About PSDI

ADB’s vision: an Asia and Pacific free of poverty Based in Manila, ADB is owned by 67 members, including 48 from the region. ADB’s main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance. Find out more: Contact Andrea C. Iffland, Regional Director Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office, Asian Development Bank. Level 20, 45 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. Tel +612 8270 9444 Fax +612 8270 9445 Email: : : [email protected] Visit us online: Visit us online: Visit us online: Visit us online: www.adbpsdi.org www.adb.org/plco/psdi facebook.com/adbpsdi @ADB_Sydney_PSDI Doing business in the Pacific is hard... ...due to outdated company laws, underdeveloped financial markets, inefficient state-owned enterprises, inadequate competition, and barriers that prevent women from participating fully in the economy. PSDI helps governments and the pri- vate sector overcome these challenges, setting Pacific countries on the path to sustainable and inclusive economic growth. © Asian Development Bank Publicaon Stock No. ARM146552-2 June 2014 The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) is a regional technical assistance facility cofinanced by the Asian Development Bank, Australian Aid, and the New Zealand Aid Programme. Pacific Pacific Private Sector Private Sector Development Development Initiative Initiative PSDI helps the private sector PSDI helps the private sector to drive inclusive economic growth, to drive inclusive economic growth, create jobs, and lift create jobs, and lift Pacific people out of poverty. Pacific people out of poverty. Technology is a key driver of business formation and economic growth. PSDI has assisted six Pacific countries to install online secured transactions registries, unlocking the value in movable property. And in Samoa and Solomon Islands, PSDI has helped to establish online company registries, leveraging the digital revolution to make it easier to start formal businesses. When the Solomon Islands installed its “Company Haus” online registry in 2010, it slashed the time it takes to license a business from 45 days to 1.5 days resulting in a doubling in the rate of business formation. In Samoa, the rate of business registrations doubled after launching its online companies registry in 2013.

Transcript of About PSDI

ADB’s vision: an Asia and Pacific free of poverty

Based in Manila, ADB is owned by 67 members, including 48 from the region. ADB’s main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance.

Find out more:

Contact Andrea C. I�and, Regional Director

Pacific Liaison and Coordination O)ce, Asian Development Bank.

Level 20, 45 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia.

Tel +612 8270 9444 • Fax +612 8270 9445

Email:::: [email protected]

Visit us online: Visit us online: Visit us online: Visit us online: www.adbpsdi.org www.adb.org/plco/psdi

facebook.com/adbpsdi @ADB_Sydney_PSDI

Doing business in the Pacific is hard... ...due to outdated company laws, underdeveloped

financial markets, ine)cient state-owned

enterprises, inadequate competition, and barriers

that prevent women from participating fully in the

economy. PSDI helps governments and the pri-

vate sector overcome these challenges, setting

Pacific countries on the path to sustainable and

inclusive economic growth.

© Asian Development Bank Publica�on Stock No. ARM146552-2 June 2014

The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) is a regional technical assistance facility cofinanced by the Asian Development Bank, Australian Aid, and the New Zealand Aid Programme.

Pacific Pacific Private Sector Private Sector Development Development


PSDI helps the private sector PSDI helps the private sector

to drive inclusive economic growth, to drive inclusive economic growth, create jobs, and lift create jobs, and lift

Pacific people out of poverty.Pacific people out of poverty.

Technology is a key driver of business

formation and economic growth.

PSDI has assisted six Pacific countries to install online

secured transactions registries, unlocking the value in

movable property. And in Samoa and Solomon Islands,

PSDI has helped to establish online company registries,

leveraging the digital revolution to make it easier to start

formal businesses.

When the Solomon Islands installed its “Company Haus”

online registry in 2010, it slashed the time it takes to

license a business from 45 days to 1.5 days resulting in a

doubling in the rate of business formation.

In Samoa, the rate of business registrations doubled after

launching its online companies registry in 2013.

Launched in 2007, PSDI has been

helping Pacific countries to…

• Develop better financial markets and services

• Modernize business laws

• Reform state-owned enterprises

• Encourage public–private partnerships

• Promote competition and protect consumers

• Advance economic empowerment of women

Connect with us online: Connect with us online: Connect with us online: Connect with us online: facebook.com/adbpsdi facebook.com/adbpsdi facebook.com/adbpsdi facebook.com/adbpsdi twitter.com/ADB_Sydney_PSDI www.adb.org/plco/psdi blog: www.adbpsdi.org [email protected] twitter.com/ADB_Sydney_PSDI www.adb.org/plco/psdi blog: www.adbpsdi.org [email protected] twitter.com/ADB_Sydney_PSDI www.adb.org/plco/psdi blog: www.adbpsdi.org [email protected] twitter.com/ADB_Sydney_PSDI www.adb.org/plco/psdi blog: www.adbpsdi.org [email protected]

PSDI works with:

• Cook Islands • Fiji • Kiribati • Marshall Islands • Federated States

of Micronesia • Nauru • Palau • Papua New Guinea • Samoa • Solomon Islands • Timor-Leste • Tonga • Tuvalu • Vanuatu

Operating out of ADB’s Sydney

o)ce, PSDI works with 14 Pacific

developing member countries.

PSDI experts conduct in-depth analysis

of the Pacific business environment.

We identify business constraints and opportunities

and publish independent country-level private sector

assessments. Our evidence-based approach feeds

into a policy dialogue with both government and

the private sector, resulting in policies targeted at

overcoming challenges and improving the business

climate to support inclusive economic growth.

Business Law Reform

Economic Empowerment of Women

Mobile Money

Access to


SOE/PPP Reform

Electronic Business Registries

ICT Drives Economic Growth