ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD Program Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Doctorate Program enrico de angelis 架構 architecture 房屋 construction 工程 engineering environment (built) 環境 Cercateci su slideshare e su FACEBOOK

Transcript of ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

Page 1: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD ProgramArchitecture, Built Environment

and Construction Engineering

Doctorate Program

enrico de angelis

架構 architecture房屋 construction工程 engineering environment (built)環境

Cercateci su slideshare e su FACEBOOK

Page 2: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

What is a PhD?Notes by enrico de angelis with reference to Matt Might, Ken Robinson,

Nathan Yau, Peter Kraker, the whole StarTrek saga … and others!

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The faculties of science and humanities start demanding a formal researchdissertation for the award of their degree

19° century: german education reform

Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviated as Ph.D.)

The origin of PhD

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Thanks to US, German dissertationpractice becomes a worldwide success!

• US students come in Germany to get a PhDafter their Bachelor

• Yale University start a PhD Degree in 1861:

– Postgrad Courses + thesis

• From the beginning of 20° century, Europeanand US universities move toward threedegrees: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate

• In Italy Dottorato starts in 1985@Polimi

1985 PhD Programs started

2001 PhD School started

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Il dormiglione (Sleeper), 1973.

In the original US version, she pretends to have a PhD.In the Italian translation, she has only a Master (the discipline is … XXXrated)

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What is a PhD, from MATT MIGHT

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

Suppose this circle represent the advancingboundary of actual human knowledge …

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

… And that this is your primary school learningof such an amount of knowledge …

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

… And this what you gain from your secondaryschool studies …

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

… bachelor …

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

… master …

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

… and phd…

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

Let’s go closer!

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(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)

A successful Phd is able to go beyondboundaries!

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A successful one!

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Cosa è un dottorato, dopo due secoli dalla sua “invenzione”?

Un grande impegno (the “research endeavour”), per produrre una tesi (un documento unico) …

…di cui si valutata, in una discussione pubblica

il reale avanzamento delle conoscenze apportato

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PhD studies in general

The PhD title is a necessary requirementto enter the Academy and a professorship


A PhD holder is appreciated by companies (and public institutions) also in Italy

PhD is a must, in many foreign countries,for high management positions also outside of research labs

So, stay in touch with your stakeholders and create relationships for your (and our) sake

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Urban legend

It is no more true that big companies don’t wantto hire PhDs because they’re overqualified and too independent, so, it is easier to get a job with a Master of Science than with a PhD»

«PhD-qualified professionals are in high demand. The problem is that very few PhDsknow how to leverage their PhD».

Just don’t expect the world be served on a sliver platter

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over OtherJob Candidates”

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Who are we?

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Politecnico di Milano

– 229th university

– 31th technical university

– 8th technical university in Europe(after: ETH Zurich, University of Cambridge, Imperial College, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, University of Oxford, Delft University of Technology, Technische Universität München)

Dati 2014!

Politecnico is one of the first technical university in Europe…

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Politecnico di Milano

– 11th top university for Art & Design

– 14th top university for Architecture & BuiltEnvironment

– 13th top university for Civil & Structural

– 22nd top university Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing engineering

– 39° university electrical & electronic engineering

Dati 2015!

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The ABC Department

ABC: Architecture, Built Environmentand Construction Engineering

– 155 Researchers, Associate and Full professors

– About 100 “Assistant Researchers” (assegnisti), “Assistant Professors” and other contracts

– About 40 Administrative and Technical Staff

– About 100 PhD Students (average num.)

Our department is one of the biggest in Italy, for Construction and Architecture

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Architectural&Urban Design

Building Technologies



The Disciplines of the Department

And one of the most complete, for whatconcerns Scientific Disciplines for our sector

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ABC-Dept comes from a fusion

The department is the result of a complex fusion process among different scientific groups

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29° ciclo - 2013-16 30° ciclo - 2014-17 31° ciclo - 2015-18 32° ciclo - 2016-19

senza borsa

assegni di ric.

borse ABC cofin

borse ABC

borse est

borse MIUR

Our Department (ABC) believes(invests) in Doctoral education

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New forecasts










29° ciclo - 2013-16 30° ciclo - 2014-17 31° ciclo - 2015-18 32° ciclo - 2016-19


senza borsa

assegni di ric.

borse ABC cofin

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I docenti del Collegio di dottorato

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I docenti del Collegio di dottorato

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I docenti del Collegio di dottorato

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The advisory board

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The advisory board

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The advisory board

New entries:

– Mauro Fasano (regione Lombardia)

– Pietro Baratono (provveditore LLPP Liguria, Lombardia e Emilia Romagna)

– Lorenzo Bellicini (CRESME)

– Pietro Petraroia (Eupolis)

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Who is the PhD holder?The ten “doctoral plus”

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1. A PhD holder knows how to find answers

If you are trained to identifyand solve problems, you are trained for decision-making:

• critical thinking

• complex problem solving

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over OtherJob Candidates”

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2. A PhD holder is not easily frightened:he/she learns from failures …

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over OtherJob Candidates”

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2. A PhD holder is not easily frightened… and is tempered in uncertainty

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over OtherJob Candidates”

… and is fully experienced with negative bosses

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3. A PhD holder is taught (tempered) for high level communication

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over OtherJob Candidates”

You don’t just regurgitate information, you create it.

