AB60 DRIVER’S LICENSESdriveca.presentista.org/assets/uploads/2014/10/AB60...2014/09/12  · On...


Transcript of AB60 DRIVER’S LICENSESdriveca.presentista.org/assets/uploads/2014/10/AB60...2014/09/12  · On...

Page 1: AB60 DRIVER’S LICENSESdriveca.presentista.org/assets/uploads/2014/10/AB60...2014/09/12  · On this next exercise, participants will work in small groups spend some time reviewing




LICENSES a workshop curriculum guide

B Y T H E D R I V E C A C O A L I T I O N & C A U S A J U S T A J U S T C A U S E

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This curriculum guide is a result of a collaboration between Causa Justa Just Cause and the Drive CA Coalition. It is intended to be a resource for community based organizations working to inform the immigrant community of the implementation of the new California driver’s licenses which will go into effect on January 1st, 2015. Through this workshop we hope to educate community members about their rights, the process and requirements to obtain a new license and opportunities for engagement in the ongoing fights to advance immigrant rights.

Acknowledgements & Credits

Cinthya Muñoz Ramos, Causa Justa :: Just Cause

Lucia Lin, California Immigrant Policy Center

Illustrations || Rini Templeton at riniart.org

Spanish Translation || Paul Bissember, Cinthya Muñoz Ramos, & Jon Rodney

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Workshop Goals ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Prepare the Workshop ................................................................................................................................ 2

Workshop Agenda Overview ............................................................................................................. 2

Supplies Needed .................................................................................................................................. 2

Visuals/Handouts Needed .................................................................................................................. 2

Facilitation Guidelines ......................................................................................................................... 2

---------- THE WORKSHOP ----------

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4

Ice breaker ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Agenda and Goals ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Our People Our Rights! ............................................................................................................................... 5

[Group Theater] How to Exercise and Defend Our Rights! ........................................................... 6

5 minute break/energizer ........................................................................................................................... 7

Licencias para Todas! Licences for All! .................................................................................................... 8

AB60 Presentation ................................................................................................................................ 9

[Group Theater] Roadmap to your New License! ............................................................................... 11

Organizing for Justice ............................................................................................................................... 12

---------- HANDOUTS ----------

Handout: Our People, Our Rights Scenarios ......................................................................................... 14

Handout: We Have Rights, Carajo ......................................................................................................... 16

Handout: Roadmap to your AB60 Driver’s License ............................................................................ 19

STEP 1: Prepare! ................................................................................................................................... 19

STEP 2: Visit the DMV and Apply! ..................................................................................................... 20

STEP 3: Take the Driving Test! ............................................................................................................ 21

MORE RESOURCES .............................................................................................................................. 22

FOR MORE INFO ......................................................................................................................................... 22

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• To build an understanding of how our communities are caught up in the immigration detention system in California.

• To share with community members our rights as immigrants when stopped by or encountering law enforcement.

• To understand what an AB 60 license is, who is eligible, and what is needed in for undocumented people to obtain a license.

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Workshop Agenda Overview

1. Introductions 2. Goals & Agenda Review 3. Icebreaker 4. Our people, Our Rights 5. Break 6. Licenses for All! 7. Roadmap to New License 8. Organizing for Justice

Supplies Needed

• Butcher paper • Nametags • Sign in Sheet • Video Projector

Visuals/Handouts Needed

• Workshop Agenda • Workshop Goals • “Our Rights” handout & butcher paper • “Our People” handouts • “Being Prepared” butcher paper • DriveCA Community Powerpoint • Drive Ca Application Roadmap and visuals • Drivers License sample blown up or drawn on

butcher paper

Facilitation Guidelines • This workshop is intended to be 2.5 hours long, with 2 hours and 10 minutes of content

and 20 minutes as buffer for about 20-25 people total.

• We suggest having two facilitators, in order to support each other and support small groups as needed.

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INTRODUCTION Time: 5 minutes

• Facilitators will introduce themselves, their organization(s), and the workshop

• Facilitators will ask people to share what they know about the rights that immigrants have in the U.S. and what they know regarding the new licenses

• Take two or three responses

AGENDA AND GOALS Time: 5 minutes

Facilitator will review agenda and read goals:

• To build an understanding of how our communities are caught up in the immigration detention system in California.

