About Minerals

Compiled by: Jitendra Gajjar ELECTROLYTE FORMULA (The PURIUM Light Test) Electrolytes truly are the “Spark of life”. While many of the known elements can be classified as electrolytes, there are 5 elements recognized around the world as essential for maintaining a properly functioning electrical circuit within our body. The electrical system encompasses our heart, brain, and nervous system. As such, it is absolutely essential that our cells be replete with these elements. Electrolytes carry electrical impulses from your brain to every part of your body to keep it in healthy balance. There are numerous ways we can become out of balance with these elements in everyday life. We lose electrolytes predominately through sweating when we do strenuous exercise. If their loss is not compensated for relatively quickly, the ability to continue with the exercise will become difficult or impossible and can have fatal consequences since electrolytes are crucial for healthy heart function Not just extreme athletes need electrolytes; even yard work, or taking a sauna that creates profuse sweating indicates a need for electrolyte replacement. Additionally, we may become deficient in these essential minerals by high levels of physical or emotional stress. Emotional stressors can come from worry, abuse, fear, and other factors all of which require minerals to maintain our defenses. In both instances, experiencing chronic emotional stress or excessive physical exertion utilizes and excretes one or many of our essential electrolyte minerals. Will It Light? Water Will It Light? Salt & Sugar Will It Light? Cola, Coffee, and Beer

Transcript of About Minerals

Compiled by: Jitendra Gajjar


Electrolytes truly are the “Spark of life”. While many of the known elements can be classified as electrolytes, there are 5 elements recognized around the world as essential for maintaining a properly functioning electrical circuit within our body. The electrical system encompasses our heart, brain, and nervous system. As such, it is absolutely essential that our cells be replete with these elements. Electrolytes carry electrical impulses from your brain to every part of your body to keep it in healthy balance.

There are numerous ways we can become out of balance with these elements in everyday life. We lose electrolytes predominately through sweating when we do strenuous exercise. If their loss is not compensated for relatively quickly, the ability to continue with the exercise will become difficult or impossible and can have fatal consequences since electrolytes are crucial for healthy heart function

Not just extreme athletes need electrolytes; even yard work, or taking a sauna that creates profuse sweating indicates a need for electrolyte replacement. Additionally, we may become deficient in these essential minerals by high levels of physical or emotional stress. Emotional stressors can come from worry, abuse, fear, and other factors all of which require minerals to maintain our defenses. In both instances, experiencing chronic emotional stress or excessive physical exertion utilizes and excretes one or many of our essential electrolyte minerals. Will It Light? Water Will It Light? Salt & Sugar Will It Light? Cola, Coffee, and Beer

If the body suffers a severe physical trauma, electrolytes are one of the first courses of actions implemented (by trained medical teams), usually in an IV solution. The objective of this procedure is to keep the individual’s electrical system functioning so that the heart continues to beat rhythmically. This is accomplished by supplying the needed electrolytes to the injured person’s blood stream.

Not only do we lose or use up a lot of essential electrolytes on a day- to -day basis as noted above, but those who take prescription medications such as diuretics are at increased risk of depleting electrolytes.

Obtaining the needed minerals via the food we eat is a chronic problem today. This is primarily due to our deficient soils and over processing and over cooking of our foods. Drinking ultra purified water can also strip our body of these elements as well as other essential minerals. It is important to be aware of the fact that reverse osmosis and distilled water will actually act in reverse of what nature intended our water to do.

Instead of being a mineral delivery system, the minerals are taken out of the water and this puts additional stress on the body tissue to compensate for the lack of minerals in the water. The minerals must then be taken from our healthy reserves in bone and muscle, thus leaving our system deficient and vulnerable. Replacement is essential!

Every person has different mineral needs based upon:

1. Age 2. Metabolism 3. Gender 4. Diet 5. Life Stresses

Naturally, each individual’s needs for essential minerals will change from year to year as the above elements change.

In any multiple mineral formula the key to its successful formulation lies in its mineral balance. Minerals work in a precise balance or ratio to one another. Too much or too little of even a trace mineral can decrease the effectiveness of a formula by limiting the availability of the other minerals. For people with well balanced mineral ratios or those looking for a basic formula to supply a well balanced broad spectrum of the most important mineral nutrients, Eidon's Multiple Mineral formula can be an excellent addition to your nutritional program.