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4. A PhD holder is taught (tempered) to compete and to cooperate

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over OtherJob Candidates”

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5. A PhD holder is adaptable to change(technological, social, organizational)

… he/she is trained to generate the change and often isalready beyond the chance that is to come

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6. PhD holder’s talent is innovation[progressive&disruptive innovation]

«les docteurs … peuvent apporter “les innovations de rupture” qui feront lesemplois et la croissance de demain» M.C. Corbier, 12/11/14

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7. PhD holders share a valuable set of relations with experts and stakeholders

PhD Doctors are requested to build relations at a global level with the most influentialand experts and to join, locally too, with stakeholders and their representative. Thesenetworks are less easily ACCESSIBLE by industrial and social parties

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8. PhD holders have knowledge, experienceand creativity to use it with high profit

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9. The three years costs to grow PhD holdersare payed back by their three year work

PhD Candidates, during their first year are mostly devoted to understand the questions to face and to complete their knowledge. But they start working ASAP … and the more theirare helped in this first task, the quicker their results come … do you have any question?

three year costs may be payedbach before than three year

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10. PhD training cost is lowbut it needs medium term programs

Slide by: Lidia Borrell-DamianDirector, Research and Innovation, European University Association, 8th EUA-CDE workshop Aix-Marseille, January 2015)

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ABC-PhD Program

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The Dept. as well as its PhD Program comes from a fusion

ABC-PhD ProgramDoctoral program in Architecture, BuiltEnvironment and Construction Engineering

Salzburg Principles:• N.3 Diversity• N.6 Critical Mass• N.8 Innovative interdisciplinar

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General Presentation

ABC-PhD Program has been established in 2012, following the complete reorganization of the area of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering in one only Department.

It results as merge of the following four PhD Programs:

– Architectural Composition

– Building Systems Engineering

– Design and Technologies Exploitation for the Cultural Heritage

– Technology and Design for Environment and Building

These four programs have been joined by a group of researchers from a fifth one: the PhD Program in Structural Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering.

All these Programs have been separately active since 1990, mainly focussing on one only discipline. Their merge was aimed at optimizing the capability of the Department in facing and solving complex training needs, with a single organizational unit.



Building System ENGINEERING

Cultural Heritage

Built Environment Technologies


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We are our PhD Candidates

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ABC-PhD: 100 Candidates(un dottorato da cento) ora 86

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format.In particular, the CV should include:1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available)2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential.The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Dell’Ovo

Name Marta

Address via Raffaello Sanzio n.8, 64021, Giulianova (TE), Italy

Telephone +39 3923628832


E-mail [email protected]

Skype d.marta89

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 26-01-1989

Education and training

• Date (from – to) October 2012- April 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico of Milan, Scuola di Architettura e Società, c.d.l. Architecture

Duration of the program of study

2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Design studio, Architectural Technology Studio, Town Planning

• Title of qualification awarded Architect

Final mark obtained 109/110

Education and training

• Date (from – to) October 2008- December 2011

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Facoltà di Architettura “Valle Giulia”, c.d.l. Scienza dell’architettura e della Città

Duration of the program of study

3 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Design studio, Architectural Technology Studio, Town Planning, Theory of Construction, History of Architecture

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Barbieri

Name Jacopo

Address Via Pisacane 3, 21049 Tradate (VA) - Italy

Telephone +39 329 7291136


E-mail [email protected]

Skype Jacopo.barbieri.

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 05/09/1986

Education and training I obtained my high school diploma in classical literature in July 2005, getting the maximum grade. After that, I enrolled to the energy engineering program at Politecnico di Milano, where I obtained full marks Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in energy engineering. In the meantime, I also obtained first-level diploma in Trombone at Conservatorio G. Verdi di Milano.

• Date (from – to) 09/2009 - 12/2011

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Energy engineering

• Title of qualification awarded Master’s degree in Energy Engineering

Final mark obtained 104/110

• Date (from – to) 09/2006 - 09/2009

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study 3 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Energy engineering

• Title of qualification awarded Bachelor’s degree in Energy Engineering

C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e



Surname Dalla Valle

Name Anna

Address Via Franchetti, n° 6, 37138, Verona, Italy

Telephone +39 320-1597014

Fax -

E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]

Skype annafromvalley

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 08-04-1990

Education and training

• Date (from – to) From 2012 to 2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Alta Scuola Politecnica - Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

ASP courses combine the technical (vertical) knowledge and skills acquired by the students in their specific Master Degree’s courses with interdisciplinary (horizontal) skills that are needed to work in a truly multidisciplinary environment. The goal is to discuss interdisciplinary issues common to any innovation project regarding Engineering, Architecture and Design, with intensive schools about: dynamics of innovation, design methods, innovation and society, complex decision making, global change and sustainability, dynamics of creativity.

• Title of qualification awarded Double Degree (Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino)

Final mark obtained No mark given

• Date (from – to) From 2012 to 2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

University exams list of the Master Degree in ”Progettazione tecnologica e ambientale”: design, technological innovation and environmental, urbanization, history, building technology, sociology, theories and techniques of design, restoration, design of public space.

