–akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour...

Dec. 20 Jan. 14, 2011 Page 1 –akis“nuk First Nation Community News –akis“nuk First Nation events of interest Tuesday, December 21: Christmas hampers go out to the community Thursday, December 30: Dr. Page at the Health Cen- tre, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Christmas Holiday: The Band office will be closed from December 23 to Janu- ary 3. First day back at work in 2011 is Tuesday, January 4. Ktunaxa Nation Facebook Page: The Ktunaxa Nation has a dedicated page on the Facebook social media site. Go to www.facebook/ ktunaxa Happy Birthdays: To Mac Sam, December 6; Stepha- nie Sam, December 20; and Melanie Sam, December 27. In need of a ride: Melanie Sam needs some things brought back to Akisqnuk from Calgary. If you have a truck or van and are plan- ning a trip to Calgary in the next while, Melanie would sure appreciate a hand. Call her at (587) 777-6357. Emergency contact: Over the holidays the Band office will be closed. In case of extreme emergency you can contact: Dolores Varga, housing officer, (250)342- 0311 or Chief Lorne Shovar The Council of the Akisqnuk First Nation is looking to fill two vacant positions on the Board of Directors of the Akisqnuknik Develop- ment Corporation (ADC). The ADC is responsi- ble for managing the Lakeshore Camp- ground, billboards on Band land, the Bands outfitting territory, and the Eva Joseph Centre. The positions are in- (250) 342-6376. Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and family is open over the holidays, (250) 342-6379. Raffle tickets: A fundraiser raffle to raise funds to buy a van for the youth and Eldersgroup is being held. Tickets are $2 each or seven for $5. Talk to Melanie for more information or to buy tickets (644-2807 or 341-6088). First prize is a dishwasher, second prize is a leather chair and ottoman, third prize is a handcrafted mir- ror. Draw date is Christmas day. Unusual flying object: On Friday morning, December 17, the FlexiNET crew landed a helicop- ter at the Akisqnuk ball field. The heli- copter was used to take supplies to the Mt. Swansea Internet tower. FlexiNET is a Ktunaxa Nation- owned business that offers high- speed broadband internet on reserve. For more info call: 1 (877) 789-3539. Housing Committee Council of the Akisqnuk First Nation is looking to start up a housing com- mittee. The committee would make recommen- dations to the Council on its housing policy. The Committee will work with the Housing Officer, and a small honouraria for attendance at meetings will be available. The committee will begin in January. For info. contact Dolores, 342-6301. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! A Merry Christmas to all Akisqnuk Band members from the Council and staff of the Akisqnuk First Nation. with a resume. For more information or to apply, please contact Adrian at the Band office. The ADC is owned by the Akisqnuk First Na- tion. It was founded in 1992. terim and will run until the entire board comes up for re-appointment in November, 2012. Board members must attend regular board meetings and work well in a team. Please apply DevCo board members sought

Transcript of –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour...

Page 1: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed

Dec. 20 Jan. 14, 2011

Page 1 –akis“nuk First Nation Community News

–akis“nuk First Nation events of interest Tuesday, December 21: Christmas hampers go out to the community Thursday, December 30: Dr. Page at the Health Cen-tre, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Christmas Holiday: The Band office will be closed from December 23 to Janu-ary 3. First day back at work in 2011 is Tuesday, January 4. Ktunaxa Nation Facebook Page: The Ktunaxa Nation has a dedicated page on the Facebook social media site. Go to www.facebook/ktunaxa

Happy Birthdays: To Mac Sam, December 6; Stepha-nie Sam, December 20; and Melanie Sam, December 27. In need of a ride: Melanie Sam needs some things brought back to Akisqnuk from Calgary. If you have a truck or van and are plan-ning a trip to Calgary in the next while, Melanie would sure appreciate a hand. Call her at (587) 777-6357. Emergency contact: Over the holidays the Band office will be closed. In case of extreme emergency you can contact: Dolores Varga, housing officer, (250)342-0311 or Chief Lorne Shovar

The Council of the Akisqnuk First Nation is looking to fill two vacant positions on the Board of Directors of the Akisqnuknik Develop-ment Corporation (ADC).

The ADC is responsi-ble for managing the Lakeshore Camp-ground, billboards on Band land, the Band’s outfitting territory, and the Eva Joseph Centre. The positions are in-

(250) 342-6376. Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and family is open over the holidays, (250) 342-6379. Raffle tickets: A fundraiser raffle to raise funds to buy a van for the youth and Elders’ group is being held. Tickets are $2 each or seven for $5. Talk to Melanie for more information or to buy tickets (644-2807 or 341-6088). First prize is a dishwasher, second prize is a leather chair and ottoman, third prize is a handcrafted mir-ror. Draw date is Christmas day.

Unusual flying object:

On Friday morning, December 17, the FlexiNET crew landed a helicop-ter at the Akisqnuk ball field. The heli-copter was used to take supplies to the Mt. Swansea Internet tower.

FlexiNET is a Ktunaxa Nation-owned business that offers high-speed broadband internet on reserve. For more info call: 1 (877) 789-3539.

