Abraham-Hicks - A New Beginning I II Quotes Exercises

Abraham_Esther Hicks Abraham is a non-physical entity who speaks through Esther Hicks. Esther began speaking for Abraham in 1986. There are currently two books published by Esther dictated by Abraham. They are "A New Beginning" Volumes 1 and 2. There is also much information existing on cassette tapes directly from the Abraham-Hicks publication group. Click here for Abraham-Hicks Publications Click on the book cover image for the quotes The eye opener. Just a few pages into this book I knew I was reading the real deal. This book and it's sister volume (New Beginning II) are simply loaded with information. There is no beating around the bush. This book gives very specific and practical information on how to apply "conscious creation" in our lives. This book contains the "Earth Changes" stuff which for me was fairly disturbing for a few days. Considering the rest of the material in this book I had to take that stuff seriously also. I've pulled out 5 exercises (one is in New Beginning 2 - Meditation) and many quotes. This book is the most comprehensive of the two. This book revisits most of the material from book one and is the move valuable of the two (IMO). It explains why we are here and how to open the channel to our higher being. I have identified and pulled out nine exercises and several quotes. I'm betting that when writing this book Wallace was in contact with the Abraham entity. This book was written in 1910 and it contains so many of the Abraham concepts of conscious creation one cannot deny the possible connection. I'm so convinced I've added it here to the Abraham page. Wallace Wattles

Transcript of Abraham-Hicks - A New Beginning I II Quotes Exercises

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Abraham_Esther Hicks

Abraham is a non-physical entity who speaks through Esther Hicks. Esther began speaking for Abraham in 1986. There are currently two books published by Esther dictated by Abraham. They are "A New Beginning" Volumes 1 and 2. There is also much information existing on cassette tapes directly from the Abraham-Hicks publication group.

Click here for Abraham-Hicks Publications Click on the book cover image for the quotes

The eye opener. Just a few pages into this book I knew I was reading the real deal. This book and it's sister volume (New Beginning II) are simply loaded with information. There is no beating around the bush. This book gives very specific and practical information on how to apply "conscious creation" in our lives. This book contains the "Earth Changes" stuff which for me was fairly disturbing for a few days. Considering the rest of the material in this book I had to take that stuff seriously also. I've pulled out 5 exercises (one is in New Beginning 2 - Meditation) and many quotes.

This book is the most comprehensive of the two. This book revisits most of the material from book one and is the move valuable of the two (IMO). It explains why we are here and how to open the channel to our higher being. I have identified and pulled out nine exercises and several quotes.

I'm betting that when writing this book Wallace was in contact with the Abraham entity. This book was written in 1910 and it contains so many of the Abraham concepts of conscious creation one cannot deny the possible connection. I'm so convinced I've added it here to the Abraham page.

Wallace Wattles




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Selected quotes from

"A New Beginning, Volume 1" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "If you were able to see us as separate beings you would see us as approximately one hundred

beings." Page 2 "Those of us who are gathered here are together because we are of the same intention, and just as

you hold many intentions within your heart in any given moment, we do, as well." Page 3 "For in understanding your reasons for wanting to be in physical form, your physical experience will be

tremendously enhanced." Page 3 "The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into motion the creation, and

eventual fulfillment, of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment, of that which

you do NOT want." Page 7 "The thoughts that you set forth in combination with great emotion are the most powerful of your

thoughts." Page 8 "To summarize this segment of the Creative Process: Understand that all thoughts create -- and the

more emotion that is present at the time that a thought is set in motion, the faster the creation will be received -- and as frequent thought is given in any direction, without the hindrance of negative

thought, there is certain creation, eventually." Page 8 "Your emotions are not from your physical world. They come forth from the inner world and are

directly communicated to you from your Inner Being."" Page 15 "As you are feeling positive emotion - such as love, peace, happiness, joy, excitement, exhilaration ...

it is your Inner Being communicating to you in that moment that you are feeling the emotion - that your thoughts are in harmony with that which you are wanting, As you are experiencing negative emotion - such as fear or doubt, anger, hatred, jealousy, stress, guilt, anxiety .. it is a communication from your Inner Being telling you that in that moment - that which you are focused upon is not in

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harmony with what you are wanting." Page 16 "It is that you do not allow because you do not believe. What you believe regarding anything that you


BELIEFS. And so, in many cases your beliefs must he altered to harmonize with your intentions." Page 17 "For a belief is nothing more than a thought that you have thought before, that you continue to

think." Page 17 Showing rows: 1 - 10 of 54 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 1" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "When you effectively utilize the marvelous GUIDANCE SYSTEM that comes forth from your Inner

Being -- in the form of emotion -- then you will be in a position to always effectively create that which

you want, while you deliberately avoid creating that which you do not want."" Page 18 "Your thoughts are powerful creators, and your words are even more powerful than your thoughts,

but your actions are more powerful than your words or your thoughts." Page 23 "If you are wanting to know about those who surround you, if you are wondering whether they are

upon the path of their intent as they have come into physical expression, pay attention to the emotion that comes forth from within them, for it is not something that is easily hidden. When you are a joyous being, it is obvious, And the joy seeking being is always drawn to the being who is

experiencing joy. The Law of Attraction sees to that." Page 45 "In order for you to understand that blending, you must step back a bit and try to view yourself from

a broader perspective. You must see yourself as a being who has lived thousand of lifetimes, physical

and non-physical, one who has gained knowledge through all of those life experiences." Page 50

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"Each of you has specifically and excitedly chosen this particular time to be involved in what is taking

place upon this planet, for you understood, prior to coming to physical form, that this would, indeed,

be a time when more beings would receive upliftment than any other time upon Planet Earth." Page 52 "Our point, here, is that you are dominant in this physical experience. And no matter what decisions

have been made prior to this physical birth, you are attracting the others, with whom you are interacting, through your physical conscious thoughts. You have only to intend, now, in your new

awareness, that you will meet those with whom you have agreed to participate - and it will be." Page 53 "Most beings in your physical world are not seeking. Most have adopted beliefs that were present

around them on the day that they were born upon this earth. And most physical beings have done no real searching or thinking -- on their own. And so, as they do not search -- it is not surprising that

they do not find." Page 57 "As you observe others who are creating life experiences that are not in harmony with your desires, at

times it seems that they are too close for comfort, and you have a feeling as you are not wanting to

become involved in a negative situations that are happening around you." Page 60 "Everything that you experience is of your choosing, for as you give your thought and attention to a

thing -- you have chosen it, for that time." Page 61 "The revolving sphere upon which you live is in the process of readjustment. It is seeking balance.

Gradually, over a very long period of time, it has gotten out of balance. What that means to you, in a physical sense, is tat there will be a dramatic shifting as your planet realigns itself. From our broader perspective, we can tell you that this has occurred many times in the history of the existence of the earth. In fact, on more than one occasion, a much more dramatic shifting has occurred than what is to be experienced now. This is a partial shifting which will bring about much devastation in some areas

on the surface of your earth while other areas will be relatively free of destruction." Page 70 Showing rows: 11 - 20 of 54 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 1" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "Much information has already been gathered by those who have been studying the activity of your

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changing earth, and that information will be of value to you as you are choosing places of safety." Page 74 "We preface this information with this statement of knowledge: The majority of your thoughts which

bring forth fearful emotion have no valid basis." Page 77 "And so, the planet is always righting itself, and every 26,000 years or so, give or take a thousand or so..." Page 82 "When you understand that you control the events of your personal experience by the power of your thought, then your focused attention to that which you want will always bring forth excited emotion -- and the excited emotion is the indicator that your creation is being propelled forward." Page 86 "Continues attention to a problem attracts it into your experience. To remove it from your experience

you must remove your attention from it." Page 87 "...for as you make those statements -- through your thoughts, or as you voice them aloud, or as you

write tem with your pen upon paper -- you will set into motion the creation of those desires." Page 90 "That blending is accomplished, first, by recognizing that a broader "you" exists, and next, by wanting the blending, and finally, by allowing it. The allowing is accomplished by setting a time aside, in every day, with the intent to quiet your physical conscious thinking world, that you may experience the inner world." Page 94 "Recognize, in every day, that your perspective has changed, and make a new statement of what is

most important to you from your current perspective." Page 97 "...it is of value for you to continually counter that negative stimulation by restating your intention of perfect health. ANY CREATION THAT YOU SET INTO MOTION, WILL BE, UNLESS YOU GIVE THOUGHT TO SOMETHING THAT COUNTERS IT." Page 97 "BRIEF REVIEW OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS • Make more decisions, in every day, of what you intend, and as you do that, know that you have become an automatic sifter who will attract those beings and circumstances that will enhance that which you want, while you will ignore, or repel, those beings or circumstances that do not enhance that which you want. • Understand that all thought that you give toward that which you want furthers the creation of it, and that the feeling of positive emotion indicates the speed of your creation. • As you are moving through your day, be sensitive to the way that you feel, and recognize those negative warning bells at their early subtle stages. • Bring to your conscious mind the thought or word or action that has caused the warning bell to ring, and replace that thought with a thought of what you do want, and feel the negative emotion transformed to positive emotion, and as you are interacting with others, the same process may he

