Abegweit First Nation - Okanagan Nation Alliance · Sparrow ¾1992 • ... Abegweit First Nation...

Abegweit First Nation Abegweit First Nation Commercial Fishery Commercial Fishery 2011 2011

Transcript of Abegweit First Nation - Okanagan Nation Alliance · Sparrow ¾1992 • ... Abegweit First Nation...

Abegweit First NationAbegweit First NationCommercial FisheryCommercial Fishery


Abegweit OverviewAbegweit Overview

Abegweit is comprised of 3 reserves Abegweit is comprised of 3 reserves Morell Morell •• 205 acres205 acres•• 24 community members24 community members

Rocky PointRocky Point•• 11 acres11 acres•• 51 community members51 community members

ScotchfortScotchfort•• 279 acres279 acres•• 141 community members141 community members

AbegweitAbegweit’’s 3 Reservess 3 Reserves

History of AbegweitHistory of Abegweit’’s Fisherys Fishery

19601960’’ss--1990s1990sOyster fishing in TracadieOyster fishing in TracadieQuahogs fishing in Ten Mile HouseQuahogs fishing in Ten Mile HouseClam FishingClam FishingCommercial Eel spearingCommercial Eel spearing

Sparrow Sparrow

19921992•• Supreme Court Sparrow decision recognized the Supreme Court Sparrow decision recognized the

right to fish for food, social and ceremonial right to fish for food, social and ceremonial purposes.purposes.

19931993--19981998•• Aboriginal Transfer Program (ATP) Aboriginal Transfer Program (ATP)

2 commercial lobster fleets2 commercial lobster fleetsherring, scallop, clams and oyster fishery. herring, scallop, clams and oyster fishery.

•• Aboriginal Fishing Strategy (AFS) Aboriginal Fishing Strategy (AFS) provided annual funding to maintain the fishing provided annual funding to maintain the fishing management for the Band. management for the Band.

Marshall DecisionMarshall Decision19991999--20052005

The Supreme Court Marshall decision recognized the The Supreme Court Marshall decision recognized the right to fish for a right to fish for a ““Moderate LivelihoodModerate Livelihood””. . The DFO responded to this decision with a new The DFO responded to this decision with a new ““MarshallMarshall”” program through which bilateral program through which bilateral ““interiminterim””Agreements were signed between DFO and individual Agreements were signed between DFO and individual First Nations. First Nations. These Agreements were designed to provide First These Agreements were designed to provide First Nations with capacity support to access the livelihood Nations with capacity support to access the livelihood fishery, namely; vessels, fishing gear, and training. fishery, namely; vessels, fishing gear, and training. A condition of support was agreement to follow A condition of support was agreement to follow Federal policies and regulations for the period of the Federal policies and regulations for the period of the Agreement. Agreement.

New AccessNew AccessSnow Crab (1)Snow Crab (1)Lobster (8)Lobster (8)Rock Crab (3)Rock Crab (3)Tuna (4)Tuna (4)Mackerel (9)Mackerel (9)Groundfish (7)Groundfish (7)Silverside (2)Silverside (2)Clam (44)Clam (44)Mussel (1)Mussel (1)Eel (33)Eel (33)

Oyster (22)Oyster (22)Gaspereau (7)Gaspereau (7)Herring (4)Herring (4)Scallop (2)Scallop (2)Squid (4)Squid (4)Swordfish (4)Swordfish (4)Smelts (2)Smelts (2)Seal (1)Seal (1)

Marshall Marshall --19991999

Hired previous owners of fleets to mentor Hired previous owners of fleets to mentor our new captains.our new captains.Our members were either unemployed, Our members were either unemployed, labourers or carpenters, now captains.labourers or carpenters, now captains.Mentor program set up to teach fishing Mentor program set up to teach fishing techniques and maintenance of gear and techniques and maintenance of gear and equipment.equipment.

Post MarshallPost Marshall

As an amendment to the Marshall As an amendment to the Marshall Agreements, DFO introduced the At Sea Agreements, DFO introduced the At Sea Mentor Initiative (ASMI) and the Fishery Mentor Initiative (ASMI) and the Fishery Operational Management Initiative (FOMI)Operational Management Initiative (FOMI)

Provided training and mentoring for fishersProvided training and mentoring for fishersProvided support for management of Bands Provided support for management of Bands fishing enterprises.fishing enterprises.

