About Christine -...


Transcript of About Christine -...

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Christine Kane is president and founder of Uplevel YOU™, a multi-million-dollar company that propels purpose-

driven entrepreneurs into the highest level of their business and lifestyle success.

Christine has now worked with over three thousand people in her Uplevel Your Life® Mastery Program and Uplevel Your Business™ Program & Blueprint,

in addition to her popular workshops and retreats – where she teaches students how to create successful businesses based in their passion -- while creating an

intentional life of meaning and soul.

After 15 years in a successful career as a popular songwriter and performer, Christine followed a calling

to provide a deeper level of service to other creative and entrepreneurial types. “I went from being a rock

star on the stage to helping people be rock stars in their lives and businesses,” she says. “It’s a whole

new way of serving.”

Christine provides Upleveling advice, breakthrough techniques and other resources to over 50,000

subscribers from around the world via her Uplevel YOU™ eZine and other free

resources at www.christinekane.com.

About Christine

© Uplevel YOU, 20151

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The weird truth about Business SuccessIs this weird to you?

When my clients brag about their success, they don’t always share the six-figure numbers and all the impressive milestones.

Instead, they celebrate these small but meaningful things in their lives that they weren’t able to do before...

Like Glad, who sobbed when she shared that in her first year of having a business, she was able to buy her step-daughter’s prom dress for her.

Or like Michelle, who paid for her family’s entire summer vacation using only income from her increased business success that year.

Or like Sue, who drove to her son’s private school one day and wrote a check for the full amount of the coming year’s tuition without batting an eye, much to her husband’s overwhelming surprise.

Is it weird to you that they would share those things?

I’m betting it isn’t.

See, I can go on and on about 6-figures or 7-figures.



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I could ask you to dream about big numbers and giant houses and cabana boys bringing you umbrella drinks on an island somewhere.

But I know you too well.

I know that, while those things are nice, what really brings you joy is not about the numbers.

I know that you – whether you have a business now or are just starting out – are moved by the things you can DO or BE because of your business success.

I know that you crave the FREEDOM of being your own boss and having a business that runs smoothly.

I know that you thrive on the feeling of confidence that comes with finally being in charge of your income streams.

I know that you yearn for the ability to pull out your wallet at dinner with your dearest friends and say, “Hey, I got this one.”

I know that you’d love to be able to tell your spouse that you just paid off the mortgage.

Or surprise your partner by saying, “Hey, get ready for a two-week dream vacation next Spring!”

So before we start talking business strategy and building packages, take a second to dream of the meaningful ways your success could impact your life and the lives of people around you.

That’s why we do what we do at all. That’s why you have a business.

And that’s why this little book exists. The strategy you’re about to learn in these pages is the starter step that each of my clients and students has taken in her or his business to be able to say, “Hey, I got this.” And to feel an unfathomable level of freedom, confidence, and power in their work and their lives.

Now, it’s your turn.

Let’s get you started...


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QUESTION #1: Why do you price your services per hour or per session?

A. Because that’s how everyone else does it.

B. Because I’m scared my clients will go away if I do it any other way.

C. Because I delight in waiting around for people to call me to schedule their next appointment. (Plus, when you add in all the back-and-forth of missed calls and emails? Hey, who WOULDN’T love this?)

D. All of the above

QUESTION #2: Which of your clients get the best results when working with you?

A. The annoying ones.

B. The ones who work with me consistently for an extended time period.

C. The ones who call sporadically with a new round of complaints and challenges each and every time. (See Answer A)

D. The ones who wait until things get really bad before they’re motivated to schedule an appointment.

QUESTION #3: Complete this sentence: “If I really set things up right in my business, I know I could be making...”

A. A fortune.

B. A lot more money. At least six-figures. Maybe multiple six-figures or more.C. Pie.D. I can’t answer this question because my business is so very different from anyone else’s business that I can’t be regulated to four general answers that don’t allow for the uniqueness that I and my business embody.


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I know. I know. I’m supposed to give you a kicky little assessment that sums up your multiple-choice answers into a sweeping diagnosis of you and your business.

I’m not going to do that.

It’s my fervent belief that you are WAY too special for sweeping assessments. After all, do you really think someone can peg you based on three lousy questions?

Of course not!


...if you answered “B” to the questions above, chances are you know in your heart that you’re not honoring yourself, your business or your clients.


You also probably know that you could be making a lot more money in your business...

(double ouch)

...and you know that indeed you WOULD be making a lot more money in your business - if you just knew how to do it.

(No more pain! That’s where I come in!)

I’ve worked with thousands of students and clients. I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in all types of industries take their businesses into six-figures and beyond. And I’m here to affirm that, yes, you CAN (and should!) be making more money in your business.