• To share with community understanding our rights as immigrants when stopped by or encountering law enforcement.

• To understand what an AB 60 license is, who is eligible, and what is needed in order for undocumented people to obtain a license.

Setting agreements Time: 5 minutes

• Ask participants to share what agreements they have used in workshops in the past and to share how they have been useful.

• Take some agreements and write them down on a piece of butcher paper.

ICE BREAKER Time: 10 minutes

The goal of this part is for participants to get to know each other. Ask participants to get in groups of three and share:

• Your name, what city/neighborhood you live in and what country they are from.

• You are from and the reason that brought you here and what are you looking forward to learning today

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OUR PEOPLE OUR RIGHTS! Time: 50 minutes

On this next section we will watch a video and review a butcher paper with information about the rights that we have. We’ll also go through specific scenarios to discuss how our rights can be exercised under different situations. In any case, it is important that we need remember that...

Facilitator will show the “Know Your Rights” video by ACLU and whenever there isn't a projector available review “Our Rights” handout (pg 7) which should also be on a butcher paper:

The video is 18 minutes long, please show only part 1 and stop at 3:46 minutes.





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[Group Theater] How to Exercise and Defend Our Rights!

• Divide the group into 4 or 5 small groups of 5-7 people. Hand each group the handouts with one of the profiles (pg 5).

• Ask people to read the profile and answer the following questions:

o What rights do they have?

o How can they exercise them?

• Participants will then prepare to act out the story affirming the rights they have!

Report back and large group discussion:

• Have all the groups come back to the large group and act out their report back.

• Ask participants for their thoughts and if they have any questions on their rights?

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Being Prepared: Facilitator will write the following on a butcher paper and read it out loud

• We want to encourage everyone to know/memorize the telephone number for your lawyer or for organizations that can help you.

• Give written authorization to a person who will take care of your children in case you are detained. Make sure it is signed by a U.S. public notary.

• Contact your children’s schools and give permission for someone you trust to pick your children up in case you are detained.

• Give copies of all your documents to a family member you trust. Tell this person where you keep your important documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses and passports.


Remind participants that as immigrants, we have rights. It is important to not only know them but also to assert them with trust and confidence when in contact with “authorities”, as well as to be prepared.


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Time: 40 minutes

Whatcha heard? Pair Share Time: 5 minutes

• Ask participants to turn to a partner and share what they know about driver’s licenses in California. The goal of this part is to hear what thoughts/concerns participants have

o In pairs: What have you heard about it? What is one thing that’s exciting and a concern you may have or have heard other people have in regards to licenses?

o Large group: Share one concern and one exciting thing!

AB60 Information Time: 5 minutes

Facilitators will share the following:

• Driving is an essential part of daily life for many immigrant Californians.

• Up until the 1994 all immigrants had access to a driver’s license in California irrespective of immigration status. Driving without a license has resulted in tickets, vehicle impoundments, arrests, and even deportations. For the last two decades, immigrants and their allies have organized and fought to restore access to licenses. Beginning January 1, 2015 any eligible resident will be able to receive a driver’s license!

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AB60 Presentation Time: 10 minutes

Facilitators will use the DriveCA Community Powerpoint or print out copies for participants.

What is AB60?

Law passed in 2013 to make California drivers’ licenses available to all regardless of immigration status.

Immigrant communities and allies have fought for 20 years to make this a reality!

What will my license look like?

Will have language on the front and back to distinguish from currently issued drivers’ licenses (proposed sample below): either blown up or butcher paper

Who is eligible?

Anyone with the required documents is eligible to acquire a new license, but the regulations are still being finalized.

How can I use my license?

• You CAN use your AB 60 license to drive and to identify yourself to police officers, for example in a traffic stop.

• You CANNOT use your AB 60 license to board an airplane or enter a federal building. It does not make you eligible for any public benefits that you were not eligible for before getting a driver’s license, and does not authorize you to work or give you the right to vote.

