abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… ·...

31/03/2011 abhaya FOUNDATION an assurance for no fear... an assurance for no fear... TM Dear abhayan! Let our name be LOVE… show it when it is needed to those who are lifeless. Let our name be PATIENCE… listen to the stories of pain even if they are long and heavy. Let our name be KINDNESS… heal the pain and guide someone who lost the way. Let our name be a MENTOR… give lessons that life cannot teach. Let our name be a VOLUNTEER… have love, patience, kindness and be like a mentor abhaya News update abhaya News update March 2011

Transcript of abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… ·...

Page 1: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited


abhaya FOUNDATION an assurance for no fear...an assurance for no fear...


Dear abhayan!

Let our name be LOVE…

show it when it is needed to those who are lifeless.

Let our name be PATIENCE…

listen to the stories of pain even if they are long and heavy.

Let our name be KINDNESS…

heal the pain and guide someone who lost the way.

Let our name be a MENTOR…

give lessons that life cannot teach.

Let our name be a VOLUNTEER…

have love, patience, kindness and be like a mentor

abhaya News update

abhaya News update

March 2011

Page 2: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

“ H E A RT ” Health Care Update

Mission Angel... she is recovered !Mission Angel... she is recovered !I called up the NICU. The baby is active and has gained 1.5 kgs. They are removing the child from the ventilator during this week

according to the present plan. – Marie, Medico Social Worker, Videhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengalure.

I spoke to Dayakar's family as the baby is recovering and now the weight is 1.5Kg. They may now remove the ventilator

completely. If in case any breathing problem arises then Baby may have to undergo a minor operation. Both Dayakar &

Sangeetha told that the baby is looking active and relaxed now when compared to earlier. As of now we have provided funds to

the tune of Rs.65,000/- and we further needed some more funds to help the Baby. – Er. M. Rajasekhar, Trustee, Abhaya

Foundation, Bengalure

Mission Nagaraju... hips replacement being done!Mission Nagaraju... hips replacement being done!

Nagaraju has been brought to Hyderabad and admitted at Rajyalakshmi Hospital about couple of months back and Dr. Sulapani after thorough checkup

suggested for replacement of both the hips. The estimated cost of the project was Rs.4,00,000/- and the doctors with lots of love and care provided

50% discount for the operation. Sri Sathya Sai devotees provided food for him since he admitted in the hospital. Seeing news paper clippings couple of

people donated some amounts at the Hospital. Abhaya could provide about Rs.60,000/- and finally doctors thought that delay in operating him may

further cause complications and courageously proceeded to operate one hip during the last week without having full amount on hands. Nagaraju now to

be seen very confident and positive about everything in life and prayfully recovering in the hospital. The second hip would be replaced soon during the

month of April. Abhaya request the well wishers to kindly extend possible support to Nagaraju.

BeforeBefore AfterAfter

Page 3: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

I on behalf of abhaya along with

Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior

from Delhi visited Ms. Satyavathi

on 13th March'11. Doctors fixed

the artificial limbs to her. This is a

miracle happened in front of our

own eyes. It is all started when

Eenadu new daily published her

story during the month of Dec

2010, which my wife referred to

Mission Satyavathi... accomplished Mission Satyavathi... accomplished

Dear Prestige Team: You really stood prestigiously for those

who are in need. abhaya salute you all for the wonderful gesture. We

strongly believe that there is god in every good thought...word...deed...

this is how magical work would happen in this world. We welcome you

all to abhaya whose Mission is to serve with the HEART. We were all

delighted to know you in our life. Let us hope we all would be together in

doing our bit to this land. Pray god be with you...guiding...

guarding...leading...loving all the times. - abhaya TEAM

me and in turn abhaya got connected. Now she can stand

on her feet, she can start walking like a normal person after

practice. It may be couple of months from now that she

would be able to attend to her own self. I am pleased to

share the impressions and expressions of Mission

Sathyavathi. I on my personal behalf of and on behalf of

abhaya wish to thank for all those who stood beside me in

accomplishing this noble mission. I salute each and every

professional who silently lend their hand at

Bengalure/Hyderabad and other places. Hope to do such

committed work wherever there is a

need… with all of you at our end.

Now the trials are on for establishing a

small shop for them to progress in life.

Interested likeminded people may please

call me/contact me.

-CS Thirupal G, Coordinator,


Abhaya could provide a wheel chair for Prashanth whose 2

kidney's are failed since last 8 years. He is slowly trying to adjust

with his fate where as his father Mohanrao is continuously in

touch with abhaya team and very positively trying to

administering newly arranged Aayurveda Medicine. There are

couple of side effects can be seen in his body since last couple of

months. Abhaya is arranging to send couple of thousands every

month to face his challenges in life. If kind hearted abhayans

come forward and if we pool about Rs.4,00,000/- then the plan is

to get him operated! Praying god be with him in this crisis.

Mission Prashanth...

he needs our good wishesMission Prashanth...

he needs our good wishes

BeforeBefore AfterAfter

BeforeBefore AfterAfter

Page 4: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

Mission Santosh... accomplishedMission Santosh... accomplished

I had been to the Aware Hospital for couple of times during last week and spoke to the

Management regarding the final discount on the bill which is about Rs. 6,23,000/-. As of date

all of us paid Rs.5,07,000/- to the Hospital and there is an outstanding of Rs.1,16,000/-. We

need to thank Mr. Dayakar and his team at the billing section, they all helped Mission Santosh

and reduced best possible amount else the bill could have been easily Rs.6,50,000. We

further went and met General Manager of the hospital, Mr. Sami Ullah. We explained

everything and asked for their kind consideration to the matter and sought best possible

discount, persuaded him that we can pay only Rs. 50,000. He obliged and asked to write a

letter to the chairman and the same has been provided to them on our behalf seeking their

kind help to close the matter.

