pro2ess.>/?@ Nor is

    an a2t)al 1earin* ala+s essential>/@ espe2iall+ )nder t1e 0a2t)al milie) o0 t1is 2ase

    1ere t1e mem7ers o0 t1e IBP Board -- )pon 1ose s1o)lders t1e determination o0

    t1e 2a)se 0or remo3al o0 an IBP *o3ernor is pla2ed s)7=e2t to t1e appro3al o0 t1e

    S)preme Co)rt all itnessed Att+. de $eras a2t)ations in t1e IBP National

    Con3ention in 8)estion.


    It is )ndisp)ted t1at Att+. de $era re2ei3ed a 2op+ o0 t1e 2omplaint a*ainst 1im and

    t1at 1e as present 1en t1e matter as ta9en )p. rom t1e trans2ript o0 t1e

    steno*rap1i2 notes o0 t1e ?H Ma+ meetin* 1erein Att+. de $era as remo3ed,

    it is patent t1at Att+. de $era as *i3en 0air opport)nit+ to de0end 1imsel0 a*ainst

    t1e a22)sations made 7+ Att+. Ri3era.


    Att+. de $era, 1oe3er, additionall+ 8)estions t1e 0a2t t1at Att+. Ri3era, 1o

    a)t1ored t1e 2omplaint a*ainst 1im, also 3oted 0or 1is exp)lsion ma9in* 1im

    a22)ser, prose2)tor and =)d*e at t1e same time. Att+. de $era li9eise laments t1e

    0a2t t1at Att+. Ri3era initiall+ in1i7ited 1imsel0 0rom 3otin* 7)t 1en t1is res)lted in

    t1e de0eat o0 1is motion 0or la29 o0 t1e ne2essar+ H 3ote, 1e a*reed to anot1er

    ro)nd o0 3otin* and t1at, t1is time, 1e 3oted in 0a3or o0 1is motion.


    or t1e re2ord, o0 t1e nine *o3ernors 2omprisin* t1e IBP Board, six 3oted 0or Att+. de

    $eras exp)lsion 4in2l)din* Att+. Ri3era5 1ile H 3oted a*ainst it 4in2l)din* Att+. de



    Se2tion DD 4se2ond para*rap15 o0 t1e IBP B+-%as pro3ides:


    An+ mem7er o0 t1e Board, ele2ti3e or ot1erise, ma+ 7e remo3ed 0or 2a)se,

    in2l)din* t1ree 2onse2)ti3e a7sen2es 0rom Board meetin*s it1o)t =)sti6a7le

    ex2)se, 7+ resol)tion adopted 7+ to-t1irds o0 t1e "$1!//8 mem7ers o0 t1e

    Board, s)7=e2t to t1e appro3al o0 t1e S)preme Co)rt. 4!mp1asis s)pplied.5


    Under t1e r)les, a resol)tion 0or exp)lsion o0 an IBP Go3ernor is done via a

    resol)tion adopted 7+ H o0 t1e remainin* mem7ers. "1e p1rase remainin*

    mem7ers re0ers to t1e mem7ers ex2l)si3e o0 t1e 2omplainant mem7er and t1e


  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    respondent mem7er. "1e reason t1ere0ore is t1at s)21 mem7ers are interested

    parties and are t1)s pres)med to 7e )na7le to resol3e said motion impartiall+. "1is

    7ein* t1e 2ase, t1e 3otes o0 Att+s. Ri3era and de $era s1o)ld 7e stri29en-oK 1i21

    means t1at onl+ t1e 3otes o0 t1e se3en remainin* mem7ers are to 7e 2o)nted. O0

    t1e se3en remainin* mem7ers, 63e 3oted 0or exp)lsion 1ile to 3oted a*ainst it

    1i21 still adds )p to t1e H 3ote re8)irement 0or exp)lsion.