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• I have a prior order of removal o talk to an attorney first

• I was detained at the border and deported without signing anything o talk to an attorney first

• I was fingerprinted at the border and deported o talk to an attorney first

• I have several traffic tickets and haven’t been able to pay them off? o Please take care of them by either doing community service or making a

payment plan with the court, again talk to an attorney if you have any concerns or, if you are a Mexican national, contact the Mexican Consulate for assistance on clearing your traffic tickets.


• The law prohibits state or local government agencies, officials, or programs that receive state funds from discriminating against someone because he or she holds or presents an AB 60 license. This includes state and local law enforcement officials.

• Additionally, AB 60 specifies that it shall be a violation of law, including, but not limited to, a violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act, to discriminate against an individual who holds or presents an AB 60 driver’s license.

• The Drive CA Coalition will be monitoring statewide to identify and address discrimination.

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Time: 20 minutes

On this next exercise, participants will work in small groups spend some time reviewing the process to get a license. Divide the large group into 3 groups, give each group a handout with the 3 steps. Each group will be charged with acting out their assigned step and imagine the potential challenges and or advice they have for their fellow participants in acquiring the new license.

Instructions for small groups:

• In your group, please review the handout together

• Prepare a skit of no more than 2 minutes for the part you were assigned

• Please add any advice or challenges you think would be helpful in preparing people to acquire their license

• Feel free to use any props in the room in your presentation

Presentations: Each group will go up and present their skit, they will take applause and questions from the large group. Facilitator will answer questions.

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These licenses were made possible because of the organizing efforts of so many of us. There is so much more work ahead to protect and advance the rights we have, together we continue to grow in our strength and power. Will you join us continue our work?

Include information as to how to get involved with your organization/group/coalition!

Visit DriveCA.org to find a local community partner in your region.

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CARLA an immigrant from Honduras is driving from work to pick her daughter up from school, she suddenly hears the police sirens and as she looks through her rearview mirror she realizes a police officer is pulling her over. She pulls over, the officer approaches her and asks to see her license, registration, and proof of insurance. Carla reaches for them and after handing over her AB60 license, registration, and proof of insurance the officer asks if she’s in the country legally. Carla has rights. What rights does she have? How can she exercise them?

ANTONIO an immigrant from Mexico is at home in the apartment he shares with his brother Josue, they are cooking dinner when they hear the doorbell. When Antonio goes to open it, he asks who is there? He hears in response ICE or Police, we are looking for Carlos Nuñiz. Antonio and Josue have rights. What rights do they have? How can they exercise them?

Victor an immigrant from Guatemala and father of two U.S. citizen children goes to his local social service agency to apply for CalFresh for his kids. Victor hands the social worker his AB60 license when she asks for the required forms of identification. She refuses to accept it and says that the AB60 license is not a valid form of identification. Victor has rights. What are his rights? How can he exercise them?

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JUANA is an immigrant from the at work at the recycling company where she has worked for the last 20 years, at around 10am a group of ICE agents walks in and asks everybody to not move, they begin putting everyone in handcuffs and interviewing people one by one. When it is her turn they ask if she was born in the United States. Juana has rights. What rights does she have? How can she exercise them?

AURELIA a 31 year old immigrant from Guatemala was arrested by the police at a community rally to demand a living wage and better working conditions for fast food workers. She is transferred to the county jail by local police. Local police refuse to let her go and are unconstitutionally holding her for ICE. Aurelia has rights. What rights does she have? How can she exercise them?

or (facilitator should decide based on which one is more relevant to their local county jail ICE collaboration)

AURELIA a 31 year old immigrant from Guatemala was arrested by the police at a community rally to demand a living wage and better working conditions for fast food workers. She is transferred to the county jail by local police. There, a man who doesn’t identify himself comes in to interview her. He begins to ask her questions about her country of origin and whether or not she has documents to reside legally in the US. Aurelia has rights. What rights does she have? How can she exercise them?

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HANDOUT: WE HAVE RIGHTS, CARAJO We’ll go through specific scenarios to discuss how our rights can be exercised under different situations. In any case, it is important that we remember...


If you are at home and ICE/Police show up:

• Do not let any immigration official or public officer into your home/house/apartment without a warrant

• If they don’t have one, they need your verbal authorization in order to go inside.

