AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

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PDF portfolio of various Proficiency and UV calibration program conducted by AATCC.

Transcript of AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

Page 1: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

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Page 2: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

Visual Gray Scale for Color Change Evaluation Proficiency Testing Program

The Visual Gray Scale for Color Change Evaluation Proficiency Program is being offered in an effort to increase the services provided by AATCC. This program will allow companies to determine how their color evaluating personnel perform in comparison with others around the globe; and also to aid the textile industry in improving the reliability, relevance, and reproducibility of visual color change evaluation through the use of an AATCC color change evaluation procedure. The program will be offered TWICE per year in January and July and will utilize AATCC EP 1: Gray Scale for Color Change. The laboratory technique described in AATCC EP 1 has been established as an applicable and sufficient procedure for evaluating color change.

Three pairs of specimens with known color change will be sent from the AATCC Technical Center to participating laboratories, along with instructions and report forms. Subscribing laboratories will perform the required evaluation procedure on the fabric samples provided by AATCC and send their completed report forms to AATCC. AATCC will compile the data and send a summary report to the participating laboratories. A fee of $295.00 per year will be assessed to participating laboratories. This includes circulation of samples and analysis of results twice per year. Each laboratory will be assigned an anonymous code, and only those laboratories participating will receive the summary report. To participate in the AATCC Visual Color Change Evaluation Proficiency Testing Program, fill out the form below and return it to AATCC. Company _____________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________________________________ Address1 _____________________________________________________ Address2 _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Country _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number ______________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________ SUPPLY ALL OF THE INFORMATION FOR EACH PARTICIPATING LABORATORY AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT OF $295/LAB ASAP to be included in the first testing round that will be shipped on January 29, 2009. Please check method of payment: Check (Drawn on US Bank) Amount $____________ American Express VISA MasterCard

Card No:__________________________________________ Exp.Date: __________

Name as shown on card (Please Print)__________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________

RETURN TO: AATCC Attention: Aaron Creech 1 Davis Drive; PO Box 12215 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215 Telephone: 919-549-3544 Fax (919) 549-8933 E-mail: [email protected]

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Water Resistance/Repellency Proficiency Program 1 Year Registration

The Water Resistance/Repellency Proficiency Program is being offered in an effort to increase the services provided by AATCC and supplements the Colorfastness Proficiency Program and the Appearance Proficiency Program that are also currently offered. This program is offered twice per year in May and November. The following AATCC test methods are being offered in this program:

TM 22 – Water Repellency: Spray Test TM 35 – Water Resistance: Rain Test TM 42 – Water Resistance: Impact Penetration Test TM 127 – Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Specimens will be sent from the AATCC Technical Center to participating laboratories, along with instructions and report forms. Subscribing laboratories will perform the required tests on the fabric samples provided by AATCC and send their completed report forms to AATCC. AATCC will compile the data and send a summary report to the participating laboratories. A fee of $495.00 per year will be assessed to participating laboratories. This includes circulation of specimens and analysis of results TWICE per year. For laboratories not wanting to participate in all of the test methods, they may choose which ones they perform and will only be evaluated for those tests. The fee will not change if one or more tests are omitted. Each laboratory will be assigned an anonymous code, and only those laboratories participating will receive the summary report. To participate in this program, fill out the form below and return it to AATCC. Company _____________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________________________________ Address 1 _____________________________________________________ Address 2 _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________ SUPPLY ALL OF THE INFORMATION FOR EACH PARTICIPATING LABORATORY AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT OF $495/LAB ASAP to be included in the first round of tests that will be distributed on May 22, 2009. Please check method of payment: ο Check enclosed (Drawn on US Bank) Amount $____________ ο American Express ο VISA ο MasterCard Card No:__________________________________________ Exp.Date: _______ Name as shown on card (Please Print)__________________________________

Signature:________________________________________________________ RETURN TO: AATCC Attention: Aaron Creech 1 Davis Drive; PO Box 12215 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215 Telephone: 919-549-3544 Fax (919) 549-8933 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