Eidon's formulation reflects the most current understanding for optimal balance in a mineral formula. The macro minerals, calcium and magnesium, are kept in a 1:1 ratio to correct the erroneous dietary trend of high calcium and low magnesium intake. The delicate triad of zinc, copper and manganese are kept in a specific ratio so as not to imbalance each other. Higher and equal levels of selenium and chromium complement the zinc, copper and manganese ratio. Boron is utilized with silica and sulfur in proportion to calcium and magnesium. Iron is included with careful attention to zinc, copper, and manganese. Iodine and potassium put the finishing touches on the formula within the current acceptability guidelines for mineral balance. Eidon's combination of balanced minerals, when consumed on a regular basis, can serve as a stable foundation for mineral nutrient supplementation.

Hair Analysis



Optimize your normal nutrient intake; minimize toxic metal exposure and have amalgam fillings removed by a dentist who practices toxic free dentistry. Avoid pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in your foods, and reduce stress, both physical and mental, as much as possible. The following are Five Fundamentals for a healthier life:

1. Eliminate refined sugar and flour from your diet. 2. Eat organically raised plants and animals whenever possible. 3. Eliminate processed fats and oils from your diet. (this includes vegetable oils and

hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils) 4. Filter your water for both drinking and bathing. Chlorine is a deadly poison and

distilled water is devoid of minerals. 5. Exercise (walking is good) 3-4 times per week.

The Fundamental Role of Minerals

Most of us think of minerals as being necessary for strong bones and teeth, but minerals do much more. In addition to providing us with shape and support for our skeleton, minerals are the “spark of life.” Minerals are essential in the diet and each plays unique and often multi-factorial roles as they act at all levels of the body - cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism. All of our body processes depend upon the action of minerals to activate the enzymes which perform bodily functions we take for granted.

Without proper mineral ratios we could not set into motion the properties and functions of enzymes, vitamins or amino acids. These elemental components are responsible for every activity in every cell of our bodies. Cellular functions require a proper chain of events that start with minerals. Without the proper mineral we could not twitch an eyelid or form a


The Key Ingredients of Life Each and every mineral that exists in the earth also exists in us and in all living things. Quantum physics shares the philosophy that we are really one with all things. Just as the earth must maintain its balance to function optimally, our bodies need balance, too. When given the right materials in the right form (from nature) the body can do amazing things to promote its own health. The earth naturally gives us minerals via water and food. Today, with current farming practices that deplete soil of necessary minerals and water supplies that have been polluted and poisoned, our population has become mineral malnourished. Eidon has taken the lead to provide you with minerals the way nature intended. We use a proprietary process that transforms pure mineral crystals into a fully hydrated, 100% bioavailable liquid ionic supplement and gives you purity that you can see, taste and feel.

The Magic of Minerals The only thing that will catalyze or activate an enzyme is a mineral. While very difficult to measure within each cell (in fact this capability still eludes our present scientific measurement technology) it can be assumed that most cells require a full complement of all minerals to function correctly. We do know that some organs require higher concentrations of certain minerals.

Mineral Deficiencies

The lack of specific minerals can precipitate both acute and chronic health problems. Sudden heart attacks occurring during physical activity are often the result of mineral depletion of immediate cellular supplies of potassium and magnesium. Always remember that your physical health is dependant on your cellular health. Everything begins and ends on a cellular level.

Some chronic and acute health problems associated with lack of a certain mineral or minerals are:

1. Osteoporosis 2. Heart disease 3. Cancer 4. Arthritis 5. Goiter 6. Gastrointestinal disorders 7. Periodontal disease 8. Anemia

In fact, we believe that most human ailments can be described as chronic nutrient deficiency symptoms. Some diseases are contracted via direct exposure to bacteria, virus, amoebas or other pathogens; but an optimally functioning immune system can defend us from these pathogenic invaders. It requires a proper mineral balance to keep our immune system strong and healthy. Deficiencies of zinc, selenium, silica, and sulfur, which occur as a result of poor diet or excess stress, can put our health at risk.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, you can have all the air, water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins you want, but you won’t be a fully functioning organism without a complete balance of minerals. Without minerals all the other components of the body will be unable to function properly.

This section of our website is dedicated to describing these concepts. It will be comprised of the following sections:

1. Fats 2. Proteins 3. Sugars 4. Minerals (sources and functions) 5. Vitamins 6. Glycemic Index

7. Cholesterol 8. Acid-alkaline balance

more articles

Video Library

Minerals that Build the Immune System

The Importance of Magnesium

Selenium: The Immune System Mineral

What is LDL Cholesterol, and Why is it the Good Cholesterol, and Not the Bad?

