ABR Research- Progress Report

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  • 8/2/2019 ABR Research- Progress Report





    Employee Satisfaction Survey inKESC & MCB and Comparison

    SUBMITTED BY:Syed Sarosh AhmedMuhammad Asif


  • 8/2/2019 ABR Research- Progress Report


    Immad Ahmed AwanFawwad NaseemMuhammad RehanAshfaque Ahmed


  • 8/2/2019 ABR Research- Progress Report


    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................3Introduction ..............................................................................................................................4

    Job Satisfaction .........................................................................................................................4Definition ..............................................................................................................................4

    The Statement of Problem ........................................................................................................5

    Research Objective ...................................................................................................................5Research Questions ..................................................................................................................5

    Variables of Employee Satisfaction .........................................................................................6

    A. Demographic variables ...................................................................................................6

    B. Work environment variables ..........................................................................................6Secondary Data Analysis .........................................................................................................9

    Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Employees in Pakistani Banking Sector .................9Job Satisfaction for Employees: Evidence from KESC ....................................................14References ..............................................................................................................................20

    Appendix A: Research Questionnaire (Tentative) .................................................................21


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    Employee's satisfaction and retention have always been an important issue foremployers. The relationship between man and work has always attracted theconcentration of philosophers and scientists. A most important part of man's

    life is spent at work. Work is a social reality and social expectation to whichmen seem to validate. It not only provides rank to the person but also bindshim to the society.

    Job Satisfaction

    Job satisfaction is an emotional reaction to an employee's work situation. Thiscan be defined as an overall impression about one's job in terms of specificaspects of the job (e.g., compensation, autonomy, colleagues) and it can beconnected with specific results, such as productivity.


    The feelings a worker has about his or her job or job experiences inrelation to previous experiences, current expectations, or availablealternatives (Balzer) Job satisfaction is an attitude people have about their jobs (Chelladurai) A pleasurable or a positive emotional state resulting from the appraisalof one's job or job experience (Locke)

    The measurement of one's total feelings and attitudes towards one's job(Graham)

    Any combination of psychological, physiological, and environmentalcircumstances that causes a person truthfully to say, I am satisfied with my

    job (Dr. Robert Hoppock)

    Job satisfaction is often thought to be the gratification of strong needs in theworkplace or the degree of discrepancy between what a person expect toreceive from work and what that person perceives is actually received. (John b.Miner [2002])

    Studies in the area of job satisfaction as an important and popular research

    topic started decades ago. In research designs it has been used variously as

    dependent, independent and moderating variables. In 1935, the concept of jobsatisfaction gained currency through the publication of a monograph by

    Hoppock on "Job Satisfaction". Hoppock in his monograph defined job

    satisfaction as "any combination of psychological, physiological and

    environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say I am

    satisfied with my job" (AOJ 2009)


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    According to Robbins, a job satisfaction refers to a person's general attitude

    towards his or her job. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds

    positive approach towards job, while a person who is disappointed with his or

    her job holds a negative attitude about the job."

    Job satisfaction is a result of employee's perception of how well their job

    provides those things that are viewed as important. It is generally recognized

    in the organizational behavior field that job satisfaction is the most important

    and frequently studied attitude (CIS2009).

    The Statement of Problem

    Both organizations are from services industry. One is a recently privatizedpublic utility company while other is a privatized bank which was alsonationalized a decade ago.

    The changing scenarios in both the organization have made it difficult to keepthe employee satisfied and have also resulted to create disparity among oldemployees and the new hires. The changing environment also resulted intaking the ownership of new culture and new work dynamics.

    Research Objective

    The main purpose of this research report is to identify the validity of majorvariables of job satisfaction in both organizations environment and also to spotthe variables which differ the two organizations in terms of having satisfiedemployees.

    Research Questions

    1. What are the key changes in variables which affect the job satisfactionof employees pre and post of privatization in both organizations?

    2. What are the different variables and their importance in driving the jobsatisfaction in both organizations?

    3. How the job satisfaction in both organizations different from each other?


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    Variables of Employee Satisfaction

    Scientists generally pay attention to two competing sources of workers' job


    A. Demographic variables

    Job satisfaction can be related to psychological factors and so numbers of

    personal factors determine the job satisfaction of the employees. They are as


    Gender Differences: The gender and race of the employees plays important

    variables of Job satisfaction. Women, the fairer sex, are more likely to be

    satisfied than their male counterpart even if they are employed in small jobs.