• Title of qualification awarded Master Degree in Architecture

Final mark obtained 110/110 cum laude

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single ile that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Ganassali

Name Sara

Address Via Sobacchi 20, 26900, Lodi, Italy

Telephone 3342013880

Fax -

E-mail [email protected]

Skype +393342013880

Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 03/09/1990

Education and training

• Date (from – to) Febbraio 2015- Marzo 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Dottorato “Architettura, Ingegneria delle costruzioni e Ambiente costruito (MI 1367), corso ICAR/12, Sustainability metrics for the built environment and the efficient use of resources

Duration of the program of study 1 mese (5 CFU)

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Approfondimento dell’uso delle metriche nella metodologia Life Cycle Assessment e degli strumenti atti a valutare i benefici conseguiti attraverso la sostenibilità ambientale. Acquisizione, attraverso casi studio ed il quadro delle normative, della metodologia LCA applicata all'ambiente costruito.

• Title of qualification awarded Attestato di frequenza corso dottorato Sustainability metrics for the built environment and the efficient use of resources

Final mark obtained A

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Meshkin Kiya

Name Maryam

Address Via Sandro Botticelli, 6

Telephone +39 342 8253555


E-mail [email protected]

Skype Maryam,kiya

Nationality Iranian

Date of birth 16/09/1984

Education and training

• Date (from – to) Sep 2012 – Jan 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Islamic Azad University – Science and Research Branch

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Environmental Assessment, Climate Adaptive Architecture, Advanced Construction Methods, Research Methodology, Advanced Structures

• Title of qualification awarded Master of Science (MSc) in Architectural Engineering

Final mark obtained GPA : 17.51 (out of 20)

• Date (from – to) Sep 2003 – Feb 2008

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Allameh Mohades Noori University

Duration of the program of study 4 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Software Engineering, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Simulation, Computer Networks, Database Laboratory, Algorithm Design

• Title of qualification awarded Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Engineering - Software

Final mark obtained GPA : 13.79 (out of 20)

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Di Pasquale

Name Joseph

Address Via Gualdo Priorato 6, 20134 Milano

Telephone 02 462832 cell: 3358395327

Fax 0248022138

E-mail [email protected]

Skype josephdipasquale

Nationality italiana

Date of birth 24/04/1968

Education and training

• Date (from – to) 1991

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study 5 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Progettazione nel campo dell’architettura e dell’urbanistica

• Title of qualification awarded Dottore in Architettura

Final mark obtained 100/100 lode

• Date (from – to) 2001

• Name and type of organisation

providing education and training

New York Film Academy

Duration of the program of study 1 anno

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Regia e produzione cinematografica, moviemaking

• Title of qualification awarded Regista

Final mark obtained Attestato di partecipazione

Pagina 1 - Curriculum vitae di

[ Fortini Massimo ]




Pag.1 di 4



Indirizzo VIA CASTELLANA N. 26 – 25080 SOIANO DEL LABO (Bs)

Telefono +390365503611 - +393336294214

Fax 0365503611

E-mail [email protected]

Codice Fiscale FRT MSM 90S30 B157K

Nazionalità ITALIANA

Data di nascita Brescia 30 novembre 1990


• Date (da – a) mese di luglio 2005

mese di luglio 2006

mese di luglio 2007

mese di luglio 2008

• Nome e indirizzo del datore di



Via S.Michele – Soiano del Lago (Bs)

• Tipo di azienda o settore Oratorio parrocchiale

• Tipo di impiego Volontariato gratuito

• Principali mansioni e responsabilità Aiuto Animatore

• Date (da – a) mese di luglio 2009

mese di luglio 2010

• Nome e indirizzo del datore di



Via S.Michele – Soiano del Lago (Bs)

• Tipo di azienda o settore Oratorio parrocchiale

• Tipo di impiego Volontariato gratuito

• Principali mansioni e responsabilità Animatore Responsabile

• Date (da – a) mese di luglio 2011

mese di luglio 2012

• Nome e indirizzo del datore di



Piazza Biolchi – Polpenazze del Garda (Bs)

• Tipo di azienda o settore Oratorio parrocchiale

• Tipo di impiego Volontariato gratuito

• Principali mansioni e responsabilità Animatore Responsabile

• Date (da – a) Da giugno 2014 ad agosto 2014

• Nome e indirizzo del datore di



Piazza Martiri della Libertà n 12

• Tipo di azienda o settore Ente locale

• Tipo di impiego Stage formativo a titolo gratuito

• Principali mansioni e responsabilità Sportello al pubblico, addetto alla spiegazione e consegna raccolta differenziata, redazione e

mappatura della nuova classificazione acustica,

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Atta

Name Nazly

Address Piazza G. Rossa 5/P, 20060 Colturano, Milano, Italia

Telephone 3384884097


E-mail [email protected]

Skype Nazly.Atta

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 16/12/1988

Education and training

Master of Science in Management of Built Environment (Gestione del Costruito, ord. 270/04)

• Date (from – to) February 2013 - April 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano.

Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano.

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Professional figure having an interdisciplinary training able to identify issues and to develop appropriate design solutions, keeping up with the dynamic and innovative building industry, in order to improve the buildings' quality in terms of physical, technical, performance and economic value. The graduate is able to operate in the field of Facility Management, as regard both the economic and financial management (Asset and Property Management) and of technical and operational management of support services of core activities performed in the built environment. In particular, with reference to: - building design process, with an emphasis on welfare conditions, service life and energy and environmental impact; - building process development, in its operational, management and economic issues; - management of building technological and productive processes (existing buildings and new constructions), paying particular attention to safety issues; - strategic management (operation, maintenance and management) of real estate properties, aimed to their enhancement and valorization: - requalification of the existing built environment; - process of projects and products Quality Control.

