ABCs of Instructional Design Course - Introduction

The ABC’s of Instructional Design Facilitator – Debra J. Scott


Introduction to Udemy course - The ABCs of Instructional Design

Transcript of ABCs of Instructional Design Course - Introduction

  • 1. The ABCs of Instructional Design Facilitator Debra J. Scott
  • 2. Instructional Design Models The ADDIE Model Analyze learner characteristics Design content structure and format & create assessments Develop instructional materials Implement methods for delivering instruction Evaluate instructional effectiveness
  • 3. Step 1 - Clearly specify desired results Step 2 - Determine acceptable evidence that results have been achieved Step 3 - Design experiences that will lead to achievement of the desired results Backwards Design Understanding By Design (UBD)
  • 4. Presentations Unit Development Examples Assignments Videos Instructional Webpages
  • 5. Learning Management Systems Moodle Desire2Learn Blackboard Vista
  • 6. Instructional Strategy Active Learning a process whereby students engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content.
  • 7. Resources Smith, M. K. (2002) 'Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy', the encyclopedia of informal education, knowl.htm. Making the Most of Understanding By Design [email protected] Instructional Design and Learning Theory howard gardner, multiple intelligences and education Understanding By Design Model