Understanding Minerals: Organic vs. Inorganic

Osteoporosis is not a lack of Calcium or Vitamin D

The Solution to Poor Bone Density

Calcium and Imbalances in the Bloodstream HOW TO USE KEVA ANCIENT MINERAL DROPS

New Keva Product information - Hindi

What Are Water-Soluble Minerals? Water-soluble minerals are unique from other mineral supplements because they utilize a new proprietary scientific technology that transforms insoluble minerals (metals) into angstrom-sized water-soluble particles. An angstrom is 1/10,000th of a micron, which is a millionth of a meter. Previously, only plants, with help from the sun and organisms in the soil, had the ability to reduce minerals (metals) to angstrom-sized particles. The ability of a mineral to be utilized by the body is primarily a matter of size. If you get the particle size of the mineral small enough, you not only get the mineral into the body (absorption), but you also accomplish cell assimilation, which is the key to fully utilizing the benefits of mineral nutrients. Because these water-soluble minerals are not dependent on the digestive or enzymatic functions of the body, they work extraordinarily well for older people and others with diminished body system abilities. They are also easier for children and older people to swallow than pills or capsules.

How Long Will It Take Before I See Results? With nutrition, we are giving the body what it needs to heal itself and rebuild itself anew and this takes time. To build a better body, we have to wait on the natural turnover of the body's cells. A blood cell lasts 60-120 days. In 3-4 months your whole

blood supply is completely replaced. In 6 months almost all the proteins in your body die and are replaced, even the DNA of your genes. In a year all your bones and even the enamel of your teeth is replaced, constructed entirely out of the nutrients you eat. Think of it this way: if you take a neglected houseplant and start feeding and watering it, the leaves may perk up a bit from the improved nutrition. But you have to wait for old leaves to be cast off and new leaves to grow before you get a really healthy plant.

Vitamins & Minerals

A Closer Look At Major Minerals

The body needs, and stores, fairly large amounts of the major minerals. These minerals are no more important to your health than the trace minerals; they’re just present in your body in greater amounts.

Major minerals travel through the body in various ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble vitamin. Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption and transport.

Macro and Trace - KidsHealth

Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions — from building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. Some minerals are even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat.

Macro and Trace

The two kinds of minerals are: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macro means "large" in Greek (and your body needslarger amounts of macrominerals than trace minerals). The macromineral group is made up of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur.

A trace of something means that there is only a little of it. So even though your body needs trace minerals, it needs just a tiny bit of each one. Scientists aren't even sure how much of these minerals you need each day. Trace minerals includes iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.

Let's take a closer look at some of the minerals you get from food.

Major Minerals








What they do

One of the key tasks of major minerals is to maintain the proper balance of water in the body. Sodium, chloride, and potassium take the lead in doing this. Three other major minerals—calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium—are important for healthy bones. Sulfur helps stabilize protein structures, including some of those that make up hair, skin, and nails.

Words to the wise

Having too much of one major mineral can result in a deficiency of another. These sorts of imbalances are usually caused by overloads from supplements, not food sources. Here are two examples:

Salt overload. Calcium binds with excess sodium in the body and is excreted

when the body senses that sodium levels must be lowered. That means that if

you ingest too much sodium through table salt or processed foods, you could end

up losing needed calcium as your body rids itself of the surplus sodium.

Excess phosphorus. Likewise, too much phosphorus can hamper your ability to

absorb magnesium.

Magnesium is an intracellular nutrient and metabolic electrolyte. It’s a very important

essential macro-mineral, not only the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, but

also involved in several hundred enzymatic reactions, with cardiovascular functions

being one of them. Known as the “relaxer” mineral, magnesium is an alkaline earth

metal, involved in more the 300 biochemical reactions in the body such as energy

production, synthesis of essential molecules, cell signaling and ion transport across cell

membranes. This anti-stress mineral is the central component in the “blood” of the

plant world just like iron is to our own human blood, because the central atom of the

chlorophyll structure is magnesium. I’m in love with it already – aren’t you? Some

highlights: Read More…

A Closer Look At Trace Minerals

A thimble could easily contain the distillation of all the trace minerals normally found in your body. Yet their contributions are just as essential as those of major minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which each account for more than a pound of your body weight.

Trace Minerals










What they do

Trace minerals carry out a diverse set of tasks. Here are a few examples:

Iron is best known for ferrying oxygen throughout the body.