• Title of qualification awarded Engineer for the Management of Built Environment (Ingegnere per la Gestione del Costruito)

Final mark obtained 110 cum laude (110L / 110)

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Masseroni

Name Stefania

Address Via Bembo, 7 – 26100 Cremona

Telephone 333-6808360

Fax -

E-mail [email protected]

Skype -

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 02/03/1988

Education and training

• Date (from – to) August 2013

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Regione Lombardia

Duration of the program of study

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

• Title of qualification awarded Tecnico Competente in Acustica Ambientale - Official Acoustic Technician

Final mark obtained No mark given

• Date (from – to) July 2013 – September 2013

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

• Title of qualification awarded Abilitazione per la professione di Architetto ed iscrizione all’ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Cremona - Qualifying Architects examination and subscription to Architects register of Cremona.

Final mark obtained 60

The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available) 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Mastrolembo Ventura

Name Silvia

Address Via San Martino della Battaglia 17, 25038, Rovato (BS), Italy

Telephone +39 030 7701900

Mobile Phone +39 333 5499282

E-mail [email protected]

Skype silvia.mastrolembo

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 15/04/1987

Education and training

• Date (from – to) 26 February 2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Brescia – Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICATAM)

• Title of qualification awarded Qualification to practise as a professional Engineer

Civil and Environmental Engineering – Section A

• Date (from – to) September 2006 – 18 February 2013

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Brescia – Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICATAM)

• Duration of the program of study Five-year single cycle programme

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Structural Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Design (Steel / Reinforced Concrete), Design of Seismic Resistant Structures, Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Structures, Architectural Composition, Building Reuse and Conservation, Technical Architecture, Energy Efficient Buildings, Construction Management, Real Estate Appraisal and Economic Evaluation of Projects, Urban Sociology, Urban Design, Urban Engineering

• Title of qualification awarded Master of Science in Architectural Engineering

Final mark obtained 107/110

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Mirarchi

Name Claudio

Address Via Bologna, 17/C 20060, Bellinzago Lombardo, Italy

Telephone 338.7147061

E-mail [email protected]

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 12/09/1988

Education and training

• Date (from – to) 2010 – 2013

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano, University

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Structural and seismic engineering;

Project management;

Energy and acoustic performance of buildings;

Building design.

• Title of qualification awarded Building engineer

Final mark obtained 103/110

• Date (from – to) 2007 – 2010

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano, University

Duration of the program of study 3 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Main scientific disciplines;

Construction science;

Structural engineering;

Project management.

• Title of qualification awarded Building engineer (first degree)

Final mark obtained 95/110

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Daprà

Name Francesca

Address Viale Regina Margherita 41, 20122 Milano (MI)

Telephone 3490939902


E-mail [email protected]


Nationality italiana

Date of birth 16/12/1989

Education and training

• Date (from – to) Febbraio 2012 - Aprile 2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura di Interni, Scuola di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study 2 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Tra gli esami conseguiti:

Laboratorio di Progettazione degli Interni I - prof. Basso Peressut

tema: Galleria di Arte Contemporanea a Milano

Corso di Storia dell’Arte contemporanea - Ceresoli

Corso di Storia e Teorie dell’Architettura del secondo Novecento- prof. De Magistris

Elaborazione della ricerca: Tradizione o modernità? Il dilemma dell’architettura portoghese nell’opera di Tavora, Siza e Souto de Moura

Estetica - prof. Venturi Ferriolo

• Title of qualification awarded LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN ARCHITRETTURA

Final mark obtained 110 e Lode / 110

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available) 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Fabi

Name Viola

Address Via Sofia 9, 43123, Parma, Italia

Domiciliata in via Pietro Custodi, 8, 20136, Milano, Italia

Telephone +393291865672



E-mail [email protected]


Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 29/12/1989

Education and training

• Date (from-to) Settembre 2014-Febbraio 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani

• Duration of the program of study Semestrale

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Uditrice al laboratorio “Energy and Urban Planning”

Proff. Stefano Pareglio, Eugenio Morello

Partecipazione alle lezioni e attività progettuale

• Title of qualification awarded Nessun titolo rilasciato, frequentato per interesse personale

• Final mark obtained 30/30

• Date (from-to) Settembre 2014-Febbraio 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani

• Duration of the program of study Semestrale

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Uditrice al laboratorio “Urban Plans Studio”

Proff. Federico Oliva, Stefano Salata, Marika Fior

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available) 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Troncone

Name Sara Giulia

Address via di Vittorio 8, 20090, Buccinasco (MI), Italia

Telephone 3886156564


E-mail [email protected]

Skype saragiuliat

Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 19/04/1989

Education and training [Please describe the whole study path done]


• Date (from – to) Ottobre 2011 – Aprile 2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano – Scuola di Architettura Civile

Duration of the program of study 2 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Progettazione urbana ed architettonica con approfondimenti sul tema del cambiamento del paesaggio urbano e degli impianti sportivi.

Lavoro di ricerca in storia dell’architettura.

• Title of qualification awarded Laurea magistrale in Architettura

Final mark obtained 110 cum laude/110. Premio Mantero: Menzione speciale


• Date (from – to) Ottobre 2008 – Settembre 2011

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano – Scuola di Architettura Civile

Duration of the program of study 3 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Composizione architettonica, progettazione d’interni, conservazione del patrimonio costruito, progettazione urbanistica.

