Abaqus Shortkey

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Transcript of Abaqus Shortkey

  • 8/13/2019 Abaqus Shortkey


    Q19.1 : How do I change the direction of the view?

    In ABAQUS.CAE Choose View--> Specifyscroll down and select viewpointand then type in thefollowing entries. Use the equivalent of the old command

    view, view=(a,b,c), UP=(d,e,f)

    view, view=(0,0,1), UP=(0,1,0) ( f or exampl e)

    The UP option defines which direction should be up. This is an optional parameter.

    Alternatively use the left mouse button (hold and drag) to rotate the view. The function key F7 can beused to regain the original view.

    Q19.2 : Are there any dynamic view capabilities available with ABAQUS/CAE?

    Yes. One can use the following combination of keys to manipulate the views. Mouse buttons whenyou hold and drag has the following functionality.

    CTRL + ALT + LMB ( MB1) - r ot at es vi ew.

    CTRL + ALT + MMB ( MB2) - pans the vi ew.

    CTRL + ALT + RMB ( MB3) - zooms i n and out .

    Cancel the current mode using MMB in the Viewport area.The above information is also available on-line and can be found using the following menu :View--> View manipu lation.The function keys provide the same functionalities :

    F2 - pans t he vi ew.

    F3 - r otat es vi ew.

    F4 - zooms i n and out .

    F5 - box/ zoom.

    F6 - aut of i t .

    F7 - cycl e t hr ough vi ews.

    You click the appropriate Function key once and then hold down the Left Mouse Button to use thatparticular feature.For example to pan the view click on function key F2 and then drag the LMB to pan the view.

    Q19.3 : How do I get the default view after using the mouse buttons to change

    the view? ?

    To reset after using the middle or right mouse button use the command function key F7 to cyclethrough the views.

    ED - Matlab http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/programs/fe/abaqus/faq68/a...

    f 2 2/11/2556 23:54

  • 8/13/2019 Abaqus Shortkey


    Q19.4 : How do I zoom in ?

    Use the right mouse button (hold and drag) towards and away from the origin.

    Q19.5 : How do I reset after using zoom in?

    Use the AutoFit icon or click the Function key F6.

    Q19.6 : How do I generate an animation?

    In the Visualizationmode use From theAnimatemenu, choose one of Scale factor, Time Historyor Harmonic.The same options can be chosen from the icons left of the viewport in the 3rd partition. The iconswhich look like clapper-boards.Control of the animation can be exercised using Optionsmenu and select .

    Q19.7 :One Dimension is significantly larger than the other 2 dimensions. Is it

    possible to scale down this dimension for viewing of the mesh with


    In VISUALIZATION module click on the Contour Optionsicon which is to the right of to the PlotContour on Deformed ploticon.In the dialogue box which appears click on the Othertab. Then click on the sub tab scalingand then

    tick the Scale Co-ordinatesbox. Then enter the scale values.

    In the above example the Y dimension isabout 20 times the other two dimensions.hence a value of 0.05 is entered for the Ycomponent.

    Q19.8 : How do I remove the

    Datum planes from view

    Choose View-->Assembly DisplayOptions...Choose the DatumTab and in the dialogbox uncheck the Datum Planeand click on


    Q19.9 : The DISPLAY GROUP

    icon has gone missing from view.

    How can I display it?Temporarily selcect the VISUALIZATIONmodule. This should display the Display Groupicon again.

    ED - Matlab http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/programs/fe/abaqus/faq68/a...

    f 2 2/11/2556 23:54