Fluoride strengthens bones and wards off tooth decay.

Zinc helps blood clot, is essential for taste and smell, and bolsters the immune


Copper helps form several enzymes, one of which assists with iron metabolism

and the creation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood.

The other trace minerals perform equally vital jobs, such as helping to block damage to body cells and forming parts of key enzymes or enhancing their activity.

Words to the wise

Trace minerals interact with one another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances. Too much of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency of another. Here are some examples:

A minor overload of manganese can exacerbate iron deficiency. Having too little

can also cause problems.

When the body has too little iodine, thyroid hormone production slows, causing

sluggishness and weight gain as well as other health concerns. The problem

worsens if the body also has too little selenium.

The difference between “just enough” and “too much” of the trace minerals is often tiny. Generally, food is a safe source of trace minerals, but if you take supplements, it’s important to make sure you’re not exceeding safe levels.

Health Conditions and Mineral Solutions

Conditions A-Z

Trace Minerals From the Great Salt Lake, Utah (USA) - Hindi

Salt Lake Minerals extracts and compounds the finest trace minerals found anywhere in the world.

We combine hundreds of years of tradition with state of the art refining technology to give you superior products for a healthy lifestyle.

Salt Lake Minerals is the world leading supplier of trace minerals in both liquid and powder form.

Our unique trace minerals are similar to those found in the sea, but because they are extracted from the Great Salt Lake and Inland Sea, evaporating and concentrating over

hundreds of thousands of years, they are many more times as concentrated as those found in the Pacific Ocean.

Secondly, through a proprietary process the minerals are further concentrated resulting in a low sodium / high alkaline supplement. Additionally the minerals are filtered to assure they are 100% pure, contaminant and chemical free.

Quality assurance of our trace minerals is certified.

Salt Lake Minerals is a food grade manufacturer regularly inspected by government

agencies at both our bottling facility and our extraction site out on the Great Salt Lake.

We proudly carry the Certificate of Free Sale and GMP Inspection from the State of

Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Our minerals will enhance the quality of

your products, add value, and allow you to make label claims of 72 major minerals and

trace minerals.

Mystery Revealed

Decades later scientists and medical doctors are now learning what the Native

American Indians knew all along. Analysis of the waters coming from the Great Salt

Lake shows they contain 72 naturally occurring minerals. These nutrients were found

to be in ionic form making for easy absorption and thus readily available for the body

to use. Our concentrated minerals whether in liquid or powder form, are the building

blocks of all products manufactured and supplied by Salt Lake Minerals to its


Why do we need Minerals?

Mineral supplementation is the key to a person's overall good health. Unfortunately, eating the "right foods" isn't enough anymore, because as our soils have become mineral deficient, our waterways have become mineral enriched.

As a result, most individuals are deficient in their mineral intake, resulting in numerous health problems that if not treated, may be compounded into more severe conditions. Most people are unaware of the study performed in June of 1992 by the Earth Summit Report which indicated that North American farms and range soils have become depleted by 85% over the last 100 years.

This was again confirmed in 1993 when the World Health Organization reported that United States soil is 95% depleted of essential minerals. In addition, our health care professionals report that 95% of the body's daily functions require mineral supplementation. As early as 1936 it was reported to the United States Senate (Document 264, 74th Congress, 2nd Session) that "99% of the American people are deficient in minerals and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease." Most people know that we need vitamins, but few understand the importance of minerals. For example: our bodies can manufacture some vitamins, but we cannot produce minerals. They can only be ingested through the foods we eat and liquids we drink. Lacking vitamins, our systems can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless. Our physical well-being is more directly dependent

upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.

Why is Absorption so Important?

You cannot benefit from minerals unless they are absorbed into the body. The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within the small intestine. As food matter passes through the intestine, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestine.

"Whatever the nutritional potential of a food, its contribution is nonexistent if it does not pass the test of absorption. Those nutrients that have not been transferred through the intestinal mucosal cell to enter the circulation have, for all nutritional intent and purpose, never been eaten.”

Why Ionic Minerals?

There are a variety of different types of minerals being marketed in the supplement

industry. The question is which type of mineral is the best?

When compared to the other types, our ionic minerals have no equal. They are more

bio-available because they are the smallest in size. They do not need to be put into a

solution or have other ingredients attached to them to be assimilated; they have pH

balancing characteristics, are more concentrated, conductive, and have natural

assimilative properties.

Why is it important to be properly pH balanced?