I take this opportunity to thank tens and hundreds of abhayans at Nexus

Engineering College, Aware Global Hospitals, Ramadevi Public School, NCC

Cadet of the School and further Satheesh & his team from Santosh relatives

circle for their admiring support for Mission Santosh. A special note of

thanks to Sriram, Yugesh… scores of others whose gestures are really heroic

in saving Santosh

- V. Nishanth Shouri, Trustee, abhaya FOUNDATION.





RPS NCC extending helpRPS NCC extending help

RPS student sent SaibabaRPS student sent Saibaba

Page 5: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

Mother is a vegetable vendor on road- Mission Chandra

Mother is a vegetable vendor on road- Mission Chandra

Nepali baby Sachina admitted at Sweekar, Hyderabad.Nepali baby Sachina admitted at Sweekar, Hyderabad. Tulasi Reddy

is undergoing speech therapy

@ Apollo, Hyderabad

Tulasi Reddy is undergoing

speech therapy @ Apollo,


Anjanamma, a road side vegetable vendor at Dharmavaram brought her only son

who is suffering from profound mental disorder. Abhaya could provide the shelter

and food during their stay here at Hyderabad. Abhaya volunteers accompanied

them to Sweekar Upakar and she was there with her son for couple of times now.

During her last visit Dr.Hanumantha Rao suggested to administer few tablets for

next 2 months and consult him back after that. Accordingly abhaya brought all

the medicines for Chandra. He is now waiting to have final opinion from Sweekar

Team whether as to be admitted at the special school at Hyderabad.

Smt Lalitha aged about 68 years visited Hyderabad to consult doctors for her

ailments. She is from Vizag and living on her own savings. She found little

Sachina the daughter of Santosh & Sushma Nepalese who were working at

her relatives home. She could not digest the fact that this little girl (18

months old) is suffering from profound mental disorder since birth. She

canceled her consultancy with the doctors and decided to take this child to

Sweekar… she neither had strength nor resources to take this forward. Rekha at Sweekar observing this lady

suggested to contact abhaya and she straight

away visited abhaya. It was really an

inspiration to see her passion to do good work

for the needy. Abhaya assured her all the

possible support. Accordingly all the tests are

being done to the child. Doctors said they

would provide special training to both mother

and child. Abhaya immediately arranged for

their admission and paid entire amount for 5

months and provided bus pass to the

mother… within couple of weeks of joining

the special school the little child looks to be

recovering the ground which is very positive

going forward.BeforeBefore AfterAfter

Page 6: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

Mission Raghavendra: need another Rs.1,00,000/-

Master Saajan is about 15 years old from

Banjarahills, hyderabad is suffering for

kidney failure by birth. His father brought

him to abhaya seeking help. Father is a

lyricist in Telugu film industry (Chenna

kesava Reddy, Odarpu Yathra, Dady,

Madhura Meenakshi etc.,) But not in a position to spend money on this little master as his earning is very less. Saajan

is leading life with help of dialysis. He need to have kidney transplantation at the soonest possible time but the issue is

parents kidneys are not macthing. He is a brilliant student scoring 90% in his academics. Right now writing SSC public

examinations with lots of confidence in his heart.

He felt very confident after meeting Abhaya team and stated that he is going to recover with an aim become a

Nephrologist to treat the kidney patients without charging fee who are suffering like him. He is aware of the

competitive world and confident about getting good marks and rank in EAMCET. Abhaya earnestly request all the

abhayans across the country.

Father is film lyricist; Son is kidney patient- Mission Saajan

Father is film lyricist; Son is kidney patient- Mission Saajan

Raghavendra was here at Hyderabad for more than 25 days… he was regularly updating all his trails to abhaya

team. He was madly running from pallor to post in order to rid of deadly pain in all over his joints in the body

without knowing what to do. Though many abhayans extended their helping hands for the last 4 months, we all

could pool about Rs.3,00,000/-. He is in need of further Rs.1,00,000/- for

which Abhaya provided him the best possible support with a car, volunteer

and also stood by him morally. He visited almost all the print and electronic

medias across the city… but the response was so poor. He tried his best to

encounter all the odds in life with confidence.

HM TV has given an opportunity to him by telecasting his

suffering for couple of minutes. Abhaya pained to see his pain

and seeking all the possible support to him. Ramprasad and

Ramu both of them supported and accompanied Raghavendra

during his visits to the hospital and other places.BeforeBefore NowNowRamuRamu

Page 7: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

While Satwika (8) was playing near her home in the evening… all of the

sudden a stone from nowhere fell on her head injuring her fatally. Parents

are living in a rented hut at Jammalamadugu and leading their life with

Keys/Umbrella repair. They go to the market places from

village to village and earn livelihood. Sri G.Subbarathnam

(78) a retired Hindi pundit connected them to abhaya and this

little girl being saved with a grant of financial help to the tune

of Rs.6,000/- and another Rs.4000/- would be sent to them


Darbin Kumar (working as clerk at municipality office)

Muzaffarapur, Bihar mailed to abhaya about his little

daughter Baby Apurva (5 months) who born with

ECTOPIA Cordiz and she supposed to be the first living

child with such a decease and disorder in the heart.