    But a number of empirical studies on job satisfaction have suggested thatfemale workers have lower level of job satisfaction than their male

    counterparts and some other studies suggested contrary to it.

    Education: Education plays a significant determinant of job satisfaction as it

    provides an opportunity for developing ones personality. The highly educated

    employees can understand the situation and asses it positively as they possess

    persistence, rationality and thinking power.

    Most of the researches on the relationship between education level and job

    satisfaction yield consistent findings. Especially Griffin, Dunbar & McGill (1978)

    found that workers with higher educational level would tend to be more

    satisfied with their job than workers with lower educational level.

    Age: Worker's age has been found to have a negative impact on worker's job

    satisfaction (Buzawa, 1984). This means that younger workers are more

    satisfied with their jobs than their senior counterparts.

    Job Assignment: The fourth and final variable is the job assignment. A recent

    study results showed that university graduates were more satisfied with their

    jobs when these were consistent with their university majors than when these

    fell outside their fields of interest (Vandenberg & Lance, 1992).

    B. Work environment variables

    Herzberg (1959; 1966) developed two-factor theory of job satisfaction:

    "motivation" and "hygiene". According to Herzberg's theory, hygiene issues

    cannot motivate workers but can minimize dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors

    include company policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations and

    working conditions. They are variables related to the worker's environment.


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    By contrast, a worker's job satisfaction was influenced by factors associated

    with the work itself or by outcomes directly derived from it such as the nature

    of their jobs, achievement in the work, promotion opportunities, and chances

    for personal growth and recognition. Because such factors were associated

    with high levels of job satisfaction, Herzberg referred them as 'motivation


    Hackman and Oldham (1975) proposed five "core" dimensions for evaluatingthe immediate work environment constituting the Job Diagnostic Survey UDS.

    These core dimensions turned out to be associated significantly with jobsatisfaction and a high sense of workers' motivation. That is, the workenvironment source consisted of five dimensions, namely those of skill variety,task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback

    The most important characteristic that receives huge attention in Hackman

    and Oldham's study is the meaningfulness of the work Job meaningfulness can

    be defined as the product of three dimensions: skill variety (activities that

    challenge skills and abilities); task identity (the extent to which the job requirescompletion of a "whole", identifiable peace of work); task significance (how

    substantially the job has impacts on other people's lives.

    Some important variables are:

    Wages: Wage can be described as the amount of reward that a workerexpects from the job. Wages are an instrument of fulfilling the needs as everyworker expects to get an appropriate reward. The wages are supposed to befair, reasonable and equitable. A feeling of job satisfaction is felt by attainingfair and equitable rewards.

    Nature of Work: The nature of work has significant impact on the jobsatisfaction.

    Job satisfaction is highly influenced by the nature of work. Employees aresatisfied with job that involves intelligence, skills, abilities, challenges andscope for greater freedom. Job dissatisfaction arises with a feeling of boredom,poor variety of tasks, frustration and failures.

    Working Conditions: Employees are highly motivated with good workingconditions as they provide a feeling of safety, comfort and motivation. Oncontrary, poor working conditions brings out a fear of bad health in employees.

    Job Content: Factors like recognition, responsibility, advancement,achievement etc can be referred to as job content. A job that involves varietyof tasks and less monotonous results delivers greater job satisfaction. A jobthat involves poor content produces job dissatisfaction.

    Organizational Level: The jobs that are at higher levels are viewed as


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    prestigious, esteemed and opportunity for self-control. The employees that areworking at higher level jobs express greater job satisfaction than the onesworking at lower level jobs.

    Opportunities for Promotion: Promotion can be reciprocated as a significant

    achievement in the life. It promises and delivers more pay, responsibility,authority, independence and status. So, the opportunities for promotiondetermine the degree of satisfaction to the employees.

    Work Group: There is a natural desire of human beings to interact with othersand so existence of groups in organizations is a common observable fact. Thischaracteristic results in formation of work groups at the work place. Isolatedworkers dislike their jobs. The work groups make use of a remarkable influenceon the satisfaction of employees. The satisfaction of an individual is dependenton largely on the relationship with the group members, group dynamics, groupcohesiveness and his own need for affiliation.

