Ab Finishers - A Power Technique To Melt Stubborn Belly Fat


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Transcript of Ab Finishers - A Power Technique To Melt Stubborn Belly Fat

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There's no doubt that one of the big frustrations that people have with their body is due to having too much

belly fat (in their opinion). When you look on the cover of many magazines, you find that the abs are one of the most prominently displayed body parts. This is for a reason: it's one of the body parts which most greatly determine how physically attractive we are. This is true for both men and


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The problem that many people have is that they can't seem to bring their body fat to a low enough level for their

abs to really show. Even though they workout regularly and they try to watch their diet, they still have a small

amount of stubborn abdominal fat which just won't budge.

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One technique to solve this which I learned about recently is called Ab Finishers. This is what I want to talk about

here today.

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Ab Finishers To Make Your Workouts Harder

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Ab finishers are simply a series of exercises that you perform at the end of your workouts. You do your regular workout routine and simply spend an extra 5 - 10 minutes

at the gym to perform a finisher.

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During this ab finisher, you perform a number of exercises in the form of a circuit, meaning that you do them one

after the other in rapid succession without stopping to rest in between. A finisher may include a number of these

circuits (you do take a short break between each circuit). This kind of training leads to a high intensity experience

and an increased fat burning.

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The concept of finishers is that the perfect time for you to really push yourself is at the end of your workout. You

have nothing to save energy for as you will soon be stopping entirely. Now you can boost the intensity much


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What sort of exercises can you include in these finishers? You want high intensity exercises and those that also work

your abs.

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Some of these include:

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Planks and side planks (do some with a stability ball).

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Push ups (do various variations)

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Mountain climbers

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Reverse bridges

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Single hand dumbbell row

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Dumbbell swings (can also be done with kettlebells)

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You need to choose 3 - 5 of these exercises and combine them into circuits. Do these circuits at the end of your

workouts for increased fat loss and a higher metabolism.

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