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applied." Page 104 Showing rows: 21 - 30 of 54 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 1" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "You live in a society where much criticism abounds. Through your television and radio and

newspapers there is much more searching for disharmony than there is searching for harmony. There is much more criticism than praise. But you need not participate within that attitude, and, in fact, you must not, because you are seeking harmony. The negative emotion that you feel as you listen to those broadcasts, or even as you listen to the negativity of a friend, is a very powerful signal to you

from your Inner Being letting you know that, in that moment, you are miscreating." Page 107 "When you really want something, you find an easy alignment of thought, word, and action -- and

that is the key." Page 127 "For the most part, the connection that you make will be a being of your "Family of Consciousness". It

is very unusual that you would attract one whose intentions were not in harmony with your own." Page 129 "I am wanting joyous communication. I am wanting to speak with those beings that are in harmony

with who I am, beings who will uplift me. I am wanting a high level of consciousness, for I understand that there are many frivilous beings, and I am not communicating for fun, so much as I am for

knowing." Page 130 "See yourself in perfect health, and if you will do it right before you sleep, then there will be many

hours where you will be unconscious, where you will not be doing any miscreating to counteract that." Page 142 "But if you have not intended anything about this segment and something occurs that catches you off

guard, then you are swept up by the influence of others, you see -- ad you may create in a direction

that is not really to your wanting." Page 143

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"But as you try (To deal with the unknown details) because you don't currently have enough

information, that is where your miscreating begins to occur. That is where fear comes in. That is when

you start worrying. And fear or worry is a signal that you are miscreating." Page 144 "But because there is this belief that "Because I am a certain color I am mistreated," then as I walk

the streets, I solicit that from every being with whom I interact." Page 149 "It is the reason that most relationships deteriorate: When you are drawn together, you are drawn

together by that which you are wanting, you see, but then as you are together, your focus is no longer

on what is wanted...but upon what is not wanted." Page 150 "As you are looking for your truth outside of yourself, hearing is through the words of others, you will

always have that question, for you will hear many different answers, but as you are looking for your truth from that which comes from within you, then you will never question it, for your Inner Being

knows the truth that is appropriate for you -- and you may trust it." Page 154 Showing rows: 31 - 40 of 54 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 1" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "If you can release the titles you have given to these negative emotions, such as guilt, jealousy,

anger, hate, frustration, anxiety, stress, fear, and recognize that they are all negative warning bells, then it will be easier for you to understand what the warning bell is trying to tell you. In most cases, the feeling of guilt comes forward not because you are doing something "wrong," - but because our

freedom is being suppressed." Page 156 "It is most important that you understand that you are in the physical because you have intended to

be. Your flesh and bone are proof of that, you see? And so, do not feel that you are focused where it is not meant to be, for you have intended to be focused here, you see. As you are wanting to accomplish the blending - indeed the awakening that you have so long been hearing about - we encourage setting a time aside of 15 or 20 minutes in every day for the allowing of that, but not more, and the rest of your focus, indeed, keep it here, in the here and now, for this is where you are creating, you see.

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There are many who do not understand that, and in part it is because they are wanting to escape. They have created that which they do not like, so now they are wanting to get on to something else, and so they are literally focusing outside of their reason for being here, you see. And it does not feel

right. Your emotion guides you, you see." Page 159 "...as you try to get your logical thoughts around that which is unknown - that is when you begin

doing your most negative creating." Page 173 "Now hear this: As you are intending that which you are wanting from the broader view, in other

words, something that is general, "I intend health. I intend happiness. I intend harmony .. 11 you will begin attracting those sorts of experiences without ever putting the detail into it. But as you are clearer about the details that you are wanting, then begin inserting the details so that you are, in a more finely tuned way, drawing the specific creation to yourself that you are wanting. But in that process, if you find yourself struggling because there are unknowns - and because they are unknown, you are bringing forth negative thought and negative emotion - then stop that, and back away from it

again. And begin creating on a broader, more general scale." Page 173 "...it is the "allowing" part that is, for the most part, a hindrance for you - and the allowing includes

ALL of your beliefs. If you do not believe that you should, or can, then you usually will not, you see? Now, you are saying "I am wanting a car." Until you get very specific about it, you may not get very excited about it, and when you understand that specifics bring forth excitement, then you understand the value of the specifics. If you want something very much, it is coming to you very fast, and if you

fear something very much, it is coming to you very fast." Page 176 "Now, if you cannot bring yourself to the point of getting excited, then it is better not to think about it

at all, but go back to your broader perspective of, "I am wanting a new car," Very often, as you get

caught up in the specifics of your creating, you miscreate." Page 180 "Everyone has killed someone in one lifetime or another -- and has been killed." Page 197 "Q: Is this event that's coming, going to put me in that simple life?

A: Indeed it is" Page 202 "You are about to experience a time when you will do that which is most important to you, instead of

creating all of those experiences that please someone else, or that you have set forth at a time when your intentions were different. It is your time to decide what it is you are wanting in this day and to

have it." Page 203

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"What you are wanting most is freedom, and many of you are bound to the physical things that you

have accumulated -- for they have taken your freedom away from you." Page 204 Showing rows: 41 - 50 of 54 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 1" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "I see others doing things with money that I would not do. (wasting it) I know that there is an abundance of money. And I know that I will find a way to begin attracting it to my experience. There is enough. It is just that I have not to this point, attracted it, and I am in the process of doing that, now. I know that there is enough. I know that there is more than enough." Page 206 "See yourself with a balance in your checkbook that is more to your liking. Envision yourself going to your bank with much more than you are usually going with. See yourself balancing your checkbook and delighted with the very large balance that is there after everything else has been paid." Page 209 "When you are creating toward your wanting, there is enthusiasm and excitement. When you are

creating toward your need, it is negative creating." Page 211 "The four steps of the creative process: • The first step is to identify what it is that you do not want • The second step is to identify what it is that you do want • The third step is the most important step, and that is, once you have identified what it is you do

want, you must find the feeling place of that." Page 213 Showing rows: 51 - 54 of 54 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6

Exercises from "A New Beginning, Volume 1" Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1987, Softcover "Deliberate Creation" Page

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"Allowing" Page "Belief Bridging" Page "Deliberate Creative Control" Page "OPENING THE PATHWAY BETWEEN YOUR PHYSICAL AND INNER WORLDS" Page

Exercise Deliberate Creation

THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXERCISE TO ASSIST YOU IN THE DELIBERATE CREATION OF WHATEVER YOU DESIRE: It is best, in the early stages of understanding the Deliberate Creative Process, to target three or four of your primary desires, Eventually, you will he able to simultaneously create in unlimited directions, hut as you are learning the process, it is best to focus in only three or four directions.

Select those desires or wants or intentions that are most important to you in this time and write each of them at the top of a separate sheet of paper in this way:

"I intend to receive..." and then write whatever it is that you are intending to receive. And then take each of those sheets of paper, individually, and complete them one at a time, as follows:

Below your statement of intent write, "These are the reasons that I intend..."and then restate your intention. And write all of the reasons that you want this.

WHEN YOU ARE WRITING, YOU ARE AT THE STRONGEST POINT OF FOCUS THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE WITH YOUR CONSCIOUS THINKING BEING. Write what flows forth from you. Do not write what someone else wants you to want, but that which is important to you. Write as long as it flows forth naturally. Do not force it.

Then turn your sheet of paper to the other side, and write at the top: "I know that this is, (or 'that it will be,' if that stretches your belief a bit too far) for the following reasons...... And then state and write all of the reasons that you know that you will achieve, that which you have written on the other side. Again, let it flow forth from you.

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Once you have completed your statement of belief, fold the paper and put it into your pocket or your handbag or someplace where it will be convenient for you to retrieve it and read it during the day, and know that your creative work is complete, CONSIDER IT DONE! Realize that you have set into motion the creation of that intention which you have stated and written,

On the first side of your paper you have stated your intention, and below it you have enhanced the wanting or the intending part of the equation for creation. On the second side of the sheet you have enhanced the allowing part of the equation for creation. And now it is complete.

There is nothing more for you to do toward the creation of that which you have intended - other than to allow it to be. And by that we are saying that unless you create against the creation that you have set into motion, with your thoughts that bring forth fear or doubt or worry - or your notice it has not yet happened - then that creation will appear within your physical experience.

You see, as you are noticing that what you have intended has not yet occurred, what you are giving your attention to is the lack of that which you want, And as you give your attention to anything, you create more of it. And so your notice that it has not yet occurred creates more of it not yet occurring. YOUR NOTICE OF THE LACK CREATES MORE OF THE LACK.


Be certain that You are thinking, always, in the direction of what you are wanting - not in the direction of what are not wanting. In the direction of the receiving of it - not in the direction of the fear that you may not receive it. In the direction of the joyous expectation - not in the direction of your noticing that it has not yet come.

And then continue this process with the remaining two or three sheets of paper, setting each creation into motion with this process.

And now, your creative work is finished upon those topics, Now you have only to think positively - or in the direction of that which you want. Do not allow yourself to think negatively regarding these topics - or in the direction of that which you do not want. And as you apply this exercise you will

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receive that which you intend.

It is not necessary for you to contain your thoughts only to those three or four intentions that you have listed earlier in your Exercise for Deliberate Creation, for there are many other things that you must also tend to in this physical experience in which you are participating.

When you are consciously concentrating upon the task at hand, you are not usually miscreating or undoing a creation previously set into motion.


Exercise Allowing

The allowing part is accomplished in this way: In every day, set a time aside of 15 or 20 minutes, not more, for the intent is to quiet the physical thinking mind, and if you ask it to be quiet for more" than that, it will resist it. 15 or 20 minutes is quite enough. Not one, and then not the next, and then one day, and then not the next. Consistency of a number of days. 20 days will be enough. 20 days, of every day, of sitting for 15 or 20 minutes, will allow the opening of your passageway.

Now, as you are sitting, put your feet on the floor and your hands in your lap, or wherever it is comfortable. Do not lay down,

Do not sit in too comfortable of a chair, you will go to sleep. And if you go to sleep, you are not doing your work, you see, and so, as you are sitting with the intent of "meditation" - that is a label we are not liking very much, and so we'll tell you what we mean. The intent of this process is to quiet the physical, that you may sense the inner. Which means you must not consciously think. Now, if we

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say, "Do not think," the first thing you do is think, for you are wanting to think. Your mechanism is trained to think.

And so, as you are sitting in a quiet room with no distraction of light or sound, with your eyes closed, focus upon your breathing, for as you focus upon that which does require thought, but not very much thought, you will quiet your mind. And so, as you breathe out and breathe in and breathe out and breathe in .... Have you ever hyperventilated? Taking much oxygen in, leaves you feeling tingly, and it is not so different from that.