    !he *$+ $oard removed Atty. de &era as *$+ ,overnor for just and valid



    All t1e 2on2erned parties to t1is 2ase a*ree t1at 1at 2onstit)tes 2a)se 0or t1e

    remo3al o0 an IBP Go3ernor 1as not 7een de6ned 7+ Se2tion DD o0 t1e IBP B+-%asal7eit it in2l)des t1ree 2onse2)ti3e a7sen2es 0rom Board meetin*s it1o)t

     =)sti6a7le ex2)se. "1)s, t1e IBP Board ar*)es t1at it is 3ested it1 s)

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    2annot spea9 0or its mem7ers in an a)t1oritati3e 0as1ion. It o)ld a22ordin*l+

    diminis1 t1e IBPs presti*e and rep)te it1 t1e la+ers as ell as it1 t1e *eneral



    As a means o0 sel0-preser3ation, interne2ine 2onJi2ts m)st t1)s 7e ad=)sted it1in

    t1e *o3ernin* 7oard itsel0 so as to 0ree it 0rom t1e stresses t1at in3aria7l+ arise

    1en internal 2lea3a*es are made p)7li2.


     "1e do2trine o0 ma=orit+ r)le is almost )ni3ersall+ )sed as a me21anism 0or

    ad=)stin* and resol3in* 2onJi2ts and disa*reements it1in t1e *ro)p a0ter t1e

    mem7ers 1a3e 7een *i3en an opport)nit+ to 7e 1eard. 1ile it does not eKa2e

    2onJi2ts, nonet1eless, on2e a de2ision on a 2ontentio)s matter is rea21ed 7+ a

    ma=orit+ 3ote, t1e dissentin* minorit+ is 7o)nd t1ere7+ so t1at t1e 7oard 2an spea9

    it1 one 3oi2e, 0or t1ose ele2ted to t1e *o3ernin* 7oard are deemed to impli2itl+

    2ontra2t t1at t1e ill o0 t1e ma=orit+ s1all *o3ern in matters it1in t1e a)t1orit+ o0

    t1e 7oard.>/H@


     "1e IBP Board, t1ere0ore, as ell it1in its ri*1t in remo3in* Att+. de $era as t1e

    latters a2t)ations d)rin* t1e ?t1 National IBP Con3ention ere detrimental to t1e

    role o0 t1e IBP Board as t1e *o3ernin* 7od+ o0 t1e IBP. 1en t1e IBP Board is not

    seen 7+ t1e 7ar and t1e p)7li2 as a 2o1esi3e )nit, it 2annot eKe2ti3el+ per0orm its

    d)t+ o0 1elpin* t1e S)preme Co)rt en0or2e t1e 2ode o0 le*al et1i2s and t1e

    standards o0 le*al pra2ti2e as ell as impro3e t1e administration o0 =)sti2e.

    In 3ie o0 t1e importan2e o0 retainin* *ro)p 2o1esi3eness and )nit+, t1e exp)lsion

    o0 a mem7er o0 t1e 7oard 1o insists on 7rin*in* to t1e p)7li2 1is disa*reement

    it1 a poli2+resol)tion appro3ed 7+ t1e ma=orit+ a0ter d)e dis2)ssion, 2annot 7e

    0a)lted. "1e eKe2ti3eness o0 t1e 7oard as a *o3ernin* 7od+ ill 7e ne*ated i0 its

    prono)n2ements are resisted in p)7li2 7+ a 7oard mem7er.


    Indeed, 1en a mem7er o0 a *o3ernin* 7od+ 2annot a22ept t1e 3oi2e o0 t1e

    ma=orit+, 1e s1o)ld resi*n t1ere0rom so t1at 1e 2o)ld 2riti2ie in p)7li2 t1e ma=orit+opinionde2ision to 1is 1earts 2ontent ot1erise, 1e s)7=e2ts 1imsel0 to dis2iplinar+

    a2tion 7+ t1e 7od+.


    !he removal of Atty. de &era as member of the $oard of ,overnors ipso

    facto meant his removal as &+ as well 


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     "1e remo3al o0 Att+. de $era as mem7er o0 t1e Board o0 Go3ernors ipso

    facto meant 1is remo3al as !$P as ell. Se2tion D;, Arti2le $II o0 t1e B+-%as o0 t1e

    IBP pro3ides:


    #C. )/. National "cers. "1e Inte*rated Bar o0 t1e P1ilippines s1all 1a3e a

    President and !xe2)ti3e $i2e President to 7e 21osen 7+ t1e Board o0 Go3ernors 0rom

    amon* nine 4E5 re*ional *o3ernors, as m)21 as pra2ti2a7le, on a rotation 7asis. x x



     "1)s, to 7e !$P o0 t1e IBP, one m)st ne2essaril+ 7e a mem7er o0 IBP Board o0

    Go3ernors. Att+. de $eras remo3al 0rom t1e Board o0 Go3ernors, a)tomati2all+

    dis8)ali6ed 1im 0rom a2tin* as IBP !$P. "o insist ot1erise o)ld 7e 2ontrar+ to

    Se2tion D; o0 t1e IBP B+-%as.