• Title of qualification awarded Laurea di primo livello in Scienze dell’Architettura

Final mark obtained 107/110

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available) 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Cerati

Name Davide

Address Via Bassano del Grappa 9, 20127, Milano, Italia

Telephone +39 335 1684096


E-mail [email protected]

Skype Dcerati

Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 12/03/1972

Education and training

• Date 2007

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Cened Lombardia

Duration of the program of study

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici

• Title of qualification awarded Abilitazione Certificatore Energetico Cened n.2437

Final mark obtained Nessuno”.

• Date 2000

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Esame di Stato per Architetti

Duration of the program of study

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Pianificazione Urbanistica, progettazione Architettonica e Restauro conservativo

• Title of qualification awarded Abilitazione alla professione di Architetto. Iscrizione all’Ordine della provincia di Lodi al n.256

Final mark obtained 70/100

• Date 1993-1999

PERSONAL INFORMATION Cu r r i c u l u m v i t ae

Surname Ahmed El Gammal

Name Manar

Address 46 Abbas Al Akkad Street – Nasr City Cairo, Egypt

Telephone +201069538444 & +201095410389


E-mail [email protected] / [email protected]

Skype Manarelgammal1 / Manar.ahmad27

Nationality Egyptian

Date of birth 28/07/1982 Place of Birth: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Education and training [Please describe the whole study path done]

• Date (from – to) 1-11-2006 TO 5-12-2007

• Name and type of organisation Scoula Superiore Di Catania , Università degli studi di Catania

providing education and training

Duration of the program of study One year

• Principal subjects/occupational

History of Architecture & Archeology, Cultural Heritage & Local Development, Urban Planning Economics (including Public intervention , Urban Sites’ Management , Urban Economic Evaluation & Marketing) , Conservation & Restoration methods of Cultural Heritage (including Physical & Chemical methods)

skills covered

• Title of qualification awarded

The “2nd Level” University Master in Economics & Valorization of Cultural Heritage

Final mark obtained

I was the First on my Class. I Obtained the Final mark 70/70 score which means G.P.A : 4.0. Considering the minimum mark was 50 and maximum mark 70.

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available) 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname LU



Telephone 86-18628283395


E-mail [email protected]


Nationality China

Date of birth 23, JAN, 1990

Education and training Master of Science in Landscape Architecture

• Date (from – to) September, 2012-July, 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


Duration of the program of study 3 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Landscape Architecture

• Title of qualification awarded Master of Science

Final mark obtained Expected to be obtained in June, 2015

graduation thesis

Title Preliminary Study on Closed-to-nature Landscape Construction of Agritourism

Language CHINESE

Supervisor LI XI

Thesis Summary The thesis is focus on the planning and design of agritourism park, relevant concepts of closed-to-nature landscape, nature-approximation forest, near-natural river restoration and so on, through mass relevant agritourism theory researches instead of constructing part. This research describes the relevant concepts of closed-to-nature agritourism landscape and

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname [Diana]

Name [Vito]

Address [via A. Sabin 41, 70042, Mola di Bari (BA), Italia]

Telephone +393405663097


E-mail [email protected]


Nationality Italian

Date of birth [02, 11, 1989 ]

Education and training [Laurea Magistrale in Ing. Civile, Laurea triennale in ing. Civile, Diploma di maturità scientifica]

Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Civile (Curriculum Strutture)

• Date (from – to) [2012-2015]

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Bari (BA)

Duration of the program of study [2]

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

[Mechanics of Structures, Dynamics of Structures, Computational Mechanics, Earthquake Engineering, Mechanics of Solids and Theory of Plasticity]

• Title of qualification awarded Dottore Magistrale in Ingegneria Civile

Final mark obtained I will graduate on June 16th 2015, with the final mark of 110/110 cum Laude (weighted average mark 30/30)

Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Civile

• Date (from – to) [2008-2012]

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Bari (BA)

Duration of the program of study [3]

• Principal subjects/occupational [Mechanics of solids, Statics and Mechanics of structures, Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Longarini

Name Nicola

Address Via G.B. Piranesi 44

Telephone 3939511216

Fax 0756978360

E-mail [email protected]


Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 14/02/1980

Education and training

• 1998/1999 – 2003/2004 Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica (vecchio ordinamento)

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli Studi di Roma Tre

Duration of the program of study 5 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Progettazione meccanica, veicoli terrestri

• Title of qualification awarded Dottore in Ingegneria Meccanica

Final mark obtained 98/110

• 1993/1994 – 1997/1998 Diploma di Liceo Classico

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Collegio S. Giuseppe Istituto de Merode

Duration of the program of study 5 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Latino e Greco antico / Storia e Filosofia

• Title of qualification awarded Diploma di liceo classico

Final mark obtained 55/60

graduation thesis

Title Analisi dei sistemi starter alternatore per la trazione automobilistica

Language Italiano

[The applicant must supply all information requested in the CV format. In particular, the CV should include: 1) the list of the applicant's publications (if available) 2) no more than two attached documents (e.g., two published papers, or a portfolio and a published paper) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant's potential. The curriculum file, together with its attachments, must be uploaded as a single pdf file that does not exceed 10 MB]

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Marrongelli

Name Gabriele

Address Via Case Nuove 20, 66010 Rapino (CH) ITALIA

Telephone +39 338 319 5430

Fax -

E-mail [email protected]

Skype -

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 28th of December 1983

Education and training

• Date (from – to) 04/2012 - 10/2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli Studi dell'Aquila

Via Giovanni di Vincenzo, 16/B, 67100 L'Aquila, Italia +39 0862 4311

Duration of the program of study 2 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Training for a career as a Civil Engineer Analysis, design and verification of reinforced concrete structures, pre-stressed concrete, metal and prefabricated structures. seismic design, experimental modal analysis, study of linear and non-linear behavior of large infrastructure, arches, domes and cylindrical structures.