A LOT more.


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Have you ever noticed that people can be all, “Oh I’m all about the Abundance Mindset!” until they have to actually, you know, apply it to their businesses?

(Have you ever noticed that you are sometimes one of those people? :))

Hey – I get it. This model can really challenge your old “struggle” rules.

Take Jessie for instance...

Jessie left corporate to start a business based in her passion... horses. She started offering retreats to teach leadership skills using horses as the learning mechanism. These retreats were great. But it was a lot of work to get new people to her retreats all year long.

So, Jessie signed up to work with me and used my strategies to create her first package. She decided to offer this package on the last day of her retreat, to give participants a chance to work more intensely with her beyond just the five days they had just spent together.

Jessie made an extra $22,000 from this one offer.Up ‘til this point, she had only ever made about ten thousand dollars for these retreats. So at first, she could hardly take it in. “I sold them air!” She said. “I feel a little weird!”

Here’s what I told her:

First, I told her that this is what happens when you Uplevel Your Business! (High fives all around!) Money gets easier! Good for you!

Next, I shared why she was feeling so excited – and maybe a little nervous.

I explained that when I teach students and clients about packages, they sometimes fight me at first. It feels selfish. It feels too easy. It feels like “selling air.”

Making a lot more money is all about two things:

Knowing what to do. (I call this the STRATEGY track.)1

Doing it from an Abundance Mindset. (I call this the SOUL track.)2

Let’s start with the part about Abundance...

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After all, they’re used to a good struggle! Where’s the struggle in premium packages?

There isn’t struggle. There’s only value. And that’s the Abundance Mindset.

Look back at question #2 on your pop-quiz/multiple-choice test. The clients who get the best results – surprise surprise - are the ones who are the most committed. Always.

Turns out that working with people in packages - rather than dollars per hour - is actually NOT selling air.

To offer packages is to offer high-level services that deliver real value and get real results for your clients.

(Ingest that for a moment please. Your future clients WANT you to get this part.)


To offer packages is to offer high-level services that deliver real value and results for your clients.

Jessie fully embraced premium packages in her business – especially once she saw the results her clients were getting. (And the income she was generating!) She went on to make just under $250,000 that year in her business.

The only way to UPLEVEL your income is to set up your business strategy from an Abundance Mindset. And offering high-value packages is just one way to begin.

So, let’s get you started...

Find Your VALUE and Break Through the Limitations of Your Industry.

The starving artist is a worn-out arche-type that can get the best of many.

As a photographer, Rupa thought the only way she could have a business was to do weddings. That was her bread and butter, right? And that’s what all her photographer friends were doing, right?

The thought of a business filled with wedding photographs almost made Rupa quit the business altogether. Too many high-maintenance brides – and not enough income after all was said and done.

Then she started working with me – and she took her booming little side hobby – Puparazzi Portraits (an exclusive photography service for people’s precious pets) – and created high-end (like, “I can’t even believe people are paying me to do this!” high-end) packages.

Puparazzi Portraits exploded. In her first year, Rupa had several five-fig-ure months. Now, Rupa hasn’t done a wedding in years. “First I had to understand my value. Then I had to communicate it. My package prices have gone up and up. And people just keep paying me!”

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Step #1 – Decide on the Duration of Your Packages

How long do you want to work with your clients?

Yes, I know. This is a simple question.

But consider this.Most purpose-driven entrepreneurs tend to put their offers together based NOT on how they want to work or how they can best serve someone. They base their offer on what they think they can get.

Read that last paragraph again. And check in with yourself to see if you are one of those people who has been operating your business based on what you think you can get.

I almost went down that path too!People used to ask me if they could just pay me for one quick session. “You know, get on the phone with you for an hour? Pick your brain?”

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I used to say yes. One session, quick money. Why not, right? After all, it’s what they want, right?

Well, no.

In fact... WRONG.


Because at first, I thought that was the only thing I could “get.” But soon, I realized that my strength (and passion) is to help my clients get real, lasting results. And to me, true results come from real strategies, not just quick tactics. That means that if someone were to do a “quickie call” with me... sure, I could offer some “quickie tactics” for building his list or doing a launch or closing his next sale. But those tactics will fall short unless he has a powerful streamlined system in place for building his business and making LOTS of money consistently. And THIS is what I help people do best – and it’s what I LOVE to do most. I help people Uplevel their businesses into long-term, smooth-running, confidence-creating, cash-making machines!

So, early on, I decided that I would only work with clients for a full year, or in one of my 7- or 10-week online programs.

