About Farm animals! Made by Tram Nguyen!!. About Pigs! * Baby pigs, sleeping together with chins...

About Farm animals! Made by Tram Nguyen!!

Transcript of About Farm animals! Made by Tram Nguyen!!. About Pigs! * Baby pigs, sleeping together with chins...

About Farm animals! Made by Tram Nguyen!!

About Pigs! * Baby pigs, sleeping together with chins atop their mother.

• Pigs are a very intelligent animals because they have excellent senses of smell.

• Human farm pigs for meat. Such as pork, bacon and ham.

• Wild pigs are often hunted in the wild.

• Relative to their body size, pigs have small lungs.

• There are around two billion of pigs in the world.

* I got the information from http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/pig.html ( 1/5/14)

About Cows

• A cows heart beats between 60 to 70 per minute.

• An average dairy cow weighs about 1,200 pounds.

• The average cow chews at least 50 times per minute.

• Cows actually do not bite grass ; instead curl their tongue around it.

• A dairy cows can produce 125 ml of milks a day.

• The average cow drinks 30 to 50 gallons of water each day.

• Cows only have teeth on the bottom.

• This is where I got a information from. http://www.dairymoos.com/interesting-facts-about-cows/ ( 1/5/14)

About sheep! * There are over 1 billion sheep in the world.

* China has a largest number of sheep in the world.

* Sheep are herbivores that eat vegetation such as grass.

• In 1996, a sheep named Dolly was the first mammal to be cloned from a somatic cell.

• Adult female sheep or known as ewes.

• Adult male sheep are known as rams.

• Castrated adult male sheep are known as wethers.

• I get the information from http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/sheep.html ( 1/5/14)

About Chickens! The egg off a chicken!

*Chicken eggs come in many sizes and colors but there is more to this common breakfast food then you might think.

* An egg shell can have as many as 17,000 all overs it surface.

* Most egg are laid between 7 and 11 am.

The Hens

Most people have hens simply because they are the ones that lay the eggs but they can also be calm, friendly pets.

* A hen must eat four pound of feeds to produce a egg.

I got the information from http://www.backyardchickens.com/a/did-you-know-interesting-chicken-facts (1/5/14)

About horses!• Horse have around 205

bones in their skeleton.

• Horse has been domesticated for 5,000 years.

• Horse have bigger eye then any animal that live on land.

• A male horse is called a stallion.

• A female horse is called a mare.

• A young male horse is call a colt.

• I got a information from this web site:

• http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/horse.html ( 1/5/14)

The End!! Thank you for listening!