    !he Court will not interfere with the -esolution of the *$+ $oard to remove

     Atty. de &era since it was rendered without grave abuse of discretion


    1ile it is tr)e t1at t1e S)preme Co)rt 1as 7een *ranted an extensi3e poer o0

    s)per3ision o3er t1e IBP,>/D@ it is axiomati2 t1at s)21 poer s1o)ld 7e exer2ised

    pr)dentl+. "1e poer o0 s)per3ision o0 t1e S)preme Co)rt o3er t1e IBP s1o)ld not

    pre2l)de t1e IBP 0rom exer2isin* its reasona7le dis2retion espe2iall+ in t1e

    administration o0 its internal aKairs *o3erned 7+ t1e pro3isions o0 its B+-%as. "1e

    IBP B+-%as ere pre2isel+ dra0ted and prom)l*ated so as to de6ne t1e poers and

    0)n2tions o0 t1e IBP and its o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    t1e ma=orit+. "1e 0ore*oin* r)les ser3e to ne*ate t1e possi7ilit+ o0 t1e IBP Board

    a2tin* on t1e 7asis o0 personal interest or mali2e o0 its indi3id)al mem7ers. (en2e,

    t1e a2tions and resol)tions o0 t1e IBP Board deser3e to 7e a22orded t1e disp)ta7le

    pres)mption>//@ o0 3alidit+, 1i21 s1all 2ontin)e, )ntil and )nless it is o3er2ome 7+

    s)7stantial e3iden2e and a2t)all+ de2lared in3alid 7+ t1e S)preme Co)rt. In t1e

    a7sen2e o0 an+ alle*ation and s)7stantial proo0 t1at t1e IBP Board 1as a2tedit1o)t or in ex2ess o0 its a)t1orit+ or it1 *ra3e a7)se o0 dis2retion, e s1all not

    7e pers)aded to o3ert)rn and set aside t1e Boards a2tion or resol)tion.

     "1ere is no 8)estion t1at t1e IBP Board 1as t1e a)t1orit+ to remo3e its mem7ers as

    pro3ided in Arti2le $I, Se2tion DD>/;@ o0 t1e IBP B+-%as. Iss)e arises onl+ as to

    1et1er t1e IBP Board a7)sed its a)t1orit+ and dis2retion in resol3in* to remo3e

    Att+. de $era 0rom 1is post as an IBP Go3ernor and !$P. As 1as 7een pre3io)sl+

    esta7lis1ed 1erein, Att+. de $eras remo3al 0rom t1e IBP Board as in a22ordan2e

    it1 d)e pro2ess and t1e IBP Board a2ted ell it1in t1e a)t1orit+ and dis2retion

    *ranted to it 7+ its B+-%as. "1ere 7ein* no *ra3e a7)se o0 dis2retion on t1e part o0

    t1e IBP Board, e 6nd no reason to inter0ere in t1e Boards resol)tion to remo3e Att+.

    de $era.

    !he election of Atty. #ala1ar by the *$+ $oard as *$+ &+ in replacement of 

     Atty. e &era was conducted in accordance with the authority granted to

    the $oard by the *$+ $y34aws


    In t1e same manner, e 6nd no reason to dist)r7 t1e a2tion ta9en 7+ t1e H-

    IBP Board o0 Go3ernors in 1oldin* a spe2ial ele2tion to 6ll-in t1e 3a2ant post

    res)ltin* 0rom t1e remo3al o0 Att+. de $era as !$P o0 t1e IBP sin2e t1e same is a

    p)rel+ internal matter, done it1o)t *ra3e a7)se o0 dis2retion, and implemented

    it1o)t 3iolatin* t1e R)les and B+-%as o0 t1e IBP.


    it1 t1e remo3al o0 Att+. de $era 0rom t1e Board, 7+ 3irt)e o0 t1e IBP Board

    Resol)tion dated ?H Ma+ , 1e as also remo3ed 0rom 1is post as !$P t1)s,

    t1ere as a res)ltant 3a2an2+ in t1e position o0 IBP !$P.