In its natural, healthy state, the human body is slightly alkaline, and all of its metabolic

and enzymatic reactions function more efficiently in that state. These include energy

production, immunity, digestion, and the repair of the body, all of which are necessary

for our survival.

Some people are naturally high-alkaline producers. This characteristic helps them

maintain their physical vitality, stamina, mental clarity, acuity, the ability to get along

with others, optimism, vision, speedy recovery from illness, injury, exertion, and

resistance to illness.

Unfortunately, as we age, our ability to maintain an alkaline balance in our cells and

tissues diminishes. Many factors in modern life, including the standard American diet,

affect the acid / alkaline balance in our bodies. As a result, more and more individuals

who formerly had a good pH balance become overly acidic.

The pH regulating system in our bodies tends to be healthy and to work efficiently in

children and young adults due to the robust mineral reserves stored in their bones,

promoting healthy buffering systems, and strong lungs and kidneys.

The good news is that the millions of overly acidic people in our society can improve

their performance on the job and in their personal lives by restoring the use of a less

acidic / more alkaline diet and alkalizing minerals.

Unlike most other mineral products, Salt Lake Minerals alkalize acidic conditions.

Through proper mineral supplementation, Salt Lake Minerals help restore a person's

pH balance.

The indicator for acidity, alkalinity, or basic is known as the pH value. A pH value of 7 means a substance is neutral. The lower value indicates acidity, and a higher value is a sign of alkalinity. To better understand the range in pH, take a look at these examples:

Apple Juice - 3 Orange Juice - 3.5 Coffee - 5.5 Milk - 6.2 Baking Soda - 8.5 Soapy water - 10 Bleach - 12

Are there any side effects?

No! These minerals are derived from natural sources and do not contain any man-made or chemical additives. Therefore, these minerals will not effect any medications you may be on.

Since 95% of Americans are mineral deficient, it may take a few days for the body to adapt to the reintroduction of these nutrients back into your system. If you take excessive amounts there may be a laxative effect, otherwise there are no other known side effects.

How Minerals Work Cancer Is A Mineral Deficiency Stop Building Cancer www.Gratitude-Healing.org Alkaline water vs Acidic water

Trace Minerals From the Great Salt Lake, Utah (USA) Trace Minerals Research: Why you need ionic trace minerals

Trace Minerals Research: Light Bulb Demonstration Trace Minerals Research: pH Test Demonstration

Trace Minerals Research: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter Demo


I have had diabetes for over 5 years now and the pain in my feet and legs was

excruciating. After being on your product the cramps disappeared. I was lazy and quit

taking the product and you can guess what came back, I’ll never make that mistake

again. Thanks for everything….Brad, Ogden, UT

You were right; I really can feel the difference. I must say I did a really poor job of

taking care of my body the first 37 years of my life. Now that I am taking control of my

health and started using trace minerals, within a week I could tell something good was

happening….Nick, Seattle, WA

I am a 67 year old woman and for years I have suffered from what doctors call

“Restless Leg Syndrome.” The pain and sensation would begin at the hip and travel

down my right leg into my toes…. A friend suggested I try trace minerals, so I put it in

my bottled water and I have been free of the restless leg syndrome symptoms ever

since. It has also curbed my cravings for sugar and I am sleeping well for the first time

in years, I cannot begin to tell you what it means to me to have at last found help….

Billie, La Jolla, CA

I had to let you guys know what a godsend these trace minerals have been for me. Not

only have I had problems controlling my blood sugar levels but I have suffered with

sever migraines for much of my life. Every morning when I wake up, I have to take two

Extra Strength Excedrin. After two days of being on your product religiously, I woke up

for the first time in months without a headache. I feel fortunate to have found you….

Alvin, Las Vegas, NV

I’ve been on your minerals for about three days now, and the results are amazing!

Could you send me as much info as you can about how this product works, I want to

send it on to others in my situation….Joel, Salt Lake City, UT

Benefits of Ionic Trace Minerals and Electrolytes & Why you Need Them

Where Have our Nutrients Gone?

Unfortunately, naturally-occurring foods rich in nutrients are becoming a thing of the past. Eons of vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have

brought many of the earth’s minerals to the surface, where they have been washed away.

As the Soils Are Depleted, the Seas Become Enriched

The earth contains a perfect balance of all the nutrients humans need to be healthy and happy. The problem is soil-nutrient depletion. Over the years, soil erosion and aggressive farming practices have depleted the essential nutrients in crops, and human nutrition has suffered. When people consume a diet derived from crops grown in nutrient-deprived soil, their intake of essential elements becomes inadequate. This leads to the impairment of relevant physiological functions and causes disease.