• If they have a warrant, ask them to put it under the door and only open if:

o The person ICE is looking for is currently in the house

o The address on the warrant is the correct and it is the current address of the person they are looking for

o The warrant has been signed by a judge no more than 10 days from the day they show up at your home

• Don’t open the door if the agents do not have a warrant or if it does not meet these requirements. If immigration officials or police officers enter without proper authorization, ask for their names and/or write down their badge numbers. Obtain the names and phone numbers of any witnesses.

• Do remember that you have the right to remain silent and only give them your name and don’t sign anything without an attorney present





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If you are pulled over by police:

• Don’t answer any questions about your status. You do not have to discuss your citizenship or immigration status with the police. The police have no right to ask you about that.

• Only the driver is required to show identification.

• Don’t show false documentation to anyone and do not carry false documents with you.

If there’s a raid at your workplace:

• Don’t try to run away. If you do so, immigration/police may use that against you. Try to remain calm.

• Don’t answer any questions regarding your birthplace and your legal status, unless your lawyer is present.

• Do not lie about your name. If you lie about your name, your relatives, and/or attorney will have a difficult time trying to find you.

If you are arrested by local law enforcement:

• You have the right to remain silent and only give your name

• You have the right to make a phone call

• You have the right to speak to a lawyer

• You have the right to not sign anything, unless your lawyer is present and you understand fully what you are signing. Know that a local jail should never hold you just for immigration enforcement or ICE, and if you are held call this hotline – 415-621-2488

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BEING PREPARED: • We want to encourage everyone to know/memorize the telephone number for your

lawyer or for organizations that can help you. If you are held for ICE in a jail, call this hotline at 415-621-2488.

• Give written authorization to a person who will take care of your children in case you are detained. Make sure it is signed by a US public notary.

• Contact your children’s schools and give permission for someone you trust other people to pick your children up in case you are detained.

• Give copies of all your documents to a family member you trust. Tell this person where you keep your important documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses and passports.

If you are being held by ICE:

• You have the right to hire an attorney, unfortunately you do not have the right to an attorney provided by the court free of charge.

• Do not answer any questions regarding your birthplace and your legal status, unless your lawyer is present.

• Do not lie about your name. If you lie about your name, your relatives, and/or attorney will have a difficult time trying to find you.

• Do not sign any documents you do not understand without your attorney present.

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STEP 1: Prepare! • Study the handbook! • Join a group Study • Join an organization • Find resources • Practice

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STEP 2: Visit the DMV and Apply! • Make an appointment at your local DMV office (insert info here) • Complete the DL44 application form • Provide Identity and residency documents

o Option 1 Mexican Federal Electoral Card

o Option 2 Provide two of the following: Current Consular ID Card Expired Foreign Passport Fed. Gov-issued ID card w/ photo

o Option 3 Provide two of the following: Expired Foreign Passport (issued after 2005) Foreign Birth Certificate Fed. Gov-issued ID card w/ photo

o Option 4 o Secondary Review Process

• Take the driving written test! o pass the vision exam o give a thumbprint o have your picture taken

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STEP 3: Take the Driving Test! • Make an appointment! • Show up to your appointment!

o Bring a car with proof of insurance, and pass the driving practical test. • Pass the test!

o You cannot use an interpreter during the test or have anyone else in the car. o Before you begin, the examiner will check your license plates, registration, horn,

brakes, windows, rear mirrors, glove compartment, seat belts, and emergency brake. You need to demonstrate left turn, right turn, and stop arm signals with your left arm.

o Your test will last about 20 minutes and consists of basic driving techniques including: left & right turns, stops at controlled intersections, straight light backing, lane changes, driving in street traffic, and sometimes driving on the freeway.

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Drive CA Coalition

Causa Justa :: Just Cause


California Immigrant Policy Center

This curriculum was updated on 9/12/14.

For questions on the curriculum, please email [email protected]


• Drive CA Application Roadmap • California Driver’s License Handbook • Sample Interactive Written Tests • Road Sign Study Sheets • Drive CA One Pager • Drive CA FAQ • Drive CA License Chart

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What is AB 60? Law passed in 2013 to make California drivers’ licenses available regardless of

immigration status. Immigrant communities and allies have fought for 20 years to make this a reality!