Yes, it’s a ballsy move. And maybe even a little scary - especially since I could get some fast cash by getting on the phone with someone for an hour or two.

But here’s the thing.

I know what works, and I know what kind of results I can deliver when someone dives in deep with me. And that makes ME happy. And it makes my clients happy. And the business works better, and it becomes streamlined and grows faster.

So, your first decision is this:How long do YOU want to work with your clients? The duration of your packages is up to you. Consider your style, as well as what gets your clients the best results.

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Step #2 - Choose the Components of Your Package

What will you include in your package? It sounds like a simple question – but beware! It’s way too easy to overlook the value you deliver.

When you start to look at all the service you give to your clients, you may find out that you’re not getting paid your measly $20 per hour – that in fact, you are making more like $11/hour. That’s exactly what Denise discovered when she realized she was massively undervaluing herself...

Denise has a thriving business helping new mothers get acclimated to the major life changes after giving birth. She teaches them how to take care of their households and their new babies, as well as manage their time, themselves, and their mindsets in this transitional time.

When Denise first came to my Uplevel Your Business® LIVE retreat, she was charging $10 - $15/hour. She was the classic example of the self-employed person who never examined the value of her offer and never treated her business as a business. As a result, Denise was (justifiably) exhausted – and even resentful of her clients.

When I first coached Denise on creating packages, she looked at me like I was speaking another language. “I can’t put together packages,” she said. “I bill my clients per hour. That’s what they’re used to. Besides, I don’t have anything to put into one of these ‘packages’ you’re talking about.” (She even used air-quotes when she said the word ‘packages’ to emphasize how out of touch I was with her reality. This is what happens when entrepreneurs work too hard for too little money. They get a little snippy. :))

At first, we are all like Denise. We tell ourselves we have nothing that could possibly go into a package.

The thing is - you already DO offer great stuff. It’s just that you haven’t learned how to define the value of the services you provide.

Your Clients are WAITING for You to Step Up.

Gina is a tarologist. Before she met me, she was doing one-and-done tarot readings for her custom-ers. But she knew in her heart, she could offer so much more. She had truly achieved a high level of mas-tery in her work and spiritual life... but no one had ever taught her how to set up her business. That changed when Gina made the decision to work with me.

Within just one week (one week!) of meeting me, Gina made an extra $4,600. That was exciting! She real-ized that her clients had been WAIT-ING for her to step up and offer this level of package to them!

So, Gina then created an ideal client profile, and offered only premium packages for her devoted clients who wanted a level of mastery in their lives and spiritual quests. She stopped doing one-and-done ses-sions. She also created group pro-grams and classes. She changed her entire pricing structure.

That year, Gina made more mon-ey than she had ever made in her business – and continues to grow in service and confidence. This is what happens when you decide to take your work and your business seri-ously. Your most committed clients (the ones who WANT you to charge more and offer them more) will hap-pily pay you! And your business will soar!

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When I helped Denise see all of the services she provided for her clients all the time without even charging them for it, we calculated that she was really only making about $7/hour. Yikes!

So, we positioned those services into a package. We listed all of her hand-outs, educational content, in-person visits, texting time, cell phone calls, errands, training, etc. We broke it down into two different packages, offering different levels of value for her clients.

Denise looked at her new packages and finally understood why she had been so tired and so pissed off at her clients. She wasn’t giving them a chance to appreciate her value - nor was she defining the value she offered. She was just allowing people to walk all over her and she ended up feeling used.

The sad truth was that she was playing small as an hours-for-dollars business. When she changed this, she transformed her business. Her income jumped from $15,000 to $65,000 in the first year of making these changes. She was also featured in her city’s newspaper. And best of all, she now loves her clients and values herself.

The same thing will happen for you. If you take the time to lay each element out on the table, you may discover that you’ve been totally letting your business take advantage of you. It’s time to take your power back – and put these components into a premium package!

Step #3 - Value Your Package

Now, it’s time for you to decide the price of your package. I’ve coached clients to double, quadruple, and even 10X their package pricing. Why?

Well, firstly because once we’ve broken down the high-value components of their packages – they begin to seethat they’ve doubled, quadrupled, and 10X’ed the value of what they are delivering!

Also, when you evaluate the results people receive, ask yourself what is that worth to them?

And lastly? Because your premium pricing will attract the highest-level, most committed clients.

Think about it.

From Massage Therapist to Wellness Empire

Erin was working in a “real job” that she hated. On weekends, she had a side business as a massage therapist.

(Healing practitioners often think that packages won’t work for them. So they settle for jobs they don’t like, while their true passion gets placed on the back burner.)

