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Absence Lates and Behaviour – Student User Guide

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Introduction The Absence Module enables you to record student absence, late arrival, early departure, demerits and merits. Information entered in this module will default to Student View/Scholastic. In Timetable, Timetable/Calendar Setup you will need to enter Non National Holiday and Term dates as well as any other non School days your School may have. Weekends do not need to be entered as holidays. This will mean entering Term Holidays or other dates such as Student Free Days. Absences can also be entered through Roll Marking and Quick Student Data Entry.

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Prerequisites: ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Maintenance Codes .................................................................................................................... 3 Behaviour ................................................................................................................................ 4 Merits ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Time of Day ............................................................................................................................. 5 Action ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Recalculate Absences ................................................................................................................. 6 Propagate the Calendar .............................................................................................................. 7

Holiday Dates .......................................................................................................................... 7 Timetable Cycle Dates ............................................................................................................ 8

Absence Cut Off Date, Timetable Periods per day, Timetable Cycle Days .................................. 9 System File Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 9 Timetable .............................................................................................................................. 10

Creating Periods for Absence Marking ...................................................................................... 11 Absent Codes ................................................................................................................................... 12 Entering Students Absences and Behaviour ................................................................................. 13

Absences .................................................................................................................................. 13 Add a single day’s absence ................................................................................................... 13 Adding multiple days Absence .............................................................................................. 14 Adding a Single Period Absence ........................................................................................... 15 Adding Multiple Period Absences .......................................................................................... 16

Late ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Behaviour Issues ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Creating Detentions and Discipline incidents ......................................................................... 19 Creating a Follow Up record .................................................................................................. 20

Merits ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Running Reports .............................................................................................................................. 22

Absence Reports ...................................................................................................................... 22 Behaviour .................................................................................................................................. 24 Action ........................................................................................................................................ 25

Reports ................................................................................................................................. 25 Sign Off ................................................................................................................................. 26

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Prerequisites: Several prerequisites need to be completed to before absences can be entered and accurately record a Students presence status;

• Maintenance Codes: Codes that may need additional information to better suit your schools environment are;

o Behaviour o Merits o Time of Day (Detention-Discipline) o Action (Detention-Discipline)

• Recalculate Absences

• Propagate the Calendar o Timetable Cycle Dates o Holiday Dates

• Absence Cut Off Date

• Timetable Periods per day

• Timetable Cycle Days

Maintenance Codes Path: Utilities → Maintenance Codes To add a new code to Maintenance View, select the Type you want to edit, click within the Code or description area to activate. Scroll to the last line, Tab (key) to the next line, enter a unique code Tab (key) and enter a description. Tab (key) to save. You must refresh the Scholastic Module. Only then will the added codes be available for use.

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To add to the Behaviour file, select Behaviour from the drop-down list, scroll to the last line, and then tab to the next free line to enter the information.


Select Merits to add to your selection. Code fields may need to be set up to better reflect the school’s requirements.

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Time of Day

These codes are utilised within Detention and Discipline.


If Action is not available please click Clear on the top toolbar and enter ACTION, tab down to save. Add Codes to be used to describe follow up action against incidents recorded in Detention and Discipline.

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Recalculate Absences Path: Administration → Year End-Housekeeping. Days Absent can be recalculated for any time interval. Schools may use this facility if the Days Absent is to be shown on the Assessment Reports restricted to a term. To recalculate, go to Year End and Housekeeping. This routine can be run at any time and will effectively set the absence count to only what has occurred since the Date From. Any further absences will increment this amount. These dates can be set for individual terms.

With this feature you can;

1. Recalculate Absence/Lates/Merits

This process will recalculate absences from and to a given date this can be used for reporting where specific dates are required.

2. Recalculate Subject Absence

If using Timetable this will calculate absences against subjects.

3. Recalculate Absence Day Interval

If the Absence Interval in the Timetable Period is changed this will recalculate and record the changes.

4. Date From Enter the date you want to start recording absences from. 5. Date To Enter the date, absences will increment from the current date. 6. Begin Process Click to start the process.

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Propagate the Calendar Prior to Propagating turn back the date on the computer you are working on to beginning of the year, this process does not affect other users of PCSchool. Make sure you change the date back when finished. Path: Scholastic → Timetable → Timetable/Calendar Setup Holiday Dates Enter the Dates for the Holidays then click Propagate to Calendar. Absences will not be accepted for the inclusive dates. You do not need to enter weekends.