Post Marshall Post Marshall -- 20052005Some key findings by MMFN :Some key findings by MMFN :

•• ““Training is needed on the business half of Training is needed on the business half of running fisheriesrunning fisheries…”…”

•• “…“…need more cooperation between communities need more cooperation between communities for greater economy of scale for greater economy of scale …”…”

•• ““Stewardship of resources: care of fishers/staff Stewardship of resources: care of fishers/staff so they donso they don’’t quit in frustration or poverty, not t quit in frustration or poverty, not overover--fishing, care of equipment, wise use of fishing, care of equipment, wise use of finances. Accountable and transparent to finances. Accountable and transparent to members.members.””

•• ““Sharing of best practicesSharing of best practices…”…”


Air, Water, LandAir, Water, LandExpertise (Biologist, Lawyer, IT, etc)Expertise (Biologist, Lawyer, IT, etc)ProjectsProjects

Stream EnhancementStream EnhancementCommunity Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP)Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP)Solar and Wind EnergySolar and Wind EnergyForest ManagementForest ManagementAtlantic Lobster Sustainability MeasuresAtlantic Lobster Sustainability MeasuresSpecies at Risk (Eel, Salmon, Smelt)Species at Risk (Eel, Salmon, Smelt)

AICFI Component 1AICFI Component 1

Enterprise Governance Enhancement Enterprise Governance Enhancement Consulting services offered by the Business Development Consulting services offered by the Business Development Team Team

•• Team leaderTeam leader•• 4 business consultants4 business consultants•• Aquaculture specialistAquaculture specialist•• Financial Plan specialistFinancial Plan specialist

Design an enterprise governance structureDesign an enterprise governance structure•• Define who is in chargeDefine who is in charge•• What is the chain of commandWhat is the chain of command•• What are the roles and responsibilitiesWhat are the roles and responsibilities

Abegweit Community Members

Abegweit First Nation Chief & Council

Natural Resource Director

Stream Enhance/Forestry Financial ClerkFleet Manager Redstone Auto &

Marine Redstone Seadfood

Crews 9

Captains 9



Wharf Masters 6


Fishery Management Structure

AAROM Advisors Community Advisory Committee

Financial Assistant

AICFI Component 2AICFI Component 2Business Plan DevelopmentBusiness Plan Development

Community Fishery Advisory CommitteeCommunity Fishery Advisory Committee•• 1 Elder1 Elder•• 1 Woman1 Woman•• 1 Youth1 Youth•• 2 Captains2 Captains•• 1 Labour Union1 Labour Union•• 1 Morell 1 Morell •• 1 Scotchfort1 Scotchfort•• 1 Rocky Point1 Rocky Point•• Non Voting Non Voting –– Director, Fleet Manager, Finance ClerkDirector, Fleet Manager, Finance Clerk

Professional (Lawyer, Accountant, HR, BDT)Professional (Lawyer, Accountant, HR, BDT)

Committee Terms of ReferenceCommittee Terms of Reference

Goals:Goals:Primary goals of this committee are:Primary goals of this committee are:

•• --Setting yearly fishery objectives based on community inputSetting yearly fishery objectives based on community input•• --Refining Management PlansRefining Management Plans•• --Set policy for human resource management (HR) in the Set policy for human resource management (HR) in the

fisheryfishery•• --Provide input and advice for the business plan developmentProvide input and advice for the business plan development

Secondary goals include:Secondary goals include:•• --Communicating fishery information to the communityCommunicating fishery information to the community

Committee AgendaCommittee AgendaFishery Committee Meeting Fishery Committee Meeting November 23, 2009November 23, 2009Opening RemarksOpening RemarksFleet PerformanceFleet Performance

LobsterLobsterSnowcrabSnowcrabTunaTunaRock CrabRock Crab

Financial StatusFinancial StatusUpcoming vessel repairsUpcoming vessel repairsGear replacementGear replacement

Lobster trapsLobster trapsRopeRopeBuoysBuoys

Management PlanManagement PlanEmploymentEmploymentCostsCostsPay structurePay structureDeficitDeficitVessel ReplacementVessel ReplacementPersonal PolicyPersonal PolicyHiringHiringLong term goalsLong term goals