They spent lakhs of rupees at AIIMS, New Delhi…

could not continue the costly treatment and

administer medicines. Even to see the photographs

abhaya pained and immediately contacted him and

collected the entire bunch of medical reports and

videos by email. The same had been shared with

Narayana Hrudayalaya, Hyderabad. Dr.Anilkumar

Mulpur, Director informed abhaya to bring them to

Hyderabad urgently. But the family over there were

not willing to travel for such a long distance. They said

that they have an appointment with Doctors at AIIMS

during the first week of April and let us know the status

of the treatment. Abhaya told him to be in touch with

the team enabling him to be of some support.

abhaya salute you for

being available for the

good work!

and many more


¬Dr.Pradeep Kumar IRS, Karnataka

¬Sabasta Crop Technology, Hyderabad.

¬K.V.Ramakrishna, KOTAK, Mumbai.

¬Sweekar – Upakar Team, Hyderabad

¬Smt Lalitha, Visakhapatnam

¬Maruth Ramprasad, Principal, RPS

¬Ramadevi Public School, Hyderabad

¬P. Yugesh, Nexus Engineering College, Hyd.

¬Sriram, Nexus Engineering College, Hyd.

¬Mallikram, WIPRO, Hyderabad

¬Gurubachan Singh, WIPRO, Hyderabad

¬Srikanth Natarajan, WIPRO, Hyderabad.

¬Hema & Team, NCR Corporation, Hyd

¬Siddhartha Technologies, Hyderabad.

¬G.Subbarathnam, Jammalamadugu, AP



¬HM TV Channel.

¬Saakshi (News & TV)

¬Eenadu (News & TV)

¬Andhra Jyothi News daily.

¬Necx Technologies, Hyd.

Satheesh, Businessman, Hyd.

Jyothsna, Hyderabad



Stone fell on little Satwika

while she was playing

Stone fell on little Satwika

while she was playing

Apurva Country's 1st living child with ECTOPIA Cordiz

Apurva Country's 1st living child with ECTOPIA Cordiz

Page 8: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

“ H E A RT ” Edu Care Update

Everyone felt very happy including the Minister: UPSC has released the notification for prelims-2011, yesterday I

have applied for it. I have applied for ANDHRA BANK PO's exam as it helps me in CSAT exam (this is the new paper in civil services).

During the last month "Minister for BC welfare, Mr. BASWARAJU SARAIAH" visited us to launch free coaching for civil services in AP Study

Circle, I had been given an opportunity to speak on the occasion. Everyone felt very happy including the Minister and I was given MESS &

HOSTEL IN CHARGE post. My preparation is going well. In class tests I have scored well. Mr Tirumala kumar IRS is in constant tocuh with me

and giving good guidance. In the last weak I bought all the books for prelims-2011, cost of 4,375/- and now I need to have Rs.5000/- for the

same.- M. Mahesh, Civils aspirant, AP Study Circle, Hyderabad

Got placed in HCL, Chennai: I used to attend project classes on during the week days from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30. I am preparing for

placements after coming back to hostel and spending about 3hrs for home tuition in the evening. Then during the nights I normally studying for

couple of hours from 10p.m. I did my first mid exam of 4-2 sem in the first week of Feb... stood first in class...In the second week i was busy in

preparing for technical seminar which was scheduled for 11th Feb..I have done very well and got 49/50 marks.

During the third and fourth weeks i was fully engaged in campus interviews . I got selected in CSS, Chennai, as a support engineer with a pay

package of Rs. 2 lakhs PA and further got placed in HCL, Chennai, from the same college with a package of 1.8 L per annum. I am still trying a lot to

be placed in an MNC as a programmer. Hope that too will happen by the end of this month at least with all your blessings – Baby Chekka, IV

B.Tech, PIMEC, Hyderabad

Now I am recovered from typhoid fever and joined my work recently.

Pre-final exams are now on in the school for tenth class students and

others as well and it is expected the exams would be over by April

20th. During the summer, I have MCA(distance) classes and I may

have to attend them - B.Srilatha,(MCA), Amarapuram.

He is pursuing studies and trying to help family to

survive: Shravan is an MCA student from a lower middle class family,

studying in Vignan College, Deshmukhi. He is thinking to pursuing studies

and also trying to help his family to survive. He is a bright student in class

and earns small income on tuition for 10th class. He has two sister and

performed marriage of his elder sister recently. Presently, his younger

sister is studying B.Com and approached abhaya for help. After hearing

his story and understanding the issues being faced by him…Ms.

Kameswari Subramanyam kindly came forward in support

Shravan's family. Abhaya offered shelter/food at

Hyderabad if he wish to come and provide ample

opportunities to earn at least Rs.5,000/- pm as against

few hundreds he is earning there at the village and further

promised him that he would be given a system if needed.

He need to come back to abhaya with his action plan.

Shravnthi not getting the hall-ticket for class X exam: Shravanti a meritorious girl studying in Class X, Vijaya Laxmi Public school approached

abhaya for her school fee with her mother Varalaskhmi. Mother's income is about Rs.2000/-

pm and father is a electrician and ruining his life with all bad habits…

beating the wife every day. Varalakshmi is unable to clear the fee due

in time which resulted in Shravnthi not getting the hall-ticket for class

X public exam. Abhaya spoke to the Head Mistress of the school and

arranged for fee and assured them if girl is meritorious, she would be

given all the possible help and also told them to bring the girl's father

to abhaya for probable counseling. It has been decided to provide

about 10kg rice every month.