    Leadership Styles: The satisfaction level on the job can be determined by theleadership styles. Job satisfaction is greatly enhanced by democratic style ofleadership. It is because democratic leaders promote friendship, respect andwarmth relationships among the employees. On contrary, employees workingunder authoritarian and dictatorial leaders express low level of job satisfaction.

    The job satisfaction can also be determined by other factors like learning, skill

    autonomy, job characteristics, unbiased attitude of management, social status

    etc. It is important for managers to consider all these factors in assessing the

    satisfaction of the employees and increasing their level of job satisfaction.

    On Job Trainings: This is very important aspect of keeping staff motivated.

    OJT usually provides employees with learning opportunities and to grow their

    skills horizontally by getting hands on different work assignments.

    Performance Evaluation: The job satisfaction can also be determined by

    having the employees opinion regarding performance evaluation culture. It is

    not related to only the evaluation but also about the timely intimation and

    engagement of employees from time to time.


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    Secondary Data Analysis

    Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Employees in PakistaniBanking Sector

    The sector wise employed labor force for Pakistan is as under which gives usthe brief idea of diversification of labor force and the trend of labor forcetoward a particular sector.

    Source: GovernmentSurvey

    The study is conducted by a group of scholars at Iqra University, Islamabad.

    The focus of this study is to determine the impact of various human resourcemanagement practices like job autonomy, team work environment andleadership behavior on job satisfaction. It also investigates the major variablesof job satisfaction in Pakistani banking sector. This study further evaluates thelevel of difference in job satisfaction among male and female employees.

    The sample of the study consisted of 450 employees working in different banksof Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore through the questionnaire, of which 295were returned and processed. SPSS was used to analyze the data, usingIndependent Sample T Test, Correlation and regression analysis. There is apositive and significant link between job satisfaction and human recoursemanagement practices like team work environment, job autonomy and

    behavior of leadership. From the findings of the study, it is also inferred thatmale and female workers have significantly different level of job satisfaction.

    The focus of this study is to determine the impact of various human resourcemanagement practices like job autonomy, team work environment andleadership behavior on employee job satisfaction. It also investigates the majorvariables of job satisfaction in Pakistani banking sector. This study furtherevaluates the level differences in job satisfaction between male and femaleemployees.


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    Impact of different factors on job satisfaction has been analyzed in theliterature. Some studies focus on demographic variables of workers jobsatisfaction but, the others relate it with nature of work and working conditionsat the workplace. Similarly, fair promotion system in the organization, job

    autonomy, leadership behavior, social relations and the job itself are alsoamong the important factors of job satisfaction (Dawson, 1987).

    The effect of rank, age, gender and length of service on job satisfaction ofemployees was studied by Oshagbemi (2003) for the universities in UnitedKingdom (UK). The study found individual's rank within the organization as amajor predictor of job satisfaction and there was positive and strong correlationbetween the two. Similarly the length of service was significantly andnegatively correlated to the job satisfaction. But the relationship between jobsatisfaction and age and gender was found to be insignificant for employees ofthe UK universities.

    There is a lot of discussion in literature on the role of gender in job satisfactionbut, there is a great controversy in the findings of different studies. Somestudies found that women employees are more satisfied with their jobs thanmen employees but, the other studies on the gender issue prove the opposite(Weaver, 1974; Shaprio & Stern, 1975; Forgionne & Peters, 1982; Clark, 1997and Ward & Sloane, 1998). While discussing the gender aspect of jobsatisfaction, Cambell et al. (1976) argued that there is a difference betweenthe expectations of men and women regarding their jobs. According to him thisdifference in expectation may be the cause of difference in the level of jobsatisfaction between women and men.

    According to Lee & Ho (1989) participation of employees in decision makingprocess adds positively in employee's job satisfaction. Wilkinson (1996) alsonoticed that involvement of employees in decision making process is essentialin order to get new ideas that come into the minds of active workers. Jobsatisfaction and work motivation among the managers of Chinese restaurant inHong Kong was studied by Lam et al. (2001). The result of the study showedthat the job itself, work environment and rewards are the important variablesof job satisfaction in that industry. They found that turnover intentions have asignificant relation with job satisfaction.

    According to Tanke (1990) unpleasant behaviour of supervisor, dissatisfactionwith compensation system and disagreement with human resource practices

    make employees willing to leave the organization. Using the longitudinal data,Nguyen et al. (2003) studied the variables of job satisfaction by includingpersonal traits, job autonomy, working hours, leadership behavior, actual payand relative.