Alternate EmploymentAlternate EmploymentStream enhancementStream enhancementSalmon habitatSalmon habitatForestryForestryBait FishingBait FishingOyster, quahogs, clamsOyster, quahogs, clams

AICFIAICFIComponent 2.3 CAComponent 2.3 CAComponent 2.4 CAComponent 2.4 CA

•• FM4 FM4 •• MedicalsMedicals•• 1st Aid & CPR1st Aid & CPR•• Small Vessel OperatorSmall Vessel Operator

Component 4 CAComponent 4 CA

Business PlanBusiness PlanHistory of our fisheryHistory of our fisheryFishing Industry AnalysisFishing Industry Analysis

Current analysis per specieCurrent analysis per specieTrendsTrendsCompetitionCompetitionWhere we want to goWhere we want to go

SWOT AnalysisSWOT AnalysisGovernance StructureGovernance StructureOperational PlanOperational Plan

On shore facilitiesOn shore facilitiesReview of licenses and future plansReview of licenses and future plansSpecies to be fishedSpecies to be fishedVessels to fish different speciesVessels to fish different speciesOn shore managementOn shore managementDetermine fishing crewsDetermine fishing crews

Business PlanBusiness Plan

Data collection for FMSData collection for FMSHarvest PlanHarvest PlanMarketing PlanMarketing PlanHuman Resource PlanHuman Resource PlanTraining PlanTraining PlanFinancial PlanFinancial PlanAsset Replacement PlanAsset Replacement Plan

Management TrainingManagement TrainingAbegweit Fishery ManagementAbegweit Fishery Management

Management wagesManagement wagesVessel AssessmentsVessel AssessmentsHuman Resource PlanHuman Resource PlanManagement PlanManagement Plan

Fishery Staff TrainingFishery Staff TrainingPreparation and EquipmentPreparation and EquipmentProject ManagementProject ManagementConflict ResolutionConflict ResolutionTime ManagementTime ManagementHuman Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource DevelopmentMarketingMarketingMS ExcelMS ExcelMS OutlookMS Outlook

Fisher TrainingFisher Training

Training for FishersTraining for FishersFishing Master 4 (FM4)Fishing Master 4 (FM4)Marine Emergency Duty (MED)Marine Emergency Duty (MED)Marine 1Marine 1stst AidAidAdvanced 1Advanced 1stst AidAidSmall Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)Radio Operator Competency (ROCRadio Operator Competency (ROC--MC)MC)MentorshipMentorship


To foster MMFN participation in fisheries co-management through AAROM Bodies; To support individual MMFN communities to access important industry information in a timely manner and participate effectively in fisheries advisory committee activities. Commercial Fishery Liaison Coordinator (CFLC)

• Hired through AAROM bodies• Our “eyes and ears” of the industry• Attend all DFO and Industry meetings• Provide feed back to communities

AICFI Component 4AICFI Component 4To provide some limited funds to participating To provide some limited funds to participating MMFNs for fishing vessel and equipment MMFNs for fishing vessel and equipment improvements and other development costs.improvements and other development costs.

½½ funding for new snow crab vesselfunding for new snow crab vesselLobster vessel upgradesLobster vessel upgradesSnow crab gearSnow crab gearLobster gearLobster gearLobster Holding FacilityLobster Holding Facility

•• Electrical UpgradesElectrical Upgrades•• Plumbing UpgradesPlumbing Upgrades

Lobster VesselLobster Vessel

AICFI Component 4AICFI Component 4Seek other funding assistance and use AICFI funding as leverageSeek other funding assistance and use AICFI funding as leverageInvited potential funding agenciesInvited potential funding agencies


No grants were available for equipment neededNo grants were available for equipment neededOur community needs did not fit their criteriaOur community needs did not fit their criteria

The lending groups competed for provide us commercial loansThe lending groups competed for provide us commercial loansWe decided to go with the lowest interest rate, the Royal BankWe decided to go with the lowest interest rate, the Royal Bank


Commercial fishery expensesCommercial fishery expensesUp to 300,000 in repairsUp to 300,000 in repairs70,000 for bait70,000 for bait80,000 for fuel80,000 for fuel50,000 for equipment and supplies50,000 for equipment and supplies

Looking for fishery related business ideasLooking for fishery related business ideasRepair businessRepair businessCommission buyerCommission buyer