Colorfastness Proficiency Testing Program 1 Year Registration

The Colorfastness Proficiency Program is being offered in an effort to increase the services provided by AATCC. This program will allow companies to determine how their laboratories perform in comparison with others around the globe. It is offered twice per year in June and December. The following AATCC test methods are being offered: TM 8, Colorfastness to Crocking TM 15, Colorfastness to Perspiration TM 16-Option 3, Colorfastness to Light TM 61, Colorfastness to Laundering, Home and Commercial: Accelerated

TM 107, Colorfastness to Water Specimens will be sent from the AATCC Technical Center to participating laboratories, along with instructions and report forms. Subscribing laboratories will perform the required tests on the fabric samples provided by AATCC and send their completed report forms to AATCC. AATCC will compile the data and send a summary report to the participating laboratories. A fee of $340.00 per year will be assessed to participating laboratories. This includes circulation of samples and analysis of results two times per year. For laboratories not wanting to participate in all of the test methods, they may choose which ones they perform and will only be evaluated for those tests. The fee will not change if one or more tests are omitted. Each laboratory will be assigned an anonymous code, and only those laboratories participating will receive the summary report. To participate in AATCC's Colorfastness Proficiency Testing, fill out the form below and return it to AATCC. Name _____________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________________ Address1 _____________________________________________________ Address 2 _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________ SUPPLY ALL OF THE INFORMATION FOR EACH PARTICIPATING LABORATORY AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT OF $340/LAB ASAP to be included in the first round of tests that will be mailed on June 5, 2009. Please check method of payment:

Check (Drawn on US Bank) Amount $____________ American Express VISA MasterCard

Card No:__________________________________________ Exp.Date: __________

Name as shown on card (Please Print)__________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________

RETURN TO: AATCC Attention: Suzanne Holmes 1 Davis Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215 Telephone: 919-549-3537 Fax (919) 549-8933 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 5: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

UV Calibration Program—Textile Standard Allows More Accurate Textile Measurements!

AATCC ’ s Ultraviolet ( UV) Calibration Program is designed to increase the quality of electronic data communication within the textile industry. This program uses a white, optically-brightened fabric as the calibration standard. The fluorescent whitening agents ( FWAs) used for textiles have different UV absorption properties than those used for plastics or other non-textile materials. To establish the required inter-instrument agreement among systems used to measure textiles, it is important to use a textile material as the primary UV energy calibration reference standard rather than the white plaque that is usually supplied with a spectrophotometer. The UV Calibration Program facilitates accurate UV content adjustment of the light source of spectro-photometers for use with textile materials, independent of instrument geometry and the methodology used for adjusting the amount of UV energy in the instrument. AATCC Evaluation Procedure 11: Spectrophotometer UV Energy Calibration Procedure for Optically Brightened Textiles is included with the UV Calibration Program and will appear in the 2008 AATCC Technical Manual. The evaluation procedure describes the following:

The use of the textile UV calibration standard ( TUVCS ) for inter-instrument calibration of UV content in spectrophotometer light sources for the purpose of measuring white, or light- to medium-colored textiles that have been optically-brightened with FWAs.

How to standardize the amount of UV energy in a spectrophotometer light source by adjusting it ( mechanically or by computation ) until the calibrated value of the light source is in agreement with the CIE Whiteness Index ( CIE WI ) of the TUVCS.

The TUVCS can be used for any instrument irrespective of Brand. An annual fee of US$ 250 includes one certified TUVCS from the AATCC Technical

Center, along with the evaluation procedure two times per year ( at registration and six months later) .

Multiple instruments within a facility may use a single subscription. Specimen ( s ) will be distributed within 3 weeks of registration Specimen Replacement Fee: US$50.00 To participate , or for more information contact [email protected]

Page 6: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

AATCC Proficiency

Testing Programs


Printed on 80# text Rolland Opaque, Smooth White with 30% recycled content



One Davis Dr.P.O. Box 12215Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 2215Tel +1 919 549 8141Fax +1 919 549 8933

For more information or to register, visit www.aatcc.org and click “Testing” and “Proficiency Testing.”