    According to Eason (1989) lack of training, insufficient support of topmanagement and workers union and non-supportive behaviour of supervisorsare major impediments in building empowered teams.


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    Despite prevalence of out dated system in an organization empowered workteams may work and flourish, but ultimately it will require the revision toimprove the organization's system (Emery, 1992). Improper planning is amongthe biggest mistakes made at the time of team building and attractive rewardsystem is the easiest thing to forget. For the prosperity and survival of selfdirected teams, intrinsic as well as extrinsic reward systems play a vital role

    (Hackman, 1990). Chow & Luk (1996) identified good working relationshipswith supervisors. It is very important to look into the factors behind thedeclining job satisfaction. Satisfaction level of the employees working as ateam is very important because it directly affects their performance on the job.Identification of these factors accurately becomes the key to retain and raisethe satisfaction level of the employees (James, 1996).

    The controversy in the literature, regarding the relationship between level of

    job satisfaction and gender, leads the following hypothesis:

    H0: There is no significant difference between men and women' job

    satisfaction levelH1: There is a significant difference between men and women job satisfactionlevelH2: Autonomy has significant impact on Job Satisfaction

    H3: Leadership behavior has significant impact on job satisfaction

    H4: Team work environment has significant impact on job satisfaction

    Markow & Klenke (2005) and Milliman et al. (2003) documented that leadershipspiritually is a major determinant to enhance the employees' efficiency, jobsatisfaction, and loyalty coupled with a decrease in employees' turnoverintentions. According to Hackman and Oldham (1980) job satisfaction is a

    multifaceted phenomenon that consists of factor such as supervision at work,work itself, compensation and benefits, promotion policies of organization,appraisal and coworkers' attitude. People are much concern about pay andleadership behavior.

    Patel & Cardon (2010) suggest that having a group culture is a key factor in theextent to which leadership behavior is adopted, as well as how effectiveadopting HRM practices are for increasing labor productivity and jobsatisfaction. Gogoi (2005) find that the importance of work spiritually isconsistently growing as the spiritual cause leads to strategic benefits to thebusiness unit and due to the significant contribution of team work spiritually.


    The sample of the study was consisted of 450 employees working in thebanking sector in Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore, of which 295 werereturned and processed, a 65 percent response rate was achieved.

    This study examines the relationship between job satisfaction and humanresource management practices like job autonomy, leadership behavior andteam work environment in Pakistani banking sector by questionnaire. Thisquestionnaire consisted of two parts; the first part consisted of demographiccharacteristics of employees whereas, the second part measured the job


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    satisfaction. Likert scale ranking (5-Point likert scale) was used where 5 is thehighest degree of agreement and 1 is least degree of agreement. Thestatistical package social sciences program (SPSS) was used for the analyses.Regression, Correlation and Independent Sample T-Test are applied foranalysis in this study. The survey includes instrument to measure therelationship between job satisfaction and human resource practices, divide into

    four parts, job satisfaction (six items), job autonomy (three items), leadershipbehavior (five items) and team work (seven items), where job satisfaction is adependent variable and remaining three are independent variables.

    This study was based on primary data. The questionnaire was self-

    administered and was distributed among the 450 respondents. Before giving

    the questionnaires, all questions were explained to the participants so they can

    easily complete the questionnaire and the relevant results. Only one

    questionnaire was given to each respondent. The convenient sampling

    technique was followed for data collection.

    Results and DiscussionThe main objective of the study is to analyze the relationship of Human

    resource management practice (autonomy, leadership behavior, team work

    etc) with job satisfaction. Several tests have been utilized for this analysis and

    summery of results are given below:

    It is indicating that male employees are more satisfied with their jobs as

    compared to female employees. The results of the study have supported in

    literature and represent almost true socioeconomic values and norms which

    are dominant in the Pakistan. Women in Pakistan are faced with the problem of

    less job opportunities as compare to male. Women consider every job

    opportunity, available to them, a blessing and are accepted whatever they get.

    Due to these reasons our results seem to be consistent with the real situation

    prevailing in Pakistan.

    The results reported represent the significant correlation among all variables

    by summarizing the values of Pearsons correlation coefficient. It is clear from

    the result that at 5% level of significance job satisfaction is positively

    correlated with autonomy as the value of the correlation coefficient 0.377.