1. Check Holiday Dates. 2. Enter the dates of the Holidays. 3. After turning the date back on the computer click Propagate to Calendar.

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Timetable Cycle Dates This is optional unless the Time Table is being used. Enter the Dates for the Terms then click Propagate to Calendar. Absences will only be accepted for the inclusive dates. You do not need to enter weekends.

Enter Timetable term dates as below;

1. Enter the Timetable Term details.


Enter the start say for the Timetable cycle;

•••• For example if the Term starts on a day other than Monday you may wish start the Timetable cycle on that day of the week.

•••• 1 would equal Monday, 2 Tuesday etc. 3. Select how you would like the Timetable to behave over a weekday Holiday. 4. Check if Saturday is to be classified as a School Day.

5. After changing the date back to the first Term Date on the computer; click Propagate to Calendar.

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Absence Cut Off Date, Timetable Periods per day, Timetable Cycle Days Path: Utilities → System File Maintenance → Tab 3 Non Financial Defaults. These areas will be set up by your system administrator. The Timetable Cycle Days can be entered in two different areas, they only need to be entered in one of the following;

• System File Maintenance

• Timetable. System File Maintenance If a School wishes to keep records from year to year on absences, there is an option to set a display date. This could be set to the first day of each term as preferred.

Follow the steps below to check the prerequisites;

1. Timetable Cycle Days

Enter if using Timetable or Roll Marking;

• If Using; enter the amount of days in the timetable.

• If Not Using; enter the amount of days for tracking Overdue Roll Marking.

2. Timetable Pds per Day Connects to the Time of Day and unless timetable periods are entered will default to AM and PM.

3. Absence Cut off Date Display Absence and Lates since this date.

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Path: Timetable → Timetable/Calendar Setup → System Entries

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Creating Periods for Absence Marking

Path: Timetable → Timetable Period Description A default Timetable Period of AM and PM and a single day comes with PCSchool. Additional periods can be added to allow for more accurate absenteeism reporting. The absence Interval must be entered for accurate absence marking. It is optional to set up the periods as below unless using roll marking, but if using Am and Pm they would need an Absence Interval totalling 1 for example .50 each. Example of a standard Timetable Period view, the Absence Interval must Total 1.

Example of the Timetable Period view set up for Roll and Period absence marking. Your Periods may differ from the example below.

To set up timetable Periods follow the steps below;

1. Code Enter a code for this period, if using days you can use the numbers 1 to 12.

2. Day This can be 0 or you can enter the days such as 1 for Monday you would then need to setup periods for each day.

3. Heading Enter your description for the Period. If using days this could be D1-P2. 4. Type Select the appropriate code from the list.

5. Roll Check if this is to be used in Roll Marking or Absence View. 6. Start Optional; enter a time. 7. End Optional; enter a time. 8. Duration Will calculate automatically from the times entered.

9. Sort Order Enter a numeric value if you wish the sorting to be in a specific order, if using days this would be useful.

10. Absence Int. The total of this column for the Codes 1 to PM must equal 1; otherwise absence reporting will not be correct.

11. Time of Day Enter a value, this can be AM, PM or 1 to 12.

•••• Save by tabbing to the next line. You must refresh the screen for the periods to become active.

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Absent Codes Absent Codes are stored in XML format under PCSchool Documents. The codes used give varying results. It is not suggested you alter this without consulting the PCSchool Help Desk. Codes will calculate as Present = P – Absent but Justified = J – Absent and Unjustified = A.

•••• ? Letter not Received

•••• B Family Bereavement/Circumstances

•••• C Attending a School Camp

•••• D Doctor/Dentist Appointment

•••• E Absence Explained but Unjustified

•••• F Attending an Offsite Course

•••• G Group Suspended

•••• H Attending a Health Camp/Regional Health School/Residential School

•••• I* Internal School Appointment

•••• J Attending Justice Court Proceedings

•••• K Attending Alternative Education

•••• L Student Late for Class

•••• M Short Term Illness/Medical Reasons

•••• N School based Activity

•••• O Student on Overseas Holiday

•••• P Present

•••• Q Attending School Trip

•••• R Removed Temporarily from Class

•••• S Sickbay

•••• T Unexplained Truant

•••• U Temporarily Withdrawn/Stood Down

•••• V Study Period

•••• W Work Experience

•••• X On Exam Leave

•••• Y Attending an Activity Centre

•••• 9 Student Not a Member of this Class

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Entering Students Absences and Behaviour Information entered in this Module is accessible for reporting on. A record can be kept of all absenteeism and disciplinary action during the Student’s lifetime at the College. Path: Scholastic → Administration → Absence, Lates and Behaviour - Student Student Code: Select a Student from the drop-down list or scan the barcode if available. The Days Absent, Late and Detentions information will automatically update as the information is entered.