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What will my license look like? Will have language on the front and back to distinguish from currently issued drivers’ licenses (proposed sample below):


Presentation Notes
“see back for federal use” is a likely design, but it is not confirmed. The back of the card will read “not acceptable for official federal purposes”
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How can I use my license? You CAN use your AB 60 license to drive and to identify yourself to police officers, for example in a traffic stop.

You CANNOT use your AB 60 license to board an airplane or enter a federal building. It does not make you eligible for any public benefits that you were not eligible for before getting a driver’s license, and does not authorize you to work or give you the right to vote.

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How much for an AB60

Driver’s License?

Presentation Notes
It is the same cost as other DMV Class C Driver’s License; there is NO special fee for AB 60 licenses.
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Overview: What do I need to do to obtain an AB 60 license? Make an appointment or drop by a DMV field office

Complete DL-44 Application Form

Pay $33 Fee

Prove Identity and Residency

Take Rules of the Road (Written) Test

Pass Vision Exam

Give Thumbprint

Have Picture Taken

Show Proof of Insurance

Pass Road (Driving) Test

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Get your AB 60 License in 3 steps! 1.Right now,

PREPARE! 2.Visit the DMV &

Apply! 3.The Driving Test!

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step 1: prepare!

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Presentation Notes
“California DMV - Driving Tests #1 Unsafe Lane Change” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHp6gRsmhQw
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For more study resources…. • Go to a DMV office!

• Go to your local community organization!

• Visit a community college or adult education center!

Presentation Notes
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step 2: after 1/1/15, visit the DMV & apply!

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Visit the DMV Office

Presentation Notes
(insert image of local area offices at: http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/fo/regions/california.htm) Make an appointment and find your field office online: www.dmv.ca.gov
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Don’t forget to make an appointment! (insert phone / address of local DMV field office)

Presentation Notes
Insert your local DMV field office information on slide:
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Complete DL-44 Application Form

Presentation Notes
The updated application will have a box to check that states “I have never been issued a social security number and I am not presently eligible to apply for one”. You will pay the $33 fee when you apply.
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Presentation Notes
You will need to show documents to the DMV that prove your identity and residency in California. These requirements are still being finalized, but you should begin to gather your documents now.
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Identity Documents (proposed 7.30.14)

Option 1

Mexican Federal Electoral Card

Option 2 Provide two of the following:

Current Consular ID Card


Expired Foreign Passport


Fed. Gov-issued ID card w/ photo

Option 3 Provide two of the following:

Expired Foreign Passport (issued

after 2005)


Foreign Birth Certificate


Fed. Gov-issued ID card w/ photo

Option 4

Secondary Review Process

(see next slide)

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Secondary Review Process (proposed 7.30.14)

If you do not have documents to comply with Options 1, 2, or 3 then you may interview with a DMV investigator who will verify your identity AND residency. You may use any of the below documents:

o Official school or college transcript that includes the applicant’s date of birth or a foreign school record that is sealed, which includes a photo of the applicant at the age the record was issued.

o U.S. DHS Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal. o U.S. DHS Form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status – For Academic and

Language Students or Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status – For Vocational Students) or Form DS-2019 (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status).

o Marriage license. o Divorce decree. o Foreign driver’s license. (categories 4-6 with English translation) o Income tax return.

Presentation Notes
DMV investigator will examine your documents and interview you to ensure the authenticity of your identity. More details on this process are anticipated.
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Residency Documents (proposed 7.30.14) Rental or lease agreements with signatures of the landlord and

the tenant/resident along with a start date of the rental or lease. Deeds or titles to residential real property. Mortgage bills. Home utility bills with service address and name of the account

holder. School records. Medical records. IRS or California FTB tax returns. California Certificates of Vehicle/Boat Titles. Change of Address Confirmations by the United States Postal

Service Federal government-issued documents. Property tax bill or statement issued within the previous 12

months. Records of a financial institution. Other documents approved by DMV in the future.

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Residency Documents (proposed 7.30.14)

Also keep in mind…. A spouse may use residency documents in

the other spouse’s name, along with a marriage/domestic partnership certificate.

A minor may use residency documents in a parent’s name.

If you use the secondary review process, you do not need to separately prove residency.

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Driver License Written Test You must take a “rules of the road” test on the day you apply for a license.

