Abstrak 2 Skin Stem Cell

In healthy individuals, skin integrity is maintained by epidermal stem cells which self-renew and generate daughter cells that undergo terminal differentiation. Despite accumulation of senescence markers in aged skin, epidermal stem cells are maintained at normal levels throughout life. Therefore, skin ageing is induced by impaired stem cell mobilisation or reduced number of stem cells able to respond to proliferative signals. In the skin, existence of several distinct stem cell populations has been reported. Genetic labelling studies detected multipotent stem cells of the hair follicle bulge to support regeneration of hair follicles but not been responsible for maintaining interfollicular epidermis, which exhibits a distinct stem cell population. Hair follicle epithelial stem cells have at least a dual function: hair follicle remodelling in daily life and epidermal regeneration whenever skin integrity is severely compromised, e.g. after burns. Bulge cells, the first adult stem cells of the hair follicle been identified, are capable of forming hair follicles, interfollicular epidermis and sebaceous glands. In addition, – at least in murine hair follicles – they can also give rise to non-epithelial cells, indicating a lineage-independent pluripotent character. Multipotent cells (skin-derived precursor cells) are present in human dermis; dermal stem cells represent 0.3% among human dermal foreskin fibroblasts. A resident pool of progenitor cells exists within the sebaceous gland, which is able to differentiate into both sebocytes and interfollicular epidermis. The self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation of skin stem cells make these cells attractive for ageing process studies but also for regenerative medicine, tissue repair, gene therapy and cell-based therapy with autologous adult stem cells not only in dermatology. In addition, they provide in vitro models to study epidermal lineage selection and its role in the ageing process. Pada individu yang sehat, integritas kulit dijaga oleh stem cell epidermal yang selalu meregenerasi diri dan menghasilkan sel anak yang melakukan diferensiasi terminal. Meskipun terjadi akumulasi sejumlah penanda (marker) penuaan kulit, stem cell epidermal masih berada dalam batas normal di sepanjang


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Transcript of Abstrak 2 Skin Stem Cell

In healthy individuals, skin integrity is maintained by epidermal stem cells which self-renew and generate daughter cells that undergo terminal differentiation. Despite accumulation of senescence markers in aged skin, epidermal stem cells are maintained at normal levels throughout life. Therefore, skin ageing is induced by impaired stem cell mobilisation or reduced number of stem cells able to respond to proliferative signals. In the skin, existence of several distinct stem cell populations has been reported. Genetic labelling studies detected multipotent stem cells of the hair follicle bulge to support regeneration of hair follicles but not been responsible for maintaining interfollicular epidermis, which exhibits a distinct stem cell population. Hair follicle epithelial stem cells have at least a dual function: hair follicle remodelling in daily life and epidermal regeneration whenever skin integrity is severely compromised, e.g. after burns. Bulge cells, the first adult stem cells of the hair follicle been identified, are capable of forming hair follicles, interfollicular epidermis and sebaceous glands. In addition, at least in murine hair follicles they can also give rise to non-epithelial cells, indicating a lineage-independent pluripotent character. Multipotent cells (skin-derived precursor cells) are present in human dermis; dermal stem cells represent 0.3% among human dermal foreskin fibroblasts. A resident pool of progenitor cells exists within the sebaceous gland, which is able to differentiate into both sebocytes and interfollicular epidermis. The self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation of skin stem cells make these cells attractive for ageing process studies but also for regenerative medicine, tissue repair, gene therapy and cell-based therapy with autologous adult stem cells not only in dermatology. In addition, they provide in vitro models to study epidermal lineage selection and its role in the ageing process.

Pada individu yang sehat, integritas kulit dijaga oleh stem cell epidermal yang selalu meregenerasi diri dan menghasilkan sel anak yang melakukan diferensiasi terminal. Meskipun terjadi akumulasi sejumlah penanda (marker) penuaan kulit, stem cell epidermal masih berada dalam batas normal di sepanjang kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, penuaan pada kulit sebetulnya ditenggarai oleh adanya gangguan mobilisasi stem cell dan menurunnya jumlah stem cell yang mampu berespons terhadap sinyal proliferatif. Pada kulit, terdapat beberapa populasi stem cell yang berbeda. Suatu studi berbasis genetik mendeteksi stem cell multipoten dari tonjolan folikel rambut yang menyokong regenerasi folikel rambut tetapi tidak mempertahankan jumlah epidermis interfolikuler. Stem cell epitel folikel rambut setidaknya memiliki dua fungsi yakni melakukan remodelling folikel rambut dan meregenerasi lapisan epidermis di saat terjadi kerusakan integritas kulit yang hebat misalnya setelah luka bakar. Bulge cell yang merupakan stem cell folikel rambut orang dewasa, telah diidentifikasi sebagai sel yang mampu membentuk folikel rambut, epidermis interfolikuler, dan kelenjar sebasea. Selain itu, sel ini juga dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel-sel non-epitel, yang menunjukkan bahwa bulge cell memiliki karakter pluripoten dengan garis keturunan yang independen. Sel-sel multipoten (yakni sel-sel prekursor yang berasal dari kulit) terdapat pada dermis manusia; yaitu stem cell dermal. Populasi sel-sel progenitor terdapat di dalam kelenjar sebasea, yang dapat berdiferensiasi menjadi sebosit ataupun epidermis interfolikuler. Sifat stem cell kulit yang memperbarui diri secara terus menerus (self-renewal) dan memiliki banyak alur diferensiasi (multi-lineage differentiation ) membuat sel-sel ini berperan penting pada setiap studi yang mempelajari proses penuaan serta pengobatan regeneratif, perbaikan jaringan, terapi gen, dan terapi berbasis sel dengan stem cell autolog manusia. Selain itu, stem cell kulit secara in vitro berguna untuk mempelajari seleksi garis diferensiasi epidermal dan perannya dalam proses penuaan.