• Title of qualification awarded Master’s degree in Civil Engineering

Final mark obtained 110/110 cum laude

• Date (from – to) 10/2005 - 03/2012

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli Studi dell'Aquila

Via Giovanni di Vincenzo, 16/B, 67100 L'Aquila, Italia +39 0862 4311

Duration of the program of study 3 years

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Training for a career as a Civil Engineer junior.

Study of the basics of building science, fluid mechanics and hydraulics. Analysis, design and verification of concrete structures, geotechnical and hydraulic constructions.

• Title of qualification awarded Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering

Final mark obtained 101/110





Address Via Giuseppe Verdi 12, Alzano Lombardo (BG)

Telephone +39-3472881981

E-mail [email protected]

Skype davide.rodigari

Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 27/03/1988

Education and training

• Date (from – to) marzo 2014 - marzo 2015

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola F.lli Pesenti

Duration of the program of study 1 anno

• Principal subjects Ingegneria sismica

• Title of qualification awarded Diploma di master di II livello in progettazione sismica delle strutture per costruzioni sostenibili

Final mark obtained 110/110 e lode

• Date (from – to) settembre 2010 - settembre 2013

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Duration of the program of study 2 anni

• Principal subjects Ingegneria edile, indirizzo progettazione

• Title of qualification awarded Dottore magistrale in ingegneria edile

Final mark obtained 110/110 e lode

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Scamardo

Name Manuela Alessandra

Address Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 38 - San Cipirello (Pa) - 90040 - Italia

Telephone 3408311080

Fax -

E-mail [email protected]

Skype manuela.scamardo

Nationality Italy

Date of birth 31/10/1988

Education and training

04/03/2013 - 25/03/2014 Master Universitario di II livello in Progettazione sismica delle strutture per costruzioni sostenib ili

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano - Scuola Master Fratelli Pesenti

Duration of the program of study 1 anno

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Sismologia, Analisi strutturale, Progettazione di edifici, Fondazioni e opere di sostegno, Ponti, Strutture prefabbricate, Isolamento sismico, Sperimentazione sismica, Costruzioni esistenti.

• Title of qualification awarded Diploma di Master di II Livello in Progettazione sismica delle strutture per costruzioni sostenib ili

Final mark obtained 110/110

01/10/2007 - 26/03/2013 Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università degli studi di Palermo – Facoltà di Ingegneria

Duration of the program of study 5 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Analisi matematica, Fisica, Chimica, Meccanica razionale, Scienza e Tecnica delle costruzioni, Geotecnica, Architettura e composizione architettonica, Architettura tecnica, Restauro, Diritto e legislazione edilizia, Sicurezza e Organizzazione del Cantiere.

• Title of qualification awarded Dottore magistrale in Ingegneria Edile - Architettura

Final mark obtained 110/110 cum laude

c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Surname Sonzogni

Name Lisa

Address Via Bruntino Alto, n.1

24018 Villa d’Almè (BG) - ITALIA

Telephone (+39) 334 29 71 085

E-mail [email protected]

Skype lisa.sonzogni

Nationality Italiana

Date of birth 12/06/1988

Education and training

• Date (from – to) Novembre 2013 - Gennaio 2014

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Scuola Master “F.lli Pesenti”

Politecnico di Milano

Duration of the program of study 2 mesi

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Bilancio energetico e fabbisogni, gestione normative e pratiche, utilizzo del software CENED+

Approfondimenti sull’impatto ambientale delle costruzioni

• Title of qualification awarded Accreditamento Professionale per Certificatori Energetici CENED

Final mark obtained Data di conseguimento: 18 Gennaio 2014


• Date (from – to) Ottobre 2010 - Ottobre 2013

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, n. 32

20133 Milano

Duration of the program of study 2 anni

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Tecnica delle costruzioni 2, Geotecnica e Fondazioni, Costruzione di edifici in zona sismica, Consolidamento di strutture, Architettura Tecnica 2, Progettazione Edilizia Integrata, Ergotecnica 2, Materiali, durabilità, restauro

• Title of qualification awarded Laurea Magistrale in INGEGNERIA DEI SISTEMI EDILIZI (D.M. 270 classe LM-24) – Indirizzo Strutture

Final mark obtained Data di conseguimento: 3 Ottobre 2013

Voto finale: 110/110

ABC-PhD Program is you (your value is our value)

Page 51: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

12 PhD Candidates

Page 52: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

Rainwater recovery

15 PhD Candidates

Page 53: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

8 PhD Candidates

Page 54: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

13 PhD Candidates

Page 55: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

7 PhD Candidates

Page 56: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

13 PhD Candidates

Page 57: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

12 PhD Candidates

Page 58: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

ABCPhD research fields

1. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings

2. Energy and Environmental EfficientBuilt Environment

3. Risk prevention and emergencymanagement

4. Architectural Design and Urban Design

5. Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management

6. Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage

7. ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning

8. Built Environment Economics and Management

7 PhD Candidates

Page 59: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


Credits: Disney movie, Monsters University®

Page 60: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

“mission”, “vision” and basic principles

Page 61: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

Our Mission

to train future researchers for the extensive field of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering.