If you will allow yourself to breathe very deeply, you will find yourself feeling a little bit tingly, and as you are doing it - it may be in the first sitting - you will find yourself feeling a little bit disassociated with what is physical. As you are feeling a little bit numb - you may not even feel the chair beneath you - you have done your work.

Now, if it does not occur in the first or second or even the l0th sitting, do not worry about it. Let that be your objective thought.

"I am wanting to quiet my mind and I will know my mind is quiet when I have achieved numbness," you see? And as you are feeling this numbness, a sort of tingling, different from anything you have known, you will recognize that it is new. Know that you have done your part, and now, your Inner Being will do its part. Your Inner Being, once you have achieved this quieting, will begin the opening of your passageway. Now it is not really hacking a physical passageway through your being. It is not any physical distress or discomfort. It is an alignment of Energy.

You see, every being who is in physical form has the physical body that has been created, that is part of you, but there is an Energy that surges through you. That is the difference between the live ones and the dead ones, you see, (Group laughter) and you are accustomed to this Energy that surges through you. You have known it since the day you were born, and you say, "This is what it feels like to be alive," you see. But now there is a new Energy that'll begin to blend with that Energy, and that is what this opening of the passageway that we are speaking of is about. And it is not your work. You do not need to consciously know how to do it. You do not need to know what colors the chakras are, and where they are and what they mean. You have many points of alignment within your being. Do not get involved

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with it consciously. Let your Inner Being, that knows far more than your conscious mind will ever know about this subject ... Let your Inner Being do it. All you must do is quiet your physical. Your Inner Being will do the rest. And as your Inner Being is doing its work, you will be...

Let us begin again. We are putting this in order for you, upon this recording, so that you may listen to it as you are achieving each step: Your first objective is to sit quietly and achieve the numbness. Once the numbness has been achieved, in however many days it takes to accomplish that, then know that your passageway is being opened, and you will know that it is being opened; you will feel it being opened because you will feel sensations. You will feel a twitch here and a twinge there. Nothing that is painful, but you will say, "Oh, they are working on my nose! I can feel them in my " just a little sensation, and all it is the new Energy that is flowing through you, and you will notice the difference here and there. Once you are receiving movement (head rolling around on neck) your passageway is open. And once your passageway is open, then there is not a need for this meditation process any more. Many continue it because they like it.

There are many purposes for meditation. Our purpose, as it has been expressed here, is for the opening of the passageway. Now what does that mean? When the passageway is open, what does that mean? Does that mean that anything that is out there may pass through it? Indeed, it does not. It means that you are opening the passageway between you and you. Your Inner Being, the being that sends forth emotion to you already, will now be able to send, not only clearer emotion, but thought. And it also means you will like this very much, (To Questioner: For you are very much not wanting to be a selfish being; it is very important to you that you do your part in all things) - you will be benefiting ALL-THAT-is because once the passageway is open, not only do you benefit by the knowing that comes forth from the inner dimension, but all that is within the inner dimension benefits more clearly by the experience that you are participating within, for the passageway allows information and experience to pass both ways, you see?

THIS IS LITERALLY THE AWAKENING THAT HAS BEEN TALKED ABOUT. Most beings do not know that it is something for everyone to experience. They think there will be one who will be king, who will have all of the great experience, and the rest will worship, and it is not that way. It is that every being will receive this awakening, this blending of

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Inner Being and conscious physical being, and as you accomplish this, this physical experience - in which you are focused, in which you have great intent to be focused, in which you are wanting to be focused - will be enhanced beyond your conscious understanding in this time. Your -physical experience will be more delicious than it has ever been before. Your joy will be ecstasy. Your love will be intense. Your feeling of peace will be beyond anything you have sensed or felt before, you see? All that you experience will be more.

Your guidance will be keener, and if you allow it, you will be manifester in a much more dramatic and faster way than ever before.

As you envision that which you want, it will be, more quickly, you see? In your physical life experience there is wondrousness to behold, and it begins with the conscious allowing of the opening of the passageway.

We are appreciative of your question, for it has brought forth, in this discussion, that which is our dominant reason for interacting with those who are physical. To lead you, if it is your wanting, to that.

Exercise Belief Bridging

HERE IS THE TECHNIQUE FOR CONTINUAL, DELIBERATE, POSITIVE CREATION: As you are moving through your day, participating in the wide variety of activities which make up your physical experience - BE SENSITIVE TO THE WAY THAT YOU ARE FEELING. As long as you are feeling positive emotion, know that you are creating toward those things that you are wanting. But if you feel negative emotion - fear, doubt, anxiety, stress, anger, guilt, loneliness, jealousy .. stop, immediately, in the moment that you recognize that you are feeling the emotion, and ask yourself what thought or word or action brought forth that emotion. And if you will respond in the moment that you are feeling the emotion, you will very quickly be able to identify what thought, word or action has brought it forth -for as you recall it, the negative emotion will be intensified.

As soon as you identify what thought, word or action has brought it forth your negative emotion,

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ask yourself, "What is it that I want?" Make your positive statement of what it is that you want. And then make strong statements that will lead you from your current state of negative thought and negative emotion to your desired state of positive thought. We will call it building a bridge from where you are to where you are wanting to be.

Do not try to build a very long span (or bridge) for your conscious thinking mind will resist that. It has had enough life experience that it is not so "gullible" as to make a very wide jump, but if you will take small spans, making one statement after another, you will find yourself arriving at the positive position that you are wanting and you will find yourself feeling positive emotion at the same time.

Once you have made the transition from negative thought and negative emotion to positive thought and positive emotion - you will then be creating in the direction of that which you are wanting.

Here is an example of the bridging process that we have just spoken about: You have begun this day by writing upon your separate pages those dominant intentions that you are currently holding, and among them you have intended to acquire a new red car. You have been very specific about your car, and as you made your list of what you want and why you want it, visualizing yourself as the owner of this car, you felt yourself filled with strong, positive, excited emotion. And as you are moving through your day, thinking about various things, your car is on its way to you, for you have set it into motion, and you have done nothing to stop its motion toward you. And then, as you are driving, not focused or thinking about anything in particular, you see an automobile very much like the one that you are wanting, driving next to you. As you look over at it and you feel happy or excited, then that positive emotion is an indication to you that, in that moment, the thoughts that you are thinking, regarding the creation of your new red car, are in harmony. But, if, as you look over at that car, you feel depressed or dissatisfied, or you are unhappy and anxious because you do not have it yet, or you feel jealous that the other driver does have it and you do not - then know that the negative emotion is an indication that you are creating against your desire, and in the time that you are feeling those negative emotions, you are pushing your car away rather than attracting it to you.

Because you are sensitive to the negative emotion that you feel, you are now aware that you are

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pushing your car away. You may stop that negative creating, immediately, by bringing yourself from your negative thought and negative emotion to positive thought and positive emotion by building the following bridge:

"I want a new red car like that one. By making this statement of intent, I have set the creation in motion. Now I have only to allow it to be, and it will be. My Guidance System has alerted me that, for a moment, I was pushing the car away, but I have stopped that now and am again attracting it by my strong desire. It is a beautiful car. I am excited when I think about having and driving my new red car. Circumstances or events or others cannot prevent me from having my red car. Only my own thoughts might push it away. But now my thoughts are again attracting the car. I know that, because I feel positive emotion."

As you begin to apply this exercise, you will get very good at it. You will find yourself responding to the negative "warning bell" emotion in the very early, subtle stages before other negative thoughts are attracted. You will have far fewer negative experiences experienced by you once this process is understood, for most negative experiences start out with a small and subtle negative thought and negative emotion, and then, by the Law of Attraction, blossom into something much bigger and more painful.

There is great value in recognizing, at the early stages, that you are upon a negative path, so that you may divert it and by your deliberate decision create in the direction of that which you choose, instead.


A very high percentage of those who are experiencing physical deterioration or illness, in your time, are experiencing it because the "warning bell", or negative emotion, has been ignored.

Exercise Deliberate Creative Control

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We encourage you to be aware of the natural segments of your day. There are not two of you who experience the same SEGMENTS, for each of your life experiences are different, but we will give you some examples here:

When you wake up in the morning, the time that you remain in bed after you are awake is a segment. After you get out of bed, the time that you are in your house, making preparation to leave for work, or other activities is a segment. When you get into your automobile, the time that you are in your automobile, moving from one place to another is a segment. When you answer the telephone, it begins a new segment. When someone walks into your office, it begins a new segment, and so on.

IF YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THAT YOU HAVE BEGUN A NEW SEGMENT, AND AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH SEGMENT, IF YOU WILL TAKE A MOMENT TO CLARIFY WHAT YOUR DOMINANT INTENTIONS ARE - WHAT YOU MOST WANT TO RECEIVE, OR GIVE, DURING THAT SEGMENT - THEN YOU WILL BE IN DELIBERATE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE. You are beings who hold many intentions, and every intention does not apply to every moment of your life experience. Some of your intentions are more appropriate in some moments, while others are more appropriate in others. And it is necessary for you to identify which intentions are most important during which moments in order to be in complete and deliberate control of your life experience. For example:

When you get into your automobile, as you are buckling your safety belt, intend safety, keen awareness, and perceptiveness of what other drivers are intending. Clearly, it is more appropriate to intend safety when getting into your automobile than when you are reading a book at home.

When you answer your telephone, take a moment, once you know who is calling, to intend that which you most want to communicate to that person. Intend clarity of thought and clarity of expression. Intend brevity if it is important. Intend to uplift the caller. It is more appropriate that you intend clarity of communication as you are speaking on the telephone than when you are swimming alone in your pool.

Most of you do not take time to think about what you generally want, let alone thinking specifically about what you want, moment by moment as you move through your day. But as you identify each

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new segment and intend clearly what your dominant intentions are for that segment, you will have deliberate control of your life experience.

We are aware that it would he cumbersome to stop in every moment to identify what you most want, but it Is not cumbersome to divide your day into segments and to take a few seconds in the beginning of each segment to identify what you are wanting.

In a short time you will find it is very easy for you to identify the beginning of a new segment, and the few seconds that it takes to intend what you are wanting will not only streamline your life, providing much more time to do those things that you are wanting to do, but you will find much more joyous contentment within each day as you are receiving that which you have deliberately intended.