Housing Committee Council of the Akisqnuk First Nation is looking to start up a housing com-mittee. The committee would make recommen-dations to the Council on its housing policy. The Committee will work with the Housing Officer, and a small honouraria for attendance at meetings will be available. The committee will begin in January. For info. contact Dolores, 342-6301.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

A Merry Christmas to all Akisqnuk Band members from the Council and staff of the Akisqnuk First Nation.

with a resume. For more information or to apply, please contact Adrian at the Band office.

The ADC is owned by the Akisqnuk First Na-tion. It was founded in 1992.

terim and will run until the entire board comes up for re-appointment in November, 2012.

Board members must attend regular board meetings and work well in a team. Please apply

DevCo board members sought

Page 2: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed

Page 2 –akis“nuk First Nation Community News

What is the SFP?

SFP is a combination of three unique sets of skills to help strengthen family function. It includes: par-enting skills; children’s life skills; and family skills.

Who would benefit from this program?

SFP skills are for all fami-lies and are presented in ways to make them ac-cessible to every family situation.

We will be offering this program to families with children between the ages of 12-16 years (if you have children in this age group as well as younger children, please note it is a family pro-gram. There will be ser-vices provided for the

younger children during this program) The program will run once a week for 14 weeks beginning Janu-ary 12, 2011 at the Ktu-naxa Kinbasket Child and Family Office lo-cated in Akisqnuk. Transportation, babysit-ting, and dinner will be provided for the entire family.

What makes this pro-gram unique?

The SFP is one of the most powerful programs for family change in North America, because it involves not just the parents or the children alone, but the entire fam-ily.

Each session begins with a meal that is

shared with all family members and group fa-cilitators. When the meal is over, parents, teens and children go with group leaders to sepa-rate sessions. The groups then come back together and have a fam-ily session with every-one.

The emphasis is on family togetherness and most importantly FUN. It is a time for parents and children to learn from each other. It’s FAMILY TIME.

For more information or to sign up please contact Amber Louie: Toll Free, 888-489-4563; Cell, 250-919-5448.


LUNCHEON AT THE AKISQNUK CHILD AND FAMILY OFFICE JANU-ARY 6, 2011 from 12 p.m. to one p.m. Come enjoy lunch with the fa-cilitators, gather more information regarding the program and register your family at this time. Hope to see you all there.

Cooks from the commu-nity are needed to pre-pare meals for the pro-gram. Costs for meal supplies will be covered. All that is needed is some volunteer time. Please contact Amber if you can help out.

Strengthening Family Program

Wood stove safety tips - Build small and hot fires, a smoldering fire is not safe or efficient

- Regularly remove ashes from your wood-stove (wait until it is completely cool)

- Be sure to clean your chimney each year

Never Burn: green or wet wood; plywood; par-ticleboard; painted or treated wood; cardboard; wrapping paper or trash. These release toxic chemicals when burned and contribute to creo-sote build-up which can lead to a chimney fire.

- Keep all flammable household items such as drapes, furniture, newspa-per, and extra wood far away from your wood-stove and all sparks.

- Do not use pre-manufactured logs made from wax and sawdust which are meant for open hearth fireplaces. This can damage your chim-ney liner.

- Use a smoke alarm (check your battery), a fire extinguisher, and a car-bon monoxide detector

- Start fires with dry kin-dling

Page 3: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed

–AKIS’NUK FIRST NATION _________________________________________ 3050 Highway 93/95 Windermere, B.C. V0B 2L2

Band Office: (250) 342-6301 • Fax: (250) 342-9693

Job Posting: Project Coordinator -- Installation of Water Services The Successful applicant will work with Akisqnuk First Nation and Urban Systems staff to help coordinate the extension of the Central Area Water System to a small number of CP lots on to the West side of Highway 93/95. Job location: Administration Office and On-Site Job goals: In partnership with Akisqnuk First Nation and Urban Systems, to aid design and

Coordinate the installation of water service lines Job term: Contract (approximately 80 hours): January 11, 2011 – March 31, 2011

Responsibilities and Duties Site Design: Identify and collect important project information needed to complete the design. Work with Urban Systems on the preparation of design drawings and specifications that will be used during the construction phase of the project. Coordination: Schedule meetings with the Band and affected CP lot holders to discuss the project objectives, proposed service alignments, etc.

Communication with the community: Assistance in the draft preparation of written agreements between Band and CP lot holders. Urban Systems will work alongside this individual to facilitate the agreement process and the drafting of the required agreements.

Application Preparation: The Madias Creek crossing will require applications to the BC Ministry of Environment and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. This person will work with Urban Systems during this phase to understand the environmental application process and resulting requirements that will guide the construction phase. Reporting: Provide progress reports when required. Prepare proposals as/when needed.

Maintain a Daily Work Journal Computer Software: Previous experience in MS Office Employment Expectations: To be honest, reliable, take initiative, and be responsible. To conduct yourself in a professional and cordial manner with clients, staff, management, and leadership. To abide by Band policies and operations. Must hold a valid driver’s license and have access to a reliable vehicle. Please apply with a resume to Adrian Bergles, Communications Coordinator, Akisqnuk First Nation. For additional information contact Adrian at (250) 342-6301. Deadline to apply is Friday, January 7, 2011.

Page 4: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed
Page 5: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed
Page 6: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed
Page 7: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed
Page 8: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1292618117.pdfyour family at this time. Hope to see you all there. Cooks from the commu-nity are needed