Above walkthrough.docx


Transcript of Above walkthrough.docx


DoorCLUE 1Try holding down the left mouse button.

CLUE 2Watch the order the orbs unlit.

SOLUTIONStarting from the lower left orb, click and drag over all orbs clockwise. When all orbs are lit the door will open.

Color puzzleCLUE 1Clicking the bars will change the colors on the table.

CLUE 2There are symbols on the bars. Perhaps these symbols can be found elsewhere on the island?

CLUE 3There are a total of 6 stones with symbols and matrix tables around the island. Each symbol represents a color, and the dark areas on the matrix tables of the stones show what color the boxes of the puzzle is supposed to be

CLUE 4There are only three colors on the bars. Aligning two bars over each other will result in the color these colors combine into. Red + Yellow = Orange. PS. There’s a border around the table. When you push a symbol on a bar into the table, it will not actually be in the 6x6 grid until you push it again.


Music puzzleCLUE 1There are a total of 4 wells on the island, one of which is where the puzzle is solved (the one with 3 pillars). All of the wells are important for solving the puzzle.

CLUE 2Other than the rope, the main puzzle well has 3 switches that can be pressed. They are located on top of the well (the actual well, not the pillars).

CLUE 3Clicking the switches changes the sound the well makes when you pull the rope.

CLUE 4The sound is the sum of 3 parts: melody, bass line and accord. Every switch changes one of these, and every minor well plays either the correct melody, bass line or accord. Try to mimic the right sounds.


Sound puzzleCLUE 1Whenever you step on a platform, it lights up and plays a sound. There are more than one sound. You can reset the lights once you’ve lit up 16 platforms by stepping on the platform that is directly in front of you when you enter the room.

CLUE 2There are 4 sounds and they can be played in pairs or alone.

CLUE 3The sounds has to do with direction


LabyrinthCLUE 1There are buttons to press. The first button can be found on the wall to your left when you enter the cave. It’s just next to a stone with markings.

CLUE 2The buttons open/close the blue walls.

CLUE 3A button can open/close more than one blue wall.


SpatialCLUE 1You need to position yourself on the platform on the top of the ramp in order to update the positions of the small floating islands. The platforms won’t move once they’re in the right position.

CLUE 2The switches surrounding the big outdoor sphere is a part of the puzzle.

CLUE 3Gyroscope.