In order to sense your inner world you must first quiet the physical world. You must remove your conscious focus from the physical world, that you might perceive the inner world. It is not a difficult process. It has been called many different things some call it meditation - but regardless of what you call it, it is a time of quieting the physical, that you may sense the inner world:

Sit in a quiet place, making yourself comfortable, and close your eyes - and be. Do whatever you can to reduce the possibility of conscious physical interruption. And as you are comfortably sitting, quiet your conscious thinking mind. In the beginning, that is not an easy task, for your conscious thinking mind is very quick to respond to the stimulation of thought. You have trained it to be fast, and it is eager to participate.

As you are sitting, intending to quiet your conscious thinking mind, in time it will allow you your quiet time. We encourage a short time in every day - FIFTEEN OR TWENTY MINUTES IS ENOUGH. The time of the day is not important, and it need not he the same time in every day, hut it Is important that you set aside the time, in

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every day.

As you have quieted your conscious thinking mind - perhaps by concentrating upon your breathing - and as you are not so aware of the physical world in which you live, you will begin to perceive the inner world, and for each of you it will be a different experience.

We encourage you not to compare your experiences with those of another, for there is no value in comparison. The intent of comparison is to find one better than the other, and as you are focusing upon the one that you do not Prefer - YOUR ATTENTION TO THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT IS ATTRACTING THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT INTO YOUR EXPERIENCE.

In time - for some of you it may be in the first sitting - you will sense a sort of numbing of your physical being, and that is an indication that you have succeeded at quieting your conscious thinking mind and your physical world, that you may sense the inner world.

What are the advantages of being sensitive to the inner world? When you understand that you are a much broader, more experienced, wiser, older being than your physical being remembers, then you will see the advantage of being in touch with that being, and, in fact, receiving communication from it. Each of you are already receiving communication from that Inner Being in the form of emotion, but you can receive much more detailed information if you are wanting it. The process of quieting your physical world, that you may sense the inner world, will open that path of communication between your physical dimension and the inner dimension, so that you may receive guidance that is appropriate - and that you may offer instruction in terms of what you are currently wanting.

Communication is not intended to be only from the inner world to the physical world but from the physical world to the inner world, as well. It is a pathway through which you may offer your clear intent, and once your channel, or pathway, has been established - there are many wondrous benefits.

Once you have decided that you are wanting, or intending, to open the passageway from your physical dimension to the Nonphysical dimension, then you have only to allow it to be. And the setting aside of the time in which to quiet your

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physical world is your allowing of the opening.

As with each other segment of your day, it is also important that you identify the intent as you move into this segment of meditation. If your intent is to open the passageway between dimensions, that you may receive clear communication, then state it as you are beginning to meditate. If your intent is to quiet the physical world, for you are wanting the relaxation of being apart from that which is confusing and overwhelming and tiring, then state that.

You are the creator of that which you will experience during this time, but for our purposes here, we have offered this exercise that you may allow the opening of the passageway between your physical and inner worlds.




Selected quotes from

"A New Beginning, Volume 2" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1991, Softcover "From our Non-physical perspective, our focus can easily be extended to include a clear awareness of

your physical experience, while from your physical dimension, it is more difficult for you to extend

your awareness to include our Non-physical experience." Page 39 "Do not worry. Your experience, your hard work, your growth, is not being wasted, for your Inner

Beings accumulates every particle of every experience that you have ever lived, or that you are now

living." Page 45 "Actually, nothing here in your physical environment can be explained ONLY through physical terms,

and so, that which you not understand, you force into a sort of logic, and the result of that is that the

majority of you are living and working and seeing through eyes of tremendous misconceptions." Page 50 "To receive information from the inner world it will be necessary for you to hear with your mind,

instead of your ears. And as with most things that are new, it will take some practice to make the

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adjustment." Page 60 "In the same way that you have 'feeling" sensors in your fingertips, to protect your fingers from

sharp, or hot, objects, your Inner Being often evokes feelings or emotions within you to guide you. The discomfort of pain in your fingertips brings forth an impulse to act that prevents you from greater harm, and in the same way, negative emotion is offered to guide you away from that which is not of

value to you." Page 65 "...your Inner Being is able to accurately assess all of the details of your wanting, and to intricately

prioritize your subjects of desire. Your Inner Being knows which of your intentions are dominant, which supersedes another, and so on. Your Inner Being not only considers the factors of this physical experience, but remembers the intentions that you held at the time of your emergence into this body,

and all of those intentions are factored into the equation for guidance." Page 66 "...but when there is interacting with others who have strong ideas of right and wrong -- when you

have lost your own sense of guidance -- then you are buffeted about in all of the differences,

becoming more and more confused." Page 71 "You are continually offering a message, or pure meaning, to the Universe. Not through your words,

not through your thoughts, but through the way you feel. Of course, the way you feel in any moment is as a result of your choice of thought or word. But it is the way that you feel that is your true message to the Universe, and it is the way that you feel that is your point of magnetic attraction. And

that which is like unto itself is drawn." Page 81 "On the other hand, when you grasp the concept of joyous becoming, then, in your now, even though

many of the things that you want are not yet part of your experience, as you are joyously anticipating them, actually enjoying your journey toward those things, then you are in a state of joyous becoming, and you not only shorten the time between the not-having-now and the later-having-future, but you enjoy yourself in the meantime. And then, just like the magnificent sculptor or artist, you are

gloriously involved in the hands-on creation of your life experience." Page 87 "But if you are looking forward to a happier tomorrow, and find yourself continually contrasting the

less pleasant what-is with the more pleasant future, your attraction is more toward the less pleasant

what-is than the more wanted future." Page 87 Showing rows: 1 - 10 of 46 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 Next>

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Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 2" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1991, Softcover "Most physical beings are aware of influence but have only a partial understanding of influence.

Instead of benefiting by the influence that could enhance your experience, most of you are in a

position of protecting yourselves from influences, and so, the end result is not benefit but detriment." Page 91 "The triad of intentions that are very well established within you are: Freedom, growth and joy." Page 98 "Esther's dream exemplifies the lopsided creation that many of you are living, for you often make

hasty decisions that satisfy only the most superficial of your intentions, while your action, or decision,

defies the intentions that are really important to you." Page 100 "As you give thought to something that you want, very much, and you feel excitement or happiness -

the combination of your chosen directed thought and the corresponding positive emotion, are, in that

moment, drawing unto you the subject of your thought and emotion." Page 103 "The process of Deliberate Creation is twofold: It involves the thought that you project, and the

corresponding feeling that comes forth. You offer the thought from your conscious, physical perspective -- and your Inner Being offers you a corresponding feeling. Therefore, you are literally co-

creating: You, the physical you, and you, the inner, Non-physical you." Page 107 "To stand in your now, looking forward with deliberate intent and anticipation of what is to come, is

infinitely more satisfying than to stand in your now, looking back, retracing your steps as to how you

got where you are." Page 109 "We are exhilarated to find so many of our physical friends wanting to understand the Law of

Deliberate Creation. And there is not a better way to understand this Law than by evaluating your own personal physical life experience. As you see the absolute association between your thought and

action and what you are living, you come to understand how it has come to be." Page 109 "As you set a goal to achieve a new house, or a new body size and a shape, or a new occupation - and

you reach that goal - you misunderstand, thinking that the new house or new body or new job was the subject of creation, when all along the subject of creation is your state of being. In this physical

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experience you use the format of houses and bodies and jobs to facilitate your state of being - but none of those physical things are the subject of your creation. YOU ARE THE SUBJECT OF YOUR CREATION. YOUR STATE OF BEING, OR THE WAY YOU FEEL, IS THE SUBJECT OF YOUR CREATION. If you will seek ways to observe your state of being, you will have a clearer understanding of how you are doing in the creation of you. If you will deliberately identify the way you want to feel or be, you

will be more effective in achieving that which you came into this body to achieve." Page 112 "It is far more beneficial to your overall creation to, first, identify the state of being that you intend,

and next, the state of having that you intend - and last, what action you will seek." Page 114 "By stopping, before taking any action, And asking, "Will this action enhance my intended state of

being?" you will always know the appropriateness of that possible action." Page 114 Showing rows: 11 - 20 of 46 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 2" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1991, Softcover "You can move much more swiftly and effectively toward the joyous success you seek in life by giving

your attention and emphasis to the way you want to feel, or to your state of being, rather than to the

action." Page 114 "In other words, as you go to your job, feeling distaste for it, because you believe that if you do not

work you will not have money, and what will be worse, then your negative feeling of distaste is the predominant factor - and from your state of feeling, you will attract more and more reasons to feel distaste. However, instead of acting first, if, from your state of being, you will identify your quest for freedom (and the dollars you earn are synonymous with freedom), your quest for growth (your interaction with others always affords you new understanding), your quest for joy (you can find that, whenever and wherever you look for it) you will be inspired to the action that will harmonize with

those core intentions." Page 116 "Surely you have witnessed those who, in their feeling of insecurity, act out aggressively. They try to

compensate with their action to make up for the feeling of lack. But they can not make up for it in action that tries to compensate, for that action only adds powerful emphasis to the deep lack within. And that lack that they feel is their point of attraction. They must focus upon their desire to feel