    Arti2le $I, Se2tion D?4*5 o0 t1e IBP B+-%as expressl+ *rants to t1e Board t1e

    a)t1orit+ to 6ll 3a2an2ies, 1oe3er arisin*, in t1e IBP positions, s)7=e2t to t1e

    pro3isions o0 Se2tion F o0 t1e Inte*ration R)le,>/F@ and Se2tion ?? 4$a2an2ies5,>/E@ Se2tion DD 4Remo3al o0 mem7ers5,>;@ Se2tion D; 4National o;?@ Se2tion DF

    4ot1er o;@ and Se2tion DE 4"erms o0 O;H@ o0 t1e B+-%as. "1e IBP Board

    1as spe2i62 and s)

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    3a2an2ies a0ter t1e remo3al o0 Att+. de $era. e 1a3e 0ait1 and 2on6den2e in t1e

    intelle2t)al, emotional and et1i2al 2ompeten2ies o0 t1e remainin* mem7ers o0 t1e

    -; Board in dealin* it1 t1e sit)ation it1in t1e 7o)nds o0 t1e IBP R)les

    and B+-%as.


     "1e ele2tion 7+ t1e H- IBP Board o0 Go3ernors o0 a ne !$P, 1o ill

    ass)me t1e Presiden2+ 0or t1e term -;, as ell it1in t1e a)t1orit+ and

    prero*ati3e *ranted to t1e Board 7+ t1e IBP B+-%as, parti2)larl+ Arti2le $II, Se2tion

    D;, 1i21 pro3ides t1at >t@1e !$P s1all a)tomati2all+ 7e2ome President 0or t1e next

    s)22eedin* term. "1e p1rase 0or t1e next s)22eedin* term ne2essaril+ implies t1at

    t1e !$P t1at s1o)ld s)22eed Att+. Cadi as IBP President 0or t1e next s)22eedin*

    term 4i.e., -;5 s1o)ld 2ome 0rom t1e mem7ers o0 t1e H- IBP Board

    o0 Go3ernors. (en2e, in A.M. No. -;-?E-SC, e restrained no IBP !$P eli2iano

    Ba)tista 0rom ass)min* t1e position o0 A2tin* President 7e2a)se e 1a3e +et to

    resol3e t1e 8)estion as to 1o s1all s)22eed Att+. Cadi 0rom t1e H- IBPBoard o0 Go3ernors.


    A22ordin*l+, t1e ele2tions o0 Go3ernor Santia*o on ?H ')ne as IBP !$P, and

    t1erea0ter, Go3ernor Salaar on ')ne , as t1e ne IBP !$P, )pon t1e

    relin8)is1ment o0 Go3. Santia*o o0 t1e position, ere 3alid.


    Neit1er 2an t1is Co)rt *i3e 2reden2e to t1e ar*)ment o0 Att+. #e $era t1at,

    ass)min* 1is remo3al as IBP Go3ernor and !$P as 3alid, 1is repla2ement as IBP

    !$P s1o)ld 2ome 0rom !astern Mindanao Re*ion p)rs)ant to t1e rotation r)le set

    0ort1 in Arti2le $II, Se2tion D;, o0 t1e IBP B+-%as.


    A22ordin* to Arti2le $II, Se2tion D;, o0 t1e IBP B+-%as, t1e !$P s1all 7e 21osen 7+

    t1e Board o0 Go3ernors 0rom amon* t1e nine Re*ional Go3ernors, as m)21 as

    pra2ti2a7le, on a rotation 7asis. "1is is 7ased on o)r prono)n2ements in Bar Matter

    DE?, 1erein e r)led:




    x x x x

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    H. "1e 0ormer s+stem o0 1a3in* t1e IBP President and !xe2)ti3e $i2e-President

    ele2ted 7+ t1e Board o0 Go3ernors 42omposed o0 t1e *o3ernors o0 t1e nine >E@ IBP

    re*ions5 0rom amon* t1emsel3es 4as pro3ided in Se2. D;, Art. $II, Ori*inal IBP B+-

    %as5 s1o)ld 7e restored. "1e ri*1t o0 a)tomati2 s)22ession 7+ t1e !xe2)ti3e $i2e-President to t1e presiden2+ )pon t1e expiration o0 t1eir to-+ear term 41i21 as

    a7olis1ed 7+ t1is Co)rtLs resol)tion dated ')l+ E, ?EFin Bar Matter No. F;5 s1o)ld

    7e as it is 1ere7+ restored.