Page 9: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

to provide free mid day meal for the students

Abhaya conveyed a review

meeting at Hyderabad to

discuss and plan for the

next academic year on

S u n d a y t h e 2 7 t h


Student strength:

Fee Structure:

Teaching staff:Additional Infrastructure:

Extracurricular activities:

Community Center:

model community center for all the un employed

youth in the villages. He has been provided free hand

to create life in the center and abhaya stand beside

him while he works for the center. CS. Ramakrishna

Gupta has promised to release an annual grant of

Rs.50,000/- for developing the school infrastructure

& Community Center in the month of April as

promised by him.The meeting has been attended

The teaching staff informed the by the following members & members that the abhaya Vignan School now got a wellwisher of abhaya foundation: good name in the village and they are expecting the

strength to rise more than 200. But, considering the

point above it has been decided to take not more than

200 students so that there will be an equilibrium in

teacher student ration. If the school gets more than 200 applications then the same may

be filtered on merit/advance payment of fee etc.,

As the school motto is to build a value center in the village, abhaya

decided not to increase the present fee structure and the effort need to be put in to collect

the nominal fee to be collected so that at least guaranteed income would come to the

school. Accordingly decided to have fee of Rs.1200/- pa for play group to Rs.2400/- pa for The meeting deliberated on various items of Agenda circulated to the members before the

5th class, though other private schools are charging abnormal fee in the villagemeeting and following is the synopsis of all the discussions:

There are 7 teachers for all the 8 As the school is now able

classes and there is a need to have at least 2 more to accommodate about 150 students up to 5th

teachers to run the school in systematic manner. Every standard, the teaching staff suggested that creating

class should have one teacher of its own and HM should additional class rooms so that they can have 6th class

maintain the school and manage the teachers. The admissions for the next year. It has been estimated

same has been agreed by all the members in the that there is a need for at least 4 class rooms and the

meeting. As of date School could collect only Rs.1.3 estimated cost for the same will be around 4Lacs. The

lakhs as against Rs.2.4 lakhs fee from the students. It members present in the meeting felt that it is little

has been a factor of concern to all the members. It has been decided that the School team premature to think of creating additional infrastructure

must collect the outstanding fee and pay the salaries of those teachers not being paid in as the school is just at budding stage and further it is

the last year. April being last month to do the best work on this aspect, entire team has difficult to increase teaching staff such a remote village, it has been concluded that we

been instructed to work on the collection aspect.would continue with the present situation and available infrastructure is sufficient to

Apart from the regular syllabus, it has been decided to work accommodate 200 students. NLite team came forward to provide some solutions for the on creating a complete personality and make every child unique. With this very motto, it same in case if abhaya wish to proceed to create infrastructure in future. has been decided to have classes on Yoga, Bhajan, Games, Drill, Moral Classes &

Though the progress of the community center is disappointing, Bhagavadgita as a special activity every day. Also suggested school team to continue to

members felt that Mr.Babulal can lead this activity with additional strength and set up a show some moral story videos, epics on TV on Saturday/ Sundays.

uFounder, abhaya: CS.Balachandra Sunku

uChairman, School Project: CS.Ramakrishna Gupta R

uMember, abhaya Vignan School, KSV Siva Krishna

uNLite team : Poonam Sharma, Saikrishna & Hemalatha

uT. Srinivasarao & Chalapathy from Kurnool.

uSchool Committee: Padmavathy, Vithoba & Babulal

uCA.L.Vishnu Teja, Chartered Accountnat.

abhaya Vignan School abhaya Vignan School

Page 10: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

Teachers training:

Computer Literacy:

Mid day meal:

The need is being felt for improving the kind would be pooled from various likeminded people in the

standards in imparting the value education amongst students for society. The proposal has been deliberated in depth and

which everyone felt that there is a need to have skilled teachers. thankfully acknowledged the spirit of T. Srinivasarao and his

Teachers should have a training session on regular basis to improve team. The school team informed the members that there vacant

their skill set. NLite came forward team to act as mentors for the place near school in the village and the same can be brought on

said activity. rent to set up the school kitchen and stores for providing lunch

and it has been decided that a team lead by T.Srinivasarao Though abhaya provided the computers, they are not working

would visit Manipal, Karnataka to meet the land lord and condition. It has been felt that a hardware fellow can visit the school and fix all the issues of

impress up on him about the good work happening at abhaya the computers and one room should have false ceiling to safeguard the systems during

Vignan School requesting him to grant the place freely or with summer. Abhaya informed the School team to immediately work on this and attend to the

lesser price. This will have a great impact on the strength of the loose end. Abhaya also decided to provide a Printer for the school. Also suggested that all

school. the teaching staff must have computer literacy and have hands on

experience in teaching it further to the students. Meeting concluded with vote of thanks to all the members present and the

members disbursed after singing national anthem. With all the improvements which are taking place at

the school… there were about 10 members lead by Business Man Sri - KSV Sivakrishna, Member, abhaya Vignan School & Community

T.Srinivasarao from Kurnool brought a prpsoal to provide mid day Center, Yerragunta, Anantapur Dist.

meals to all the students throughout the year and the donations in

T.Srinivasarao, a business man and philanthropist by nature (Kurnool) has been connected to abhaya a month ago while

abhaya team proceeding to Abhaya Vignan School to carry Godess Saraswathi statue. Later the same person visited

School in the village and installed Godess Statue at the school premises. He was impressed with the work that is being

done by abhaya and very kindly consented to be part of abhaya going forward… he acted on his words and motivated a

group of good hearted people in his circle and brought out a proposal to feed all the kids at the school every day. This being

an extra ordinary service mooted by him, abhaya hosted a dinner for him and his family members at Hyderabad and

expressed all its gratitude for them. Abhaya salute them for their kind hearted empathy for the community work.

abhaya hosted a dinner to honor T.Srinivasarao, Kurnool

Page 11: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited

“ H E A RT ” Awareness Update

It is very heartening to note how all our good work

is being spread across the country… abhaya thank

all companions in good work for being with it since

inception. Though there is lot we all can do for this

country with our resources… the progress is still

encouraging. Just imagine how CII listed abhaya

and its good work in their “Dossier of NGO's” for

the benefit of its members. This is the classic

example of how good work would get support of

everyone in this world. It is true… miracles are

happening before our own eyes.