Written test is offered in multiple languages, including Spanish.

Audio test also offered in multiple languages, including Spanish.

You can also take a person-to-person exam, where an examiner will ask you the questions.

You have three chances to pass this test.

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Presentation Notes
Click on image above to show sample tests: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/interactive/tdrive/clc2written.htm
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Almost there… & you have your driving permit! Pass the

Vision Exam Give a

Thumbprint Have your

picture taken

Presentation Notes
After passing the vision exam, giving the thumbprint, and taking your picture you will be issued will then be issued a permit if you have never been licensed before. When you practice, you must have an accompanying adult who is 18 years of age or older, with a valid California license. This person must be close enough to you to take control of the vehicle if necessary. It is illegal for you to drive alone. If you have a license from another country, you will be required to take a driving test. If you have a license from another state, the driving test can be waived. For more information: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/dl/dl_info.htm#two500
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step 3: the driving test

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APPOINTMENT! You MUST make an appointment to take the driving test. CALL 1–800–777–0133 // 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mon–Fri

Presentation Notes
Make a driving test Appointment(s) . (Driving tests are not given without an appointment.) You may also call 1–800–777–0133 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday–Friday, to make a driving test appointment.
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Bring a car with proof of insurance, and pass the driving practical test. You cannot use an interpreter during the test or have anyone else in the car.

Before you begin, the examiner will check your license plates, registration, horn, brakes, windows, rear mirrors, glove compartment, seat belts, and emergency break. You then need to demo arm signals.

Your test will last about 20 minutes and consists of basic driving techniques including: left & right turns, stops at controlled intersections, straight light backing, lane changes, driving in street traffic, and sometimes driving on the freeway.

Presentation Notes
Here is the Safe Driver Checklist: http://dmv.ca.gov/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffdl22.htm#sdc Here is the DMV Brochure on Driving Tests: http://dmv.ca.gov/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffdl22.htm
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Presentation Notes
Visit on YouTube, “California DMV Driving Tests #2 Failure to Yield” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpR0aXP6JLo&index=3
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Can I also drive a truck or motorcycle? Yes, you are eligible for all non-commercial licenses through AB 60, including Class C (most cars), Class M1/M2 (motorcycles), Noncommercial Class A or B (travel trailers, some RVs).

The application and tests may be different.

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Will I be discriminated against for using an AB 60 License?

AB 60 says that it is a violation of the law to discriminate against an individual who has an AB 60 license.

Also, law enforcement cannot use an AB 60 license to consider your citizenship or immigration status as a basis for criminal investigation or arrest.

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Who will have access to information I provide to the DMV?

Under AB60, the documents you provide to the DMV are not a public record and the DMV may not disclose applicant information, expect as required by law. The DriveCA Coalition is working to strengthen these protections.

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What’s Next?

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What should I do now? Gather your documents. Study for the written test. Pay any outstanding traffic tickets. Protect yourself from fraud. Only the DMV can give you a driver’s license. Do NOT pay anyone for information or services.

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How can you get involved? We fought and we WON AB60 Licenses in California – how will you help us win more for immigrant communities?

Check out our local partners from the DriveCA Coalition by visiting driveca.org

(insert local advocacy information)

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Pay any outstanding tra�c tickets

Congratulations! Now you will be issued a permit to drive with another licensed driver so that you can practice for your driving test.

Congratulations! You will now receive your California Driver’s License!

W W W . D R I V E C A . O R G

STEP 1Right now,


STEP 2 January 1,

2015 or later, VISIT THE DMV



Study for the tests: www.driveca.org/tests

Gather your documents

Give a thumb print

Make an appointment or drop into a DMV o�ce

Complete the DL-44 application form

Present documents that prove your identity and California residency from an approved list. www.driveca.org/prepare

Pass a tra�c laws written test. You have three chances to pass this test.

Pay the application fee of $33

Pass a vision exam

Have your picture taken

Make a driving test appointment

Provide proof of �nancial responsibility and car insurance

Pass a driving test. You have three chances to pass this test.

get your drivers licenseinstructions for undocumented immigrants

JAN 2015

get your drivers licenseinstructions for ab 60 applicants

JAN 2015