Ionic Trace Mineral and Electrolyte products help rebalance the body by reversing the effects of the water cycle. Instead of relying on the soil to provide all the minerals and trace elements we need, products made from the shores of the Great Salt Lake, which is extremely pristine and potent and one of the very best areas to acquire ionic trace minerals in the world, provide a wealth of mineral essentials formulated to address specific health concerns. These products help restore the human body’s need for a balanced spectrum of minerals and trace elements.

Why You Need Ionic Minerals

What are minerals anyway? Minerals are nothing more than elements—the very same elements that grace the periodic table inside a high school chemistry text book like chromium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and so on. They are the elements that comprise the entire universe, this earth, and everything on it, including you.

Your body is truly a masterpiece formed from these same elements. As such, it is important to constantly replenish your body with the elements it expends on a daily basis.

Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within your body at every moment. These processes can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to your system. Iron for your blood, sulfur for your muscles, calcium for your bones, and an aggregation of many other elements in balanced trace amounts help to ensure the proper function of your body.

What Are Ions?

An ion is a mineral or element that has a positive or negative charge. On the molecular level, that means the element has either too many or too few electrons. This unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it. In this state, an element has specific positive or negative electrical signatures that cause a dynamic equilibrium to take place. The body can then facilitate changes to move nutrients to the areas that need them.

What Are Trace Minerals?

You may collect silver coins, wear a platinum ring, or have a gold filling. You’ve likely sipped tea poured from a copper kettle, eaten a cookie from a fancy tin container, or traveled on an airplane made of titanium. But did you know that these elements and many others—in very small, balanced trace amounts—are critical to your health? Although trace minerals are no longer as plentiful in the foods you eat, they exist plentifully in their proper proportions in the mineral-rich waters of the earth’s oceans and seas.

The Stripping of Mother Earth

Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits, and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil has been the primary supply for a full spectrum of ionic minerals.

Unfortunately in today’s world, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Eons of vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth’s minerals to the surface where they have been washed away.

Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields where minerals have been depleted. But man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life. Numerous trace minerals essential to human life don’t get replenished.

Where Have All the Minerals Gone?

Many of the trace elements once abundant in soil have been washed into the oceans. In the oceans they are found in their proper proportions—the same basic proportions that are found in healthy human bodies.

In a few surviving inland seas such as the Great Salt Lake of western North America, these essential elements exist in highly concentrated, salubrious proportions. This healthy, intricately balanced proportion of minerals and trace elements found in sea water is beneficial to the human body.

Today, these life-sustaining sea waters contain all of the minerals and elements necessary to support human life. Most importantly, these minerals and elements are ionic and in perfect balance—prime for being absorbed into the cells of your body.

The Importance of Ionic Minerals

Every second of every day your body relies on ionic minerals and trace minerals to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function. Your brain would not function and the cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance your water pressure and absorb nutrients. To ensure you are getting the ionic minerals and electrolytes your body needs, only choose ionic mineral supplements or supplements that contain ionic minerals.

Diagram Explaining Minerals

A Disturbing Trend: Mineral Imbalance

Because your body requires nearly two thirds of all the elements currently known to man in order to maintain health, keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task. The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals. There are 92 known elements, 22 hypothesized others, and hundreds of isotopic variations. It’s no wonder that scientists are only now beginning to discover the effects and interrelationships of minerals in our human systems, such as how minerals help maintain a healthy balance, and what adverse effects are created by a mineral imbalance. Experts estimate that 90 percent of Americans suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency.

If you are one of them—whether because of frequent exercise, stress, or a diet of overly refined, nutrient-poor foods—your body will attempt to correct the situation in futility, usually resulting in food cravings, muscle cramps, and general fatigue.

The Key Role of Absorption

The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within the small intestines. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines by way of the villi. This can only happen if the minerals are in an ionic form. Although stomach acid helps ionize the minerals in foods, a mineral supplement should contain already naturally ionized minerals to be fully absorbed.

“Trace minerals do not exist by themselves but in relationship to one another. Too much of one trace element can lead to imbalances in others...Most trace elements need to be in ionic form to be well absorbed in the intestine.” —Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.