Now, abhaya request you to please spare your

time, energy, talent, resources, money for the

betterment of the world. Now all of us can

represent abhaya before companies work with the

support of CII Publication. Special thanks to CII.

Abhaya thank Ms. Aruna for her effort in making

the Foundation known to all the corporate in the


“things are not bettered, but we are bettered by

making changes in them… in the process of

helping someone in need… we help to transform

our self. – abhaya TEAM.

CII dossier of NGO's enlisted abhaya

You can mail to [email protected]

for soft copy of this Dossier

Abhaya volunteers meet every 2nd Sunday: Abhaya reminded all GET members about the meeting on the second Sunday and accordingly

there were about 25 members for the volunteers' meet this month including two seekers of help.The meeting started with prayer and Siva, Coordinator of GET briefed members the purpose and agenda of the meeting. The theme was is to explain the effect of participating in good work. If everyone join good work, there can be magnanimous and miraculous work that can happen.

Everyone introduced themselves. Abhaya presented the latest videos of recent mission updates. The new ones in the team are Gurubachansingh from Wipro, Sainath Reddy from ICOMM and Shambhu Kumar Jha from B5 consulting. They all have inspired by the abhaya's work going. Incidentally it was Sainath Reddy's birthday and the team wished him.

Mr Subrahmanyam who attended the meeting along with his family spoke about various aspects like how to we promote the cause, how to work, how to be available for the good work etc., Mr. Gurbachan from WIPRO, CS.Shambhu, B5 Consulting and others also shared their views in the meeting. Er. Nishanth Shouri, Trustee took the opportunity to share what is happening about Mission Santosh and inspired everyone about the need of the hour. After all such vibrating thoughts and thought provoking discussions, volunteer Anusha concluded the meet with vote of thanks. -KSV Sivakrishna, Coordinator, GET

Page 12: abhaya news update 31st Marchabhayafoundation.org/admin/upload/abhaya news update 31st March… · I on behalf of abhaya along with Dr.Jitendra Kumar and his senior from Delhi visited


the same amount. It ranged from Rs.100/- to Rs.5000/-. What effect would a small donation of Rs.100/- will But what is the final outcome? We achieved what we set

have for a cause where the need is Rs.5,00,000/-? out to achieve. With the help of Santosh's friends, College

Management...we could pool close to Rs.3.00 lakhs. How

much do you think his college friends have donated each? They did not get thousands of rupees from a single person.

Every single rupee added up to the required amount. But

even if some 50 or 60 people did not respond thinking like

in the above question....what would have happened? The

amount would have fallen drastically!!

These umpteen examples that I state here is not just for

clarification...It is to bring out the fact that Together

Everyone Achieve Miracles. There is nothing like small

amount or big amount. Every contribution helps… Every

donation counts... It is our will to respond to the need of

others that is important. It is our moral responsibility that

we are able to empathize with someone who is in need.

All this has happened, in spite of the fact that I was not able to convince even some of my

best friends that it is for our own good, we ought to help others. "Why all this social work

at such age? We are not so rich that we can do charity work"..... Heard many of such

questions and opinions...

But, I truly believe in one thing:

In life, everybody will realize someday that it is good to help others. Some may realize it

early… some at the later stages. But it will surely happen someday in life. I was just trying So many times I tried to assure my friends that it is not the amount that is important..

to help you realize this fact today. We do not have to be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet to help It is the thought to help someone that is more important...

others. We can surely do it in our own capacity… we can reach out to less-privileged. We Still the same question is asked innumerable number of times.

are so lucky to be in a position like this...health, career, education, money...Why not? we But, my answer still remains the same.

making someone else lucky by giving some part of our luck?Right from the time I have been associated with Abhaya foundation…

from Mission Ajay to Mission Santosh... Always,

The answer is still the same.

More than 25 people responded to my SMS Appeal to help Santosh. Not everyone gave

The answer to this ? is abhaya Mission Santosh…

“Helping hands are better than praying lips"

V. Nishanth Shouri,

Trustee, abhaya FOUNDATION.

Small Vs BIG

A visitor to abhaya at 1.30 AM

There was a call from an unknown well wisher enquiring whether they can visit abhaya… it was about 10 PM in the night. It was felt that why should we

say no, so thinking informed him to visit abhaya any time, but somehow the gentleman could not reach abhaya before 11.30PM. When they visited

abhaya, we have realized they are young couple… they are hearty welcomed. They have spent considerable time till 1.30AM in the early hours of next

day listening and seeing all that is happening with abhaya. When they left abhaya they assured that their best possible support would be there for

abhaya and further informed that he was the BJP contestant for Manthralayam Constituency during last Assembly elections. His name is Sailendra… a

business man.

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I am Vaibhav Krishna. I am doing my B. Tech I Year in

JNTU-Hyderabad. I got to know about ABHAYA

Foundation through MAA TV program – “Velugu

Veluginchu” . Since then me and My family have been

associated with ABHAYA foundation. As my first

contribution to ABHAYA I have taken initiative to setup

an ABHAYA stall in one of our college's event's

SPOORTHI. I coordinated between my college and

ABHAYA event coordinator. We have successfully

managed to arrange an ABHAYA stall in the event. The

response for the stall was very encouraging and we

could pool about Rs.1000/- for ongoing service

projects of abhaya. We have now arranged to set up

such kind of stall in one more event in our college's

next fest ESPERANZA and considering abhaya be our

Social Partner in the


- Vibhav Krishna, I

B . T e c h , J N T U H ,


GET to GIVEabhaya

Abhaya @ TKR Engineering College

TKR Educational Society, Hyderabad presents SHIZNAY-2k11(a Cultural and Rock fest) from 23rd

- 25th March'11. The brief details of the event are as under.