Trained to face complexquestions in complex contexts

Trained to innovate

Page 62: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

Our Vision

Our future researchers are self-sufficient, independent “actors”, able to gain an outstanding position at an international level:

as scientist/academic

as intellectuals

as professionals

as entrepreneurs

Trained to face complexquestions in complex contextsand to innovate

Page 63: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

Our Vision

We aim to become – in few years – the Italian Point of Referencefor training experts in all the most critical subjects related to the sustainable (environmental, economical, social and cultural sustainability) transformation and management of the Built Environment ecosystem

Immagine trovata in internet:

Page 64: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

Our principles (the ten pillars)of a competitive, attractive, well working PhD Program

Page 65: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

1 – Doctoral Candidates are trainedproducing original research

Research training is through research itself, working with other researchers, mainly in the ABC Department.

Candidate’s activity is embedded in our institutional activity (Sistematica Collaborazione all’interno in programmi di ricerca dipartimentali)

[Salzburg Principles, 1 and 2]

Page 66: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

2 – PhD candidates are trained asindependent (mentored) researchers

Mentors (tutor, supervisor, advisor) are counsellors, trainers, bosses , and theirqualities are:

– Credibility– Integrity– Confidence– Cooperation

Mentorship means to involve, to offeropportunities, also for learning from errors and bearing responsibilities.

Pablo E. Fabisch -

[Salzburg Principles, N.4: Early Stage Researchers, and N.5, The crucial role of supervision …]

Page 67: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

3 – PhD training is tailored on the Candidate and his/her objectives

Each Candidate defines, with the Tutor his/her Research and Training Plan(R&Tplan):

– A lot of research activity about a chosen topic (66-85%).

– Some formal training (few), to gain a common starting level and to fill possible gaps, to get basicskills (e.g. research management and communication) and to be updated

Page 68: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

4 – PhD candidates are continuouslyreviewed and assessed

ABC-PhD: study + work + internal review and external assessment

– Mentorship comes together with systematic review (6 Milestones) and independent assessment (by external experts) of candidate’s projects and products

– Results are planned and expected from the first year


[Salzburg Principles, N.5, The crucial role of supervision and assessment]

Page 69: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

5 – Strong relations with otherresearchers in the global network

There are thousands of researchers in Europe, hundrieds of thousands in the world: the most of them works on similarprojects and topics.

[Salzburg Principles, N.9, Increasing mobility]

Page 70: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

6 – A management system designedto improve our performances

[Salzburg Recommendation 2.7, Quality and accountability]

Page 71: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

7 – High level and wide disciplinar spectrum doctoral training offer

The whole PhD School offers a complex and wide set of courses on may topics and disciplines, with the best international teachers and about the most actual researchquestions.

The Program adds a good numberof strategic and specialistic coursesand research workshops about ourmain topics

[Salzburg Principles, N.3: Diversity]

Page 72: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

8 – An effective recruitment process

1. Open, efficient, transparent and supportive recruitment procedures , internationally comparable and tailored to the advertised positions.

2. A selection based on the researchof the compromise among youngerspotential, personal motivation and proved competencies.

[Salzburg Recommendation 2.2, Recruitment, admission and status]

Page 73: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

9 – Publishing PhD (but not too much)

PhD Candidates are directly involved in active research. Their average number of peer-reviewed publications during the PhD is about 2,0. We aim to grow a lot in the future: not a lot in number, in quality.

Alternative to publication: PATENT!

[Salzburg Principles, N.4: Doctoral Candidates asearly stage researchers.]

[Salzburg Reccomendation 2.4, The outcome of their research must be original and suitable for dissemination within the scientific community]

Page 74: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

10 – Strong relation with stakeholders

Candidate’s activity is embedded in the institutional activity of the ABC Department, that is defined in a strong relation with stakeholders. Moreover, Candidates are strongly encouraged to stay in relation with stakeholders …









Saturday, November 9, 13

EC Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training in Europe: 5. Exposure to industry and Interface with the labour market

Page 75: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

10 – Strong relation with stakeholders

Candidate’s activity is embedded in the institutional activity of the ABC Department, that is defined in a strong relation with stakeholders. Moreover, Candidates are strongly encouraged to stay in relation with stakeholders …

Image from Cheeky Scientist Association, from the post “How To Transition From Academia Into Business”

Page 76: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

… to open the door and look around


… to open the door and look around

… as soon as possible, before ending your PhD and your scholarship!

Page 77: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

WE ARE A GREAT STRUCTURE,with a rich scientific legacyWE WANT to be competitiveand attractive (investors and best students)WE WANT to be (to give back)a value for (to) our COUNTRY

In conclusion:

EC Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training in EU: 6. Attractiveness of the research profession

Page 78: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

and its management principles

… some more about


Page 79: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

Management principles

• MILESTONES, Mentors and other figures

• R&T Plan

• Colleagues

• Courses

• Thesis and excellence

Page 80: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Candidates present their R&T program to the Board.

• The PhD Program Board will assign a (tentative) Research Topic to each PhD Candidate and …

• … will appoint a Tutor, for each one of them.

Page 81: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

The Tutor

FORMAT 02MOD_ABCPhD Tutor’s an Supervisor’s evaluation


· To!encourage!Candidates!to!attend!specific!Courses!and!take!part!in!selected!Research$Activities.!