The Secret of Life in a Dead Inland Sea

Western North America’s Great Salt Lake is the world’s oldest inland sea. A remnant of the last great Ice Age, the Great Salt Lake in Utah has been collecting and concentrating the minerals and trace elements of the surrounding Rocky Mountains for tens of thousands of years. The result is nutrient rich waters which contain over 72 ionic minerals and trace elements that are eight to ten times more concentrated than regular seawater—in precisely the same proportion as healthy human fluids.

What Can You Do?

You can start by making sure you’re getting enough minerals in your diet. Right? Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables, non- gluten grains and cereals. In addition,

take a multivitamin or mineral supplement. That’s a good start, but even those measures are likely to leave your body wanting for a full spectrum of properly proportioned, readily available ionic minerals and trace minerals. Over the years, thousands of people who lacked essential trace elements in their diets have felt a difference in their health and well-being when replenishing these vital nutrients. Perhaps it’s time you did, too.

Look for a food supplement that contains a full spectrum of trace and ultra-trace elements in ionic form. Minerals that have been derived from the weathering and erosion of the huge variety of soils and rocks found in the drainage basin of the Great Salt Lake of Utah.

Products Should Include

At least the following elements should be included in every ionic trace mineral and electrolyte product you purchase (listed in the usual approximate descending order): Magnesium, Chloride, Potassium, Sulfate, Sodium, Boron, Bromide, Calcium, Carbonate, Silicon, Nitrogen, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Titanium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Copper, Antimony, Molybdenum, Strontium, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Scandium, Tin, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Silver, Gallium, Zirconium, Vanadium, Beryllium, Tellurium, Bismuth, Hafnium, Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Samarium, Cerium, Cesium, Gold, Dysprosium, Holmium, Lutetium, Erbium, Ytterbium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Niobium, Tantalum, Thorium, Thallium, Rhenium, plus other minerals found in seawater.

Different Forms

Adults and children of all ages require and need minerals and electrolytes. They are the electricity we all run on. Ionic Trace Mineral and Electrolyte products can come in liquid or capsule form. There are liquid concentrates that are very potent and powerful for adults but do have a salty taste, or great tasting flavored liquid products for adults and delicious flavored liquids formulated especially for children. There are capsule for adults and specialized formulations for children using a smaller capsule. Experiment and fine the different forms that are right for each member of your family.


Your body is an intricate circuit board of electric charges and impulses. In order for it to stay balanced and perform at optimum efficiency, you need to constantly replenish yourself with the minerals and trace elements found in ionic trace mineral and

electrolyte products. If you are one of the 90% of Americans experts estimate suffer mineral imbalance or deficiency, your body is lacking these essential elements, causing your body to misfire so you feel rundown and tired.

As mentioned before, high quality ionic trace mineral and electrolyte products are extracted directly from a natural source that took thousands of years to create. Over these thousands of years, these minerals have been broken down to their most natural state where they have become naturally charged, living minerals that are bioavailable and soluble in water. In addition, the solution is in precisely the same proportion as healthy human fluids without synthetically produced compounds or deadly heavy metals.

Balance pH Ionic trace minerals and electrolytes also have the power to maintain and even improve the pH balance in your body. It’s important to keep your body’s acid base balance because an acidic body is a breeding ground for disease. Ionic trace minerals and electrolytes are essential to human health and the perfect way to replenish your body with all the elements you need to plug in and recharge.

Balancing Act

Electrolytes are responsible for maintaining proper fluid balance within cells

Many people hear the word “electrolytes” but have no idea how necessary they are to

good health. Electrolytes are minerals capable of transmitting electrical charges within


This function, as well as the reciprocal relationship between water and electrolytes, is

extremely important since 50 to 75 percent of the average human body is made up of

water and other fluids.

Within our bodies, electrolytes are transmitters for the 100 million or so messages per

second relayed within the nervous system. Electrolytes are necessary for all brain

functions: Without these electric transmissions, the brain could not stay in control of

the body’s many functions. Every time one of our thousands of muscles contracts or

relaxes, electrolytes are in use. They are responsible for maintaining proper fluid

balance within the cells. In fact, every one of our trillions of cells relies on electrolytes

for the transportation of nutrients and waste.

In short, electrolytes are responsible for the basic metabolism of every cell in the body.

It makes sense then that we can optimize health and vitality by maintaining optimal

levels of fluids and electrolytes in our diets.

Our bodies normally excrete water and electrolyte solutions at an average daily rate of

1,300 millitres (ml) through urination, 600 ml through perspiration, and 200 ml

through feces. Other factors that increase our need for electrolytes include pregnancy,

poor diet, dehydration, use of diuretics (including coffee and other caffeinated drinks),

disease, exertion, vomiting, diarrhea, trauma, and excessive perspiration. When our

bodies thirst for water, we almost certainly also crave electrolytes.