Page 7: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

Water Resistance and Repellency Proficiency Testing Program• AATCCTestMethods22,35,42,and127• Annualregistrationfeeapplicable*• AdministeredtwiceperyearinMayandNovember

Fiber Analysis and Identification Proficiency Testing Program• AATCCTestMethods20and20A• Annualregistrationfeeapplicable*• AdministeredtwiceperyearinFebruaryandAugust

Visual Gray Scale for Color Change Evaluation Proficiency Testing Program• AATCCEvaluationProcedure1• Annualregistrationfeeapplicable*• AdministeredtwiceperyearinJanuaryandJuly


TheproficiencytestingprogramsareanongoingprojectofAATCCtopromoteconsistentandaccuratetestingandevaluationoftextilematerialsthroughouttheindustry.AATCCwillcontinuetoexpandtheseprogramswiththeadditionofotherAATCCtestmethodsandevaluationprocedures.ContacttheAATCCTechnicalCenterforthemostup-to-dateproficiencytestingprogramofferingsorvisitusontheWebat www.aatcc.orgclick“Testing”and“ProficiencyTesting.”For more

AATCC offers a variety of proficiency testing programs designed to allow testing laboratories to determine how their performance of AATCC test methods and evaluation procedures compares with others around the globe. Each program covers a specific topic and includes a number of related AATCC test methods and/or evaluation procedures.

Fabric specimens for each program are prepared and sent from the AATCC Technical Center to participating laboratories along with testing instructions and data reporting forms. Each laboratory is asked to perform the required tests on the specimens provided and return the completed data reporting forms to AATCC within six weeks.

AATCC compiles all returned data and sends a summary report including data tables and graphs to the participating laboratories. Each laboratory is assigned an anonymous lab code, and only those laboratories that participate will receive the summary report.

The current Proficiency Testing Programs offered are:

Colorfastness Proficiency Testing Program • AATCCTestMethods8,15,16-option3,61,and107• Annualregistrationfeeapplicable*• AdministeredtwiceperyearinJuneandDecember

Appearance and Physical Properties Proficiency Testing Program • AATCCTestMethods88B,88C,124,and135• Annualregistrationfeeapplicable*• AdministeredtwiceperyearinMarchandSeptember

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Appearance Proficiency Testing Program 1 Year Registration

The Appearance Proficiency Program is being offered in an effort to increase the services provided by AATCC and supplements the Colorfastness Proficiency Testing Program that is also currently offered. This program is offered twice per year in March and September. The following AATCC test methods are being offered in this program: TM 88B, Smoothness of Seams in Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering TM 88C, Retention of Creases in Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering TM 124, Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering TM 135, Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering Specimens will be sent from the AATCC Technical Center to participating laboratories, along with instructions and report forms. Subscribing laboratories will perform the required tests on the fabric samples provided by AATCC and send their completed report forms to AATCC. AATCC will compile the data and send a summary report to the participating laboratories. A fee of $495.00 per year will be assessed to participating laboratories. This includes circulation of samples and analysis of results two times per year. For laboratories not wanting to participate in all of the test methods, they may choose which ones they perform and will only be evaluated for those tests. The fee will not change if one or more tests are omitted. Each laboratory will be assigned an anonymous code, and only those laboratories participating will receive the summary report. To participate in the AATCC Proficiency Program Appearance Testing, fill out the form below and return it to AATCC. Name _____________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________________ Address 1 _____________________________________________________ Address 2 _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________ SUPPLY ALL OF THE INFORMATION FOR EACH PARTICIPATING LABORATORY AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT OF $495/LAB ASAP to be included in the first round of tests that will be distributed on March 6, 2009. Please check method of payment: ο Check enclosed (drawn on US bank) Amount $____________ ο American Express ο VISA ο MasterCard Card No:__________________________________________ Exp.Date: __________ Name as shown on card (Please Print)__________________________________

Signature:________________________________________________________ RETURN TO: AATCC Attention: Suzanne Holmes 1 Davis Drive; PO Box 12215 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215 Telephone: 919-549-3537 Fax (919) 549-8933 E-mail: [email protected]

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AATCC UV Calibration Program



For more information or to register, visit www.aatcc.org and click “Testing” and then “UV Calibration” or contact Suzanne Holmes telephone +1 919 549 3537 e-mail [email protected].