· To!push!Candidates!to!find!an!early!confrontation!about!their!research!results,!i.e.!publishing!their!







































Page 82: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

The Supervisor


· To!encourage!Candidates!to!attend!specific!Courses!and!take!part!in!selected!Research$Activities.!

· To!push!Candidates!to!find!an!early!confrontation!about!their!research!results,!i.e.!publishing!their!







































Page 83: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

The Reviewers and external referees


· To!encourage!Candidates!to!attend!specific!Courses!and!take!part!in!selected!Research$Activities.!

· To!push!Candidates!to!find!an!early!confrontation!about!their!research!results,!i.e.!publishing!their!







































Page 84: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Milestone 1 – 6 monthsThe candidate presents the Academic Board the main research issues arising from his/her first overview of the State of the Art and Reference Bibliography for the Research Area/Topic under investigation.

Page 85: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Milestone 2 – 12 months (1st year annual exam)Presentation of the Research Project, revision of the R&T Plan, with a detail of the future work (foreign stay in particular) and of the first scientific products. A Supervisor may be identified and appointed to support the elaboration of the Student’s research.

Page 86: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Milestone 3 – 18 monthsPresentation of Research Project progress, the main Training Program changes and scientific products. The PhD-Program Board review the feasibility, the originality and the scientific relevance of Student’s Research, on the basis of the evaluation of the Tutor evaluation. Student’s Supervisor is definitely appointed.

Page 87: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Milestone 4 – 24 months (2nd year annual exam)First draft of the thesis work; research progress, main Training Program changes and scientific products. The Board examines and assesses the value and the originality of the research, on the basis of Tutor’s and Supervisor’s documented evaluation.A reviewer may be appointed to have an independent assessment of Candidate’s products.

Page 88: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Milestone 5 – 30 monthsDraft of the PhD thesis (with a complete list of contents), of the main Training Program changes and scientific products. The PhD-Program Board assesses the advancements, the feasibility and the valuing opportunities of the PhD thesis, on the basis of Tutor’s and Supervisor’s documented evaluation. The opportunity of a Reviewer is evaluated as proposal of the Tutor and the Supervisors for the same milestone or for the final milestone (06).

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• Milestone 6 – 36 months (3rd year annual exam)Presentation of the thesis in its final version (except amendments and reviews after this last meeting). The Academic Board decides on admission to the final exam.

Page 90: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


Invited experts


PhD StudentTutor&supervisor

AUDIENCE (Some interested participants)

1° step:Candidate’s Presentation

Page 91: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

The EVALUATION2° step:

the Assessment

The commisson



Invited experts


Page 92: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

The EVALUATION3° step:

Commission’s proposalEVALUATIONPROPOSAL

The PhD Board


Page 93: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


• Grades are not fundamental, the fundamentalis the RESEARCH and the interaction with the BOARD and the best EXPERTS in your field

Page 94: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday


E = not sufficient

D = sufficient

C = good

B = very good

A = excellent








29° 1yr







29° 2yr







30° 1yr

Page 95: ABC PhD 31th cycle welcomeday

The Research and Training Plan

• This Program will schedule, for three years of full-time work, this kind of training activities:

– Educational Activities: courses and studies needed to complete and to refine Student’s skills, propaedeutic to the analysis of the Research Topic. In particular, the Program will schedule courses for a minimum of 30, up to a maximum of 60 ECTS: at least 5 ECTS Credits must be acquired attending courses offered by the PhD School.

– Teaching activities: PhD Students may include Teaching activities about their PhD Thesis topics, which will be acknowledged as knowledge transfer and communication activities, for a maximum of 5 ECTS, in their whole program.

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The Research and Training Plan

• This Program will schedule, for three years of full-time work, this kind of training activities:

– Research Activities: the development of the PhD Thesis and the participation to specific research activities, related to the Research Topic, if suitable to gain experience in research planning, management and execution, as well as in knowledge transfer practice or for a particular occurrence.

– Communication Activities: writing and publishing the research results of the Student, in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings, and, in general, his/her active participation to international research symposiums.

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Too much emphasis on CREDITS

• CREDITS is the standart metrics for TRAINING

• RESEARCH can’t be weighted through hours count. It is weighted through RESULTS

• Nevertheless you might be requested to show us your real committment ALSO in terms of hours count, especially when your results are not satisfactory.

• Nevertheless a PLAN is NEEDED

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What is the R&T Plan (first task)?

A very simple list of activities:

But a little more detailed than this: Publication, State of the Art …


Descriptionoftheactivity typePeriod(year)



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COURSES(ABC-PhD courses)

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ABC PhD – Doctorate program in Architecture Built environment and Construction engineering pag. 7

Time-plan (draft)

Ordered following the number in the previous lists, with a shorter, changed, title.


N D G F M A M Ju Jl A S O






























Course secretariat

Cristina Marchegiani, E-mail: [email protected]; tel. 0223992614

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Your presentation (3’)(your photo, a general topic, a subject and

a tutor/supervisor, your chosen line)

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Structural Mechanics

SUBJECT (Selection Proposal/your new focus …)

Micropolar continuum FE and Lattice models for macroscopic

mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous materials

Short BIO

laurea 2015 in XXXYYYZZZ @polimi (110 e Lode)

LINEA X – (suggested supervisor – ICARxx)

A picture here may be useful

One or more pictures about your SUBJECT or TOPIC