    Leadership behavior is also positively linked with job satisfaction and has

    statistically significant correlation coefficient 0.476 at 5% level of significance.

    Value of Pearson Correlation Coefficient is 0.518 which shows that team work

    and job satisfaction are highly positively correlated. Their relationship is

    significant as at 5% level of significance. Finally, we can say that job

    satisfaction is positively and significantly correlated with all three independent

    variables. Employees are not only more aware but they also have more job

    opportunities due to expansion of the banking sector. The job satisfaction is no

    more attached only to autonomy it is also accompanied by leadership behavior

    and team work environment.


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    Show that there is a positive relationship between dependent and independent


    Although team work is the most important factor affecting job satisfaction,

    employees give substantial importance to job autonomy and leadership

    behavior as well.

    The findings of regression and correlation analysis indicate that job satisfactionis positively and significantly affected with all of three independent variablesand employees of Pakistani banking sector respond the variations in thesevariables significantly for determination of their level of job satisfaction.

    The results of the study show that the remaining three hypotheses (H2, H3,

    and H4) are also valid and confirm that autonomy, leadership behavior and

    team work environment positively related to the level of job satisfaction. These

    findings are consistent with the work of Garrido et al. (2005) and Lam et al.


    Findings of the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between

    autonomy, leadership behavior and team work environment and job

    satisfaction. However, leadership and teamwork environment influence more

    than autonomy on employees' job satisfaction. The results also depict a

    significant difference of level of job satisfaction between male and female


    The banking sector in Pakistan is facing a tremendous change for several

    years. Not only number of new entrants has increased competition among the

    banks, but economic condition, political instability and energy crises affected

    on this industry which affected banking sector. As a result, not only their

    transaction volume is decreasing, but the number of the transactions is also

    declining. Due to this banking sector is experiencing rapid turnover. The results

    of this study are not only beneficial for employers in private banks, but are also

    useful for public banks. Since this study finds that employees weigh more to

    leadership behavior and team work environment, than autonomy, to enhance

    their job satisfaction, so the management should focus on leadership behavior

    to their employees, and should provide them with a good team work

    environment which will enhance their level of job satisfaction. It will further

    reduce absenteeism and turnover.


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    Job Satisfaction for Employees: Evidence from KESCBy Nousheen, G.M.Herani, M. Mahmud and M. Tariq

    The research was published in KASBIT Business Journal, (1): 95-104(2009)


    Research has been conducted in order to critically evaluate and examine thelevel of employees' satisfaction as well as the factors of dissatisfaction amongthe employees of Karachi Electric supply Corporation (KESC). The purpose ofthis study is also to observe and analyze the factors which create jobdissatisfaction especially among the hardworking managers, and to find outthe reasons which make them realize that they don not have a clear career


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    path along working with KESC. The primary data for this study was compiledthrough questionnaire filled in on a one-to-one basis by 60 respondents from arepresentative sample of employees of (KESC) in Karachi district in the lastquarter of 2008. The results have shown that Working Environment, TotalCompensation, Growth Opportunities and Training & Development aresignificant factor and these four are affecting Job Satisfaction and correlatedwith each others. The study was faced by certain limitations and thoselimitations included time constraints and resources constraints, which limitedthis research to only the Karachi Head office of the KESC organization. Lack of

    job satisfaction is a serious issue in various organizations and jobdissatisfaction has become a major obstacle in employees' productivity andcompany's growth. There are numbers of factors which can create jobdissatisfaction among employees but in this study the very critical factors arediscussed upon which KESC management should really work on.

    Keeping in view the importance of job satisfaction in different organizations

    generally and observing the turnover of employees in KESC particularly, this

    study has been conducted. The research is focused on employee's job

    satisfaction in general and KESC employees as particular.

    Few important variables mentioned here are:

    Job insecurity Efficient employees are disappointed of promises which never

    materialized No career ladder Lack of training and development No rewards or appreciation on any additional effort

    Loss of job satisfaction creeps up on people causing burnout, mounting stressand depression. There are many causes and multiple ways to change it, whichwill be suggested for this study.

    Scope of Study

    This study will be helpful to point out the important areas where company HRM

    lacks in creating job satisfaction. The actions which can motivate employees to

    perform efficiently and produce quality work. The factors which can create job

    security. The ways to develop sense of responsibility among employees. A

    sense of proper planning for training and development of employees. This

    study brings the attentions of management towards the importance of

    existence of clearly designed career ladder for employees.