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secure first - and the action that will enhance their feeling of security will be inspired." Page 116 "By giving 99% of your attention to bringing yourself to the feeling that you seek and giving 1% of

your attention to inspired action -- you will be in a place of powerful motion forward while you exist in

a continuous state of joyful well-being." Page 118 "There is tremendous benefit to you to interact with those who see in you what you want to see in

yourself But, in like manner, it can be very detrimental to your self-appreciation to have those in your

experience who do not see in you the things you are wanting to see." Page 119 "Our encouragement is that you let your opinion of you be your top priority. That you put your

greatest effort into examining yourself with the intent of discovering wonderful things. That you let the way you feel be the most important aspect of your work. For it is our absolute knowing that the way you feel is your point of attraction. From a place of self-appreciation you will attract all sorts f wonderful things. From a centered place of liking yourself you will allow all wonderful things to come

unto you." Page 119 "...if you will not only consider the action that you believe is directly related to your success or failure,

but also make the correlation between the way you were feeling during that time of action, then you

will discover the powerful understanding that we are offerings to you here." Page 121 "When the only perspective you have of yourself is purely from your physical perspective of flesh and

blood and bone, then your total approach to life is from the physical perspective of action. From that

limited perspective, you tend to see physical evidence looming bigger than it actually is." Page 125 "A feeling of vulnerability, and expectation of bad things happening, is the reason that bad things

happen. That feelings produces the physical evidence of bad things happenings."" Page 126 "Even the most dreaded disease will vanish when you completely remove your attention from it." Page 126 Showing rows: 21 - 30 of 46 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 Next>

Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 2"

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by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1991, Softcover "If you are wanting to affect the outcome of your physical experiences in a positive way, put your

primary attention upon the way you feel -- and look for reasons to feel good." Page 134 "To put yourself in the clear, unrestricted, unresisted position of allowing health, or abundance, or

security, or love, or whatever it is that you consider to be Well-being, you have only to identify your

desire, and then relax, with the intent of basking in the spirit of Well-being." Page 139 "We are not different on that point; it is just that we are a little more practiced at holding our

thoughts only upon what are wanting." Page 182 "When you feel free, you're free to be who you want to be under any and all conditions, and you really

don't worry about what anybody else thinks about it, because you know that what they think about you is their problem. It has nothing to do with you. And when you really feel that way, you become in the greatest place that we know of, which is in the place of allowing -- and you know you are in the

place of allowing when you can see another not approving of you and it is okay with you." Page 184 "Your laws do not affect you, it is your attention to your laws that affect you. Your neighbors do not

affect you, it is your attention to your neighbors that affect you." Page 189 "There is never a better way of inviting into your experience than getting really, really excited about

something. The more excited you are -- negatively or positively -- the faster, the faster it comes. The more excited you are the faster it comes. And what gets you excited? Talking about it. Or talking to

others who are excited about it." Page 204 "You mean, me has not always been me? I'm not climbing up the rungs of the ladder from worm to

GOD?" And we say, "Indeed not." You began GOD and you are extending your experiences because

you want to have more knowing. There is not an ending to growth." Page 210 "...we would say need should be removed from your experience altogether. The word need is purely

coming from a position of lack." Page 223 "Ordinarily, when you feel negative emotion, the majority of the time, it is because your freedom is

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being challenged. Somebody is telling you you can't do something or somebody is not believing you can do something, and you're feeling it. The majority of the negative emotion that all of you feel has

to do with freedom." Page 229 "...the Universe doesn't speak English, you see. The "fairies of the Universe"...We are having fun with

that....The Laws of the Universe -- by which all things come to you -- responds to blocks of thought and the corresponding feeling, but does not understand English, anyway. Whether you say "want" or "intend" or "know" or "am" or "be." it is the way that you feel that is being acted upon, you see. And so, as you are saying "I want" but you are feeling otherwise - then you are getting the result of the

predominant feeling." Page 240 Showing rows: 31 - 40 of 46 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 Next>


Selected quotes from "A New Beginning, Volume 2" by Esther Hicks Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1991, Softcover "...the Universe doesn't speak English, you see. The "fairies of the Universe"...We are having fun with

that....The Laws of the Universe -- by which all things come to you -- responds to blocks of thought and the corresponding feeling, but does not understand English, anyway. Whether you say "want" or "intend" or "know" or "am" or "be." it is the way that you feel that is being acted upon, you see. And so, as you are saying "I want" but you are feeling otherwise - then you are getting the result of the

predominant feeling." Page 240 "It is attention to lack that causes negative emotion, always." Page 246 "The point we are making is when you feel great negative emotion, it is because this is an important

issue to you." Page 249 "And so, as you acknowledge your perfection, as you say, "Here I am, healthy," and live with that for

a moment. Envision yourself, and try to get to that feeling place. "Here I am, a magnificent mother. Here I am, a most creative artist. Here I am, a generator of thought and new ideas in the world." Find

words that will exaggerate the feeling to you. "Here I am, Here I am." Page 265

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"When we say, "You are creators," you think we are talking about creating furniture, or creating

houses, or creating empires, or creating relationships. That isn't what we talk about when we talk about creating. We are talking about the creating of your state of being. And when you have understood that, and are giving that your dominant attention, then all of the physical trappings of this Universe will fall into alignment in such glorious fashion that you will amaze even yourself. YOU

CANNOT DO IT WITH ACTION. IT IS THROUGH FOCUSING UPON HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL." Page 266 "In other words, those of you who are physical counterparts of the Non-physical family of teachers, in

this case, specifically of ABRAHAM, are highly evolved beings who know your power, and so there is this feeling, sometimes, a frustrating one of being trapped in the mundaneness of the physical. It would be like knowing you are an eagle who can soar and then having somebody clip your wings, and say, "You are an eagle, but here, eagles don't fly." And so, you're walking around on the ground, knowing, remembering what it was like to fly, but not being able to get off the ground. And that is the

whole point of our discussion with you, here." Page 266 Showing rows: 41 - 46 of 46 <Prev 1 |2 |3 |4 |5

Exercises from "A New Beginning, Volume 2" Abraham-Hicks Publication © 1991, Softcover "Meditation" Page 53-57 "Finding Your Sense of Self" Page 74-75 "Law of Creation" Page 80-81 "The Process of Pivoting" Page 83-85 "Wallet Process for the Attraction of Dollars" Page 104-105 "PROCESS: BOOK OF POSITIVE ASPECTS" Page 132-134 "Before Bed" Page 143 "Segment Intending" Page 255-256 "Morning Process" Page 276  


Exercise Meditation

We offer our words, knowing that they will remind you of experiences past, or prepare you for clearer

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recognition of the experiences that are to come. No amount of words offered in explanation are as valuable as real first-hand experience. And so, we could write thousands of pages, here, about the existence of your Inner Being and its willingness to communicate with you and the value thereof, and in all of those pages of reading, you would not reap the benefit of one simple physical exercise. And so, here we will offer to you a step-by-step process to facilitate the opening of a passageway between the conscious physical you and the inner you - your Inner Being - that you may have that valuable first-hand experience.

And so, if you are accepting the existence of the inner world and of your Inner Being, and if you are now wanting fuller communication and more experiencing of the reservoir of knowledge and strength and clarity that is there for you,, here is the process:

It is important that you have a desire for the opening of this passageway in order to achieve it. It must be something that you want. Then all that is required is that you set some time aside to allow it.

Find 15 or 20 minutes in every day to sit with the intent of quieting your conscious mind. It is not necessary that you block the same time of day every day, but it is great value to be consistent and not miss a day, for this process is a progressive thing.

Quieting of your mind means sitting for a few minutes each day and allowing your mind to rest, still and quiet, not thinking of anything. That is not an easy thing for you to do, for your thinking mechanisms are very responsive to stimulation of thought, however it is important that you quiet your mind for a short time each day.

Many have questioned, "How can I quiet my mind without falling asleep?" .

That is a very good question, and an important one. For falling asleep does not put you in the place of allowing this process. If we were drawing you a graphic picture on paper, we would show full conscious awareness on one end of our graph, and being fast asleep on the other extreme. And what you are wanting to achieve is very near the end of being asleep, yet you are wanting to be awake. Sometimes it is helpful to focus upon something within your physical awareness that requires very little conscious thought, such as the sound of a dripping faucet, or the sight of a flickering candle.

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Sometimes concentrating only upon your own breathing is effective. Your first objective in your deliberate opening of your passageway between the physical you and the Non-physical you is to consciously withdraw your thoughts from the physical realm and allow yourself to sit, quiet, still, and eternally connected to that which is Non-physical. Only when the external awarenesses of the physical world are released can you sense the subtle awarenesses of the Non-physical world. However, it is not beneficial for you to try to see, or sense, or hear, the Non-physical world in the early days of your sitting. Your objective is simple and singular: "I am sitting with the intent of stilling my mind." .

When you have succeeded, even for a few seconds, with stilling your conscious thinking mechanism, your physical body will feel different to you. You will feel numbness, or heaviness. Esther said she could not tell her nose from her toe, with all parts of her body feeling as if they were one part.

This numbness, or heaviness, is an indication that you have succeeded in quieting your conscious thinking mechanism, and you are, in that moment of numbness, in the state of allowing the alignment of your Energies. Your first objective has been accomplished and now your Inner Being is in a position to do its work. As you sit in this absolute state of allowing, your Inner Being will begin to align your Energies, merging the faster, higher frequency Energy of the inner world with the slower, lower frequency Energy of your physical world. During this process there is nothing for you to do, other than sit with the intent of quieting your mind. If you try to become actively involved in the process, you will lose your place of numbness and you will interfere with the work of your Inner Being.

Each day, as you accomplish the quieting of your mind, and allow the alignment of your Energies, your blending becomes more, until eventually, during your process of quieting your mind, you will feel physical sensations such as twitching of muscles, or the itching or tickling of your skin. Those sensations are physical evidence of the aligning of your Energies. Do not give attention to these sensations, for you will lose your place of numbness. Continue to quiet your mind, and focus upon that place of quiet.

When you receive movement, in other words, when your hand moves, or your head moves, or when a finger or toe wiggles, and you know you

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did not set forth the signal for the movement, your alignment of Energies has been sufficiently completed to begin the process of communication. When your body moves and you did not consciously intend the motion, understand that the intent to move was sent from your Inner Being, from Non-physical perspective, and you are the conscious physical receiver of the impulse or intentions. And once that occurs, the conscious transmission and receiving of blocks of thoughts from Non-physical to physical has been successfully accomplished.