We are aware of good work that is happening through Abhaya and we

further wish to create awareness about ABHAYA FOUNDATION amongst all

the students community and family members we would request the GET to

perform a small SKIT on 25th of March during the Annual Day. The intent of

this is making all the spectators be aware of ABHAYA.

We further request ABHAYA FOUNDATION to be our Social Partner for this

event so that the logo of ABHAYA will be displayed on all the hoardings, leaflets, posters and banners.

We would be happy if you can make us to be instruments of Abhaya in delivering the best for the

country. – Student Organizers & Faculty (Kedarnath & Chaitu Reddy) TKR Engineering

Abhaya @ PIMECAbhaya @ JNTU

It was really a good and fruitful meeting with 10 members

of our class for meeting, interacting, listening discussing

about 4 hours at abhaya. They were all very happy to know

about Abhaya and its activities. Now they are aware of

Abhaya so hopefully that adds a lot to our proposed event @

PIRME College. Two of them are ready to

volunteer the event at TKR College and

the remaining will also make the event at

our college a grand success.

– Baby Chekka, IV B.Tech, PIRMEC,


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“ H E A RT ” Rural Infra Update

Ananth need Helping HandsThere are 6 members in his family and he is the eldest. He lost his father and surviving with his mother, two sisters and a brother. Mother is an elderly lady (55) a maid servant and she gets about Rs.2000/- PM. Elder sister got married and younger sister studying B.Ed., (she has been helped by a Christian organization). Ananth(26) studied 7th class and his brother 8th class. He is suffering from pancreatic and sugar diseases from past six years. He is presently taking treatment in Yalahannka, near Bengaluru and doctors told him that there is no surgery available and he has to survive on medication which would cost about Rs.6,000/- PM.

As of now the soul bread winner is the young brother Sunil(21) as he is working at SLN saloon, Banashankari and he stays there in the saloon and gets Rs. 5000/- PM and all of them need to survive with an amount of Rs.7,000/-. Their economic condition is so miserable and it cannot even imagine how their survival is happening since last 6 years with the deadly decease to the eldest

son. Abhaya arranged for their boarding and lodging at Hyderabad. Sent them to Narayana Hrudayalaya. Doctors after conducting further tests concluded that he has to survive on medication and confirmed the prescribed medication given by the previous doctors. - abhaya Team (04-03-11)

All that now needed is Rs.1,00,000/- investment which would surely fetch a monthly income to the tune of Rs.12,500/- PM after meeting all the

expenses relating to establishment. Sunil is now confident of bringing in Rs.25,000/- in next 45 days. Abhaya is contributing Rs.25,000/- for this

project and rest is to be pooled by people like us. See if you can be part of creating life to Ananth and his family.

Giving fish!… teaching how to fish?There are generally two ways that anyone who wish to do good work can create a positive impact. They can either 'give a hungry man a fish' or they can 'teach a hungry man to fish'. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. This is what exactly abhaya is thinking while trying to be helpful to the people who are in need of support and empathy.

Metaphorically, giving a man a fish refers to donating goods to support survival. Teaching a man to fish refers to imparting wisdom, demonstrating a skill or empowering someone to survive without depending on subsequent donations. It's generally thought that helping someone to become self-sufficient is preferred over making them dependent on our donations.

Abhaya considering to make a difference to Ananth's family who had watched MAA TV program and travelled all the distance from Bengaluru seeking help and empathy.

Abhaya has answers for these

questions !

Believing the proverb “Give a man a fish and you

feed him for a day... Teach a man to fish and

you feed him for a lifetime” wish to make a

positive impact in their family. Accordingly abhaya

decided to establish “Aathma Viswasa Men's

Parlor” at Bommasandra Village near Yalahanaka,

Bengaluru and give the ownership to the young boy

Sunil who is having 8 years of experience.

Mission Ananth... all set to start new innings in life!Mission Ananth... all set to start new innings in life!

It was great meeting you and learning about the

absolutely divine work being done by Abhayans.

We would like to take up one themes and work

on it…Can you please suggest couple of themes

that are in need? Me and few colleagues of mine

would like to visit abhaya and understand what

we can do. Personally, I would not like to lose

this opportunity in being part of this godly


– G. Mallikram, WIPRO, Hyderabad

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“ H E A RT ” Transformation Update

Mrs. Lalitha Eswara Rao hosted Dinner Meeting at Banjara Hills for abhaya


A team of 10 volunteers met on 24th March to plan for abhaya trip to Prashanthi Nilayam and it

started with the discussion of why abhaya organizing the trip to Puttaparthy? All the members

present there have their own views on this holy tour… and following are few thoughts emerged out of


After all these points the team deliberated about what must be the outcome of the trip and the feeling

with which the pilgrims must return home? Following are the different answers that are being listed:

It has been informed that there would be close to 200 abhayans coming from 5 different

destinations in south India and all of them would be spending 4 days together for a

common purpose, agenda, objective. It has been felt that as the team is going to a holy

place the discipline must be our way of life. The meeting concluded with a oath that all the

volunteers will lead the team from front and make everyone feel happy in understanding

the true intent of the trip.

uHaving a different experience from regular routine.

uParticipating in Spiritual Journey.

uDeveloping Leadership and management skills for Volunteers.

uEmpathizing with different Attitudes/ behaviors… yet achieving

the target.

uKnowing / sharing more about abhaya's good work.

uGaining the peace of mind and solace for the soul.

uStarting the New year in divine vibrations.

uEducating the people coming with us about the good work.

uVisiting new places of interest there by knowing something more in life.

uBuilding the abhaya team more strongly.

uShowing a world class Social Organization which engaged in community work.

uEveryone must feel happy about the trip and they should have learning experience.

uParticipants must ask abhaya when such trip will be organized again.

uEveryone must return with lots of good memories with likeminded friends

uPeople must experience peace of mind.

uThe participants must realize that there is a purpose for everyone's life

uThe members must realize how much they missed till date and must awaken the sleeping souls to

engage in good work.

abhaya Volunteers meeting for Prashanthi Nilayam Trip

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It infuses life in to life less souls like us!