    Purpose of Study

    Research has been conducted in order to critically evaluate and examine thelevel of employees' satisfaction as well as the factors of dissatisfaction amongemployees of KESC.


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    The purpose of this study is also to observe and analyze the factors whichcreate job dissatisfaction especially among the hardworking managers, and tofind out the reasons which make them realize that they don not have a clearcareer path along working with KESC.

    Specifically, this study highlights the important points that KESC's top

    management must consider in order to increase job satisfaction among theiremployees and to develop loyalty for the company.

    Literature Review

    View of job satisfaction is supported by a considerable literature showing thatcompensation is usually way down in the list of reasons why good people quittheir job. Job satisfaction when people feel unhappy, undervalued orunappreciated and they soon leave. Good workers need to have their skillsused and tested constantly. If challenge is missing they will soon be missing aswell. Job dissatisfaction also occurs when employees' expectation does notmatch work and reasons of leaving the job can be mismatch between job and

    person, lack of confidence in company, non-cooperative coworkers, less growthopportunities, stress, lack of respect from supervisor and unclear objectives.Improving employee retention will be more effective over long run thanordinary negative approach of simply reducing turnover. It is exotic that highturnover comes from poor management and low turnover is the result of goodmanagement. Employees are asset of an organization and frequent quality ofemployees will affect the goodwill of an organization. This literature can beverified by Pressler and Majju.

    As we know that employee dissatisfaction leads to burnout, it is the

    psychological condition of an employee brought about by undervalues work

    stress. Burnout happens for several reasons like workload, lack of control,

    insufficient rewards. It occurs when unrealistic tasks are given which are notachievable. Employees suffer with burnout when job requirements are not

    made clear, when bosses expect employees to be superhuman and complete

    enormous amount of work with too little time and inadequate resources and

    job stress lead to physical illness. Employees become de-motivated when there

    is lack of performance appraisal, when they feel that doing more or less will

    give the same rewards. Symptoms of job burnout are intense frustration and

    unhappiness will eventually lead to anger. An employee may notice that his or

    her performance is declining and perhaps will not care either way. Excessive

    absenteeism, lack of interest in work, lack of quality and quantity of work and

    off the job work means misusing company facility for personal use are also

    strong symptoms of job dissatisfaction. One way to turn around is for the

    employee to reward himself / herself a few times throughout the day. A

    company's success mostly depend on employees' performance so a fair

    performance appraisal should be conducted regularly which lead to

    improvement of work quality and decrease of job dissatisfaction. This can be

    further studied in the literature (Marshidha; Scott 2009).

    Numerous researchers have worked on why good workers leave their job. The

    job or workplace was not expected. Managers misrepresent pay deals, hours


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    are not as promised, training or promotions don't come through. At their root,

    these complaints means expectations are not met. People generally assume

    that fixing the reasons employees give for leaving will result in higher retention

    rates. Leavers more likely to focus behavior, job challenges, lack of flexibility

    and non-measurement of work (Branham; Newstorm 2009; Misbach).

    We know that employee satisfaction and retention is not only the matter ofmoney but the feeling experienced at work, work environment, supervision,good communication, clear job description, involvement of employees indecision making, growth opportunities respect by supervisors, motivation bymanagement and fair performance appraisal leads to job satisfaction andemployee retention (Krigar; Johson; Hudy; Zimmer)

    Conceptual Framework

    The Job Satisfaction models have been drawn mainly from Lawler, E.E. (2001)process model which dominated the early research on Job Satisfaction. Five

    main variables in our research areThe dependent variable

    "Job Satisfaction" is our dependent variable

    The independent variable

    Work Environment Total Compensation Growth Opportunities Training & Development

    Research MethodologyData was collected, to achieve the results for objectives, scope and hypothesisof this study. For the collection of data, there are two types of references andresources, primary and secondary.

    In order to collect primary data, methods of inquiries can be case study,

    statically method and sample survey method. In this study convenient

    Technique known as Purposive Sampling Survey is applied based upon

    structural questionnaire.

    The primary data for this study was compiled through questionnaire filled in ona one-to-one basis by 60 respondents from a representative sample of

    employees of KESC, in Karachi district in the last quarter of 2008. In thisresearch the 'Population' is the category of employees who were GeneralManagers, Deputy General Managers, Managers, Assistant Managers andOfficers from the KESC head office. The list of respondents was got from arepresentative of KESC office.

