AAW SC Supervisor Role in ISP Development

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Transcript of AAW SC Supervisor Role in ISP Development

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AAW SC Supervisor Rolein ISP Development

Office of Developmental Programs

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• Timelines

• Assessments

• ISP Components

• General ISP Expectations

SC Supervisor role along the way…

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NOTE:This training is ONLY about the Supervisor’s role in the ISP.

The Supervisor has OTHER responsibilities outside of this that will not be discussed on this training.

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NOTE:Documents within MyODP that can assist you with the plan development process can be found at Resources> Autism Resources> AAW and ACAP Resources > AAW Support Coordination > AAW SC Docs > ISP Documents

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• Timelines

• Assessments

• ISP Components

• General ISP Expectations

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TIMELINESSC Supervisor: ensure that the ISP (initial and annual) are:

• completed within the timeline

• and submitted by the deadline

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common issue

Supervisors often are not aware of the timelines of ISP completion,

resulting in SC’s being solely responsible for tardiness or

overdue submissions

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Coordinate information gathering and assessment activities, which include scheduling a date to complete the administration of required assessments

Prior to the initial ISP meeting

Collaborate with the individual and persons designated by the individualto determine a date, time and location that is convenient for the individual for the initial ISP meeting

Within 20 calendar days of the selection of a Supports Coordination agency

Initial Plans

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Distribute invitations to ISP team members*Place copies of meeting invitations to all team members in individual’s file; acceptable documentation includes a copy of the invitation letter or a printed email invitation.

Prior to the initial ISP meeting

Submit the ISP to the SC Supervisor for review

Once the SC Supervisor reviews, they submit the ISP to BSASP for approval and authorization

Within 45 calendar days of selection of a Supports Coordination agency (based on when BSASP sends the SC Selection letter)

Initial Plans

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If the ISP is returned for revision, the SC must revise the amended ISP and the SC Supervisor needs to resubmit to BSASP for approval and authorization .

Within 7 calendar days of the date it was returned for revision

Distribute the ISP to the ISP team members who do not have access to HCSIS

Within 14 days of approval and authorization of the ISPThis must be done in a manner chosen by the team member.

Initial Plans

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Coordinate information gathering and assessment activities, which include scheduling a date to complete the administration of required assessments

90 days prior to the end date of the ISP

Collaborate with the individual and persons designated by the individual to coordinate a date, time and location that is convenient for the individual for the ARP meeting

At least 90 days prior to the end date of the ISP

Annual Review Plans

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Distribute invitations to ISP team members *Place copies of meeting invitations to all team members in individual’s file; acceptable documentation includes a copy of the invitation letter or a printed email invitation

At least 30 days before the ARP meeting

Facilitate the ISP meeting Obtain agreement and signatures from the individual, persons designated by the individual, and providers responsible for the plan’s implementation to document their agreement with the ISP

At least 60 days prior to the end date of the ISP

Annual Review Plans

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Document and submit the ISP to the SC Supervisor. Once reviewed, SC Supervisor will send to BSASP for approval and authorization

At least 30 days prior to the end date of the ISP

If the ISP is returned for revision, the SC must resubmit the amended ISP for approval and authorization

Within 7 days of the date it was returned for revision

Annual Review Plans

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Distribute the ISP to the ISP team members who do not have access to HCSIS

Within 14 days of approval and authorization of the ISPThis must be done in a manner chosen by the team member

Providers need to submit Objectives/ GAS charts to the SC for entry into HCSIS

Within 3 weeks of service start date in ISP

BS completed the FBA, writes the BSP/ CIP, and submit GAS charts (with the DBO’s as the objectives) to the SC for entry into HCSIS

Within 60 days of the service start date in ISP

Annual Review Plans

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• Timelines

• Assessments

• ISP Components

• General ISP Expectations

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NOTE:Please refer to other SC resources and trainings for the latest on Assessment information

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ASSESSMENTSSC Supervisor: ensure that the assessments are conducted:

• within the timeline

• and in the manner in which required

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ENTS • Complete before ISP meeting is held

• Incorporate results (strengths and needs) in the ISP

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common issue

SCs do not always complete the assessments PRIOR to the ISP team

meeting. Additionally, the assessment results do not always drive services and or are used to

write the ISP.

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• Timelines

• Assessments

• ISP Components

• General ISP Expectations

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ISP COMPONENTSSC Supervisor: ensure that the ISP:

• contains all necessary information

• Incorporates results from the assessments

BEFORE submitting it for ODP approval

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common issue

A large number of Supervisors click “submit” without actually checking

the content within the ISP. This can potentially cause a delay in getting services started early because the

ISP leaves out pertinent information in order to be approved by ODP.

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Like and Admire• Multiple Perspectives

• Positive in nature

Individual Preferences

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Know and Do• Reflects specific information from

assessments listed in the Initial Clinical Checklist

• If BSS is not selected as a needed service, but there are some minor behaviors, strategies for how others support the participant should be clearly stated in this section

Individual Preferences

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Medications• Check for spelling and correct dosages,


• Diagnosis for a medication should be the symptom for why the medication is prescribed (e.g. anxiety), not Autism.

• Reflects specific information from assessments listed in the Initial Clinical Checklist

Medical Information

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Health Evaluations• All evaluations in the last 12 months

• Specifically looking for those that most people get annually (e.g., physicals, dental, gynecological, vision, etc.)

