Abide in the Immediate

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Transcript of Abide in the Immediate

  • 7/26/2019 Abide in the Immediate


    Abide in the immediate

    Abide as That in which there are no sense organs or anyone to use them, That in which transcendent bliss is experienced,

    That which is absolutely immediate, That by realizing and attaining which one becomes immortal, That by becoming

    which one does not return to this cycle of births and deaths and be always happy, without the least trace of thought.

    Own effort

    One is solely responsible for one's own liberation or bondage, since the choice of destroying the restless mind or allowing

    it to roam at large rests with that one only.

    Therefore one should conquer the restless mind by steady abidance in the pure thoughtfree AlertAwareness!elf only.

    This steady abidance is moksha.

    To one who is fond of enquiring "constantly# '$hat is this %ast uni%erse&' and '$ho am &' this world becomes quite unreal.

    Sacrifice of the mind

    The total discarding of the mind is alone %ictory, achie%ement, yoga, wisdom and liberation. The sacrifice of the mind is,

    in fact, the totality of all sacrifices.

    Abide as That in which there is nothing of the elements nor e%en an iota of their deri%ati%es, no sense of () or (mine),

    no fantasies of the mind, no blemish of attachment, no concept whatsoe%er and be always happy, without the least

    trace of the thought.

    Pursue enquiry relentlessly

    One should relentlessly pursue !elfenquiry until all conceptual forms of creature, world and creator merge and disappear

    into the pure thoughtfree, alert Awareness!elf, enabling one to abide in that bha%ana of the experience, ' am


    Only seven days left to livef you are ha%ing trouble with your enthusiasm for sadhana, +ust tell yourself, ' may be dead in se%en days'. et go of all

    the things that you pretend are important in your daily life and instead focus on the !elf for twentyfour hours a day. -o

    it and see what happens.

    or more, see inal Tal/s.

    Continuous enquiry

    f you can gi%e up duality, Brahmanalone remains, and you /now yourself to be that Brahman, but to ma/e this disco%ery

    continuous meditation is required. -on't allocate periods of time for this. -on't regard it as something you do when you

    sit with your eyes closed. This meditation has to be continuous. -o it while eating, wal/ing and e%en tal/ing. t has to be

    continued all the time.

    Annamalai !wami p0, inal Tal/s.

    Persevere, peace will come

    1ou are saying that you ha%e to ma/e a great effort to experience e%en a little peace. -on't worry about this. 1our effort

    will pay off sooner or later. f you perse%ere the peace and bliss will come unas/ed.

    If you give up your attachment to all thoughts, except for the thought of the Self, you will find yourself being pulled

    automatically into the peace of the Self

  • 7/26/2019 Abide in the Immediate


    f you practice intensi%ely and correctly you will find that the experience of this peace is addicti%e. $hen this happens

    you will lose interest in e%erything except the !elf.

    I will protect you

    2. Abandon the drama of the world and see/ the !elf within.3emaining within, will protect you, ensuring that no harm befalls you.

    If you enquire and !now me

    4. f you enquire and /now me, the indweller, in that state there will be no reason for you toworry about the world.

    Inspiring words from Annamalai Swamy

    Don't worry about whether you are making progress or not. Just keep your attention on the Self twenty-four hours a

    day. Meditation is not something that should be done in a particular position at a particular time. It is an awareness

    and an attitude that must persist throughout the day. To be effectie! meditation must be continuous.

    If you want to water a field you dig a channel to the field and send water continuously along it for a lengthy period of

    time. If you send water for only ten seconds and then stop! the water sinks into the ground een before it reaches

    the field. "ou will not be able to reach the Self and stay there without a prolonged! continuous effort. #ach time you

    gie up trying! or get distracted! some of your preious effort goes to waste.

    $ontinuous inhalation and e%halation are necessary for the continuance of life. $ontinuous meditation is necessary for

    all those who want to stay in the Self.

    $onstant meditation is the only way. If you bring light into your room! the darkness immediately goes away. "ou hae

    to see that the light is not put out. It has to be continuously burning so that there is no darkness. &ntil you get

    firmly established in the Self! you hae to continue with your meditation. Doubts take possession of you only if you

    forget yourself.


    whatever is needed in this moment

    will be provided provided you are willing to rest in

    the moment that is now.