    While selecting the respondents randomly survey was conducted from areas oftypical nature in order to get complete information about the whole district.

    Research Methods and Instruments


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    In order to collect the data on the prescribed closed-ended questionnaire. Job

    was also difficult in the sense that respondents hesitated to cooperate with

    strangers due to privacy and bad conditions of law and order situation in


    Questionnaire used is self-administered based on Likert scale format with a five

    point response scale. In this the Data analysis through SPSS. The hypothesiswas tested through multiple regressions. The equation for regression analysisis:

    Job Satisfaction = Po + $1 (Working Environment) + $2 (Total Compensation)+ $3 (Growth Opportunities) + $4 (Training & Development)


    H1: There is positive Impact between Working Environment and Job

    Satisfaction in KESC

    H2: KESC is providing Fair Compensation Package to employeesH3: There is Growth Opportunities involves in Job Satisfaction in KESC

    H4: There is Proper Planed Training & Development in KESC

    The data was analyzed through SPSS software by using correlation andregression. The t value for Working Environment is 2.281; Total Compensation2.101; Growth Opportunities 2.089; and Training & Development 1.912. In allthe above variables t value is lesser than 2.5. According to the rules if t value islesser than 2.5 (2.5>t) than null hypothesis will be accepted and alternatehypothesis will be rejected. According to the statistical analysis the managersfeel that they are not provided a working environment which is really positivelycompetitive and productive due to which their motivation level is decreased.

    The KESC employees strongly disagree on the fact that company has clearorganization policies regarding Total Compensation Package. When theRespondents are asked regarding Growth Opportunities of them, they repliedthat they don't see any growth opportunities in KESC. A major percentage ofemployees expressed their concern for their training and developmentaccording to their need, analysis and requirement of job tasks but KESC do notconsider Training & Development as an important factor.

    Results and Discussions


    H1: There is positive Impact b/w Working Environment and Job Satisfaction inKESC.


    H2: There is providing Fair Compensation Package in KESC. REJECTED.

    H3: There is Growth Opportunities involves in Job Satisfaction in KESC.REJECTED.

    H4: There is Proper Planed Training & Development in KESC. REJECTED.


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    According to the statistical analysis, the managers feel that they are notprovided a working environment, which is really positively competitive andproductive due to which their motivation level is decreased.

    The employees feel satisfied when they are well aware of the company

    Compensation policies and they feel that they are treated fairly by the

    management in whatever the case may be. But here in KESC all employees

    strongly disagree on the fact that company has clear organization

    Compensation policies.

    When an employee does not find the exposure to grow in job then becomes de-

    motivated and dissatisfied because feel that no matter whatever extra effort

    one does, but would not grow the way one deserves. When the managers were

    asked regarding this fact, they replied that they don't see any growth

    opportunities in KESC.

    Periodical promotions on the basis of appraisals are the most effective factorsin motivating employees. But it is found that people are really de-motivatedregarding this fact. They clearly said that their work is not being evaluated bythe management. There is no such policy of promotion on the basis ofperformance or on the basis of further qualification.

    Those organizations, which have their proper regular training & development

    program for their employees are more productive than those who do not

    consider Training and Development as an important factor. A major percentage

    of employees expressed their concern for their training and development

    according to their need analysis and requirement of job tasks.


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  • 8/2/2019 ABR Research- Progress Report


    Appendix A: Research Questionnaire (Tentative)

    1) The pay package is sufficient to meet my necessary expenses.

    2) I have good opportunity for improvement in my job.

    3) I feel comfortable with my colleagues.

    4) The working hours are flexible.

    5) There is no leg pulling in my office.

    6) Good training programs are being held by the HR management.

    7) The performance appraisal program is very fair.

    8) There is no difficulty in taking leaves.

    9) I receive reasonable annual increments.

    10)I am happy with my job.

    11)I handle my job responsibilities as a challenge.

    12)Most of the time I do routine work.

    13)The opportunities of promotion are quite admirable.

    14)My salary is quite suitable with my qualification.

    15)My boss does not delegate powers.

    16)My boss is fair to his employees.

    17)The fair job rotation system is followed by the HR management.

    18)My job responsibilities match with my job description.

    19)The work distribution is equally fair among the employees.

    20)There is no gender favoritism.