Printed on 80# text Rolland Opaque, Smooth White with 30% recycled content.

Getting White Right

Page 10: AATCC PTP And UV Cal Portfolio

AATCC Evaluation Procedure 11: Spectrophotometer UV Energy Calibration Procedure for Optically Brightened Textiles is included with the UV Calibration Program and will appear in the 2008 AATCC Technical Manual. The evaluation procedure describes the following: • TheuseofthetextileUVcalibrationstandard

(TUVCS) for inter-instrument calibration of UV content in spectrophotometer light sources for the purpose of measuring white, or light- to medium-colored textiles that have been optically-brightened with FWAs

• HowtostandardizetheamountofUVenergyina spectrophotometer light source by adjusting it (mechanically or by computation) until the calibrated value of the light source is in agreement with the CIE Whiteness Index (CIE WI) of the TUVCS.

Registration for the UV Calibration Program is offered online at www.aatcc.org. The anual fee includes one certified TUVCS from the AATCC Technical Center, along with the evaluation procedure two times per year (at registration and six months later). Multiple instruments within a facility may use a single subscription.

Textile Standard Allows More Accurate Textile Measurements

AATCC’s Ultraviolet (UV) Calibration Program is designed to increase the quality of electronic data communication within the textile industry. This program uses a white, optically-brightened fabric as the calibration standard. The fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) used for textiles have different UV absorption properties than those used for plastics or other non-textile materials. To establish the required inter-instrument agreement among systems used to measure textiles, it is important to use a textile material as the primary UV energy calibration reference standard rather than the white plaque that is usually supplied with a spectrophotometer.

The UV Calibration Program facilitates accurate UV content adjustment of the light source of spectrophotometers for use with textile materials, independent of instrument geometry and the methodology used for adjusting the amount of UV energy in the instrument.

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Fiber Identification & Analysis Proficiency Testing Program

The Fiber Identification & Analysis Proficiency Program is being offered in an effort to increase the services provided by AATCC. This program will allow companies to determine how their laboratories perform in comparison with others around the globe; and also to aid the textile industry in improving the reliability, relevance, and reproducibility of fiber analysis through the use of AATCC fiber analysis test methods. The program will be offered TWICE per year in AUGUST and FEBRUARY and will utilize AATCC TM 20A: Fiber Analysis: Quantitative. The laboratory techniques described in AATCC TM 20A have been established as applicable and sufficient procedures for identifying fibers and determining fiber blend ratios.

Specimens of known fiber blends will be sent from the AATCC Technical Center to participating laboratories, along with instructions and report forms. Subscribing laboratories will perform the required test on the fabric samples provided by AATCC and send their completed report forms to AATCC. AATCC will compile the data and send a summary report to the participating laboratories. A fee of $250.00 per year will be assessed to participating laboratories. This includes circulation of samples and analysis of results twice per year. Each laboratory will be assigned an anonymous code, and only those laboratories participating will receive the summary report. To participate in AATCC's Fiber Identification & Analysis Proficiency Testing, fill out the form below and return it to AATCC. Company _____________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________________________________ Address1 _____________________________________________________ Address2 _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Country _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number ______________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________ SUPPLY ALL OF THE INFORMATION FOR EACH PARTICIPATING LABORATORY AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT OF $250/LAB ASAP to be included in the first testing round which will ship out on February 27, 2009. Please check method of payment: Check (Drawn on US Bank) Amount $____________ American Express VISA MasterCard

Card No:__________________________________________ Exp.Date: __________

Name as shown on card (Please Print)__________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________

RETURN TO: AATCC Attention: Aaron Creech 1 Davis Drive; PO Box 12215 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215 Telephone: 919-549-3544 Fax (919) 549-8933 E-mail: [email protected]