ACFDIACFDIEquipment for Equipment for Redstone SeafoodRedstone Seafood

Reefer trucksReefer trucksForkliftsForkliftsScalesScalesMackerel hopperMackerel hopperTrailerTrailerFish tubsFish tubsLogtechsLogtechsPallet JacksPallet JacksTank house upgradesTank house upgrades

Equipment for Equipment for Redstone Auto & Redstone Auto & MarineMarine

Mobile repair truckMobile repair truckOutfitted with heavy Outfitted with heavy equipment toolsequipment tools

Redstone Auto & MarineRedstone Auto & MarineEstablished 2010Established 2010Repairs to automotive vehiclesRepairs to automotive vehiclesRepairs to Marine vesselsRepairs to Marine vesselsRepairs to heavy trucksRepairs to heavy trucksRedRed--seal automotive technicianseal automotive technicianRedRed--seal diesel technicianseal diesel technicianNow buy wholesale parts for vehicles and Now buy wholesale parts for vehicles and vesselsvesselsNew jobsNew jobs

Redstone SeafoodRedstone Seafood

Commission buyer of seafoodCommission buyer of seafoodSnowcrab (10 vessels)Snowcrab (10 vessels)Lobster (43 vessels)Lobster (43 vessels)Mackerel (10 vessels)Mackerel (10 vessels)Herring (9 vessels)Herring (9 vessels)Tuna (35 vessels)Tuna (35 vessels)Halibut (8 vessels)Halibut (8 vessels)Silverside 1Silverside 1

Redstone SeafoodRedstone Seafood

Authorized dealer forAuthorized dealer forStright & McKay Marine ProductsStright & McKay Marine ProductsVernon Vernon DD’’eoneon Lobster SuppliesLobster SuppliesSpartan Marine suppliesSpartan Marine suppliesIrving OilIrving OilIsland PetroleumIsland PetroleumKenmacKenmac EnergyEnergy

Redstone SeafoodRedstone Seafood

Sell seafood toSell seafood toMazzetta Corporation Mazzetta Corporation –– ChicagoChicagoMacGrawMacGraw SeafoodSeafoodBotsford SeafoodBotsford SeafoodCompass SeafoodCompass SeafoodChubby FishChubby FishHighHigh--Tide FisheryTide Fishery

Redstone SeafoodRedstone Seafood

We now make money on We now make money on BaitBaitFuel Fuel SuppliesSuppliesCommission on seafood productsCommission on seafood products

We provide a one stop shop for We provide a one stop shop for commercial fisherscommercial fishersWe provide health, medical & pension We provide health, medical & pension insurance for fishers insurance for fishers

Atlantic Policy CongressAtlantic Policy CongressAssist MiAssist Mi’’kmaq Bandskmaq Bands

Business Development TeamBusiness Development TeamTraining PlanTraining Plan

Set up professionalized training for Fishery Set up professionalized training for Fishery ManagersManagers

Informed Decision MakingInformed Decision MakingFishery Management SystemFishery Management SystemFinancial ManagementFinancial ManagementOperational ManagementOperational ManagementSet up through the Nova Scotia Community CollegeSet up through the Nova Scotia Community CollegeProvide networking with other MiProvide networking with other Mi’’kmaq First Nationskmaq First NationsHelp other BandsHelp other Bands


Lennox IslandLennox IslandTrade annual licenses, our north shore Trade annual licenses, our north shore rockcrab for their silversiderockcrab for their silverside

ElsipogtogElsipogtogProvide off load services for 9 snowcrab fleetsProvide off load services for 9 snowcrab fleetsProvide bait, fuel and suppliesProvide bait, fuel and supplies

New MarketsNew Markets

Other First Nation BusinessesOther First Nation BusinessesDirect trucking Direct trucking AsiaAsia

What are we doing now?What are we doing now?Seeking additional snowcrab quotaSeeking additional snowcrab quotaSeeking access to shrimpSeeking access to shrimpSeeking new markets for our productsSeeking new markets for our productsExpanding Redstone Seafood through ACFDIExpanding Redstone Seafood through ACFDI

Access to 3 additional wharvesAccess to 3 additional wharvesNew herring equipmentNew herring equipmentStore frontage for Marine suppliesStore frontage for Marine suppliesCold storageCold storageDevelop a new recirculation & cooling systemDevelop a new recirculation & cooling system


The EndThe End