The amount of time that will pass from your first decision to quiet your mind to the receiving of movement will vary from person to person. The factors that most affect your success, in this alignment of Energies process, are these:

(1) Your degree of wanting of this alignment process. Are you really wanting to interact with your Non-physical counterpart, or are you sending forth contradictory messages of concern or reluctance? As your wanting is pure and not sabotaged by thoughts of worry or doubt, your alignment process will be very fast. The better you feel, the faster the process.

(2) The impetus behind your wanting. Do you seek this interaction from your positive position of wanting, or from your negative position of lack? Do you seek this interaction from your position of wanting to experience more freedom, more growth and more joy, or are you wanting your Inner Being to intervene and fix the things you have messed up in your life? Again, the better you feel, the faster the process.

(3) Your willingness to allow this alignment. Have you been able to successfully quiet your mind so that you feel detached or numb for at least one or two minutes each time you sit to quiet your mind, or does your mind continue to ponder throughout the quiet time? If you are having difficulty quieting your mind, try sitting at the beginning of your day, before you have received so much thought stimulation.

There is not a prescribed amount of time that is required for the opening of your passageway. If it is your desire, and you sit wanting and willing to allow the alignment, this can be a very fast process.

The alignment of Energies is an extremely technical process and cannot be accomplished from your physical perspective. You cannot begin

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to identify the points of Energy within your physical apparatus, for there are thousands of them. Your Inner Being, however, is fully aware of each Energy point, and has full awareness of the level of vibration within each. It is absolutely the work of your inner perspective - not your conscious perspective - to accomplish this task. You may trust that your Inner Being is capable of this delicate task. Your work, from your conscious physical perspective, is to set forth your clear intent, or desire, for this alignment, and then to put yourself in the physical position of allowing the alignment.

The alignment of Energies is an ongoing thing, for you will never achieve absolute alignment as long as you remain focused through your physical apparatus.

Only when you die, by your terms, or withdraw from your physical focus and re-emerge into the Non-physical, by our terms, will you be absolutely blending with the Non-physical Energies. But sufficient blending for the extreme enhancement of your physical experience can be rather easily accomplished

Exercise Finding Your Sense of Self

As you accept that your Inner Being exists as the culmination of all that you have lived, and that your Inner Being is absolutely aware of you, and adores you, then you have taken a very big step toward an appreciation of self.

If you are wanting to get a sense of that which you have just read, sit quietly for a few moments and offer some very clear thoughts. Choose a subject that delights you. Think of someone you adore, and offer thought of your pleasant interaction with that one. Or think of something that you are wanting to experience, and let thoughts of living that experience roll across your mind. Or think of something that you have recently done that you enjoyed very much. And as you ponder these positive thoughts, feel the positive Energy surge through your body as your Inner Being resonates with your current thoughts. Then choose a subject that is not so pleasant. Contemplate not having enough money, and think of the bad state you will be in when the bills come and there is not enough money to pay. Or think of that person who has wronged you, and spend some time justifying your own position while you defend yourself mentally against this enemy. Or

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think of your own deficiencies, beating up on yourself mentally for a while. Now, feel the absence of your happy Inner Being. Notice the feeling of divergence. See how it feels to choose subjects that your Inner Being does not agree with. Feel what it feels like to be disconnected from your positive powerful Inner Being and to stand there physical, and disconnected.

Someone said to us, "ABRAHAM, why would my Inner Being forsake me, just when I needed him most? Why would my Inner Being turn his back on me?"

And we say, your Inner Being never turns it's attention from you, but you are not always in the place of allowing that which your Inner Being is. When you feel good, you are in the place of allowing your connection with your Inner Being, and when you feel bad, you are not.

Your most important work - that which is the very basis of your accomplishment, achievement and satisfaction from this life experience - is your finding your true sense of self.

Exercise Law of Creation

The things that come to you, the circumstances that come to you, the relationships that come to you, indeed all of the stuff that your physical experience is comprised of, comes to you - NOT BY THE POWER OF YOUR ACTION, BUT BY THE BALANCE OF THOUGHT THAT YOU HOLD. That thought evokes a feeling response within you which serves as an indicator of what you are attracting.

In the heat of the summer, our friend, Esther, the woman through whom we are speaking, was walking across the grass in her front yard, noting how very dry the grass and trees were. She stopped, and said, in a very positive sounding voice, using positive words, "ABRAHAM, I want some rain!" We said, "And from this position of lack, you think you will get rain?" Esther asked, "What am I doing wrong?" "Why do you want the rain?" we asked. "I want the rain because it makes the grass green. I want the rain because it refreshes the trees. I want the rain because it gives all the creatures in the bushes enough water so that they are not dependent upon the small amount in our bird bath. I want the rain because it

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lowers the temperature of the air, and feels good upon my skin, and it makes us all feel better." "Now you are attracting rain," we replied.

When do you, or others you know, usually think about health? When you are sick! When do you usually think about having more money? When there isn't enough! When do you usually think about finding a mate? When you are lonely! And under those conditions, from your position of lack - you are attracting more of the lack of what you want, rather than attracting what you want.

What we are most wanting you to hear from all of this is this: You cannot feel one way and think and speak another, and expect to receive what you are thinking or speaking - because the way you feel influences what you are attracting. You can smile a broad smile, and speak happy words, but it is what is in your heart, or the way that you feel, that is your predominant point of attraction. When you feel fat, you cannot attract slim! When you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity! When you feel lonely, you cannot attract a companion! IT DEFIES LAW! AND WHAT IS THAT LAW? LAW OF ATTRACTION. THAT WHICH IS LIKE UNTO ITSELF IS DRAWN.

What is necessary, before you can begin the attraction of what you want, is that you change the way that you feel. You must bring yourself to a state of feeling good before you can attract what you want, or what you consider to be good.

Exercise The Process of Pivoting

The Process of pivoting will assist you in changing your negative point of attraction to a positive point of attraction, Here is how it works:

Whenever you feel negative emotion, recognize that your Guidance System, from within, is telling you two very important things: First, there is something you want! Otherwise you would be feeling no emotion. Second, you are not looking at what you want, but in the opposite direction.

Recognizing this, say to yourself, "There is something important that I want, but I am not looking at it. What is it that 1 want?" You may continue to think along those lines by asking, "Why do I want this?" As you ponder what it is that you do want, and why you want it, then begin to envision yourself as already being in that

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position. Already being it, or having it, or doing it, until you feel the positive emotion come forth within you.

The more you apply this process, the more proficient you will become. And the faster the pivot will occur. You will know, or recognize, when you have successfully accomplished a pivot - when you feel better. If you are very sensitive to the way that you feel, you may find one hundred to one thousand opportunities to pivot in just one day. However, there will not be one hundred or one thousand different things that you want. You will begin to discover that all of this pivoting is pointing to a few things that are extremely important to you: Freedom, usually highest in priority. Growth. Joy. Upliftment.

Pivoting accomplishes the following things: First, and most importantly, it leads you to a continuous state of feeling positive emotion - which means you are continuously in a magnetic point of attracting only what you consider to be good. Also, as you are sensitive to the way you feel, you are allowing your Guidance System, from within, to point out to you things that are important to you, so that as you notice more and more opportunities to pivot - the things that are of greatest importance to you become more apparent to you. Next, with every pivot, you draw greater clarity about what you want, and move ever closer to it.

Some misunderstand the process of pivoting. They believe that we are saying, find something that is obviously wrong, and call it right. Or, look at something that is white, and call it black. That is not what we mean by pivoting.

• Pivoting is the process that helps you discover what is most important to you. • Pivoting is the process that puts you into a continual state of attracting only what you want. • Pivoting is the process through which you chew upon the data of life, determining your ever-changing point of desire. • Pivoting is recognizing that when you are feeling negative emotion, that you are, in that moment of feeling bad, attracting that which you consider to be bad, and then making a conscious decision to stop that attraction and begin a positive attraction. • Pivoting is the process of changing your thought, word, or action, thus changing your emotional response. • Pivoting is the process where you recognize, by the negative emotion that you are feeling, that you are taking the Non-physical Energy of the Universe and directing it toward what you do not

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want, or toward the lack of what you do want. • Pivoting is the process whereby you round up any renegade Energy that you have offered in opposition to what you want, and get it going only in the direction of your desire. • Pivoting is the process that changes the direction of your creating, or more specifically stated, the direction of your attracting. • Pivoting is the process that brings you into balance with your core intentions.

The process of pivoting - literally watching for opportunities, or reasons, to identify what it is you do want - because you are currently feeling bad because you are currently focused upon lack of what you want, or focused upon what you do not want - is the key to lead you to the productive, joyful physical life experience that you intended even before your emergence into this physical body.

So often, we are asked the question, "Why am I here?" So many physical beings do not understand why they exist, and even though many answers have been offered, including such things as, "You are here, being tested, to prove yourselves worthy of happy existence after this physical life," to "You are an accidental product of physical mass coming together," we would like to offer a further explanation: YOU ARE CREATORS! NOT GATHERERS OF THINGS OR REL4TIONSHIPS. NOT REGURGITATORS OF EXPERIENCES LIVED BY OTHERS! You have very specifically chosen this time and this place and this dimension for the deliberate application of Universal Laws. In short, you wanted to be here upon the earth, in this physical body, at this time, to enjoy the deliciousness of creating.


Exercise Wallet Process for the Attraction of Dollars

If you conclude that your balance of thought regarding the subject of dollars is more on the side of the lack of dollars, rather than the pure wanting of dollars, here is an effective process that will help you to tip the balance: Set aside, from your budget, or savings, a clump of money. $100 is a very good sum to begin with. Put it in your pocket, or pocket book, or purse, and keep it with you wherever you go. As you move through your day,

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identify as many things as possible that you could do, if you wanted to, with those dollars. Note the things that you could buy, or use, or experience, or eat, in exchange for your $100. We have been teased, ABRAHAM you obviously have not been physical lately, because $100 buys very little, today." However, if you mentally spend that $100, one thousand times today, you have spent the equivalent of one hundred thousand dollars, and it is our absolute promise to you that you have changed the balance of your thought.