Last September, the unfortunate death of a four-year-old Utah girl, reportedly caused

by forced consumption of excessive water, made international news. In fact, it was not

water that caused her death, but, rather, the dilution of essential electrolytes. There

have also been numerous high-profile cases among top athletes who have died

suddenly of cardiac arrhythmias, usually linked to electrolyte instability. Prominent

signs of electrolyte imbalance or deficiency include muscle weakness, cramps, swelling,

slowed nerve conduction and muscle function, and general weakness and apathy.

Electrolytes are essential for people of all ages and all physical conditions. Deficiencies

or imbalances are almost universal, but are difficult to reverse by diet alone since our

foods are generally over processed and grown in mineral-deficient soils. Fortunately,

electrolyte balance can be easily restored by taking quality supplements. Look for

supplements at your local health food store with a balance of major electrolytes and

other trace elements, adequate concentration, and minerals that are either ionic or

easily become ionic in water. Ask your health food store personnel for

recommendations and notice the difference improved electrolyte balance can make to

your health.

Major Electrolytes

The body’s major electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium as

positively charged ions (cations), and chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate and sulphate as

negatively charged ions (anions). Any mineral or trace element in ionic form is capable

of functioning as an electrolyte; however, it is imperative to understand that not all of

the various forms of minerals (elements) or trace minerals available as supplements

are capable of becoming electrolytes within the body.

Minerals become electrolytes in solutions when they are completely disassociated

from their compounds. In other words, minerals become electrolytes or ionic when

they are truly dissolved, not just suspended in liquid. As ions, they are either missing or

have an extra electron, giving either a positive or negative charge. Only minerals that

are already ionic, or those capable of becoming ionic through digestion, can perform

the vital roles of electrolytes.

Minerals and Immune Function

Magnesium, The Forgotten Mineral

High Protein Diets for Weight Loss May Cause Your Body to Lose More than Just Fat

What are Angstrom Minerals?

The Laxative Effect of Minerals: The Hows and Whys

Benefits of Ionized Minerals

Deficiency of minerals is responsible for most chronic diseases

Only "ionized" minerals, or the ions released from minerals when exposed to water, can be adequately absorbed and utilized by the cells.

Ionized Mineral Benefits

Your body is composed entirely of minerals and water. As an incredibly powerful solvent in your body, the hydrogen molecules in pure water provide nutrients in the

form of energy to your cells and remove discarded, used energy. Without regular replacement of the water in your body, the cells will die, and so too, in time, will the body. Likewise, without replacing essential trace minerals systematically in the correct, water soluble, ionic form, the cells will malfunction, become weak and fatally diseased.

In order for your body to benefit from the minerals you take in, they must be extremely small. Their size is measured in angstroms. As a reference point, a sheet of paper is 1,000,000 angstroms thick. So you can understand that the minerals your body is looking for must be introduced in a way that your body can use. Even though larger than angstrom size minerals an be eventually absorbed by the blood, the angstrom sized minerals can be absorbed by individual cells. And that’s where they do the most good.

Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium are the five essential or

major minerals for your body. Other important trace elements consist of chromium,

copper, iodine, iron, manganese, and zinc. Additionally, selenium plays a key role in the

maintenance of good health. Other trace elements like sulphur, nickel, cobalt, fluorine,

oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen also have a part to play in your wellbeing. The

human body depends upon 84 of the known 106 elements to maintain optimum

health, many more than are now recognized.

The slow degeneration of society, of humanity, is directly related to the lack of these

minerals in our food. Regeneration is what we all want and need.

The slow degeneration of society, of humanity, is directly related to the lack of these minerals in our food. Regeneration is what we all want and need. We have all been created to realize our full physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual potentials as human beings. It’s almost beyond belief that the road to regeneration lies in something as simple as SALT! Could it be the reason why crystal salt has been so sought and

valued by past civilizations, the reason that men have sacrificed their lives to gain its possession? What secret did they possess that we have either forgotten or have had hidden away from us? The ancient Egyptians were aware of the power of salt. They utilized six different salts, coming from both local and remote sources, for a variety of applications, both sacred and secular.

Original Himalayan Crystal Salt®contains all 84 minerals, the five essential minerals and all trace minerals, that are ionized in water and can be readily absorbed by the cells in your body.