About My Work Letter 2

Activity 6 of writing text By: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a distancia May 2015


About me

Transcript of About My Work Letter 2

Activity 6 of writing text


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a distancia

May 2015


About me:Santander, i have 35 years old, I study systems engineering, I Work in the Sena in Socorro, I am Systems of City, my telephone number

Introduce your ideasAbout my work:About my work: I always get up 6:30 o clock, then i take a shower and after that i have a breakfast, arount 7: 00 o clock. i leave home, i go to work in motorcicle, the officce is near my home. i take only 10 minutes in arrival.Development of the ideas:I start work to 8:00 o clock, First I pick a tickets of support of systems of problems of the computers, for the best service of the laboratories, after the mail date the agenda for instructors in the lab. Then I make a report to the leader of systems of use lab for stadistics of center everyday. I stop about 12:00 o clock and then I go to lunch out of the center, I return 2:00 o clock i receive calls to prepare for meetings the next day.Conclusions:Well I dont travel much, but i use the English all the time for read manuals of software for developed problems in the lab.I Exit office at 6:30 o clock and I go to my home in my motorcycle.