Pay attention to your own thoughts regarding the subject of money. If you find yourself noticing the things that you cannot afford, and feeling the frustration of that, know that you are adding to the lack side of your balance regarding dollars. If you find yourself envious, or angry, because others have dollars when you do not, you are adding to the lack side of your own balance. When you pay your bills, do you feel good or bad? As the money moves through your fingers do your feel the positive or the negative momentum?

The Wallet Process, described above, will assist you in changing the balance of your thought regarding the subject of dollars, and in the moment that the balance is tipped, more dollars will begin to flow into your experience. It is law.

(Later in the Book p.262-263) Picture the man who seeks fortune. And we do not mean to be materialistic, except everything in your environment is, and so it is a good point to start. He seeks fortune, but he does not have a fortune. So how does he get from his position of not having it, to having it? By acknowledging the good fortune in what he has. By looking for reasons to feel good about what he has. By taking the meager one hundred dollars, putting it in his pocket and acknowledging how valuable it is. "I can have that, I can have that, I can have that." Until that one hundred dollars will foster within him a feeling of prosperity. Now, we know that if this man will continue to do this, in very short order he will have 10, or 20, or 30 million dollars that he will be using to foster that feeling of prosperity. And we know, that in a very short time, he will look back upon that time that he had only one hundred dollars, and he'll have a hard time remembering why it excited him. But from his position, right now, it will excite him if he will allow himself to focus.

What we are really saying to you is that under any and all conditions, if you will look for your reason

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to feel good, for it is always there, rather than look for your reason not to feel good, by virtue of some comparison of something outside of you, then you will be in that centered place of positive attraction, and from that centered place of positive attraction, you will move beyond and move beyond and move beyond.


This exercise will assist you in finding a more deliberate, constant place of positive attraction: Purchase a new notebook. Write across the front of your book, in bold letters: "Book of Positive Aspects". The primary objective of your Book of Positive Aspects is to quickly bring you to a position of feeling good, therefore to a position of positive attraction, but there are many other benefits: A daily entering of positive aspects on old and new subjects will help you to maintain your positive balance. As one area of your life draws you to your Book of Positive Aspects, the recording of your entries will bleed over into other aspects of your experience. Because you are feeling better more of the time, more of the things that you consider to be good will begin to flow smoothly into your experience. Many of the things that you have been wanting - but have been blocking by offering thoughts that attract resistance in the form of negative emotion - will easily flow into your experience. The balance of thought and feeling in your experience will shift from predominantly negative to predominantly positive. You will soon discover that no matter what the emotional state of your world, your economy, or even those close around you in your work or home, you will find yourself in a more positive balance, and by law, indeed by the Law of Attraction, your own life will begin to show the result of that, immediately.

This "Book of Positive Aspects" is not offered as a process whereby you take a negative and turn it into a positive. It is a process to assist you in giving your attention to that which is positive. And as you are focusing upon that which is positive, you cannot focus upon that which is negative. And when you withdraw your attention from that which is negative - it will leave your experience.

Upon each page, begin a new subject. Write what flows easily from you. Do not work at it. When you work at it, you may find yourself trying to stretch something you actually feel negative about into a

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positive, and in giving it attention, even giving it positive words - you further your negative attention. When the thoughts regarding a particular subject have stopped flowing, turn to a fresh new page and begin a new subject. 15 minutes at the beginning of each day is enough time for this process.

On the second day, read what you have written before, and add as the thoughts come to you. Notice how good you feel during and following this process.

If you find yourself feeling negative emotion regarding a specific person in your experience, begin a page of positive aspects regarding that person.

If you find yourself feeling negative emotion regarding any subject, such as not enough money, not enough time, too much work to do, not enough respect from another ... begin a page in your book to help yourself to identify the positive aspects of that particular situation.

You will notice, right away, that your overall feeling is improved. Not only will the specific situations, upon which you have written, improve immediately, but, also, other experiences not yet identified in your book, because AS YOU FEEL BETTER YOU ATTRACT MORE OF THAT WHICH YOU CONSIDER TO BE GOOD. AS YOU FEEL BAD, YOU ATTRACT MORE OF THAT WHICH YOU CONSIDER TO BE BAD.

Continue for a full week, each day reading what has been written before and adding to that. At the end of the first week, put your book aside and purchase another.

Again, write across the front of your book: "My book of Positive Aspects". You may now begin to see this book as the treasure it really is, for it is the key to your centered, balanced place of Well-being. It is the key to your deliberate positioning of yourself in a place of positive attraction. While your world is predominantly focused upon the negative, with many more critics than those who praise - you have found a process to control the way you feel. While almost everyone you know makes decisions to act from their concern of what will happen if they don't act - you are being inspired to positive, joyful activity.

The motivation to act is inspired from two primary sources: From a clear, exhilarated vision of what is wanted, or from a clear, uncomfortable vision of

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what is not wanted. As we view your physical world, we see that the majority of action is inspired from the negative perspective of what is not wanted. Most are moved to act, not because of their blissful, excited positive objective, but because they believe that if they do not act, there will be negative consequences. In other words, they do not go happily, enthusiastically to their work because of their clear vision of the value of this work. They are not joyfully inspired to action because of their clear picture of their desire. Most work because they believe that if they do not work, they will not have money, and if they do not have money, they will be without things they want.

When you are focused upon the negative consequence of what will happen if you do not act, and so you act to circumvent the negative consequence, YOU DO NOT CIRCUMVENT THE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCE BUT ADD POWER UNTO IT. IT IS LAW. You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey. And you can not have a happy journey when your motivation has been inspired from your attention to a negative consequence. The key point, here, is this: ACTION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BUT ATINYFRACTIONOFYOURCREATIVEEFFORT. The way you feel is primarily responsible for what you are getting and what you are creating and, indeed, what you are living.

So many find themselves in a state of futility because they just cannot act enough to make the difference. They try, they struggle, they persevere, but things do not improve. And the reason things do not improve is because the very basis of their creative attraction Is not coming from their action, it is coming from the way they feel as they act.

Exercise Before Bed

When you fear or guard against sickness, or monsters, or that which you do not want, your Inner Being does not participate with you, because your Inner Being understands that attention to a subject Is an invitation to it. Your Inner Being literally basks in a place of Well-being, and those guarded, frightened thoughts are absolutely alien to your Inner Being.

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As you put yourself into your bed each night, acknowledge the existence of your Inner Being, and your connection to it, and lie in your bed for a few minutes before slumbering, and bask in the spirit of your own Well-being. Your Inner Being will literally flood you with pure, positive, powerful Energy. Set forth your intention to allow the complete refreshment of your physical apparatus, knowing that your Inner Being will lovingly and intricately align the Energies of your physical body. And set forth the intention to awaken refreshed, and happy.

When you awaken in the morning, acknowledge that you have just reemerged hack into the physical, and immediately set forth the clear intent: "Today, it is my dominant intent to look for that which makes me feel good. " For as you feel good, you are in the place of positive attraction. As you feel good, you are in perfect alignment with your broader perspective, and greater intent. As you feel good, only that which you consider to he good, can come unto you.

As you set forth the intent to look for reasons to feel good, you begin to pull upon that positive rope, and one idea and then another will come to you. As old habits of thought creep in, or as you automatically pull on some old negative ropes, you will recognize more quickly what you are doing, and you can quickly release those ropes, looking again for a reason to feel good, until, eventually, the balance of thought within you will be predominantly positive, and your connection with your magnificent Inner Being will be strong and clear.

Exercise Segment Intending

(Answering someone's question) You have an old habit of always saying "yes." You have an old habit of saying "yes," even to your own detriment. And you also have a habit of seeking approval from others. And so you have pretty well got both of those hindrances very well adapted into your experience.

Here is the way you get rid of it: by Segment Intending, by doing more deliberate intending of what you want.

Have you ever walked through a busy shopping

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center, or an airport or any place where there is a crowd of people, and you're undecided where you're going? You're just sort of waltzing through. Do you notice how many people get in your way and how they bump into you? You are buffeted about. But take the same situation, but where you are moving with purpose, do you not notice that they get out of your way? As you are in the flow of things, it is as if you have the whole place to yourself. You find yourself really enjoying the challenge of your agility. You are understanding?

Well, that is what Segment Intending will do for you, if you will stop, anytime you realize you are going into a new segment - which simply means a block of time when your intentions are different - if you will stop and say.. "What am I wanting to feel in this segment? What am I wanting to have? What am I wanting to do?" It will come forth to you, very quickly, and then you will not be swept up by the influence of someone else's intentions. If you're not deliberate, and they are, they'll over power you every time. It is Law. It is momentum. You are getting the point?

Good. This powerful Energy that comes forth from Non-physical is there for all of you. And the way that you utilize it affects your experience.

When what you want and what you expect are all going in the same direction, you are so powerful that nobody can dissuade you. Nobody that is out of harmony. And that is not a bad thing, for what happens is, you begin attracting those who are in harmony.

Exercise Morning Process

You are in a much better place than you know, because never are you at a place of greater creation than when you are in intense emotion. And you have been at a very high emotional pitch. And so, we say, you have accomplished your pivoting as you have been here tonight.

Do not judge the way any of you feel, right now. You are tired. We have been talking too long, and you are ready to seek your refreshment. But it is our promise to you that as you awaken in the morning, you will awaken with greater clarity than you have had in a very long time.

And if you will begin your day with this process: Take three pieces of paper, set a timer for 15

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minutes, write at the top of the first sheet: To Be. And write for one minute, only one minute, how you are wanting to feel, "I want to feel joyful. I want to feel free. I want to feel inspired. I want to feel prosperous. I want to feel ... whatever." One minute only. Then go to the second sheet and for seven or eight minutes write: To Have. "I am wanting to have this relationship. I am wanting to have this house. I'm wanting to have these shoes, this car ... whatever, this body." It doesn't matter. Tangible or not tangible, write what are you wanting to have. And then, on the third sheet, these things, for seven or eight minutes: What I Will Do Today. Once you have utilized this process for twenty or thirty, or so, days, you will discover that what is in your doing will harmonize with your state of being.