Though we were aware of power of SWAMY's divine form and name, we understand from Ashram

Authorities, that Swamy may or may not be out for Darshan for next couple of days. But, abhaya

Foundation already did lot of ground work and coordination with 100's abhayans across south

India, felt that we can still consider going to Prashanthi Nilayam as per our schedule… believing

that we are going to be there to see our Dear Swamy who is the only elder in our homes with

heartfelt prayers for speedy recovery. But the question before us is that how many will have such a heart to take up this journey with

such thinking and devotion? Hence, we shared this communication with all the working

professionals in 3 states seeking their thoughts as to whether they still wish to be part of the

travel, Irrespective of the situation over there during 3 days stay at Prashanthi Nilayam.

But, Swamy… your love is so powerful, though majority of the team members not seen Swamy

before… still they prayfully confirmed their willingness to be part of our scheduled Journey to

Your Sannidhi... which is the source of energy.

Swamy we lovingly offer our hearts to you with a prayer to recover soon and grant us your divine

Darshan. - abhaya FOUNDATION


& traveling to Prashanthi Nilayam…

seeking his DIVINE Darshan on Ugaudi on 4th April'11.

praying for HIS speedy recovery

Sri Sathya SaiLOVE is eternal…

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I would like to join the trip as scheduled, Irrespective of whether darshan will be the well being and longevity of Bhagvan

hope by the time of our visit, he will be there or not I am willing to Satya Sai Baba and to express our respect

recovered and we will have his continue with the trip... let us and concern about Baba. Then only, our true

darshan as expected. not cancel the trip. We are character will be demonstrated. Please go

going to our home. ahead. On behalf of my mother and my in-Company laws, I express a big "YES". Secretary, Hyderabad TCS,

Hyderabad. Official

Liquidator, Government of AP, We pray to God that, Swamy should recover Hyderabad.early and give darshan to all of We want to go ahead with the

us. I will be part of the journey same plan-no change.

to Prashanthi Nilayam. Whatever may be the situation, let us go and get the blessings of Baba by praying for otherwise able Company Secretary, Hydearly recovery of Swamy. We MBA Student.are ready from Bangalore.

Either case, we would like to be part of trip. Yesterday I was at Chennai

We are OK with this trip. Kindly confirm the This is for your kind info hence replying by mail.

trip so that we can pass on this to our NCC Group, Hyderabad. Corporate relatives who are coming from Vizag. Else

Consultant, Bengaluruwe need to inform them. Praying for the Let us move ahead… we will

good health of Baba.surely have Darshan of Swamy,

If not at this time… when do we, the so Company as he is our Soul meet in life. called humans would have an opportunity to Secretary, Kravy Stock Broking Ltd., Please not to cancel the trip. pray for the well being of Bhagawan Sri Hyderabad.

Realtor, Sathya Sai Baba… I wish I must be there in Hyderabad. Prashanthi Nilayam and silently pray for HIS

Let us go ahead…whatever may happen recovery during our trip between 2nd and

there… I am yearning to see Swami..let us 4th April. Baba is personification of selfless At the outset, we are all proud of abhaya and

all pray together and create divine love and we are all the sparks of his Divinity. its character, commitment, capability,

vibrations around...Swami has to recover Hence let us move to Prashanthi Nilayam candid expressions coupled with devotion

soon....we must be with him for this new without any iota of doubt in our and passion and all that abhaya is trying to

year...Nothing will happen hearts and start praying for utilize for the benefit and well being of

without HIS sankalpa... Don't HIM. others with consistency, that is the

step back. Company Secretary, fragrance thereof. We do not desire to miss

E n g i n e e r i n g ICOMM, Hyderabad.the trip. It is a right time to visit and pray for Graduate, Hyderabad.

- CS KSV Sastry,

– Anusha Jaladi,

- D. Vijaya Bhaskar,

- Kavitha Sakhamuri ,

- Maheswari K,

–CA B. Prasad, - CS Thirupal G,

- N. Sailaja Murali Krishna,

– Eswar Rao,

- CS Balachandra

Sunku,- B a b y . C ,

abhaya FOUNDATION abhaya FOUNDATION an assurance for no fear...

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Feedback... it is always inspiring

Consider me also as a volunteer: It is god's gift through a normal human being…if I am able

to do be of some support to those who are in need; god

has been extremely kind to all of us in this world. He

has his own medium of doing things and creates his

own ways for some one's meeting end. I am sure that

my parents and me are going to be associated with

abhaya. I would like to be a support in

any capable manner to do the best.

Would appreciate if u could consider me

also as a volunteer in any services I can

do with abhaya.

– Anju,GM, ICOMM, Hyderabad

I will share the responsibility: Greetings from Y.R.C.Kumar. How are you ? I

am receiving your mails. One side I am

feeling happy to hear the news and other side

I am feeling sad, because I am unable to

participate in the programs. But I am sure, as

I told I 'll be set right with in short span of

t ime . I w i l l sha re the

responsibility towards society,

by giving the helping hand as

much as my pocket allows me.