• Any one time appointments (regardless of when completed)

Medical Information

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Medical Contacts• If medical professional is mentioned in plan,

include in Medical Contacts

▫ Medication section

▫ Health Evaluation section

Medical Information

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Developmental Information• Include when participant was diagnosed with


Medical Information

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Psychosocial Information• Align behavioral information with Know & Do,

Social/Emotional, Understanding Communication

• Reflects specific information from assessments listed in the Initial Clinical Checklist

Medical Information

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Physical Assessment• Align with other medical sections (e.g., if

participant is diagnosed with cardiac problems, prescribed cardiac meds and sees specialist, include in this section)

• Reflects specific information from assessments listed in the Initial Clinical Checklist

Medical Information

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Immunizations• No need to include every childhood

immunization. If not known or records are unavailable, include statement in Current Health Status

Medical Information

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HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTIONS• Throughout this section identify

supervision needs in addition to skill strengths and needs

Type: (e.g., verbal prompting)

Specifically state if independent and no supervision is needed

Health and Safety

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General Health and Safety Risks• Reflects specific information from

assessments listed in the Initial Clinical Checklist

• 911 skills

• Self- medication skills

Health and Safety

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Supervision Care Needs• Addresses the current supports needs

in Day, Home and Community settings (NOT the number of service hours they will be receiving)

▫ Home: based on a 24 hour period▫ Community: based on a 24 hour period▫ Day: typical hours engaged in activities

Health and Safety

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Health Care• Complete even if individual makes

own health care decisions

Health and Safety

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Health Promotion• If a health promotion condition or issue

is identified in the assessments or somewhere else, all sections must be completed

• Is is appropriate to link the desired outcome to an ISP goal?

Health and Safety

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FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION SECTIONS• Throughout this section, capture the

needs expressed by the team and the needs identified in the assessment information ▫ It is expected that if there is an

obvious need highlighted in the assessments, that need will be captured in one of the Functional Information screens.

Functional Information

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Physical Development, Adaptive/ Self Help, Learning/ Cognition

Lists specific strengths and needs identified in specified assessment(s)

Functional Information

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Communication InformationAlign with behaviors captured in:

• specified assessment(s)• If no primary mode of communication is identified, is

there a goal to develop a functional means of communication?

• If the participant has behavioral needs, is there any information contained in this section that is important to consider for behavioral supports?

Functional Information

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Social/ Emotional InformationAlign with behaviors captured in:

• specified assessment(s)

• Know & Do, Psychosocial Information and Understanding Communication

Functional Information

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Educational/ Vocational Information

• If listed as being an OVR client, ensure the OVR contact information is listed

• Include any educational or vocational goals

Functional Information

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Employment/ Volunteer Information• Complete this section even if participant is not

currently employed or volunteering (linked to our outcomes)

• Specific goals related to work experiences (volunteer and competitive) should be captured

• If no goal listed or it is indicated that individual not interested in employment, is an explanation provided?

• If OVR is assisting with any employment services, please include within the comments box.

Functional Information

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Understanding Communication• The intent of this screen is to capture

idiosyncrasies that could be misinterpreted.

• Align with behaviors noted in assessment(s), Know & Do, Social/Emotional

• Complete this screen even if the participant is verbal.

Functional Information

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Non- Medical Evaluation▫ Contains any (non medical) evaluation


▫ Job Assessment information as outlined in BSASP Communication: BAW16-48

Functional Information

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Document specifically designed for this section:

• Master Cheat Sheet for all things Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives

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Goals• SC responsibility to enter Goal Phrase

based off of assessment results and individual’s needs and desires

• Goals should be linked to services (one goal per service except CS and SSB)

• Goals should be developed even if service providers were not selected yet or no providers available

▫ Document in the “Concerns Related to Goals” section

Goals and Objectives

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Objectives• One Goal, One Objective, One GAS chart

• Objectives will not be submitted with the initial plan development

• SC follows up to ensure the GAS charts are received within the 3 weeks after the service start date

• SC documents all communication on Objective Status in service notes

• Uses Goals and Objective Cheat Sheet to review format when submitting

• Behavioral Specialist’s Objectives are the DBO’s in the BSP

Goals and Objectives

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▫ Plan Effective Date = the Plan Effective Date (PED) on the Service Detail Screen the same month, day, and year as the Eligibility Date/Plan Effective Date listed on the Plan Components Screen

▫ Service Start Dates = Fall on or after the Plan Effective Date

▫ Service End Dates= A service note indicating why the end dates are not aligned with the Projected Annual Review Date

Goals and Objectives

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SERVICE DETAILS• Reasonable and Appropriate Services

▫ Support Coordination= All individuals should have

▫ Behavioral Specialist= Should be listed if there are any problematic or concerning behaviors that need to be addressed

▫ SSB= Should be listed automatically if Community Support is on the plan. Both services should be linked to the same goals.

Goals and Objectives

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SERVICE DETAILS• Hours/ Units of Service

▫ Units of Service= Each service has it’s own unit allotment. These can be found in the Provider Information Table for each service.

▫ Acceptable amount of Hours= There is a 50 hours/wklimit for a combination of the following services: • Day Habilitation • Community Support • Transitional Work • Supported Employment Services (Intensive Job Coaching, Direct and Extended Employment Supports, Direct)

Goals and Objectives

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• Contingency Plan Contacts

▫ This information needs to be added to the View/Update Contingency Plan Contacts section of the Service Details Screen.

▫ Each Contingency plan must include at least one supervisory contact.

Goals and Objectives

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• Authorization of Service Limitations▫ SSD- Behavioral Specialist= Plan Development

only on an initial plan

▫ SSD- Systematic Skill Building- Plan Development only on an initial plan Job Assessment will not be authorized until the Assessment Report is submitted to the SC and entered in HCSIS

▫ Job Finding OR Vocational Assessment

Goals and Objectives

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• Additional Information on expectations of the Service Details screen can be found on the RO Initial Checklist

Goals and Objectives

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The more oversite the SCSupervisor providers, the

quicker plan reviews can get turned over!

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