Add a single day’s absence

Adding one day’s absence is a simple procedure and just takes a few steps to complete.

To add a Students absence follow the steps below;

1. Student Code Select a Student.

2. Status Select the Status; this can be edited later if necessary. 3. Date Select the date of the absence.

4. Add day Absence Click to create the absence. 5. Status Will default from Status, this can only be edited later if necessary.

6. Days Will default to 1, providing no subject study period subject is attached to the Student.

7. Reason Select from the predefined list or type in the Reason. 8. Save Absence Click to Save.

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Adding Multiple days Absences

Adding Multiple days absence is simply done by adding the correct dates, if the dates cover a weekend or holiday as pre entered PCSchool will take this into account.

To enter Multiple days absences follow the steps below;

1. Student Code Select a Student 2. Date From Select the Date From, this date is inclusive. 3. Date To Select the Date To, this date is inclusive. 4. Status Select the correct Status code.

5. Days Days will be calculated in accordance with the Status selected, weekends will not be included if the calendar has been calculated correctly.

6. Reason Select or type in the Reason for the Absence. 7. Days Absent This field keeps a running total of the Absent Days. 8. Save Absent Click to save the entry.

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Adding a Single Period Absence

You can easily add a single Period absence.

To add single period absences follow the steps below;

1. Student Code Select a Student 2. Date Will default to today’s date, can edit.

3. Time Select the Time Period for the Absence, the list available is based upon the Timetable Periods set up.

4. Add Pd Abs for Displayed

Click to add a single period absence.

5. Status Will default; can edit. 6. Reason Select from the list, type in the reason or leave blank. 7. Save Absence Click Save.

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Adding Multiple Period Absences

Period Absence View will show the absences as set up in Timetable Periods so may differ from this view.

To add period absences use the information below;

1. Edit boxes

Displays the Period Absences already entered;

•••• Can Edit the Reason drop down list.

•••• An * denotes a Subject study period.

•••• Individual Period absences can be selected here.

2. Check boxes

If adding multiple period absences for one Status check the boxes then;

• Either select the Status then.

• Click Set Tagged Periods.

• Or Click Tag? To add the truant ? to the tagged periods. 3. Tag All Optional; Click to tag all Periods. 4. Un tag All Optional; Click to untag all Periods. 5. Reason Select a reason for changes.

6. Follow Up Comment

Optional; Enter your freeform comment.

7. Roll Marking View grid; Only active if Roll Marking has been completed. 8. Clear Click to remove any unsaved entries. 9. Exit No Save Exit without saving the changes. 10. Save and Exit Click to Exit and Save the changes.

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Marking a Student Late or recording a student away from class can be easily entered.

To mark a Student late follow the steps below;

1. Default Type Will default to ‘Late’ select a different option as required. 2. Add Late Click to add a ‘Late’ for the current Date and Time, can edit afterwards. 3. Date Select Date if entering manually and not using Add Late. 4. Time Enter the time for the incident.

5. Late/Early

Defaults to Type Selected, can edit:

•••• L = Late arrival

•••• E = Early departure

•••• S = Sick Bay

•••• X = Excursion

•••• O = Out of Hours 6. Record Days Will default to 1.

7. Reason Select a Reason or Type in a Reason. 8. Save Late Click to Save.

9. Print Reason If printing a Late/Early Slip for parents to sign select whether or not to print the Reason.

10. Print Click to Print the Incident Slip.

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The Behaviour Module can be accessed through:

• Absence Lates and Behaviour – Student.

• Student Behaviour Notes icon on the coloured toolbar. To access from the icon the student must already be selected, they can be selected through many areas including Student View, Subjects or the Wizard.

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Creating Detentions and Discipline incidents

Adding Detentions and Discipline to a Students record.

To add Detentions and Discipline follow the steps below;

1. Date Select date or Click Add Incident to default to today’s date.

2. Reported by Optional; Click to select a staff member. Unless security is given, the staff member logged onto PCSchool will only see their own entries.

3. Time of Day Click to select.

4. Duration Enter a numeric value for example 1 for 1 hour or 1 minute depending upon school policy.

5. Subject Optional; Click to select. 6. Behaviour Click to select.

7. DeMerits Enter your schools interpretation of a demerit for this behaviour. 8. Comment Box Enter free-form comments if required. 9. Save Incident Click to save.