Erin took my coaching to heart and decided to take the leap. She quit her job, and she applied these strategies to her massage business. It required that she re-think her ideal client, her pricing, and her own value. If you’re like Erin, you recognize that you can offer more than one way to serve your clients. Your package won’t only include the one thing you’re known for.

She put together a six-month premium package – which included massage, nutrition consulting, coaching, and other goodies. In her first year of taking the leap and quitting her job, she was voted #1 massage therapist in her city – and was sought out by several movie stars (she won’t reveal names!) – and best of all, Erin has now hired a team of massage therapists to work in her stu-dio. She is building a wellness empire.

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When someone offers you something that is premium pricing - and it’s something you really want or need - your thought process will likely go like this: “Wow, this must be good.” Or, “I’ll bet I would really get results with this.” Or, “This person must have some cred-factor to be able to charge this much.”

In other words, pricing yourself is also positioning yourself. Your higher price will actually make someone want to work with you more!


Pricing yourself is positioning yourself. Your premium pricing will attract committed clients.

Say NO toGiving YourselfAwayDo you tell yourself you’ll offer your services for FREE until you get your credibility? Well, stop it now.

Nozomi would agree! When she first started working with me, she had recently left her corporate job to become an executive coach. Like many people who are afraid at first to charge money for a new offering, Nozomi had three clients who didn’t pay her a thing. (This made it a little hard to actually call herself a busi-ness owner!)

Nozomi’s first move was to stop giving herself away. She set up sev-eral premium packages that started at $3,500. In just over a year, she now has packages that range from $6,000 - $10,000, as well as public speaking opportunities and train-ings. Her business is fully supporting her dream of helping people in cor-porate to become the leaders they were meant to become!


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I’ve worked with thousands of the coolest entrepreneurs on the planet.

I’ve helped business owners who started with zero income turn their idea into an empire. I’ve coached people who believed they didn’t have anything to offer, and taught them how to ask for the sale (with trembling in their voice at first!) – and watched them as they created full pipelines of clients and income.For almost all of them, their success started with packages.

Now it’s your turn.

You can take this information and nod your head and think, “Yeah, I should do that someday.” Or you can make it happen and watch your business transform. Yes, it can be scary at first. But you’ve totally got this! It’s a strategy that works on every level.

AND... it’s your time to finally create a business that gives you freedom, confidence, power and wealth.

(Haven’t you been waiting long enough?)

Packages are Step One to Business Success

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Now, about getting you those clients...

I teach a four-step “Rapid Results” formula for how to get those clients and even how to build your packages!


“Okay, I’m on it! I’m creating packages, Christine! But how do I get clients?”

1 – Crank Up Your Clarity Your clarity is the foundation for getting clients and making money in your business. You must get clear about who your ideal client is. And that means everything about that person. You also need to nail down your own value, as well as really understand what you offer. (Not just the product – but the results and benefits!)

2 – Set Up Your Systems When it comes to getting clients, you must set up systems that will streamline the process so that everything’s in place, and you know exactly what to do from the minute someone asks about working with you. (No more reinventing the wheel each time!) After you create packages for your business, you’ll want an easy-to-follow system (with pre-written scripts) for selling your packages to a prospect.

3 – Ramp Up Your Revenue In order to start the income flowing, you must first create your list. This can be a list of connections and referral sources. Or it can be a list of your fans, readers, or patients. And no, you don’t have to get complicated about this. I help my start-up clients make tens of thousands of dollars in months, using their current network of contacts. After that, you reach out with a simple email sequence to introduce them to your work and your results. (Yes, I know this part is daunting, which is why I give pre-written emails for my students to model!)

4 – Follow up Frequently Once you lock in this process, your job as a business owner is to implement it consistently. And yes, I understand that you might be terrible at this part! That’s why it’s great to have productivity tools, structures, checklists, and your very own scheduling tool to take the mystery out of consistent follow up. (This all comes with my Get Clients system.) Once your income starts to flow regularly, you’ll be amazed at how you have transformed your business into a money machine!


Great question!

First, if you’ve made it this far, it means you’re committed. And that means you’re pre-wired for success. Congratulations to you!

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My Get Clients: Rapid Results Kickstarter System has helped hundreds of business owners get their very first clients – as well as given established business owners a process to take the mystery out of how they get clients.

That’s because it’s simple, do-able, and so easy to follow. (And I hold your hand through the entire process - and give you every template and tool you need so you can just plug and play!)

Plus, it’s super easy on your wallet. I wanted to make this a no-brainer because hey, I remember what it was like when income was not exactly flowing in my own business!

For details about the Get Clients: Rapid Results Kickstarter System!

Can’t wait to do this with you!



How to get clients with a simple system…