- Y.R.C. Kumar, Accountant,


I wish to do it as long

as I can: I am trying to go do

what I can do towards a good

cause that ABHAYA has taken up.

I wish to keep doing it as long as I

can. I honestly believe in what

abhaya is propagating while

doing good work “If 10 people

together can make a difference

in one's life, then this world will

soon be transformed in to a

different world all together.”

– Bhogesh.H, Presige Group,


I really draw the inspiration: With

Swami's grace I have cleared CA Inter. The results

were out about 15 days ago and immediately I left

to Pune for CA final coaching, I will be giving my

final exam in November this year and I am planning

to write exam from here itself. I had been hearing a

lot of wonderful things about Abhaya foundation

through friends, media etc., The way abhaya

strengthening the day by day is amazing and great.

I have been the silent observer of Abhaya activities

and it growth from the past 5 years and I really

draw the inspiration from activities, volunteers and

the way the activities are being taken up. I wish

god must give an opportunity to work with abhaya…

please remember me.

-Sai Manohar, CA Student, Pune, Maharashtra

I wish t be part of good work:

If there is any work please send SMS and if I

am available, I will be there. Actually I am

preparing for PSU's, I am unable to come to

abhaya on weekends because my work shifts

being changed regularly, Its becoming very

difficult to cope up with changed timings as it

hampering my daily routine and plans. I am

getting weekly half after working for 2 night

shifts and weekly half day I am

totally becoming tired, but I wish

t be part of good work wherever

there is a possibility.

- C H . L . R a m p r a s a d ,

Sr. Engineer, HCL.

Not my contribution -

actually from God

through me: I have setup

recurring payments of Rs.

1000/- on the 5th of every

month starting from Februaty

on words as my contribution

(not my contribution - actually

from God through me) to

Abhaya Foundation. Please use

the funds as you

p l e a s e f o r

Abhaya's good

causes. No need

for receipts, etc.

–A. Hemalatha,

NCR, Hyderabad

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W o m e n o f T K R

Engineering College

donated Rs.4000/-

o n t h e e v e o f

I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Women's Day to


Thankful for giving me an opportunity: This is Maheshwari from Abhaya wish to

share with you regarding my progress during the month since I got connected to abhaya through Mrudula & My

brother since last one month. Though I have knowledge about Tally Accounting package but I do not have

practical knowledge. Here at abhaya taking the opportunity given to me as unique started

improving my skill set. I learnt how to enter receipts and payment in the system and also

understood how to verify bank statements with amounts deposited.

Further during leisure, I prepared for the bank exams and written Syndicate Bank PO's

exam and I did it well and also preparing for the pending MBA papers. I improved my

communications skills while interacting with the people. First of all I wish to thanks abhaya

for doing service to the people who are in need and thankful for giving me an opportunity

to work for abhaya… moreover peace of mind to my soul. - Maheswari (MBA), Otherwise

able, working at abhaya.

Ms. Aparna mother of B. Sushma,

Infosys, Mysore with all her love

and care for hundreds of

abhayans who are supporting the

good work preparing wonderful

handmade cards. Abhaya salute

her for such a great job.

I want to create a profile for

Abhaya on face book: We are feeling

proud to be associated with Abhaya. I want to create a

profile for Abhaya on face book and introduce it with all

my friend and their friends for that I need you

permission. I have gone through abhaya mails and felt

glad to know that even in today's busy life many

working professionals are devoting their good time for

good cause.

I wish to join Abhaya and want to do my bit as far as

possible for me. Thanking you for sharing such a good


– CS Shambhu Kumar Jha, B5 Consulting,


Abhaya's encouragement and motivation helped us: Thanks for the

response and positive action in regard to Mission Santosh. Values play a great role in dealing with

humanity. I admire your commitment to help the boy. The Mission is to help the boy who is in troubles

and certainly not to correct the nature of the people who talk differently. I also have spoken to various

industrialists and individuals who can donate to abhaya so that your hands can be strengthened. Mr.

Vijaya Bhaskar also contacted several bank managers to help this boy. SBI is coming up now. Necx

company is also discussing with TCS group. Once again I sincerely appreciate and join you for helping

the needy people.

The NCC students of Ramadevi Public School and staff have collected about Rs. 45,000/- as of now

and will be handing over to abhaya. Mr. Parasuram, our NCC officer and Yugesh from Nexus

Engineering College will bring the cash and hand it over. Abhaya's encouragement and motivation

helped us in taking the mission Santosh further for which I am highly thankful to you.

– Maruthi Ramprasad, Principal, Ramadevi Public School, Hyderabad

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All the Donations will be exempted under 80G [email protected] [email protected]



LOVE & LIFE for the Country

Abhaya AXIS Bank info for online transfers


Account No: SB- 910010042902046

MICR Code: 500211002

RTGS/IFS Code: UTIB0000008

Bank: AXIS Bank Ltd

Branch: Hyderabad

Contributions if any can be sent to

ABHAYA, 6-3-609/140/1,

Anandnagar, Khairathabad,

Hyderabad – 500004


How to make an impact today!Open a door for someone

Say "thank you" to the mailman / police man on their duty

Say "good job" for a job well done

prepare a sweet for colleagues for no reason

Note good service on your waiter's ticket

Say "Have a great evening" to the night watchman

Mentor a new volunteer coordinator

Walk, take the bus or ride your bike to work

Put flowers on your desk

Say "Good Morning" to someone you don't know

Truly listen to someone

Donate your used cycle and toys

Let someone else go first in line

Send a thanks note to someone who did good work

Exchange seats in the bus/train…if they've been separated

Wave to children on the bus

Learn about a new organization engaged in community work

Don't "almost" make a difference, do something today!