You receive thought from the Universe. You receive thought from those who surround you. You receive thought from your physical friends. You receive thought from your Non-physical friends. But the way that you respond to it by the way you feel tells you whether it is valuable or not



Abraham/Wallace Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich Selected Excerpts

Original Publish Date: © 1910, Softcover

To Read the Book Online: Click Here or Click Here

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Chapter 1 - The Right To Be Rich Chapter 2 - There Is A Science of Getting Rich Chapter 3 - Is Opportunity Monopolized? "Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed. New Forms are constantly being made, and older ones are dissolving; but all are shapes assumed by One Thing. There is no limit to the supply of Formless Stuff, or Original Substance. The universe is made out of it; but it was not all used in making the universe. The spaces in, through, and between the forms of the visible universe are permeated and filled with the Original Substance; with the formless Stuff; with the raw material of all things. Ten thousand times as much as has been made might still be made, and even then we should not have exhausted the supply of universal raw material."

Chapter 4 - The First Principle in The Science of Getting Rich "In creating, the Formless seems to move according to the lines of motion it has established; the thought of an oak tree does not cause the instant formation of a full-grown tree, but it does start in motion the forces which will produce the tree, along established lines of growth."

"And if there were no existing channels through which the creative energy could work, then the house would be formed directly from primal substance, without waiting for the slow processes of the organic and inorganic world."

"And so far man has confined his efforts wholly to the work of his hands; he has applied manual labor to the world of forms, seeking to change or modify those already existing. He has never thought of trying to cause the creation of new forms by impressing his thoughts upon Formless Substance."

"There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world. This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances."

"To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance. To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think riches when in the midst of appearances of poverty, requires power; but he who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND. He can conquer fate; he can have what he wants."

Chapter 5 - Increasing Life "It is essential, however that your purpose should harmonize with the purpose that is in All. You must want real life, not mere pleasure of sensual gratification. Life is the performance of function; and the individual really lives only when he performs every function, physical, mental, and spiritual, of which he is capable, without excess in any."

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"You want to get rich in order that you may eat, drink, and be merry when it is time to do these things; in order that you may surround yourself with beautiful things, see distant lands, feed your mind, and develop your intellect; in order that you may love men and do kind things, and be able to play a good part in helping the world to find truth."

"You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created."

"I am aware that there are men who get a vast amount of money by proceeding in direct opposition to the statements in the paragraph above, and may add a word of explanation here. Men of the plutocratic type, who become very rich, do so sometimes purely by their extraordinary ability on the plane of competition; and sometimes they unconsciously relate themselves to Substance in its great purposes and movements for the general racial upbuilding through industrial evolution."

"Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory and permanent; they are yours to-day, and another's tomorrow. Remember, if you are to become rich in a scientific and certain way, you must rise entirely out of the competitive thought."

"Never look at the visible supply; look always at the limitless riches in Formless Substance, and KNOW that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them.Nobody, by cornering the visible supply, can prevent you from getting what is yours."

Chapter 6 - How Riches Come to You "God, the One Substance, is trying to live and do and enjoy things through humanity. He is saying "I want hands to build wonderful structures, to play divine harmonies, to paint glorious pictures; I want feet to run my errands, eyes to see my beauties, tongues to tell mighty truths and to sing marvelous songs," and so on."

"God wants those who can play music to have pianos and every other instrument, and to have the means to cultivate their talents to the fullest extent; He wants those who can appreciate beauty to be able to surround themselves with beautiful things; He wants those who can discern truth to have every opportunity to travel and observe; He wants those who can appreciate dress to be beautifully clothed, and those who can appreciate good food to be luxuriously fed."

Chapter 7 - Gratitude "The whole process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word, gratitude. First, you believe that there is one Intelligent Substance, from which all things proceed; second, you believe that this Substance gives you everything you desire; and third, you relate yourself to it by a feeling of deep and profound gratitude. Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. Having received one gift from God, they cut the wires which connect them with Him by failing to make acknowledgment."

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"But the value of gratitude does not consist solely in getting you more blessings in the future. Without gratitude you cannot long keep from dissatisfied thought regarding things as they are."

"Also, faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith."

"It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you; and to give thanks continuously."

Chapter 8 - Thinking in the Certain Way "You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want; you cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself."

"It is not enough that you should have a general desire for wealth "to do good with"; everybody has that desire. It is not enough that you should have a wish to travel, see things, live more, etc. Everybody has those desires also. If you were going to send a wireless message to a friend, you would not send the letters of the alphabet in their order, and let him construct the message for himself; nor would you take words at random from the dictionary. You would send a coherent sentence; one which meant something."

"That clear mental picture you must have continually in mind, as the sailor has in mind the port toward which he is sailing the ship; you must keep your face toward it all the time. You must no more lose sight of it than the steersman loses sight of the compass."

"...all you need is to know what you want, and to want it badly enough so that it will stay in your thoughts."

"It is the things you do not really care about which require effort to fix your attention upon them."

"The more clear and definite you make your picture then, and the more you dwell upon it, bringing out all its delightful details, the stronger your desire will be; and the stronger your desire, the easier it will be to hold your mind fixed upon the picture of what you want."

"Behind your clear vision must be the purpose to realize it; to bring it out in tangible expression."

"Live in the new house, mentally, until it takes form around you physically. In the mental realm, enter at once into full enjoyment of the things you want."

"See the things you want as if they were actually around you all the time; see yourself as owning and using them. Make use of them in imagination just as you will use them when they are your tangible possessions. Dwell upon your mental picture until it is clear and distinct, and then take the Mental Attitude of Ownership toward everything in that

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picture. Take possession of it, in mind, in the full faith that it is actually yours. Hold to this mental ownership; do not waiver for an instant in the faith that it is real."

"The man who can sincerely thank God for the things which as yet he owns only in imagination, has real faith."

"The whole matter turns on receiving, once you have clearly formed your vision. When you have formed it, it is well to make an oral statement, addressing the Supreme in reverent prayer; and from that moment you must, in mind, receive what you ask for. Live in the new house; wear the fine clothes; ride in the automobile; go on the journey, and confidently plan for greater journeys. Think and speak of all the things you have asked for in terms of actual present ownership. Imagine an environment, and a financial condition exactly as you want them, and live all the time in that imaginary environment and financial condition."

Chapter 9 - How to Use the Will "Use your mind to form a mental image of what you want, and to hold that vision with faith and purpose; and use your will to keep your mind working in the Right Way. The more steady and continuous your faith and purpose, the more rapidly you will get rich, because you will make only POSITIVE impressions upon Substance; and you will not neutralize or offset them by negative impressions."

"Doubt or unbelief is as certain to start a movement away from you as faith and purpose are to start one toward you. It is by not understanding this that most people who try to make use of "mental science" in getting rich make their failure. Every hour and moment you spend in giving heed to doubts and fears, every hour you spend in worry, every hour in which your soul is possessed by unbelief, sets a current away from you in the whole domain of intelligent Substance."

"Since belief is all important, it behooves you to guard your thoughts; and as your beliefs will be shaped to a very great extent by the things you observe and think about, it is important that you should command your attention."

Chapter 10 - Further Use of the Will Chapter 11 - Acting in the Certain Way "Thinking in a Certain Way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. That is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical thinkers meet shipwreck--the failure to connect thought with personal action."

"If you act in the present with your mind on the future, your present action will be with a divided mind, and will not be effective. Put your whole mind into present action."

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"Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind."

Chapter 12 - Efficient Action "In the animal world, evolution is caused by excess of life. When an organism has more life than can be expressed in the functions of its own plane, it develops the organs of a higher plane, and a new species is originated. There never would have been new species had there not been organisms which more than filled their places. The law is exactly the same for you; your getting rich depends upon your applying this principle to your own affairs."

"In saying that you must hold your vision while you are doing each act, however trivial or commonplace, I do not mean to say that it is necessary at all times to see the vision distinctly to its smallest details. It should be the work of your leisure hours to use your imagination on the details of your vision, and to contemplate them until they are firmly fixed upon memory."

Chapter 13 - Getting into the Right Business "A day or two spent in contemplating the vision of what you want, and in earnest thanksgiving that you are getting it, will bring your mind into such close relationship with the Supreme that you will make no mistake when you do act. There is a mind which knows all there is to know; and you can come into close unity with this mind by faith and the purpose to advance in life, if you have deep gratitude."

Chapter 14 - The Impression of Increase "Every living thing is under this necessity for continuous advancement; where increase of life ceases, dissolution and death set in at once."

"And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men and women are attracted to him who can give them more of the means of life."

"Nothing is so pleasant to the unformed or partially developed mind as the exercise of power or dominion over others. The desire to rule for selfish gratification has been the curse of the world."

"Today, the main motive in the business and industrial world is the same; men Marshal their armies of dollars, and lay waste the lives and hearts of millions in the same mad scramble for power over others."

Chapter 15 - The Advancing Man "The man who is certain to advance is the one who is too big for his place, and who has a clear concept of what he wants to be; who knows that he can become what he wants to be and who is determined to BE what he wants to be."

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Chapter 16 - Some Cautions, and Concluding Observations Chapter 17 - Summary of the Science of Getting Rich (in it's entirety) "THERE is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; otherwise he cannot be in harmony with the Formless Intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

Man may come into full harmony with the Formless Substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of Substance, so that man's thoughts are received by the Formless. Man can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the Formless Intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.

Man must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become; and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him. The man who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating his Vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the reality is being given to him. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is given to the Formless, and the creative forces set in motion.

The creative energy works through the established channels of natural growth, and of the industrial and social order. All that is included in his mental image will surely be brought to the man who follows the instructions given above, and whose faith does not waver. What he wants will come to him through the ways of established trade and commerce.

In order to receive his own when it shall come to him, man must be active; and this activity can only consist in more than filling his present place. He must keep in mind the Purpose to get rich through the realization of his mental image. And he must do, every day, all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner. He must give to every man a use value in excess of the cash value he receives, so that each transaction makes for more life; and he must so hold the Advancing Thought that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom he comes in contact.

The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich; and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.

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