    D. At t1e end o0 t1e PresidentLs to-+ear term, t1e !xe2)ti3e $i2e-President s1all

    a)tomati2all+ s)22eed to t1e o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697



    Moreo3er, t1e appli2ation o0 t1e rotation r)le is not a li2ense to disre*ard t1e spirit

    and p)rpose o0 t1e a)tomati2 s)22ession r)le, 7)t s1o)ld 7e applied in 1armon+

    it1 t1e latter. "1e a)tomati2 s)22ession r)le aKords t1e IBP leaders1ip transition

    seamless and ena7les t1e ne IBP National President to attend to pressin* and)r*ent matters it1o)t 1a3in* to expend 3al)a7le time 0or t1e )s)al ad=)stment

    and leaders1ip 2onsolidation period. "1e time t1at an IBP !$P spends assistin* a

    sittin* IBP President on matters national in s2ope is in 0a2t a 3al)a7le and

    indispensa7le preparation 0or t1e e3ent)al s)22ession. It s1o)ld also 7e pointed o)t

    t1at t1is isdom is 0)rt1er )nders2ored 7+ t1e 0a2t t1at an IBP !$P is ele2ted 0rom

    amon* t1e mem7ers o0 t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors, 1o are ser3in* in a national

    2apa2it+, and not 0rom t1e mem7ers at lar*e. It is intrinsi2 in t1e IBP B+-%as t1at

    one 1o is to ass)me t1e 1i*1est position in t1e IBP m)st 1a3e 7een exposed to t1e

    demands and responsi7ilities o0 national leaders1ip.

    It o)ld t1ere0ore 7e 2onsistent it1 t1e p)rpose and spirit o0 t1e a)tomati2s)22ession r)le 0or Go3ernor Salaar to ass)me t1e post o0 IBP President. B+

    ele2tin* t1e repla2ement !$P 0rom amon* t1e mem7ers o0 t1e H- Board o0

    Go3ernors, t1e IBP 7ene6ts 0rom t1e experien2e o0 t1e IBP !$P o0 H- in t1is

    2ase, Go3ernor Salaar 1o o)ld 1a3e ser3ed in a national 2apa2it+ prior to 1is

    ass)mption o0 t1e 1i*1est position.


    It ill also 7e in2onsistent it1 t1e p)rpose and spirit o0 t1e a)tomati2 s)22ession

    r)le i0 t1e !$P 0or t1e term H- ill 7e ele2ted ex2l)si3el+ 7+ t1e mem7ers o0 

    t1e (o)se o0 #ele*ates o0 t1e !astern Mindanao re*ion. "1is Co)rt notes t1at t1eremo3al o0 Att+. #e $era in ?H Ma+ as a7o)t a mont1 7e0ore t1e expiration o0 

    t1e term o0 o

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697


    experien2e and t1e perspe2ti3e t1at onl+ one 1o is 1oned in ser3i2e 1ile ser3in*

    in a national post in t1e IBP o)ld 1a3e.


    e t1ere0ore r)le t1at t1e IBP Board o0 Go3ernors a2ted in a22ordan2e it1 t1e IBP

    B+-%as, in ele2tin* Att+. Salaar as IBP !$P and in ens)rin* a s)22ession in t1e

    leaders1ip o0 t1e IBP. (ad t1e Board o0 Go3ernors not done so, t1ere o)ld 1a3e

    7een no one 8)ali6ed to ass)me t1e Presiden2+ o0 t1e IBP on ? ')l+ , p)rs)ant

    to Se2tion D; o0 t1e IBP B+-%as.


    *HEREFORE, in 3ie o0 t1e 0ore*oin*, e r)le as 0ollos:


    ?5 SUSPEND Att+. %eonard de $era in A.C. No. //E; 0rom t1e pra2ti2e o0la 0or "O 45 !ARS, eKe2ti3e 0rom t1e 6nalit+ o0 t1is Resol)tion. %et a 2op+ o0

    t1is Resol)tion 7e atta21ed to t1e personal re2ord o0 Att+. %eonard de $era and

    2opies 0)rnis1ed t1e Inte*rated Bar o0 t1e P1ilippines and t1e O

  • 8/18/2019 A.C. No. 6697