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Creating a Follow Up record

You can create a Follow Up record of the incident where more action may be required.

To add a Follow up record follow the steps below;

1. Date Select the date of the Follow up action. 2. Action Select from the pre-created list. 3. Time of Day Click to select.

4. Signoff Check when this incident is finished.

5. Duplicate Optional; Click into the Follow Up line you wish to Duplicate the incident.

6. Select new date Select a date for the duplicate incident. 7. Add Button Click to add the duplicate incident. 8. Next Click to add the date following the one selected.

9. Return to Behaviour Click to return the Follow on Incident to the Detention view. The follow on dates and incidents will be added.

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Adding Merits to a student.

To add Merits to a Student follow the steps below;

1. Date Click to select date or click Add Merit to default to today’s date.

2. Reported by Optional; Click to select a Teacher. 3. Subject Optional; Click to select a Subject.

4. Merit Click and select a merit type. 5. Value: Optional; Enter a numeric value.

6. Comment Box Optional; Enter a comment. 7. Save Merit Click to save.

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Running Reports Path: Scholastic → Administration → Absence and Behaviour Reports

Absence Reports Student Absence Reports can be run using several filters to define the information you receive many reports are available, it is suggested you run the various reports to view the different format of information.

Select the filters using the information below;

1. Use Tag Set If using a Tag Set refer to the Tag Set Tech tip for further information.

•••• Only use filters from 3 to 6 if not using a Tag Set.

2. Select Date Range Select the dates you wish to see the absences for.

3. Select Student Code Optional: Select an individual Student. 4. Year Selection Will default to *C can edit.

5. Select Campus Optional: Only select if a multi campus school. 6. Teacher or Class Optional: Select a Teacher, Class or both. 7. Select on Reason Will Default to Print All, can edit.

8. Reason Includes Optional: Must be entered exactly the same as the reason in the absence.

9. Status is equal to Optional: Select a Status. 10. Select on Ethnicity Optional: Only active if the Report Style selected is Analysis.

11. Gender Will default to All, can edit. 12. Print Reason Option Will default to Print the Reason, can edit.

13. Report Style Will Default to Standard, can select Analysis.

14. Report Style Select a Report to print; the report selection will change if Analysis is selected.

15. Print Click to Print the report.

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Example of an Absence Report

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Behaviour Student Behaviour reports can be run for both positive and negative behaviour using several filters. If a Tag Set has been selected you will see a tick in the Use Tag Set field.

Use the Information below to help select the necessary filters for running the report:

1. Use Tag Set If using a Tag Set refer to the Tag Set Tech tip for further information.

•••• Only use filters from 3, 4, 5 and 7 if not using a Tag Set.

2. Select Date Range Select the dates you wish to see the behaviour incidents for. 3. Select Student Code Optional: Select an individual Student. 4. Year Selection Will default to *C can edit. 5. Select From Optional: Only select if a multi campus school. 6. Times of Day Will default to All, can edit. 7. Teacher or Class Optional: Select a Teacher, Class or both.

8. Select on Behaviour Type

Will default to All, can edit.

9. Print Reason Option Will default, can edit. 10. Report Style Will default to Standard, can edit. 11. Report Style Select a report, the options will change if Analysis is selected. 12. Print Click to Print the Report.

Example of a Behaviour Report;

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Action Reports Reporting on Follow up Action entered through the Absence Module Behavioural Incidents is available. If the incident has not been finalised it can be signed off in the Sign Off view.

Use the Information below to help select the necessary filters for running the report:

1. Use Tag Set If using a Tag Set refer to the Tag Set Tech tip for further information.

•••• Only use filters from 3, 4, 5 and 7 if not using a Tag Set.

2. Select Date Range Select the dates for the Reports and Signoff. 3. Select Student Code Optional: Select an individual Student.

4. Year Selection Will default to *C can edit. 5. Select Campus Optional: Only select if a multi campus school. 6. Action Type Will default to All, can edit. 7. Teacher Reported By Optional: Select a Teacher.

8. Select Based on Signoff

Select the information to view.

9. Print Comment Will default, can edit.

10. Report Style Select the Report. 11. Print Click to print the Report.

Example of an Action report.

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Sign Off You can view and Sign Off on the behaviour Action Incidents without having to open the Absence Module and searching for a Student.